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What is Global Warming?

Global Warming is defined as the increase of the average temperature on Earth. As the Earth is getting hotter, disasters like hurricanes, droughts and floods are getting more frequent.

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See the most important facts of the UN Climate Change Report 2007 at a glance

Over the last 100 years, the average temperature of the air near the Earth s surface has risen a little less than 1! Celsius "0#7$ % 0#1&!C, or 1#' % 0#'2! (ahrenheit)# *oes not seem all that much+ ,t is responsi-le for the conspicuous increase in storms, floo.s an. raging forest fires /e have seen in the last ten years, though, say scientists# 0heir .ata sho/ that an increase of one .egree Celsius ma1es the Earth /armer no/ than it has -een for at least a thousan. years# Out of the 20 /armest years on recor., 12 have occurre. since 12&0# 0he three hottest years ever o-serve. have all occurre. in the last eight years, even#

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See the -est /ays to use rene/a-le energies "3hoto4 Reuters)

Earth should be in cool"do#n"period 5ut it is not only a-out ho/ much the Earth is /arming, it is also a-out ho/ fast it is /arming# 0here have al/ays -een natural climate changes 6 ,ce 7ges an. the /arm interme.iate times -et/een them 6 -ut those evolve. over perio.s of 80,000 to 100,000 years# 7 temperature rise as fast as the one /e have seen over the last '0 years has never happene. -efore, as far as scientists can ascertain# 9oreover, normally the Earth shoul. no/ -e in a cool:.o/n:perio., to natural effects li1e solar cycles an. volcano activity, not in a heating:up phase#

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