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Principles of Banking

Course code: Instructor: Prerequisites: NHAE302 Nguyn Quang Hiu Faculty of Banking and Finance Introduction to Finance (TCHE302),

Money and Banking (TCHE303)

Instructor Contact or You can download materials for the course in this website

Assessment Criteria

Engagement: Projects/Mid term exam: Final Exam:

10% 30% 60%

Engagement (10%)
Attend class Engage Homework

Mid term exam(30%)

An exam with Multiple choice questions, or a team project Will decide later

Final exam(60%)
Short answer questions Testable content: the whole course

Textbooks for reference

Main text: Bank management and financial services (Peter Rose, 2008) Bank management (Koch and MacDonald, 2010) Introduction to banking (Barbara Casu, Claudia Girardone, Philip Molyneux, 2006) Principles of banking (American Bankers Association)

Content (tentative)
Overview Bank sources of funds
Deposits Borrowed funds

Bank uses of funds

Lending Investments

Managing bank capital Electronic banking Performance analysis Bank crisis

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