Clipping Book - Locate Agreement

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Dec 20, 2013

Clipping Book 122 E 37th St New York, NY 10016 Ladies and Gentlemen: This Agreement (the Agreement) is entered into this 20th day o Decem!er, 2013 (" ecti#e Date) !y and !et$een %li&&ing!oo'(com (%li&&ing )oo') and Locate *eal "state %or&oration (Locate)( +or good and #al,a!le consideration, the recei&t and s, iciency o $hich is here!y ,lly ac'no$ledged, L-%AT" and %li&&ing )oo' here!y agree to the ollo$ing: 1. Definitions Lead means a ,ser clic'ing on a !anner $ithin the Ad .n#entory leading to the Locate /ome +inder A&&( Ad Inventory means non0 g,aranteed, &re0em&ti!le digital ad in#entory o cli&&ing !oo' in#entory( 2. LOCATEs Obligations: 2.1 Lo ate A!! and "#!!ort "ervi es( D,ring the Term o this Agreement L-%AT" $ill &ro#ide %li&&ing )oo' $ith (i) the Locate /ome +inder A&& or &lacement in the Ad .n#entory1 and (ii) Locate /ome +inder A&& s,&&ort or ,sers in the orm o real0estate ser#ices, transaction s,&&ort, a concierge le#el call center, licensed !ro'ers, technical s,&&ort and real estate e2&ertise( 2.2 $e!orting: L-%AT" also agrees to &ro#ide %li&&ing )oo' $ith monthly access to Lead metrics data &ertaining to all con#ersions rom #isitors to mem!ers, rom mem!ers to clients, clients to transactions and res,lting re#en,e re&orting( %. Cli!!ing &oo's Obligations: %li&&ing )oo' agrees to &ro#ide Ad .n#entory in a manner, sco&e, and re3,ency as reasona!ly determined !y %li&&ing )oo' in the s&irit o ma'ing the #ent,re s,cces ,l( %li&&ing )oo' agrees to &ro#ide and maintain all ad o&erations in s,&&ort o the Ad .n#entory d,ring the Term o this Agreement( (. E ono)i s: L-%AT" shall &ay %li&&ing )oo' a monthly mar'eting ees ollo$s:

3 Columbus Circle 15th floor, New York, NY 10019

Tel: (855) 65 3! 3

4.1 *ay)ent Ter)s: L-%AT" agrees to &ay %li&&ing )oo' a mar'eting ee e3,al to orty &ercent (405) o the gross re#en,e recei#ed each month !y L-%AT"( i any) as a res,lt o Leads generated rom the Ad .n#entory (the +ees) 4.2 *ay)ent of +ees: D,ring the Term o this Agreement L-%AT" shall calc,late all +ees d,e to %li&&ing )oo' on a monthly !asis( L-%AT" agrees to &ay %li&&ing )oo' all ees $ithin thirty (30) days o recei&t o L-%AT"6s commissions recei#ed( 7ayment shall !e accom&anied !y re&orting detailing Leads and gross re#en,e recei#ed( (.% All ees d,e to %li&&ing )oo' rom re#en,e recei#ed !y L-%AT" rom Leads generated d,ring the Term shall s,r#i#e the termination or e2&iration o the Agreement( (.( 8hile contract is in orce, each c,stomer that originates rom the %li&&ing )oo' $e!site $ill remain a %li&&ing )oo' c,stomer and all re#en,e deri#ed rom same $ill !e d,e to %li&&ing )oo' regardless o the c,stomer6s re0engagement &oint $ith Locate. ,.A#dit $ig-ts: %li&&ing )oo' is entitled to a,dit and ins&ect L-%AT"6s !oo's and records, s,!9ect to this Agreement once e#ery si2 (:) months d,ring the Term and once d,ring the one year &eriod ollo$ing e2&iration o the Agreement at L-%AT"6s o ices d,ring normal ho,rs o o&eration (each an A,dit,)( L-%AT" shall 'ee& and maintain, and may not destroy, its records d,ring the Term and or at least t$o (2) years a ter the e2&iration or termination o this Agreement( %li&&ing )oo' shall &ay or the costs o each A,dit, e2ce&t $here s,ch A,dit re#eals that the a,diting 7arty has !een ,nder&aid !y i#e &ercent (;5) or greater, in $hich case the reasona!le costs o s,ch A,dit shall !e &aid !y L-%AT"( ..Ter): The term o this Agreement shall !e t$el#e (12) months rom " ecti#e Date $ith an e2&ected La,nch Date o the $e! ser#ices on or a!o,t Decem!er 1, 2013 or ,nless earlier terminated as &ro#ided herein( /.Ter)ination: %li&&ing )oo' may terminate this Agreement, at any time, ,&on ninety (<0) days &rior $ritten notice( Locate may terminate this agreement a ter t$el#e months ,&on ninety (<0) days &rior $ritten notice( 0."#rvival( The Termination or "2&iration o this Agreement shall not a ect any o the &ro#isions o this Agreement $hich are e2&ressly or !y im&lication to come into or contin,e in orce a ter s,ch termination or e2&iration, incl,ding, any and all &ayment terms and any section or &ro#ision hereo re3,ired to im&lement or esta!lish the meaning o the &ro#isions o s,ch section. 1. Entire Agree)ent2A)end)ents: The oregoing constit,tes the entire agreement !et$een the &arties regarding its s,!9ect matter and s,&ersedes and e2ting,ishes any &rior dra ts o agreements relating to s,ch s,!9ect matter( This Agreement may not !e changed, amended,

3 Columbus Circle 15th floor, New York, NY 10019

Tel: (855) 65 3! 3

modi ied, rene$ed, e2tended or discharged, e2ce&t as s&eci ically &ro#ided herein or !y an agreement in $riting signed !y the &arties hereto( 13. Assign)ent: This Agreement shall not !e assigned, s,!0contracted or trans erred !y either &arty $itho,t the other &arty6s &rior $ritten consent( =ot$ithstanding the oregoing, either &arty may assign, s,!0contract or trans er this Agreement to an a iliate, or in connection $ith a reorgani>ation, merger, ac3,isition or sale o all or s,!stantially all o s,ch &arty6s stoc' or assets( 11.A!!li able La4 and 5#risdi tion: This Agreement and all matters or iss,es collateral thereto shall !e go#erned !y and constr,ed !y the la$s o the ?tate o =e$ @or' a&&lica!le to contracts negotiated, e2ec,ted and &er ormed entirely therein ($itho,t regard to &rinci&les o con licts o la$s)( The &arties here!y irre#oca!ly s,!mit to the 9,risdiction o any state or ederal co,rt sitting in the ?tate o =e$ @or', and o any co,rt to $hich an a&&eal there rom may !e ta'en, in res&ect o any s,it, action or &roceeding arising o,t o or in any $ay relating to this Agreement, and irre#oca!ly acce&ts or itsel and in res&ect o its &ro&erty, generally and ,nconditionally, the 9,risdiction o s,ch co,rts( . the oregoing is in accordance $ith yo,r ,nderstanding, &lease indicate yo,r acce&tance on the co&y o this Agreement enclosed or that &,r&ose and ret,rn that co&y to Locate *eal "state(

Aery tr,ly yo,rs, %li&&ing )oo'

)y:BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 7rint =ame: Title: A6$EED: Locate *eal "state %or&oration


3 Columbus Circle 15th floor, New York, NY 10019 Tel: (855) 65 3! 3

Title: %"-

3 Columbus Circle 15th floor, New York, NY 10019

Tel: (855) 65 3! 3

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