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You moy ploy this cord on one of

y o u r s q u o d s d u r i n g
deployment. The squod hos
crowled forword during the
night to set up on ombush. You
moy deploy the squod up to 24
from the toble edge, ond you
moy ploce them in hiding if they
ore in or behind cover. n
oddition, the squod begins the
gome in Overwotch.
On orbiting storship or distont
ortillery bottery provides your
troops with some fire support. You
moy ploy this cord during ond of
your shooting phoses. Toke the 3
rodius blost morker ond ploce it
onywhere on the toble. Then roll o
5cotter die ond deviote the
templote 2D in the direction
indicoted. Any model under the
morker will be hit on o D roll of 4,
5 or . Hits ore resolved ot 5trength
5, inflicting D10 domoge ond
hoving o -3 soving throw modifier.
The ormour penetrotion volue of
the borroge is D+D10+5.
Your scouts hove booby tropped port of
the bottlefield to deny it to the enemy.
You moy ploy this cord ot ony time to
octivote the booby trops. Toke the Trops
counter ond ploce it onywhere on the
toble. Any models within 3 of the Trops
counter will trigger o booby trop on o
roll of 5 or on o D. A 2 blost morker
is centred on the booby trop. The model
ond onyone else covered by the blost
morker toke o 5trength 4 hit inflicting 1
domoge with o -1 sove modifier. Models
holf under the morker ore hit on o roll of
4, 5 or on o D. The Trops counter
remoins in ploy ond will immediotely
ottock ony other models which move
within 3 os noted obove.
5 I k A I E G Y5 I k A I E G Y5 I k A I E G Y5 I k A I E G Y
A cunning ond entirely originol
plon gives you on opportunity to
steol the initiotive from your
foe. Floy this cord before
deployment tokes ploces. koll o
D ond odd the score to your
forces strotegy roting for the
rest of the gome.
You moy ploy this cord during your
own shooting phose when you hit
on enemy vehicle but before the
ormour penetrotion roll is mode.
The gunner succeeds in locoting o
weok point in the vehicles ormour
so its ormour volue is holved
(rounding up} for thot shot only.
This cord will not work for weopons
which use o blost morker.
You con ploy this cord on on enemy
squod with broken morole ot ony
time. The broken squod completely
scotters os its cohesion disoppeors
ond individuol members run off to
hide in the deepest, dorkest holes
they con find. Though the troopers
ore not deod there is no longer ony
chonce of rollying them ond they
will ploy no further port in the
bottle. kemove the remoining
models in the squod os cosuolties.
Croven Cowordice moy olso be
ployed on shoken 5poce Morines to
couse them to breok.
5 I k A I E G Y5 I k A I E G Y5 I k A I E G Y5 I k A I E G Y
You moy ploy this cord before
your opponent sets up. A single
enemy squod or vehicle of your
choice is deloyed by infiltrotors
fighting behind the lines ond
does not deploy with the rest of
the enemy force. nsteod it
orrives during the opposing
ployers first movement phose
ond must move on from the
edge of the toble, storting ot o
point inside the enemys
deployment zone.
You moy ploy this cord ot the
stort of the gome. Your
commonder inspires the troops
with o mosterful speech before
the bottle. All of your troops odd
+1 to their Ld chorocteristics for
the entire gome.
You moy ploy this cord during ony
of your own movement phoses
ofter the first turn of the gome.
Flonk Morch ollows you to move o
squod or vehicle which you did not
deploy ot the stort of the gome onto
one of the neutrol edges of the
bottle zone (the left or right toble
edge in most circumstonces}. A Ld
test is required for the force to enter
on the desired turn. f the test is
foiled the force hos got lost ond
moy not move on until they poss o
Ld test ot the stort of o subsequent
movement phose.
8y pushing your ormy through the
night you orrive eorly enough to
scout the bottlefield ond deploy
before your foe orrives. You moy
ploy this cord ot the beginning of
the bottle before the forces ore
deployed. t ollows you to deploy
ony of your force up to 18 onto the
toble. However, ony squods or
vehicles which you wish to deploy
between 12 ond 18 onto the
toble must be deployed before ony
enemy forces, regordless of relotive
strotegy rotings.
5 I k A I E G Y5 I k A I E G Y5 I k A I E G Y5 I k A I E G Y
You moy ploy this cord insteod of
rolling the dice when you ottempt
to rolly o broken squod. The squod
is truly inspired ond rollies
outomoticolly. Furthermore, the
troops leop stroight bock into
oction without pouse! The squod
moy immediotely toke o normol
move ond fire of chorge into hond-
to-hond combot or go into
overwotch or whotever. After this
initiol burst of octivity the squod
octs os normol from the ployers
next turn onwords ond moy be
subsequently broken ogoin.
A troitor in the enemys ronks hos
reveoled their plons to you. You
moy ploy this cord ot the beginning
of the gome to increose your forces
strotegy roting by the roll of o D3.
Alternotively you con hold onto this
cord ond use it to concel out ony
one of the following strotegy cords.
8orroge, keinforcements, Flonk
Morch (the enemy force counts os
Deloyed insteod}, 8ooby Trops,
8rilliont 5trotegy, Forced Morch,
Deloyed or Ambush.
You moy ploy this cord when ony of
your chorocters is killed for ony
reoson providing there is onother
of your models within 3 ot the
time. The neorby trooper heroicolly
leops forword ond pushes the
chorocter out of the woy, toking the
hit himself. The chorocter model
survives, ond the heroic trooper is
rother sodly killed for his efforts.
You moy ploy this cord when the
enemy fires o heovy weopon. The
weopon in question suffers o
cotostrophic molfunction ond
explodes! This inflicts o 54 hit
inflicting 1 domoge with o -1 sove
modifier on the beorer if it is o
trooper. f the weopon wos
mounted on o vehicle roll on the
weopon domoge chort to see whot
effect the explosion hos.
5 I k A I E G Y5 I k A I E G Y5 I k A I E G Y5 I k A I E G Y
Unexpected reinforcements orrive
from o different sector of the front.
You moy ploy this cord ot the stort of
ony of your movement phoses. t
ollows you to pick one of your
squods or vehicles which hos been
destroyed during the gome ond
return it to ploy. The reinforcements
must move on from your own toble
edge during the movement phose
but they moy not pick on entry point
within 24 of ony enemy models.
The enemy scored victory points
normol l y f or domogi ng or
destroying the reinforcing model(s}
o second time.
A dormont virus becomes octive.
You moy ploy this cord ot ony time.
Floce the Virus counter onywhere
on the toble. Any models within 2
of the counter ore offected by it os if
o Virus grenode hod detonoted ot
thot spot. Work out the result of the
Virus Outbreok immediotely ond
leove the counter in ploce for the
rest of the gome. Anything which
opprooches within 2 of the Virus
counter in subsequent movement
phoses will be ottocked by the virus
5 I k A I E G Y5 I k A I E G Y 5 I k A I E G Y5 I k A I E G Y
You moy ploy this cord ot ony time
on o model (not vehicle} which hos
[ust been eliminoted for ony
reoson. 5omehow, miroculously,
the model is soved from its fote ~ it
ducks ot the lost second, is blown
cleor of on explosion, hurled out of
o croshing vehicle, whotever. f the
model is within the oreo of effect of
o blost morker which remoins in
ploy (such os plosmo or vortex}
move it outside the edge of the
You moy ploy this cord on one of
your chorocter models ot the stort
of the gome. 5huffle oll the
remoining Worgeor cords together
ond then drow one ot rondom. The
chorocter is permitted to keep the
Worgeor cord even if it is normolly
limited to o certoin roce or the
chorocter olreody hos his fully
complement of Worgeor cords. He
moy redrow if the first cord is
unusoble by him. For exomple, o
non-psyker drowing o force
Floy this cord ot the stort of the
bottle before deploying forces.
Assign on oreo no lorger thon
10"x4 in your holf of the toble
os o minefield.
Any model moving through the
minefield will set off o mine of o
D roll of 1 or 2. Mines inflict o
single 5trength hit thot does
D domoge with o -2 sove
modi f i er ond on AF of
You moy ploy this cord on one
of your s quods dur i ng
This squod hos been ordered to
cover the rest of the ormy os it
moves into position. The squod
is so well prepored it moy odd
+1 to oll its to hit rolls for
shooting in the first turn.
Alternotively, the squod moy
stort the bottle in overwotch.
5 I k A I E G Y5 I k A I E G Y 5 I k A I E G Y5 I k A I E G Y
Floy this cord when o chorocter in
your ormy is reduced to zero
wounds. 1ust before he dies, he
tokes one finol shot with his
weopon, or throws o grenode.
kesolve this os normol shooting,
outside the usuol turn sequence.
After this finol shot, the model is
removed. f the model is in hond-
to-hond combot, this shot must be
directed ot o model in bose contoct
(yes, he con even pull o pin on o
With o deofening roor o
bomber drops from the clouds,
delivering its poylood of
incendiories on top of the
enemy. Floce the Lorge Flomer
templote onywhere on the
Models ore hit os if by o Heovy
Flomer, so resolve domoge,
soving throws ond cotching fire
os normol.
You moy ploy this cord during
ony of your shooting phoses.
Fick ony enemy squod; thot
squod suffers o hit os from o
twin-linked outoconnon. 58, D
domoge, -3 sove, 8+2D
penetrotion, 2shots.
This ottock uses the Thudd Gun
templote. Mominote o direction of
ottock ond ploce templote 1 so thot
the orrow points in the desired
direction. This is the point of releose.
The whole blost morker then trovels
D" in the direction of the orrow, os the
bombs ore corried forword before they
impoct. kesolve plocing the other three
morkers os with o Thudd Gun. Any
model wholly under o templote is hit
outomoti col l y; model s porti ol l y
underneoth ore hit on o D roll of 4+.
Models ore hit os if by o Heovy Flomer,
so resolve domoge, soving throws ond
cotching fire os normol.

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