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MEC8043: Labview assignment

Name and student number Roberto Sacoto Molina / Student number: 120395769

Comments and mark

Comments and mark

Comments and mark n t!e "ractice a #utter$ord%s &ilter $as a""lied ' $it! t!e intention to eliminate t!e e(ternal noise o& t!e si)nal obtained' t!at !el"ed to a*oid t!e contamination o& t!e data because o& noise+ ,m"litude: -!e un&iltered si)nal )rounded re"resents t!e data t!at is not needed .i+e+ noise/be)innin) t!e data &rom 0 to 0+5 in t!e ,m"litud a(is' !o$e*er an accurate data is s!o$n in t!e )rounded &iltered si)nal' $!ere a sinusoidal $a*e a"ears and demostrate t!at t!e am"litude *alues be)in &rom 0 $it! 12 1+5 *alues in t!e ,m"litud a(is+ 3recuenc4: #ot!' t!e &iltered and t!e un&iltered si)nals !a*e similar &re5uenc4' but t!e &iltered data !a*e "ositi*e and ne)ati*e *alues in t!e same amount o& time in e*er4 &re5uenc4 c4cle' rat!er t!at t!e un&iltered data t!at onl4 !a*e "ositi*e *alues on e*er4 c4cle+ 6&&set: -!e o&&set *olta)e in t!e )rounded si)nal is 0' in di&&erence t!an t!e un)rounded si)nal $!ere t!e o&&set *olta)e be)ins in 20+090 7+ -!is means t!at t!e )rounded data is more re&ined' but in realit4 t!e o&&set *olta)e si)nal o& a com"onent de"ends o& its di&&erence o& &abrication' $ic! in t!is case a )round is added at t!e second si)nal $it! a *ariation in t!e be)innin) o& t!e measure+

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