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Supply Chain Management Use Case Model

Supply Chain Management

Use Case Model
Document Status: Final Specification Version: 1.0 Date: December 1, 200 Editors: Scott !nderson, "isuale, #nc. Martin Chapman, $racle Marc %oodner, S!& &aul Mac'ina(, !ccenture )imas )e'asius, #*M Notice +he material contained herein is not a license, either e,pressly or impliedly, to any intellectual property o(ned or controlled by any of the authors or de-elopers of this material or .S/#. +he material contained herein is pro-ided on an 0!S #S0 basis and to the ma,imum e,tent permitted by applicable la(, this material is pro-ided !S #S !1D .#+2 !33 F!U3+S, and the authors and de-elopers of this material and .S/# hereby disclaim all other (arranties and conditions, either e,press, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any 4if any5 implied (arranties, duties or conditions of merchantability, of fitness for a particular purpose, of accuracy or completeness of responses, of results, of (or'manli'e effort, of lac' of -iruses, and of lac' of negligence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tatus of this Document +his is a final specification. )eaders should refer to the .S/ (eb site for errata and updates.

1 December 200

&age 1 of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model

Table of Contents
1otice.................................................................................................................................................. 1 Status of this Document...................................................................................................................... 1 Table of Contents................................................................................................................................... ! "ntroduction.......................................................................................................................................... # $lossary................................................................................................................................................ # % &ctors.................................................................................................................................................... # # Use Case Diagram............................................................................................................................... ' ' ()erall Non*functional +e,uirements and &ssumptions.................................................................' - UC!: .urchase $oods ....................................................................................................................... / =.1 Definition........................................................................................................................................ : =.2 Main Success &ath........................................................................................................................ : =. !3+1> 1o Such &roduct................................................................................................................. ? =.@ !3+2> 1othing !-ailable................................................................................................................. A =.B !cti-ity Diagram........................................................................................................................... 10 =.= 1on/functional )eCuirements and assumptions...........................................................................10 =.: $pen #ssues................................................................................................................................. 11 / UC : Source $oods.......................................................................................................................... !! :.1 Definition...................................................................................................................................... 11 :.2 Main Success &ath...................................................................................................................... 11 :. !3+ 1> .arehouse ! canDt fulfill some items................................................................................12 :.@ !3+ 2> .arehouse * canDt fulfill some items................................................................................12 :.B !3+ > #nsufficient Cuantity in (arehouse C.................................................................................12 :.= !cti-ity Diagram........................................................................................................................... 1 :.: 1on/functional )eCuirements and !ssumptions ........................................................................1 :.? $pen #ssues................................................................................................................................. 1 0 UC%: +eplenish Stoc1....................................................................................................................... !# ?.1 Definition...................................................................................................................................... 1@ ?.2 Main Success &ath...................................................................................................................... 1@ ?. !3+1> Malformed $rder or 1o Such &roduct or #n-alid Cuantity..................................................1B ?.@ !cti-ity Diagram........................................................................................................................... 1= ?.B 1on/functional )eCuirements and !ssumptions .........................................................................1=
1 December 200 &age 2 of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model

?.= $pen #ssues................................................................................................................................. 1= 2 UC#: Supply 3inished $oods........................................................................................................... !/ A.1 Definition...................................................................................................................................... 1: A.2 Main Success &ath...................................................................................................................... 1: A. !cti-ity Diagram........................................................................................................................... 1? A.@ 1on/functional )eCuirements and !ssumptions..........................................................................1? A.B $pen #ssues................................................................................................................................. 1? !4 UC': Manufacture 3inished $oods...............................................................................................!2 10.1 Definition.................................................................................................................................... 1A 10.2 Main Success &ath.................................................................................................................... 1A 10.@ !cti-ity Diagram......................................................................................................................... 20 10.B 1on/functional )eCuirements and !ssumptions........................................................................20 10.= $pen #ssues............................................................................................................................... 20 !! UC-: Configure 5 +un Demo......................................................................................................... ! 11.1 Definition.................................................................................................................................... 21 11.2 Main Success &ath.................................................................................................................... 22 11. !cti-ity Diagram......................................................................................................................... 22 11.@ 1on/functional )eCuirements and !ssumptions........................................................................2 11.B $pen #ssues............................................................................................................................... 2 ! UC/: 6og E)ents.............................................................................................................................. % 12.1 Definition.................................................................................................................................... 2 12.2 Main Success &ath.................................................................................................................... 2@ 12. !3+ 1> #n-alid Data..................................................................................................................... 2@ 12.@ !3+ 2> )epository not a-ailable.................................................................................................2@ 12.B !cti-ity Diagram......................................................................................................................... 2B 12.= 1on/functional )eCuirements and !ssumptions........................................................................2B 12.: $pen #ssues............................................................................................................................... 2B !% UC0: Vie7 E)ents............................................................................................................................. ' 1 .1 Definition.................................................................................................................................... 2B 1 .2 Main Success &ath.................................................................................................................... 2= 1 . !3+ 1> Unable to access the log................................................................................................ 2= 1 .@ !cti-ity Diagram......................................................................................................................... 2: 1 .B 1on/functional )eCuirements and !ssumptions........................................................................2: 1 .= $pen #ssues............................................................................................................................... 2:

1 December 200


of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model

! "ntroduction
+his document presents a high le-el definition of a Supply Chain Management 4SCM5 application in the form of a set of Use Cases. +he application being modeled is that of a )etailer offering Consumer electronic goods to ConsumersE a typical *2C model. +o fulfill orders the )etailer has to manage stoc' le-els in (arehouses. .hen an item in stoc' falls belo( a certain threshold, the )etailer must restoc' the item from the rele-ant ManufacturerDs in-entory 4a typical *2* model5. #n order to fulfill a )etailerDs reCuest a Manufacturer may ha-e to e,ecute a production run to build the finished goods. #n the real (orld, a Manufacturer (ould ha-e to order the component parts from its suppliers. For simplicity in this application, (e assume this is a manual process (hich is supported through the use of fa,. 6ach use case includes a logging call to a monitoring system in order to monitor the acti-ities of the ser-ices from a single monitoring ser-ice. +he primary goal of the application is to demonstrate all of the scenarios in the .S/# *asic &rofile.

Term ser-er #D Description #dentification of the ser-er, including information identifying the implementation pro-ider.

% &ctors
&ctor Consumer Demo User Demo System Manufacturing System )etailer System Description ! party that (ishes to shop for electrical goods. ! party that is e,ercising the sample application -ia the .S/# (eb site. +he component of the sample application used to set up and run the demo. ! party that manufactures electrical products. ! party that sells electrical products to the general public.

1 December 200

&age @ of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model

# Use Case Diagram

Figure 4-1: Use Case Diagram of the three systems

' ()erall Non*functional +e,uirements and &ssumptions

#n order to simplify the design, facilitate deli-ery of a demonstration application and allo( the .or'ing %roup to concentrate on .eb ser-ices and the implementation of the .S/# *asic &rofile, the follo(ing reCuirements and assumptions ha-e been defined > 1. ! )etailer (ill ha-e e,actly three (arehouses 4!, *, and C5 that it o(ns. 2. +here (ill be e,actly three manufacturers 4*rand1, *rand2, and *rand 5. . 6ach manufacturer supplies e,actly three products 4+", D"D, -ideo camera5. 2ence there are nine -alid products to be offered by a )etailerE *rand1 +", *rand2 +", *rand +", *rand1 D"D, etc. @. !ll three (arehouses stoc' all nine products. B. For demo purposes there (ill be one in-alid product *rand@ +". +he product (ill be -isible in the )etailerDs catalog but is not stoc'ed 4or recogni<ed5 by any (arehouse. =. !n order may contain multiple line items, (here each line item relates to a specific product and Cuantity reCuired. ! product shall not appear more than once in an order.
1 December 200 &age B of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model

:. +here are no minimum order Cuantities, and Cuantities e,press units of one 4true for both Consumer to )etailer and )etailer to manufacturer5. ?. &artial shipments of a single product are not supportedE either the reCuired Cuantity of a product in a line item can be fulfilled in full or none are. A. +he reCuested Cuantity of a product must be shipped by a single (arehouse, or none are shipped i.e. it is not possible to split the shipment of a product across (arehouses. 10. *ac' orders are not supportedE either the reCuired Cuantity of product can be fulfilled in full by a single (arehouse 4points : and ?5 or that line item is reFected. 11. +he ConsumerDs information 4payment details, address, etc.5 are 'no(n to the )etailer system -ia an implicit logon (hen the demo starts. 12. &ayment is not demonstrated, it is assumed that a Consumer has pre/registered credit card details and billing happens out of band. 1 . +he start of each purchase use case assumes state is set bac' to predefined -alues i.e. predefined stoc' le-els, minGma, le-els, etc. 1@. #t is assumed that all implementers (ill implement all use cases in the )etailer and Manufacturing Systems i.e. 1 )etailer (ith three (arehouses 4!, *, and C5, and three Manufacturers 4*rand1, *rand2, and *rand .5 1B. $nly implementation team sanctioned implementations can be configured in this demo i.e. these use cases and demo system do not pro-ide a means for third parties to plug in their implementations. 1=. ! manufacturer (ill al(ays ship the reCuested number of a product to a (arehouse i.e. (e assume it can al(ays manufacture the reCuired amount. 1:. +o ma,imi<e interoperability testing, a non/)oman character set should be used in an appropriate place. +he suggestion is for the description of at least one product to be in a non/)oman te,t. 1?. .hen a purchase reCuest brings a (arehouse Cuantity to belo( a certain le-el, the (arehouse ma'es a reCuest of the appropriate manufacturer for more goods.

1 December 200

&age = of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model

- UC!: .urchase $oods

$oal of Use Case:

! Consumer goes to the )etailer (ebsite (ith the intent of purchasing Consumer electronic products. 1. &roduct Catalog 6,ists 2. !ll state 4(arehouse le-els etc5 set bac' to predefined -alues . &ayment and address details for Consumer are 'no(n


Success .ost Conditions:

1. !t least one product is shipped 2. +he Consumer is returned a Confirmation page outlining (hich products (ill be shipped . +he )etailer has reCuested the (arehouses to ship the a-ailable goods. @. &ayment from the ConsumerDs credit card is triggered.

3ailed .ost Conditions:

+he Consumer is returned an error stating that none of the items in the order can be fulfilled. )etailer System, Demo System, Consumer +his process is started by the Consumer 4human interaction5

&ctors: Triggers:


Main Success .ath




8ranches Condition 6ocation



+he Consumer na-igates to a shopping page.

1 December 200

&age : of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model




8ranches Condition 6ocation


Demo System Consumer

+he Demo System presents a shopping page, including a catalog of products. +he Consumer enters the number of each product reCuired 4i.e. changes the number from <ero to a reCuired amount5. $nce happy (ith the Cuantities, the Consumer submits the order to the )etailer System -ia the demo system. "alidate order. !n order is reFected completely if it contains a product that does not e,ist. +he )etailerDs system determines (hich (arehouse can supply each line item and as's the (arehouse to ship them. +he )etailer System returns the order bac' to the Consumer indicating (hich line items ha-e been shipped and (hich line items could not be shipped. +rigger payment from the ConsumerDs pre/registered card 4this is a manual process in this system5 +he use case ends 1othing !-ailable 1o Such &roduct !3+1




)etailer System )etailer System )etailer System








&6T!: No Such .roduct




8ranches Condition 6ocation


)etailer System

+he )etailer System returns an error to the Consumer, informing them that they ha-e selected a product that does not e,ist. +he nameGbrand of the product is reported to them. !ll items in the order are reFected. +he use case ends in failure


1 December 200

&age ? of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model

Step &ctor

&6T : Nothing &)ailable

Description 8ranches Condition 6ocation


)etailer System

+he )etailer System informs the Consumer that none of the items in the order can be shipped as no (arehouse has the reCuired Cuantity. +he use case ends in failure


1 December 200

&age A of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model


&cti)ity Diagram


Non*functional +e,uirements and assumptions

!t least one in-alid product should be in the catalog displayed to the Consumer.

1 December 200

&age 10 of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model


(pen "ssues

/ UC : Source $oods
$oal of Use Case: .reconditions: Success .ost Conditions:

+o locate ordered goods in a (arehouse and reCuest shipment none 1. For each line item in the order, a (arehouse is selected that has the a-ailable Cuantity and that (arehouse ships the goods. 2. For line items that are accepted, the in-entory le-els in the shipping (arehouse for that product are decreased by the Cuantity in the line item.

3ailed .ost Conditions: &ctors: Triggers:

+here is no stoc' a-ailability in any .arehouse for all of the line items in the order. )etailer System )eceipt of order from Consumer.

Step &ctor

Main Success .ath

Description 8ranches Condition 6ocation !3+ 1


)etailer System )etailer System

&resent the list of line items to (arehouse ! and reCuest ! to ship those items it has a-ailable. )ecord the line items that (arehouse ! is shipping and decrement !Ds stoc' le-els for the items it (ill ship. .arehouse ! canDt fulfill some items


!3+ 1

)etailer System

+he use case ends

1 December 200

&age 11 of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model

Step &ctor

&6T !: 9arehouse & can:t fulfill some items

Description 8ranches Condition 6ocation


)etailer System )etailer System

For the items that (arehouse ! could not ship, reCuest (arehouse * to ship those items it has a-ailable. )ecord the line items that (arehouse * is shipping, and decrement *Ds stoc' le-els for the items it (ill ship. .arehouse * canDt fulfill some items !3+ 2


)etailer System

+he use case ends

Step &ctor

&6T : 9arehouse 8 can:t fulfill some items

Description 8ranches Condition 6ocation


)etailer System )etailer System

For the items that (arehouse * could not ship, reCuest (arehouse C to ship those items it has a-ailable. )ecord the line items that (arehouse C is shipping, and decrement CDs stoc' le-els for the items it (ill ship. .arehouse C canDt fulfill some items !3+


)etailer System

+he use case ends

Step &ctor

&6T %: "nsufficient ,uantity in 7arehouse C

Description 8ranches Condition 6ocation


)etailer System )etailer System

For the items that are left, record that no (arehouse can ship those items +he use case ends.


1 December 200

&age 12 of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model


&cti)ity Diagram


Non*functional +e,uirements and &ssumptions


(pen "ssues

1 December 200

&age 1 of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model

0 UC%: +eplenish Stoc1

$oal of Use Case:

+he )etailer System orders goods from a manufacturer to replenish stoc' for a particular product in a particular (arehouse. +he in-entory le-el of a product in a particular (arehouse has fallen belo( its minimum le-el +he in-entory le-el of the product in a particular (arehouse is at the ma,imum le-el. +he in-entory le-el of the product in a particular (arehouse is not updated and remains under stoc'ed. )etailer System, Manufacturing System +riggered internally in the )etailer System for each (arehouse that detects the pre/ condition.


Success .ost Conditions: 3ailed .ost Conditions:

&ctors: Triggers:

Step &ctor

Main Success .ath

Description 8ranches Condition 6ocation


)etailer System

+he )etailer System constructs a purchase order for the product (ith the necessary Cuantity to bring the product up to its ma,imum le-el for that (arehouse. &lace $rder. +he )etailer system submits the purchase order to the rele-ant Manufacturing System 4*rand1, *rand2 or *rand 5 as dictated by the product. "alidate $rder Malformed order or in-alid product or in-alid Cuantity !3+ 1


)etailer System

Manufacturing System

1 December 200

&age 1@ of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model




8ranches Condition 6ocation


Manufacturing System Manufacturing System Manufacturing System

Send an ac'no(ledgement bac' to the )etailer System


+he Manufacturing System constructs a shipment of the reCuested Cuantity of product. +he Manufacturing System ships the goods and sends shipping notice to the (arehouse. +he shipping notice is the business le-el reply to the purchase order. .hen the )etailer System recei-es the shipping notice, an ac'no(ledgement is sent bac' to the Manufacturing System. Upon receipt of the shipment, the (arehouse updates its product in-entory le-el based on receipt of the shipped order.

unconditio nal




)etailer System )etailer System


0.% &6T!: Malformed (rder or No Such .roduct or "n)alid ,uantity




8ranches Condition 6ocation


Manufacturin g System

+he Manufacturing System reFects the order either due to a malformed order, a reCuest for a product that doesnDt e,ist, or a reCuest for an in-alid Cuantity 4such as <ero or more than the ma, le-el for that product5. ! reply, containing an application error messageGcode, is sent bac' to the )etailer System. +he use case ends in failure


1 December 200

&age 1B of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model


&cti)ity Diagram


Non*functional +e,uirements and &ssumptions


(pen "ssues

1 December 200

&age 1= of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model

2 UC#: Supply 3inished $oods

2.! Definition

$oal of Use Case: .reconditions: Success .ost Conditions:

! manufacturer processes a purchase order from a (arehouse. Min H ManufacturerDs Finished %oods #n-entory 3e-el H Ma, +he purchase order is fulfilled and finished goods are shipped to )etailerDs (arehouse. +he purchase order is not fulfilled. Manufacturing System, )etailer System )eceipt of a purchase order.

3ailed .ost Conditions: &ctors: Triggers:


Main Success .ath




8ranches Condition 6ocation #nsufficient goods UCB


Manufacturing System

Chec' #n-entory. For each item in the purchase order, the manufacturer chec's its finished goods le-el to determine if it can fulfill the order. Ship $rder. +he manufacturer ships all the finished goods to the retailerDs (arehouse and sends the (arehouse a shipping notification. ! single shipping notice is sent e-en if the purchase order contained multiple items. Update #n-entory. +he manufacturer updates its finished goods in-entory le-el based on the Cuantity being shipped in step . #f the minimum finished goods threshold is e,ceeded, manufacture more, (hich is defined by UCB.


Manufacturing System

Manufacturing System

Minimum threshold e,ceeded


1 December 200

&age 1: of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model


&cti)ity Diagram


Non*functional +e,uirements and &ssumptions

1o multi/line orders are accepted i.e. an order relates to a single product 4finished good5.


(pen "ssues

1 December 200

&age 1? of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model

!4 UC': Manufacture 3inished $oods

!4.! Definition
$oal of Use Case: +he goal of this use case is to initiate a production run for the purposes of replenishing the stoc' le-els of a specified product. Stoc' le-els for the manufactured product are not sufficient to meet a purchase reCuest or stoc' le-els ha-e fallen belo( the minimum le-el for the product. +he necessary parts and their Cuantities for a production run are a-ailable. Success .ost Conditions: 3ailed .ost Conditions: &ctors: Triggers: +he stoc' le-el for the manufactured product (ill be at the ma,imum le-el. Stoc' le-els (ill be left unchanged. Manufacturing System Manufacturer is reCuested to supply finished goods


Step &ctor

Main Success .ath

Description 8ranches Condition 6ocation

1 .

Manufacturing System

Determine part list and Cuantities reCuired to manufacture product. 8uantity to manufacture I order Cuantity J current in-entory le-el K ma, in-entory le-el

2 .

Manufacturing System Manufacturing System Manufacturing System

Start production run.

. @ .

.ait for production run to finish.

Stac' finished goods in 4manufacturerDs5 (arehouse.

1 December 200

&age 1A of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model

!4.# &cti)ity Diagram

!4.' Non*functional +e,uirements and &ssumptions

1. ! pre/defined unit production time e,ists for each product. 2. 6ach production run ta'es e,actly the calculated time to complete. . +here is an unlimited manufacturing capability, meaning that any reCuested Cuantity can be manufactured.

!4.- (pen "ssues


1 December 200

&age 20 of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model

!! UC-: Configure 5 +un Demo

!!.! Definition
$oal of Use Case: !llo( the person operating the demo 4a.'.a. demo user5 to select from among a list of different, eCui-alent (eb ser-ice implementations. +here is more than one implementation of each (eb ser-ice to choose from. 6ach (eb ser-ice that is offered has been appro-ed by .S/#Ds Sample !pplications .or'ing %roup. Success .ost Conditions: 3ailed .ost Conditions: ! configuration is selected and the demo is started. 1. #ncorrect or incomplete configuration selected 2. 6ndpoints not a-ailable &ctors: Triggers: Demo User, Demo System Demo User na-igates to the .S/# demo (eb page.


1 December 200

&age 21 of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model

Step &ctor

Main Success .ath

Description 8ranches Condition 6ocation


Demo System

&resent Choices. +he system presents the demo user (ith a number of configuration options. #t is assumed that the system (ill not present any in-alid options, and that all combinations of options are -alid. Select $ptions. !ll options (ill ha-e randomly generated default selections. +he demo user selects implementations of indi-idual (eb ser-ices. 6ach (eb ser-ice in the demo (ill be implemented by one or more -endors. %enerate #D. +he Demo system generates a uniCue #D (hich is used to retrie-e the log entries for different 4concurrent5 demo users. Start Demo. +he demo user records the generated #D and ac'no(ledges receipt of the #D to the system. +his ac'no(ledgement causes the system to start the demo, branching to UC1. Demo user recei-es #D. UC1


Demo User

Demo System


Demo User

!!.% &cti)ity Diagram

1 December 200

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; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model

!!.# Non*functional +e,uirements and &ssumptions

Use UDD# to disco-er the (eb ser-ice implementations to be presented to the Demo User 4step 1, main success scenario5.

!!.' (pen "ssues


! UC/: 6og E)ents

! .! Definition
$oal of Use Case: +he goal of this use case is to log e-ents relating to the e,ecution of other use cases for the purpose of enabling a Demo User to -ie( these e-ents. #n this (ay the Demo User (ill be able to see (hich (eb ser-ices ha-e been consumed by a gi-en operation and the outcomes of those (eb ser-ices. +he e-ents should be able to be -ie(ed at any time. +his may mean that for asynchronous operations one or more (eb ser-ices may still be e,ecuting. .reconditions: Success .ost Conditions: 3ailed .ost Conditions: none 6-ent is logged to the repository. 1. !n entry (ill be added to the log, (hich (ill include an error code and description outlining the cause of the failure. $r 2. )epository is not a-ailable &ctors: Triggers: !ny (eb ser-ice system as #nitiator, Demo System. #nitiation, termination or any significant point in the e,ecution of one of the core use cases.

1 December 200

&age 2 of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model

! .

Main Success .ath




8ranches Condition 6ocation

1 .

)etailer System or Manufacturing System Demo System

Sends a reCuest to the Demo System to log e-ents.

2 .

)ecei-es reCuest to log e-ents.

. @ .

Demo System

"alidate reCuest.

#n-alid reCuest )epository not a-ailable

!3+ 1

Demo System

3ogs e-ents, including user #D, initiating ser-er #D, responding ser-ice #D, uniCue demo #D, use case #D, dateGtime of operation and other transaction details. +ransaction details can be passed as a long string.

!3+ 2

! .% &6T !: "n)alid Data

Step &ctor Description 8ranches Condition 6ocation )epository not a-ailable !3+ 2

1 .

Demo System

3og reason for failure 4e.g. LM3 fragment does not conform to schema5

2 .

+erminate process.

! .# &6T : +epository not a)ailable

Step &ctor Description 8ranches Condition 6ocation

1 .

+erminate process.

1 December 200

&age 2@ of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model

! .' &cti)ity Diagram

! .- Non*functional +e,uirements and &ssumptions

Call to log statistics (ill use the Document Style $ne/(ay Message Scenario.

! ./ (pen "ssues

!% UC0: Vie7 E)ents

!%.! Definition
$oal of Use Case: +he goal of this use case is to allo( the Demo User to -ie( the log of e-ents that occurred as a result of running the demo. 6-ents related to the demo user are clearly mar'ed in the log.
&age 2B of 2:

1 December 200

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model

Success .ost Conditions: 3ailed .ost Conditions: &ctors: Triggers:

6-ents are displayed 6-ents cannot be located Demo User, Demo System Demo User na-igates to an appropriate place in the user interface.

Step &ctor

Main Success .ath

Description 8ranches Condition 6ocation

1 . 2 .

Demo User Demo System

+he Demo User reCuests the display of e-ents related to a demo. 6,tracts from the log all the entries related to the latest demo run by the Demo User. Unable to access the log !3+ 1

Demo System

+he Demo System returns to the Demo User a list of the rele-ant e-ents for them to -ie(.

!%.% &6T !: Unable to access the log

Step &ctor Description 8ranches Condition 6ocation

1 . 2 .

Demo System

)eport bac' to the Demo User that the e-ents cannot be displayed. +he use case ends unsuccessfully

1 December 200

&age 2= of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

Supply Chain Management Use Case Model

!%.# &cti)ity Diagram

!%.' Non*functional +e,uirements and &ssumptions


!%.- (pen "ssues


1 December 200

&age 2: of 2:

; Copyright 2002, 200 by the .eb Ser-ices/#nteroperability $rgani<ation and Certain of its Members. !ll rights reser-ed.

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