Advanc Ed Levl 6 Grammar / Language Focus Listening & Speaking Reading Comprehension Writing

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Teaching plan Advance level 6

Advanc ed Levl 6 Week 1

Grammar / Language Focus Avoiding repetition Tense review - simple and continuous - perfect and nonperfect ? - active and passive

Listening & Speaking Listening to an interview The importance of DNA, an interview Discussion immigrants and emigration , nationality stereotypes Discussion Planning an adversting campaign

Reading Comprehension Describing nationalities The American Dream

Writing Formal , Informal email/ letter Storytelling

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Week 2

Adverb collocations Adverb with two forms ? discourse markers

Reading comprehension Eat, sleep, buy, die The cult of( a) ?celebrity Reading short stories Reading strategy

A business report Expressing a personal opinion

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Week 3

Ways of adding emphasis Distancing the facts ? Passive contructions Seem and appear

Discussion do you believe in fate? An interview with a foreign correspondent

A letter to the newspapers Discussing pros and cons

Week 4

Modal aux. verbs Real and unreal tenses ?usage Would- past tenses to express unreality

Prediction gameDilemma! Discussion Words of wisdom

Skimming Scanning Let your body do the talking

Describing a personal experince Reviewing a film/ book

Pavani Megan

Teaching plan Advance level 6

Week 5

Verb patterns Intensifying adverbs

An eyewitness account- Justin Baines Discussion Are we obsessed with sports? Anwering quiz A meeting in the desert- An unusual story Living on a desert island retelling a story

How I trained my husband Skimming

Personal profile Entering a competition

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Week 6

Relative? and participles - Defining and nondefining relative clauses - Participles Linking devices

Scanning newspaper

Describing a journey Bringing a biography to life

Pavani Megan

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