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1uesday, lebruary 18, 2014, 7:30 p.m.

now Can We Make n|gher Lducat|on More Inc|us|ve?

A Zcalo/uCLA LvenL
ModeraLed by kurL SLreeLer, 8eporLer, !"# %&'()(# *+,(#
LasL fall, a group of Afrlcan-Amerlcan uCLA sLudenLs produced a vldeo abouL Lhe
depresslngly low number of black undergraduaLes on campus LhaL wenL vlral.
1he vldeo relgnlLed a longsLandlng debaLe over wheLher Amerlcan unlverslLles
are sLlll Lhe englnes of soclal moblllLy we lmaglne Lhem Lo be. ubllc unlverslLles
ln sLaLes LhaL have banned afflrmaLlve acLlon are sLruggllng Lo enroll black and
LaLlno sLudenLs. And black, LaLlno, and low-lncome sLudenLs are also more llkely
Lo drop ouL of college before graduaLlon. Are our unlverslLles beLLer aL Lalklng
abouL dlverslLy Lhan Lhey are aL creaLlng and susLalnlng lL? WhaL can be done Lo
brlng more sLudenLs from underrepresenLed groups Lo campus-and Lo make
Lhem feel welcome Lhere?

uCLA assoclaLe vlce chancellor for enrollmenL managemenL
ou|onda Cope|and-Morgan, Lhe Campalgn for College
CpporLunlLy execuLlve dlrecLor M|che|e S|que|ros, and
CenLury loundaLlon senlor fellow k|chard D. kah|enberg vlslL
Zcalo Lo dlscuss whaL mlghL puL an end Lo Lhe dlsparlLles ln
Amerlcan hlgher educaLlon.
Museum of Contemporary Art
2S0 S. Grand Ave.
Los Ange|es, CA

A|| 2ca|o events are free
and open to the pub||c.

Make a reservat|on at
Iree recept|on w|th w|ne and beer to fo||ow d|scuss|on.

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