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LIN 4899 Linguistics Capstone Seminar Spring 2010

Kathryn Bartholomew Marston 218 Office hours: 1-3 M 3-! " an# $y appointment %hone: 281-3&33 '-mail: ($arthol)spu*e#u

+O,-S' OB.'+"/0'S "his course encourages recollection an# reflection on pre1ious coursewor( in linguistics language an# cultural stu#ies coursewor( integration of (nowle#ge with the stu#ent2s own faith commitment an# further pursuit of an area of interest to the stu#ent* 3/4 !855 contri$utes towar#s meeting the goals of the programs that form the 6epartment of 7oreign 3anguages an# 3iteratures: 1* 2* "o un#erstan# the rich #i1ersity of worl# languages an# cultures $oth ancient an# mo#ern8 "o $e a $lessing as a stranger in another lan# an# $e hospita$le to strangers in one9s own lan#*

/t #oes not a##ress the thir# 733 goal that of reaching state# le1els of proficiency in a gi1en foreign language* +O,-S' M:"'-/:3S Kramsch +laire 3anguage an# +ulture O;for# ,ni1ersity %ress 1558* +3:SS S+<'6,3' =su$>ect to change if necessary? !@A !@13 !@20 !@2C &@! &@11 /ntro#uctions @ in1entory of s(ills e;pertise an# interests @ plan of stu#y Kramsch ch* 1 Susanne B Ma; 2 Kenneth B Ma; @ synta; Kramsch ch* 3 Michael B Sarah @ morphology Kramsch ch* ! :n#rea B 6anny @ phonology Kramsch ch* & Bethany B :n#rea @ language acDuisition Kramsch ch* A Molly B Sarah C Kenneth B Michael @ sociolinguistics


%resentations E Molly on writing systems :n#rea on language #e1elopment in early chil#hoo# Bethany on sign language %resentations E Michael on :merican 'nglish #ialects Ma; on psycholinguistics 6anny on comparati1e synta; %resentations E Kenneth on historical linguistics Susanne on name changes @ immigration patterns Sarah on non-/n#o-'uropean languages ="B:?



-'F,/-'M'4"S 1* 2* 3* !* :tten# class faithfully an# participate acti1ely* /f you must $e a$sent / appreciate a message $y 1oice mail or e-mail* 3ea# or co-lea# #iscussion of a chapter of the te;t$oo( $ringing in new information as appropriate* -esearch an area of linguistics pre1iously une;plore# $y you an# present what you ha1e learne# to the class* Grite a summati1e paper due Wednesday 6/9 #iscussing how your (nowle#ge of linguistics informs your present un#erstan#ing of the worl# an# your calling in it*

H'4'-:3 %O3/+/'S :ll assignments shoul# $e type# an# printe#* /t is e;pecte# that all #ocuments han#e# in with the e;ception of tests an# occasional in-class essays will ha1e $een carefully proofrea# for typographic orthographic an# grammatical errors* "he ,ni1ersity-wi#e policy on aca#emic integrity foun# in the online ,n#ergra#uate +atalog will $e o$ser1e# in this class* '0:3,:"/O4 Hra#es are $ase# on: :tten#ance an# participation +hapter presentation -esearch presentation Summati1e paper 2&I 2&I 2&I 2&I 100I

-':SO4:B3' :++OMMO6:"/O4 S":"'M'4" /f you ha1e a specific #isa$ility that Dualifies you for aca#emic accommo#ations please contact 6isa$le# Stu#ent Ser1ices in the +enter for 3earning to ma(e your accommo#ations reDuest* Jou can reach Bethany :n#erson the program coor#inator at #isa$ilityser1ices)spu*e#u or =20A? 281-22C2* Once your eligi$ility has $een #etermine# 6isa$le# Stu#ent Ser1ices will sen# a 6isa$ility 0erification 3etter to your professors in#icating what accommo#ations ha1e $een appro1e#*

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