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Species Perks Seless (2)- Seless are long lived humanoid whom resemble the elves of Nordic Mythology

which is why most humans call them lves! "hey are tall and lithe generally with flowing metallic hued hair! "heir eyes reflect light like a cats which allow them to see in the dark! "hey are psychically attuned receiving #$ to all SP related skills! %our ma&imum agility is '( but you ma&imum might is )(! Seless come from the planet Palurin which is highly forested! "he only noted alien species capable of cross breeding with a human* and +elvarhos! +eparv (2)- +eparv or commonly known as ,alfling standing about half the si-e of a human! "hey live on the planet "egona which is mainly populated with large dinosaur like aliens! "heir small stature grants a bonus to Stealth (#$() and (odge (#$() when fighting creatures man-si-ed or larger! "heir ma&imum .it is '( but their Might is )(! %urstili ($)- %urstili are long lived humanoids that dwell manly in caverns and the underground! "hey a short and stout creatures their eyes are strongly adapted for the dark making them capable of seeing in it! %urstili are e&cellent craftsmen receiving a #2 to craft skills! %urstili ma&imum Might is '( but their ma&imum )(! "ilsinir (2)- Natives of "ilkera* they have a build similar to humans but with decidedly reptilian features! "heir skin is a tough serpent hide and their hair is both thick and slick! Primarily carnivores* their teeth are composed mainly of incisors which unsettles many humans when they choose to smile! "ilsinir metabolic and mental cycles allow them to function with only four to five hours sleep per night! /ecause of their tough skin "ilsinir receive a #2 armor bonus! 0ithe ($)- /orn on a planet of e&treme heat and endless light! 0ithe are blind but use a system of echolocation and thermos sensing to 1See2! 0ithe count as having an e&tra 2 to soak against heat based damage! (ue to the e&treme nature of their planet 0ithe are e&tremely hardy beings receiving a #2 to stamina checks! 0ithe ma&imum might is '( but their ma&imum charm is )(! +elvarhos ($)- 3lso referred to as 3nimal-folk for that they look nearly identical to humans e&cept that they have animal ears and tails! "hey live on a planet were they are nearly on the bottom of food chain so they adapted to the life running receiving #2 to 4ift* Stamina* 3thletics* and Stealth! +elvarhos ma&imum agility is '( but their ma&imum wit is )(!

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