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THE CHILDREN'S HOUR A play in three acts by LILLIAN HELLMAH Copyright !

"# by Lillian Hell$an Applications %or the per%or$ance o% this play& 'hether by a$ate(rs or pro%essionals& sho(l) be a))resse) to the a(thor's agent& Christopher Mann Lt)& *+ ,ar- Lane& Lon)on& ./ / No per%or$ance $ay ta-e place (nless a licence has been obtaine)/ CHARACTERS ,E001 RO0ERS MRS/ LIL1 MORTAR E2EL1N MUNN HELEN 3URTON LOIS 4ISHER CATHERINE ROSALIE .ELLS MAR1 TIL4ORD 5AREN .RI0HT MARTHA DO3IE DOCTOR 6OSE,H CARDIN A0ATHA MRS/ AMELIA TIL4ORD A 0ROCER1 3O1 SCENE ACT ONE Li7ing Roo$ o% the .right8Dobie School/ Late a%ternoon in April/ ACT T.O Scene / Li7ing Roo$ at Mrs/ Til%or)'s/ A 9e' ho(rs later/ Scene #/ The sa$e/ Later that e7ening/ ACT THREE The sa$e as Act one/ No7e$ber/ ACT ONE Scene: A roo$ in the .right8Dobie School %or girls& a con7erte) %ar$8ho(se eighteen $iles %ro$ the to'n o% Lancet/ It is a co$%ortable& (npretentio(s roo$ (se) as an a%ternoon st()y8roo$ an) at all other ti$es as the li7ing8roo$& A large )oor Le%t Centre %aces the a()ience/ There is a single )oor Right/ Against both bac- 'alls are boo-cases/ A large )es- is at Right; a table& t'o so%as& an) eight or ten chairs/ It is early in an a%ternoon in April/ At rise: Mrs/ Lily Mortar is sitting in a large chair

Right Centre& 'ith her hea) bac- an) her eyes close)/ She is a pl($p& %lori) 'o$an o% %orty8%i7e 'ith ob7io(sly to(che)8(p hair/ Her clothes are too %ancy %or a class8roo$/ Se7en girls& %ro$ t'el7e to %o(rteen years ol)& are in%or$ally gro(pe) on chairs an) so%a/ Si< o% the$ are se'ing 'ith no great a$o(nt o% in)(stry on pieces o% 'hite $aterial/ One o% the others& E7elyn M(nn& is (sing her scissors to tri$ the hair o% Rosalie& 'ho sits& ner7o(sly& in %ront o% her/ E7elyn has Rosalie's hea) bent bac- at an a'-'ar) angle an) is en9oying hersel%/ The eighth girl& ,eggy Rogers& is sitting in a higher chair than the others/ She is rea)ing alo() %ro$ a boo-/ She is bore) an) she rea)s in a sing8song& tire) 7oice/ ,E001 =rea)ing> : ?It is t'ice blest; it blesseth hi$ that gi7es an) hi$ that ta-es : 'tis $ightiest in the $ightiest; it beco$es the throne) $onarch better than his cro'n ; his sceptre sho's the %orce o% te$poral po'er& the attrib(te to a'e an) $a9esty& 'herein / / @' =Mrs/ Mortar s())enly opens her eyes an) stares at the hair8c(tting/ The chil)ren $a-e e%%orts to 'arn E7elyn/ ,eggy raises her 7oice (ntil she is *+! ACT ONE sho(ting> ?)oth sit the )rea) an) %ear o% -ings ; b(t $ercy is abo7e ///? MRS/ MORTAR: E7elynA .hat are yo( )oingB E2EL1N =inanely She lisps> : Uh nothing& Mrs/ Mortar/ MRS/ MORTAR: 1o( are certainly )oing so$ething/ 1o( are r(ining the scissors& %or one thing/ ,E001 =lo()ly> : ?3(t $ercy is abo7e/ It / / /? MRS/ MORTAR : 6(st a $o$ent& ,eggy/ It is 7ery (n%ort(nate that yo( girls cannot sit C(ietly 'ith yo(r se'ing an) )rin- in the i$$ortal 'or)s o% the i$$ortal bar)/ =She sighs> E7elyn& go bac- to yo(r se'ing/ E2EL1N : I can't get the he$ thtraight/ Honeth& I'7e been trying %or three 'ee-th& b(t I 9(tht can't )o it/ MRS/ MORTAR : Helen& please help E7elyn 'ith the he$/ HELEN =rises& hol)ing (p the gar$ent E7elyn has been 'or-ing on/ It is soile) an) shapeless& an) so $(ch has been c(t o%% that it is no' har)ly large eno(gh %or a chil) o% %i7e/ 0iggling> : She can't e7er 'ear that& Mrs/ Mortar/ MRS/ MORTAR =7ag(ely> : .ell& try to )o so$ething 'ith it/ Ma-e so$e han)-erchie%s or so$ething/ 3e cle7er abo(t it/ .o$en $(st learn these tric-s/ =To ,eggy> Contin(e/ ?Mightiest in the $ightiest?/ ,E001 : ?Tis $ightiest in the $ightiest; it beco$es

the throne) $onarch better than his cro'n; his sceptre his sceptre sho's the %orce o% te$poral po'er& the attrib(te to a'e an) $a9esty& 'herein ? LOIS =%ro$ the bac- o% the roo$ chants so%tly an) $onotono(sly thro(gh the pre7io(s speech> : 4ereba$& %erebas& %erebat& %ereba$(s& %erebatis& %ere& %ere CATHERINE =t'o seats a'ayD the boo- proppe) in %ront o% her> : I4erebant/ LOIS : 4ereba$(s& %erebatis& %etebant& * + THE CHILDREN'S HOUR MRS/ MORTAR : .ho's )oing thatB ,E001 =the noise ceases She h(rries on> : ?.herein )oth sit the )rea) an) %ear o% -ings; b(t $ercy is abo7e this sceptre) s'ay& it is enthrone) in the hearts o% -ings& it is an attrib(te to 0o) hi$sel% ? MRS/ MORTAR =sa)ly& reproach%(lly> : ,eggy& can't yo( i$agine yo(rsel% as ,ortiaB Can't yo( rea) the lines 'ith so$e %eeling& so$e pityB =Drea$ily> ,ity/ AhA As Sir Henry sai) to $e $any's the ti$e& pity $a-es the actress/ No'& 'hy can't yo( %eel pityB ,E001 : I g(ess I %eel pity/ LOIS : 4ereba$(s& %erebatis& %ere %ere %ere CATHERINE : 4erebant& st(pi)/ MRS/ MORTAR : Ho' $any people in this roo$ are tal-ingB ,eggy& rea) the line again/ I'll gi7e yo( the c(e/ ,E001 : .hat's a c(eB MRS/ MORTAR : A c(e is a line or 'or) gi7en the actor or actress to re$in) the$ o% their ne<t speech/ HELEN =so%tly> : To re$in) hi$ or her/ ROSALIE =a %attish girl 'ith glasses> : .eren't yo( e7er in the $o7ies& Mrs/ MortarB MRS/ MORTAR : I ha) $any o%%ers& $y )ear/ 3(t the cine$a is a shallo' art/ It has no no =2ag(ely> no %o(rth )i$ension/ No'& ,eggy& i% yo( 'o(l) only try to s(b$erge yo(rsel% in this proble$/ 1o( are plea)ing %or the li%e o% a $an/ =She rises an) there are %aint sighs %ro$ the girls& 'ho stare at her 'ith blan-D bore) %aces/ She recites ha$$ily& 'ith gest(res> ?3(t $ercy is abo7e this sceptre) s'ay; it is enthrone) in the hearts o% -ings ; it is an attrib(te to 0o) hi$sel% ; an) earthly po'er )oth then sho' li-est 0o)'s 'hen $ercy seasons 9(stice?/ LOIS =al$ost singing it> : Utor& %r(or& %(ngor& potior& an) 7escor ta-e the )ati7es/ CATHERINE : Ta-e the ablati7e/ LOIS : Oh& )ear/ Utor& %r(or& %(ng *

ACT ONE MRS/ MORTAR =to Lois 'ith sarcas$> : 1o( ha7e so$ething to tell the classB LOIS =apologetically> : .e'7e got a Latin e<a$ this a%ternoon/ MRS/ MORTAR : An) yo( inten) to occ(py the se'ing an) eloc(tion ho(r learning 'hat sho(l) ha7e been learnt yester)ayB CATHERINE ='earily> : It ta-es her $ore than yester)ay to learn it/ MRS/ MORTAR : .ell& I cannot allo' yo( to interr(pt (s li-e this/ CATHERINE : 3(t 'e'7e %inishe) se'ing/ LOIS =a)$iringly> : I bet yo( 'ere goo) at Latin& Mrs/ Mortar/ MRS/ MORTAR =conciliate)> : Long ago& $y )ear& long ago/ No'& ta-e yo(r boo- o7er by the 'in)o'& an) )on't )ist(rb o(r en9oy$ent o% Sha-espeare/ =Catherine an) Lois rise& go to 'in)o'& stan) $($bling an) gest(ring> Let (s go bac- again/ ?It is an attrib(te o% ? =At this point the )oor opens %ar eno(gh to let Mary Til%or)& cl(tching a slightly %a)e) b(nch o% 'il) %lo'ers& sC(eeEe ca(tio(sly in/ She is %o(rteen& neither pretty nor (gly/ She is an (n)isting(ishe)loo-ing girl e<cept %or the s(llenly )issatis%ie) e<pression on her %ace> ?An) earthly po'er )oth then sho' li-est 0o)'s 'hen $ercy seasons 9(stice/ .e )o pray %or $ercy& an) that sa$e prayer )oth teach ? ,E001 =happily> : 1o('7e s-ippe) three lines/ MRS/ MORTAR : In $y entire career I'7e ne7er $isse) a line/ ,E001 : 3(t yo( )i) s-ip three lines/ =0oes to Mrs/ Mortar 'ith boo-> See B MRS/ MORTAR =seeing Mary si)ling along 'all to'ar) other en) o% roo$& t(rns to her to a7oi) ,eggy an) the boo-> : MaryA HELEN =in a 'hisper to Mary> : 1o('re going to catch it no'/ * # THE CHILDREN'S HOUR MRS/ MORTAR: MaryA MAR1 : 1es& Mrs/ MortarB MRS/ MORTAR : This is a pretty ti$e to be co$ing to yo(r se'ing class& I $(st say/ E7en i% yo( ha7e no interest in yo(r 'or-& yo( $ight at least re$e$ber that yo( o'e $e a little co(rtesy/ Co(rtesy is bree)ing/ 3ree)ing is an e<cellent thing/ =T(rns to class> Al'ays re$e$ber that/ ROSALIE: ,lease& Mrs/ Mortar& can I 'rite that )o'nB

MRS/ MORTAR : Certainly/ S(ppose yo( all 'rite it )o'n/ ,E001 : 3(t 'e 'rote it )o'n last 'ee- =Mary giggles>/ MRS/ MORTAR : Mary& I a$ still a'aiting yo(r e<planation/ .here ha7e yo( been B MAR1 : I too- a 'al-/ MRS/ MORTAR : So yo( too- a 'al-/ An) $ay I as-& yo(ng la)y& are 'e in the habit o% ta-ing 'al-s 'hen 'e sho(l) be at o(r classes B MAR1 : I a$ sorry& Mrs/ Mortar/ I 'ent to get yo( these %lo'ers/ I tho(ght yo( 'o(l) li-e the$ an) I )i)n't -no' it 'o(l) ta-e so long to pic- the$/ MRS/ MORTAR =%lattere)> : .ell& 'ell/ MAR1 =al$ost in tears> : 1o( 'ere telling (s last 'eeho' $(ch yo( li-e) %lo'ers& an) I tho(ght that I 'o(l) bring yo( so$e an) MRS/ MORTAR : That 'as 7ery s'eet o% yo(& Mary/ I al'ays li-e tho(ght%(lness/ 3(t yo( $(st not allo' anything to inter%ere 'ith yo(r classes/ No' r(n along& )ear& an) get a 7ase an) so$e 'ater to p(t $y %lo'ers in/ =Mary t(rns& stic-s o(t her tong(e at Helen& says ?A8a8a% & an) e<its Le%tD/ 1o( $ay p(t that boo- a'ay& ,eggy/ I a$ s(re yo(r %a$ily nee) ne7er 'orry abo(t yo(r going on the stage/ ,E001 : I )on't 'ant to go on the stage/ I 'ant to be a lightho(se8-eeper's 'i%e/ MRS/ MORTAR : .ell& I certainly hope yo( 'on't rea) * F ACT ONE to hi$/ =The la(ghter o% the class pleases her/ ,eggy sits )o'n a$ong the other girls 'ho are $a-ing a great sho' o% )oing nothing/ Mrs/ Mortar ret(rns to her chair& p(ts her hea) bac-& closes her eyes>/ CATHERINE : Ho' $(ch longer& O Catiline& are yo( going to ab(se o(r patienceB =To Lois> No' translate it& an) %or goo)ness sa-es try to get it right this ti$e/ MRS/ MORTAR =%or no reason> : ?One $aster passion in the breast& li-e Aaron's serpent& s'allo's all the rest''/ =She an) Lois are $(r$(ring )(ring 5aren .right's entrance/ 5aren is an attracti7e 'o$an o% t'enty8eight& cas(ally pleasant in $anner& 'itho(t sacri%ice o% 'ar$th or )ignity/ She s$iles at the girls& goes to the )es-/ .ith her entrance there is an i$$e)iate change in the $anner o% the girls: they are %on) o% her an) they respect her/ She gi7es Mortar 'hose C(otation has reache) her& an annoye) loo->/ LOIS : ?G(o (sC(e tan)e$ ab(tere / / /? 5AREN =a(to$atically> : ?Ab(tere? =Opens )ra'er in )es-> .hat's happene) to yo(r hair& Rosalie B ROSALIE : It got c(t& Miss .right/

5AREN =s$iling> : I can see that/ A ne' styleB Loo-s as tho(gh it has holes in it/ E2EL1N =giggling> : I )i)n't $ean to )o it that ba)& Mith .right& b(t Rothalie'th got %(nny hair/ I tha' a pict(re in the paper& an) I 'ath trying to )o it that 'ay/ ROSALIE =%eels her hair& loo-s pathetically at 5aren> : Oh& 'hat shall I )o& Miss .rightB =0est(ring> It's long here& an) it's short here an) 5AREN : Ne7er $in)/ Co$e (p to $y roo$ later an) I'll see i% I can %i< it %or yo(/ MRS/ MORTAR: An) herea%ter 'e'll ha7e no $ore hairc(tting/ 5AREN Helen& ha7e yo( %o(n) yo(r braceletB HELEN No& I ha7en't& an) I'7e loo-e) e7ery'here/ 5AREN Ha7e another loo-/ It $(st be in yo(r roo$ * * THE CHILDREN'S HOUR so$e'here/ =Mary co$es in Right& 'ith her 8%lo'ers in a 7ase/ .hen she sees 5aren& she loses so$e o% her ass(rance/ 5aren loo-s at the 9lo'ers in s(rpriseD/ MAR1 : 0oo) a%ternoon& Miss .right/ =Sits )o'n& loo-s at 5aren& 'ho is staring har) at the 9lo'ers>/ 5AREN : Hello& Mary/ MRS/ MORTAR =%l(ttering aro(n)> : ,eggy has been rea)ing ,ortia %or (s/ =,eggy sighs>/ 5AREN =s$iling> : ,eggy )oesn't li-e ,ortiaB MRS/ MORTAR : I )on't thin- she C(ite appreciates it& b(t& 5AREN =patting ,eggy on the hea)> : .ell& I )i)n't either/ I )on't thin- I )o yet/ .here') yo( get those %lo'ers& MaryB MRS/ MORTAR : She pic-e) the$ %or $e/ =H(rrie)ly> It $a)e her a little late to class& b(t she hear) $e say I lo7e) %lo'ers& an) she 'ent to get the$ %or $e/ =.ith a sigh> The %irst 'il) %lo'ers o% the season/ 5AREN : 3(t not the 7ery %irst& are they& MaryB MAR1 : I )on't -no'/ 5AREN : .here )i) yo( get the$B MAR1 : Near Con'ay's corn%iel) I thin-/ 5AREN : It 'asn't necessary to go so %ar/ There 'as a b(nch e<actly li-e this in the garbage can this $orning/ MRS/ MORTAR =a%ter a secon)> : Oh& I can't belie7e itA .hat a nasty thing to )oA =To Mary> An) I s(ppose yo( ha7e 9(st as %ine an e<c(se %or being an ho(r late to brea-%ast this $orning& an) last 'ee=To 5aren> I ha7en't 'ante) to tell yo( these things be%ore& b(t 5AREN =h(rrie)ly as a bell rings o%% stage> : There's the bell/ LOIS ='al-ing to'ar) )oor> : A)& ab& ante& in& )c&

inter& con& post& prae =Loo-s (p at 5aren> I can't see$ to re$e$ber the rest/ 5AREN : ,rae& pro& s(b& s(per/ Don't 'orry& Lois/ * " ACT ONE 1o('ll co$e o(t all right/ =Lois s$iles& e<its/ Mary atte$pts to $a-e a C(ic- e<it> .ait a $in(te& Mary& =Rel(ctantly Mary t(rns bac- as the girls %ile o(t/ 5aren $o7es the s$all chairs& clearing the roo$ as she tal-s> Mary& I'7e ha) the %eeling an) I )on't thin- I'$ 'rong that the girls here 'ere happy; they li-e) Miss Dobie an) $e& they li-e) the school/ Do yo( thin- that's tr(eB MAR1 : Miss .right& I ha7e to get $y Latin boo-/ 5AREN : I tho(ght it 'as tr(e (ntil yo( ca$e here a year ago/ I )on't thin- yo('re 7ery happy here& an) I') li-e to %in) o(t 'hy/ =Loo-s at Mary& 'aits %or an ans'er& gets none& sha-es her hea)> .hy& %or e<a$ple& )o yo( %in) it necessary to lie to (s so o%ten B MAR1 ='itho(t loo-ing (p> : I'$ not lying/ I 'ent o(t 'al-ing an) I sa' the %lo'ers an) they loo-e) pretty an) I )i)n't -no' it 'as so late/ 5AREN =i$patiently> : Stop it& Mary A I'$ not intereste) in hearing that %oolish story again/ I -no' yo( got the %lo'ers o(t o% the garbage can/ .hat I )o 'ant to -no' is 'hy yo( %eel yo( ha7e to lie o(t o% it/ MAR1 =beginning to 'hi$per> : I )i) pic- the %lo'ers near Con'ay's/ 1o( ne7er belie7e $e/ 1o( belie7e e7erybo)y b(t $e/ It's al'ays li-e that/ E7erything I say yo( %(ss at $e abo(t/ E7erything I )o is 'rong/ 5AREN : 1o( -no' that isn't tr(e/ =0oes to Mary& p(ts her ar$ aro(n) her& i7aits (ntil the sobbing has stoppe)D Loo-& Mary& loo- at $e/ =Raises Mary's %ace 'ith her han)> Let's try to (n)erstan) each other/ I% yo( %eel that yo( ha7e to ta-e a 'al-& or that yo( 9(st can't co$e to class& or that yo(') li-e to go to the 7illage by yo(rsel%& co$e an) tell $e I'll try an) (n)erstan)/ =S$iles> I )on't say that I'll al'ays agree that yo( sho(l) )o e<actly 'hat yo( 'ant to )o& b(t I'7e ha) %eelings li-e that& too e7erybo)y has an) I 'on't be (nreasonable abo(t yo(rs/ 3(t this * H THE CHILDREN'S HOUR 'ay& this -in) o% lying yo(/ )o& $a-es e7erything 'rong/ MAR1 =loo-ing stea)ily at 5aren> : I got the %lo'ers near Con'ay's corn%iel)/ 5AREN =loo-s at Mary& sighs& $o7es bac- to'ar) )esan) stan)s there %or a $o$ent> : .ell& there )oesn't see$ to be any other 'ay 'ith yo(; yo('ll ha7e to be p(nishe)/ Ta-e yo(r recreation perio)s alone %or the

ne<t t'o 'ee-s/ No horsebac-8ri)ing an) no hoc-ey/ Don't lea7e the school gro(n)s %or any reason 'hatsoe7er/ Is that clear B MAR1 =care%(lly> : Sat(r)ay tooB 5AREN: 1es/ MAR1 : 3(t yo( sai) I co(l) go to the boat8races/ 5AREN : I'$ sorry& b(t yo( can't go/ MAR1 : I'll tell $y gran)$other/ I'll tell her ho' e7erybo)y treats $e here an) the 'ay I get p(nishe) %or e7ery little thing I )o/ I'll tell her& I'll MRS/ MORTAR : .hy& I') slap her han)s A 5AREN =t(rning bac- %ro$ )oor& ignoring Mrs/ Mortar's speech/ To Mary> : 0o (pstairs& Mary/ MAR1 : I )on't %eel 'ell/ 5AREN ='earily> : 0o (pstairs no'/ MAR1 : I'7e got a pain/ I'7e ha) it all $orning/ It h(rts right here/ =,ointing 7ag(ely In the )irection o% her heart> Really it )oes/ 5AREN : As- Miss Dobie to gi7e yo( so$e hot 'ater an) bicarbonate o% so)a/ MAR1 : It's a ba) pain/ I'7e ne7er ha) it be%ore/ 5AREN : I )on't thin- it can be 7ery serio(s/ MAR1: My heartA It's $y heartA It's stopping or so$ething/ I can't breathe/ =She ta-es a long breath an) %alls a'-'ar)ly to the %loor>/ 5AREN =sighs& sha-es her hea)& -neels besi)e Mary to Mrs/ Mortar> : As- Martha to phone 6oe/ MRS/ MORTAR =going o(t> : Do yo( thin- B Heart tro(ble is 7ery serio(s in a chil)/ =5aren pic-s Mary (p %ro$ the %loor an) carries her o%% R9ght/ A%ter a $o$ent Martha Dobie enters Centre/ She Is abo(t the sa$e age as 5aren/ She is ner7o(s& high8str(ng 'o$an>/ 5AREN =enters Right> : Di) yo( get 6oeB MARTHA =no))ing>: .hat happene) to herB She 'as per%ectly 'ell a %e' ho(rs ago/ 5AREN : She probably still is/ I tol) her she co(l)n't go to the boat8races an) she ha) a heart attac-/ MARTHA : .here is she B 5AREN : In there/ Mortar's 'ith her/ MARTHA : Anything really 'rong 'ith her B 5AREN : I )o(bt it/ =Sits )o'n at )es- an) begins to $ar- papers> She's a proble$& that -i)/ Her latest tric- 'as -i))ing yo(r a(nt o(t o% a se'ing lesson 'ith those %a)e) %lo'ers 'e thre' o(t/ Then she threatene) to go to her gran)$other 'ith so$e tale abo(t being $istreate)/ MARTHA : An)& please 0o)& 0ran)$a 'o(l) belie7e her an) ta-e her a'ay/ 5AREN : .hich 'o(l) gi7e the school a s'ell blaceye/ 3(t 'e o(ght to )o so$ething/ MARTHA : Ho' abo(t ha7ing a tal- 'ith Mrs/ Til%or)B

5AREN =s$iling> : 1o( 'ant to )o itB =Martha sha-es her hea)> I hate to )o it/ She's been so nice to (s/ =Shr(gging her sho(l)ers> Any'ay& it 'o(l)n't )o any goo)/ She's too craEy abo(t Mary to see her %a(lts 7ery clearly an) the -i) -no's it/ MARTHA: Ho' abo(t as-ing 6oe to say so$ething to herB She') listen to hi$/ 5AREN : That 'o(l) be a)$itting that 'e can't )o the 9ob o(rsel7es/ MARTHA: .ell& 'e can't& an) 'e $ight as 'ell a)$it it/ .e'7e trie) e7erything 'e can thin- o%/ She's ha) $ore attention than any three -i)s p(t together/ An) 'e still ha7en't the %aintest i)ea 'hat goes on insi)e her hea)/ 5AREN : She's a strange girl/ MARTHA : That's p(tting it $il)ly/ 5AREN =la(ghs> : It's %(nny/ .e al'ays tal- abo(t the chil) as i% she 'ere a gro'n (p 'o$an/ MARTHA : It's not so %(nny/ There's so$ething the $atter 'ith the -i)/ That's been tr(e e7er since she %irst ca$e/ She ca(ses tro(ble here; she's ba) %or the other girls/ I )on't -no' 'hat it is it's a %eeling I'7e got that it's 'rong so$e'here 5AREN : All right& all right& 'e'll tal- it o7er 'ith 6oe/ No' 'hat abo(t o(r other pet n(isanceB MARTHA =la(ghs> : My a(nt the actress B .hat's she been (p to no'B 5AREN : Nothing (n(s(al/ Last night at )inner she 'as telling the girls abo(t the ti$e she lost her tr(n-s in 3(tte& Montana& an) ho' she ga7e her best per%or$ance o% Rosalin) )(ring a h(rricane/ To8)ay in the -itchen yo( co(l) hear her on 'hat Sir Henry Ir7ing sai) to her/ MARTHA : .ait (ntil she )oes He))a 0abler stan)ing on a chair/ Sir Henry ta(ght her to )o it that 'ay/ He sai) it 'as a test o% great acting/ 5AREN : 1o( $(st ha7e ha) a gay chil)hoo)/ MARTHA =bitterly> : Oh& I )i)& in)ee)/ 0o)& ho' I (se) to hate all that 5AREN : Co(l)n't 'e get ri) o% her soon& MarthaB I hate to $a-e it har) on yo(& b(t she really o(ght not to be here/ MARTHA =a%ter a $o$ent> : I -no'/ 5AREN : .e can scrape (p eno(gh $oney to sen) her a'ay/ Let's )o it/ MARTHA =goes to her& a%%ectionately pats her hea)> : 1o('7e been 7ery patient abo(t it/ I'$ sorry& an) I'll tal- to her to8)ay/ It'll probably be a 'ee- or t'o be%ore she can be rea)y to lea7e/ Is that all rightB 5AREN : O% co(rse/ =Loo-s at her 'atch> Di) yo( * ! ACT ONE

get 6oe hi$sel% on the phone B MARTHA : He 'as alrea)y on his 'ay/ Isn't he al'ays on his 'ay o7er hereB 5AREN =la(ghs> : .ell& I'$ going to $arry hi$ so$e )ay& yo( -no'/ MARTHA =loo-ing at her> : 1o( ha7en't tal-e) o% $arriage %or a long ti$e/ 5AREN : I'7e tal-e) o% it 'ith 6oe/ MARTHA : Then yo( are thin-ing abo(t it soon B 5AREN : ,erhaps 'hen the ter$ is o7er/ 3y that ti$e 'e o(ght to be o(t o% )ebt& an) the school sho(l) be paying 'ell %or itsel%/ MARTHA =ner7o(sly playing 'ith a boo- on the table> : Then 'e 'on't be ta-ing o(r 7acation together/ 5AREN : O% co(rse 'e 'ill/ The three o% (s/ MARTHA : I ha) been loo-ing %or'ar) to so$e place by the la-e 9(st yo( an) $e the 'ay 'e (se) to at College/ 5AREN =cheer%(lly> : .ell& no' there 'ill be the three o% (s/ That'll be %(n& too/ MARTHA =a%ter a 8pa(se> : .hy ha7en't yo( tol) $e this be%oreB 5AREN : I'$ not telling yo( anything 'e ha7en't tal-e) abo(t o%ten/ MARTHA : 3(t yo('re tal-ing abo(t it as soon& no'/ 5AREN : I'$ gla) to be able to/ I'7e been in lo7e 'ith 6oe %or a long ti$e =Martha crosses to 'in)o' an) stan)s loo-ing o(t& her bac- to 5aren/ 5aren %inishes $ar-ing papers an) rises> It's a big )ay %or the school/ Rosalie's %inally p(t an ? ? in co(l)/ MARTHA =in a )(ll bitter tone& not t(rning %ro$ 'in)o'> : 1o( really are going to lea7e& aren't yo(B 5AREN : I'$ not going to lea7e& an) yo( -no' it/ .hy )o yo( say things li-e thatB .e agree) a long ti$e ago that $y $arriage 'asn't going to $a-e any )i%%erence to the school/ *#+ THE CHILDREN'S HOUR MARTHA : 3(t it 'ill& yo( -no' it 'ill/ It can't help it/ 5AREN : That's nonsense/ 6oe )oesn't 'ant $e to gi7e (p here/ MARTHA =t(rning %ro$ 'in)o'> : I )on't (n)erstan) yo(/ It's been so )a$ne) har) b(il)ing this thing (p& sla7ing an) going 'itho(t things to $a-e en)s $eet thin- o% ha7ing a 'inter coat 'itho(t holes in the lining againA an) no' 'hen 'e're getting on o(r %eet& yo('re all rea)y to let it go to hell/ 5AREN : This is a silly arg($ent& Martha/ Let's C(it it/ 1o( ha7en't listene) to a 'or) I'7e sai)/ I'$ not getting $arrie) to$orro' an) 'hen I )o& it's not going to inter%ere 'ith $y 'or- here/ 1o('re $a-ing so$ething o(t o% nothing/

MARTHA : It's going to be har) going on alone a%ter'ar)s/ 5AREN : 4or 0o)'s sa-e& )o yo( e<pect $e to gi7e (p $y $arriage B MARTHA : I )on't $ean that& b(t it's so IDoor centre opens& an) Doctor 6oseph Car)in co$es in/ He is a large& pleasant loo-ing& carelessly )resse) $an o% abo(t thirty8%i7eJ / CARDIN : Hello& )arling/ Hi& Martha/ .hat's the best ne's B MARTHA : Hello& 6oe/ 5AREN : .e trie) to get yo( on the 'phone/ Co$e in an) loo- at yo(r little co(sin/ CARDIN: S(re/ .hat's the $atter 'ith her no'B I stoppe) at 2ernie's on the 'ay o7er to loo- at that little blac- b(ll he bo(ght/ He's a babyA There's going to be plenty o% goo) bree)ing )one in these hills/ 5AREN : 1o(') better co$e an) see her/ She says she has a pain in her heart/ =0oes o(t right>/ CARDIN =stopping to light a cigarette> : O(r little Mary pops (p in e7ery )ay's )ispatches/ *# ACT ONE MARTHA =i$patiently> : 0o an) see her/ Heart attac-s are nothing to play 'ith/ CARDIN =loo-s at her> : Ne7er playe) 'ith one in $y li%e/ =E<its 3ight>/ IMartha 'al-s aro(n) roo$ an) %inally goes to stare o(t o% ' IMrs/ Mortar enters EightD/ MRS/ MORTAR : I 'as as-e) to lea7e the roo$ =Martha pays no attention>/ It see$s that I'$ not 'ante) in the roo$ )(ring the e<a$ination/ MARTHA =o7er her sho(l)er> : .hat )i%%erence )oes it $a-eB MRS/ MORTAR : .hat )i%%erence )oes it $a-eB .hy& it 'as a )eliberate sn(b/ MARTHA : There's 7ery little pleas(re in 'atching a $an (se a stethoscope/ MRS/ MORTAR : Isn't it nat(ral that the chil) sho(l) ha7e $e 'ith her B Isn't it nat(ral that an ol)er 'o$an sho(l) be presentB =No ans'er> 2ery 'ell& i% yo( are so thic-8s-inne) that yo( )on't resent these things MARTHA : .hat are yo( tal-ing abo(tB .hy& in the na$e o% Hea7en& sho(l) yo( be 'ith herB MRS& MORTAR: It it's c(sto$ary %or an ol)er 'o$an to be present )(ring an e<a$ination/ MARTHA =la(ghs> : Tell that to 6oe/ Maybe he'll gi7e yo( a 9ob as )(enna %or his o%%ice/ MRS/ MORTAR =re$iniscently> : It 'as I 'ho sa7e)

Delia La$part's li%e the ti$e she ha) that heart attacin 3(%%alo/ .e al$ost lost her that ti$e/ ,oor DeliaA .e 'ent o7er to Lon)on together/ She $arrie) Robert La%%onne/ Not se7en $onths later he le%t her an) ran a'ay 'ith E7e Clo(n& 'ho 'as playing the In%ant ,heno$enon in 3ir$ingha$/ MARTHA : Console yo(rsel%/ I% yo('7e seen one heart *## THE CHILDREN'S HOUR attac-& yo('7e seen the$ all/ MRS/ MORTAR : So yo( )on't resent yo(r a(nt being sn(bbe) an) h($iliate)B MARTHA : Oh& A(nt Lily A MRS/ MORTAR : 5aren is consistently r()e to $e an) yo( -no' it/ MARTHA : I -no' that she is 7ery polite to yo(& an) 'hat's $ore i$portant 7ery patient/ MRS/ MORTAR : ,atient 'ith $eB I& 'ho ha7e 'or-e) $y %ingers to the bone B MARTHA : Don't tell yo(rsel% that too o%ten& A(nt Lily; yo('ll co$e to belie7e it/ MRS/ MORTAR: I -no' it's tr(e/ .here co(l) yo( ha7e gotten a 'o$an o% $y rep(tation to gi7e these chil)ren 7oice lessons& eloc(tion lessonsB ,atient 'ith $e B Here I'7e )onate) $y ser7ices MARTHA : I 'as (n)er the i$pression yo( 'ere being pai)/ MRS/ MORTAR : That s$all thingB I (se) to earn t'ice that %or one per%or$ance/ MARTHA : The gil)e) )ays/ It 'as 7ery e<tra7agant o% the$ to pay yo( so $(ch/ =S())enly tire) o% the 'hole thing> 1o('re not 7ery happy here& are yo(& A(nt LilyB MRS/ MORTAR : Satis%ie) eno(gh& I g(ess& %or a poor relation/ MARTHA =$a-es a $otion o% )istaste> : 3(t yo( )on't li-e the school or the %ar$& or MRS/ MORTAR : I tol) yo( at the beginning yo( sho(l)n't ha7e bo(ght a place li-e this/ 3(rying yo(rsel% on a %ar$A 1o('ll regret it/ MARTHA : .e li-e it here/ =A%ter a $o$ent> A(nt Lily& yo('7e tal-e) abo(t Lon)on %or a long ti$e/ .o(l) yo( li-e to go o7erB MRS/ MORTAR ='ith a sigh> : It's been t'enty years& an) I shall ne7er li7e to see it again/ MARTHA : .ell& yo( can go any ti$e yo( li-e/ .e can *#F ACT ONE spare the $oney no'& an) it 'ill )o yo( a lot o% goo)/ 1o( pic- o(t the boat yo( 'ant an) I'll get the passage/ =She has been tal-ing rapi)ly& an<io(s to en) the 'hole thing> No' that's all %i<e)/ 1o('ll ha7e a

gran) ti$e seeing all yo(r ol) %rien)s& an) i% yo( li7e sensibly I o(ght to be able to let yo( ha7e eno(gh to get along on/ =She begins to gather boo-s& noteboo-s& an) pencils>/ MRS/ MORTAR =slo'ly> : So yo( 'ant $e to lea7eB MARTHA : That's not the 'ay to p(t it/ 1o('7e 'ante) to go e7er since I can re$e$ber/ MRS/ MORTAR : 1o('re trying to get ri) o% $e/ MARTHA : That's it/ .e )on't 'ant yo( aro(n) 'hen 'e )ig (p the b(rie) treas(re/ MRS/ MORTAR: SoB 1o('re t(rning $e o(tB At $y ageB Nice& grate%(l girl yo( are/ MARTHA : Oh& $y 0o)& ho' can anybo)y )eal 'ith yo(B 1o('re going 'here yo( 'ant to go& an) 'ell be better o%% alone/ That s(its e7erybo)y/ 1o( co$plain abo(t the %ar$& yo( co$plain abo(t the school& yo( co$plain abo(t 5aren& an) no' yo( ha7e 'hat yo( 'ant& an) yo('re still loo-ing %or so$ething to co$plain abo(t/ MRS/ MORTAR ='ith )ignity> : ,lease )o not raise yo(r 7oice/ MARTHA : 1o( o(ght to be gla) I )on't )o 'orse/ MRS/ MORTAR: I absol(tely re%(se to be shippe) o%% three tho(san) $iles a'ay/ I'$ not going to Englan)/ I shall go bac- to the stage/ I'll 'rite to $y Agents to$orro'& an) as soon as they ha7e so$ething goo) %or $e MARTHA: The tr(th is I') li-e yo( to lea7e soon/ The three o% (s can't li7e together& an) it )oesn't $a-e any )i%%erence 'hose %a(lt it is/ MRS/ MORTAR: 1o( 'ish $e to go to8nightB MARTHA : Don't act& A(nt Lily/ 0o as soon as yo('7e %o(n) a place yo( li-e/ I'll p(t the $oney in the ban*#* THE CHILDREN'S HOUR %or yo( to$orro'/ MRS/ MORTAR : 1o( thin- I') ta-e yo(r $oneyB I') rather scr(b %loors %irst/ MARTHA : I i$agine yo('ll change yo(r $in)/ MRS/ MORTAR : I sho(l) ha7e -no'n by this ti$e that the 'ise thing is to stay o(t o% yo(r 'ay 'hen he's in the ho(se/ MARTHA : .hat are yo( tal-ing abo(t no'B MRS/ MORTAR : Ne7er $in)/ I sho(l) ha7e -no'n better/ 1o( al'ays ta-e yo(r spite o(t on $e / MARTHA : Spite/ =I$patiently> Oh& )on't let's ha7e any $ore o% this to8)ay/ I'$ tire)/ I'7e been 'or-ing since si< o'cloc- this $orning/ MRS/ MORTAR : Any )ay that's he's in the ho(se is a ba) )ay/ MARTHA : .hen 'ho's in the ho(seB MRS/ MORTAR : Don't thin- yo('re %ooling $e& yo(ng

la)y/ I 'asn't born yester)ay/ MARTHA : A(nt Lily& the a$o(nt o% )isconnecte) (npleasantness that goes on in yo(r hea) co(l) -eep a psychologist b(sy %or years/ No' go ta-e yo(r nap/ MRS/ MORTAR : I -no' 'hat I -no'/ E7ery ti$e that $an co$es into this ho(se& yo( ha7e a %it/ It see$s li-e yo( 9(st can't stan) the i)ea o% the$ being together/ 0o) -no's 'hat yo('ll )o 'hen they get $arrie)/ 1o('re 9ealo(s o% hi$& that's 'hat it is/ MARTHA =her '7oice is tense an) the pre7io(s attit()e o% goo)8nat(re) irritation is gone> : I'$ 7ery %on) o% 6oe& an) yo( -no' it/ MRS/ MORTAR : 1o('re %on)er o% 5aren& an) I -no' that/ An) it's (nnat(ral& 9(st as (nnat(ral as it can be/ 1o( )on't li-e their being together/ 1o( 'ere al'ays li-e that e7en as a chil)/ I% yo( ha) a little girl %rien)& yo( al'ays got $a) 'hen she li-e) anybo)y else/ .ell& yo(') better get a bea( o% yo(r o'n no' a 'o$an o% yo(r age/ MARTHA : The sooner yo( get o(t o% here& the better/ *#" ACT ONE 1o(r 7(lgarities are $a-ing $e sic- an) I 'on't stan) %or the$ any longer/ I 'ant yo( to lea7e =At Ms point there is a so(n) o(tsi)e the large )oors Centre/ Martha brea-s o%%& asha$e) an) angry/ A%ter a $o$ent she crosses to the )oor an) opens it/ E7elyn an) ,eggy are to be seen on the staircase/ 4or a secon) she stan)s still as they stop an) loo- at her/ Then& a%rai) that her anger 'ith her a(nt 'ill colo(r anything she $ight say to the chil)ren& she crosses the rooBn again an) stan)s 'ith her bac- to the$>/ MARTHA : .hat 'ere yo( )oing o(tsi)e the )oorB E2EL1N =h(rrie)ly> : .e 'ere going (pthtairth& Mith Dobie/ ,E001 : .e ca$e )o'n to see ho' Mary 'as/ MARTHA : An) yo( stoppe) long eno(gh to see ho' 'e 'ere/ Di) yo( )eliberately listenB ,E001 : .e )i)n't $ean to/ .e hear) 7oices an) 'e co(l)n't help MRS/ MORTAR =%a-e social tone> : Ea7es)ropping is so$ething nice yo(ng la)ies 9(st )on't )o/ MARTHA =%($ing to %ace the chil)ren> : 0o (pstairs no'/ .e'll tal- abo(t this later/ =Slo'ly sh(ts the )oor as they begin the stairs>/ MRS/ MORTAR : 1o( $ean to say yo('re not going to )o anything abo(t thatB =No ans'er/ She la(ghs nastily> That's the tro(ble 'ith these ne'8%angle) notions o% )iscipline an) MARTHA =tho(ght%(lly> : 1o( -no'& it's really ba) ha7ing yo( aro(n) chil)ren/ MRS/ MORTAR : .hat e<actly )oes that $eanB

MARTHA : It $eans that I )on't li-e the$ hearing the things yo( say/ Oh& I'll ?)o so$ething abo(t it?& b(t the tr(th is that this is their ho$e& an) things sho(l)n't be sai) in it that they can't hear/ .hen yo('re at yo(r best& yo('re not %or ten)er ears/ MRS/ MORTAR: So no' it's $y %a(lt& is itB 6(st as I sai)& 'hene7er he's in the ho(se yo( thin- yo( can *#H THE CHILDREN'S HOUR ta-e it o(t on $e/ 1o('7e got to ha7e so$e 'ay to let o%% stea$ an) =Door opens Right an) Car)in co$es in>/ MARTHA : Ho' is MaryB =Mrs/ Mortar& hea) in air& gi7es Martha a $alicio(s hal%8s$ile an) $a-es 'hat she thin-s is $a9estic e<it Centre>/ MRS/ MORTAR : 0oo) )ay& 6oseph/ CARDIN : .hat's the $atter 'ith the D(chessB =No)s at )oor center> / MARTHA : 6(st -eeping her han) in& in case Sir Henry's 'atching her %ro$ abo7e/ .hat abo(t MaryB CARDIN : Nothing& absol(tely nothing/ MARTHA =sighs> : I tho(ght so/ CARDIN : I co(l) ha7e $anage) a better %aint than that 'hen I 'as si< years ol)/ MARTHA : Nothing the $atter 'ith her at all& thenB CARDIN =la(ghs> : No& $a'a$& not a thing/ 6(st a little so$ething she tho(ght (p/ MARTHA : 3(t it's s(ch a silly thing to )o/ She -ne' 'e') ha7e yo( in/ =Sighs> Maybe she's not so bright/ Any i)iots in yo(r %a$ily& 6oeB Any inbree)ingB CARDIN : Don't bla$e her on $e/ It's another si)e o% the %a$ily/ =La(ghs> 1o( can loo- at A(nt A$elia an) tell : ol) Ne' Englan) stoc-; ne7er $arrie) o(t o% 3oston; still thin-s hono(r is hono(r an) )inner's at eight thirty/ 1es& $a'a$& 'e're a pro() ol) bree)/ MARTHA : The 6(-es 'ere an ol) %a$ily& too/ Loo-& 6oe& ha7e yo( any i)ea 'hat is the $atter 'ith MaryB I $ean& has she al'ays been li-e thisB CARDIN : She's al'ays been a honey/ A(nt A$elia's spoiling hasn't helpe) any& either/ MARTHA : .e're reaching the en) o% o(r rope 'ith her/ This -in) o% thing CARDIN =loo-ing at her> : Aren't yo( ta-ing this too serio(slyB MARTHA =a%ter a secon)> : I g(ess I a$/ 3(t yo( stay aro(n) -i)s long eno(gh an) yo( 'on't -no' 'hat to *#K ACT ONE ta-e serio(sly& either/ 3(t I )o thin- so$ebo)y o(ght to tal- to Mrs/ Til%or) abo(t her/ CARDIN : 1o( 'o(l)n't be $eaning $e no'& 'o(l) yo(& Miss DobieB

MARTHA : .ell& 5aren an) I 'ere tal-ing abo(t it this a%ternoon an) CARDIN : Listen& %rien)& I'$ $arrying 5aren& b(t I'$ not 'riting Mary Til%or) in the contract/ =Martha $o7es slightly/ Car)in ta-es her by the sho(l)ers an) t(rns her aro(n) to %ace hi$ again/ His %ace is gra7e& his 7oice gentle> 4orget Mary %or a $in(te/ 1o( an) I ha7e got so$ething to %ight abo(t/ E7ery ti$e anything' s sai) abo(t $arrying abo(t 5aren $arrying $e yo( =She 'inces> There it is/ I'$ %on) o% yo(/ I al'ays tho(ght yo( li-e) $e/ .hat is itB I -no' ho' %on) yo( are o% 5arenL b(t o(r $arriage o(ghtn't to $a-e a great )eal o% )i%%erence MARTHA =p(shing his han)s %ro$ her sho(l)ers>: 0o) )a$n yo(/ I 'ish =She p(ts her %ace in her han)s/ Car)in 'atches her in silence& $echanically lighting a cigarette/ .hen she ta-es her han)s %ro$ her %ace& she hol)s the$ o(t to hi$/ Contritely> 6oe& please& I'$ sorry/ I'$ a %ool& a nasty& bitter CARDIN =ta-es her han)s in one o% his& patting the$ 'ith the other han)> : A'& sh(t (p/ =He p(ts an ar$ aro(n) her& an) she leans her hea) against his lapel/ They are stan)ing li-e that 'hen 5aren co$es in Right/> MARTHA =to 5aren as she 'ipes her eyes> : 1o(r %rien)'s got a nice sho(l)er to 'eep on/ 5AREN : He's an a)$irable $an in e7ery 'ay/ .ell& the angel chil) is no' p(tting her clothes bac- on/ MARTHA : The angel chil)'s in%l(ence is abroa) e7en 'hile she's (nconscio(s/ Her roo$8$ates 'ere b(sy listening at the )oor 'hile A(nt Lily an) I 'ere yelling at each other/ 5AREN : .e'll ha7e to $o7e those girls a'ay %ro$ *#M THE CHILDREN'S HOUR one another/ =A bell rings %ro$ the rear o% the ho(se>/ MARTHA : That's $y class/ I'll sen) ,eggy an) E7elyn )o'n/ 1o( tal- to the$/ 5AREN : All right/ =As Martha e<its Centre& 5aren goes to'ar) )oor Right/ As she passes Car)in she -isses hi$> MaryA =Mary opens )oor& co$es inD stan)s b(ttoning the nec- o% her )ress>/ CARDIN =to Mary> : Ho''s it %eel to be bac- %ro$ the gra7e/ MAR1 : My heart h(rts& CARDIN =to 5aren> : Science has %aile)/ Try a hair br(sh/ MAR1 : It's $y heart& an) it h(rts/ 5AREN : Sit )o'n/ MAR1 : I 'ant to see $y gran)$other/ I 'ant to IE7elyn an) ,eggy ti$i)ly enter Center/LD 5AREN : Sit )o'n& girls& I 'ant to tal- to yo(/

,E001 : .e're a'%(lly sorry& really/ .e 9(st )i)n't thin- an) 5AREN: I'$ sorry too& ,eggy/ =Tho(ght%(llyD 1o( an) E7elyn ne7er (se) to )o things li-e this/ .e'll ha7e to separate yo( three/ E2EL1N : Oh& Mith .right& 'e'7e been together al$otht a year/ 5AREN : It 'as e7i)ently too long/ No' )on't let's tal- abo(t it/ ,eggy& yo( 'ill $o7e into Lois' s roo$& an) Lois 'ill $o7e in 'ith E7elyn/ Mary 'ill go in 'ith Rosalie/ MAR1 : Rosalie hates $e/ 5AREN : That's a 7ery st(pi) thing to say/ I can't i$agine Rosalie hating anyone/ MAR1 =starting to cry> : An) it's all beca(se I ha) a pain/ I% anybo)y else 'as sic- they') be p(t to be)& an) pette)/ 1o('re al'ays $ean to $e/ I get bla$e) an) p(nishe) %or e7erything/ =To Car)in> I )o& Co(sin 6oe/ All the ti$e %or e7erything/ *#! ACT ONE IMary by no' is crying 7iolently an) as 5aren hal% $o7es to'ar)s her& Car)in& 'ho has been 8%ro'ning& pic-s Mary (p an) p(ts her on the co(ch/&J CARDIN : 1o('7e been (npleasant eno(gh to Miss .right/ Lie here (ntil yo('7e stoppe) 'or-ing yo(rsel% into a %it/ =,ic-s (p his hat an) bag& s$iles at 5aren> I'7e got to go no'/ She's not going to h(rt hersel% crying/ The ne<t ti$e she %aints& I') 'ait (ntil she got tire) lying on the %loor/ =,assing Mary& he pats her hea)/ She 9er-s a'ay %ro$ hi$>/ 5AREN : .ait a $in(te/ I'll 'al- to the car 'ith yo(/ =To girls> 0o (p no' an) $o7e yo(r things/ Tell Lois to get her st(%% rea)y/ IShe an) Car)in e<it Centre/ A secon) a%ter the )oor is close)9 Mary springs (p an) thro's a c(shion at the )oor/'D E2EL1N : Don't )o that/ She'll hear yo(/ MAR1 : .ho cares i% she )oes B =5ic-s table> An) she can hear that too/ IS$all orna$ent 9ails o%% table an) brea-s on %loor& E7elyn an) ,eggy gasp& an) Mary's bra7a)o )isappears %or a $o$ent&/J E2EL1N =%rightene)>: No' 'hat are yo( going to )o B ,E001 =stooping )o'n in a 7ain e%%ort to pic- (p the pieces> : 1o('ll get the )e7il no'/ Dr/ Car)in ga7e it to Miss .right/ I g(ess it 'as a -in) o% a lo7er's gi%t/ ,eople get a'%(lly angry abo(t a lo7er's gi%t/ MAR1 : Oh& lea7e it alone/ Shell ne7er -no' 'e )i) it/ ,E001 : .e )i)n't )o it/ 1o( )i) it yo(rsel%/ MAR1 : An) 'hat 'ill yo( )o i% I say 'e )i) )o it B =La(ghs> Ne7er $in)& I'll thin- o% so$ething else/

The 'in) co(l)'7e -noc-e) it o7er/ E2EL1N : 1eth/ She'th going to belie7e that tone/ MAR1 : Oh& stop 'orrying abo(t it/ I'll get o(t o% it/ E2EL1N : Di) yo( really ha7e a pain B *F+ THE CHILDREN'S HOUR MAR1 : I %ainte)& )i)n't I B ,E001 : I 'ish I co(l) %aint so$eti$es/ I'7e ne7er e7en 'orn glasses li-e Rosalie/ MAR1 : A lot it'll get yo( to %aint/ E2EL1N : .hat )i) Miss .right )o to yo( 'hen the clath le%tB MAR1 : Tol) $e I co(l)n't go to the boat races/ E2EL1N : .he' A ,E001 : 3(t 'e'll re$e$ber e7erything that happens an) gi7e yo( all the so(7enirs an) things/ MAR1 : I 'on't let yo( go i% I can't go/ 3(t I'll %in) so$e 'ay to go/ .hat 'ere yo( )oing B ,E001 : I g(ess 'e sho(l)n't ha7e )one it& really/ .e ca$e )o'n to see 'hat 'as happening to yo(& b(t the )oors 'ere close)& an) 'e co(l) hear Miss Dobie an) Mortar ha7ing an a'%(l ro'/ Then Miss Dobie opens the )oor an) there 'e 'ere/ MAR1 : An) a lot o% cra'ling an) crying yo( both )i) too& I bet/ E2EL1N : .e 'ere thort o% thorry abo(t lithening/ I g(eth it 'athn't MAR1 : Ah& yo('re al'ays sorry abo(t e7erything/ .hat 'ere they saying B ,E001 : .hat 'as 'ho sayingB MAR1 : Dobie an) Mortar& silly/ ,E001 =e7asi7ely> : 6(st tal-ing& I g(ess/ E2EL1N : 4ighting& yo( $ean/ MAR1 : Abo(t 'hatB E2EL1N : .ell& they 'ere tal-ing abo(t Mortar going a'ay to Englan) an) ,E001 : 1o( -no'& it really 'asn't 7ery nice to'7e listene)& an) I thin- it's 'orse to tell/ MAR1 : 1o( )o& )o yo(B 1o( 9(st )on't tell $e an) see 'hat happens/ =,eggy sighs>/ E2EL1N : Mortar got a'%(l thore at that an) thai) they 9(th 'ante) to get ri) o% her an) then they thtarte) tal-ing abo(t Dr/ Car)in/ *F ACT ONE MAR1: .hat abo(t hi$B ,E001 : .e') better get starte) $o7ing; Miss .right 'ill be bac- %irst thing 'e -no'/ MAR1 =%iercely> ; Sh(t (p A 0o on& E7elyn/ E2EL1N : They're going to be $arrie)/ MAR1 : E7erybo)y -no's that/ ,E001 : 3(t e7erybo)y )oesn't -no' that Miss Dobie

)oesn't 'ant the$ to get $arrie)/ Ho' )o yo( li-e thatB =The )oor opens an) Rosalie .ells stic-s her hea) in>/ ROSALIE : I ha7e a class soon/ I% yo('re going to $o7e yo(r things& MAR1 : Close that )oor& yo( i)iot/ =Rosalie )oses )oor& stan)s near it> .hat )o yo( 'antB ROSALIE : I'$ trying to tell yo(/ I% yo('re going to $o7e yo(r things not that I 'ant yo( in 'ith $e yo(') better start right no'/ Miss .right's co$ing in a $in(te/ MAR1: .ho cares i% she isB ROSALIE =starts %or )oor> : I'$ 9(st telling yo( %or yo(r o'n goo)/ ,E001 =getting (p> : .e're co$ing/ MAR1 : No/ Let Rosalie $o7e o(r things/ ROSALIE : 1o( craEyB ,E001 : It's all right/ E7elyn an) get yo(r things/ Co$e on& E7elyn/ MAR1 : Trying to get o(t o% telling $e& h(hB .ell& yo( 'on't get o(t o% it that 'ay/ Sit )o'n an) stop being s(ch a sissy/ Rosalie& yo( go on (p an) $o7e $y things an) )on't say a 'or) abo(t o(r being )o'n here/ ROSALIE : An) 'ho 'as yo(r 4rench $ai) yester)ay MaryTil%or)B @K MAR1 : 1o(ll )o %or to8)ay/ No' go on& Rosalie& an) %i< o(r things/ ROSALIE: 1o( craEyB MAR1 ; An) the ne<t ti$e 'e go into to'n& I'll let *F# THE CHILDREN'S HOUR yo( 'ear $y gol) loc-et an) b(c-le/ 1o('ll li-e that 'on't yo(& RosalieB ROSALIE =)ra's bac-& $o7es her han)s ner7o(sly> : I )on't -no' 'hat yo('re tal-ing abo(t/ MAR1 : Oh& I'$ not tal-ing abo(t anything in partic(lar/ 1o( 9(st r(n along no' an) re$in) $e the ne<t ti$e to get $y b(c-le an) loc-et %or yo(/ ROSALIE =stares at her %or a $o$ent> : All right& I'll )o it this ti$e& b(t 9(st 'ca(se I got a goo) )isposition/ 3(t )on't thin- yo('re going to boss $e aro(n)& Mary Til%or)/ MAR1 =s$iling> : No& in)ee)/ =Rosalie starts %or )oor> An) get the things )one neatly& Rosalie/ Don't $(ss $y 'hite linen bloo$ers =The )oor sla$s as Mary la(ghs>/ E2EL1N : No' 'hat )o yo( thin- o% thatB .hat $a)e her tho agreeable B MAR1: Oh& a little secret 'e'7e got/ 0o on& no'& 'hat else )i) they sayB ,E001 : .ell& Mortar sai) that Dobie 'as 9ealo(s o% the$& an) that she 'as li-e that 'hen she 'as a

little girl& an) that she's better get hersel% a bea( o% her o'n beca(se it 'as (nnat(ral& an) that she ne7er 'ante) anybo)y to li-e Miss .right& an) that 'as (nnat(ral/ 3oyA Di) Miss Dobie get sore at thatA E2EL1N: Then 'e )i)n't hear any $ore/ ,eggy )roppe) a boo-/ MAR1 : .hat') she $ean Dobie 'as 9ealo(sB ,E001 : .hat's (nnat(ralB E2EL1N : Un %or not/ Not nat(ral/ ,E001 : It's %(nny& beca(se e7erybo)y gets $arrie)/ MAR1 : A lot o% people )on't/ They're too (gly/ ,E001 =9($ps (p& claps her han) to her $o(th> : Oh& $y 0o) A Rosalie'll %in) that copy o% Ma)e$oiselle )e Ma(pin/ She'll blab li-e the )ic-ens/ MAR1 : Ah& she 'on't say a 'or)/ E2EL1N : .hG getth the boo- 'hen 'e $o7eB *FF ACT ONE MAR1 : 1o( can ha7e it/ That's 'hat I 'as )oing this $orning& %inishing it/ There's one part in it ,E001: .hat partB =Mary la(ghs>/ E2EL1N : .ell& 'hat 'ath itB MAR1 : .ait (ntil yo( rea) it/ E2EL1N : Don't %orget to gi7e it to $e/ ,E001 : Its a sha$e abo(t being $o7e)/ I'7e got to go in 'ith Helen& an) she blo's her nose all night/ Lois tol) $e/ MAR1 : It 'as a )irty tric- $a-ing (s $o7e/ She 9(st 'ants to see ho' $(ch %(n she can ta-e a'ay %ro$ $e/ She hates $e/ ,E001 : No she )oesn't& Mary/ She treats yo( 9(st li-e the rest o% (s al$ost better/ MAR1 : That's right& stic- (p %or yo(r cr(sh/ Ta-e her si)e against $ine/ ,E001 : I )i)n't $ean it that 'ay/ E2EL1N =loo-s at her 'atch> : .e') better get (pthtairth/ MAR1 : I'$ not going/ ,E001 : Rosalie isn't so ba)/ E2EL1N : .hat are yo( going to )o abo(t the 7atheB MAR1 : I )on't care abo(t Rosalie& an) I )on't care abo(t the 7ase/ I'$ not going to be here/ E2EL1N an) ,E001 =together> : Not going to be here A .hat )o yo( $ean B MAR1 =cal$ly> : I'$ going ho$e/ ,E001 : Oh& Mary/ E2EL1N : 1o( can't )o that/ MAR1: Can't IB 1o( 9(st 'atch/ =3egins to 'alaro(n) the roo$> I'$ not staying here/ I'$ going ho$e aa) tell 0ran)$a I'$ not staying a9ny $ore/ =S$iles to hersel%> I'll tell her I'$ not happy/ They're scare) o% 0ran)$a she helpe) 'e$ 'hen they %irst

starte)& yo( -no' an) 'hen she tells 'e$ so$ething& belie7e $e& they'll sit (p an) listen/ They can't get a'ay 'ith treating $e li-e this& an) they )on't ha7e *F* THE CHILDREN'S HOUR to thin- they can/ ,E001 =appalle)> : 1o( 9(st going to 'al- o(t li-e thatB E2EL1N : .hat are yo( going to tell yo(r 0ran)$other B MAR1 : Oh& 'ho cares B I'll thin- o% so$ething to tell her/ I can al'ays )o better on the sp(r o% the $o$ent/ ,E001 : She'll sen) yo( right bac-/ MAR1 : 1o( let $e 'orry abo(t that/ 0ran)$a's 7ery %on) o% $e& on acco(nt $y %ather 'as her %a7o(rite son/ I can $anage her all right/ ,E001 : I )on't thin- yo( o(ght to go& really& Mary/ It's 9(st going to $a-e an a'%(l lot o% tro(ble/ E2EL1N : .hat'th going to happen abo(t the 7atheB MAR1: Say I )i) it it )oesn't $a-e a bit o% )i%%erence any $ore to $e/ No' listen& yo( t'o got to help/ They 'on't $iss $e be%ore )inner i% yo( $a-e Rosalie sh(t the )oor an) -eep it sh(t/ No'& Til go thro(gh the %iel) to 4rench's& an) then I can get the b(s to Ho$estea)/ E2EL1N : Ho' are yo( going to get to the thtreet8carB MAR1: Ta<i& i)iot/ ,E001 : Ho' are yo( going to get o(t o% here in the %irst placeB MAR1 : I'$ going to 'al- o(t/ 1o( -no' 'here the %ront )oor is& or are yo( too )($b e7en %or thatB .ell& I'$ going right o(t that %ront )oor/ E2EL1N : 0ee& I 'o(l)n't ha7e the ner7e/ MAR1 : O% co(rse yo( 'o(l)n't/ 1o(') let 'e$ )o anything to yo( they 'ant/ .ell& they can't )o it to $e/ .ho's got any $oneyB E2EL1N : Not $e/ Not a thent/ MAR1 : I'7e got to ha7e at least a )ollar %or the ta<i an) a )i$e %or the b(s/ E2EL1N : An) 'here yo( going to %in) itB ,E001: SeeB .hy )on't yo( 9(st 'ait (ntil yo(r allo'ance co$es Mon)ay& an) then yo( can go any *F" ACT ONE place yo( 'ant/ Maybe by that ti$e MAR1 : I'$ going to8)ay/ No'/ E2EL1N : 1o( can't 'al- to Lanthet/ MAR1 =goes to ,eggy> : 1o('7e got $oney/ 1o('7e got t'o )ollars an) t'enty8%i7e cents& ,E001: I I MAR1 : 0o get it %or $e/ ,E001 : No A No A I 'on't get it %or yo(/ E2EL1N : 1o( can't ha7e that $oney& Mary

MAR1 : 0et it %or $e/ ,E001 =cringes& her 7oice is scare)> : I 'on't/ I 'on't/ Ma$$a )oesn't sen) $e $(ch allo'ance not hal% as $(ch as the rest o% yo( get I sa7e) this so long yo( too- it %ro$ $e last' ti$e E2EL1N : Ah& she 'antth that bithycle tho ba)/ ,E001 ; I ha7en't gone to the $o7ies& I ha7en't ha) any can)y& I ha7en't ha) anything the rest o% yo( get all the ti$e/ It too- $e so long to sa7e that an) I MAR1 : 0o (pstairs an) get $e the $oney/ ,E001 =hysterically& bac-ing a'ay %ro$ her> : I 'on't/ I 'on't/ I 'on't/ =Mary $a-es a s())en $o7e %or her& grabs her le%t ar$& an) 9er-s it bac-& har) an) e<pertly/ ,eggy screa$s so%tly/ E7elyn tries to ta-e Mary's ar$ a'ay/ .itho(t releasing her hol) on ,eggy& Mary slaps E7elyn's %ace/ E7elyn begins to cry>/ MAR1 : 6(st say 'hen yo('7e ha) eno(gh/ ,E001 =so%tly& sti%lingly> : All all right I'll get it/ =Mary s$iles& no)s her hea)& as the c(rtain %alls/> *FH ACT T.O Scene Scene: Li7ing roo$ at Mrs/ Til8%or)'s/ It is a %or$al roo$& 'itho(t being col) or elegant/ The 8%(rnit(re is ol)& b(t e<cellent/ The e<it to the hall is Le%t; glass )oors Right& At rise: Stage is e$pty/ 2oices are hear) in the hall/ A0ATHA =o%%8stage> : .hat are yo( )oing hereB .ell& co$e on in )on't stan) there gaping at $e/ Ha7e they gi7en yo( a holi)ay or )i) yo( 9(st )eci)e yo(') get a better )inner hereB =Agatha enters Le%t& %ollo'e) by Mary& Agatha is a sharp8%ace) $ai)& no longer yo(ng& 'ith a C(er(lo(s 7oice> Can't yo( e7en say helloB MAR1 : Hello& Agatha/ 1o( )i)n't gi7e $e a chance/ .here's 0ran)$aB A0ATHA : .hy aren't yo( in school B Loo- at yo(r %ace an) clothes/ .here ha7e yo( beenB MAR1 : I got a little )irty co$ing ho$e/ I 'al-e) part o% the 'ay thro(gh the 'oo)s/ A0ATHA : .hy )i)n't yo( p(t on yo(r $i))y blo(se an) yo(r ol) bro'n coatB MAR1 : Oh& stop as-ing $e C(estions/ .here's 0ran)$aB A0ATHA : .here o(ght any clean person to be at this ti$e o% )ayB She's ta-ing a bath/ MAR1 : Is anybo)y co$ing %or )inner B A0ATHA : She )i)n't say anything abo(t yo(r co$ing/ MAR1 : Ho' co(l) she& st(pi) B She )i)n't -no'/ A0ATHA : Then 'hat are yo( )oing hereB MAR1 : Lea7e $e alone/ I )on't %eel 'ell/ A0ATHA : .hy )on't yo( %eel 'ell B .ho e7er hear) *FK

ACT T.O& SCENE ONE o% a person going %or a 'al- in the 'oo)s 'hen they )i)n't %eel 'ellB MAR1 : Oh& lea7e $e alone/ I ca$e ho$e beca(se I 'as sic-/ A0ATHA : 1o( loo- all right/ MAR1 : 3(t I )on't %eel all right/ =.hining> I can't e7en co$e ho$e 'itho(t e7erybo)y nagging at $e/ A0ATHA : Don't thin- yo('re %ooling $e& yo(ng la)y/ 1o( $ight p(ll the 'ool o7er so$e people's eyes b(t I bet yo('7e been (p to so$ething again/ =Stares s(spicio(sly at Mary& 'ho says nothing> .ell& yo( 'ait right here till I tell yo(r gran)$other/ An) i% yo( %eel so sic-& yo( certainly 'on't 'ant any )inner/ A goo) )ose o% rh(barb an) so)a 'ill %i< yo( (p/ =E<its Le%t>/ IMary $a-es a %ace in the )irection Agatha has gone an) stops sni%%ling/ She loo-s ner7o(sly aro(n) the roo$& then goes to a lo' $irror an) tries se7eral e<peri$ents 'ith her %ace in an atte$pt to $a-e it loo- sic- an) haggar)/LD IMrs/ Til9or)& 8%ollo'e) by Agatha& enters Le%t/ Mrs/ Til%or) is a large& )igni%ie) 'o$an in her si<ties& 'ith a pleasant strong %ace/'J A0ATHA =to Mrs/ Til%or)& as s'he %ollo's her into the roo$>: .hy )i)n't yo( p(t so$e col) 'ater on yo(r chestB Do yo( 'ant to catch yo(r )eath o% col) at yo(r ageB Di) yo( ha7e to h(rry soB MRS/ TIL4ORD: Mary& 'hat are yo( )oing ho$eB IMary r(shes to her an) b(rries her hea) in Mrs/ Til%or)'s )ress& crying/ Mrs/ Til%or) lets her cry %or a $o$ent 'hile she pats her hea)& then p(ts an ar$ aro(n) the chil) an) lea)s her to a so%a/N MRS/ TIL4ORD : Ne7er $in)& )ear; no' stop crying an) tell $e 'hat is the $atter/ *FM THE CHILDREN'S HOUR MAR1 =gra)(ally stops crying& 8%on)ling Mrs/ Til8%or)'s ban)& %laying on the ol)er 'o$an's a%%ection %or her> : It's so goo) to see yo(& 0ran)$a/ 1o( )i)n't co$e to 7isit $e all last 'ee-/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : I co(l)n't& )ear& b(t I 'as co$ing to$orro'/ MAR1 : I $isse) yo( so/ =S$iling (p at Mrs/ Til%or)> I 'as a'%(l ho$esic-/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : I'$ gla) that's all it 'as/ I 'as %rightene) 'hen Agatha sai) yo( 'ere not 'ell/ A0ATHA : Di) I say thatB I sai) she nee)e) a goo) )ose o% rh(barb an) so)a/ Most li-ely she only ca$e ho$e %or .e)nes)ay night %()ge ca-e/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : .e all get ho$esic-/ 3(t ho' )i) yo( get hereB Di) Miss 5aren )ri7e yo( o7erB

MAR1 : I I 'al-e) $ost o% the 'ay& an) then a la)y ga7e $e a ri)e an) =Loo-s ti$i)ly at Mrs/ Til%or)>/ A0ATHA : Di) she ha7e to 'al- thro(gh the 'oo)s in her 7ery best coatB MRS/ TIL4ORD : MaryA Do yo( $ean yo( le%t 'itho(t per$ission B MAR1 =ner7o(sly> : I ran a'ay& 0ran)$a/ They )i)n't -no'/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : That 'as a 7ery ba) thing to )o& an) they'll be 'orrie)/ Agatha& phone Miss .right an) tell her Mary is here/ 6ohn 'ill )ri7e her bac- be%ore )inner/ MAR1 =as Agatha starts to'ar)s telephone> : No& 0ran)$a& )on't )o that/ ,lease )on't )o that/ Let $e stay/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : 3(t& )arling& yo( can't lea7e school any ti$e yo( please/ MAR1 : Oh& please 0ran)$a& )on't sen) $e bacright a'ay/ 1o( )on't -no' ho' they'll p(nish $e/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : I )on't thin- they'll be that angry/ Co$e& yo('re acting li-e a %oolish little girl/ MAR1 =hysterically& as she sees Agatha abo(t to pic*F! ACT T.O& SCENE ONE (p the telephone> : 0ran)$a& please A I can't go bac- A I can't A They'll -ill $e A They 'ill& 0ran)$a A They'll -ill $eA IMrs/ Til%or) an) Agatha stare at Mary in a$aEe$ent/ She p(ts her hea) in Mrs/ Til%or)'s lap an) sobs/'D MRS/ TIL4ORD =$otioning 'ith a han) %or Agatha to lea7e the roo$> : Ne7er $in) 'phoning no'& Agatha/ A0ATHA : I% yo('re going to let her =Mrs/ Til%or) repeats the gest(re/ Agatha e<its Right 'ith o%%en)e) )ignity>/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : Stop crying& Mary/ MAR1 =raising her hea) %ro$ Mrs/ Til%or)'s lap> : It's so nice here& 0ran)$a/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : I'$ gla) yo( li-e being ho$e 'ith $e& b(t at yo(r age& yo( can har)ly =More serio(sly> .hat $a)e yo( say s(ch a terrible thing abo(t Miss .right an) Miss DobieB 1o( -no' they 'o(l)n't h(rt yo(/ MAR1 : Oh& b(t they 'o(l)/ They I =3rea-s o%%& loo-s aro(n) as i% h(nting %or a )(e to her ne<t 'or); then )ra$atically> I %ainte) to8)ay/ MRS/ TIL4ORD =alar$e)> : 4ainte)B MAR1 : 1es& I )i)/ My heart I ha) a pain in $y heart/ I co(l)n't help ha7ing a pain in $y heart& an) 'hen I %ainte) right in class& they calle) Co(sin 6oe an) he sai) I )i)n't/ He sai) it 'as $aybe only that I ate $y brea-%ast too %ast an) Miss .right bla$e) $e %or it/

MRS/ TIL4ORD =relie7e)> : I'$ s(re i% 6oseph sai) it 'asn't serio(s& it 'asn't/ MAR1 : 3(t I )i) ha7e a pain in $y heart honest/ MRS/ TIL4ORD: Ha7e yo( still got itB MAR1 : I g(ess I ha7en't got it $(ch any $ore& b(t I %eel a little 'ea-& an) I 'as so scare) o% Miss .right being $ean to $e 9(st beca(se I 'as sic-/ **+ THE CHILDREN'S HOUR MRS/ TIL4ORD : Scare) o% 5arenB Nonsense/ It's per%ectly possible that yo( ha) a pain& b(t i% yo( really ha) been sic- yo(r Co(sin 6oseph 'o(l) certainly ha7e -no'n it/ It's not nice to %righten people by preten)ing to be sic- 'hen yo( aren't/ MAR1 : I )i)n't 'ant to be sic-& b(t I'$ al'ays getting p(nishe) %or e7erything/ MRS/ TIL4ORD =gently>: 1o( $(stn't i$agine things li-e that& chil)& or yo('ll gro' (p to be a 7ery (nhappy 'o$an/ I'$ not going to scol) yo( any $ore %or co$ing ho$e this ti$e& tho(gh I s(ppose I sho(l)/ R(n along (pstairs an) 'ash yo(r %ace an) change yo(r )ress& an) a%ter )inner 6ohn 'ill )ri7e yo( bac-/ R(n along/ MAR1 =happily> : I can stay %or )innerB MRS/ TIL4ORD : 1es/ MAR1 : Maybe& I co(l) stay till the %irst o% the 'ee-/ Sat(r)ay's yo(r birth)ay an) I co(l) be here 'ith yo(/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : .e )on't celebrate $y birth)ay& )ear/ 1o('ll ha7e to go bac- to school a%ter )inner/ MAR1 : 3(t =She hesitates& then goes (p to Mrs/ Til%or) an) p(ts her ar$s aro(n) the ol)er 'o$an's nec-/ So%tly> Ho' $(ch )o yo( lo7e $e B MRS/ TIL4ORD =s$iling> : As $(ch as all the 'or)s in all the boo-s in all the 'orl)/ MAR1 : Re$e$ber 'hen I 'as little an) yo( (se) to tell $e that right be%ore I 'ent to sleepB An) it 'as a r(le nobo)y co(l) say another single 'or) a%ter yo( %inishe)B 1o( (se) to say ?.or 8 8 I)? an) then I ha) to sh(t $y eyes tight/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : An) so$eti$es yo( 'ere na(ghty an) )i)n't sh(t the$/ MAR1 : I $iss yo( an a'%(l lot& 0ran)$a/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : An) I $iss yo(& b(t I'$ a%rai) $y Latin is too r(sty yo('ll learn it better at school/ MAR1 : 3(t co(l)n't I stay o(t the rest o% this ter$B A%ter the s($$er $aybe I 'on't $in) it so $(ch/ ** ACT T.O& SCENE ONE I'll st()y har)& honest& an) MRS/ TIL4ORD : 1o('re an earnest little coa<er& b(t it's o(t o% the C(estion/ 3ac- yo( go tonight/ =0i7es Mary a play%(l slap> Let's not ha7e any $ore tal- abo(t it

no'& an) let's ha7e no $ore r(nning a'ay %ro$ school e7er/ MAR1 =slo'ly> : Then I really ha7e to go bac- there tonight B MRS/ TIL4ORD : O% co(rse/ MAR1 : 1o( )on't lo7e $e/ 1o( )on't care 'hether they -ill $e or not/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : MaryA MAR1 : 1o( )on't& yo( )on't/ 1o( )on't care 'hat happens to $e/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : 3(t I )o care =Sternly> that yo('re tal-ing this 'ay/ MAR1 =$ee-ly> : I'$ sorry I sai) that& 0ran)$a/ I )i)'nt $ean to h(rt yo(r %eelings/ =,(ts her ar$s aro(n) Mrs/ Til8%or)'s nec-> 4orgi7e $eB MRS/ TIL4ORD : .hat $a)e yo( tal- li-e thatB MAR1 =in a 'hisper> : I'$ scare)& 0ran)$a& I'$ scare)/ They'll )o )rea)%(l things to $e/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : Drea)%(lB Nonsense/ They'll p(nish yo( %or r(nning a'ay/ 1o( )eser7e to be p(nishe)/ MAR1 : It's not that/ It's not anything I )o/ It ne7er is/ They they 9(st p(nish $e anyho'& 9(st li-e they got so$ething against rne/ I'$ a%rai) o% the$& 0ran)$a/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : That's ri)ic(lo(s/ .hat ha7e they e7er )one to yo( that is so terrible B MAR1 : A lot o% things all the ti$e/ Miss .right says I can't go to the boat8races& an) =RealiEing the ina)eC(acy o% this reply& she brea-s o%%& hesitates& h(nting %or a $ore telling replyD an) %inally sta$$ers> It's it's a%ter 'hat happene) to8)ay/ MRS / TIL4ORD : 1o( $ean so$ething else besi)es yo(r na(ghtiness in preten)ing to %aint an) then r(nning a'ayB **# THE CHILDREN'S HOUR MAR1 : I )i) %aint/ I )i)n't preten)/ They 9(st sai) that to $a-e $e %eel ba)/ Any'ay& it 'asn't anything that I )i)/ MRS& TIL4ORD : .hat 'as it thenB MAR1 : I can't tell yo(/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : .hyB MAR1 =s(l-ily> : 3eca(se yo(L re 9(st going to ta-e their part/ MRS/ TIL4ORD =a little annoye)> : 2ery 'ell/ No' r(n (pstairs an) get rea)y %or )inner/ MAR1 : It 'as it 'as all abo(t Miss Dobie an) Mrs/ Mortar/ They 'ere tal-ing a'%(l things& an) ,eggy an) E7elyn hear) the$ an) Miss Dobie %o(n) o(t& an) then they $a)e (s $o7e o(r roo$s/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : .hat has that to )o 'ith yo(B I )on't (n)erstan) a 'or) yo('re saying/ MAR1 : They $a)e (s $o7e o(r roo$s/ They sai) 'e

co(l)n't be together any $ore/ They're a%rai) to ha7e (s near the$& that's 'hat it is& an) they're ta-ing it o(t on $e/ They're scare) o% yo(/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : 4or a little girl& yo('re i$agining a lot o% big things/ .hy sho(l) they be scare) o% $eB A$ I s(ch an (npleasant ol) la)yB MAR1 : They're a%rai) yo('ll %in) o(t/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : 4in) o(t 'hatB MAR1 =7ag(ely> : Things/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : R(n along& Mary/ I hope yo('ll get $ore coherent as yo( get ol)er/ MAR1 =slo'ly& starting %or )oor> : All right/ 3(t there' re a lot o% things/ They ha7e secrets or so$ething& an) they're a%rai) I'll %in) o(t an) tell yo(/ MRS/ TIL4ORD: There's not necessarily anything 'rong 'ith people ha7ing secrets/ MAR1 =co$ing bac- into the roo$ again> : 3(t they'7e got %(nny ones/ ,eggy an) E7elyn hear) Mrs/ Mortar telling Miss Dobie that she 'as 9ealo(s o% Miss .right $arrying Co(sin 6oe/ **F ACT T.O& SCENE ONE MRS/ TIL4ORD : 1o( sho(l)n't repeat things li-e that/ MAR1 : 3(t that's 'hat she sai)& 0ran)$a/ She sai) it 'as (nnat(ral %or a girl to %eel that 'ay/ MRS/ TIL4ORD: .hatB MAR1 : I'$ 9(st telling yo( 'hat she sai)/ She sai) there 'as so$ething %(nny abo(t it& an) that Miss Dobie ha) al'ays been li-e that& e7en 'hen she 'as a little girl& an) that it 'as (nnat(ral MRS/ TIL4ORD : Stop (sing that silly 'or)& Mary/ MAR1 =7ag(ely realiEing that she is on the right trac-& h(rries on> : 3(t that 'as the 'or) she -ept (sing& 0ran)$a& an) then they got $a) an) tol) Mrs/ Mortar she') ha7e to get o(t/ MRS/ TIL4ORD: That 'as probably not the reason at all/ MAR1 =no))ing 7igoro(sly> : I bet it 'as& beca(se honestly& Miss Dobie )oes get cran-y an) $ean e7ery ti$e Co(sin 6oe co$es& an) to8)ay I hear) her say to hi$ : ?0o) )a$n yo(?& an) then she sai) she 'as a 9ealo(s %ool an) MRS/ TIL4ORD : 1o( ha7e pic-e) (p so$e %ine 'or)s& ha7en't yo(& MaryB MAR1 : That's 9(st 'hat she sai)& 0ran)$a& an) one ti$e Miss Dobie 'as crying in Miss .right's roo$& an) Miss .right 'as trying to stop her an) she sai) that all right& $aybe she 'o(l)n't get $arrie) right a'ay i% MRS/ TIL4ORD : Ho' )o yo( -no' all thisB MAR1 : .e co(l)n't help hearing& beca(se they I $ean Miss Dobie 'as tal-ing a'%(l lo()& an) their

roo$ is right ne<t to o(rs/ MRS/ TIL4ORD: .hose roo$B MAR1 : Miss .right's roo$& I $ean& an) yo( can 9(st as- ,eggy an) E7elyn 'hether 'e )i)n't hear/ Al$ost al'ays Miss Dobie co$es in a%ter 'e go to be) an) stays a long ti$e& I g(ess that's 'hy they 'ant to get ri) o% (s o% $e beca(se 'e hear things/ That's *** THE CHILDREN'S HOUR 'hy they're $a-ing (s $o7e o(r roo$& an) they p(nish $e all the ti$e %or MRS/ TIL4ORD : 4or ea7es)ropping& I sho(l) thin-/ =She has sai) this $echanically/ .ith nothing )e%inite in her $in)& she is $a-ing an e%%ort to conceal the %act that Mary's )escription o% the li%e at school has shoc-e) her> .ell& no'& I thin- 'e'7e ha) eno(gh gossip& )on't yo(B Dinner's al$ost rea)y& an) I can't eat 'ith a girl 'ho has s(ch a )irty %ace/ MAR1 =so%tly> : I'7e hear) other things too/ MRS/ TIL4ORD =abstracte)ly> : .hatB .hat )i) yo( sayB MAR1 : I'7e hear) other things/ ,lenty o% other things& 0ran)$a/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : .hat thingsB MAR1 : 3a) things/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : .ell& 'hat 'ere theyB MAR1 : I can't tell yo(/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : Mary& yo('re annoying $e 7ery $(ch/ I% yo( ha7e anything to say& then say it an) stop acting silly/ MAR1 : I $ean I can't say it alo()/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : There co(l)n't possibly be anything so terrible that yo( co(l)n't say it alo()/ No' either tell the tr(th or be still/ MAR1 : .ell& a lot o% things I )on't (n)erstan)/ 3(t it's a'%(l& an) so$eti$es they %ight& an) then they $a-e (p& an) Miss Dobie cries an) Miss .right gets $a)& an) then they $a-e (p again& an) there are %(nny noises& an) 'e get scare)/ MRS/ TIL4ORD: NoisesB I s(ppose yo( girls ha7e a happy ti$e i$agining a $(r)er/ MAR1 : An) 'e'7e seen things too/ 4(nny things/ =Sees the i$patience o% her gran)$other> I') tell yo(& b(t I got to 'hisper it/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : .hy $(st yo( 'hisper itB MAR1 : I )on't -no'/ I 9(st got to/ =Cli$bs on the **" ACT T.O& SCENE ONE so%a ne<t to Mrs/ Til%or) an) begins 'hispering/ At %irst the 'hisper is slo' an) hesitant& b(t it gra)(ally 'or-s itsel% (p to %ast& e<cite) tal-ing/ In the $i))le o% it Mrs/ Til%or) stops her/>

MRS/ TIL4ORD =tre$bling> : Do yo( -no' 'hat yo('re sayingB =.itho(t ans'ering& Mary goes bac- to the 'hispering (ntil the ol)er 'o$an ta-es her by the sho(l)ers an) t(rns her aro(n) to stare in her %ace> MaryA Are yo( telling $e the tr(thB MAR1 : Honest& honest/ 1o( 9(st as- ,eggy an) E7elyn an) =A%ter a $o$ent Mrs/ Til%or) gets (p an) begins to pace abo(t the roo$/ She is no longer listening to Mary& 'ho -eeps (p a r(nning %ire o% con7ersation> They -no'& too/ An) $aybe there' re other -i)s 'ho -no'& b(t 'e'7e al'ays been %rightene) an) so 'e )i)n't as-& an) one night I 'as going to go an) %in) o(t& b(t I got scare) an) 'e 'ent to be) early so 'e 'o(l)n't hear& b(t so$eti$es I co(l)n't help it& b(t 'e ne7er tal-e) abo(t it $(ch& beca(se 'e tho(ght they') %in) o(t an) Oh& 0ran)$a& )on't $a-e $e go bac- to that a'%(l place/ MRS/ TIL4ORD =abstracte)ly> : .hatB =Starts to $o7e abo(t again>/ MAR1 : Don't $a-e $e go bac- to that place& I 9(st co(l)n't stan) it any $ore/ Really& 0ran)$a& I'$ so (nhappy there& an) i% only I co(l) stay o(t the rest o% the ter$& 'hy& then& MRS/ TIL4ORD =$a-es irritate) gest(re> : 3e still a $in(te/ =A%ter a $o$entD No& yo( 'on't ha7e to go bac-/ MAR1 =s(rprise)D'/ HonestB MRS/ TIL4ORD : Honest/ MAR1 =h(gging Mrs/ Til%or)> : 1o('re the nicest& lo7eliest 0ran)$a in all the 'orl)/ 1o( yo('re not $a) at $eB MRS/ TIL4ORD: I'$ not $a) at yo(/ No' go (pstairs an) get rea)y %or )inner/ =Mary -isses her an) r(ns **H THE CHILDREN'S HOUR happily o(t Le%t/ Mrs/ Til%or) stan)s staring a%ter her %or a long $o$ent; then& 7ery slo'ly& she p(ts on her eyeglasses an) crosses to the D phone/ She )ials a n($ber> Is Miss .right is Miss .right inB =.aits a secon)> h(rrie)ly p(ts )o'n the recei7er> Ne7er $in)& ne7er $in)/ =Dials another n($ber> Dr/ Car)in& please/ Mrs/ Til%or)/ =She re$ains absol(tely $otionless 'hile she 'aits/ .hen she )oes spea-& her 7oice is lo' an) tense> 6osephB 6osephB Can yo( co$e to see $e right a'ayB 1es& I'$ per%ectly 'ell/ No& b(t it's i$portant& 6oseph& 7ery i$portant/ I $(st see yo( right a'ay& I I can't tell yo( o7er the 'phone/ Can't yo( co$e soonerB It's not abo(t Mary's %ainting I sai) it's not abo(t Mary& 6oseph ; in one 'ay it's abo(t Mary =S())enly C(iet> 3(t 'ill the hospital ta-e so longB 2ery 'ell& 6oseph& $a-e it as soon as yo(

can/ =Hangs (p the recei7er& sits %or a $o$ent (n)eci)e)/ Then& ta-ing a breath& she )ials another n($ber> Mrs/ M(nn& please/ This is Mrs/ Til%or)/ Miria$B This is A$elia Til%or)/ I ha7e so$ething to tell yo( so$ething 7ery shoc-ing I'$ a%rai) so$ething abo(t the school an) E7elyn an) Mary C(rtain/ Scene # Scene: The sa$e as Scene / The c(rtain has been lo'ere) to $ar- the passing o% a %e' ho(rs/ At rise: Mary is lying on the %loor playing 'ith a p(EEle/ Agatha appears l(gging blan-ets an) pillo's across the roo$/ Al$ost at the )oor& she stops an) gi7es Mary an annoye) loo-/ A0ATHA : An) see to it that she )oesn't get $y goo) C(ilt all )irty& an) let her 'ear yo(r green py9a$as/ MAR1: .hoB **K ACT T.O& SCENE T.O A0ATHA : .hoB Don't yo( e7er -eep yo(r ears openB Rosalie .ells is co$ing o7er to spen) the night 'ith yo(/ MAR1 : 1o( $ean she's going to sleep hereB A0ATHA : 1o( hear) $e/ MAR1: .hat %orB A0ATHA : Do I -no' all the craEy things that are happening aro(n) hereB 1o(r gran)$other 'phone) Mrs/ .ells all the 'ay to Ne' 1or-& three )ollars an) eighty8%i7e cents an) %a$ilies star7ing& an) Mrs/ .ells 'ante) to -no' i% Rosalie co(l) stay here (ntil to$orro'/ MAR1 =relie7e)> : Oh/ Co(l)n't E7elyn M(nn co$e instea)B A0ATHA : S(re/ .e'll ha7e the 'hole to'n o7er to entertain yo(/ MAR1 : I 'on't let Rosalie .ells 'ear $y ne' py9a$as/ A0ATHA =e<its as the %ront )oor bell rings> : Don't tell $e 'hat yo( 'on't )o/ 1o('ll act li-e a la)y %or once in yo(r li%e/ =O%%8stage> Co$e on in& Rosalie/ 6(st go on in there an) $a-e yo(rsel% at ho$e/ Ha7e yo( ha) yo(r )innerB ROSALIE =o%%8stage> : 0oo)8e7ening/ 1es'$/ A0ATHA =o%%8stage> : .ell/ Hang (p yo(r pretty coat/ Ha7e yo( ha) yo(r bathB ROSALIE : 1es& Ma'a$/ This $orning/ A0ATHA =o%%8stage> : .ell& yo( better ha7e another one/ =She is cli$bing the stairs as Rosalie co$es into the roo$/ Mary lying in %ront o% the co(ch& i's hi))en %ro$ her/ 0ingerly Rosalie sits )o'n on a chair>/ MAR1 =so%tly> : .hooooo =Rosalie 9($ps> .hooooo =Rosalie& %rightene)& starts h(rrie)ly %or the )oor/

Mary sits (p& la(ghs> 1o('re a goose/ ROSALIE =belligerently> : Oh& so it's yo(/ .ell& 'ho li-es to hear %(nny noises at nightB 1o( co(l) ha7e been a 'ere'ol%/ **M THE CHILDREN'S HOUR MAR1 : A 'ere'ol% 'o(l)n't 'ant yo(/ ROSALIE: 1o( -no' e7erything& )on't yo(B =Mary la(ghs/ Rosalie co$es o7er& stan)s staring at p(EEle> Isn't it %(nny abo(t schoolB MAR1 : .hat's %(nny abo(t itB ROSALIE : Don't act li-e yo( ca$e ho$e e7ery night/ MAR1 : Maybe I can %ro$ no' on/ =Rolls o7er on her bac- l(<(rio(sly> Maybe I'$ ne7er going bac-/ ROSALIE : A$ I going bac- B I )on't 'ant to stay ho$e/ MAR1 : .hatll yo( gi7e to -no'B ROSALIE : Nothing/ I'll as- Ma$$a/ MAR1 : .ill yo( gi7e $e a %ree T/L/ i% I tell yo(B ROSALIE =thin-s 9or a $o$ent> : All right/ Lois 4isher tol) Helen that yo( 'ere 7ery s$art/ MAR1 : That's an ol) one/ I 'on't ta-e it/ ROSALIE : 1o( got to ta-e it/ MAR1 : Nope/ ROSALIE : 1o( )on't -no' any'ay/ =La(ghs>/ MAR1 : I -no' 'hat I hear)& an) I -no' 0ran)$a 'phone) yo(r $other in Ne' 1or- to co$e an) get yo( right a'ay/ 1o('re 9(st going to spen) the night here/ I 'ish E7elyn co(l) co$e instea) o% yo(/ ROSALIE : 3(t 'hat's happene)B ,eggy an) Helen an) E7elyn an) Lois 'ent ho$e to8night& too/ Do yo( thin- so$ebo)y's got scarlet %e7er or so$ethingB MAR1: No/ ROSALIE : Do yo( -no' 'hat it isB Ho'') yo( %in) o(t B =No ans'er> 1o('re al'ays preten)ing yo( -no' e7erything/ 1o('re 9(st %a-ing/ =4lo(nces a'ay> Ne7er $in)& )on't bother telling $e/ I thin- c(riosity is 7ery (nla)yli-e& anyho'/ I ha7e no concern 'ith yo(r silly secrets/ MAR1 : S(ppose I tol) yo( that I 9(st $ay ha7e sai) that yo( 'ere in on itB ROSALIE : In on 'hatB MAR1 : The secret/ S(ppose I tol) yo( that I $ay ha7e sai) that yo( tol) $e abo(t itB **! ACT T.O& SCENE T.O ROSALIE : .hy& Mary Til%or) A 1o( can't )o a thing li-e that/ I )i)n't tell yo( abo(t anything/ =Mary la(ghs> Di) yo( tell yo(r gran)$other s(ch a thingB MAR1 : Maybe/ ROSALIE : Di) yo(B MAR1 : Maybe/ ROSALIE : .ell& I'$ going (p to yo(r gran)$other

an) tell her I )i)n't tell yo( anything 'hate7er it is/ 1o('re 9(st trying to get $e into tro(ble an) I'$ not going to let yo(/ =Starts %or )oor>/ MAR1 : .ait a $in(te& I'll co$e 'ith yo(/ ROSALIE : .hat %orB MAR1: I 'ant to tell her abo(t Helen 3(rton's bracelet/ ROSALIE =sits )o'n s())enly> : .hat abo(t itB MAR1 : 6(st that yo( stole it/ ROSALIE : Sh(t (p/ I )i)n't )o any s(ch thing/ MAR1 : 1es& yo( )i)/ ROSALIE =%ear%(lly> : 1o( $a)e it (p/ 1o('re al'ays $a-ing things (p/ MAR1 : 1o( can't call $e a %ibber& Rosalie .ells/ That's a -in) o% a )are an) I 'on't ta-e a )are/ I g(ess I'll go tell 0ran)$a any'ay/ Then she can call the ,olice an) they'll co$e %or yo( an) yo('ll spen) the rest o% yo(r li%e in one o% those solitary prisons an) yo('ll get ol)er an) ol)er& an) 'hen yo('re 7ery ol) an) can't see any $ore& they'll let yo( o(t $aybe 'ith a big sign on yo(r bac- saying yo('re a thie%& an) yo(r $other an) %ather 'ill be )ea) an) yo( 'on't ha7e any place to go an) yo('ll beg on the streets ROSALIE : I )i)n't steal anything/ I borro'e) the bracelet an) I 'as going to p(t it bac- as soon as I') 'orn it to the $o7ies/ I ne7er $eant to -eep it/ MAR1 : Nobo)y'll belie7e that& least o% all the police/ 1o('re 9(st a co$$on& or)inary thie%/ Stop that ba'ling/ 1o('ll ha7e the 'hole ho(se )o'n here in a $in(te/ *"+ THE CHILDREN'S HOUR ROSALIE : 1o( 'on't tellB Say yo( 'on't tell/ MAR1 : A$ I a %ibberB ROSALIE : No/ MAR1 : Then say ?I apologise on $y han)s an) -nees?/ ROSALIE : I apologise on $y han)s an) -nees/ Let's play 'ith the p(EEle/ MAR1 : .ait a $in(te/ Say ?4ro$ no' on& I& Rosalie .ells& a$ the 7assal o% Mary Til%or) an) 'ill )o an) say 'hate7er she tells $e (n)er the sole$n oath o% a -night?/ ROSALIE : I 'on't say that/ That's the 'orst oath there is/ =Mary starts %or the )oor> MaryA ,lease )on't MAR1 : .ill yo( s'ear itB ROSALIE =sni%%ing> : 3(t then yo( co(l) tell $e to )o anything/ MAR1 : An) yo(') ha7e to )o it/ Say it C(ic- or I'll ROSALIE =h(rrie)ly> : 4ro$ no' on& I& Rosalie .ells& a$ the 7assal o% Mary Til%or) an) 'ill )o an) say

'hate7er she tells $e (n)er the sole$n oath o% a -night/ =She gasps& an) sits (p straight as Mrs/ Til%or) enters>/ MAR1 : Don't %orget that/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : 0oo) e7ening& Rosalie& yo('re loo-ing 7ery 'ell/ ROSALIE : 0oo) e7ening& Mrs/ Til%or)/ MAR1 : She's getting %atter e7ery )ay/ MRS/ TIL4ORD =abstracte)ly>: Then it's 7ery beco$ing/ =Door8bell rings> That $(st be 6oseph/ Mary& ta-e Rosalie into the library/ There's so$e %r(it an) $ilon the table/ 3e s(re yo('re both %ast asleep by hal% past ten/ =Leans )o'n& -isses the$ both/ Rosalie starts to e<it Right& sees Mary& stops an) hesitates>/ MAR1: 0o on& Rosalie/ =.aits (ntil Rosalie rel(ctantly e<its> 0ran)$a/ MRS/ TIL4ORD: 1esB *" ACT T.O& SCENE T.O MAR1 : 0ran)$a& Co(sin 6oe'll say I'7e got to go bac-/ Hell say I really 'asn't =Car)$ enters an) s/he r(ns %ro$ the roo$>/ CARDIN : Hello& A$elia/ =Loo-s c(rio(sly at the 8%leeing Mary> Mary ho$e& eh B MRS/ TIL4ORD ='atching Mary as she lea7es> : Hello& 6oseph& sit )o'n/ =He sits )o'n& loo-s at her c(rio(sly& 'aits %or her to spea-> .his-yB CARDIN : ,lease/ Ho' are yo( %eeling B Hea)aches again B MRS/ TIL4ORD =p(ts )rin- on table> : No/ CARDIN : Those are goo) po')ers/ 3icarbonate o% so)a an) 'ater/ Ne7er h(rt anybo)y yet/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : 1es/ Ho' ha7e yo( been& 6osephB CARDIN : My goo) health is $onotono(s/ MRS/ TIL4ORD =7ag(ely& sparring %or ti$e> : I ha7en't seen yo( the last %e' 'ee-s/ Agatha $isses yo( %or S(n)ay )inners/ CARDIN : I'7e been b(sy/ .e're getting the res(lts %ro$ the $ating8season right abo(t no'/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : Di) I ta-e yo( a'ay %ro$ a patientB CARDIN : No/ I 'as at the hospital/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : Ho''s it getting onB CARDIN : 6(st the sa$e/ No $oney& ba)ly eC(ippe)& a lo(sy laboratory& e7erybo)y gro'ling at e7erybo)y else A$elia& yo( )i)n't bring $e here to tal- abo(t the hospital/ .e're tal-ing li-e people 'aiting %or the $(%%ins to be passe) aro(n)/ .hat's the $atter 'ith yo(B MRS/ TIL4ORD : I I ha7e so$ething to tell yo(/ CARDIN : .ell& o(t 'ith it/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : It's a 7ery har) thing to say& 6oseph/ CARDIN : Har) %or yo( to say to $e B =No ans'er>

Don't be 'orrie) abo(t Mary/ I g(esse) that she ran ho$e to tell yo( abo(t her %aint/ It 'as ca(se) by nothing b(t ba) te$per an) 'as 7ery cl($sily $anage)& at that/ A$elia& she's terribly spoile) *"# THE CHILDREN'S HOUR MRS/ TIL4ORD : I hear) abo(t the %aint/ That's not 'hat is 'orrying $e/ CARDIN =gently> : Are yo( in so$e tro(bleB MRS/ TIL4ORD : .e are all in tro(ble/ 3a) tro(ble/ CARDIN : .eB Me& yo( $eanB Nothing's the $atter 'ith $e/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : .hen )i) yo( last see 5arenB CARDIN : To)ay/ This a%ternoon/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : Oh/ Not since K o'cloc-B CARDIN: .hat's happene) since K o'cloc-B MRS/ TIL4ORD : 6oseph& yo('7e been engage) to 5aren %or a long ti$e/ Are yo(r plans any $ore )e%inite than they 'ere a year agoB CARDIN : 1o( can get rea)y to b(y the 'e))ing present/ .ell ha7e the 'e))ing here& i% yo( )on't $in)/ The s$ell o% clean little girls an) boile) linen 'o(l) 'orry $e/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : .hy has 5aren )eci)e) so s())enly to $a-e it )e%inite B CARDIN : She has not s())enly )eci)e) anything/ The school is pretty 'ell on its %eet& an) no' that Mrs/ Mortar is lea7ing MRS/ TIL4ORD : I'7e hear) abo(t their p(tting Mrs/ Mortar o(t/ CARDIN : ,(tting her o(tB .ell& $aybe/ 3(t a nice s($ %or a trip an) a pro$ise that a goo) niece 'ill s(pport yo( %or the rest o% yo(r li%e is an en7iable 'ay o% being p(t o(t/ MRS/ TIL4ORD =slo'ly> : Don't yo( %in) it o))& 6oseph& that they 'ant so $(ch to get ri) o% that silly& har$less 'o$anB CARDIN : I )on't -no' 'hat yo('re tal-ing abo(t& b(t it isn't o)) at all/ Lily Mortar is not a har$less 'o$an& altho(gh 0o) -no's she's silly eno(gh/ She's a nasty& tireso$e& spoilt ol) bitch/ I% yo('re %or$ing a Mortar .el%are Society& yo('re 'asting yo(r ti$e/ =0ets (p& p(ts )o'n bis glass> It's not li-e yo( to *"F ACT T.O& SCENE T.O 'aste yo(r ti$e/ No'& 'hat's it that's really on yo(r $in)B MRS/ TIL4ORD : 1o( $(st not $arry 5aren/ CARDIN =shoc-e)& he grins> : 1o('re a 7ery i$pertinent ol) la)y/ .hy $(st I =I$itates her> not $arry 5aren B MRS/ TIL4ORD : 3eca(se there's so$ething 'rong 'ith

5aren so$ething horrible/ =The )oor bell is hear) to ring lo() an) long>/ CARDIN : I )on't thin- I can allo' yo( to say things li-e that& A(nt A$elia/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : I ha7e goo) reason %or saying it/ =3rea-s o%% as she hears 7oices o%%8stage> .ho is thatB 5AREN =o%%8stage> O Mrs/ Til%or)& Agatha/ Is she inB A0ATHA =o%%8stageD : 1es'$/ Co$e on in/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : I 'on't ha7e her here/ CARDIN =angrily> : .hat are yo( tal-ing abo(tB MRS/ TIL4ORD : I 'on't ha7e her here/ CARDIN =pic-s (p his hat> : Then yo( )on't 'ant $e here either/ =T(rns to %ace 5aren& 8'ho 'ith Martha& has r(she) in> Darling& 'hatB 5AREN =stops 'hen she sees hi$& p(ts her han) o7er her eyes> Is it a 9o-e& 6oeB MARTHA ='ith great %orce to Mrs/ Til%or)> : .e'7e co$e to %in) o(t 'hat yo( are )oing/ CARDIN =-issing 5aren> : .hat is itB 5AREN: It's craEyA It's craEyA .hat )i) she )o it %orB CARDIN : .hat are yo( tal-ing abo(tB .hat )o yo( $ean B MRS/ TIL4ORD : 1o( sho(l)n't ha7e co$e here/ CARDIN: .hat is all thisB .hat's happene)B 5AREN : I trie) to reach yo(/ Hasn't she tol) yo(B CARDIN : Nobo)y's tol) $e anything/ I ha7en't hear) anything b(t 'il) tal-/ .hat is it& 5arenB =She starts to spea-& then )($bly sha-es her hea)> .hat's hap8 *"* THE CHILDREN'S HOUR pene)& MarthaB MARTHA =7iolently> : An insane asyl($ has been let loose/ Ho' )o 'e -no' 'hat's happene)B CARDIN : .hat 'as itB 5AREN : .e )i)n't -no' 'hat it 'as/ Nobo)y 'o(l) tal- to (s& nobo)y 'o(l) tell (s anything/ MARTHA : I'll tell yo(& tell yo(/ 1o( see i% yo( can $a-e any sense o(t o% it/ At )inner8ti$e Mrs/ M(nn's cha(%%e(r sai) that E7elyn $(st be sent ho$e right a'ay/ At hal% past se7en Mrs/ 3(rton arri7e) to tell (s that she 'ante) Helen's things pac-e) an) that she') 'ait o(tsi)e beca(se she )i)n't 'ant to enter a place li-e o(rs/ 4i7e $in(tes later the .ells's b(tler ca$e %or Rosalie/ CARDIN : .hat 'as itB MARTHA : It 'as $a)ho(se/ ,eople r(shing in an) o(t& the chil)ren being p(she) into cars 5AREN =C(iet no'& ta-es his han)> : Mrs/ Rogers %inally tol) (s/ CARDIN: .hatB .hatB

5AREN : That that Martha an) I ha7e been ha7e been lo7ers/ Mrs/ Til%or) tol) the$/ CARDIN =%or a $o$ent stan)s staring at her incre)(lo(sly/ Then he 'al-s across the roo$& stares o(t o% the 'in)o'& an) %inally t(rns to Mrs/ Til%or)> : Di) yo( tell the$ thatB MRS/ TIL4ORD : 1es/ CARDIN : Are yo( sic-B MRS/ TIL4ORD : 1o( -no' I'$ not sic-/ CARDIN =snapping the 'or)s o(t> : Then 'hat )i) yo( )o it %orB MRS/ TIL4ORD =slo'ly>: 3eca(se it's tr(e/ 5AREN =incre)(lo(sly> : 1o( thin- it's tr(e thenB MARTHA : 1o( %ool A 1o( )a$ne) 7icio(s 5AREN : Do yo( realiEe 'hat yo('re sayingB MRS/ TIL4ORD : I realiEe it 7ery 'ell/ An) MARTHA : 1o( realiEe nothing& nothing& nothing/ *"" ACT T.O& SCENE T.O MRS/ TIL4ORD : An) that's 'hy I )on't thin- yo( sho(l) ha7e co$e here/ =G(ietly& 'ith a loo- at Martha> I shall not call yo( na$es& an) I 'ill not allo' yo( to call $e na$es/ It co$es to this : I can't tr(st $ysel% to tal- abo(t it 'ith yo( no' or e7er/ 5AREN: .hat's she tal-ing abo(t& 6oeB .hat's she $ean B .hat is she trying to )o to (s B .hat is e7erybo)y )oing to (sB MARTHA =so%tly& as tho(gh to hersel%> : ,(she) aro(n)/ .e're being p(she) aro(n) by craEy people/ =Sha-es hersel% slightly> That's an a'%(l thing/ An) 'e're stan)ing here =Car)in p(ts his ar$ aro(n) 5aren& 'al-s 'ith her to the 'in)o'& They stan) there together> .e're stan)ing here ta-ing it/ =S())enly 'ith 7iolence> Di)n't yo( -no' 'e') co$e hereB .ere 'e s(ppose) to lie )o'n an) grin 'hile yo( -ic-e) (s aro(n) 'ith these lies B MRS/ TIL4ORD : This can't )o any o% (s any goo)& Miss Dobie/ MARTHA =scorn%(lly i$itating her> : ?This can't )o any o% (s any goo)?/ Listen& listen/ Try to (n)erstan) this : yo('re not playing 'ith paper )olls/ .e're h($an beings& see B It's o(r li7es yo(re %ooling 'ith/ O(r li7es/ That's serio(s b(siness %or (s/ Can yo( (n)erstan) thatB MRS/ TIL4ORD =%or the %irst ti$e she spea-s angrily> : I can (n)erstan) that& an) I (n)erstan) a lot $ore/ 1o('7e been playing 'ith a lot o% chil)ren's li7es& an) that's 'hy I stoppe) yo(/ =More cal$ly> I -no' ho' serio(s this is %or yo(& ho' serio(s it is %or all o% (s& CARDIN =bitterly> : I )on't thin- yo( )o -no'/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : I 'ante) to a7oi) this $eeting beca(se

it can't )o any goo)/ 1o( ca$e here to %in) o(t i% I ha) $a)e the charge/ 1o('7e %o(n) o(t/ Let's en) it there/ I )on't 'ant yo( in this ho(se/ I'$ sorry this ha) to be )one to yo(& 6oseph/ *"H THE CHILDREN'S HOUR CARDIN : I )on't li-e yo(r sy$pathy/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : 2ery 'ell/ There's nothing I $ean to )o/ Nothing I 'ant to )o/ There's nothing anybo)y can )o/ CARDIN =care%(lly> : 1o( ha7e alrea)y )one a terrible thing& MRS/ TIL4ORD : I ha7e )one 'hat I ha) to )o/ .hat they are $ay possibly be their o'n b(siness/ It beco$es a great )eal $ore than that 'hen chil)ren are in7ol7e)/ 5AREN ='il)ly> : It's not tr(e/ Not a 'or) o% it is tr(e; can't yo( (n)erstan) thatB MRS/ TIL4ORD : There 'on't be any p(nish$ent %or either o% yo(/ 3(t there $(stn't be any p(nish$ent %or $e& either an) that's 'hat this $eeting is/ This this thing is yo(r o'n/ 0o a'ay 'ith it/ I )on't (n)erstan) it an) I )on't 'ant any part o% it/ MARTHA =slo'ly> : So yo( tho(ght 'e 'o(l) go a'ay B MRS/ TIL4ORD : I thin- that's the best %or yo(/ MARTHA : There $(st be so$ething 'e can )o to yo(& an) 'hate7er it is& 'e'll %in) it/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : That 'o(l) be 7ery (n'ise/ 5AREN : 1o( are right to be a%rai)/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : I a$ not a%rai)& 5aren/ CARDIN : 3(t yo( are ol) an) yo( are irresponsible/ MRS/ TIL4ORD =h(rt> : 1o( -no' that's not tr(e/ 5AREN =goes to her> : I )on't 'ant to ha7e anything to )o 'ith yo(r $ess& )o yo( hear $e B It $a-es $e %eel )irty an) sic- to be %orce) to say this& b(t there it is : there isn't a single 'or) o% tr(th in anything yo('7e sai)/ .e're stan)ing here )e%en)ing o(rsel7es an) against 'hatB Against a lie/ A great& a'%(l lie/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : I'$ sorry that I can't belie7e that/ 5AREN : Da$n yo( A CARDIN : 3(t yo( can belie7e this : they'7e 'or-e) eight long years to sa7e eno(gh $oney to b(y that %ar$& to start that school/ They )i) 'itho(t e7ery8 *"K ACT T.O& SCENE T.O thing yo(ng people o(ght to ha7e/ 1o( 'o(l)n't -no' abo(t that/ That school $eant things to the$ : sel%8respect& an) brea) an) b(tter& an) honest 'or-/ Do yo( -no' 'hat it is to try so har) %or anythingB .ell& no' it's gone/ =S())enly hits the si)e o% the table 'ith his han)> .hat the hell )i) yo( )o it %orB MRS/ TIL4ORD =so%tly> : It ha) to be )one/

CARDIN : Righteo(sness is a great thing/ MRS/ TIL4ORD =gently> : I -no' ho' yo( $(st %eel/ CARDIN : 1o( )on't -no' anything abo(t ho' I %eel/ An) yo( )on't -no' ho' they %eel& either/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : I'7e lo7e) yo( as $(ch as I lo7e) $y o'n boys/ I 'o(l)n't ha7e spare) the$; I co(l)n't spare yo(/ CARDIN =%iercely> : I belie7e yo(/ MARTHA : .hat is there to )o to yo(B .hat can 'e )o to yo(B There $(st be so$ething so$ething that $a-es yo( %eel the 'ay 'e )o tonight/ 1o( )on't 'ant any part o% this& yo( sai)/ 3(t yo('ll get a part/ More than yo( bargaine) %or/ =S())enly> Listen : are yo( 'illing to stan) by e7erything yo('7e sai) tonightB MRS/ TIL4ORD : 1es/ MARTHA : All right/ That's %ine/ 3(t )on't get the i)ea 'ell let yo( 'hisper this lie : yo( $a)e it an) yo('ll co$e o(t 'ith it/ Shrie- it to yo(r to'n o% Lancet/ .e'll $a-e yo( shrie- it an) 'e'll $a-e yo( )o it in a co(rt roo$/ =G(ietly> To$orro'& Mrs/ Til%or)& yo( 'ill ha7e a libel s(it on yo(r han)s/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : That 'ill be 7ery (n'ise/ 5AREN : 2ery (n'ise& %or yo(/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : It is yo( I a$ thin-ing o%/ I a$ %rightene) %or yo(/ It 'as 'rong o% yo( to braEen it o(t here tonight; it 'o(l) be cri$inally %oolish o% yo( to braEen it o(t in p(blic/ That can bring yo( nothing b(t pain/ I a$ an ol) 'o$an& Miss Dobie& an) I ha7e seen too $any people& o(t o% pri)e& act on *"M THE CHILDREN'S HOUR that pri)e/ In the en)& they p(nish the$sel7es/ MARTHA : An) yo( %eel that yo( are too ol) to be p(nishe)B That 'e sho(l) spare yo(B MRS/ TIL4ORD : 1o( -no' that is not 'hat I $eant/ CARDIN =t(rns %ro$ 'in)o'> : So yo( too- a chil)'s 'or) %or itB MARTHA =loo-s at hi$& sha-es her bea)> : I -ne' it& too/ 5AREN : That is really 'here yo( got itB I can't belie7e it co(l)n't be/ .hy& she's a chil)/ MARTHA : She's not a chil) any longer/ 5AREN : Oh& $y 0o)& it all %its so 'ell no'/ That girl has hate) (s %or a long ti$e/ .e ne7er -ne' 'hy& 'e ne7er co(l) %in) o(t/ There )i)n't see$ to be any reason MARTHA : There 'asn't any reason/ She hates e7erybo)y an) e7erything/ 5AREN : 1o(r Mary's a strange girl& a ba) girl/ There's so$ething 7ery a'%(l the $atter 'ith her/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : I 'as 'aiting %or yo( to say that& Miss .right/

5AREN : I'$ telling yo( the tr(th/ .e sho(l) ha7e tol) it to yo( long ago/ =Stops& sighs> It's no (se/ MARTHA : .here is she B 3ring her o(t here an) let (s hear 'hat she has to say/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : 1o( cannot see her/ CARDIN : .here is sheB MRS& TIL4ORD : I 'on't ha7e that& 6oseph/ CARDIN : I'$ going to tal- to her/ MRS/ TIL4ORD i I 'on't ha7e her go thro(gh 'ith that again/ =To 5aren an) Martha> 1o( ca$e here )e$an)ing e<planations/ It 'as I 'ho sho(l) ha7e as-e) the$ %ro$ yo(/ 1o( attac- $e& yo( attac- Mary/ I'7e tol) yo( I )i)n't $ean yo( any har$/ I still )on't/ 1o( clai$ that it isn't tr(e; it $ay be nat(ral that yo( sho(l) say that& b(t I -no' that it is tr(e/ No $atter 'hat yo( say& yo( -no' 7ery 'ell that I *"! ACT T.O& SCENE T.O 'o(l)n't ha7e acte) (ntil I 'as absol(tely s(re/ All I 'ante) 'as to get those chil)ren a'ay/ That has been )one/ There 'on't be any tal- abo(t it& or abo(t yo( I'll see to that/ 1o( ha7e been in $y ho(se long eno(gh/ 0et o(t/ 5AREN =gets (p> : The 'ic-e) 7ery yo(ng& an) the 'ic-e) 7ery ol)/ Let's go ho$e/ CARDIN: Sit )o'n/ =To Mrs/ Til%or)> .hen t'o people co$e here 'ith their li7es sprea) on the table %or yo( to c(t to pieces& then the only honest thing to )o is to gi7e the$ a chance to co$e o(t 'hole/ Are yo( honestB MRS/ TIL4ORD : I'7e al'ays tho(ght so/ CARDIN : Then 'here is MaryB =A%ter a $o$ent she $o7es her hea) to )oor Right/ G(ic-ly Car)in goes to the )oor an) opens it> MaryA Co$e here/ =A%ter a $o$ent Mary appears& stan)s ner7o(sly near )oor/ Her $anner is shy an) a%rai)>/ MRS/ TIL4ORD =gently> : Sit )o'n& )ear& an) )on't be a%rai)/ MARTHA =her lips barely $o7ing> : Ma-e her tell the tr(th/ CARDIN ='al-ing abo(t in %ront o% Mary> : Loo- : e7erybo)y lies all the ti$e/ So$eti$es they ha7e to& so$eti$es they )on't/ I'7e lie) $ysel%& %or a lot o% )i%%erent reasons& b(t there ne7er 'as a ti$e 'hen& i% I') been gi7en a secon) chance& I 'o(l)n't ha7e ta-en bac- the lie an) tol) the tr(th/ 1o('re l(c-y i% yo( e7er get that chance/ I'$ telling yo( this beca(se I'$ abo(t to as- yo( a C(estion/ 3e%ore yo( ans'er the C(estion& I 'ant to tell yo( that i% yo('7e lie)& $a)e a $ista-e& yo( $(st ta-e this chance an) say so/ 1o( 'on't be p(nishe) %or it/ Do yo( get all thatB MAR1 =ti$i)ly> : 1es& Co(sin 6oe/

CARDIN =gri$ly> : All right& let's get starte)/ .ere yo( telling yo(r gran)$other the tr(th this a%ternoonB The e<act tr(th abo(t Miss .right an) Miss *H+ THE CHILDREN'S HOUR DobieB MAR1 ='itho(t hesitation> : Oh& yes/ =5aren sighs )eeply/ Martha& her %ists close) tight& t(rns her bacto the chil)/ Car)in s$iles as he loo-s at Mary>/ CARDIN : All right& Mary& that 'as yo(r chance& yo( passe) it (p/ =,(lls (p a chairD sits )o'n in %ront o% her> No' let's %in) o(t things/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : She's tol) yo(/ Aren't yo( thro(ghB CARDIN : Not by a long shot/ 1o('7e starte) so$ething& an) I'$ going to %inish it %or yo(/ .ill yo( ans'er so$e $ore C(estions& MaryB MAR1 : 1es& Co(sin 6oe/ MARTHA : Stop that sic-ly s'eet tone/ =Mrs Til%or) hal% rises/ Car)in $otions her bac->/ CARDIN : .hy )on't yo( li-e Miss Dobie an) Miss .rightB MAR1 : Oh& I )o li-e the$/ They 9(st )on't li-e $e/ They ne7er ha7e li-e) $e/ CARDIN: Ho' )o yo( -no'B MAR1 : They're al'ays pic-ing on $e/ They're al'ays p(nishing $e %or e7erything that happens/ No $atter 'hat happens& it's al'ays $e/ CARDIN : .hy )o yo( thin- they )o thatB MAR1 : 3eca(se beca(se they're beca(se they =Stops& t(rns> 0ran)$a& I CARDIN : All right& 'ell s-ip that one/ Di) yo( get p(nishe) to8)ay B MAR1 : 1es& an) it 'as 9(st beca(se ,eggy an) E7elyn hear) the$ an) so they too- it o(t on $e/ 5AREN : That's a lie/ CARDIN : Sssh/ Hear) 'hat& MaryB MAR1 : Mrs/ Mortar tol) Miss Dobie that there 'as so$ething %(nny abo(t her/ She sai) she ha) a %(nny %eeling abo(t Miss .right& an) Mrs/ Mortar sai) that 'as (nnat(ral/ That 'as 'hy 'e got p(nishe)& 9(st beca(se 5AREN : That 'as not the reason they got p(nishe)/ *H ACT T.O& SCENE T.O MRS/ TIL4ORD =to Martha>: Miss DobieB MARTHA : My A(nt is a st(pi) 'o$an/ .hat she sai) 'as (npleasant; it 'as sai) to annoy $e/ It $eant nothing $ore than that/ MAR1 : An) Co(sin 6oe& she sai) that e7ery ti$e yo( ca$e to the school& Miss Dobie got 9ealo(s& an) that she )i)n't 'ant yo( to get $arrie)/ MARTHA =to Car)in> : She sai) that too/ 4or 0o)'s

sa-e can't yo( see 'hat's happeningB This this chil) is ta-ing little things& little ra$ily things& an) $a-ing the$ ha7e $eanings that =Stops& s())enly regar)s Mary 'ith a co$bination o% )isg(st an) interest> .here )i) yo( learn so $(ch in so little ti$eB CARDIN : .hat )o yo( thin- Mrs/ Mortar $eant by all that& MaryB MRS/ TIL4ORD: Stop it& 6osephA MAR1 : I )on't -no' b(t it 'as al'ays -in) o% %(nny& an) she al'ays sai) things li-e that an) all the girls 'o(l) tal- abo(t it 'hen Miss Dobie 'ent an) 7isite) Miss .right late at night 5AREN =angrily> : An) 'e go to the $o7ies at night an) so$eti$es 'e rea) at night an) so$eti$es 'e )rin- tea at night/ Those are g(ilty things too& Mrs/ Til%or)/ MAR1 : An) there are al'ays %(nny so(n)s an) 'e') stay a'a-e an) listen beca(se 'e co(l)n't help hearing& an) I') get %rightene) beca(se the so(n)s 'ere li-e MARTHA : 3e still A 5AREN ='ith 7iolence> : No& no/ 1o( )on't 'ant her still no'/ .hat else )i) yo( hearB MAR1: 0ran)$a& I MRS/ TIL4ORD =bitterly to Car)in> : 1o( are trying to $a-e her na$e it& aren't yo(B CARDIN =ignoring her& spea-s to Mary> : 0o on/ MAR1 : I )on't -no'/ There 'ere 9(st so(n)s/ CARDIN: 3(t 'hat )i) yo( thin- they 'ereB .hy *H# THE CHILDREN'S HOUR )i) they %righten yo(B MAR1 ='ea-ly> : I )on't -no'/ CARDIN =s$iles at Mrs/ Til%or)> : She )oesn't -no'/ MAR1 =hastily> : I sa' things& too/ One night there 'as so $(ch noise I tho(ght so$ebo)y 'as sic- or so$ething an) I loo-e) thro(gh the -eyhole an) they 'ere -issing an) saying things an) then I got scare) beca(se it 'as )i%%erent sort o% an) I MARTHA =her %ace )istorte)& t(rns to Mrs/ Til%or)> : That chil) that chil) is sic-/ 5AREN : As- her again ho' she co(l) see (s/ CARDIN : Ho' co(l) yo( see Miss Dobie an) Miss .rightB MAR1 : I I MRS/ TIL4ORD : Tell hi$ 'hat yo( 'hispere) to $e/ MAR1 : It 'as at night an) I 'as leaning )o'n by the -eyhole/ 5AREN : There's no -eyhole on $y )oor/ MRS/ TIL4ORD: .hatB 5AREN : There is no -eyhole on $y )oor/ MAR1 =C(ic-ly> : It 'asn't her roo$& 0ran)$a& it

'as the other roo$& I g(ess/ It 'as Miss Dobie's roo$/ I sa' the$ thro(gh the -eyhole in Miss Dobie's roo$/ CARDIN : Ho' )i) yo( -no' anybo)y 'as in Miss Dobie's roo$B MAR1 : I tol) yo(/ I tol) yo(/ 3eca(se 'e hear) the$/ E7erybo)y hear) the$ MARTHA : I share a roo$ 'ith $y A(nt/ It is on the %irst %loor at the other en) o% the ho(se/ It is i$possible to hear anything %ro$ there/ =To Car)iri> Tell her to co$e an) see %or hersel%/ MRS/ TIL4ORD =her 7oice sha-en> : .hat is this& MaryB .hy )i) yo( say yo( sa' thro(gh a -eyholeB Can yo( hear %ro$ yo(r roo$B MAR1 =starts to cry> : E7erybo)y is yelling at $e/ I )on't -no' 'hat I'$ saying 'ith e7erybo)y $i<ing *HF ACT T.O& SCENE T.O $e (p/ I )i) see itA I )i) see itA MRS/ TIL4ORD: .hat )i) yo( seeB .here )i) yo( see itB I 'ant the tr(th& no'/ The tr(th& 'hate7er it is/ CA3DIN =gets (p& $o7es his chair bac-> : .e can go ho$e/ .e are %inishe) here/ =Loo-s aro(n)> It's not a pleasant place to be/ MRS/ TIL4ORD =angrily> : Stop that crying& Mary/ Stan) (p/ =Mary gets (p& hea) )o'n& still crying hysterically/ Mrs/ Til%or) goes an) stan)s )irectly in %ront o% her/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : @ 'ant the tr(th/ MAR1 : All right& all right/ MRS/ TIL4ORD: .hat is the tr(thB MAR1: It 'as Rosalie 'ho sa' the$/ I 9(st sai) it 'as $e so I 'o(l)n't ha7e to tattle on Rosalie/ CARDIN ='earily> : Oh& $y 0o) A MAR1 : It 'as Rosalie& 0ran)$a& she tol) (s all abo(t it/ She sai) she ha) rea) abo(t it in a boo- an) she -ne' CARDIN =pic-s (p his hat> : .ell go no'/ 0oo) night A$elia& an) goo)8bye/ MAR1 =)esperately> : 1o( as- Rosalie/ 1o( 9(st asRosalie/ She'll tell yo(/ .e (se) to tal- abo(t it all the ti$e/ That's the tr(th& that's the honest tr(th/ She sai) it 'as 'hen the )oor 'as open once& an) she tol) (s all abo(t it& I 'as 9(st trying to sa7e Rosalie& an) e7erybo)y 9($ps on $e/ MRS/ TIL4ORD =to Car)in> : ,lease 'ait a $in(te/ =0oes to library )oor> RosalieA CARDIN: 1o('re gi7ing yo(rsel% an a'%(l beating A$elia& an) yo( )eser7e 'hate7er yo( get/ MRS/ TIL4ORD =stan)s 'aiting %or Rosalie& passes her han) o7er her %ace> : I )on't -no'/ I )on't -no' any

$ore/ Maybe it's 'hat I )o )eser7e/ =As Rosalie& %rightene)& appears at the )oor& $a-ing bo's to e7erybo)y& Mrs/ Til%or) ta-es the chil) gently by the han)& *H* THE CHILDREN'S HOUR brings her )o'n Centre& tal-ing ner7o(sly> I'$ sorry to -eep yo( (p so late& Rosalie/ 1o( $(st be tire)/ =Spea-s rapi)ly> Mary says there's been a lot o% talin the school lately abo(t Miss .right an) Miss Dobie& Is that tr(eB Is that tr(eB ROSALIE : I I )on't -no' 'hat yo( $ean/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : That things ha7e been sai) a$ong yo( girls/ ROSALIE ='i)e8eye)& 8%rightene)>: .hat thingsB I ne7er I I 5AREN =gently> : Don't be %rightene)/ MRS/ TIL4ORD: .hat 'as the tal- abo(t& RosalieB ROSALIE =(tterly be'il)ere)> : I )on't -no' 'hat she $eans& Miss .right/ 5AREN : Rosalie& Mary has tol) her gran)$other that certain things at school ha7e been or are p(EEling yo( girls& yo( partic(larly/ ROSALIE : History p(EEles $e/ I g(ess I'$ not 7ery goo) at history& an) Helen helps $e so$eti$es& i% that 5AREN : No& that's not 'hat she $eant/ She says that yo( tol) her that yo( sa' certain certain acts bet'een Miss Dobie an) $ysel%/ She says that once 'hen the )oor 'as open& yo( sa' (s -issing each other in a 'ay that =Unable to bear the chil)Fs loo-& she t(rns her bac-> 'o$en )on't -iss one another/ ROSALIE: Oh& Miss .right& I )i)n't& )i)n't& )i)n't& I )i)n't/ I ne7er sai) s(ch a thing/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : That's tr(e& $y )earB ROSALIE : I ne7er sa' any s(ch thing/ Mary al'ays $a-es things (p abo(t $e an) e7erybo)y else/ =Starts to 'eep in e<cite$ent> I ne7er sai) any s(ch thing e7er/ .hy& I ne7er e7en co(l) ha7e tho(ght o% MAR1 =staring at her& spea-s 7ery slo'ly> : 1es& yo( )i)& Rosalie/ 1o('re 9(st trying to get o(t o% it/ I re$e$ber 9(st 'hen yo( sai) it/ I re$e$ber it& be8 *H" ACT T.O& SCENE T.O ca(se it 'as the )ay Helen 3(rton's bracelet 'as ROSALIE =stan)s %ascinate) an) %ear%(l& loo-ing at Mary> : I ne7er )i) I I yo('re 9(st MAR1 : It 'as the )ay Helen's bracelet 'as stolen& an) nobo)y -ne' 'ho )i) it& an) Helen sai) that i% her Mother %o(n) o(t she') ha7e the thie% p(t in 9ail/ 5AREN =p(EEle)& as are the others by the s())en change in Rosalie's $anner> : There's nothing to cry

abo(t/ 1o( $(st help (s by telling the tr(th/ .hy& 'hat's the $atter& RosalieB MAR1 : 0ran)$a& there's so$ething I'7e got to tell yo( that ROSALIE ='ith a shrill cry> : 1es/ 1es/ I )i) see it/ I tol) Mary/ .hat Mary sai) 'as right/ I sai) it& I sai) it& I sai) it =Thro's hersel% on the co(ch& 'ee)ing hysterically; Martha stan)s leaning against the )oor; 5aren& Car)in an) Mrs/ Til%or) are staring at Rosalie; Mary slo'ly sits )o'n as the c(rtain %alls/> *HH ACT THREE Scene: the sa$e as Act One/ Li7ing Roo$ o% the school/ At $e: The roo$ has change)/ It is not act(ally )irty& b(t it is )(ll an) )ar- an) (ncare) %or/ The 'in)o's are tightly sh(t& the c(rtains tightly )ra'n/ 5aren is sitting in a large chair& Right Centre& %eet %lat on %loor/ Martha is lying on the co(ch& her %ace b(rie) against the pillo's& her bac- to 5aren/ It is a $in(te or t'o a%ter the rise o% the c(rtain be%ore either spea-s/ MARTHA : It's col) in here/ 5AREN : 1es/ MARTHA: .hat ti$e is itB 5AREN : I )on't -no'/ .hat's the )i%%erenceB MARTHA : None/ I 'as hoping it 'as ti$e %or $y bath/ 5AREN : Ta-e it early to8)ay/ MARTHA =la(ghs> : Oh& I co(l)n't )o that/ I loo%or'ar) all )ay to that bath/ It's $y last to(ch 'ith the %(ll li%e/ It $a-es $e %eel i$portant to -no' that there's one thing ahea) o% $e& one thing I'7e got to )o/ 1o( o(ght to get yo(rsel% so$ething li-e that/ I tell yo( : at %i7e o'cloc- e7ery )ay& yo( co$b yo(r hair/ Ho''s thatB It's better %or yo(& ta-e $y 'or)/ 1o( 'a-e (p in the $orning an) yo( say to yo(rsel%& the )ay's not entirely e$pty& li%e is rich an) %(ll : at %i7e o'cloc- I'll co$b $y hair =They %all bac- into silence/ A $o$ent later the 'phone rings/ Neither o% the$ pays the slightest attention to it& (ntil the ringing beco$es too insistent/ Then 5aren rises& ta-es the recei7er o%%& goes bac- an) sits )o'n>/ 5AREN : It's raining/ MARTHA: H(ngryB 5AREN : No/ 1o(B MARTHA : No& b(t I') li-e to be h(ngry again/ Re8 *HK ACT THREE $e$ber ho' $(ch 'e (se) to eat at college B 5AREN : That 'as ten years ago/ MARTHA : .ell& $aybe 'e'll be h(ngry in another

ten years/ It's cheaper this 'ay/ 5AREN : .hat's the ol) thing abo(t ti$e being $ore no(rishing than brea)B MARTHA : 1eah B Maybe/ 5AREN: 6oe's late to8)ay/ .hat ti$e is itB MARTHA =t(rns to lie on her si)e> : .e'7e been sitting here %or eight )ays as-ing each other the ti$e/ Ha7en't yo( hear) B There isn't any ti$e any $ore/ 5AREN : It's been )ays since 'e'7e been o(t o% this ho(se/ MARTHA: .ell& 'e'll ha7e to get o%% these chairs sooner or later/ In a co(ple o% $onths they'll nee) )(sting/ 5AREN : .hat'll 'e )o 'hen 'e got o%%B MARTHA : 0o) -no's/ 5AREN =al$ost in a 'hisper> : It's a'%(l/ MARTHA : Let's not tal- abo(t it/ =A%ter a $o$entD .hat abo(t eggs %or )innerB 5AREN: All right/ MARTHA : I'll $a-e so$e potatoes 'ith onions& the 'ay yo( (se) to li-e the$/ 5AREN : It's a 'ee- ago Th(rs)ay/ It ne7er see$e) real (ntil the last )ay/ It see$s real eno(gh no'& all right/ MARTHA : No' an) %ore7er a%ter/ 5AREN =s())enly> : Let's go o(t/ MARTHA =t(rns o7er& stares at her> : .here to B 5AREN : .e'll ta-e a 'al-/ MARTHA : .herell 'e 'al-B 5AREN: .hy sho(l)n't 'e ta-e a 'al-B .e 'on't see anybo)y& an) s(ppose 'e )o& 'hat o% itB .e'll 9(st MARTHA =slo'ly gets (p> : Co$e on/ .ell go thro(gh the par-/ *HM THE CHILDREN'S HOUR 5AREN : They $ight see (s/ =They stan) loo-ing at each otherJ Let's not go/ =Martha goes bac-& lies )o'n again> .e'll go to$orro'/ MARTHA =la(ghs> O Stop -i))ing yo(rsel%/ 5AREN : 3(t 6oe says 'e'7e got to go o(t/ He says that all the people 'ho )on't thin- it's tr(e 'ill begin to 'on)er i% 'e -eep hi)ing this 'ay/ MARTHA : I% it $a-es yo( %eel better to thin- there are s(ch people& go ahea)/ 5AREN : He says 'e o(ght to go into to'n an) go shopping an) act as tho(gh MARTHA: ShoppingB That's a so(n) i)ea/ There aren't three stores in Lancet that 'o(l) sell (s anything/ Hasn't he hear) abo(t the La)ies' Cl(bs an) their $eetings an) their circ(lars an) their 7isits an) their

5AREN =so%tly> : Don't tell hi$/ MARTHA =gently> : I 'on't/ =There are %ootsteps in the hall& an) the so(n) o% so$ething being )ragge)> There's o(r %rien)/ =A grocer boy appears l(gging a bo</ He brings it into the roo$& stan)s staring at the$& giggles a little/ .al-s to'ar)s 5aren& stops& e<a$ines her/ She sits tense& loo-ing a'ay %ro$ hi$/ .itho(t ta-ing his eyes %ro$ 5aren he spea-s>/ 0ROCER1 3O1 : I -noc-e) on the -itchen )oor b(t nobo)y ans'ere)/ MARTHA : 1o( sai) that yester)ay/ All right/ Than-s/ 0oo)bye/ 5AREN =(nable any longer to stan) his stare> : Ma-e hi$ stop it/ 0ROCER1 3O1 : Here are the things/ =0iggles& $o7es to'ar)s Martha& stan)s loo-ing at her/ S())enly Martha thr(sts her han) in the air>/ MARTHA : I'7e got eight %ingers& seeB I'$ a %rea-/ 0ROCER1 3O1 =giggling> : There's a car co$in' here/ =0ets no ans'er& starts bac-ing o(t o% )oor% still loo-ing/ 4a$iliarly> 0oo)8bye/ =E<its>/ *H! ACT THREE MARTHA Pbitterly> : An) yo( still thin- 'e sho(l) go into to'n/ 5AREN : I )on't -no'/ I )on't -no' abo(t anything any $ore/ =A%ter a $o$entD Martha& Martha& Martha MARTHA =gently> : .hat is it& 5aren B 5AREN : .hat are 'e going to )o B It's all so col) an) (nreal an) a'%(l/ It's li-e that )ar- ho(r o% the night& 'hen hal% a'a-e& yo( str(ggle thro(gh the blac- $ess yo('7e been )rea$ing/ Then& s())enly& yo( 'a-e (p an) yo( see yo(r o'n be) or yo(r o'n nightgo'n an) yo( -no' yo('re bac- again in a soli) 'orl)/ 3(t no' it's all the night$are; there is no soli) 'orl)/ Oh& Martha& 'hy )i) it happenB .hat happene) B .hat are 'e )oing here li-e this B MARTHA: .aiting/ 5AREN: 4or 'hatB MARTHA : I )on't -no'/ 5AREN : .e'7e got to get o(t o% this place/ I can't stan) it any $ore/ MARTHA : 1o('ll be getting $arrie) soon/ E7erything 'ill be all right then/ 5AREN =7ag(ely> : 1es/ MARTHA =loo-s (p at the tone> : .hat is itB 5AREN : Nothing/ MARTHA : There $(stn't be anything 'rong bet'een yo( an) 6oe/ Ne7er/ 5AREN ='itho(t con7iction> : Nothing's 'rong/ =As %ootsteps are hear) in the hall& her ?%ace lights (p>

There's 6oe& no'/ =Mrs/ Mortar& s$all s(itcase in han)& stan)s in the )oor'ay her %ace p(she) coyly %or'ar)>/ MRS/ MORTAR : An) here I a$& hello& hello/ MARTHA =she has t(rne) o7er on her bac- an) is staring at her a(nt/ She spea-s to 5aren> : The D(chess& isn't itB Ret(rne) at long last/ =Too 9o7ially> Co$e on in/ .e're )elighte) to see yo(/ Are yo( *K+ THE CHILDREN'S HOUR tire) %ro$ yo(r 9o(rneyB Is there so$ething I can get %or yo(B MRS/ MORTAR =s(rprise)> : I'$ 7ery gla) to see yo( both& an) =Loo-s aro(n)> I'$ 7ery gla) to see the ol) place again/ Ho' is e7erythingB MARTHA : E7erything's %ine/ .e're splen)i)& thanyo(/ 1o('re 9(st in ti$e %or tea/ MRS/ MORTAR : 1o( -no'& I sho(l) li-e so$e tea& i% it isn't too $(ch tro(ble/ MARTHA : No tro(ble& at all/ So$e s$all san)'iches an) a little bran)yB MRS/ MORTAR =p(EEle) %inally> : .hy& Martha/ MARTHA : .here the hell ha7e yo( beenB MRS/ MORTAR : Aro(n)& aro(n)/ I ha) a $ost interesting ti$e/ Things MARTHA : .hy )i)n't yo( ans'er $y telegra$s B MRS/ MORTAR : Things ha7e change) in the theatre )rastically change)& I $ight say/ MARTHA : .hy& )i)n't yo( ans'er $y telegra$sB MRS/ MORTAR: Oh& Martha& there's yo(r te$per again/ MARTHA : Ans'er $e an) )on't bother abo(t $y te$per/ MRS/ MORTAR =ner7o(sly> : I 'as $o7ing abo(t a great )eal/ =Con7ersationally> 1o( -no'& I thin- it 'ill thro' a 7ery re7ealing light on the state o% the ne' theatre 'hen I tell yo( that the Lyce($ in Rochester no' has a toilet bac-8stage/ MARTHA : To hell 'ith the toilet in Rochester/ .here 'ere yo(/ MRS/ MORTAR : Mo7ing aro(n)& I tell yo(/ 5AREN : .hat )i%%erence )oes it all $a-e& no'B MRS/ MORTAR: 5aren is C(ite right/ Let bygones be bygones/ As I 'as saying& there's an e%%ete so$ething in the theatre no'& an) that acco(nts %or MARTHA =to 5aren> : Isn't she 'on)er%(l B =To Mrs/ Mortar> .hy )i) yo( re%(se to co$e bac- here an) *K ACT THREE testi%y %or (s B MRS/ MORTAR : .hy& Martha& I )i)n't re%(se to co$e bac- at all/ That's the 'rong 'ay to loo- at it/ I 'as

on a to(r; that's a $oral obligation yo( -no'/ No' )on't let's tal- abo(t (npleasant things any $ore/ I'll go (p an) (npac- a %e' things; to8$orro''s plenty o% ti$e to get $y tr(n-/ 5AREN =la(ghs> : Things ha7e change) here& yo( -no'/ MARTHA : She )oesn't -no'/ She e<pecte) to 'alright into a co$%ortable %ire an) sit )o'n an) she 7ery care%(lly 'aite) (ntil the 'hole thing 'as o7er/ =Leans 8%or'ar) spea-ing to Mrs/ Mortar> Listen : 5aren .right an) Martha Dobie bro(ght a libel s(it against a 'o$an calle) Til%or) beca(se her gran)chil) ha) acc(se) the$ o% ha7ing 'hat the 9()ge calle) ?sin%(l se<(al -no'le)ge o% one another?/ =Mrs/ Mortar hol)s (p her han) $ protestt an) Martha la(ghs> Don't li-e that& )o yo(B .ell& a great part o% the )e%ence's case 'as base) on re$ar-s $a)e by Lily Mortar& actress in the toilets o% Rochester& against her niece& Martha/ An) a greater part o% the )e%ence's case reste) on the telling %act that Mrs/ Mortar 'o(l) not appear in co(rt to )eny or e<plain those re$ar-s/ Mrs/ Mortar ha) a $oral obligation to the theatre/ As yo( probably rea) in the papers& 'e lost the case/ MRS/ MORTAR : I )i)n't thin- o% it that 'ay& Martha/ It co(l)n't ha7e )one any goo) %or all o% (s to get $i<e) (p in that (npleasant notoriety =Sees Martha's 8%ace/ Hastily> 3(t no' that yo('7e e<plaine) it& 'hy& I )o see it yo(r 'ay& an) I'$ sorry I )i)n't co$e bac-/ 3(t no' that I arn here& I'$ going to stan) sho(l)er to sho(l)er 'ith yo(/ I -no' 'hat yo('7e gone thro(gh& b(t the bo)y an) heart )o reco7er& yo( -no'/ 4ll be here 'or-ing right along 'ith yo( an) 'ell *K# THE CHILDREN'S HOUR MARTHA : There's an eight o'cloc- %rain/ 0et on it MRS/ MORTAR: MarthaA MARTHA : 1o('7e co$e bac- to pic- the bones )ry/ .ell& there aren't e7en bones any $ore/ There's nothing here %or yo(/ MRS/ MORTAR =sni%%ling a little> : Ho' can yo( talto $e li-e thatB MARTHA : 3eca(se I hate yo(/ I'7e al'ays hate) yo(/ MRS/ MORTAR : 0o) 'ill p(nish yo( %or that/ MARTHA : He's been )oing all right/ MRS/ MORTAR : .hen yo( 'ish to apologise& I 'ill be te$porarily in $y roo$/ =Starts to e<it& al$ost b($ps into Car)in& steps bac- 'ith )ignity> Ho' )o yo( )o B CARDIN =la(ghs> : Loo- 'ho's here/ A little late& aren't yo(B MRS/ MORTAR: So it's yo(/ No'& I call that loyal/ A lot o% $en 'o(l)n't still be here/ They 'o(l)

ha7e %elt MARTHA : 0et o(t o% here/ 5AREN =opening )oor> : I'll call yo( 'hen it's ti$e %or yo(r train/ =Mrs/ Mortar loo-s at her/ E<its>/ CARDIN : No' 'hat )o yo( thin- bro(ght her bac-B 5AREN : 0o) -no's/ MARTHA : I -no'/ She 'as bro-e/ CARDIN =pats Martha on the sho(l)er> : Don't let her 'orry yo( this ti$e& Martha/ .e'll gi7e her so$e $oney an) get ri) o% her/ =,(lls 5aren to hi$> 3een o(t to8)ay& )arlingB 5AREN : .e starte) to go o(t/ CARDIN =sha-es his hea)>: 4eel all rightB =5aren leans o7er to -iss hi$/ Al$ost i$perceptibly he p(lls bac->/ 5AREN : .hy )i) yo( )o thatB MARTHA : 5aren/ CARDIN: Do 'hatB 5AREN : Dra' bac- that 'ay/ CARDIN =la(ghs& -isses her> : I% 'e sit aro(n) here *KF ACT THREE $(ch longer& 'e'll all be bats/ I sol) $y place to8)ay to 4oster/ 5AREN : 1o( )i) 'hatB CARDIN : .e're getting $arrie) this 'ee-/ Then 'e're going a'ay& all three o% (s/ 5AREN : 1o( can't lea7e here/ I 'on't ha7e yo( )o this %or $e/ .hat abo(t the hospital& an) CARDIN : Sh(t (p& )arling& it's all %i<e)/ .e're going to 2ienna an) 'e're going C(ic-/ 4ischer 'rote that I can ha7e $y ol) place bac-/ 5AREN : No A No A I'$ not going to let yo(/ CARDIN : It's alrea)y )one/ 4ischer can't pay $e $(ch& b(t it'll be eno(gh %or the three o% (s/ ,lenty i% 'e li7e cheap/ MARTHA: I co(l)n't go 'ith yo(& 6oe/ CARDIN : Nonsense& Martha& 'e're all going/ .e're going to ha7e %(n again/ 5AREN =slo'ly> : 1o( )on't 'ant to go bac- to 2ienna/ CARDIN I No/ 5AREN : Then 'hyB CARDIN : Loo- : I )on't 'ant to go to 2ienna& I') rather ha7e staye) here/ 3(t then yo( )on't 'ant to go to 2ienna& yo(') rather ha7e staye) here/ .ell& to hell 'ith that/ .e can't stay here& an) 2ienna o%%ers eno(gh to eat an) sleep an) )rin- beer on/ No' )on't ob9ect any $ore& please& )arling/ All rightB 5AREN : All right/ MARTHA : I can't go/ It's better %or all o% (s i% I )on't/

CARDIN =p(ts his ar$ 'o(n) her> : Not no'/ 1o( stay 'ith (s no'/ Later on& i% yo( 'ant it that 'ay/ All rightB MARTHA =s$iles> : All right/ CARDIN: S'ell/ I'll b(y yo( goo) co%%ee ca-es an) ta-e yo( both to Ischl %or a honey$oon/ MARTHA =p(-ing (p grocery bo<& she starts %or )oor> : A big co%%ee ca-e 'ith a lot o% raisins/ It 'o(l) be *K* THE CHILDREN'S HOUR nice to li-e so$ething again/ =E<its>/ CARDIN ='ith a slightly %orce) heartiness> : be going bac- 'ith a pretty girl 'ho belongs to $e/ Ill sho' yo( o%% all o7er the place Dr/ Engelhar)t& an) the n(rse at the )es-& an) to the %at girl in the ca-e shop& an) to 4ischer/ =La(ghs> The last ti$e I sa' hi$ 'as at the railroa) station/ He too- $e baco% the baggage car/ =.ith an i$itation o% an accent> ?6oseph?& he sai)& ?yo('ll be a goo) )octor; I 'o(l) tr(st yo( to c(t (p $y Minna/ 3(t yo('re not a great )octor& an) yo( ne7er 'ill be/ 0o bac- 'here yo( 'ere born an) ta-e care o% yo(r sic-/ Lea7e the %ancy 'or- to the others?/ I ca$e ho$e/ 5AREN : 1o('ll be co$ing ho$e again so$e )ay/ CARDIN: No/ Let's not tal- abo(t it/ =A%ter a $o$entD 1o('ll nee) so$e clothesB 5AREN : A %e'/ Oh& yo(r Dr/ 4ischer 'as so right/ This is 'here yo( belong/ CARDIN : I nee) an o7ercoat an) a s(it/ 1o(ll nee) a lot o% things hea7y things/ It's col) there no'& $(ch col)er than yo(') e<pect 5AREN : I'7e )one this to yo(/ I'7e ta-en yo( a'ay %ro$ e7erything yo( 'ant/ CARDIN : 3(t it's lo7ely in the $o(ntains& an) that's 'here 'ell go %or a $onth/ 5AREN : They they'7e )one it/ They'7e ta-en a'ay e7ery chance 'e ha)/ E7erything 'e 'ante)& e7erything 'e 'ere going to be/ CARDIN : An) 'e'7e got to stop tal-ing li-e that/ =Ta-es her by the sho(l)ers> .e'7e got a chance/ 3(t it's 9(st one chance& an) i% 'e $iss it 'e're )one %or/ It $eans that 'e'7e got to start p(tting the 'hole b(siness behin) (s no'/ No'& 5aren/ .hat yo('7e )one& yo('7e )one an) that's that/ 5AREN: .hat I'7e )oneB CARDIN =i$patiently> : .hat's been )one to yo(/ 5AREN: .hat )i) yo( $eanB =.hen there is no *K" ACT THK@E ans'er> .hat )i) yo( $ean 'hen yo( sai) 'hat yo('7e )oneB CARDIN =sho(ting> : Nothing/ Nothing/ =Then 7ery

C(ietly> 5aren& there are a lot o% people in this 'orl) 'ho'7e ha) ba) tro(ble in their li7es/ .e're three o% those people/ .e co(l) sit aro(n) the rest o% o(r li7es an) e<ist on that tro(ble& (ntil in the en) 'e ha) nothing else an) 'e') 'ant nothing else/ That's so$ething I'$ not co$ing to an) I'$ not going to let yo( co$e to/ 5AREN : I -no'/ I'$ sorry/ =A%ter a $o$ent> 6oe& can 'e ha7e a baby right a'ay B CARDIN =7ag(ely> : 1es& I g(ess so/ Altho(gh 'e 'on't ha7e $(ch $oney no'/ 5AREN : 1o( (se) to 'ant one right a'ay/ 1o( al'ays sai) that 'as the 'ay yo( 'ante) it/ There's so$e reason %or yo(r changing& CARDIN : My 0o)& 'e can't go on li-e this/ E7erything I say to yo( is $a)e to $ean so$ething else/ .e )on't tal- li-e people any $ore/ Oh& let's get o(t o% here as %ast as 'e can/ 5AREN =as tho(gh she is %inishing the sentence %or hi$> : An) e7ery 'or) 'ill ha7e a ne' $eaning/ 1o( thin- 'e'll be able to r(n a'ay %ro$ thatB .o$an& chil)& lo7e& la'yer& no 'or)s that 'e can (se in sa%ety any $ore/ =La(ghs bitterly> Sic- hightragic people/ That's 'hat 'e'll be/ CARDIN =gently> : No& 'e 'on't& )arling/ Lo7e is cas(al that's the 'ay it sho(l) be/ .e $(st %in) that o(t all o7er again/ .e $(st learn again to li7e an) lo7e li-e other people/ 5AREN : It 'on't 'or-/ CARDIN: .hatB 5AREN : The t'o o% (s together/ CARDIN =sharply> : Stop tal-ing li-e that/ 5AREN : It's tr(e/ =S())enly> I 'ant yo( to say it no'& CARDIN : I )on't -no' 'hat yo('re tal-ing abo(t/ *KH THE CHILDREN'S HOUR 5AREN : 1es yo( )o/ .e'7e both -no'n %or a long ti$e/ I -ne' s(rely the )ay 'e lost the case/ I 'as 'atching yo(r %ace in co(rt/ It 'as asha$e) an) sa) at being asha$e)/ Say it no'& 6oe/ As- it no'/ CARDIN : I ha7e nothing to as-/ Nothing =G(ic-ly> All right/ Is it 'as it e7er 5AREN =p(ts her han) o7er his $o(th> : No/ Martha an) I ha7e ne7er to(che) each other/ =,(lls his hea) )o'n on her sho(l)er> That's all right& )arling/ I'$ gla) yo( as-e)/ I'$ not $a) a bit& really/ CARDIN : I'$ sorry 5aren& I'$ sorry/ I )i)n't $ean to h(rt yo(& I 5AREN : I'll say it %or yo(/ 1o( 'ante) to 'ait (ntil it 'as all o7er& yo( really ne7er 'ante) to as- it at all/ 1o( )i)n't -no' %or s(re; yo( tho(ght there $ight be 9(st a little tr(th in it all/ =.ith great %eeling>

1o('7e been goo) to $e an) loyal/ 1o('re a %ine $an/ =A%rai) o% tears& she pats hi$& 'al-s a'ay> No' go an) sit )o'n& 6oe/ I ha7e a lot o% things to say/ They're all $i<e) (p an) I $(st get the$ clear/ CARDIN : Don't let's tal- any $ore/ Let's %orget an) go ahea)/ 5AREN =p(EEle)> : 0o ahea)B CARDIN : 1es& 5aren/ 5AREN : 1o( belie7e $e& then B CARDIN : O% co(rse I belie7e yo(/ I only ha) to hear yo( say it/ 5AREN : No& no& no/ That isn't the 'ay things 'or-/ Maybe yo( belie7e $e& I') ne7er -no' 'hether yo( )i) or not/ 1o(') ne7er -no' 'hether yo( )i)& either/ .e co(l)n't )o it that 'ay/ Can't yo( see 'hat 'o(l) happenB .e') be ho(n)e) by it all o(r li7es/ I') be %rightene) al'ays& an) in the en) $y o'n %right 'o(l) $a-e $e 'o(l) $a-e $e hate yo(/ =Sees slight $o7e$ent he $a-es> 1es& it 'o(l)/ I -no' it 'o(l)/ I') hate yo( %or 'hat I tho(ght I') )one to yo(/ An) I') hate $ysel% too/ It 'o(l) gro' an) *KK ACT THREE gro' (ntil 'e') be r(ine) by it/ =Sees hi$ abo(t to spea-> Ah& 6oe& yo('7e seen all that yo(rsel%/ 1o( -ne' it %irst/ CARDIN =so%tly> : I )i)n't $ean it that 'ay; I )on't -no'/ 5AREN =s$iles> : 1o('re still trying to spare $e& still trying to tell yo(rsel% that 'e $ight be all right again/ 3(t 'e 'on't be all right/ Not e7er& e7er& e7er/ I )on't -no' all the reasons 'hy/ Loo-& I'$ stan)ing here/ I ha7en't change)/ =Hol)s o(t her han)s'D My han)s loo- 9(st the sa$e& $y %ace is the sa$e& e7en $y )ress is ol)/ .e're in a roo$ 'e'7e been in so $any ti$es be%ore; yo('re sitting 'here yo( al'ays sit; it's nearly ti$e %or )inner/ I'$ li-e e7erybo)y else/ I can ha7e all the things that e7erybo)y has/ I can ha7e yo( an) a baby& an) I can go to $ar-et& an) 'e can go to the $o7ies& an) people 'ill tal- to $e an) =S())enly notices the pain in his %ace> Oh& I'$ sorry/ I $(stn't tal- li-e that/ That co(l)n't be tr(e any $ore/ CARDIN : It co(l) be& 5aren/ .e'll $a-e it be li-e that/ 5AREN : No/ That's only 'hat 'e') li-e to ha7e ha)/ It's 'hat 'e can't ha7e no'/ 0o ho$e& )arling/ CARDIN ='ith %orce> : Don't tal- li-e that/ No $atter 'hat it is& 'e can't lea7e each other/ I can't lea7e yo(/ 5AREN : 6oe& 6oe/ Let's )o it no' an) C(ic-; it 'ill be too har) later on/ CARDIN : No& no& no/ .e lo7e each other/ =His 7oice

brea-s> I') gi7e anything not to ha7e as-e) that C(estion& 5aren/ 5AREN : It ha) to be as-e)& sooner or later an) ans'ere)/ 1o('re a goo) $an the best I'll e7er -no' an) yo('7e been better to $e than b(t it's no goo) no'& %or either o% (s ; yo( can see that/ CARDIN : It can be/ 1o( say I helpe) yo(/ Help $e no'; help $e to be strong an) goo) eno(gh to *KM THE CHILDREN'S HOUR =0oes to'ar)s her 'ith bis ar$s o(t> 5arenA 5AREN =)ra'ing bac-> : No& 6oe A =Then& as he stops> .ill yo( )o so$ething %or $eB CARDIN : Anything b(t lea7e yo(/ 5AREN : .ill yo( 'ill yo( go a'ay %or t'o )ays a )ay an) thin- this all o7er by yo(rsel% a'ay %ro$ $e an) lo7e an) pityB .ill yo(B An) then )eci)e/ CARDIN =a%ter a long pa(se> : 1es& i% yo( 'ant& b(t it 'on't $a-e any )i%%erence/ .e 'ill 5AREN : Don't say anything/ ,lease go no'/ =She sits )o'n& s$iles& closes her eyes/ 4or a $o$ent he stan)s loo-ing at her& then slo'ly p(ts on his hat> An) all $y heart goes 'ith yo(/ CARDIN =at )oor lea7ing> : be co$ing bac-/ =E<its& slo'ly& rel(ctantly& closing )oor>/ 5AREN =a $o$ent a%ter he has gone> : No& yo( 'on't/ Ne7er& )arling/ = Stays as she is (ntil Martha enters& Right>/ MARTHA =goes to la$p& lights it>: It gets )ar- so early no'/ =Sits )o'n& stretches& la(ghs> Coo-ing al'ays $a-es $e %eel better/ .ell& I g(ess 'e'll ha7e to gi7e the D(chess so$e )inner/ .hen the ha'-s )escen)& yo('7e got to %ee) 'e$/ .here's 6oeB =No ans'er> .here's 6oeB 5AREN: 0one/ MARTHA : A patientB .ill he be bac- in ti$e %or )inner B 5AREN : No/ MARTHA ='atching her> : .ell sa7e )inner %or hi$& then/ 5aren .hat's the $atterB 5AREN =in a )(ll tone> : He 'on't be bac- any $ore/ MARTHA =spea-ing slo'ly an) care%(lly> : 1o( $ean he 'on't be bac- any $ore tonightB 5AREN : He 'on't be bac- at all/ MARTHA =C(ic-ly 'al-s to 5aren> : .hat happene)B =5aren sha-es her hea)> .hat happene)& 5aren B *K! ACT THREE 5AREN : He tho(ght that 'e ha) been lo7ers/ MARTHA =tensely>: I )on't belie7e yo(/ =.earily 5aren t(rns her bea) a'ay>/

5AREN : All right/ MARTHA =a(to$atically> : I )on't belie7e it/ He's ne7er sai) a 'or) all these $onths& all )(ring the trial =S())enly grabs 5aren by the sho(l)ersD sha-es her> Di)n't yo( tell hi$ it 'asn't tr(eB 5AREN : 1es/ MARTHA : He )i)n't belie7e yo(B 5AREN : I g(ess he belie7e) $e/ MARTHA =angrily> : Then 'hat ha7e yo( )one B 5AREN : .hat ha) to be )one/ MARTHA : It's all 'rong/ It's silly/ He'll be bac- in a little 'hile an) yo('ll clear it all (p/ =RealiEes 'hy that can't be& co7ers her $o(th 'ith her han)> Oh& 0o)& I 'ante) that %or yo( so $(ch/ 5AREN : Don't/ I %eel sic- to $y sto$ach/ MARTHA =goes to co(ch opposite 5aren& p(ts her hea) in her ar$s> : .hat's happene) to (sB .hat's really happene) to (s B 5AREN : I )on't -no'/ I 'ant to be sleepy/ I 'ant to go to sleep/ MARTHA : 0o bac- to 6oe/ He's strong; he'll (n)erstan)/ It's too $(ch %or yo( this 'ay& 5AREN =irritably> : Stop tal-ing abo(t it/ Let's pacan) get o(t o% here/ Let's ta-e the train in the $orning/ MARTHA : The train to 'hereB 5AREN : I )on't -no'/ So$e place; any place/ MARTHA : A 9obB MoneyB 5AREN : In a big place 'e co(l) get so$ething to )o/ MARTHA : They') -no' abo(t (s/ .e'7e been %a$o(s/ 5AREN ; A s$all to'n then& MARTHA : They') -no' $ore abo(t (s/ 5AREN =as a chil) 'o(l) say it> : Isn't there any'here to go B MARTHA : No/ There'll ne7er be any place %or (s to go/ *M+ THE CHILDREN'S HOUR .e're ba) people/ .ell sit/ .e'll be sitting %or the rest o% o(r li7es 'on)ering 'hat's happene) to (s/ 1o( thin- this scene is strangeB .ell& get (se) to it; 'e'll be here %or a long ti$e/ =S())enly pinches 5aren on the ar$> Let's pinch each other so$eti$es/ .e can tell 'hether 'e're still li7ing/ 5AREN =shi7ers& listlessly gets (p& starts $a-ing a %ire in the %ireplace> : 3(t this isn't a ne' sin they tell (s 'e'7e )one/ Other people aren't )estroye) by it/ MARTHA : They are the people 'ho belie7e in it& 'ho 'ant it& 'ho'7e chosen it/ .e aren't li-e that/ .e )on't lo7e each other/ =S())enly stops& crosses to %ireplace& stan)s loo-ing abstracte)ly at 5aren/ Spea-s cas(ally> I )on't lo7e yo(/ .e'7e been 7ery close to each other& o% co(rse/ I'7e lo7e) yo( li-e a %rien)& the 'ay tho(san)s o% 'o$en %eel abo(t other 'o$en/

5AREN =only hal%8listening> : The %ire's nice/ MARTHA : Certainly that )oesn't $ean anything/ There's nothing 'rong abo(t that/ It's per%ectly nat(ral that I sho(l) be %on) o% yo(& that I sho(l) 5AREN =listlessly> : .hy are yo( saying all this to $e B MARTHA : 3eca(se I lo7e yo(/ 5AREN =7ag(ely> : 1es& o% co(rse/ MARTHA : I lo7e yo( that 'ay $aybe the 'ay they sai) I lo7e) yo(/ I )on't -no'/ =.aits& gets no ans'er& -neels )o'n ne<t to 5aren> Listen to $eA 5AREN : .hatB MARTHA : I ha7e lo7e) yo( the 'ay they sai)/ 5AREN : 1o('re craEy/ MARTHA : There's al'ays been so$ething 'rong/ Al'ays& as long as I can re$e$ber/ 3(t I ne7er -ne' it (ntil this happene)/ 5AREN =%or the %irst ti$e loo-s (p& horri%ie)>: Stop it A MARTHA : 1o('re a%rai) o% hearing it/ I'$ $ore a%rai) than yo(/ 5AREN =p(ts her han)s o7er her ears> : I 'on't listen to yo(/ *M ACT THREE MARTHA : Ta-e yo(r han)s )o'n/ =Leans o7er& 5aren's han) a'ay> 1o('7e got to -no' it/ I can't -eep it any longer/ I'7e got to tell yo( ho' g(ilty I a$/ 5AREN =)eliberatelyD : 1o( are g(ilty o% nothing MARTHA : I'7e been telling $ysel% that since the night 'e hear) the chil) say it; I'7e been praying I co(l) con7ince $ysel% o% it/ I can't& I can't any longer/ It's there/ I )on't -no' ho'& I )on't -no' 'hy/ 3(t I )i) lo7e yo(/ I )o lo7e yo(/ I resente) yo(r $arriage; $aybe beca(se I 'ante) yo(& $aybe I 'ante) yo( all along; $aybe I co(l)n't call it by a na$& $aybe it's been there e7er since I %irst -ne' yo(/ 5AREN =tensely> : It's a lie/ 1o('re telling yo(rsel% a lie/ .e ne7er tho(ght o% each other that 'ay/ MARTHA =bitterly> : No& o% co(rse yo( )i)n't/ 3(t 'ho says I )i)n'tB I ne7er %elt that 'ay abo(t anybo)y b(t yo(/ I'7e ne7er lo7e) a $an =Stops/ So%tly> I ne7er -ne' 'hy be%ore/ Maybe it's that/ 5AREN =care%(lly> : 1o( are tire) an) sic-/ MARTHA =as tho(gh she 'ere tal-ing to hersel%> : It's %(nny; it's all $i<e) (p/ There's so$ething in yo(& an) yo( )on't -no' it an) yo( )on't )o anything abo(t it/ S())enly a chil) gets bore) an) lies an) there yo( are& seeing it %or the %irst ti$e/ =Closes her eyes> I )on't -no'/ It all see$s to co$e bac- to $e/ In so$e 'ay I'7e r(ine) yo(r li%e/ I'7e r(ine) $y o'n/ I )i)n't e7en -no'/ =S$iles> There's a big )i%%erence bet'een (s no'& 5aren/ 1o( %eel sa) an) clean ; I %eel sa) an) )irty/ =,(ts o(t her han)D to(ches 5aren's

hea)> I can't stay 'ith yo( any $ore& )arling/ 5AREN =in a sha-en (ncertain tone> : All this isn't tr(e/ .ell preten) yo( ne7er sai) it; yo('ll ha7e %orgotten to8$orro'/ MARTHA: To8$orro'B That's a %(nny 'or)/ In all those years to co$e& 5aren& 'e 'o(l) ha7e ha) to in7ent a ne' lang(age& as chil)ren )o& 'itho(t 'or)s li-e to8$orro'/ *M# THE CHILDREN'S HOUR 5AREN =crying> : 0o an) lie )o'n& Martha/ 1o('ll %eel better/ MARTHA =loo-s aro(n) the roo$& slo'ly& care%(lly/ She is '7ery C(iet/ E<its Right& stan)s at )oor %or a secon) loo-ing at 5aren& then slo'ly sh(ts the )oor behin) her> : 1es& I thin- I 'ill %eel better/ =5aren sits alone 'itho(t $o7ing/ There is no so(n) in the ho(se& (ntil& a %e' $in(tes a%ter Martha's e<it& a shot is hear)/ The so(n) o% the shot sho(l) not be too strong; the act has not been sensational/ 4or a %e' secon)s a%ter the noise has )ie) o(t& 5aren )oes not $o7e/ Then& s())enly& she springs %ro$ the chair& crosses the roo$& p(lls open the )oor Right/ Al$ost at the sa$e ti$e %ootsteps are hear) on the staircase>/ MRS/ MORTAR : .hat 'as thatB .here is itB =Enters )oor centre& %rightene)& ai$lessly $o7ing abo(t>/ 5arenA MarthaA .here are yo(B I hear) a shot/ .hat 'as =Stops as she sees 5aren re8appear Right/ .al-s to'ar)s her still tal-ing/ Stops 'hen she sees 5aren's %ace>/ .hat 'hat is itB =5aren $o7es her han)s& sha-es her hea) slightly& passes Mrs/ Mortar an) goes to 'in)o'/ Mrs/ Mortar stares at her %or a $o$ent& r(shes past her thro(gh )oor Right/ Le%t alone& 5aren leans against the 'in)o'/ Mrs/ Mortar re8enters& crying/ A%ter a $in(te> .hat shall 'e )o B .hat shall 'e )oB 5AREN =in a toneless 7oice> : Nothing/ MRS/ MORTAR: .e'7e got to get a )octor right a'ay/ =0oes to D phone& ner7o(sly starts to )ial>/ 5AREN : There isn't any (se/ =.itho(t t(rning>/ MRS/ MORTAR : .e'7e got to )o so$ething/ Oh& it's a'%(l/ ,oor Martha/ I )on't -no' 'hat 'e can )o =,(ts phone )o'n& collapses in chair& sobs C(ietly>/ 1o( thin- she's )ea) 5AREN : 1es/ MRS/ MORTAR : ,oor& poor Martha/ I can't realiEe it's tr(e/ Oh& ho' co(l) she she 'as so I )on't -no' *MF ACT THREE 'hat =Loo-s (p9 still crying& s(rprise)D I'$ I'$ %rightene)/

5AREN : Don't cry/ MRS/ MORTAR: I can't help it/ Ho' can I help itB =0ra)(ally the sobs cease& an) she sits roc-ing hersel%>/ I'll ne7er %orgi7e $ysel% %or the last 'or)s I sai) to her/ 3(t I 'as goo) to her& 5aren& an) yo( -no' 0o) 'ill e<c(se $e %or that once/ I al'ays trie) to )o e7erything I co(l)/ =S())enly> S(ici)e's a sin/ =No ans'er/ Ti$i)ly> Sho(l)n't 'e call so$ebo)y to 5AREN : In a little 'hile& MRS/ MORTAR: She sho(l)n't ha7e )one it& she sho(l)n't ha7e )one it/ It 'as beca(se o% all this a'%(l b(siness/ She 'o(l) ha7e got a 9ob an) starte) all o7er again she 'as 9(st 'orrie) an) sic- an) 5AREN : That isn't the reason she )i) it MRS/ MORTAR: .hat 'hyB 5AREN ='earily> : .hat )i%%erence )oes it $a-e no'B MRS/ MORTAR =reproach%(lly> : 1o('re not crying/ 5AREN : No/ MRS/ MORTAR : .hat 'ill happen to $eB I ha7en't anything/ Oh& she 'o(l)n't ha7e 'ante) $e& no $atter 'hat she sai)& to s(%%er an) star7e/ I -no' she 'o(l)n't ha7e 'ante) that/ 5AREN : She 'as 7ery goo) to yo(/ She 'as goo) to (s all/ MRS/ MORTAR : Oh& I -no' she 'as& 5aren& an) I 'as goo) to her& too& I )i) e7erything I co(l)/ I I ha7en't any place to go/ 5AREN ='itho(t $alice> : .hen the ha'-s )escen)& they $(st be %e)/ 1o('ll be ta-en care o%/ MRS/ MORTAR =a%ter a %e' secon)s o% silence> : I'$ a%rai)/ It see$s so C(eer in the ne<t roo$/ =Shi7ers> & 5AREN : Don't be a%rai)/ MRS/ MORTAR : It's )i%%erent %or yo(/ 1o('re yo(ng& *M* THE CHILDREN'S HOUR 5AREN : Not any $ore/ =The so(n) o% the )oor8bell ringing/ Mrs/ Mortar 9($ps/ 5aren )oesn't $o7e/ It rings again > MRS/ MORTAR =ner7o(sly> : .ho is itB =The bell rings again> Shall I ans'er it B =5aren shr(gs> I thin'e') better/ =E<its )o'n the hall thro(gh Centre )oors/ Ret(rns in a $in(te %ollo'e) by Mrs/ Til%or)'s $ai)D Agatha& 'ho stan)s in the )oor> It's a 'o$an =No ans'er> It's a 'o$an to see yo(& 5aren/ =0etting no ans'ert she t(rns to Agatha> 1o( can't co$e in no'& 'e ha7e ha) a 'e'7e ha) tro(ble here/ A0ATHA : Miss 5aren& I'7e got to spea- to yo(/ 5AREN =t(rns slo'ly& $echanically> : Agatha/ A0ATHA =goes to 5aren> : ,lease Miss 5aren/ .e'7e trie) so har) to get yo(/ I been phoning all the ti$e/

,lease& please& let her co$e in/ 6(st %or a $in(te& Miss 5aren/ ,lease MRS/ MORTAR : .ho 'ants to co$e in hereB A0ATHA : Mrs/ Til%or)/ =Loo-s at 5aren> Don't yo( %eel 'ellB =5aren sha-es her hea)> 1o( ain't $a) at $eB MRS/ MORTAR : That 'o$an can't co$e in here/ She ca(se) all 5AREN : I'$ not $a) at yo(& Agatha/ A0ATHA : Can I can I get yo( so$ethingB 5AREN: No/ A0ATHA : 1o( poor chil)/ 1o( loo- li-e yo( got a pain so$e'here/ =Hesitates& ta-es 5aren's han)s> I only ca$e 'ca(se she's so ba) o%%/ She's got to see yo(& Miss 5aren& she's 9(st got to/ She's been sittin' o(tsi)e in the car& hoping yo(') co$e o(t/ She can't get Dr/ 6oe/ He he 'on't tal- to her any $ore/ I 'o(l)n't 'a' co$e I al'ays been on yo(r si)e b(t she's sic-/ I% only yo( co(l) see her& yo(') let her co$e in 9(st %or a $in(te/ 5AREN : I co(l)n't )o that& Agatha/ A0ATHA ; I )on't bla$e yo(/ 3(t I ha) to tell yo(/ *M" ACT THREE She's ol)/ It's going to -ill her/ 5AREN =bitterly> : 5ill herB .here is Mrs/ Til%or)B A0ATHA : O(tsi)e/ 5AREN : All right/ A0ATHA =presses 5aren's ar$> : 1o( al'ays been a goo) girl/ =H(rrie)ly e<its>/ MRS/ MORTAR : 1o( going to allo' that 'o$an to co$e in hereB .ith Martha lying thereB Ho' can yo( be so %eelinglessB =She starts to cry> I 'on't stay an) see it/ I 'on't ha7e anything to )o 'ith it/ I'll ne7er let that 'o$an =R(shes sobbing %ro$ the roo$>/ IA secon) later& Mrs/ Til%or) appears in the )oor'ay Centre/ She is a sic- 'o$an; an ol) 'o$an/ Her %ace& her 'al-& her 7oice ha7e change)/ She is %eeble/N MRS/ TIL4ORD: 5aren& let $e co$e in/ =.itho(t t(rning& 5aren bo's her hea)/ Mrs/ Til%or) enters& stan)s staring at the %loor>/ 5AREN : .hy ha7e yo( co$e here B MRS& TIL4ORD : I ha) to co$e/ =Stretches o(t her han) to 5aren 'ho )oes not t(rn/ She )rops her han)> I -no' no'; I -no' it 'asn't tr(e/ 5AREN: .hatB MRS/ TIL4ORD =care%(lly> : I -no' it 'asn't tr(e& 5aren/ 5AREN =stares at her& sh())ers> : 1o( -no' it 'asn't tr(eB I )on't care 'hat yo( -no'/ It )oesn't $atter any $ore/ I% that's 'hat yo( ha) to say& yo('7e sai) it/

0o a'ay/ MRS/ TIL4ORD =p(ts her han) to her throat> : I'7e got to tell yo(/ 5AREN : I )on't 'ant to hear yo(/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : Last T(es)ay& Mrs/ .ells %o(n) a bracelet in Rosalie's roo$/ The bracelet ha) been hi))en %or se7eral $onths/ .e %o(n) o(t that Rosalie ha) ta-en the bracelet %ro$ another girl& an) that Mary =Closes her eyes> that Mary -ne' that an) (se) *MH THE CHILDREN'S HOUR it to %orce Rosalie into saying that she ha) seen yo( an) Miss Dobie together/ I I'7e tal-e) to Mary/ I'7e %o(n) o(t =5aren s())enly begins to la(gh& high an) sharp> Don't )o that 5aren& I ha7e only a little $ore to say/ I'7e tal-e) to 6()ge ,otter/ He 'ill $a-e all arrange$ents/ There 'ill be a p(blic apology an) an e<planation/ The )a$age s(it 'ill be pai) to yo( in %(ll& an) an) any $ore that yo( 'ill be -in) eno(gh to ta-e %ro$ $e/ I I $(st see that yo( 'on't s(%%er any $ore/ 5AREN : .e're not going to s(%%er any $ore/ It's all too late/ Martha is )ea)/ =Mrs/ Til%or) gasps& sha-es her hea) as tho(gh to sha-e o%% the tr(th& %eebly %alls into a chair& an) co7ers her %ace/ 5aren 'atches her %or a $in(te> So yo('7e co$e here to relie7e yo(r conscienceB .ell& I 'on't be yo(r con%essor/ It's cho-ing yo(& is itB =2iolently> An) yo( 'ant to stop the cho-ing& )on't yo(B 1o('7e )one a 'rong an) yo( ha7e to right that 'rong or yo( can't rest yo(r hea) again/ 1o( 'ant to be ?9(st? )on't yo(& an) yo( 'ante) (s to help yo( to be 9(stB 1o('7e co$e to the 'rong place %or help/ 1o( 'ant to be a ?goo)? 'o$an again& )on't yo(/ =3itterly> Oh& I -no'/ 1o( tol) (s that night yo( ha) to )o 'hat yo( )i)/ No' yo( ?ha7e? to )o this/ A p(blic apology an) $oney pai)& an) yo( can sleep again an) eat again/ That )one an) there'll be peace %or yo(/ 1o('re ol)& an) the ol) are callo(s/ Ten& %i%teen years le%t %or yo(/ 3(t 'hat o% $eB It's a 'hole li%e %or $e/ A 'hole 0o)8)a$ne) li%e/ =S())enly C(iet& points to )oor Right> An) 'hat o% herB MRS/ TIL4ORD =she is crying> : 1o( are still li7ing/ 5AREN : An) I )on't -no' 'hy/ MRS/ TIL4ORD ='ith a tre$en)o(s e%%ort to control hersel%>: I )i)n't co$e here to relie7e $ysel%/ I s'ear to 0o) I )i)n't/ I ca$e to try to try anything/ I -ne' there 'asn't any relie% %or $e& 5aren& *MK ACT THREE an) that there ne7er 'o(l) be again/ =Tensely> 3(t 'hat I a$& or 'hy I ca$e )oesn't $atter/ The only

thing that $atters is yo( an) 1o(& no'/ 5AREN : There's nothing %or $e any $ore/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : Oh& let's try to $a-e so$ething %or yo(/ 1o('re yo(ng& an) I I can help yo(/ 5AREN =s$iles> : 1o( can help $eB MRS/ TIL4ORD ='ith great %eeling> : Ta-e 'hate7er I can gi7e yo(/ Ta-e it %or yo(rsel% an) (se it %or yo(rsel%/ It 'on't bring $e peace& i% that's 'hat 'orrying yo(/ =S$iles> Those ten or %i%teen years yo( tal-e) abo(tA I hope it 'on't be that long/ 3(t ho'e7er long it is& it 'ill be in )ar-ness/ An) I 'on't bla$e yo( i% that gi7es yo( pleas(re/ 5AREN : I'$ too tire) to 'ant e7en that/ =Al$ost ten)erly> 1o( 'ill ha7e a har) ti$e ahea)& 'on't yo(B MRS/ TIL4ORD : 1es/ 5AREN: MaryB MRS/ TIL4ORD : I )on't -no'/ 5AREN : 1o( can sen) her a'ay/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : No/ I co(l) ne7er )o that/ .hate7er she )oes& it $(st be to $e an) no one else/ She's she's 5AREN : 1es/ 1o(r 7ery o'n& to li7e 'ith the rest o% yo(r li%e/ They 'ill be years o% )ar-ness; yo('re right/ =4or a $o$ent she 'atches Mrs/ Til%or)'s %ace> It's o7er %or $e no'& b(t it 'ill ne7er en) %or yo(/ She's har$e) (s both& b(t she's har$e) yo( $ore& I g(ess/ =Sits )oi7n besi)e Mrs/ Til%or)> I'$ sorry/ MRS/ TIL4ORD =cl$gs to her> : Then yo('ll try %or yo(rsel%/ 5AREN: All right/ MRS& TIL4ORD : 1o( an) 6oe/ 5AREN : No/ .e're not together any $ore/ MRS/ TIL4ORD =loo-s (p at her> : Di) I )o that& tooB *MM THE CHILDREN'S HOUR 5AREN : I )on't thin- anyone )i) anything any $ore/ MRS/ TIL4ORD =$a-es a hal%8$o7e$ent to rise> : I'll go to hi$ right a'ay/ 5AREN : No& it's better no' the 'ay it is/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : 3(t he $(st -no' 'hat I -no'& 5aren/ 1o( $(st go bac- to hi$/ 5AREN =s$iles> : No& not any $ore/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : 1o( $(st& yo( $(st =Sees her 9ace& hesitates> ,erhaps later& 5arenB 5AREN : ,erhaps/ MRS/ TIL4ORD =a%ter a $o$ent in 'hich they both sit silent> : Co$e a'ay %ro$ here no'& 5aren/ =5aren sha-es her hea)> 1o( can't stay 'ith =Mo7es her han) to'ar)s )oor Right>/ 5AREN : .hen she is b(rie)& then I 'ill go/

MRS/ TIL4ORD : 1o('ll be all rightB 5AREN : I'll be all right& I s(ppose/ 0oo)8bye no'/ =They both rise/ Mrs/ Til%or) spea-s plea)ingly>/ MRS/ TIL4ORD: 1o('ll let $e help yo(B 1o('ll let $e tryB 5AREN : 1es& i% it 'ill $a-e yo( %eel better/ MRS/ TIL4ORD =ti$i)ly> : An) yo( yo('ll ta-e the $oney B 5AREN =tire)> : I% yo( 'ant it that 'ay/ MRS/ TIL4ORD ='ith great %eeling> : Oh& yes/ Oh yes& 5aren/ =Unconscio(sly 5aren begins to 'al- to'ar)s 'in)o'>/ 5AREN =s())enly> : Is it nice o(tB MRS/ TIL4ORD : It's been col)/ =5aren opens the 'in)o' slightly'& sits on the le)ge/ Mrs/ Til%or)& 'ith s(rprise> It see$s a little 'ar$er no'/ 5AREN : It %eels 7ery goo)/ =They s$ile at each other>/ MRS/ TIL4ORD : 1o('ll 'rite to $e so$e ti$eB 5AREN : I% I ha7e anything to say/ 0oo)8bye no'/ MRS& TIL4ORD : 1o( 'ill ha7e/ I -no' it/ 0oo)8bye& $y )ear/ =5aren s$iles& sha-es her hea) as Mrs/ Til8 *M! ACT THREE %or) e<its/ She )oes not t(rn& b(t a $in(te later she raises her han)>/ 5AREN : 0oo)8bye/ C(rtain/ *!+

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