Journal Entry Rubric

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Journal Entry Rubric Teacher: Ms.

Rodriguez Student Name: ____________________________________________


30 Pts. The journal is written extensively in the perspective of a Jew. Six to seven examples of sensory detail are incorporated in the journal.

20 Pts. The journal is written extensively in the perspective of a Jew. Four to five examples of sensory detail are incorporated in the journal.



Zero to five spelling errors and zero to five capitalization errors are made in the journal.

10 Pts. The journal is written in the perspective of a Jew, though it can vary at times. Two to three examples of sensory detail are incorporated in the journal. Everything is Everything is extensively written in a written in a journal/diary journal/diary format. The format. The writer uses first writer uses first person in his or person in his or her writing, her writing. though the point of view changes at times to third person and/or second person. Six to ten spelling Eleven to errors and six to fifteen spelling ten capitalization errors and errors are made eleven to in the journal. fifteen capitalization errors are made in the journal.

0 Pts. The journal is not written in the perspective of a Jew. Sensory detail is not used. If it is used, only one example of sensory detail is incorporated in the journal. Everything is not written in a journal/diary format. The writer rarely uses first person in his or her writing. The point of view is a combination of mostly second and/or third person. Sixteen or more spelling errors and sixteen or more capitalization errors are made in the journal.

Total Points: _______/80 Pts. Additional Comments:

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