Current Affair Mcqs

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1.1988 noble peace prize has been awarded to: a.Diego Cordovez b.Anwar Sadat c.United Nations 2.

Dan Quayle is: a.Mexican footballer b.American Politician c.Prime Minister of Brazil 3.Gen. Augusto Pinochet is: a.Leader of Contrast in Nicaragua b.Military Dictator of el-Salvador c.President of Chile 4.Robert Mugabe is: a.President of Zimbabwe b.President of Kenya c.Prime Minister of Angola 5.Sakharov is: a.Anti-Soviet Polish Leader b.Secretary General of the Hungarian Communist Party c.Soviet Nuclear Scientist 6.The last day of the Quaid-e-Azam was written by: a.M. A. H. Isphani b.Fatima Jinnah c.Col. Illahi Bukhsh (probably, iam not sure) 7.The new Olympic Champion in Hockey is: a.Australia b.West Germany c.England (during the year 1988) 8.The process of European integration is scheduled to be completed by: a.1990 b.1992 c.1994 (Do you have any idea about that? Wild guess is option c) 9.The Bofors Scandal occurred in: a.Italy b.India c.Japan 16.What is the actual name of F-16: a.Fighting Falcon b.Atomic Bomber c.Concord d.Jumbo Jet 17.Daughter of the East is an autobiography

10.The Black Sea and the Mediterranean are connected by: a.Shattal Arab b.Dardanelles c.Strait of Gibraltar 1989 11.Which country makes the Entac Missiles: a.U.S.A. b.England c.France d.U.S.S.R. 12.How many Radio Stations are in Pakistan: a.Twelve b.Sixteen c.Twenty (probably, I dont know how many were there in 1989) d.Twenty five 13.What is Cathay Pacific: a.Island b.Revolutionary leader c.Air line d.Newspaper 14.President of U.S.A. is: a.George Hubert Norman Bush b.George Hurbert Walker Bush c.George Thomas Ross Bush d.George Paul James Bush 15.The Great Leap Forward was: a.American Policy towards Latin America b.Chinese Economic Programme c.Russian Diplomatic move d.Cuban Military Strategy 25.Literacy rate in Pakistan is: a.15% b.20% c.30% (probably, I am not sure) d.50% 26.How many people were stampeded in Football Match at Sheffield Hill Borough Stadium:

of: a.Fatima Jinnah b.Nusrat Bhutto c.Rana Liaquat Ali d.Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto 18.The Headquarters of Asian Development Bank is in: a.Tokyo b.Bangkok c.Manila d.Jakarta 19.Pakistan left CENTO in: a.1971 b.1975 c.1979 (when it was dissolved) d.1981 20.Gorbachevs Peredyshka is: a.Free Trade b.Breathing space (I think, please comment) c.Terrorist Movement d.Non-Alignment 21.Premadasa is: a.President of Chile b.European Comedian c.Terrorist Movement d.President Sri Lanka 22.Sunsuke Uno is: a.Maker of Micro-Computers b.Prime Minister of Singapore c.Chinese Town d.Prime Minister of Japan 23.India launched its first Missile with the name of: a.Indira b.Verma c.Agni d.Monica 24.Who has been named as the first recipient of Gaddafi International Prize for Human Rights: a.Hosni Mubarak b.Nelson Mandela c.Rajiv Gandhi, d.Mrs. Margaret Thatcher 32The constitution of European Union has not been ratified by: a.Italy b.Netherlands c.France d.None of these 33.After United States, the largest contributor in the United Nations Budget is: a.Germany

a.38 b.67 c.95 d.110 27.Venezuela President is: a.Paul Alfonsin b.Daniel Ortega c.Carlos Andrez Perez d.Augusto Pinochet 28.Jabar-bin-Hayyan was a: a.Mathematician b.Astronomer c.Chemist d.Philosopher (actually he was an astronomer and philosopher as well, but more famous for chemistry, so does that mean all the 3 are correct options but option C is more suitable.) 29.Battle of Ohad was fought in: a.625 A.D. b.626 A.D. c.628 A.D. d.629 A.D. 30.How many times has Martina Navtatilova won the Wimbledon title: a.Six times b.Eight times c.Nine times d.Eleven times (counting both singles and doubles titles won) 2005 31.The worlds oldest International Human Rights Organization is: a.Amnesty International b.Freedom House c.Anti Slavery (probably, its older then the other two) d.None of these 40.Pakistan has recently been given observer status in: a.Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) b.Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) c.Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) d.None of these 41.Pakistan and U.S. Navies recently conducted Joint exercises in the Arabian Sea by the name:

b.France c.U.K. d.None of these (Japan is and was in 2005 as well) 34.Ariana is an Airlines of: a.Australia b.Egypt c.Iran d.None of these 36.Chinas fastest growing economy is facing a major challenge of: a.Population Explosion (not sure, major problem facing Chinese economy, as I found on the internet, was income inequalities, so I related it with population) b.Shortage of Energy c.Challenges of WTO regime d.None of these 37.U.S. president George Bush has created Millennium Challenge Account to: a.Improve national security network b.Provide financial aid to Iraq and Afghanistan c.Help poor countries pursuing democratic ideals d.None of these 38.38th parallel is a boundary line between: a.Canada and America b.North and South Vietnam c.Greek and Turkish Port of Cyprus d.None of these (its boundary line between North and South Koreas) 39.In which month does the U.N. General Assembly usually meet every year: a.January b.March c.September d.None of these 46.The largest Agency of FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas) by area is: a.North Waziristan b.South Waziristan c.Khyber Agency d.None of these 47.Reuter is the news agency of: a.USA b.Germany c.UK d.None of these 48.SAARC Human Resource DevelopmentCenter is located at:

a.Optimum Impact b.Divers Move c.Inspired Union d.None of these 42.Which of the following Internet Search Engines will introduce the Worlds Biggest digital Library: a.Yahoo b.Google c.Gigablast d.None of these 43.The recently appointed United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres is the former Prime Minister of: a.Denmark b.Romania c.Canada d.None of these (he was prime minister of Portugal) 44.When a country grants another country MFN (Most Favored Nations) status in mutual trade, it implies: a.Providing same trade concessions as are being given to other countries without any discrimination b.Trade will be through exchange of Commodities rather than foreign exchanges c.Imports and Exports payments will be in local currencies only d.None of these 45.The programme United Nations Millennium Development Goals is focusing on: a.Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger b.Achieve Universal Primary education c.Promote gender equality and empower women d.All of these 54.Zalmay Khalil is the US ambassador to: a.Iraq b.Syria c.Lebanon d.None of these 55.H5N1 is the name of a: a.Medicine b.Vaccine c.Virus d.None of these 56.Biman is the Airline of: a.Sri Lanka

a.Delhi b.Colombo c.Karachi d.None of these (it is in Islamabad) 49.Under Vision 2025 WAPDA will construct SATPARA Dam on Indus river in: a.Balochistan b.NWFP c.Northern Areas d.None of these 2006 50.How many medals were won by Pakistan in the 18th Commonwealth games: a.3 b.5 c.7 d.None of these 51.The currency of China is: a.Rouble b.Yen c.Yuan d.None of these 52.In the absence of President, who becomes the acting President of Pakistan: a.Speaker of the National Assembly b.Chairman of the Senate c.Chief Justice of Pakistan d.None of these 53.Han Myung has become the First Woman Prime Minister of: a.South Korea b.North Korea c.Vietnam d.None of these 69.George Washington was the First President of USA. Who is the incumbent Vice President of America: a.Georgen Bush b.Gerlad Ford c.Dick Cheney (in 2006) d.None of these 70.Petronas towers are located in: a.Singapore b.Chicago c.Kuala Lumpur d.None of these 71.Name of the present UN Secretary General is: a.Kofi Annan b.Bon Ki Moon c.Batrus Ghali d.None of these 72.The length of common border between India and Pakistan is:

b.Nepal c.Bangladesh d.None of these 57.Which countrys border with Pakistan is called Durand Line: a.Iran b.Afghanistan c.India d.None of these 58.Xinhua is the news agency of: a.China b.Russia c.North Korea d.None of these 59.The Headquarters of the UN Security Council is located at: a.Washington b.Paris c.New York d.None of these 60.Who is the governor of the State Bank of Pakistan a.Dr. Shamshad Akhtar (in 2006) b.Dr. Ishrat Hussain c.Sulman Shah d.None of these 61.Nobel prize for the year 2005 was awarded to M. Elbardei together with: a.United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) b.International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) c.World Health Organization (WHO) d.None of these 62.Who is the United States, assistant secretary of state for South Asian and Central Asian affairs: a.Riyan C. Crooker b.Nancy Powell c.Richard A. Boucher d.None of these 63.What was the magnitude of the Earthquake that shook northern Pakistan and Azad Kashmir on October 8, 2005: a.5.7 b.7.5 c.7.7 d.None of these (correct is 7.6) 64.Rafiq Bahauddin al Hariri had been the Prime Minister of: a.Libya

a.900 miles b.1000 miles c.1100 miles d.None of these (its 1809 miles) 73. SAARC conference was held in 2004 at: a.Islamabad b.Kathmandu c.Colombo d.None of these 74.China became the member of World Trade Organization in: a.1998 b.2002 c.2004 d.None of these (China officially became member of WTO on 11-12-2001) 75.The number of players in each team of basketball game is: a.5 b.7 c.9 d.None of these 76.Which is the largest Surah of the Holy Quran: a.Surah Al-Imran b.Surah Al-Baqarah c.Surah Yaseen d.None of these 77.The Olympic games in 2004 were held in: a.Athens b.Sydney c.California 78.Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2006 was awarded to a.Dr. Mahatir Mohammad b.Dr. Mohammad Yunus c.Dr. Abdul Kalam d.None of these 79.Denzil Washington is renowned as: a.USA army general b.British Naval Commander c.Hollywood Actor d.None of these 80.The number of OIC member states is: a.55 b.57 c.59 d.None of these 81.Mahbub-ul-Haq Human Development Center is located at: a.Karachi b.Lahore c.Islamabad

b.Lebanon c.Syria d.None of these 65.Angela Merkel is: a.President of France b.First Lady of Britain c.Chancellor of Germany d.None of these 66.Fourth Estate applied to: a.Executive b.Secret Agency c.Press d.None of these 67.The Spirit of Islam author is: a.Sir Syed Ahmad Khan b.Syed Amir Ali c.Allama Iqbal d.None of these 69.How many members the National Security Council (Pakistan) has: a.11 b.13 c.15 d.None of these 86.India has constructed Baglihar Dam in occupied Kashmirs district of: a.Udhumpur b.Doda c.Jammu d.None of these 87.Hamas was founded by: a.Yasser Arafat b.Ismail Haniye c.Khalid Meshaal d.None of these (it was founded by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, Abdel Aziz alRantissi and Mohammad Taha) 88.Which of the following regions of Balochistan will be irrigated through Kachi Canal Project: a.Quetta b.Zhob c.Nasirabad d.None of these 89.Transparency International is based in: a.New York b.London c.Berlin d.None of these 90.The largest source of electricity generation in Pakistan comes through:

d.None of these 82.Hugo Chaves is the president of: a.Venezuela b.Brazil c.Bolivia d.None of these 83.What is the name of the only Pakistani who won a Nobel Prize: a.Dr. Ashfaq Ahmed b.Dr. Abdus-Salam c.Dr. Abdul Qadeer d.None of these 84.Maple leaf is the National emblem of: a.Germany b.China c.Canada d.None of these 85.Name of Bangladesh Parliament is: a.People National Assembly b.Majlis-i-Shoora c.Jatia Sangsad d.None of these 94.Former US Vice-President Al Gore has won Nobel Peace Prize 2007 for his campaign against: a.Child Labour b.Human Rights Violations c.Global Warming d.None of these 95.May 3, each year is Internationally observed as: a.World Environment Day b.Human Rights Day c.Global Warming d.None of these (its knows globally as World Press Freedom Day) 96.The worlds largest producer of uranium is: a.Australia b.Canada c.South Africa d.None of these 97.The district of the country having lowest population density is: a.Khuzdar b.Kalat c.Kharan (with a population density of only 4 ppl/km2, Awaran and Chagai share the same with Kharan.) d.None of these 98.Qantas is an airlines of: a.USA b.Australia

a.Thermal b.Hydel c.Coal d.None of these 91.Pakistans largest export partner is: a.Saudi Arabia b.America c.Japan d.None of these 92.India is constructing Kishanganda Dam in: a.Jammu b.Sri Nagar c.Baramula d.None of these 93.WAFA is the news agency of: a.Syria b.Jordan c.Egypt d.None of these (it is the news agency of Palestine) 102.One US barrel is equal to: a.20 litres b.30 litres c.50 litres d.None of these (its equivalent to 159 litres) 103.Ringgit is the currency unit of: a.Singapore b.Philippines c.Malaysia d.None of these 104.Pakistan is the Chairman of: a.Non-Aligned movement b.SAARC c.Group of 77 d.None of these 105.The first President of America who made an official visit to Pakistan was: a.Richard Nixon b.Dwight D. Eisenhower c.Lyndon B. Johnson d.None of these 106.The Aid to Pakistan Consortium meets every year in: a.London b.New York c.Paris d.None of these 107.General Michael Hayden is the: a.President of Chile b.Defense Secretary of United States c.Commander NATOs forces in Afghanistan d.None of these (he was director of the

c.Singapore d.None of these 99.The first Muslim Nobel Laureate was: a.Anwar Sadaat of Egypt b.Yasser Arafat of Palestine c.Abdul Salam of Pakistan d.None of these 100.Darfur conflict is in: a.Somalia b.Sudan c.Liberia d.None of these 101.Parachinar is the main town of: a.Khyber Agency b.North Waziristan c.South Waziristan d.None of these (its capital town of Kurram agency) 110.What position Hu Jantao holds: a.General Secretary of Communist Party b.President of the Country c.Both a and b d.None of these 111.Who is the president of World Bank: a.Robert Brace Zoellick b.Robert Bruce Gate c.Robert Bruce Lohaf d.Bill Gates 112.Where is the headquarter of the Amnesty International located: a.Geneva b.London c.Paris d.New York 113.Asian Development Bank (ADB) was established in: a.1964 b.1966 c.1968 d.None of these 114.Who were the three statesmen who formulated Non-Aligned Movement (NAM): a.Gandhi, Nasser, Tito b.Nehru, Nasser, Tito c.Chou-en-Lai, Bhutto, Nehru d.Soe Karno, Nasser, Tito 115.The permanent Secretariat of SAARC is established at: a.Khatmandu b.Dhaka c.Dehli d.Islamabad 116.Who was the founder of HAMAS in 1987: a.Sheikh Ahmed Yasin

CIA) 108.Which of the following International Organizations has no formal structure and secretariat: a.Green Peace b.D-8 c.G-8 d.None of these 109.Who is Nicolas Sarkozy: a.German Chancellor b.Canadian President c.French President d.President of Georgia 118.In which month does the UN General Assembly usually meet every year: a.August b.September c.October d.None of these 119.Which of the following countries have the power of veto in the General Assembly of UNO: a.USA b.Russia c.China d.All of these 120.The term of office of a judge of the International Court of Justice is: a.5 years b.7 years c.9 years d.None of these 121.Alliance among India, Germany, Japan and Brazil to support each others bid for permanent seat on UN Security Council is called: a.Alliance 4 b.G 4 c.Big 4 d.None of these 122.The Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline is also known as: a.Friendly Pipeline b.Peace Pipeline c.Great pipeline d.None of these 123.The first parliamentary elections in Afghanistan were held in: a.2004 b.2005 c.2006 d.None of these (it was held in 1965 for the first time, please consider

b.Yasser Arafat c.Abu Nidal d.None of these 117.How many official working languages are recognized by UNO: a.8 b.6 c.4 d.None of these 125.After Pushtuns, the largest ethnic group in Afghanistan is: a.Uzbeks b.Hazaras c.Tajiks d.None of these 126.The capital of Argentina is: a.Columbia b.Barcelona c.Buenos Aires d.Peru 127.Which is the largest country in Africa: a.Sudan b.Nigeria c.Libya d.None of these 128.Name the currency of Sri Lanka: a.Rupiyah b.Lek c.Ringgit d.None of these

reviewing) 124.Which is the Pakistan: a.Tulip b.Rose c.Jasmine d.None of these




129: Which of the following countries is the world's largest emitter of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere? a) China b) America c) Russia d) India 130) Who is Stanley McChrystal? a) Commander US forces in Afghanistanb) Head of the US Central Command (CENTCOM) c) NATO Commander in Afghanistan d) None of these 131) The headquarters of Green Peace International is located at: a) Vancouver b) Amsterdam c) London d) Paris 132) The oldeest internet search engine among the following is: a) Google b) MSN Search c) Yahoo d) 133) The power generating capacity of DiamerBasha Dam would be: a) 3450 MW b) 3800 MW c) 4500 MW d) None of these

136) Silk Air is an airline of: a) Sri Lanka b) Switzerland c) Singapore d) China 137) Channel Tunnel is an under sea rail tunnel linking: a) England and Ireland b) England and Francec) France and Germany d) None of these. 138) The Strait of Malacca is the main shipping channel between the India Ocean and: a) The North Pacific Ocean b) South Pacific Ocean c) South Atlantic Ocean d) None of these 139) The recently published book " Between Dreams and Realities" is written by: a) Shamshad Ahmad Khan b) Gohar Ayub c) Sahibzada Yakoob Ali Khan d) None of these ( by Sirtaj Aziz) 140) The largest Agency of FATA by population is: a) Bajaur Agency b) North Wazirstan c) South Waziristan d) None of these 141) Which of the following categories of Nobel Prise was established in 1968? a) Medicine b) Literature c) Economics d) None of these 142) Total cultivable Land of Pakistan is approximately: a) 80 million hectares b) 120 million hectares c)150 million hectares d) None of these. 143) Who is Francois Fillon? a) Prime Minister of Italy b) President of Germany c) Foreign Minister of France d) None of these (He was Prime Minister of France) 144) The largest island in Indian Ocean is: a) Sri Lanka b) Sumatra c) Madagascar d) None

134) ANTARA is the news agency of: 145) 3 May is observed Internationally as: a) Indonesia b) Malaysia c) Turkey d) None of a) Environment Day b) Population Day the these c) Press Freedom Day d) None of these 135) The largest opium producer province in 146 2016 Summer Olympics will be held at: Afghanistan is: a) Sydney b) Madrid c) Chicago d) Rio de a) Helmand b) Nangarhar c) Badakhshan d) Janerio None of these 147) Kyat is the currency of: a) Nepal b) Myanmar c) Bhutan d) None 148 Environment Treaty Kyoto Protocol will be expired in: a) 2012 b) 2014 c) 2015 d) None of these.

Pak affairs
i).Who rejected the verdicts of jurists that idol worshippers are liable to be murdered? (a) Mahmood Ghaznawi (b) Shamd-ud-Din Iltumish (c) Jalal-ud-Din Deroz (d) None of these ii). Who constructed five canals to remove scarcity of water? (a) Alauddin Khaliji (b) Ghyas-ud-Din Tughlaq (c) Feroz Shah Tughlaq (d) Akbar iii). Who laid foundation of Agra city? (a) Sikandar Lodhi (b) Babur (c) Shah Jahan (d) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan iv). Who wrote Humanyun Nama? (a) Shahabuddin (b) Gulbadan Begum (c) Humayun (d) Qudrat Ullah Shahab

v). Who accepted Akbars Din-e-Illahi? (a) Todar Mal (b) Maan Singh (c) Birbal (d) None of these vi). Which office held supreme judicial authority during Mughal rule? (a) King (b) Qazi-ul-Qazat (c) Saddar-us-Sadur (d) None of these vii). Who supported Muslim participation in politics? (a) Wiqar-ul-Mulk (b) Mohsin-ul-Mulk (c) Maulana Zafar Ali khan (d) Allama Iqbal viii). Who is the author of Hunter par Hunter? (a) Depuy Nazir Ahmed (b) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (c) Maulana Zafar Ali khan (d) None of these ix). Who drafted Wardha Scheme under the guidance of Ghandi? (a) Abul Kalam Azad (b) Nahru (c) Dr. Zakir hussain (d) None of these x). How many Muslim seats were secured by All India Moslim League in 1945-46 Election of Provincial assemblies? (a) 396 (b) 425

(c) 441 (d) None of these xi). Who presided over the session of Constituent Assmbly of Pakistan 10 August 1947? (a) Quaid-e-Azam (b) Liaqat ali khan (c) Ch. Khaliq-uz-Zaman (d) Sir Agha Khan xii). Who rejected the theory of composite nationalism advanced by the Indian National congress? (a) Mualana Maudoodi (b) Allam Mashriqi (c) Hussain Ahmed Madni (c) Quaid-e-Azam xiii). Who was convicted in Rawalpindi Conspiray Case? (a) Shorash Kashmiri (b) Habib Jalib (c) Faiz ahmed Faiz (d) None of these xiv). In which constitution of Pakistan, the Ministers were neither members of the parlimant nor answerable to parliament? (a) 1956 (b) 1962 (c) 1973 (d) None of these xv). From which country Pakistan purchased Gawader? (a) Kuwait (b) Iran (c) Muscat (d) None of these

xvi). Which provincial Chief Minister was dismissed on the issue of One Unit? (a) Chief Minister NWFP (b) Chief Minister Sindh (c) Chief Minister Punjab (d) Chief Minister Baluchistan xvii). Which Radio Station already existed at the time of creation of Pakistan? (a) Peshawar (b) Karachi (c) Quetta (d) None of these xviii). Under Yahyas LFO, what option National Assembly had if it couldnt frame the constitution within 120 days? (a) Dissolved automatically (b) President will dissolve it (c) Extension in time frame (d) None of these xix). What percentage of total polled votes in East Pakistan was secured by Awami League in 1970 elections? (a) 54 % (b) 60 % (c) 75 % (d) None of these xx). When was the state of Swat included in Pakistan? (a) 4th April 1969 (b) 28th July 1969 (c) 29th June 1970 (d) None of these
. The Swadeshi movement means Boycott of goods (British goods) 2. Simla Deputation was led by Sir Agha Khan 3. Who moved the resolution for establishing Muslim League?

Nawab of Dacca 4. Who delivered the Presidential address in which the Muslim League was established? Nawab Waqr ul Mulk 5. Separate electorate was awarded to Muslims in 1909 6. Annulment of partition of Bengal was announced in 1911 7. Jinnah was formally enrolled in All India Muslim League in 1913 8. "Comarade" was started by Moulana Muhammad Ali 9. Al Hilal was started by Moulana Muhammad Ali 10. Jinnah was the Principle architect of Lucknow pact 11. The most important change brought about by Minto Morley Reforms was Separate Electorate 12. Turkey in the First World War was chose to fight on the side of Germany 13. Treaty of Severes was announced in 1920 14. Shuddhi and Sangthan movements were started at the end of Tehrik e Khilafat 15. "Zamindar" was brought about by Zafar Ali Khan 16. Report of Rowlatt Committee was published in 1918 17. Jallianwala Bagh tragedy took place in: 1919 18. Jinnah resigned from congress during Nagpur session in 1920 19. Moplah rising in Malabar took place in 1921 20. The Moplah rose against the British and Hindu Zamindar.

21. Which movement was started by Sir Swami Shradhnand? Shuddhi 22. Sangthan was started by Pandit Malavia 23. Swami Shradhnand was murdered in 1926 24. Chauri Chaura incident took place in 1922 25. Khilafat was abolished by Mustafa Kamal Pasha in 1924 26. Simon Commission was sent to India in 1927 27. On the arrival Simon Commission Muslim League was Split into two groups one was led by Sir Muhammad Shafee and the other was led by Quaid e Azam 28. Which party was divided into pro changers and changers? Congress 29. Nehru Report was an answer to the challenge given by Lord Birkenhead 30. Nehru Report accepted the following demand a separate province for North-West Frontier and Sindh 31. Jinnah Fourteen points were offered in 1929 32. Which member of Simon Commission resigned and replaced by another member Stephen Walsh 33. Dyarchy was scrapped in 1919 Reforms 34. The first session of Round Table Conference was opened in London 35. Which party was not present in First Round Table Conference Congress 36. Federal form of Government for India was approved by British in First Round Table Conference 37. Who was the Prime Minster of England during First Round Table Conference? Ramsay Macdonald

38. Second Round Table Conference was held in 1931 39. Communal award was published in 1932 What was the reaction of Congress and Muslim League over Communal Award? Both Disliked The recommendation of Round Table Conference was published in 1933 The whole of India Act of 1935 came into operation in provincial part in 1937 Anandhnath is a novel Nagri is a Script Pirpur Report was about Congress ministries Shareef Pur report was about Bihar Who wrote" Muslim Suffering under Congress Rule"? Fazl ul Haq Wardha scheme was about Education The author of Wardha Scheme was Zakir Hussain Band e Matarm was an anthem Day of Deliverance was celebrated on 22nd December 1939 "Now or Never" pamphlet was written in 1933 by Ch. Rehmat Ali "Pakistan National Movement" was founded by Ch. Rehmat Ali "Outline of a Scheme of Indian federation" was written by Sikandar Hayat Khan Lahore resolution was introduced by

Fazl ul Haq "Thoughts on Pakistan" was written by Ambedkar. The British August offer was made in 1940 What was the response of Muslim League over British offer? Neither accepted nor rejected Which Congress leader thought after Lahore Resolution that the partition was unavoidable? Raja Gopal Acharia Sapru proposals were offered in 1945 Liaquat Desai Pact was concluded in 1945 Wavell plan was made in 1945 Parity was the issue in Wavel Plan Simla Conference was held in 1945 In1945 elections, out of total 102 seats of Central Assembly, Congress won 57 And Muslim league won 28 seats In the provincial elections of 1946 Congress won 930 seats and Muslim League won 428 seats In Provincial elections of 1946 total seats of Muslim League were 492 In the Cabinet mission who many Cabinet Ministers were present 3 The name of the Cripps Mission was made after Sir Stafford Cripps who was The President of the Board of Trade The Cabinet Mission members were parleyed with how many Muslim members 4 Under Satyagarh Tehreek people chose by Gandhi were to Offer arrest

Cripps Mission Published its report on 30th March 1942 The main emphasis in Cripps Mission was on Creation of new Dominion Non accession clause was mentioned in Cripps mission "Quit India" movement was started in 1942 In the Cabinet Mission provinces were divided into how many sections? Three Quaid e Azam, for the continuation of Cabinet mission, demanded how many portfolios? Five In Cabinet Mission plan total portfolios were Sixteen Congress was awarded how many portfolios? Six How many portfolios were given to Muslim League? Five How many portfolios were reserved for minorities? Three Lord Wavell was replace by Lord Mountbatten The only Indian on the Viceroy lord Mountbatten staff was V.P. Menon V.P. Menon prepared the final draft of the transfer of Power Lady Mountbatten is said to be the close friend of Nehru What was the name of the daughter of Nehru? Indra Who wanted to become the joint Governor General of India and Pakistan? Mountbatten Who decided, at the time of partition, the fate of Baluchistan? Shahi Jirga By which method fate of NWFP was decided? Referendum

Jinnah was by origin a Khoja "Dawn", the Muslim League newspaper was started in 1942 Besides Jinnah who was the ex-officio member of Muslim League Working Committee Liaquat Ali Khan Direct Action resolution was passed in July 1946 Jinnah's speeches were translated into Urdu often by Nawab Bahadur YAr Jung Who gave Fatwas in 1945 and forbade to joining Muslim League? Maulana Hussain Ahmad Which party leader labeled Quaid e Azam as "Kafre azam"? Jamiyat al Ulema-i- Hind Which magazine criticized Jinnah's decision to become the Governor General? Economist Whom Jinnah appointed the Governor of NWFP? Sir George Cunningham Whom Jinnah appointed the Governor of PUNJAB? Why Jinnah appointed British Governors in four Provinces? They were more experienced Soon after the establishment of Pakistan which Prime minister had been the Ambassador to Burma also? Muhammad Ali Bogra HISTORY OF PAKISTAN SINCE 1947 INCLUDING FOREIGN POLICY, POLITICS AND DEFENCE Important events from 1947 to 1958 1. He was the Governor General of Indo-Pakistan before Mountbatten: Lord Wavel 2. Mountbatten came to India in March 1947 3. Mountbatten was an officer in British Navy 4. Plan for the Separation of Indo Pakistan was announced on 23rd June 1947 5. Election to the First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan took place in:

1946 6. The first Cabinet of Pakistan consisted of 7 members. 7. Finance Portfolio in the first Cabinet was held by Malik Ghulam Muhammad. 8. The Chief Minister of the following province refused to salute the Pakistani flag in 1947: NWFP 9. CM of NWFP Doctor Khan Sahib was dismissed by Quaid e Azam who was his successor? 10. Chief Minister of the following Province was dismissed by Quaid e Azam Bengal 11. Approximate population of Pakistan at the inception in 1947 was 7 crores 12. First census of Pakistan was held in 1951 13. Population of west Pakistan in 1951was 34 million 14. The only country to oppose Pakistan's entrance into the UNO in1947 was Afghanistan 15. Total area of Jammu and Kashmir in 1947 was 84,471 sq. miles 16. India stopped the passage of water from the rivers Ravi and Sutluj in April 1948 17. Madhupur Head works is located on the river Ravi 18. Ferozpur Head works is located on river Sutluj 19. Muslim majority Tehsil Zira was handed over to India in Redcliff award it was a tehsil of Ferozepur District. 21. He was the first head of state to visit Pakistan in 1947 Amir of Kuwait 22. Quaid e Azam relief fund was set up in September 1947 23. At the time of division the cash balances of undivided India stood at about Rs. 4,000 million 24. India and Pakistan mutually came to an agreement that Pakistan would get Rs. 750 crore as her share. 25. Only Rs. 200 crors had been paid as an interim installment 26. Referendum in 1947 in NWFP province was held in

July. 27. On 15th August 1947 the state of Junaghadh announced that it had acceded to Pakistan. 28. He was the first Governor of Punjab Francis Moody. 29. Governor Moody imposed the Governor Rule in Punjab in January 1949. 30. Pakistan Fund was setup by Quaid in June 1947. 31. State Bank of Pakistan was inaugurated by Quaid in July 1948. 32. The initial assets of SBP were equal to three Crore 33. Karachi was declared Federal area by the legislative Assembly in May 1948. 34. He was the only Muslim to oppose the Objectives Resolution in the Assembly. Mian Iftikhar ud- din 35. "The Myth of Independence" was written by Z.A. Bhutto 36. Muslim yesterday and today was written by A.B.Rajput 37. Pakistan's flag was designed by two brothers and name of one of them is Altaf Hussain. 38. White strip in the flag was added in August 1947. When was moon and star added in the flag February 1949. 39. Ayub Khoro ministry in Sindh was dissolved by Quaid in April1948. 40. The Quaid delivered his last message to the nation on: 27th August, 1948. 41. He was called the iron man of NWFP Khan Qayyum Khan 42. Peer Sahib Manki Shareef founded the following party in September 1949 Awami Muslim League 43. In the East Bengal elections were held in 1954 44. He is the only man to be prosecuted under PRODA Khoro 45. It was the first opposition party of the country Jinnah Awami League

46. Awami League was found by Abdul Hameded Bhashani in 1950 47. Rawalpindi Conspiracy was unearthed in March 1951 48. The accused of the conspiracy were prosecuted in the following jail Hyderabad Jail 49. Liaqat Nehru Pact announced at Delhi in April 1950. 50. Liaquat ali Khan visited America in May 1950 51. "Wheat Crisis" in Pakistan took place in 1952 52. Martial Law in Lahore was imposed in MARCH 1953 53. MALIK GHULAM Muhammad dissolved the Govt. of Nazi mud Din in April 1953 54. Shortage of Salt took place in 1952 in East Bengal 55. Pakistan became member of Baghdad pact in September 1955. 56. The Manila Pact is the other name of SEATO 57. The Manila Pact was signed in September 1954 58. Muhammad Ali Bigra formula was put forward in October 1954 59. According to Bogra formula the Lower house consisted of 300 seats 60. Out of the total 309 sears muslim League secured only 9 seats in 1954. 61. PRODA was replaced in September 1954 62. Ghlam Muhammad dissolve dthe Constituent assembly on: 24th October, 1954. 63. Ghulam Muhammad resigned in August 1954 64. One unit bill was brought intp effect on

14 October, 1955 65. He became the first Governor of West Pakistan Gormani 66. The First Five Year Plan was announced by Chaudhary Muhammad Ali on 18th May 1956 67. Principal of joint Electorate was accepted by the Assembly on 10th October 1956 at Dacca 68. Suez Canal Crisis took place in the reign of: Soharwardy 69. Pakistan bought Gwadar from King ofmaskat at the cost of 40 lakh pounds on 8th September 1958 70. Deputy spleaker of East Pakistan was killed during a rumpus in the Assembly in 1958. 71. After the promulgation of MARTIAL Law in 1958when did the new cabinet take oath? 24th October 1958 72. Z.A.Bhutto had the following portfolio in the Ayub Khan's cabinet Trade. HISTORY FROM 1958 TO 1969 73. According to the agriculture Reforms announced in January 1959, maximum limit of non irrigated lands was fixed at: 1000 acres. 74. How many land farm holders were affected by the Ayub Reforms 902 75. Which ordinance contributed a great deal towards generating public resentment against Ayub regime: Muslim family Law Ordinance. 75. In the Basic Democratic System introduced by Ayub the number of basic Democrats was 80,000 76. Ayub lifted the Martial Law in June 1962 77. Presidential Elections between Ayub Khan and miss Fatima Jinnah held in January 1965 78. Pakistan launched an operation in Kashmir in 1965 which was called operation Gibralter 79. India mounted upon a three pronged attack against Pakistan along Lahore on 6ht September 1965 80. China issued an ultimatum to India on 17th September 1965

81. Sheikh Mujeeb ur Rehman presented his 6 points for the first time in February 1966 at the house of Former premier Ch. Muhaamad Ali in a meeting of All Parties Conference. 82. What was the name of opposition alliance against Ayub in 1965 elections? Combined Opposition Parties 83. In 1967 five parties formed an alliance against Ayub Khan which was called PDM 84. The Ayub regim celebrated tis 10 years of rule in October 1968 85. As a result of boundary settlement between Pakistan And China Pakistan got 750 sq. miles of land out of a total of: 3400 sq. miles 86. U- 2 incident took place in 1960 87. The old name of Round garden was changed into Nasir garden in 1966 after the visit of Egyptian President Nasir. 88. Sardar Abdul Rab Nishtar died in 1958 89. EBDO was promulgated in 1959 90. Ayub Khan took oath as President of Pakistan in February 1960 91. I.I. Chandaraker died in 1960 92. Muhammad Ali Bogra died in 1963 93. Soharwardy died in 1963 in Bairut 94. Islamabad was completed in 1966 95. Bhutto was arrested in November 1968. 96. States of Dir, Chitral and Swat were incorporated in NWFP in August 1969. DEVELOPMENTS FROM 1969 TO 1977: 97. Yahya khan became C-in-C in March 1966. Who was C-in-C before him. Musa Khan

98. Ayub Khan handed over the reins of Government to Yahya Khan on 25th March 1969. 99. In April 1969 yahya regime announced Labour Reforms 100. One Unit Scheme was done away with on 1st January 1971 101. Total number of National Assembly seats in the L.F.O. was 313 102. East Bengal has 169 seats in the L.F.O. 103. Punjab had 85 seats in L.F.O. 104. Elections could not be held on fixed date and had to be postponed till 7th December due to Floods in East Pakistan 105. In the 1971 elections out of total 162 common seats in East Bengal Mujeeb ur Rehman won 160 seats 106. In the elections of 1971 PPP got 62 seats out of total 82 common seats in Punjab 107. Agartala conspiracy was about Kidnap and murder of Ayub Khan 109. Kashmir Mujahideen hijacked an Indian plane "Ganga" in 1971 110. Army action was started in Easr Pakistan from March 1971 Mother of Z.A.Bhutto was Hindu 111. Z.A. Bhutto studied in the following university Southern California University 112. Bhutto was appointed Foreign Minister in 1963 113.EAST Pakistan BECAME AN INDEPENDENT ENTITIY in December 1971 114. A commission was appointed by Bhutto to probe into the 1971 crisis. It was called Hamood ur Rehman commission 115. In March Mr. Bhutto dismissed 1300 service men 116. The banks were nationalized in May 1972 117. In his agricultural reforms Bhutto put ceiling to land holding at 150 acres of irrigated land.

118. Bhutto announced second package of agricultural reforms in 1977 119. In April 1974 Bangladesh agreed to release 195 held up POWs 120. Mr. Bhutto announced to dissociate Pakistan from the Commonwealth of Nations in 1972 121. Martial Law was imposed in Balochistan in May 1973 122. The Qadyanis were declared non Muslims in Semptember1974 123. He is the only person who resigned from national Assembly on this decision Ahmaad Raza Qasuri 124. Elections to the National Assembly were held under Z.A. Bhutto in March 1977 125. Martial Law was imposed in the country on 5th July 1977 in the morning 126. Pakistan announced to delink from SEATO in November 1972 Chaudhary Khaleeq uz Zaman died in 1973 127. Ayub Khan Passed away in 1974 128. Friday was declared a weekly holiday in January 1977 CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF PAKISTAN 129. How many constitutions have been tried in in Pakistan so far? 3 130. 1973 constitution was promulgated in 14th August 131. How many amendments have been made in1973 constitution up to 1999 16 132. The 16th amendment is about the expansion of Quota 133. Quota has been extended to the year 2013 134. The Quran and Sunnah are declared the Supreme law of Pakistan under this Amendment 9th.

135. The Qaduanis were declared non Muslims in this amendment 2nd 136. The first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan consisted of 79 members objectives resolution was passed in 12th March 1949 137. The Ulmas offered 22 points for the future constitution of Pakistan. 138. The 2nd Basic principle Committee Report was published on 22nd December 1952. 139. The following constitutional draft was called as the Bengali Punjab Crisis Report 2nd BPC Report 140. Muhammad Ali Bogra formula was put forward in the Assembly on: 7th October, 1953 141. Bogra Formula offered a bicameral legislature wherein every unit had 10 seats in the Upper House 142. The number of East Bengal Seats in the Lower House in the Bogra Formula was: 165 143. The First constituent assembly of Pakistan was dissolved by Ghulam Muhammad on; 24th October 1954 144. The Sindh chief court restored the 1st Constituent Assembly 145. He was the first governor of the West Pakistan Mushtaq Ahmed Grmani 146. It was necessary for both the President and the Prime Minister to be Muslims in this Constitution. 1973 147. The Objectives Resolution was made the part of the Constitution instead of being merely a document of guiding Principles in 8th Amendment 148. Bicameral legislature was provided for in the 1973 constitution. 149. The minimum age of a Senator is 30 years. 150. The minimum age of Prime Minister under the constitution is 35 years. 151. The age of President is 45 152. The retirement age of justice of High court is 62 years

153. The retirement age of justice of Supreme Court is 65 years 154. How much practice as a lawyer is must for becoming Justice of a High Court 8 years.

.What is the total area of Pakistan? (a) 696096 sq km (b) 796096 sq km(c) 896096 sq km (d) 996096 sq km 2. In which continent of world Pakistan is situated? (a) Asia (b) Europe (c) Africa (d) Australia 3. At which side of Asia Pakistan is located? (a) Central Asia (b) Eastern Asia (c) Northern Asia (d) Southern Asia 4. How many countries are there in South Asia? a 10 b7 (c) 5 (d) 3 5. With how many countries pakistan shares her borders? (a) 15 (b) 10 (c) 5 (d) 4 6. Which country is situated in the east of Pakistan? (a) China (b) India (c) Afghanistan (d) Bangladesh 7. What is length of Pakistan-India border?

(a) 1600 km (b) 1605 km (c) 1610 km (d) 1615 km 8. What is the name of Pakistan-India border? (a) Siachin (b) Kargil (c) Ceasefire Line (d) Line of Control (LOC) 9. Which country is located in north of Pakistan? (a) Iran (b) Afghanistan (c) China (d) Sri Lanka 10. What is length of Pakistan-China border? (a) 570 km (b) 575 km (c) 580 km (d) 585 km this is 595 11. Which country is situated in northern west of Pakistan? (a) Afghanistan (b) Iran (c) Nepal (d) Maldives 12. What is length of Pakistan-Afghanistan border? (a) 2200 km (b) 2205 km (c) 2225 km (d) 2252 km 13. What is name of Pakistan-Afghanistan border? (a) Banging Line (b) Durand Line (c) Taftan (d) Border Line 14. Which country is located in the Southern West of Pakistan? (a) Bangladesh (b) Bhutan (c) Iran

(d) Iraq 15. What is the length of Pakistan-Iran border? (a) 700 km (b) 750 km (c) 775 km (d) 805 km 16. Which of the following is the highest point in Pakistan? (a) K-2 (b) Koh-i-Suleman (c) Gasherbrem (d) Pamir Kot 17. What is height of K-2? (a) 7811 Meters (b) 8611 Meters (c) 9611 Meters (d) 6811 Meters 18. What is the original name of K-2? (a) Mount Everest (b) Koh-i-Sufaid (c) Godwin Austin (d) Killing Mountain 19. Where the largest irrigation system of the world is situated? (a) India (b) Pakistan (c) Egypt (d) America 20. Which dam is largest electricity generating potential in the world? (a) Mangla (b) Aswan (c) Tarbela (d) Warsak 21. On which river Kalabagh Dam is supposed to be built? (a) Jhelum (b) Indus (c) Satluj (d) Kabul 22. Which is the longest river of Pakistan?

(a) Ravi (b) Kabul (c) Indus (d) Jhelum 23. Which is largest province of Pakistan? (a) Sindh (b) Balochistanc punjab (d) N.W.F.P 24. Which one is the most populated province of Pakistan? (a) N.W.F.P (b) Sindh (c) Balochistan (d) Punjab 25. What is the area of Balochistan? (a) 314578 sq km (b) 327989 sq km (c) 347056 sq km (d) 337654 sq km 26. What is area of Punjab? (a) 205344 sq km (b) 215645 sq km (c) 225432 sq km (d) 234123 sq km 27. What is area of Sindh? (a) 149876 sq km (b) 140914 sq km (c) 144654 sq km (d) 145908 sq km 28. What is area of N.W.F.P? (a) 71522 sq km (b) 72344 sq km (c)74521 sq km (d) 73420 sq km 29. How many districts are in N.W.F.P? (a) 20 (b) 22 (c) 24 (d) 26

30. How many districts are in Sindh? (a) 23 (b) 27 (c) 29 (d) 31 31. How many districts are in Punjab? (a) 50 (b) 40 (c) 36 (d) 30 32. What is the number of districts in Balochistan? (a) 27 (b) 30 (c) 33 (d) 35 33. Which is the most hottest place in Pakistan? (a) Multan (b) Sibbi (c) Jacobabad (d) Bahawalpur 34. What is the highest temperature recorded in Jacobabad? (a) 50 C (b) 53 C (c) 59 C (d) 65 C 35. Which area receives highest rainfall in Pakistan? (a) Gilgit (b) Kaghan (c) Murree (d) Kotli 36. Which is the largest desert in Pakistan? (a) Cholistan (b) Thar (c) Thal (d) Shindur 37. In the world ranking what is number of Thar desert? (a) 11th

(b) 10th (c) 9th (d) 8th 38. Which one is the largest natural lake of Sub-Continent? (a) Keenjhar Lake (b) Manchhar Lake (c) Saif-ul-Malook Lake (d) Hanna Lake 39. What is Siachin? (a) A Lake (b) A River (c) A Glacier (d) A Desert 40. Which sea is connected with Pakistan? (a) Dead Sea (b) Red Sea (c) Indian Sea (d) Arabian Sea 41. At which side of Pakistan Arabian Sea is located? (a) East (b) West (c) South (d) North 42. What is the length of coastal line of Pakistan with Arabian Sea? (a) 400 km (b) 500 km (c) 600 km (d) 1046km(650mile) __________________ __________________ The world suffers a lot. Not because of the violence of bad people, but because of the silence of good people!"

#6 Monday, July 26, 2010

Join Date: Mar 2009

hafiz ishtiaq ahmad

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Location: kot radha kishen,kasur Posts: 548 Thanks: 915 Thanked 602 Times in 354 Posts


1. who was the first President of the Constitution Assebmly? (a) Liaquat Ali Khan (b) Quaid-e-Azam (c) Moulvi Tameez-ud-Din (d) Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar 2. after how many years did Pakistan get her first constitution? (a) 5 years (b) 7 years (c) 9 years (d) 11 years 3. what document was firstly drafted to give pace to constitution making process? (a) Representative Act (b) Pakistan Act (c) Independence Act (d) Objective Resolution 4. when the Constituent Assembly passed the Objective Resolution? (a) 14th February 1949 (b) 12th March 1949 (c) 9th June 1949 (d) 15th August 1949 5. when Mohammad Ali Bogra presented Bogra Formula in the assembly? (a) January 1953 (b) April 1953 (c) September 1953 (d) October 1953 6. who was Mohammad Ali Bogra? (a) Prime Minister

(b) Foreign Minister (c) Law Minister (d) Parliament Minister 7. what is the other name of Mohammad Ali Bogra Formula? (a) New Law of Pakistan (b) Pakistan Report (c) Third Report (d) Constitutional Formula 8. when first constitution of Pakistan was enforced? (a) 8th June 1956 (b) 23rd March 1956 (c) 14th August 1956 (d) 25th December 1956 9. who was the Prime Minister of Pakistan during enforcement of first constitution? (a) Mohammad Ali Bogra (b) Khwaja Nazim Uddin (c) Choudhry Mohammad Ali (d) Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar 10. what official name was given to Pakistan in 1956 constitution? (a) United States of Pakistan (b) Republic of Pakistan (c) Islamic Pakistan (d) Islamic Republic of Pakistan 11. what age was prescribed for President in 1956 constitution? (a) 40 years (b) 45 years (c) 50 years (d) 55 years 12. in respect of religion what term was set for President and Prime Minister in 1956 constitution? (a) He may be a Muslim (b) He must not be Hindu (c) He must not be Christian (d) He must be a Muslim( this condition applicable only on president. pm may be nonmuslim 13. what was the official language declared in 1956 constitution? (a) Urdu (b) Bengali

(c) Hindi (d) Both a & b 14. who abrogated 1956 constitution? (a) Ayub Khan (b) Tikka Khan (c) Yahya Khan (d) Iskander Mirza 15. when the first constitution was abrogated and Martial Law was proclaimed? (a) May 1958 (b) June 1958 (c) October 1958 (d) December 1958 16. when Ayub Khan enforced new constitution in Pakistan? (a) 9th January 1962 (b) 6th February 1962 (c) 13th March 1962 (d) 8th June 1962 17. what was the official language declared in 1962 constitution? (a) Urdu (b) Bengali (c) Hindi (d) Both a & b 18. which kind of system of Government was introduced by the 1962 constitution? (a) Autonomous (b) Presidential (c) Bicameral (d) Confederate 19. when the constitution of 1962 was abrogated? (a) 20th March 1969 (exact date is 25 march) (b) 29th March 1969 (c) 4th April 1969 (d) 14th April 1969 20. who abrogated 1962 constitution and became CMLA? (a) Gen. Tikka Khan (b) Gen. Ahsan Khan (c) Gen. Mansoor Khan (d) Gen Yahya Khan

21. when Mr. Z.A. Bhutto launched a new constitution in the country? (a) 11th August 1973 (b) 14th August 1973 (c) 17th August 1973 (d) 21st August 1973 22. which kind of system of Government was introduced in 1973 constitution? (a) Parliamentary (b) Presidential (c) Basic Democracy (d) Autonomous 23. who elects the President according to 1973 constitution? (a) National Assembly (b) Senate (c) Both of them (d) None of them 24. according to 1973 constitution who elects Prime Minister? (a) Senate (b) National Assembly (c) President (d) Provincial Assemblies 25. in which constitution Bicameral Legislature was provided for the first time? (a) 1949 (b) 1956 (c) 1962 (d) 1973 26. in constitution of 1973 what age is specified for a person to contest for the Election to National Assembly? (a) 25 years (b) 18 years (c) 20 years (d) 30 years 27. in constitution 1973 what number of seats in Senate was set? (a) 120 Seats (b) 115 Seats (c) 110 Seats (d) 100 Seats 28. according to 1973 constitution what is the term of the office of President? (a) 6 years

(b) 5 years (c) 4 years (d) 3 years 29. Article 58(2b) of constitution 1973 is about: (a) Power of President to dismiss Army Chief (b) Power of President to dissolve Provincial Assemblies (c) Power of President to dissolve National Assembly (d) Power of President to dissolve Senate 29. How many articles were there in the constitution of 1956? (a) 200 Articles (b) 234 Articles c 259 (d) 254 Articles 30. what name was given to Pakistan in constitution of 1962? (a) Islamic Republic of Pakistan (b) Democratic Pakistan (c) Republic of Pakistan (d) United Pakistan 31. how many articles were there in 1962 constitution? (a) 225 Articles (b) 250 Articles (c) 275 Articles (d) 290 Articles 32. how many articles are there in 1973 constitution? (a) 220 Articles (b) 240 Articles (c) 260 Articles (d) 280 Articles 33. in constitution 1973 who were declared none Muslims? (a) Qadiyanis (b) Hindus (c) Christians (d) Jews __________________ __________________ The world suffers a lot. Not because of the violence of bad people, but because of the silence of good people!"

#7 Monday, July 26, 2010 Join Date: Mar 2009

hafiz ishtiaq ahmad

Senior Member

Location: kot radha kishen,kasur Posts: 548 Thanks: 915 Thanked 602 Times in 354 Posts

Q No: 01. When did Quid-e-Azam take oath as first Governor General of Pakistan? (a) 14th Aug 1947 (b) 15th Aug 1947 (c) 16th Aug 1947 (d) 17th Aug 1947 Q No: 02. Who became first Prime Minister of Pakistan? (a) Liaquat Ali Khan (b) Khwaja Nazimuddin (c) Mohammad Ali Bogra (d) Ghulam Mohammad Q NO: 03. Collectively how many Governor Generals ruled over Pakistan? (a) 02 (b) 03 (c) 04 (d) 05 Q No: 04. When did Pakistan become member of United Nations? (a) 15th Aug 1947 (b) 30th Aug 1947 (c) 15th Sep 1947 (d) 30th Sep 1947 Q No: 05. Which country opposed Pakistan's membership in United Nations?

(a) India (b) Russia (c) Afghanistan (d) Malaysia Q No: 06. Who was last Governor General of Pakistan? (a) Quaid-e-Azam (b) Khwaja Nazinuddin (c) Ghulam Mohammad (d) Iskander Mirza Q No: 07. Which country was paid an official visit by the first Prime Minister of Pakistan in 1950? (a) Saudi Arab (b) Iran (c) America (d) China Q No: 08. Which country accepted Pakistan first? (a) Iraq (b) Indonesia (c) Iran (d) India Q No: 09. When Liaquat Ali Khan was assasinated? (a) 16th Oct 1951 (b) 17th Oct 1951 (c) 18th Oct 1951 (d) 19th Oct 1951 Q No: 10. Who became second Prime Minister of Pakistan? (a) Choudhry Mohammad Ali (b) Khwaja Nazimuddin (c) Mohammad Ali Bogra (d) Malik Feroz Khan Noon Q No: 11. When Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah was died? (a) 11th Sep 1948 (b) 12th Sep 1948 (c) 13th Sep 1948 (d) 14th Sep 1948 Q No: 12. Who became second Governor General of Pakistan? (a) Khwaja Nazimuddin (b) Malik Ghulam Mohammad

(c) General Ayoub Khan (d) Iskander Mirza 13. For how much rupees Ranjit Singh sold the Kashmir? (a) 80 Lacs (b) 75 Lacs(that was gulab singh) (c) 70 Lacs (d) 65 Lacs 14. when india as grieved party appeared before the Security Council? (a) January 1948 (b) February 1948 (c) March 1948 (d) April 1948 15. which headworks of canals irrigating Pakistani areas were unlawfully given to India? (a) Madhopur (b) Ferozpur (c) Both of them (d) None of them 16. when India cut off Pakistans water supply without notice? (a) March 1948 (b) April 1948 (c) June 1948 (d) July 1948 17. in which year a formal treaty of water was signed between India and Pakistan? (a) 1960 (b) 1961 (c) 1962 (d) 1963 18. under whose auspices water treaty was signed? (a) UNO (b) USA (c) World Bank (d) Commonwealth 19. what do we call the water treaty signed between India and Pakistan? (a) Indo-Pak Water Treaty (b) Indus Basin Treaty (c) Treaty of Water (d) Rivers and Canals Treaty

20. Among the following which pact with India was signed by Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan? (a) Peace and Security Pact (b) Liaquat Gandhi Pact (c) Friendship Pact (d) Liaquat Nehru Pact 21. India made a cowardly attack on Lahore which resulted as war between two countries. When this war broke out? (a) 9th Sep 1965 (b) 7th Sep 1965 (c) 6th Sep 1965 (d) 4th Sep 1965 22. after the war of 1965 which pact was signed between India and Pakistan? (a) Bilateral Pact (b) Tashkant Pact (c) Moscow Pact (d) Soviet Pact 23. who called upon indian and Pakistani leaders to sign the pact? (a) Khrochev (b) Gorbachev (c) Alexie (d) Henry Kosygin 24. from India who participated the Tashkant Declaration? (a) Ms. Indra Gandhi (b) Mr. Lal Bahadur Shastri (c) Mr. Murarji Desai (d) Mr. Sanjay Gandhi 25. who represented Pakistan in Tashkant Meeting? (a) Gen. Ayub Khan (b) Gen. Yahya Khan (c) Mr. Z. A. Bhutto (d) Gen. Iskander Mirza 26. when Tashkant Agreement was signed? (a) January 1966 (b) February 1966 (c) August 1966 (d) September 1966 27. who participated Tashkant Pact as the Foreign Minister of Pakistan? (a) Mr. Hussain Shaheed

(b) Mr. I.I. Chundrigar (c) Mr. Malik Feroz Khan (d) Mr. Z.A. Bhutto 28. which political party was established by Mr. Bhutto? (a) Pakistan Peoples Party (b) Sindh Peoples Party (c) West Pakistan Party (d) United Peoples Party 29. when PPP was established? (a) October 1967 (b) August 1967 (c) November 1967 (d) December 1967 30. what was slogan of PPP? (a) Sabse Pehle Pakistan (b) Roti, Kapra or Makan (c) Qarz utaro Mulk Sanwaro (d) Democracy is the best revenge 31. when Gen Ayub Khan resigned from his President ship? (a) 20th March 1969 (b) 23rd March 1969 (c) 25th March 1969 (d) 29th March 1969 32. who became President of Pakistan after Ayub Khan? (a) Mr. Z.A. Bhutto (b) Mr. Fazl Elahi Choudhary (c) Gen. Yahya Khan (d) Justice Rafique Tarar 33. in which year Gen. Yahya held General Elections in the country? (a) 1970 (b) 1971 (c) 1972 (d) 1973 34. In Elections who secured victory in East Pakistan? (a) PPP (b) Muslim League (c) Awami League (d) Jamat-e-Islami

35. in West Pakistan who had the driving seat after Elections? (a) Muslim League (b) PPP (c) Awami League (d) Tehreek-e-Istakalal 36. which incident took place in 1971 which provided India chance to attack on Pakistan? (a) attack on Indian parliament (b) Indian drama of hijacking their own plane (c) Skirmishes on Border (d) All of them 37. what was the name of Indian plane that was hijacked? (a) Ganga (b) Jamna (c) Bangla (d) Lanka 38. when India launched war against Pakistan? (a) 15th November 1971 (b) 17th November 1971 (c) 19th November 1971 (d) 21st November 1971 39. which movement of East Pakistan also supported india in war of 1971? (a) Bangla Movement (b) Bangali Movement (c) Mukti Bahini (d) Azadi Movement 40. when East Pakistan separated from West Pakistan? (a) 26th December 1971 (b) 22nd December 1971 (c) 19th December 1971 (d) 16th December 1971 41. when Gen. Yahya Khan resigned from his President ship? (a) 18th December 1971 (b) 20th December 1971 (c) 22nd December 1971 (d) 24th December 1971 42. who became President of Pakistan after Yahya Khan? (a) Mr. Z.A. Bhutto

(b) Mr. Ghulam Ishaque Khan (c) Mr. Wasim Sajjad (d) Mr. Farooque Ahmed Khan Leghari 43. when Mr. Z.A. Bhutto became the Prime Minister of Pakistan? (a) 23rd March 1973 (b) 14th August 1973 (c) 6th September 1973 (d) 25th December 1973 44. which of the following was the first step taken by Mr. Bhutto for Economic Development? (a) Economic Pacts (b) Aid Agreements with World (c) Nationalization of Industries (d) Linking of Rupee with Dollar 45. after war of 1971 which agreement was signed between India and Pakistan? (a) Culcutta Pact (b) Lucknow Pact (c) Simla Pact (d) Bombay Pact 46. when the Simla Accord was signed? (a) January 1972 (b) March 1972 (c) July 1972 (d) October 1972 47. Mr. Bhutto represented Pakistan in Simla Agreement, who participated from India? (a) Mr. Rajiv Gandhi (b) Ms. Indra Gandhi (c) Mr. Narsimha Rao (d) Lal Krishan Advani 48. due to successful Foreign Policy of Mr. Bhutto, which important event took place in Pakistan? (a) 2nd Islamic Summit Conference (b) 2nd SAARC Conference (c) 2nd ASEAN Meeting (d) 2nd Golf World Cup 49. when 2nd Islamic Summit Conference was held? (a) December 1974 (b) August 1974

(c) April 1974 (d) February 1974 50. in which city of Pakistan 2nd Islamic Summit Conference was held? (a) Karachi (b) Islamabad (c) Lahore (d) Peshawar 51. How many Heads of Islamic countries participated 2nd Islamic Summit Conference? (a) 40 (b) 45 (c) 50 (d) 55 52. what major issue was resolved by Pakistan in 2nd Islamic Summit Conference? (a) Accepted Isreal (b) Accepted Bangladesh (c) Accepted Kashmir as Indian area (d) Accepted USA as Super Power 53. when Mr. Bhutto was arrested after Elections of 1977? (a) July 1977 (b) August 1977 (c) September 1977 (d) October 1977 54. who imposed third Martial Law on Pakistan? (a) Gen. Ayub Khan (b) Gen. Yahya Khan (c) Gen. Zia-ul-Haque (d) Gen Pervez Musharraf 55. when Mr. Bhutto was sentenced to get death punishment? (a) 1st April 1979 (b) 4th April 1979 (c) 10th April 1979 (d) 14th April 1979 56. when Gen. Zia held the referendum in the country? (a) January 1984 (b) June 1984 (c) September 1984 (d) December 1984

57. to whom Zia appointed as the Prime Minister of Pakistan? (a) Mr. Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi (b) Mr. Mohammad Khan Junejo (c) Mr. Moin Qureshi (d) Mr. Balakh Sher Mazari 58. in which year Mr. Mohammad Khan Junejo was appointed as Prime Minister? (a) 1983 (b) 1984 (c) 1985 (d) 1986 59. among the following which law was introduced by Ayub Khan? (a) Family Laws (b) Prisoners Laws (c) War Laws (d) Hudood Ordinance 60. among following what was introduced by Gen. Zia? (a) PLS Account (b) Hudood Ordinance (c) Both of them (d) None of them 61. when a C-130 plane carrying Gen. Zia crashed near Bahawalpur? (a) 15th August 1988 (b) 16th August 1988 (c) 17th August 1988 (d) 18th August 1988 62. who became President of Pakistan after Gen. Zia? (a) Mr. Ghulam Ishaque Khan (b) Mr. Waseem Sajjad (c) Mr. Farooque Khan Leghari (d) Mr. Mian Mohammad Soomro 63. when the Elections to the National and Provincial Assemblies were held in 1988? (a) August 1988 (b) September 1988 (c) October 1988 (d) November 1988 64. who became the Prime Minister in Elections of 1988? (a) Mr. Nawaz Sharif (b) Mrs. Benazir Bhutto

(c) Mr. Moin Qureshi (d) Mr. Mairaj Khalid 65. when Benazir Government was dismissed by G.I. Khan on various charges? (a) 6th August 1990 (b) 7th July 1990 (c) 8th September 1990 (d) 10th December 1990 66. who became Prime Minister of Pakistan after Elections of 1990? (a) Mr. Mian Mohammad Soomro (b) Mr. Balakh Sher Mazari (c) Mr. Nawaz Sharif (d) None of these 67. when Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal was established? (a) 1990 (b) 1991 (c) 1993 (d) 1992 68. when Mrs. Benazir Bhutto became Prime Minister for second term? (a) January 1993 (b) March 1993 (c) August 1993 (d) October 1993 69. what was the duration of second term of Benazir Government? (a) 1993-1994 (b) 1993-1995 (c) 1993-1996 (d) 1993-1997 70. during Nawaz Sharifs second tenure when Pakistan became Nuclear Power? (a) 28th May 1998 (b) 28th May 1999 (c) 30th May 1998 (d) 30th May 1999 71. what do we call the day when Pakistan became Nuclear Power? (a) Yoam-e-Dehshat (b) Yoam-e-Takbeer (c) Yoam-e-Misal (d) Yoam-e-Quwwat

72. when Nawaz Sharif was exiled to Saudi Arab by Gen. Pervez Musharraf? (a) June 1999 (b) August 1999 (c) September 1999 (d) October 1999 73. which post Gen. Musharraf secured after taking over? (a) President (b) Chief Martial Law Administrator (c) Chief Executive (d) Prime Minister 74. which of following event took place between India and Pakistan in Musharrafs era? (a) Kargil Dispute (b) Agra Summit (c) inauguration of train (d) All of these

77. who became Prime Minister of Pakistan after 2002 Elections? (a) Mr. Mir Zafarullah Jamali (b) Mr. Shoukat Aziz (c) Mr. Choudhry Shujaat Hussain (d) Mr. Yusuf Raza Gilani __________________

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