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Lotto Master Formula (v1.

3) The Formula Used By Lottery Winners

I. Introduction This book is designed to provide you with all of the knowledge that you will need to be a consistent winner in your local lottery or lotto. After learning the scientific way to track and wheel combinations, you will never again waste your hard earned money using random numbers, astrology, or any other nonscientific betting strategy. Many people have become confused with all of the wheeling systems and other gaming mechanisms. This book is designed to give you clear and easy-tounderstand knowledge of the most scientific lottery and lotto betting systems available. In addition, you will also learn how to use these tested methods to make more money than you have ever dreamed possible. By reading and learning the scientific concepts contained in this book, each dollar that you wager in the lottery or lotto becomes a logical investment designed to reap profits from gamblers who choose to play with no real logic. ow let!s get started and learn how to play the lottery to "I # II. What are Lotteries and Lottos The lottery has been around almost as long as mankind has been on earth. It is a way to distribute something of value to those people who have paid for the opportunity to be included. The game, as we know it, dates back to the Italian $%a lotto de &iren'e( in )*+,. &rom Italy, the lotto -uickly spread throughout .urope where, from last reports, it is still going strong. "hen the settlers came to the new world it was natural to set up a lottery similar to what they had known. The proceeds from these lotteries financed such things as the buildings of roads, churches and schools. It is best to play the state lotteries because you do not have to worry about them being crooked. /tate lotteries are supervised by large auditing firms that have no vested in which numbers are drawn. 01laying the numbers on a local level is not only illegal, but also, usually not very profitable.2

The Three Ty!es o" Lotteries# There are three basic types of lotteries. The first one is called the I$%T&$T '&M(.

The Instant 'ame Because it is so easy to set up, the Instant game is typically the first game initiated when a state passes lottery legislation. To win a pri'e you merely scratch off the late3 coating from a card and try to match up numbers or pictures. There is no way to show any type of consistent profit from this game so it is advised that you 45 5T "A/T. 6578 M5 .6 by purchasing these tickets. /trategy is not possible so no more time will be spent on the instant game. 3 and ) *i+it Lottery The second type of lottery involves picking either a three or four digit number. &or e3ample, balls numbered from , to 9 are placed in either + or : containers,

Lottery 'ame depending on whether it is a three or four ball pick. &orced air is then circulated inside each container.

"hen the tube on top of the container is opened, the ball closest to the opening is forced up the tube and is trapped, this becomes the dra,. The tops are opened on each of the containers until all balls are selected. These lottery picks occur almost nightly and re-uire that the digits 0or numbers2 be in e3act order. The tickets are purchased with combinations that range from ,,, to 999 and ,,,, to 9999 respectively. The payoffs are typically <*,, for the three number combinations and <*,,, for the four number combinations. As you can see, the payoff is *,= of the total pool. The state normally keeps :*= and the retail outlet that sells the tickets receives *=. 7sing strategies included in this book, you!ll see that three and four digit lotteries are a playable game and must be considered.

Lotto The third type of lottery game is commonly referred to as the Lotto. The original -ic./0 Lotto re-uires picking > numbers out of a possible :9. The order of the numbers drawn in a lotto, as opposed to a lottery, makes no difference. All of the balls are placed in a container and mi3ed up either by forced air or a revolving bin. Typically, the bin is above a curved shoot. Balls revolve and are then released one at a time down the tube or shoot into a hori'ontal holding area. If it is a > ball draw, > balls are allowed to be released and gather at the end of the tube. These balls represent the dra, for that week or day. The lotto is the highest paying game in the world with payoffs of over <;,,,,,,,,, not uncommon# This book will show you the correct strategy necessary to become a lotto winner. .ven if you do not win the > ball ?rand 1ri'e, the +, : and * ball pri'es paid each week amount to a very comfortable living.

1o, to Win at the Lottery Many people make large sums of money following and playing the three and four digit lottery. In this section we will e3plore the secrets used to get consistent winners. Before we begin our strategies it is important to remember that all lotteries and lottos have biases.

Biases In order to scientifically play the lottery or lotto, biases must be isolated and used to your advantage. A bias is something that causes an event to happen consistently. In the 5ld "est smart gamblers used to pay close attention to the roulette wheel and keep track of the numbers that came up. @ertain wheels had a bias, that, for whatever reason, favored a numbered or a colour 0black or red2. After isolating a bias, the observant player would capitali'e on this knowledge and bet accordingly until the saloon caught on. In the lottery and lotto, biases can be caused by inconsistent weight or number patterns on the balls. The drag coefficient of each ball is different, therefore patterns will develop that can be tracked. This inconsistency causes a bias which becomes noticeable in your analysis. &or e3ampleA

There is no real need to understand what causes biases. 6ou only need to know how to use these biases to your advantage. Best $um2ers and *i+its If you look at each stage you will find that the best numbers 0most fre-uently drawn2 are always different. 7sing simple methods we will learn how to

discover these biases or differences so they can be used to predict future numbers. There are two schools of thought regarding how to play numbers that seem to be randomly drawn. 6ou either play the ones that come up the most, or the ones that are overdue to come up. To beat the lottery, I suggest that you play numbers that show a high fre-uency rather that a low fre-uency of occurrence. 8emember, the lottery consists of either + or : digits with a range of between , and 9. These digits form an actual number 0);+:2, but should be thought of as a series of digits 0), ;, +, :2 for strategic purposes. I suggest that a combination of best numbers 0fre-uently drawn2 and best digits be used for + ball picks. In 2est num2er analysis we look at the draw as a whole number 0like 9;B2, whereas a 2est di+it analysis would break this down into the actual digits that compose the number 09, ; and B2. "e also recommend that only the analysis of digits 0,, 9, +, * etc.2 be used for : ball picks. It is difficult to track : ball numbers instead of digits because there are ),,,,, possible numbers, which makes a fre-uency analysis very cumbersome. As an e3ample, let!s look at a + ball pick and e3amine the digits drawn along with the numbers created. + 0digit2 : 0digit2 9 0digit2

Above are the three digits drawn and below is the number created. +:9 0number2 In : ball picks, only the digits are studied. + 0digit2 : 0digit2 9 0digit2 > 0digit2

The tremendous amount of possible numbers is why the study of individual digits and their positions is the only productive analysis. If the state lottery drew a + ball and : ball winner every day and there were no duplications of numbers, it would take ;.C: years to draw all + ball combinations and ;C.: years to draw all : ball combinationsD ),,, days for + ball and ),,,,, days for : ball# To reiterate, you cannot track four ball numbers, there are too many. Fre3uency &nalysis 3 4 ) 2all dra, &or reasons suggested earlier, the analysis of digits is the most powerful mechanism for predicting lottery winners. To gain an advantage, it is necessary to track digits in a logical manner. "e will start with Fre3uency &nalysis, which simply means, $Eow often does each digit get drawnF( The following page shows an e3ample of a &re-uency ?raph. This fre-uency graph illustrates the bias in this lottery. As you can see, the number B is the most fre-uently drawn digit in this sample lottery. 8emember, each digit!s fre-uency will be different because all lotteries have particular biases that causes them to be different, but it is these differences that will isolate and use to our advantage. To create your own fre-uency chart, use a piece of paper and mark a dot on each column beside the number that is drawn.

7sing this simple method, play the three or four most fre-uent digits. If you believe that the least fre-uent digits are actually overdue and are ready to be


drawn, these also can be played, but the digits with the highest fre-uency are recommended. -ositional *i+it &nalysis "ith &re-uency Analysis you are able to keep track of how fre-uently 0or infre-uently2 digits are drawn. 6ou can now put these digits in positions of draw and look at their fre-uency. It is again suggested that the strategy of analy'ing digits be used rather than a Best umber analysis. As was earlier noted in three ball lottery, there are + sets of ), digits 0, through 92 but there are ),,, actual numbers 0,,, to 9992. This is a lot of tracking using pencil and paper and is not really that effective. Positional Analysis of the digits is more productive and easier to do. -ositional &nalysis 5hart "hen a set of digits are drawn, position each digit in the column that it was drawn. 8emember, the order of the draw is important. &or this e3ample, let!s use these numbersD ,9;>, ):*; and CBC>. The chart below shows you how to place these numbers in each position or category.

-6%ITI6$ ,9;> ):*; CBC>

) , ) C

; 9 : B

+ ; * C

: > ; >

Making your own chart is simple G all you have to do is place a dot on the drawn number in each position. otice that , 0'ero2 is the first digit in the number ,9;>, so put it in position number one, number 9 in position two, and so on. The ne3t step is to find the highest fre-uency number for each category or position. The following illustration is what your chart will look like.


A -uick check of this chart shows that the best and most fre-uent digit is H>, and it is in position four. The following illustration represents a chart with a large sample of draws entered. -6%ITI6$

6ou now find the number in each column 0position2 with the highest fre-uency and that is the number for that position that you should play. In this e3ample, the number 9 has the highest fre-uency in position one, C in position two, + in position three, and , in position four.

Based on this information, the logical number to play would 9C+,. As we discussed at the beginning of this section, it is easier and more profitable to analy'e digits rather than numbers and that is e3actly what we have done. To! T,o Best *i+its It is also a good strategy to take the top two best digits in each category and make them part of your bet. In this lottery, these would include numbers B and 9 in the first position, numbers C and 9 in the second position, numbers + and > in the third position, and numbers , and + in the fourth position. The numbers that were used in this e3ample areA -6%ITI6$ ) 9 B ; C 9 + + > : , Best $um2ers + %econd Best $um2ers

This is what the numbers you play would look likeA 9C+, BC+, 99+, B9+, 9C>, BC>, 99>, B9>, 9C>+ BC>+ 99>+ B9>+ B9++ 99++ BC++ 9C++

"hen you use the top ; best digits make sure that each digit in each position is part of your bet. If you look at the e3ample you will see that all possible combinations using the first and second most fre-uently picked digits in each position are represented. 6ou have now used a combination of &re-uency Analysis and 1ositional Analysis and arrived at a logical and statistical system of playing the lottery that provides the best chance for success. 5luster &nalysis 5luster &nalysis refers to analy'ing which numbers are drawn most often with other numbers. &or e3ample, the following group of numbers are drawnI.

,,;+ B:9)

*>B: >C*;

+),, CCB:

In this e3ample, the cluster numbers are B: and ,,. The B: combination occurred on three occasions with the ,, appearing twice. In order to use the @luster Analysis you must keep track of all of the clusters along with the fre-uency of each one. This is a paramount task using pencil and paper. "e advise that you use @luster Analysis in conJunction with a computer program due to the comple3ity of tracking so many possible combinations. Best $um2er &nalysis "e shall look at Best $um2er &nalysis although it should never be used in : ball lotteries. .ven in + ball lotteries it is not as powerful as the &re-uency and 1ositional analysis methods that we discussed earlier. 7sing the same concepts involved in &re-uency analysis we will track actual numbers or + digits sets. "e will look at the whole number and not break it down into digits. In order to track best numbers, you must set up your paper or spreadsheet so all possible numbers are represented. &or e3ampleA

.ach time a number is drawn simply place a dot above that number in order to keep track of the frequency of draws. In this chart, the number ,,: is the most fre-uent, with numbers ,,;, ,,+ and ,,* having never been drawn. If you believe that fre-uently drawn numbers will be drawn again and again, play ,,:. If overdue numbers are where you would like to put your money, play the low fre-uency or overdue numbers.


Best number strategies are difficult because it often takes years before a number is drawn twice, as we e3plained earlier. Bettin+ 3 and ) Ball lotteries 7sing the previously outlined methods you should already understand what numbers or sets of digits you would like to wager on. These bets can be straight bets or bo3es. %trai+ht Bets To play a straight bet you merely play the numbers or combinations of digits that the analysis predicted. );: ,,+; >*: +;:) ,9B C>B, ;+: 0+ ball numbers2 )9C* 0: ball numbers2

Bo7es Many professional lottery handicappers will bo3 their numbers in order to create more combinations, along with a higher degree of winning confidence. They may feel very comfortable with digits +, * and > based on their analysis, so they will bo3 them. This means that these numbers must be included in the draw, but can be in any order or combination. +++ +*+ +>* >*+IIIIIIIII

Bo3ing digits is much more e3pensive than playing straight numbers but the confidence level of winning is also higher. "hen you bo3 digits, the order of the lottery machines can be changed before the draw and it does not affect your bet like it would with straight bets. -artial Bo7es After a thorough analysis of digits and positional fre-uencies, many bettors decide that only a portion of a number needs to be bo3ed G for e3ample, the last digit.


-artial Bo7 Usin+ Last *i+it +:, +:) +:; +:+ +:: +:* +:> +:C +:B +:9

As you can see, only the last digit is bo3ed thus creating ten combinations. It is now time to start analy'ing your local lottery. The methods discussed are the most productive and provide you will the ability to make meaningful wagers based on winning strategies. I8. 1o, to Win at Lotto The most popular and profitable game is the L6TT6. .ach state has a different type of lotto that relates to how many numbers are possible and how many are drawn. In the popular >K:9 1ick /i3, balls numbered from ) to :9 are placed in a container and circulated either with air or a revolving bin. /i3 balls are then selected.

These balls represent the ,innin+ dra,. @alifornia and some other states also add a 2onus dra, which can be used to complete a > ball winning set. ;; C 9 +> ;: ) 10

Ball )> in the above e3ample, is the bonus ball that can be used to complete the > ball winning combination. To win the grand pri'e you must have > out of the C numbers drawn. The bonus draw gives you an e3tra chance if you only picked * out of the first > correctly.


ew 6ork and others have initiated lottos that have a pool of over 9, numbers and re-uire up to ;, numbers out of ;, to be correct. These lottos are very difficult to beat because of the high odds. &or the purpose of this book all strategies will be geared toward the >K:9 lotto, but the methods of analysis are valid for all lottos. Best $um2er &nalysis The Best umber Analysis in the lotto is the same as the fre-uency analysis in the lottery. The "re3uency, or how many times each number has been drawn, is tracked. The 2est num2er is the one that has the highest fre-uency. The following page shows a simple Best umber @hart that you can easily create.

If you look at this chart you can see that number * has the highest fre-uency, it has been drawn a total of > times. The lowest fre-uency is number ; which has only been drawn once. As in the lottery strategies, I suggest that you use the Best umber Analysis in conJunction with the 1ositional Analysis. -ositional &nalysis The 1ositional Analysis should represent the heart of your analysis. It is the most productive and will produce consistent profit. This analysis is essentially the same as was described in the lottery method. "ith lotto there is no duplication of numbers so it is even more effective.


6our chart will look something like this chart. The first thing to do is to create a chart similar to the previous one. A piece of paper or a spreadsheet will work the best. A dot is placed on the sheet in the correct column for each number that is drawn. &or e3ample, let!s look at how to add numbers to the chart based on + draws. These are the numbers that were drawnA ,) ,* )9 ;; )) ,C )9 ,; ,> ,9 ,B ,B )> ;C ;) :9 ;B :,

In order to correctly position each draw, numbers must be put in ascending order, lowest to highest. Therefore, after each draw, sort the numbers before placing them in their respective positions. The sorted numbers look like thisA ,) ,; ,> ,9 ,* ,C )> ,B ,B )9 )) )9 ;; ;C ;) :9 ;B :,

ow place a dot on your chart for each chart for each number, making sure that it is in the correct column or position. A -uick look at the chart on page +, shows that the number B appeared ; times in the third position and that the number )9 also appeared twice in position four. It is still too early to predict future numbers, but your chart will soon begin to give you important information. %et!s move on to the ne3t chart.

As you can see, this chart is beginning to show patterns of numbers in each category that have the highest fre-uency.

6ou can now see that after you have entered a large numbers of draws, the chart will tell you e3actly which numbers are most fre-uent in each position.


&or the purpose of clarity, the previous chart shows the e3act fre-uency of each number in a numerical form rather that the dots that you entered. This makes it easier for you to use the information in the chart. If you look at each position, you will see that H; was the most fre-uently drawn number in position one, H)C in position three, H)9 in position four, H+; in position five and H+: in position si3. As you can see, position H; is uni-ue because it does not have a single T51 number, the numbers +, *, C, B, 9 and ): all occurring > times. As a rule, the fewer the number of samples, the larger the number of ties. "hen this happens, two numbers or more being tied, you normally include all of them in your wheel G with the e3ception of any duplicate numbers that may have appeared in several positions. Thus, if a number has the highest fre-uency in two or more positions, use it only once in your wheel. In this e3ample, your chosen numbers would beD ; )C )9 +; +: + * C B 9 ): Eighest &re-uency umbers Ties in 1osition Two


If you have a large number of ties, or want to use the highest and second highest numbers 0as we did in the lottery2, using a wheeling system is the only way to keep your betting costs acceptable. *imitrov Wheelin+ %ystems 7nlike 1ositional Analysis, the *imitrov Wheelin+ %ystems are not an analysis but an analysis but rather a system for wheeling numbers. $um2ers Wheeled > C B 9 ), )) ); )+ -ossi2le 5om2inations ) C ;B B: ;), :>; 9;: )C)>

A ,heelin+ system allows you to bet more than si3 favourite or strategic numbers in > ball combinations so that you have a good chance of winning the lotto without having to play every possible combination of desired numbers. The numbers that are wheeled are normally the highest fre-uency numbers and ties derived from the 1ositional Analysis. There are many different types of wheels that will incorporate these numbers and each wheel produces a specific amount of bets. 6ou must decide which wheel fits your betting style by evaluating how many numbers are going to be wheeled and how many bets you want to be produced by these numbers. Above, is a chart showing the number of wagers it would take to cover all 2ets if you wheeled every possible combination of from > to )+ balls in a lotto. As you can see, it would be very e3pensive to bet all combinations. &or e3ample, if you liked )) numbers in the lotto, it would cost you <;+).,, to bet all combinations at <.*, per play. At <).,, per play the cost rises to <:>;.,,. 7sing a wheeling system will reduce your cost dramatically.


The *imitrov &22reviated Wheelin+ %ystems9 developed by an Austrian mathematician named 4imitrov, are designed to cover enough of the combinations so as to provide a $minimum assurance of winning.( "hat this means is that every possible combination does not have to be bet. The coverage is designed to consistently pick :, * and even > ball winners at a fraction of the cost of betting all combinations. To understand these systems you only need to know two terms, System Numbers and Chosen Numbers. %ystem and 5hosen $um2ers %ystem $um2ers represent the order or matri3 created in the 4imitrov "heel that you follow when you create bets. 5hosen $um2ers are the numbers that you want included in the wheel. 5ur chosen numbers include the highest fre-uency numbers from the Positional Analysis chart along with the ne3t highest fre-uency numbers. &ollowing is an e3ample of Dimitrov System Numbers and Chosen Numbers. These @hosen umbers were generated from our 1ositional Analysis on page 15 0and analy'ed on page 162, showing the highest fre-uency numbers and the ties in position two. All you do is replace your chosen numbers with the corresponding system numbers. &or e3ample, system numbers ,) in the following wheeling system will be replaced by ,;, the corresponding chosen number. And similarly, all system numbers ,C will be replaced by ):, and ), by +; and so on.
%ystem $um2ers# 5hosen $um2ers#

,) ,; ,; ,+

,+ ,*

,: ,C

,* ,B

,> ,9

,C ):

,B )C

,9 )9

), +;

)) +:

8emember, these numbers are from the 1ositional Analysis on page 15 but will be different for each lotto. In this e3ample, the numbers used are the )) numbers that represent the best numbers and ties. 0 ote-The same number cannot be included more than once in the same wheel.2 Below is 4imitrov!s /ystem +> using /ystem umbers. It is designed to give us * bets.


*imitrov %ystem 30 11 num2ers : com2inations ,) ,) ,) ,: ,> ,; ,; ,; ,* ,C ,+ ,+ ,+ ,B ,B ,: ,C ,9 ,9 ,9 ,* ,B ), ), ), ,> ,9 )) )) ))

"e now transfer our chosen numbers into the 4imitrov +> system to form our betting wheel. All we do is replace the /ystem umbers with our @hosen umbers.

%;%T(M 30 /howing @hosen umbers After .3changing @hosen umbers for /ystem umbers. ,; ,; ,; ,C ,9 ,+ ,+ ,+ ,B ): ,* ,* ,* )C )C ,C ): )9 )9 )9 ,B )C +; +; +; ,9 )9 +: +: +: 0.ach set of > numbers down is one game.2

/ystem +> has a : out of > assurance of winning. This means that if the > winning numbers are among the )) numbers wheeled, then you are assured of winning at least one : number combination. Most lotto payoffs include :, * and > ball pri'es so this insures a nice profit if your numbers hit. There are many wheeling systems available. 4imitrov /ystems are among the most popular and each one has its own minimum assurance of winning. Lery


often you will have multiple +, : and * ball winning tickets on a single wheel. And you will always be in a position to win the top payoff with a > ball hit# Usin+ a %.i!<1it 5hart .arlier, I emphasi'ed playing 2est digits and 2est numbers in the lottery, but in the lotto, the most overdue numbers can also provide an e3cellent bet. A very popular strategy used by people who follow and love to play overdue numbers in the lotto is the %.i!<1it chart. The /kipKEit chart keeps track of e3actly when each number was drawn.

"hen you create your chart, each date of the draw will appear on the top of the page along with the numbers drawn in their appropriate columns. In our e3ample, the numbers ) and * are the most overdue numbers. The number >, and all of the other numbers drawn on )K+ represent the least overdue because they were drawn most recently. In lotto, the term hot number, refers to the most overdue number, not the one that comes up most often 0as in craps2. A 1ot $um2ers 5hart relates to the most overdue numbers, with the hottest number on the top and the ne3t hottest number below it. &ollowing is an e3ample of a Eot umber @hart. 1ot $um2er 5hart ) Most overdue number. 13 /econd most overdue number. =0 Third most overdue number. > &ourth most overdue number.

As you can see, number : is the most overdue number, )+ is the ne3t most, and so on. If overdue numbers are part of your strategy then simply find the > most overdue numbers and play them. If you desire a larger bet with a higher confidence of winning, use the 4imitrov "heeling /ystems and play even more overdue numbers. 5luster &nalysis @luster analysis for the lotto is similar to the lottery cluster analysis discussed earlier. Two balls often have a tendency to be drawn together. &or e3ampleA ,: )* 3) ;+ ,9 =1 ); +; ,: )B ,* :C 3) )C +9 =1 :* ;C

otice in our sample that the number ;) followed +: on two separate occasions. This represents as a cluster and should be used in betting. "e suggest that a computer or other type of spreadsheet be used to keep track of clustering because of the large number of possibilities. /ee the Advanced "inning /trategies section to learn how a cluster can be used form winning combinations. ?e+ression &nalysis /tudies have shown that using new balls or changing lotto machines can cause the biases to change considerably. /tudies also show that numbers often go in trends that last from + to > months. @onse-uently, you should keep in touch with your lottery commission to find out when the machines or balls are going to be changed. ?e+ression &nalysis is the easiest way to consistently track the most recent biases and allows you to go back as many draws as you like and use only the draws representing the most recent trends. &or e3ample, if a new lotto machine was installed by your lotto commission on :K;+, and you only wanted draws from the new machine to be evaluated, by using 8egression Analysis, only draws after :K;+ 0the shaded area2 would be analy'ed. Therefore, only biases associated with the new machine are taken into account.


+K,* +K); +K)9 +K;> :K,; :K,9 :K)> :K;+ :K+, *K,C *K): *K;) *K;B >K,:

)+ ;) +C ;9 )) ;+ )C +* ,+ )9 +) +; ++ :,

;+ ,C ), ): ;C ,; ;+ ;B ) )C ;) +> ) ;;

++ +) +B ;; ,> +C ;B +> )9 ;; ); ;9 9 +*

C ;> ) +* * ++ 9 )9 +: +: +9 ;C * ;9

+> ;+ +) ); :, +) > )+ )C +, ) +: ;> 9

+B ;* ;) )) )> +B )* ) ;C )> ;9 ;B )+ )*

8. &dvanced Winnin+ %trate+ies 5ne of the most powerful strategies for the lotto involves using the /kipKEit chart in combination with the @luster Analysis, Best umber Analysis and 4imitrov "heeling /ystems. &irst look at the top numbers on the Eot umber chart. 8emember, these numbers are the most overdue, having not come up for the longest period of time. ow look at the Best umber chart and compare it with the Eot umber chart. &ind the numbers that are drawn with a high fre-uency, but also are very overdue. &or e3ampleA These are the hottest num2ers. ,* ); )* ;: ;C +: :> These are the numbers with the hi+hest "re3uency. ,) ); ): ;: ;C :) :> Match them up and find the 1ot $um2ers with a 1i+h Fre3uency. ); ;: ;C :>


These numbers have a high fre-uency of occurrence and are also on the hot number list. umbers that occur fre-uently and are overdue make the very 2est 2ets. 7sing the EotKEigh &re-uency numbers, find the numbers that have a tendency to @luster with them. );-,: ;:-:) ;C-)> :>-,)

6ou now have B numbers that can either be normally wheeled or used in a 4imitrov "heeling /ystem. ,) ,: ); )> ;: ;C :) :>

%et!s use a 4imitrov "heeling /ystem to wheel these numbers. The chart below represents the 4imitrov /ystem that will be used.

*imitrov Wheelin+ %ystem B numbers G : combinations 7sing /ystem umbers ) ; + : * > ) ; + : C B ) ; * > C B + : * > C B

8eplace the system numbers with your chosen numbers to produce the correct combinations.


*imitrov Wheelin+ %ystem B numbers G : combinations 7sing @hosen umbers ,) ,: ); )> ;: ;C ,) ,: ); )> :) :> ,) ,: ;: ;C :) :> ); )> ;: ;C :) :>

Below are additional popular wheeling systems that you can use.
%ystem =@ ) out o" : 3 +ames9 > num2ers ; + : * ; + C B * > C B %ystem 3: ) out o" 0 3 +ames9 1A num2ers ; + : * ; + : 9 > C B 9

) ) :

> 9 9

) ) *

> ), ),

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) * * *

%ystem 3A ) out o" : 1= +ames9 11 num2ers ; + : * ; + : * ; + : * ; + : > ; + : > ; + : C ; + 9 ), ; : 9 ), + : 9 ), > C B 9 > C B 9 > C B ),

> C B C B B )) )) )) ), )) ))


8I. -o,er Ball %trate+ies 1ower Ball has -uickly become the most e3citing game in town, providing both the largest payoff and greatest challenge for winning. At first glance the 1ower Ball and standard > Ball %otto appear to be similar, but a closer e3amination reveals that the odds of winning are actually -uite different. 7pon completion of this chapter you will not only understand how to calculate the odds on both the >K:9 %otto and 1ower Ball, but will also know the most effective 1ower Ball strategies. The term -o,er Ball can either refer to the si3th ball drawn 0the actual 1ower Ball2, or the game as a whole. &or the purpose of this chapter, 1ower Ball will represent the type of game, with the balls defined as one through si3 G the si3th ball being the $1ower Ball.( Although 1ower Ball games may incorporate in e3cess of *, balls, a pool of :9 balls will be used in the following e3amples. By analy'ing the odds of the >K:9 %otto and 1ower Ball using the same number of balls, you will be better able to see how the two games differ. Understandin+ the 6dds

.arlier in this book you learned that all of the balls in a >K:9 %otto are drawn from the same pool. .ach time a ball is drawn, less balls remain for the ne3t draw, thus increasing the probability that those balls will be drawn. In other words, the fewer the balls remaining, the easier it is to win.


5alculatin+ 6dds For %tandard Lotto It is easy to calculate the odds for any %ottoA all you need to know is the number of balls 0possible numbers2 and the number of draws. In the >K:9 %otto, > balls are drawn and there are :9 total balls. Below is an e3ample of how to figure the odds on the >K:9 %otto. :9 M :B M :C M:> M :* M:: )M ; M + M: M * M > The top number relates to the total number of balls remaining in the pool after each draw and the bottom number relates to the total number of balls drawn. In order to calculate the odds, simply multiply the top numbers and the bottom numbers, and then divide. :9 M :B M :C M :> M :* M :: N ),,,>B,+:C,*;, N )+,9B+,B)> ) M ; M +M :M * M > N C;, According to the formula, the odds of picking the winning combination of numbers for the >K:9 %otto is )+, 9B+, B)> to ). 5alculatin+ -o,er Balls 6dds In order to understand how to win 1ower Ball, you must first learn how the game is played. 1ower Ball actually consists of two separate %otto games rolled into one. It is similar to a five ball %otto and a one ball %otto combined into a single draw. &ive balls are drawn from the first pool and then the si3th ball is drawn from the second pool. "hat makes the odds of winning the 1ower Ball substantially worse is that the si3th ball is drawn from a pool containing all of the possible numbers, rather than the reduced pool found in traditional >K:9 games. As you can see from the e3ample below, the first five balls are drawn from a pool of :9 balls while the si3th ball is drawn from a second pool of :9 balls.


First Five Balls *ra,n From the %ame -ool :9 M :B M :C M :> M :* )M ;M + M: M *

-o,er Ball )> 1

"hat this means in terms of odds is that after the first five balls have been drawn, there are still :9 balls remaining for the last pick, rather than the usually :: in a >K:9 %otto. To the average player this may not seem like a big difference, but let!s see how it actually affects your chances of winning. &ollowing is the formula used to calculate the odds of picking the correct si3 1ower Ball numbers. It is similar to the one used for the >K:9 %otto e3cept the si3th ball is selected from a pool of :9 rather than :: possible numbers.

-o,er Ball dra, usin+ )> 2alls :9 M :B M :C M :> M :* M )> B )),;);,:CC,9;, N 9+,:+C,+)> ) M ; M + M : M * M 1 N );, This makes the natural odds of winning the 1ower Ball 9+,:+C,+)> to ). -6W(? B&LL %T?&T('; The preferred strategy to use when playing 1ower Ball is to treat it as a combination * ball and a ) ball %otto when analy'ing the numbers. %et!s look at each part in turn. the Five Balls The chart on the following page contains numbers that were generated using a five ball 1ositional Analysis. This analysis is essentially the same as the si3 ball 1ositional Analysis 0see @hapter IL2, minus one ball. After you have kept track of the first five balls drawn in the 1ower Ball, isolate the best numbers in each position along with any ties. ; )C )9 +; +: Best umbers


These are the numbers that you will include in the five ball portion of your 1ower Ball combination. the -o,er Ball ow that you have isolated the correct numbers to use in the first part of your combination, the ne3t step is to identify your si3th ball or 1ower Ball. 7sing a &re-uency Analysis, we play either high fre-uency numbers or hot numbers for our 1ower Ball. 1i+h Fre3uency -o,er Balls A Fre3uency &nalysis will isolate 1ower Ball numbers that have been drawn most fre-uently in the past. Eigh fre-uency numbers have a tendency to be drawn in the future and therefore are a good bet. 1ot $um2er -o,er Balls 1ower Ball numbers that are the most overdue, meaning that they have not been drawn for the longest period of time, are referred to as 1ot $um2ers. These Eot umbers can be easily isolated by using a standard /kipKEit chart 0see Page 202.


In the chart above, we see that the most overdue number is ;>, and numbers B and :) are the second most overdue.

According to the &re-uency Analysis, number > had the highest fre-uency, with numbers ): and +* finishing second. Fre3uency -o,er Ball %trate+y In this strategy you will create a single combination using Eigh &re-uency number. ; )C )9 +; +: > ; )C )9 +; +: 0 Best &ive umbers Eighest &re-uency 1ower Ball @ombination

1ot $um2er 5om2ination %trate+y In this strategy you will create a single combination using the Eot umber. ; )C )9 +; +: ;> ; )C )9 +; +: =0 Best umbers Eot umber 1ower Ball @ombination

5om2ination %trate+y Usin+ Ties If you have a tie in the five number 1ositional Analysis, it can be used to create multiple combinations. ; B > ; B ; ; ; ; )C )9 +; +: Best umber Tie 4esignated 1ower Ball @ombination @ombination @ombination @ombination @ombination @ombination

)C )C B B B B

)9 )9 )9 )C )C )C

+; +; +; +; )9 )9

+: +: +: +: +: +;

0 0 0 0 0 0

Multi!le -o,er Ball %trate+ies It is also possible that you will include more than one 1ower Ball in your combinations. This will happen when you have several Eigh &re-uency or $Eot( 1ower Ball numbers that you want included with your best * balls. Below are two e3amples of how to do this. Best : 2all !ic.s ; )C )9 +; +: &irst @ombination /econd @ombination Third @ombination 1i+h Fre3uency $um2ers 0>2 0):2 0+*2 ; )C )9 +; +: 0>2 ; )C )9 +; +: 0):2 ; )C )9 +; +: 0+*2

Best : 2all !ic.s ; )C )9 +; +: &irst @ombination /econd @ombination Third @ombination

1i+h Fre3uency $um2ers 0B2 0;>2 0:)2 ; )C )9 +; +: 0B2 ; )C )9 +; +: 0;>2 ; )C )9 +; +: 0+*2


7nlike >K:9 %otto, it is even possible to have duplicate numbers in a 1ower Ball combination. Best : 2all !ic.s * ); ;) +: :: &irst @ombination /econd @ombination Third @ombination 1i+h Fre3uency $um2ers )C :+ :: * ); ;) +: :: 0)C2 * ); ;) +: :: 0:+2 * ); ;) +: :: 0::2

otice that the number :: appears twice in the third combination. This could not happen if you were playing a standard >K:9 %otto because it is impossible for numbers to be selected twice out of the same pool. 1ower Balls are selected from a second pool so duplication is possible. 5onclusion Though I have shown you strong playing strategies, my suggestion is to stay clear of the 1ower Ball because the odds aren!t as good as the standard >-Ball game. I recommend that you use the strategies in this book to play standard > ball %otto games. 6ou have a much better chance of cashing a winning ticket and still making all of the money that you will ever need. 8II. Final ,ord This book has e3plored the scientific way to make a consistent profit in the lottery and lotto. After spending years talking with my lottery customers who use their computers to perform the e3act same strategies that we have discussed in this book, I can assure you that these are the most productive systems in this world. &or those of you who owe a computer and do not want to track everything by hand, I suggest that you purchase the %otto Method /oftware product. These products will also allow you perform the winning strategies and analysis discussed here, plus a lot more.


And for non-computer users, the %ottery Black Book strategies also gives you advanced strategies to make you a better player. ?ood luck, remember to be smart, and never waste your hard-earned money on non-scientific wagers.

@lick &or 5ther Additional 8esources ). %ottery Black Book strategies ;. %otto Method /oftware To 6our /uccess, ?arry


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