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Smt. Kamala and Sri Venkappa. M. Agadi College of Engineering and Technology., Laxmesh ar!

"#$%%& 'Appro(ed )y A*CTE +elhi and Affiliated to VT, -elga.m/ +epartment of Electronics and Comm.nication Comm.nication

Course Plan Semester : III Year: 2013

Program: Electronics and Communication Engineering Course Title: Logic Design Total Content Hours: 52 E"am $ar%s: 100 Lesson Plan &ut#or: Santos# 'u(ari C#ec%ed ',: Course Code: 10ES33 Duration o !inal E"am: 3 #rs Internal $ar%s: 25 Date: 0)*0+*2013 Date:

Course Learning Objectives-CLO &t t#e end o t#e course student s#ould -e a-le to: 1. State /#at is Logic Design and /#, it is re0uired and to descri-e com-inational logic1 to generate s/itc#ing e0uations rom trut# ta-les1 to sim2li , ma"term and minterm e0uations using 3*ma2s. 2. Practice t#e 4uine*$cClus%, minimi5ation tec#ni0ue1 reduced 2rime im2licant ta-les1 $a2 entered 6aria-les. 3. &nal,5e and design decoders and encoders. 7. &nal,5e and design digital multi2le"ers1 adders1 su-tractors. 5. &nal,5e and design t#e -asic -ista-le element1 latc#es and li2* lo2s. ). Practice c#aracteristic e0uations and design registers and counters. 8. 9ecall $ela, and $oore $odels and design s,nc#ronous se0uential +. Construct State diagrams and design counters.


+E2T 34 ECE

Smt. Kamala and Sri Venkappa. M. Agadi College of Engineering and Technology., Laxmesh ar!"#$%%& 'Appro(ed )y A*CTE +elhi and Affiliated to VT, -elga.m/ +epartment of Electronics and Comm.nication Comm.nication

Course Learning Outcomes-CLO &t t#e end o t#e course student s#ould -e a-le to: 1. Students /ill demonstrate %no/ledge o Logic Design and s#o/ /#at com-inational logic is and sim2li , t#e e0uations using 3*ma2s. 2. Students /ill demonstrate s%ills to use 4uine*$cClus%, minimi5ation tec#ni0ue1 9educed 2rime im2licant ta-les and ma2 entered 6aria-les. 3. Students /ill demonstrate s%ills to design decoders1 encoders1 digital multi2le"ers1 adders1 su-tractors. 7. Students /ill demonstrate to use Latc#es1 li2* lo2s. 5. Students /ill demonstrate a-ilit, to design registers and counters. ). Students /ill s#o/ /#, $eal, and $oore $odels and /ill demonstrate t#e s%ills to design S,nc#ronous Se0uential Circuit. 8. Students /ill demonstrate an a-ilit, to construct state diagrams. +. Students /ill demonstrate an a-ilit, to anal,5e s,nt#esis in ormation rom entit, and module and to ma2 2rocess and al/a,s in t#e #ard/are domain.


+E2T 34 ECE

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