Tugas Bhasa Inggris

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Nama : Shakila Azhari Kelas : VIII-6 1. Text Recount : A News Re ort !

loo" At #rotokol Street

A Sur$er% & %ester"ah has 'oun" 'loo" a (akarta . !loo" Inun"ate o' rotokol street Ver% )istur* to all use street !loo" +reate" at "ate ,a% 1- & ./10 . !loo" +reate" result hea$% shower o' rain o' 1hich hi2h an" to lu2 2utter which 'ull% Trash at 2utter . ,anner 'or to "ecrease !loo" is with manner to im ro$er "rain 2utter . 3reak societ% throw trash to 2utter an" re ro"uce "rain water 1ith that & we ho e 'loo" shall "ecrease .. Text Recount : Stor% 4r !a*el Alice In 1on"erlan" 4rientation : The stor% tells a*out a little 2irl who 2oes into a ma2ical worl" 5$ent : Alice 'allin2 into a ra**it hole an" stran"e" in won"erlan" with ma2ical Inha*itants 6 There & Alice meets man% a"$enture . Alice meet ra**it with ocket watch & 'ollow tea art% hel" *% the creator o' the ha" an" la% cricket with the 7ueen . 5n" o' stor% & Alice woke u an" thou2ht that is was (ust a "ream

Reorientation : A'ter wokin2 u & she saw a ra**it with a ocket watch asse" close her an" She smile that is wasn8t a "ream

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