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Introduction to Algorithms LTPC: 3 1 0 4 1.0.0 Introduction to Computers Problem solving is an essential part of every scientific discipline. It has two components: (1) problem identification and formulation, and (2) solution of the formulated problem. One can solve a problem on its own using ad hoc techniques or follow those techniques that have produced efficient solutions to similar problems. Expected Outcome: Understanding of various algorithm design techniques, how and when to use them to formulate solutions and the context appropriate for each of them. The study of algorithm: design techniques by presenting most of the useful algorithm design techniques and illustrating them through numerous examples. Unit No. 1 Introduction and Divide and Conquer Number of hours: 12 Algorithm, Complexity analysis, Introduction to random algorithms, General Method, Finding maximum and minimum, Strassens's matrix multiplication, quick sort, selection sort Unit No. 2 Greedy method Number of hours: 12 General method, Tree vertex splitting, Job sequencing with dead lines, Shortest path, Knapsack 0/1 Unit No. 3 Dynamic Programming Number of hours: 12 General method, Multistage graphs, String matching algorithm, The Rabin, Karp algorithm, String matching with finite automation, The Knutter, Morris Pratt, algorithm, The Boyer, Moore algorithm Unit No. 4 Back Tracking Number of hours: 12 General Method, Sum of Subsets, Graph coloring, Depth First search, Breadth first search Unit No. 5 Branch and Bound Number of hours: 12 General Method, 0/1 knapsack Problem, Travelling Salesperson. Text Books E.Horowitz, S. Sahni and S. Rajasekaran - Computer Algorithms - Galgotia -1999 References 1. G.Brassard and P.Bratley - Fundamentals of Algorthmics - PHI -1997 2. Introduction to Algorithms - Thomas H. Cormen, Charles . E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest - PHI Mode of Evaluation Announced / Unannounced Quiz / tests, Assignments and Written Examination Recommended by the 13th November 2008 Board of Studies on Date of Approval by the Academic Council Version No. Course Prerequisites Objectives:

Proceedings of the 16th Academic Council held on 25.11.2008

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