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B-FIRST Mobile UI menus

Infractions view
Back View Actions Menu

Back View Actions Menu


View/Add Infraction
Back Save Indicate Still Unresolved

Close View

Authorizations view
Back View Actions Menu

Back View Actions Menu Back View Actions Menu

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System v1.00.vsd 1 of 8 9/23/2009

B-FIRST Mobile UI Errors view

Metrix Mobile 2.2

Close View

Errors Waiting Sent Logs Settings About (Systems)

ID Message

System v1.00.vsd 2 of 8 9/23/2009

B-FIRST Mobile UI Waiting view

Metrix Mobile 2.2

Close View

Errors Waiting Sent Logs Settings About (Systems)

ID Message

System v1.00.vsd 3 of 8 9/23/2009

B-FIRST Mobile UI Sent view

Metrix Mobile 2.2

Close View

Errors Waiting Sent Logs Settings About (Systems)

ID Message

System v1.00.vsd 4 of 8 9/23/2009

B-FIRST Mobile UI Logs view

Metrix Mobile 2.2

Close View

Errors Waiting Sent Logs Settings About (Systems)



System v1.00.vsd 5 of 8 9/23/2009

B-FIRST Mobile UI View Log

Metrix Mobile 2.2

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[Debug] SqlServerDataStore.View (8/28/2008 4:44:16 PM): Getting Table "mtc_user_settings" with

filter ""
[Debug] SqlServerDataStore.Fill (8/28/2008 4:44:16 PM): Filling dataset using sql (select * from
[Info] SqlServerDataStore.OpenConnection (8/28/2008 4:44:16 PM): Opening connection.
[Error] SqlServerDataStore.OpenConnection (8/28/2008 4:44:17 PM): Could not open a connection..
Exception details: 'Cannot open database "MTSettings" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'BUILDINGS\ddameron'.'
[Error] SqlServerDataStore.OpenConnection (8/28/2008 4:44:17 PM): Could not open a connection..
Exception details: 'Cannot open database "MTSettings" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'BUILDINGS\ddameron'.'
[Error] SqlServerDataStore.OpenConnection (8/28/2008 4:44:17 PM): Could not open a connection..
Exception details: 'Cannot open database "MTSettings" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'BUILDINGS\ddameron'.'
[Error] SqlServerDataStore.OpenConnection (8/28/2008 4:44:17 PM): Could not open a connection..
Exception details: 'Cannot open database "MTSettings" requested by the login. The login failed.

System v1.00.vsd 6 of 8 9/23/2009

B-FIRST Mobile UI Settings view

System v1.00.vsd 7 of 8 9/23/2009

B-FIRST Mobile UI About view

System v1.00.vsd 8 of 8 9/23/2009

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