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A nthonyS bl endori o,C E O

1G0Varickstreet, 12,hFloor
N ew york, N y 100L3

July 15, 2009

E liz abet hF ri tz e nT
, o w n s h i pC l e rk
M aplewo o dM u n i c i p a lB u i l d i n g
574 V alle yR o a d
M aplewo o d ,N J 0 7 0 4 0

Re: 125 Dunnell Road Expressionof Interest

DearM s . Fri tz e n :

I am pleas e dto s u b mi t a s i g n e do ri g i n a a
l nd 10 compl etecopi esof our submi ssi onfor
the 125 D unnell
Roadr ede v e l o p me n tp ro j e c t.Pl e a s e feelfreetocontactmei fyouhaveanyquesti onsontheattache d.

T hanky ou fo r y o u r c o n s i d e ra ti o n .

Very truly yours,

ecdlogical Eitlrgl;

Ecotosical of Interestfor 125DunnellRoad- Julv15,2009

Contentfor Letterof Interest:


1) Ecological - CEO;1"60VarickStreet,12tnFloor,
NewYork,NY 10013;908-439-4639;

2 ) Underthe directionof Ecological

Development's is
proposingthe developmentof a precedent-setting,LEED-certified,
orienteddevelopment projectat the 125 DunnellRoadsite. Anthonywill be directinga
team of professionals
includingWesketchArchitecture& Interiorsand BackTo Nature.

3 ) As proposedand depictedin the attachedrenderings,the proposedbuildingwill be

squarefeet, includingretail and parking,and will provide 74 residentialunits.
The building will have five floors of above-groundliving space with one floor of
undergroundparkingcontaining66 parkingspaces.Approximately 6,900squarefeet of
community-serving retail will be on the ground floor. The architecturalstyle will
complementthe vernacularof the surrounding communityand the Township.

As the designfor t25 DunnellRoadevolves,manysustainabledesignelementsare being

incorporatedinto the planningand proposedsystemsof the building.This buildingwill
have a certain degree of "greenness"or sustainability
inherent in its existenceas a
resultof its proposeddensityand proximityto masstransitand town center.This will
reducethe residents'dependenceon their automobilesthereby reducingthe carbon
footprintof everyresidentin the building.

In additionto site'sinherent"greenness"there are many designelementsand systems

being consideredthat will provide a high level of sustainabilityand assure LEED
For instance,we plan to incorporateundergroundparkinginto the design
of the buildingto reducethe amountof imperviouscoverageand maximizethe amount
of water percolatingback into the ground rather than becomingrun-off.We plan to
minimizewater consumptionthroughthe designof a rain-waterharvestingsystemand
a greywater systemfor non-potableusagethroughoutthe buildingas well as Xeriscape
landscaping that requiresminimalwateringonce established. Togetherwith low-flow
toiletsand showerheads, reducedcomparedto
water consumptionwill be significantly
a traditionalbuildingof comparablesize.
Energyconsumptionis being addressedthrough a variety of methods as well. The
integrationof photovoltaicrooftop panelsand trelliseswill providesome of the energy
for the buildingbut the true energysavingswill come in the form of reducedenergy
loadsthroughadvancedbuildingsystems.For instance,a vacuumtube solar hot water
systemwill providefor the majorityof the building'shot water needswithout the useof
buildingcontrolsand automationwill use motionsensorsand light
meters to adjust and activatelights as needed,and energy efficientappliancesand
lightingas well as highefficiencyelevatorswill further reducethe resourcesrequiredfor
the day to day functionof the building.Other designelementsincludeitems such as
living walls (see attached exhibit) and high performanceglazingwhich reduce the
cooling load throughout the buildingand a geothermalheat pump which provides
heatingand coolingwhile allowingfor maximumcomfortof individualunitswith little or
no fossilfuel consumption.

Localfood productionwill be addressed throughverticalfarming- usingthe structureof

the buildingto grow food cropswhichwould be availableto rentersas well as Township
residents(see attachedexhibit).Excessproducecould be sold at the local farmer's
marketis well. Ecologicalfeelsthat it is essentialto integratebuildingresidentsand the
localpopulationinto the project'ssustainabilitymeasures.

Theseare just a few of the designelementsbeingincorporatedinto our designfor I25

Dunnell Road.This project presentsa unique opportunityto produce a residential
settingthat will providecomfort and convenience for its inhabitantswhile minimizing
impact on the environment.We plan to achieve this through a synergisticand
thoughtful approachto design as describedabove while maintainingan aesthetic
characterthat is both appropriateand contextualwith the surrounding community.

4l Ecological
and its developmentpartnershaveextensiveexperiencein sustainable multi-
family development. Ecological's principalswere responsiblefor the first LEEDGold
submissionin New Jerseyand the secondLEEDprojectin the state (seeattachedWillow
Schoolexhibit). Additionally,Ecological's
principalswere responsible for the first state
green multi-familyincentiveprograms,which providedthe impetus for the private
developmentof the first LEEDGoldmulti-familyrentalprojectin the country.

5) Ecologicaland its developmentpartnershave the financialcapacityto develop th i s

project. We are preparedto demonstrateour financialcapacityand provide t h e
requiredletterof creditas needed.

6) Upon selectionas project developer,Ecological will prepare a detailedtimeline for

executionof the project. At this time, we are anticipatinga 9-12 month entitlement
process,at which point the projectwill be conveyedto our developmentpartner for
construction.constructionis expectedto be completedin 18-24months.
AdditionalRequiredContentfor Letterof lnterest

a) AffordableHousing is proposing
- Ecological 74 unitson the site.We willworkwith the
Township to determine the required 1 in 5 COAH obligation andwe will identifysuitable
in the Township
locations for renovation of existingunits.Depending on the availability
of Township sites,we wouldalsoconsider incorporatingthe required COAHunitsin the
proposedproject. Regardless of wheretheseunitsare built,Ecological feelsthat it is
essential areintegrated intothe socialfabricof the community and
participate education
in the sustainability provided by the project.

b) LEEDCertification- Ecologicalhas extensiveexperiencein designing LEED-certified

buildingsand has attainedLEEDGold and Platinumcertificationfor its Willow School
is proposinga minimum of LEEDSilver
project in Gladstone,New Jersey. Ecological
certificationfor t25 DunnellRoad.

will seekthe maximumpermissible

c) PropertyTaxAbatement- Ecological propertytax
abatement with
consistent project
LEED costs.

d) Former Police Station Building- Ecologicalwill seek competitivebids for qualified

asbestosremediationand demolitioncontractors,includingthe Township's,and will
selectthe best candidate. Furthermore,with the help of a companysuch as Second
Chance,Ecological plansto deconstructthe policestationin a mannerso that as much
of the wood, metal, marble, plaster,stone and other architecturalelementsof the
buildingcan be reusedin the proposedbuildingor elsewherein the area. Ecological
its developmentpartners will direct the site remediationand demolition work in
compliance with Townshiprequirementsand industrybest managementpractices.
Vegetated Walls: Vegetatedwailsprovidebenefitssuchas filteringthe
air and coolinga
b u ilding
duringhotS ummer
day s .

Vertical farming wails ailow residents
to produce rocaily farmed fruit and
helpingconnectthe residentsto the vegetables,
buirding,ssenseof sustainabirity.


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