Values Paper

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1 The directions for this paper said to reflect on my values and my belief system and write about them.

It would seem simple to most, but it was not as easy to open up and reveal personal aspects about ones life and for the world to see. I prioritized my emotions and began to work toward the bigger picture and that was completing this paper. As I practice social work, the values that I see being helpful to me is having integrity, giving service and having dignity. Adhering to the moral and ethical principles of Social work is the most productive way to service clients. Integrity is something that is developed over a period of time, when people feel you are going to do right things in the right situation people begin to depend on you more, you begin to build networks and gain support systems and facilitate new relationships easily. Having multi resources and building support systems is at the core of social work, and a fundamental value to have. The next value that I believe will aide in me becoming a successful social worker is what is known as service or the willingness to help mankind. I have always been willing to give in any way that I could, without hesitation. Helping others is the main reason I decided to go into the field of social work, this practice consists of helping others advance on a daily basis. I was once told you cannot learn to become a social worker, you are born one. Dignity is the last but just as important value to have at home and at work. Dignity is being worthy respect and/or being worth of positive esteem. I was taught at an early age to respect people and respect their things, I developed a sense of dignity and self respect at an early age and it developed more as I grew into an adult. My association with others is always of a positive nature. I give and receive positive esteem from my colleagues, peers, family and friends. Dignity is a definite skill that will aid me in developing my social work skill. This field is like second nature to me, even though I will always service others, the population I would have the most difficulty serving would be the Middle Eastern male. Over the years my

2 interactions with men that were of Middle Eastern decent was not of a positive nature where business was concerned. I did take the time to get to know some that were open to dialogue and on a personal level. Their thoughts and feelings towards African American females is stuck in the pre civil rights era. I was told by three different nationalities of Middle Eastern men, that I would not be accepted by their family or community. I could never go to their house; we could never be seen in public together or legitimately date at all because of my race. The question arose whether or not religion was an issue. The response to this question was it did not matter if I converted my religion or not, I would not be accepted and he could be exiled from his family and community for our affiliation. Being able to sit and talk to these men allowed me to see that there is an inherent dislike for African Americans in general. The service that I have received from Middle Eastern nationalities from retail/sales, food service and auto repair has detoured me from conducting business with them. There are situations that are just unavoidable; in that instance I always treat others with respect. There is nothing in my spiritual belief system that prevents me from serving this particular population. My spiritual belief would actually support the cultivation of a positive relationship. I believe in treating everyone as you would treat your brother, being kind to others, governing yourself accordingly and being just in your dealings. These things are not just done on Sunday mornings, but as a practice that is carried out on every aspect of my life and will carry over into my career. In the event that I had to advocate for someone in this group, I would not be judgmental or assume that this person is like everyone else. The most important thing I can do for my client is to listen to them. This gives me a understanding for what it was they needed instead of me assuming what they needed, I would never compromise the integrity of my work ethic by stereotyping my client.

3 Ethical Code 1.05 (c) Cultural Competence and Social diversity, basically says that a social workers should educate themselves and become familiarized with social diversity and learn how to relate and assist with every type of person (Reamer, 2006, pg 42). In order to best serve this population I would learn more about the persons background, their norms and values to gain a better understanding for this population. Ethical code 4.02 Discrimination. This ethical code states that Social workers should not participate in any form of discrimination based on race color or creed, religious beliefs, or any other discerning factor(Reamer, 2006, pg 197).This ethical code is a simple to understand and will be applied to my practice just as easily. I will not allow for the service of others to be jeopardized my lack of understanding of my client. If I was unable to service my client, I would tell him that I believe there is someone one else that is better able to service him, and I think he will benefit from the change. This part of the assignment has not affected my decision to become a social worker, it has helped me to understand that I have to be able to adapt to any given situation or learn how to adapt to these challenges. In conclusion, this assignment has help me to understand that there will be situations that I may find challenging as social worker, if I adhere to the ethical codes set before me and learn how to best deal with diversity , I believe I can become a very productive social worker.

4 Reference Page Frederic, R. (2006). Ethical Standards in Social Work (2nd ed.). Washington DC: NASA Press. Green, T. (2014). Values Paper. Detroit, Mi: Wayne State school of Social Work.
1 Ethical Standards i 2nd 1 Frederic Washington DC entire Reamer 1 NASA Press 2006 Print

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