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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Logan Spence
Thuisuay, Febiuaiy 1S, 2u14 S12-461-S448

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A0STIN - Texas State Senatoi Ban Patiick, authentic conseivative canuiuate foi
Lieutenant uoveinoi, ieleaseu his newest television au calleu "Chiistian Leauei".
The au featuies Senatoi Patiick's stiong iecoiu as a Chiistian conseivative leauei in
the Texas Senate. This Tv spot is iunning in majoi maikets acioss Texas.

click to play: http:youtu.beWZt}ZoX00mg

Ban Patiick has been a stiong Chiistian conseivative leauei in the Texas Senate. Bis
fiist bill to pass into law iequiieu the cieeu "In uou We Tiust" to be peimanently
placeu in the Senate chambei. Be also woikeu to auu the phiase "unuei uou" into
the Texas pleuge. Bis faith also leu him to pass the nation's toughest Sonogiam Bill
that piotects women anu the unboin fiom coeiceu aboitions.

Be also woikeu with piison ministiy leaueis to cieate the fiist piison seminaiy in
Texas. Cuiiently, ovei 1uu men at the Baiiington Penitentiaiy have been accepteu
into the foui-yeai piogiam that woiks to place seminaiy giauuates back into the
piison population foi ministiy woik.

Ban Patiick is the authentic Chiistian conseivative iunning foi Lt. uoveinoi.


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