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There are a variety of ways to become famous.

You can write a pop song, invent a time machine or appear on a reality TV program. The best way, however, is to become outstanding in whatever area interests you the most. There are famous cooks, artists, musicians, actors, and athletes. Whatever your interest, keep in mind that the path to fame requires training, experience, and most of all, persistence.

Part One: The Path to Fame
. Realize that being famous isn't easy -- it takes time and hard work. You!re going to have to put in long hours and work hard. "eing famous doesn!t happen by accident. #. # Realize that ompetition in your sele ted field !a ting" singing or writing# is likely $ery utthroat. $ots of people want to do it too, so begin to think of a way that you can distinguish yourself without betraying who you are. %. % %f you're &ust on erned about being famous" you an forget it. &t!s not about money or fame, it!s about having passion and en'oying it. (. ( 'nderstand that there is more than one way to be ome famous. &t!s not 'ust about being rich or beautiful )) there are endless ways to gain fame. *ere are 'ust a few suggestions+
o o o o o o o o o o

Write a best)selling novel. ,erform a popular song. "ecome an actor. &nvent something useful. "ecome a model. -tart a successful business. .o something heroic. /xcel at professional sports. 0arry someone already famous. "ecome a prominent politician.

1. 1 (ake sure that be oming famous is your ultimate dream. 2ame is like a two)sided coin. &t has positive and negative aspects to it. *istory is full of people who chased fame and later regretted it. -it down and make a list of the good and bad things about being famous. &f the results lean toward the positive, then move forward with confidence.

Part Two: )e 'ni*ue

. +o something inspirational so others an look up to you. That said, here are four generic techniques that would apply in many situations+

3 "e the best at something or the first to do something. 4esearch and find something that no one has ever done, and do it. $ook around and see what someone famous is famous for, and learn to do it better. "e a better runner, seamstress, singer or dancer, or an outstanding mother or father. -elect a particular interest and become the best at it. Try to be the worst at something. Tiny Tim became famous for singing in a falsetto voice. "y traditional vocal standards, he wasn!t a talented singer. That made him different, and therefore famous. William *ung did the same thing more recently on 5merican &dol. *e sings so badly that people flock to see him perform. "eing radically different and bold will help you achieve fame. 6otice how some plus) si7e women have broken the mold of traditional modeling recently and are now pictured on calendars and starring in hit movies. .on!t be afraid to be different than the norm. 8ust being in the right place, at the right time, can make you famous. 0aybe it will only last for an hour or a day, but everyone will know who you are for at least a short time. 2or example, a fireman who pulls a child out of a well. 0ost people won!t remember his name down the road, but at the time of the event, everyone knew him )) he was televised, and achieved instant 9albeit brief: fame.

3 # )uild upon one of the four te hni*ues abo$e to apply it in your desired field of fame. *ere is list of 'ust some of the ways you can become famous+ #.

"ecome famous by excelling in your business interest, and become known as being outstanding in that particular field. "eing a standard real estate agent makes you one of many. *owever, if you!re the real estate agent who sells the most homes in your local market, year after year, you will develop some celebrity in that particular field. 5ttend an audition and get discovered so you can become a model or an actor. $ow odds, but it might 'ust happen; &t may seem scary, but once it!s over with it will be worth it. You should make sure that you practice, and you should

show the real you. .on!t pretend to act or look like someone who is already famous. That!s what fans are for;

Part Three: ,ook for Opportunities

. Put yourself out there. There are many avenues available to pursue fame. &f used correctly, you can achieve 5ndy Warhol!s 1 minutes of fame, or you could spark a longer career. *ere are two suggestions+

6ew 0edia. The &nternet holds an infinite amount of potential for achieving fame. YouTube, for example, gives people an opportunity to express and expose themselves to millions of people. <ld 0edia. 5ppearing on TV, in movies, in the newspaper, or on the radio will undoubtedly boost your public profile. 4eality television programs, in particular, have launched many careers.


.on!t wait for a dream. Work for it. *ighlight your best talent or quality. 2ind ways to show the world what you!ve got; ,articipate in lots of events. "e in a school play or sing in a choir at church, it doesn!t matter how you start. 0ost famous people start like that anyway. "eing famous isn!t only nationwide. &t is much easier to become well known in your community. Your fame might even spread from there; Try to contact famous people in an attempt to get them interested in your area of expertise. .o not badger them, however, or continue to communicate with them if they do not respond. &f you want to be an actor or actress, find a theater near you and audition for plays )) you could become famous; *ave a genuine conviction that you deserve to be famous. /nvisage benefits to the society from your fame and try to highlight and pro'ect them in turn. .o not be deterred by resistance to your efforts. "e brave and assertive. =ontact your local newspapers and get them interested in doing an interview about you.

-ow .olor /ffe ts Our (ood

2irst ,osted+ 4ead more =olor 5nd 0ood, =olor 0ood =onnection, *ealthy $iving, *ow =olor 5ffects 0ood, *ealthy $iving 6ews >#?>#@ #+ % am /-T Apdated+ @1>#B>#@ % @+#C am /.T

share this story BD %D D? Eet *ealthy $iving 5lerts -ign Ap -ubmit this story By Rachel Grumman Bender For YouBeauty &t you think of the way we describe certain emotions 9seeing red, feeling blue, green with envy:, thereFs no denying that color and mood are inextricably linked. -lip on a tailored $". and you instantly feel chic and sexy or pop open a sunny yellow umbrella on a gloomy day and some of that sunniness will undoubtedly rub off on you. GA&H+ WhatFs Your 0oodI 0<4/+ 5re You -exually -atisfiedI 0<4/+ 2irst &mpressions <n -peed .ates There are several reasons why colors are able to influence how we feel. JWe react on multiple levels of association with colors )) there are social or culture levels as well as personal relationships with particular colors,J explains $eslie *arrington, executive director of The =olor 5ssociation of The Anited -tates, which forecasts color trends. JYou also have an innate reaction to color. 2or example, when you look at red, it does increase your heart rate. &t is a stimulating color. This goes back to caveman days of fire and danger and alarm.J You also have learned certain associations with color, such as red making your heart race since itFs linked with fire trucks and ambulances 9in other words, alarm: or yellow having positive association simply because it was the color of your beloved grandmotherFs kitchen. J5s you get older, you become much more conscious of those learned reactions than the innate ones,J adds *arrington. 8eannie 0ai, who hosts J*ow .o & $ookIJ on the -tyle 6etwork and who recently paired up with Yoplait $ight to encourage women to make simple swaps 9from giving your clothes a boost of color to swapping out unhealthy eating habits:, is a firm believer in the ability of clothes to boost your mood. -he calls it Jwearapy.J JTherapists treat people with mood disorders,J she says. J& use clothing and texture to enhance peopleFs moods and their lives. <n a bleak day it would be so easy to throw on a pair of 'eans and a slouchy sweater, but & throw on something from spring )) a green mini skirt, fun fringe booties and a sweater with evening 'ewelry. That makes an impression on everyone around me, but it also makes me feel cute. 5nd when you feel cute, you feel better. You can channel the different moods you want with different colors.K 2eel like changing your frame of mind for the betterI ,lay around with these colors when picking out your clothes, makeup and accessories+

Seeing Red 4ed is the hot, cra7y girl of colors, evoking powerful emotions such as fear, anger and passion. J4ed would be one of the most complicated colors,J says *arrington. Anlike, say, yellow, which is sunny whether itFs a pale or bright version of the shade, the mood red conveys changes dramatically when you lighten it 9sweet and innocent pink: or darken it 9sophisticated burgundy:. 5lthough research shows that the best way for a single gal to attract a guyFs attention is to wear red, you may be garnering attention you donFt necessarily want. JThereFs a reason they call it the red light district,J notes *arrington. 5dds 5ndrew /lliot, ,h..., professor of psychology at the Aniversity of 4ochester+ JWe link red to passion because red is the color we exhibit on our skin when sexually interested )) a red flush or blush.J 4ather than having your outfit scream Jsex kittenJ 9unless thatFs what youFre going for:, the best way to rock this passion)producing color and get into a sexier frame of mind is by carrying a red clutch, donning a bright red polish on your nails 9try /ssie Well 4ed: or lining your lips in the right red. J4ed lips can be your best accessory, especially if youFre wearing all black,J says *arrington. JYou have to be confident to do it and have the right shade of red for your skintone.J / .alming .ase of the )lues 6eed to chill out after a stressful dayI -lip on something blue. J,sychologically, blue is the opposite of red )) it lowers blood pressure,J says *arrington. J4ed picks you up and blue takes you down, but not down to depression level.J That may be because if you look to nature, such as the sky and the ocean, blue conveys tranquility. ThatFs also what you pro'ect when wearing the shade. J& encourage women to wear blue when they want to create a calming essence,J says 0ai. JWear it on a first date )) something turquoise or a light aqua sweater with a soft texture like cashmere. &t makes a great a first impression and creates relaxation.J 5nother beneficial time to make blue your go)to hueI &f youFre going for a 'ob interview or meeting your partnerFs parents for the first time. J"lue is associated with trustworthiness, strength and dependability )) hence, the blue power suit because it pro'ects that image of dependability and trustworthiness,J says *arrington. %t0s 1asy )eing 2reen 2rom grass to leaves to other verdant vegetation, the color green is closely linked to the environment, which can put you in a relaxed or refreshed mood. JThere is some tentative evidence emerging in the literature showing that green is relaxing because it is associated with growth and nature,J says /lliot. Ereen also looks good on every skin type and has a wide range of shades that allow you to modify your mood )) from serious and sophisticated to fresh and bright. JEreen ranges from old traditional /nglish libraries in a dark hunter green where you can sit down, concentrate and read to a spring)like yellow)based green, which symboli7es new birth or new growth )) the beginning of something,J explains *arrington. /nything-)ut-(ellow 3ellow Yellow carries both positive and negative connotations )) from sunshine, which conveys a 'oyous, happy mood to 'aundice and sickliness, according to *arrington. &n

0aiFs experience, wearing the bright, fun color helped her stand out and put people at ease. JWearing yellow creates a very open atmosphere with people,J she says. JWhen & was a reporter on /xtra, if & was going to meet a celebrity who was a bit standoffish & found that wearing yellow would bring a smile to their demeanor right away. &tFs an inviting color.J

That said, going overkill on yellow can leave you looking like a walking banana so *arrington recommends investing in yellow accessories instead to give you that same uplifting boost, such as a bright yellow clutch, scarf or even a pale yellow blouse under a sweater or suit. "ut keep in mind that not everyone can pull off this bright shade. L-kin with yellow undertones have a hard time with the color,K says *arrington, Land blue undertones can only wear certain shades of yellow so itFs hard to find the shade that looks good on, compared to navy, which anyone can wear.K Orange 3ou 2lad 3ou 4ore %t This highly popular color marries the sunniness of yellow with redFs depth. &n fact, orange is the perfect substitute if youFre not comfortable seeing red. "ut the color is by no means ho)hum )) orange evokes action. J<range is much more of a casual, active colorMitFs big in active wearMwhereas red is much more sophisticated,J explains *arrington. The perky shade is your best bet when you want to rev yourself up so you can hit the gym or channel creativity for a work pro'ect. J<range is said to stimulate enthusiasm and creativity,J says 0ai. J&t symboli7es vitality and endurance.J &tFs also the color to choose when you want to stand out without taking a big risk. ThatFs because orange is considered a little edgy without be too Jout there.J J&f youFre going to buy a pocketbook and it comes in red, orange and yellow, yellow will be the biggest statement while almost everyone has a red bag,J says *arrington. J<range is in the middle. &t says, Nhave a little more fun and be a little different but not too different. "ecause of that, you see a lot more orange colors showing up in cosmetics.J Ostrong The rich color is associated with royalty and luxury, according to 0ai. J5nytime you need to feel confident and regal, such as for a 'ob interview, wear purple,J she says. &f you have a young)looking face and want to appear more sophisticated, make purple your go)to color to help you look more mature, suggests 0ai. O>strong )a k in )la k *aving a Lfat dayKI -lipping into something black makes you look five pounds slimmer )) instantly improving your mood. JWe all know what happens when you put on black 'eans versus white 'eans )) itFs slimming,J says *arrington. "ut the darkest shade of all can affect how you feel in two other distinctly different ways+ Wearing black can be a downer 9think funerals: or make you feel trPs chic 9think 5udrey *epburn in L"reakfast at TiffanyFsK:. 5lthough in old movies, the villain always wore black, over the years the color has become more associated with high class )) black limousines, patent leather shoes and elegant black tie affairs, according to *arrington. "lack is clearly the go)to color when you want to look more regal and formal. J&t can be very elegantJK says 0ai. L/very woman needs an $".. &t plays everything else down so you stand out. &t lets you shine.K

4hat .olor is 3our )usiness5

2rom .arrell Hahorsky, former Euide /ds:

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5s a small business owner, you have a meaningful understanding of the color of money but how about the color of your businessI $earn whether the colors of your business puts your customers in a buying mood or creates the wrong perception of your company. The S ien e of .olors

&t seems hard to believe that colors can have an impact on our body and mind. *owever, scientists know colors can influence our body!s physiology and mental states. &n a study by Wohlfarth and -am, the color environment of ( handicapped children was altered resulting in a measurable change in blood pressure and a decrease in aggressive behavior. The science of colors has been used by market researchers to determine how best to apply this knowledge to influence customer!s perceptions of businesses. The power of colors stimulates our nervous system and evokes emotional states. The colors of our environment travells through our eyes to our brain causing various hormonal releases. "ut forget the science, what does the meaning of colors do for your businessI The (eaning of .olors and 3our )usiness The meaning of colors varies depending on one!s culture, race, gender, and even age. -o, it isn!t 'ust the selection of colors in general but also which colors to use with your target customers. 2or instance, white is often associated with weddings in 6orth 5merica and evokes the feeling of innocence. &n /astern cultures, white signifies death. 5n exporter of white wedding gowns to =hina would go broke in no time. =olors can be combined to signify meaning to a culture. &n the western world, green and red are associated with =hristmas, while black and orange represent *alloween. -everal large brand name companies are associated with their corporate colors. &"0) "ig "lue signifies stability and conservatism. A,-) "rown symboli7es longevity and reliability. 5 color can be connected to a product like TideS in the bold orange box, evoking the feeling of vibrance. =onsider the meaning of the following colors on your business marketing 9in 6orth 5merican culture:+

4hite: ,ure. =lean. Youthful. &t!s a neutral color that can imply purity in fashion and sterili7ation in the medical profession. )la k: ,ower. /legant. -ecretive. The color black can target your high)end market or be used in youth marketing to add mystery to your image. Red: ,assion. /xcitement. .anger. 4ed is the color of attention, causing the blood pressure and heart rate to rise. Ase red to in'ect excitement into your brand. Orange: Vibrant. /nergy. ,lay. 5dd some fun to your company if you want to create a playful environment for your customers. 3ellow: *appy. Warm. 5lert. Yellow can be an attractor for your business with a relaxed feeling. 2reen: 6atural. *ealthy. ,lentiful. To create a calming effect or growth image choose green. Eo green go. Purple: 4oyalty. Wise. =elebration. 0aybe add some purple tones to your look for your premium service business.

)lue: $oyal. ,eaceful. Trustworthy. "lue is the most popular and neutral color on a global scale. 5 safe choice for a business building customer loyalty.

=onsider how these colors are used in your company marketing materials from logos and brochures to business cards and uniforms. 5re your colors pro'ecting the personality and image you wantI &f not, it could be time for a color makeover. &n the end, remember colors have meaning. 5 white flag means surrender, however, if you have never seen a war the color is insignificant. &t all depends on the experiences of the observer. =onsider your colors and customers to best choose your winning color for your small business.

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