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Power Engineering Guide 6.1th Edition Answers for energy. IEMENS Imprint ‘Sites cages Ene Senor eyesenersass 1 ‘cmon comma) bins House bse angen, Germany Neto tes Nie tongen,Germeny set: Wenhotoreat, 2221 Sonata siemens Eneray Sector - Power Encineering Guide -6.1th Edition Foreword ‘This updated edition of the well-known Power Engineering Guide is a manual for ‘everyone who is involved in the generation, transmission and distribution of ‘electrical energy ~ from system planning, to implementation and control. Our guide 'sdasigned to assist and support engineers, technicians, planners and advisors, as, well as students, rainees and teachers of electrical engineering and eneray technology. Beyond that, we hope the Power Engineering Guide will aso be useful as a reference work for technical questions and in supporting continuing education in technical fields. ‘Our guide is organized by product end function, and covers the entire portiolio of ‘Siemens products for the transmission and distribution of electrical power - including high, medium and low voltage, switching substations, transformers and ‘switchgear. It also covers solutions in the areas of automation, energy mangement ‘and natwork communication, as well as service and support. The guide's key terms. and abbreviations are explained in a handy appendix, and Internet addresses are provided for additional in-depth information. Siemens! products, systems and integrated, complete solutions benefit customers by eating a wide variety of local requirements. They represent the key technologies of the future and set global standards. All our developments and innovations — wl also affect methods and processes ~ are distinguished by onorgy efficiency, economy, reliability, environmental compatibility and sustainability. Siemens AG is a global leader in electronics and electrical engineering with 495,000 ‘employees and activities in 190 counities. The Power Transmission and Power tribution Divisions of the Siemens Energy Sector are product suppliers, system integrators, and total solution and service providers ~ from the power plant to the ‘end consumer. ‘and the importance of electricity fs underscored by the rapidly increasing number of electrical applications and the fact that demand will continually grow in the coming, decades. We are, in fact entoring a new age of electricity! To help our customers ‘master the related challenges and achieve success and further growth, we continually work on selectively strengthening and optimizing our portiolio, As @ result in addition to “vaditionar” products for power transmission and disteibution, today's portfolio includes a wide range of additional products. We offer arid ‘operators, electricity customers, planners and builders of electrical systems the additional benefits of integrated communications and automation technology. Our spectrum of services includes the planning, maintenance and repair of entire power Supply networks ‘Thanks o our vast experience in managing projects around the world, we can provide power utilities and industrial companies with optimal and cost-efficient solutions to quickly meet their needs — anytime and anywhere, You can count on ust The staff at your lacal Sierians sales location would be mare than pleased to help you if you heve questions or need eny assistance choosing the right product. Please {don't hesitate to contact us. You will find the e-mail addresses of our contacts at wow siemens.comienergy. Dr. Udo Nichage Ralf Christian Siemens Energy Sector Siemens Energy Sector CEO Power Transmission Division _CEO Power Distribution Division Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th rere i, ia jemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide Contents 4, Smart Grids and The New Age of Eneray 6 2. Power Transmission and Distribution Solutions 14 3. Switchgear and Substations 54 4, Products and Devices 130 5. Transformers 206 6. Protection and Substation Automation 234 7. Energy Management 344 8 Communication in Power Systems 384 9, Network Planning 416 10, Services & Support 428 11. Glossary 444 12, Abbreviations, Trademarks 452 Slement Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide -6.1th Edition | 5 1 Smart Grids and The New Age of Energy Fig. 1-1; Siemens offers complete communication solutions for the construction of smart grids for power utes 6 Siemens Eneray Sector PonerEncineering Guide -6.1th Edition Smart Grids and The New Age of Energy Electrical eneray is the backbone of our economy and supports ‘every aspect of social and cultural life today. The comfort of always having electricity available is enything but guaranteed, however. We face major challenges in providing adequate power generation, transmission, and distribution to meet the worid's, reeds. ‘The global demand for energy is steadily Increasing at the rate of three percent a year, faster than the two percent annual increase in the global demand for primary anergy. There ate many factors. ‘contributing to this escalation, including rapid population {growth and longer life spans. The process of urbanization con- tinues to accelerate, and growing amounts of electricity must be tuansported to heavily populated arees, usuelly over long dis- ‘tances. Atthe same tima, the density and complexity of urban power grids are also increasing (fig. 1-1). Fossil fuels, on the other hand, are becoming more scarce, and ‘exploration and production of oil and gas are becoming more ‘expensive, To slow the threat of climate change we must reduce ‘our CO, emissions worldwide: for power grids, this means increased integration of renewable energy sources such as ‘hydro, wind, and solar power. At the same time, it also means ‘boosting the energy efficiency of gids so they contribute to our ‘eavitonmental and climate protection efforts and help keep ‘energy costs under control. The growing international trade in ‘energy, fueled by the leralization of energy markets, and the integration of power grids across regions requires investment in ‘more transmission lines to ensure grid stability and guarantee ‘power supplies. ‘To meet all these challenges, an intelligent and flexible arid infrastructure, smart generation, and smart buildings are esser tial. Achieving this will require a fundamental shift from the traditional unidirectional flow of energy and communication to a bidirectional power flow (fi. 1-2). ln traditional power grids, ‘power generation follows the loed ~ but in the future, power ‘consumption will follow generation rather than the other way ‘around. A perfect example isthe electric car, which can be ‘charged o operated at night while drawing on cheap wind power. The grids of today and tomortow must integrate every type of power generation to bridge the increasing distances between ‘power generation — offshore wind ferms, for example ~ and the ‘The objectives sot for smart grids are as diverse as they are ‘exciting and ambitious. Instead of overloads, bottlenecks, and blackouts, smart grids will ensure the reliability, sustainability, Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 7 Smart Grids and The New Age of Energy {irs ermaton and conmaneston remade ‘ig, 1-2: Paradige shift in poner grids ~ tho new ag ‘and efficiency of power supplies. Information and communica: tion systems within the network will be systematically expanded ‘and homogenized, Automation will increase considerably, and appropriately equipped smart substations will help reduce the. cost and labor intensity of planning and operation. Ongoing, ‘comprehensive monitoring willimprove the way that plants and the grid are run, Distributed power generators and storage units will be combined into virtual power plants so they can also participate in the development of the market. Susceptibility to failure will be Considerably reduced by “self-healing” grids that manage and redundantly compensate for faults atthe locel level. Consumers wil participate as end customers through electronic smart ‘meters that offer them better conirol oftheir own consumption, ‘and this will make load management easier because peak loads ‘can be avolded thiough price benefits. The potential of smart grids is enormous, and includes the use of buildings end electric Vehicles linked into the network as controllable power con- sumers, generators, and even storage units. Information and communication technology forms the crucial links between power generation, transmission, distribution, and ‘consumption. The smart grid will create consistent structures, ‘optimize power generation, and balance fluctuating power production with consumption (fg. 1-3). Fig, 1-3: The smart grid addresses future challenges ‘Siemens is ready to play @ leading role in the creation and expan: ‘sion of smart grids. Not only is Siemens uniquely positioned to transport and distribute power, Siemens s also a world market leader in energy automation, which plays a decisive role in the creation of smart grid. 8 Siemens Eneray Sector -PonerEncincesing Gude »6.1th Edition Smart Grids and The New Age of Energy Network planning Building smart grids isa highly complex task that begins with a detailed quantitative assessment ofthe system requirements, finition of actual targets and their required performance levels, and specification of system concepts and equipment. As @ result, a comprehensive strategy for building smart grids is necessary ~ including the part of the grid that addresses elec trical networks ‘The foundation for designing an efficient smart-grid network isa detailed analysis ofthe system's required performance. Thisis the key task for stiategic network planning. Keeping a rigorous focus on the system as. whole ensures thet the architecture and configuration deliver the necessary performance lavels, and ‘meet other requirements as well. The solution will integrate the ‘most innovative technologies for energy generation, transmis- sion, distribution, and consumption, while taking into account ‘each system's individual history end current condition. In most cases, the transition from today's network to the future smart dgrid cannot be made in one step; instead it requires step-by-step ‘modification plans. See chapter 9, page 416. Power electronics (HVDC/FACTS) Siemens power electronic solutions for High Voltage Direct CCurrent transmission (HVDC) and Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS) address the greatest challenges in power transmission. FACTS devices can significantly increase the power transmission capacity of existing alternating curtent (AC) systems and extend ‘maximum AC transmission distences by balancing the varieble reactive power demand of the system. Reactive power compen- sation is used to control AC voltage, increase system stability. and reduce power transmission losses. State-of-the-art FACTS devices include Faxed series compensators (FSC) and thyristor controlled series compensators (TCSC) for series compensation, or static VAR compensators (SVC) for dynamic shunt compensation, The latest generation of Siemens SVC devices is called SVC PLUS. These are highly standardized ‘compact devices that can easily be implemented in demanding network environments; for example, to allow connection of lage offshore wind pares [AC technology has proven very effective in the generation, ‘uansmission, and distribution of electiical energy. Nevertheless, there are tasks that cennot be performed economically or with technical precision using AC. These include power transmission ‘over very long distances, as well as between networks operating asynchronously or at difforent frequencies. In contrast, a unique Teatuie of HVDC systems is thait ability to feed power into ‘networks that cannot tolerete additional increases in short- 70 ms allowed) (fig. 2.3-6) In the case of a short circuit or other fault in one of the power feeding busbars, SIPLINK seamlessly takes over the power supply. SIPLINK is short- 133 years results. This value by far exceeds that of other underground transmission systems, Basic design In order to meet mechanical stability criteria, gas-insulated lines Comprise considerable cross-sections of enclosure and conduc~ tor, which provides high-power transmission ratings. Because of the geometrical design, and 2s the insulating medium is gas, low capacitive loads are given, so that compensation of reactive [power is not needed, not even for longer distancos. A furthor important requirement taken into account isthe Situation of an ‘earth fault with @ high current of up to 63 KA to earth. Testing The Gil has been tested according to IEC 61640 (1998) "Rigid high-voltage, gas-insulated transmission lines for voltages of 72.5 kV end above" (ig. 2.5°3, fig. 2.54). Reduction of SF, content Several tests have been carried out in Siemens facilities and in other test laboratories worldwide over the course of many years ig. 2.5-3) in order to select @ most environmentally friendly insulating gas. Results of these investigations show that for Industiial projects involving a considerable amount of gas, the fig, 2.54; Siemens lab prototype for dielectric tests ‘bulk ofthe insulating gas should be nitrogen, a non-toxic natural {gas. However, another insulating gas should be added to nitrogen in order to improve the insulating capability and to ‘minimize size and pressure. An mixture of Np and SF. gas was Twehnlcal data finally chosen as the insulating medium. The characteristics of Rated voltage Upto 550% NySF. ges mixtures show that the insulating capebity of pure gated curent pes O00 ‘Fe can be reached with an SF, content of only 20 % and a siightly higher pressure. Tests have proven thatthe arcing behav- Towmssioncapacity up 93,700 MWK {or is improved using this mixture, and thet there would benno epectence Socined a ‘external damage or fie caused by an internal fault. Length up 70km The technicel deta of the Git is shown in table 2.5-1. (Gas micture SF; 20%/80% (400 tv), 650% /40'% (500 kV) Excellent electromagnetic compatibility allows flexible route Laying Directly buries planning In tunnels, sloping galleries, vertical shofis The construction of the GL. esults in much smaller elactromag- netic fields than with conventional power transmission systems ‘factor of 15...20 times lower can be reached. This makes GIL rable 2.5-1: Technical data of It Suitable to follow completely new routings through populated, ‘areas (e.g. next to hospitals or residential areas, in the vicinity of (Open airintallation, above ground flight monitoring systems, etc.) GIL can be lald in combined —_ networks in EMC-sensitive environments, where magnetic elds infrastructure tunnels together with foreign elements (e.g. close have to be avoided, Siemens GIL systems satisfy the most to telecommunication equipment and similar). Thus, GIL stringent magnetic flux density requirements, for example Swiss provides maximum flexibility forthe planning of transmission —_limitof 1 pT (fig. 2.5-2), Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th a Power Transmission and Distribution Solutions 2.5 Power Transmission Lines Jointing technique In order to improve gas tightness and to facilitate laying of long straight lines, flanges have been avoided as a jointing technique (fig. 25-5). instead, welding has been chosen to connect tha various GIL construction units in order to ensure high quality of the joints. The welding process is highly automated, with the use of an orbital welding machine. This orbital welding machine Contributes to high productivity in the welding process and thorefare speeds up laying the lines. The reliably of the welding process is controlled by an integrated computerized ‘quality assurance system, Laying Laying must be as compatible as possible with the landscape, and must take into account the change of seasons of the year Tre laying techniques for pipelines have been improved over many years. With certain modifications, these techniques are applicable for Gi as a “pipeline for electrical current", to, GIL. need different treatment, especially ragarding the protection of the assembly area against dust, particles, humidity and other ‘environmental factors that might disturb the dialectic system, Clean assembly plays an important role in setting up cross-coun- ty GIL under normal environmental conditions. A high level of automation of the overall process makes clean assembly and enhanced productivity possible Above ground installation GIL installation above ground ise trouble-free option, even for ‘extreme environmental conditions. GIL are unatfacted by high ambient temperatures, intensive solar radiation or severe atmospheric pollution (such as dust, sand or moisture). Corto: sion protection is not always strictly necessary (fig. 2-5-6). ‘Tunnel installation Tunnels made up of prefabricated structural elements are another quick and easy method of GIL installation. The tunnel ‘elements are assembled in a trench, which is then backfilled to prevent any long-term disfiguring of the local landscape. The Gi is installed once the tunnel has been completed. With this ‘method of installation the land above the tunnel can be fully restored to agricultural use. Only @ neatiaible emount of het is dissipated to the soll from the GIL (fig. 2.5-7) Vertical installation (Gac-insulated tubular conductors can be installed without problem at eny gradient, even vertically, This makes them @ top solution especially for cavern hydropower plants, where large amounts of energy have to be tansmitted from the bottom machine transformer to the switchgear and overhead line on the Surface. AS GIL systems pose no fre risk, they can be installed in 2 tunnel or shaft that is accessible and can also be used for Ventilation at the same time. Direct burying Tre most recently developes Siemens Gil are also designed for divecty buried laying. Directly buried gas-insulated transmission lines ate safeguarded by a passive and active corrosion protec tion system. The passive corrosion protection system comprises Fig. 2.5:8: Directly buried Gi 32 Siemens Eneray Sector -PonerEncineering Gude -6.1th Edition Power Transmi: sion and Distribution Solutions 2.5 Power Transmission Lines ‘a coating and ensures atleast 40 years of protection. The active corrosion protection system provides protection potential in relation to the aluminum sheath, Magnetic fields measured at the surface are minimal. Once instalation is complete, the land ‘can be returned to agricultural use with minor restictions (ig. 25-8), Long-term performance The long-tarm performance of GIL for long-distance installations thas been proven by the independent test leboretory IPH, Berlin, ‘Germany, and the former Berlin power utility BEWAG (now, Vatten‘all Europe) using long-term test procedures for power, cables. This result confirrns more than 30 years of field experi fence with GIL installations worldwide. The test procedure consisted of load cycles with doubled voltage and increased ‘current as well as frequently repeated high-voltage tests. The assembly and repair procedures under realistic site conditions were also examined, The Siemens GIL was the fistin the world to have passed these tests, without any problems. Fig. 2.5-3, shows the test setup arranged in a tunnel of 3 m diameter. 1ed experience with gas-insulated trens lines at ratee voltages of up to 550 kV and with pha: totaling more then 80 km (2010). Implemented projects include laying GIL in tunnels, sloping galeries, vertical shafts, open-air installations, as well as directly buried. Flanging as well as welding has been applied as @ jointing technique. The first GIL stietch built by Siemens was the connection of the turbine generator pumping motor of a pumped-storage power station with the switchyard, The 420 KV GIL i aid in a tunnel through a mountain end hes a single-phese lenath of 4,000m (fig, 2.5-1). This connection was commissioned at the pumped- storage power station of Wehr in the Black Forest in Souther Germany in 1975, In the Limberg I pumped-storage power station in Kaprun, ‘Austria, builtin 2070, a GIL system was laid in a shaft with 2 ‘gradient of 42°. It connects the cavern power plant with the 360 kV overhead line at an elttude of about 1,600 meters. As GIL systems pose no fire risk, the Gil tunnel is nct only acces- sible but also used for ventilation purposes. That resulted in substantial cost reduction by eliminating the need for a second shaftin tis project (fig. 2.5-10). [As typical example for low EMC values stands the PALEXPO project in Geneva, Switzerland. A GiL system in a tunnel Substitutes 500 meters of a former 300 KV double overhead line which had to move for the raised exhibition center building. The line owner based his decision to opt for @ GIL solution over @ ‘able solution on the GI's much better values with respect to EMC. High sensitive alectronic equipment can now be exhibited and operated in the new hell without any denger of interference from the 300 kV connection located below it fig. 2.5-11). >80,000m 352,000 mm Tunnelinsalation: > 23,000" * ‘Hi Direc buredinstalaton: > 000m Fig, 25-9; References: Gas-insuleted transmission line status July 2019, Fig. 25-10:GIL laid in shaft (imberg, Kaprun, Austria) Fig, 25-1 :GIL replacing overhead line @atexpo, Geneva, Switzerland) For further information, please contact Talsava9 91319-27968 Fal ston Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th 3 Power Transmission and Distribution Solutions 2.5 Power Transmission Lines 2.5.2 Overhead Lines Since the very beginning of electric power generation, overhead {tansmission lines (OHL) have constituted the most important component for transmission and distribution of elect power ‘The portion of overhead transmission lines within a transmission and distibution network depends on the voltage level as well as, ‘on local conditions and practice. In densely populated areas like Central Europe, underground cables prevail in the distribution sector, and overhead powerlines in the high-voltage trensmission sector. In other parts of the world, For example, in North America, ‘overhead lines are often also used for distribution purposes within cities. Siemens has planned, designed and erected overhead power lines for al important voltage levels in many parts of the word, Selection of line voltage For the distribution and transmission of electric power, standardized voltages according to 1EC 60038 are used world- wide. For 3-phase AC applications, three voltage levels prevail: Low voltage (up to 1 kV AC) 1H Medium voltage (between 1 kV and 36 KV AC) 1 High voltage (betwaen 52 KV and 765 kV AC) and higher Low-voltage lines serve households and small business consum- es. Lines on the medium-vottage level supply sial setilements, individual industrial plants and large consumers; the trensmis- sion capacity is typically ess than 10 MVA per circuit. The high-voltage circuits up to 145 kV serve for subtransmission of the eloctric power regionally, and Feed the medium-voltage ‘network, This level is often chosen to support the medium-volt- ‘age level even ifthe electric power is below 10 MVA. Moreover, ‘some of these high-voltage ines also transmit the electric power from medium-sized generating stations, such as hydro plents on ‘small and medium rivers, and supply large-scale consumers, such as sizable industria plants or steel mills. They constitute the connection between the interconnected high-voltage arid ‘and the local distribution networks. The bandwidth of electri power transported corresponds to the broad range of uilization, ‘but rarely exceeds 100 MVA per circuit, while the surge imped. ance load is 35 MVA (approximately) In Central Europe, 245 kV lines were used for interconnection of ‘power supply systems before the 420 kV level was introduced for this purpose. Long distance transmission, for example, between the hydro power plants in the Alps and consumers, was done by 245 kV ines. Nowadays, the importance of 245 kV lines is decreasing due to the existence of the 420 kV transmission network. The 420 kV level represents the highest operation voltage used for AC transmission in Central Europe. It typically Interconnects the power supply systems and transmits the energy ‘over long distances. Some 420 KV lines connect the national gids (of the incividual European countries onabling interconnectod ‘network operation (UCTE = Union for the Co-ordination of Transmission of Electricity) throuchout Europe. Large power plants such as nuclear stations feed cirectiy into the 420 KV ‘network. The thermal capacity of the 420 KV circuits may reach 2,000 MVA, with a surge impedance load of approximately {600 MVA and a transmission capacity up to 1,200 MVA. ‘overhead powerlines with voltages higher than 420 kV AC will be required in the future to economically transmit bulk electric ower over long distances, a task typically arising when utilizing hydro, wind and solar energy potentials far away from consumer centers. Fig 2.5-12 depicts schematically the renge of applica- tion for the individual AC voltage levels based on the distance of tuansmission and the power rating. The voltage level has to be selected based on the task of the line within the network or on ‘the results of network planning. Siemens has carried out such studies for power supply companies all over the world High-voltage direct current However, when considering bulk power transmission ever long distances, a more economical solution is the high-voltage direct, ‘current (HVDC) technofogy. Siemens isin the position to offer ‘complete solutions for such interconnections, starting with network studies and followed by the design, assistance in project, development and complete turnkey supply and construction of ‘such plants. For DC transmission no standard is currently available, The DC voltages vary from the voltage levels recommended in the above-mentioned standardized voltages used for AC. HVDC transmission is used for bulk power transmission and for system interconnection, The line voltages epplied for projects worldwide vary between = 300 kV, #400 KV, 500 kV, #600 kV ‘and recently (2007), #800 kV. The selection of the HVDC line voltege is ruled by the following parameters |B Amount of power to be transferred |B Length of the overhead powerline 1m Permissible power losses '& Economical conductor size ‘The advantages of DC transmission over AC transmission are: |B ADClink allows power transfer between AC networks with different frequencies or networks that cannot be synchronized. 1 Inductive and capacitive parameters do not limit the ‘transmission capacity or the maximum length of a 0C ‘overhead transmission line | The conductor cross-section can be more or less fully utilized because there is no skin effect caused by the line frequency. | DC overhead power lines are much more economical to built and require les right-of way. Economical considerationsievaluation of DC voltages Fig, 25-13 shows the economical application of DC voltages in relation to ovethead transmission line length and transmitted power. This graph must be seen as a general guideline. Any project should be separately evaluated on a case-by-case basis, ‘The budgets established for this evaluation are based on 2007 figures. 24, Siemens Energy Sector -Poner Encineesing Guide - 61th Eéition Power Transmission and Distribution Solutions 2.5 Power Transmission Lines Conclusions 1 300 kV voltage level: ‘The range of 750 and 1,000 km with a power transfer of {600 MW has been valuated. The line and converter costs hhave been added, and transferred into a cost fector per MW poner and km of transmission line. The result shows that for long-distance HVDC transmission, the 300 KV voltage level is ‘not the optimal solution (refer to 400 kV below). However, this voltage lave is useful in short HVDC intercannectors such as the Thailand-MalaysiaInterconnector, which has line length of 113 km. 400 kV voltage level: The range 750, 1,000 and 1,500 km with a power transfer of {600, 1,000 and 2,000 MW has been evaluated. The line and ‘converter costs have been added, and transferted into a cost factor por megawatt power and kilometer of transmission line length. The result shows that the 400 kV valtage levels a suitable solution for line lengths of 750 to 1,000 km with ‘transmitted power of 600 to 1,000 MW. 500 kV voltage level: The range 1,000 and 1,500 km with a power transfer of 1,000, 2,000 and 3,000 MW has been evaluated. The line and converter costs have been added, and transferted into a cost factor per megawatt power and kilometer of transmission line length. The result shows that the 500 kV voltage levels a suitable solution for the line lengths of 1,000 km to 1,500 km \nith transmitted pozrer of 1,000 to 2,000 MW, However, the 400 kV voltage level can also be competitive inthis range of poner and line length. 1 600 kV voltage level: The range 1,500, 2,000 and 3,000 km with a power transfer of 2,000 and 3,000 MW has been evaluated, The line anc converter costs have been added, and transferred into a cost factor per megawatt poner and kilometer of transmission ine length. The result shows that the 600 KV voltage level is 2 suitable solution for the line lengths of 1500 km to 3,000 km \nith transmitted power of 2,000 MW, and 3,000 MW for lines up to 2,000 kin, However, the 500 KV voltage level can still be competitive in parts of this range. 800 KV voltage love! The range 2,000, 3,000 and 4,000 km with a power transfer ‘of 2,000 and 3,000 MW has been evaluated. The line and converter costs have been added, and transferred into a cost factor per megawatt power and kilometer of transmission line. ‘The result shows that the BOO KV voltage leval isa suitable solution for the line lenaths of 2,000 km and above with ‘transmitted power of 2,000 and 3,000 MW. However, shorter line lengths of 1,500 to 3,000 km with power rating of 3.000 to 7,000 MW can be economically covered with an 800 kV solution, Transmission distance 10 20 — Limit of operation Natural imi of load Fig, 25-12: Selection of rated voltage for power transmission #300kV © 4008V @ S0OKY © 60DKY © EOOKY ‘Fig. 25-13: Economical application of DC voltages in relation to over head transmission line length and transmitted power Siemens Energy Sector «Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 35 Power Transmission and Distribution Solutions 2.5 Power Transmission Lines Selection of conductors and earth wires Conductors represent the most important component of an ‘overhead power line because they have to ensure economical ‘and rellable trancmission and contribute considarably to the total line costs. For many yea's, aluminum and its elloys have ‘been the prevaiiing conducting materials for power lings due to the favorable price, the low weight and the necessity of certain ‘minimum cross-sections. However, aluminum is a very corrosive ‘metal. But a dence oxide layer is formed that staps further corrosive attacks. Therefore, up to a certain level, aluminum conductors are well-suited for areas in which corrosion is problem, for exemple, a maritime climate For aluminum conductors, there are a number of different designs in use. All-zluminum conductors (AAC) have the highest conductivity fora given cross-section; however, they possess only 2 low mechanical stiength, which limits their application to short spans and low tensile forces. To increase the mechanical Strength, wires made of aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloys are adopted. Their strength is approximately twice that of pure ‘aluminum, But single-material conductors like allaluminum and aluminum alloy conductors have shown suscepribility to eolian vibrations. Compound conductors with a steel core, so-called aluminum conductor, staol-reintorced (ACSA), avoid this, disadvantage. The ratio between aluminum and steel renges from 4,3:1 to 11:1, An aluminum-to-steel ratio of 6.0 or 7.7, provides an economical solution, Conductors with a ratio of 4.3 should be used for lines installed in regions with heavy wind and ‘ce loads. Conductors with a ratio higher then 7.7 provide higher Conductivity, But beceuse of lower conductor strength, the segs are bigger, which requires higher towers. Experience has shown that ACSR conductors, just like elurminum, {and aluminum alloy conductors, provide the most economical solution and offer a life span greater than 40 years, Conductors are selected according to electrical, thermal, mechanical ané ‘economic aspects. The electric resistance as a result of the conducting material and its cross-section is the most important Rated voltage i 20 110 Highest stem voltage 24 123 Nomina cross-section [mm] 50120150300 Conductor ameter [mm] 96 155 171 245 Ampacity wtsorecontaaurempenie) (A 210 410 470740 Thermal capecity IMA) 7 4 90140 Resistance 220°C [ohm] 059 0.24 019 0.10 Reactance at 50 He [orm] 039 034 041 0.38 fective capacitance lornm) 97 1129.3 10 Capacitance to earth Infum] 34-360 4042 Charging power (wait) 12014358 Earth fit current [Wim] 004 0.08 0.25 025 Surge impedance [a] 360 310 375350 Surge impedance loed IMAL = = 3235 {feature affecting the voltage drop and the energy losses along the line and, therefore, the transmission costs. The cross-section has to be selected so that the permissible temperatures will not be ‘exceeded during normal operation 2s well as under short-circuit 900 bay years for major faults. A quality management system certified ‘according to 150 9001, which is supported by highly qualified ‘employees, ensures high quality throughout the whole process chain from the offeciorder process to the on-site ‘commissioning of the GIS. |= Smooth and efficient instalation and commissioning Transport units are fully assembled, tested at the factory and filled with SF gas at reduced pressure. Coded plug connectors ‘are used to cut installation time and minimize the risk of cabling feilures. Routine tests: All measurements are automatically documented and stored in the electronic information system, which provides quick access to measured data for years 09 Bog pte 300 wpe 550 up t0 460 wpe 740 upto 1,050, wp to 1800, up 10 850 wp 101,250, p10 4,000, p10 6.300, 1p 10 4.000, wp 10 5.000 upto 63 wpro63 up t063 wp i063 up t6 170 wre 170 225 225 1,50011,55012,200 _2,20012,55013,600, SF,;insulated switchgeor for up to 145 kV, ype BONS Bephase enclosures are used for switchgear tye 8ON8 in order to achieve small and compact component dimensions. The low bay weight ensures tow floor loading. and helps to reduce the cost of civil works and to minimize the footprint. The compact low-weight design allows installing it almost anywhere, Capital cost is reduced by using smaller buildings or existing ones, e.9., when replacing medium-voltage switchyards with the 145 kV. is. ‘The bay is based on a circult-breaker mounted on a supporting frame (fig. 3.1-33). Aspecial multifunctional cross-coupling ‘module combines the functions ofthe disconnector and earthing snitch in a 3-position switching device. 1tcan be used as: | An active busbar with en integreted disconnector and \wortin-progress earthing switch (fig. 3.1-33, pos. 3 and 5) |® An outgoing feeder module with an integrated disconnector, and work-in-progress earthing switch (fig. 3.1-33, pos. 9) \ Abushar sectionalizer with busbar earthing Cable termination modules can be equipped with either ‘conventional sealing ends or the latest plug-in connectors (fig. 3.1-33, pes. 10). Flexible 1-pole modules are used to connect overheadclines and transformers with a spiiting module that links the 3-ohese enclosed switchgear to the t-pole ‘connections. ‘Thanks to their compact design, the completely assembled end ‘actory-testad bays can be shipped as a single transport unit. Fast erection and commissioning on site ensure the highest possible quality, Siomens Eneray Sector - Power Encincesing Gude »6.1th Edition Switchgear and Substations 3.1 High-Voltage Substations Integrated loca control cubicle 6 Curent ranstormer 7 fusbar with discornector ard eathing switch 8 Interupter unit ofthe cicuitbreaker 9 Busbort with disconnector and earthing switch 10 ig, 3.133: 8DNB switchgear bay for up to 145 KY Stored-aneray spring mechanism with ccuitbreakor conto unit ‘Voltage transformer High-speed earthing switch Outgoing feeder medi with disconnector and earthing switch Cable sealing end Fig, 3.124: 80NA GIS for a rated voltage of 145 KV ‘The feeder control and protection can be installed in a bay-inte grated local contiol cubicie mounted to the front of each bay (Gig. 3.133, pos. 1), Moreover, state-of-the-art monitoring devices ‘are available atthe customer’ request, e.g, for partial discharge ‘onsine monitoring, Fig. 3.135: DNB WIS fora rated voltage of 145 KV For onshore Windpower grid access Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide - 61th E a Switchgear and Substations 3.1 High-Voltage Substations 1 Integrated ical contol cubicle 2 Stored energy spring mechanism with crul-reaker contol unit 3 Busbert 4. Busbardisconnecter 7 Busboril Fig 31-36: 8DN9 switchgear bay for up to 200 KY ‘SF yrinsulated switchgear for up to 300 kV, type SONS ‘The clear bay configuration of the lightweight and compact 80ND switcheear is evident at first lance. Control and monitor: ing facities are easily accessible despite the switchgear’ ‘compact design. ‘The harizontelly arranged crcult-breaker forms the basts of every bey configuration. The operating mechanism is easily ‘accessible from the operator area. The other bay modules — Of t-phase enclosed switchgear design, like the circut-breaker ‘module ~ are located on top of the circuit-breaker. The 1-phase encapsulated passive busbar is partitioned off fram the active, equipment (ig. 31-36). ‘Thanks to “single-function” assemblies (assignment of just one task to each module) and the versatile modular structure, even unconventional arrangements can be set up from a pool of only 20 different modules. The modules are connected to each other with a standard interface that allows implementing an extensive range of bay structures. Switchgear design with standardized ‘modules and the scope of services ensure that al types of bey structures can ba set up in a small araa, The compact design allows supplying of complete bays that are fully assembled and tested at the factory, which makes for smooth and efficient Installation and commissioning, 5 flsbardlsconnectorit 10 15 Workinprogres earthing sich 11 8 Circuit breakor intorupter unit a 9 Curent vanstormer Workin progres earthing switch ‘Outgoing feeder dsconnector 12. Make proof earthing switch (high speed) Votage transformer 14 Cable soaing end Fig, 3.1.37: BDN9 switchgear fora rated voltage of 245 kV, with a 3:phaso encapsulated pascive busbar 74) Siemens Eneray Sector -PonerEncineering Gude -6.1th Edition Switchgear and Substations 3.1 High-Voltage Substations 1 Greuivbeakerinemupier unit 6 Busbar 47 Camene ansorer 2 Storee-enesay spring mechanism 7. Outaoing feeder disconnector $2 Voltage tansforner 3 Busbardsconnector! 8 Workin progress earthing snitch 13 Cablesealing end “4 busbar! 12 Workin-progres: earthing eniteh 14 Greuttbraakerconticl cubicle 55 busbar dsconnectori 10 Neke-proof earthing sich Cigh-speed) 15 Localcontiot cubicle ig, 31-38: 8001 switchgear bay for up to 550 kY ‘SFysinsulated switchgear for up to 550 kV, type 8001 GIS type 8001 is a 1-phase enclosed switchgear system for high-power switching stations with individual enclosure ofall ‘modules of the 3-phase system, ‘The base unit for the switchgear is a horizontally arranged ircult-breaker on tap of which the housing containing the disconnectors, eerthing switches, current transformers, end So ‘on are mounted. The busbar modules are partitioned off from the active equipment (fig. 3.1-38, fig. 31-38) ‘Some other characteristic features of switchgear installation are: 1 Circuit-breakers with two interrupter units up to operating voltages of 550 KV and breaking currents of 63 KA '§ Horizontal arrangernent of the circuit-breakers in te lower section provides low conter of gravity for the switchgear {© Utlization of the circul-breaker transport frame as a =. supporting device for the entire bay ‘Fig, 3.1.39:80Q1 switengear fora rated voltage of 420 kv | Reduced length of scaling surfaces, and thus, decroasod risk Of leakage through use of only a few modules and equipment combinations in one enclosure. Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th 7 Switchgear and Substations 3.1 High-Voltage Substations 1 Cable tormination 2 Garant tansormar 2 Nake root earthing saiten 8 Cutgolng sconnector 3 Outgoing disconnecior 9 Nee proofeerthina sich 4 arthing switch 10 Voltage transformer 5 Greur-tereacer 11 Outdoor tarmnaton 6 Eating switeh Gas-insulated switchgear — usually accommodated in buildings (auch as a tower-type substation) ~ is expedient wherever land is very expensive or restricted, or where necessitated by ambient Conditions. When it comes to smaller switching stations, or in cases of expansion where installation in a building does not provide any advantage, installing the substation in @ container is good solution, Mobile containerized switchgear ‘At medium-voltage levels, mobile containerized switchgear is the state of the art. Even high-voltage switching stations can be ‘built this way and are economically oparated in many applica- tions. At the core is the metabenclosed SFinsulated switchgear, instalied either in a sheet-steel container or in a block house ‘made of prefabricated concrete elements. tn contrast 10 conventional stationary switchgear, there is no need for complicated constructions, as mobile switching stations come with their own “building” (fg. 3.1-40, fig. 3.1-41). Mobile containerized switching stations can be of single-bay oF ‘multi-bay design with a large number of different circuits and arrangements. Allof the usual connection components can be ‘employed, among them outdoor bushings, cable adapter boxes ‘and SF, tubular connections, i nacessary, all control and protection equipment as well 2s that for lacal supply can be Fig. 3.141: Containerized 80N9 switchgear bay 76] Siamens Eneray Sector - Power Encincesing Gude »6.1th Edition Switchgear and Substations 3.1 High-Voltage Substations ‘accommodated in the container, This allows largely independent ‘operation of the installation on site. Containerized switchgear is ‘pre-assembled at the factory and ready for operation. The only on-site work required Is setting up the containers, fitting the ‘exterior system parts and makin the external connections. Shifting the switchgear assembly work to the factory enhances ‘quality and operational reliability. Mobile containerized switchgear has a small footprint and usually fits well within the environment. For operators, prompt availability and short commissioning times are a further significant advantage. Considerable cost reductions are achieved in planning, Construction work and assembly. ‘Approvals from ullding authorities are elther not raquired or required in a simplified form. The installation cen also be ‘operated at various locations in succession. Adaptation to local Circumstances is not problem. The following are the possible applications for containerized stations: 1 Intarim solutions during the modernization of switching stations 1 Low-cost transitional solutions where new construction of transformer substations involves tedious formalities, such as the procurement of land or the establishment of cable routes, 1 Quick erection as an emergency station in the event of malfunctioning of the existing switchgear 1B Switching stations for movable geothermal power plants GIS for up to 245 kV ino standard container ‘Tne dimensions of the EONS switchgear make it possible to accommodate all active components of the switchgear (circuit- breaker, disconnector, earthing switch) and the local control Cubicle in a standard container. The floor area of 6.1 mx 7.44 m complies with the 1S 668 standard. Although the container ‘exceeds the standard dimension of 2.44 m, this will not cause any problem during transportation, a fact that has already been proven by several equipment deliveries. German Lloyd, an approval authority, already issued a test certiticate for an even higher container construction. The standard dimensions and ISO comer fittings facitate handling during transport in the 6.1m frame of a container ship and on a low-loader truck. Twa doors provide the operating staff with access to the container. Renta GIS Siemens also offers containerized gas insulated high-voltage Substations for rent to fil every gap, Instantly and in a remarks ably costeffective manner. The Siemens Instant Povrer Service offers an economical power supply solution for time periods from a few weeks up to 3 years, Specification guide for metal-enclased SF, insulated switchgear Note: The points below are not considered exhaustive, but are a selection of the important. These spacifications cover the technical data applicable to metal-enclosed SF,-insulated ‘switchgear for switching and distributing power in cable andlor overhead-line systems and transformers. Key technical data are contained in the data sheet and the single-ine diagram (SLD) attached t0 the inquiry. ‘A general SLD and a sketch showing the general arrangement of the substation will be part of a proposal. Any switchgear quoted willbe complete and will form 2 functional, safe and reliable sys ‘tem after installation, even if certain parts required to achieve this have not been specifcelly been included in the inquiry, 1 Applicable standards Allequipment is designed, built, tested and installed according to the latest issues of the applicable IEC standards, which are: IEC 6271-1 “High-voltage switchgear end controlgear: ‘Common specifications" = IEC 62271-203 “high-voltage switchgear and contiolgear: Gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages above 52 Kv" ~ IEC 6271-100 “High-voltage switchgear and controlgear: ‘Alternating-curtent circuit breakers” IEC 6271-102 “high-voltage switchgeat and controlgear: Alternating current disconnectors end earthing switches" IEC 60044 "instrument transformers: Current transformers” = national standards on request Local conditions ‘The equipment is tested for indoor and outdoor api {ll the buyer has to provide isa flat concrete floor with the cutouts for cable instalation if this is required. The switchgear ‘comes equipped with adjustable supports (feet). IFstee! support Structures are required for the switchgear, Siemens will provide these es well. For design purposes, the indoor temperatures should be between -5 °C and +40°C, and outdoor temperatures should be between -30 °C and +40 °C (+50 °C). For parts to be installed outdoors (overheedine connections), the conditions described in I&C 62271-203 will be observed. For the enclosures, aluminum or aluminum alloys are preferred, ‘A minimum of on-site erection work will ensure maximum reliability. Any subassemblies will be erected and tested at the factory. Subassembly size is restricted only by transport require- ments. Siemens will provide the enclosure in a meteriel and thickness suited to withstand an internal arc and prevent burn-throughs or punctures within the fist stage of protection, referred to the rated short-circuit current of the given GIS type. Al assembles are designed to allow absorption of thermal ‘expansion and contraction caused by varying temperatures. ‘Adjustable metal bellow compensators are installed for this purpose. Density monitors with electrical contacts for atleast two pressure levels re installed to allow monitoring the gas in the enclosures. The circut-breakers can be monitored with density gauges that are fitted in the circuit-breaker control units. Siemens can assure that the pressure loss for each individual oes ‘compartment ~ i.e, not just for the complete switchgear installa- tion ~ will not exceed 0.5 % per year and gas compartment. Each 10 years 90) siemens Eneray Sector - Power Encineering Guide -6.1th Edition Switchgear and Substations 3.2 Medium-Voltage Switchgear Fig, 3.27: HXAIR M panel Rated Voltage Frequency Short-duretion power frequency withstené voltage (hasetphase, phaselearh) Lightning impulse withstand voltage (phaserphase, phassieart) Shortcireuit breeking current Shortsime withstand current, 35 Shor ceut making current Peak withstand current Normal current of busbar Normal currant of feeders: ‘Circuit breaker pane! Disconnetting panel Dus secbonelizer = Dos Be | eae g22 85 eponal for GOST stancard_ “values or 50 Hr: 83K: er 85 «A Table 32:12: Technical data of NKAIR M Performance features The air.insulated, metal-clad switchgear type NXAIR M is the resulting further development of the NXAIR family for use in the distribution and process level up to 24 KV, 25 KA, 2,500. 1m Type-tested, IEC 62271-200, metal-clad, lass of service continuity category: LSC 28; partition class: PM; intarnal arc classification: WAC A FLR < 25 «A 1 1 Evidence of the making and breaking capacity for the circuit-breakers and the make-proof earthing switches, inside the panel Dimensions width Ww. Height Ht Height 12 Height + Height H4 Haight 45. i Depth Circuit breaker pane! 51.2504 25004 Disconnecting panel 21.2508 25008 Bus soctionaizer 21,2508 1,600 A12,000 412,500 Metering penet with standard lowvottage ccomparsment With high ow voltoge compartment ‘ith nual venation With optional internal arc absorber ‘ith asstonat compartment for busbar components Single busbar Fig, 3.2.8; Dimensions of NXAIR 14 = as 25 25 ales ** Oo 63165 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 fam 200 44000 44000 2800 21,000 00 2525 2550 2.580 2750 2770 1800 | Single busbar, double busbar (back-to-back, face-to-face) 1H Insulating medium airis almays available | Withdrawable vacuum circuit-breaker |® Platiorm concept workiwide, local manufacturing presence © Use of standardized devices = Maximum security of operation by sel-explaining ‘operating lovic | Maintenance interval > 10 years Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th ” 2 Switchgear and Substations 3.2 Medium-Voltage Switchgear NXAIR P Rated Voitage Frequency (phaseiphase, phasoiearth) (phacelphase, phasolearth) Short ret breaking curent Short-time withstend curent, 3s Shorecrcut meking current Peak withstand curent Normal curtent of busbar Normal curtent of feeders: CGrcut breaker panel Contector panel Disconnecting panel fs sactionalzer Performance features The air-insulated, meta-clad switchgear type NXAIR PIs based fon the construction principles of the NXAIR family and designed for uso in the distribution and process level up to 17.5 KV, 50 KA, 4,000 A, © Type-tested, IEC 62271-200, metal-cled, oss of service continuity category: LSC 28; partition class: PM; internal arc classification: JAC AFLR = 50 KA 1s © Insulating medium airis always available 1 Single busbar, double busbar (back-to-back, face-to-face) Short-dutation pawerfrequency withstand voltage Lightning impulse withstand voltage wv 7a 2 ws te soso soso SOE. wv 20° 2a Fy w ° 7 % max kA 50 50 50 mextA 50. 50 50 max. kA 125/130"* 125/130°* 125/130" max. kA 125/130" 125/130" 125/130" maxcA 4,000 © 4.000 4,000, mac A 4,000 4000 4,000. foo fours 4,000 4,000 © 4,000 41000 4,000 4,000 3263672 and 49 Wt 12 eptiona for GOST andes Values tor 30 He 251A for 60 130A maceprea earthing sth fr 175 V up 0 100A. Deperden’ or ted cent of HY HRC fase used: lect seh of carta sal 20 KY short duration power trequency nstotand vege pase phase, sheet, qpan conic gp, OOK ating rpule wierd vallage phase to phase erase te eeth 40 WY open contact gop of te contactor. Table 32-13; Technical data of NXAIR P Dimensions iam mist W- Cleultbreater pare «7,000 800 32,0004 1,000, Contactor panel 24004 400 Disconnactng panel 122,000 800 2,000.4 1,000, Bus sectonalizor 22,0004 2600 > 2/0004 2 1,000 Metering pone! ‘200 Height 1 With standard iow-voltoge 2235 compartment (3 31504) Height 2 With hightow-voltage compartment 2,485 Height #3. With top-mounted pressure relief duct 2,559, as slandard Height 8 Whh forced venation (4000 A) 270 Depth Single busbar (except contactor panel) 1.635 Contactor panel 1.930 Double busta in back-to-back 3.320 arrangomant (except contactor panel) Fig, 3.2-10: Dimensions of NXAIR P 'm Evidence of the making and breaking capacity for the circuitbreakers and the make-proof earthing switches inside the panet |5 Withdrawable vacuum circult-breaker |@ Withdrawable vacuum contactor | Maximum availablity due to modular design |B Maximum security of operation by sel-explaining ‘operating logic 1 Maintenance interval > 10 years siemens Eneray Sector - Power Encineering Guide -6.1th Edition Switchgear and Substations 3.2 Medium-Voltage Switchgear ‘SIMOPRIME Rated Voltage Ww 72 2 15 Ws Frequency Hz 5060 © solgo 501600160 Short duration power frequency withstand kv 20 28" 35 38 ‘otage(phasefphase, pheselearth) Lightning imputso witnstane voltage w 0 7 8s 8s (phaselpnase, phaseleerh) Short circuit breaking curent maka 40 0 40 40 Shortsime withstand current, 3¢ max kd 40 ‘0 40 40 Shor-ccuit making current mackA Tool104** 10o/104¥* 100/104" 100rTO4e* oak withstand current max. kA 100/104" yooNn08"* T0008" y0UNDaF* Normal current of the busbar maxA 3500 3600 3,500 3,600 otal cute of te fanders wath cicut-breater max a 3600 3600 3,800 «3,600 wath vacuum contactor mac A agree qoutes - = + 420 11210 open or Gost sandid. ‘alus for 50H: 100M fr 60H: 108 1 agending on rated crane HY HRC fe uve Fig, 3.211:SIMOPRIME panel Table 3.2.14: Technical data of SIMOPRIME Dimensions in mm upto BISKA —40kA Width W Cicut-oraker panel «1,250 600800 2,S0043,150/3/600 A €00 800 Vecuum contactor pane! 4351600435, Disconnector pane! 2 1,250A 600-800 2,500N3,150//3/600 4 §60 800 ‘us secionalizer Gieuit-breaker panel = 1.250 600800 '=2.5003,150 13/6008 800 BOD {us sectionalizar busrserpanel 1,250 600800 ‘=2)500A3,150,3/600A €00 800 Metering panel 60800 Height Ht. With standard low-voltage 2253 2,253 compartment and AC 0.1 5 Height H2 With standard low-voltage 2425 2,460 compartment end IAC 1.0 5 Height HS — 17801780 Depth 0. standard 1880 1,860 Performance features ‘The airinsulated, metal lad switchgear type SIMOPRIME is a factory-assembled, type-tested indoor switchgear for use in the distribution and process level up to 17.5 kV, 40 kA, 3,600 A. 1m Type-tasted, IEC 62271-200, metalclad, oss of service continuity category: LSC 28; partition class: PM; internal arc clasification: IAC AFLR 2 40 kA 1 ¢ 1 Insulating medium airs always available Fig, 32-12: Dimensions of SIMOPRIME |B Evidence of the making and breaking capacity for the cicuitbreakers and the make-proof earthing switches inside the pane! 5 Single busbar \m Withdrawable vacuum circuit-breaker 1m Withdrawable vacuum contactor | All switching operations with door closed Siemens Energy Sector «Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 93 p) re} 94 Switchgear and Substations 3.2 Medium-Voltage Switchgear 8BT1 LL Fig, 3.213:8071 panel Performance features The airinsulated, cubiclo-ype switchgear type 8811 is ¢ factory-assembled, type-tested Indoor switchgear for lower ratings in the distribution and process level up to 24 kV, 25 KA, 2,000 A. 1 Type-tosted, IEC 62271- 200. cubicle-type. loss of service continuity category: LSC 2A; partition class: Pe; internal arc classification: VACA FLR 2 25KA1 Insulating medium air is always eveilable Evidence of the making and breaking capacity for the circuit breakers and the make-proof earthing switches inside the panel 1 Single busbar 1m Withdrawable vecuum circuit breaker All switching operations with door closed ated Voltage Frequency Short durtion power frequency withstond voltage (pheselphase, phaselerth) Lightning impulso withstand voltage (pheselphase, phaselearth) Shorteireut bresking current ma Shortsime withstané curent, 3s max Shortcut making eurent max. Peak withstand curtent mex. Normal curtent ofthe busbar max Normal curtent of the feeders ‘ath ckeut breaker ree ‘ith switch eisconnector me ‘nth switch eiseonnector ond fuses mo * Dapencing on rated curertof the HV HRC ates use. Table 3.2-15: Technical data of 8871 Allpanel ypes yang with w Forcircuttbreater max. 1,250 Forereut breaker 2000 A Forswiteh-disconnector Height Ht With stenderd low-voltage compartment H2 With pressure elit system H2 With lead-off duct Dept D1 rithout ow-voitage compactment 02 ih fowevottage compartment raw wiih w Forcitcuttbroater max. 1,250.8 Foreircutvbreater 2,000 A Forewiteh-diconnector Height Ht ith standard low-voltage compartment H2 With pressure elit system H2 With eag-off duct Depth D1 Without low-voltage compartment D2 id lowvoltage compararent For sare craton, ig, 32-14: Dimensions of 8811 2 50 Fa 5 25 2s 6 6 2,000 2,000 30 400 A* 26 50 50 125 28 25 3 o 2,000 2,000 630 400A Dimensions in mm 600 800 600 2,050 2,300" 2350" 1,200 va10 800 1,000, 800 2,050 2,300" 2,350" 1,200 410 siemens Eneray Sector - Power Encineering Guide -6.1th Edition Switchgear and Substations 3.2 Medium-Voltage Switchgear 8BT2 Rated \ortage Ww 38 Frequency He 50160 Shore-duration power frequency withstand voltage Ww 70 (hasefphase, pheselesth) Lightning impuise withstand voltage w 170 (haselphase, phaselearth) Short-cieule breating current math 315 Shorciime withstand curtent. 35 manta 315 Short-circuit making current rmax.tA 80182" Peak withstand curent mart 80162" Normal current of the busbor max.A 2,500 Normal current of the fenders ‘with cicuit-breaker mas.A 2,500 Fig, 3.215:8872 switchgear Table 3.2-16: Technical data of 8872 Dimensions inmm Width We 5254A:5 1.250 feeder current 1,200" 3 25kA:> 1.250 feeder current 1/580" Height 1 temediate panet 2,400 Height 2 End pane with side bas ars Height M3. Panelwith closed duct «2 25KA._2,90088¥ SHSM 3000e+* Depth Walstanding, IAC A FL. 2,450 = Freestanding, ACA FLR 2,700 + 200mm are 880mm gals an be combinedin the same switchgear a Ity¢25 khanatusbaraent s2300 6 o- 12 rekeates sce hte fr emai at pret, + Closed duet er AC esseation AFL Fig, 32-16: Dimensions of 8812 Performance features ‘The airinsulated, metal-clad switchgear type 8872s a factory: ll Evidence of the making and breaking capacity for the assembled, type-tested indoor switchgear for use in the distibu- _crcult-breakers and the make-proof earthing switches inside tion and process level up to 36 kV, 25 KA, 2,500 A. the panel 1 Type-tasted, IEC 62271-200, metalclad, oss of service | Single busbar continuity category: LSC 28; partition class: PM; internal arc Bl Withdrawable vacuum circuit-breaker classification: IAC AFLR 2 31.5KA 1s | All switching operations with door closed 1 Insulating medium airs always available Siemens Energy Sector «Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 95 Switchgear and Substations 3.2 Medium-Voltage Switchgear 8BT3 ig, 3.217:8073 ewitehgeat Performance features The airinsulated, cubiclo-ype switchgear type 883 is ¢ factory-assembled, type-tested indoor switchgear for lower ratings in the distibution and process level up to 36 KV, 16KA, 1,250 4. 1m Type-tosted, IEC 62271- 200. cubicle-type. loss of service continuity category: SC 1; internal arc classification: IAC AFL, ZT6KATS 1 Insulating medium air is always eveilable 1 Make-proof earthing switch © Single busbar 1m Withdrawable vecuum cicut-breaker All switching operations with door closed ated vonage wv Frequency fe Short-duation powe-frequency withtend voltage wv ‘ohesetphese, pseieert) Lighting impulse withstand veltece w (phesetpese, pesca) Shor cet brebkng curent maxi Short ime witht curent,33 maxi Short circuit making current maxi Peakenittetand curent maxi Norma current of te busbar max. A Normal curren of he feders wh creuiteater max A wath curt dcenector on wnt surteh cenector and fares asc A 5 Vi for 0H: Or 6 4 ‘+ Bependlg on tea curent he Hv HRC es ed Table 32:17, Technical data of 8873 = = ,|| *| ied = aa =| Dimensions inom wth w 1.900 Heignt H 2,800 Depth ° 2,450 Fig, 3.218: Dimentions of 873 38 50160 7 170 16 16 4042" apa" 1,250 1.250 630 oe 196, Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineesing Guide - 61th Edition Switchgear and Substations 3.2 Medium-Voltage Switchgear 8DA/8DB Fig, 3.219: 8DA switchgear {for single-busbar applications (on the BDAIED8 are gas-insulated medium-voltege circuit-break ‘er switchgear assemblies up to 40.5 KY with the advantages (of the vacuum switching technology ~ fora high degree of independence in all applications. 80A/BDB are suiteble for primary distribu: tion systems up to 40.5 kV, 40 KA. up to 5,000 A, ortormance features 1 Typertested according to 1€C 6271-200 Enclosure with modular standardized housings made from corrosion- resistant aluminum alloy Safe-to-touch enclosure and standardized connections for plus-in cable terminations Operating mechanisms anc transformers ae easily accessible outside the enclosure Motal-enclosed, partition class PM Loss of service continuity category for switchgear: isc 28 Internal arc classification: IACAFLR 40 KA as a a 2 ie) SED ee a apo a sol arto ol cova pg gab hie ee ws 15 is eee Fs To Seat eee Fe cs ce aa aa i Sa A Snare ec (a nial erecta etal ioe acl ls Saar aie imech 2st (2500380) 3500 jie i a aes |_e! = an Evi | li 1 1 | I a ES 3 = a See 20 Sno ere eer = a Sage Fae a ies 12 iS feseioeamian atanate tvontages 1 compact 1 opertonl ett |B Indopendent of the environment and climate 1 Maintenance-free 1m Personal safety 1 Environmentally compatible & costefficient Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th 7 Switchgear and Substations 3.2 Medium-Voltage Switchgear 8DJH Fig, 3.221: DIK block type ‘The gas-insulated medium: voltege switchgear type BOIH is used for power distribution in secondary distribution systems up to 24 kV. Ring-main feeders, Ccrcuit-breaker feeders and transformer feeders are all part (of @ comprehensive product range in compact block-type construction to satisfy all requirements with the highest level of operational reliability ~ ‘also for extreme embient Cconcitions. Porformance features 1m Type-tested according to 1€¢ 6271-200 1m Sealed pressure system with SF¢ filing for the entre service life Safesto-touch enclosure and standardized connections for plug-in ‘able terminations '& 3-pole, gas-insulated switchgear vessal with three-position switch © Operating mechanisms are located outside the ‘smitchgear vessel and are easily accessibie 1B Metal-enclosed, partition dass PM 1 Loss of service continuity category for switchgear: = Without HY HRC fuses: ated Voltage w72 2 Freovency He 50160 50160 Short-duretion ponerfrequency Ww 2 28 withstand voltage Lightning impulse withstand voltage wo 7% Normal current for ing main Feeders ‘A 400 0 630 Nora cuttet for busb mox.A 630 Normal curtot fr circuit broaker foodors ‘A 250 0" 630 Norra curtnt for transformer feadors ‘& 200" Shortsime wihstane curent, 1s ws 2B Shorttime withstand current, 35 2 20 oak withstand curent Boom oss Short-circuit making current ® for tng-main feeders maa 636 forciteit-dveskor feeders mata 636 for transformor feeders manta 2525 Shortie wahstane curont, 1s mata 212 Shortsime wihstane curent, 3s max 2102 Peak withstand current Bo maxta 5555 Short-eircuit meking current 8 forringmain feeders manta 5555, for dreit-reaker feeders manta 5555, for wansfoxmer feeders ment 26 25 + az kv ecorsing w some naonlrecunenents Table 32-19: Technical data of DIM * Dapenin on HY HR use Eok 15 50160 36 95 2 20 os 6 63 5 a 55 55 55 26 15 24 5069 50160 3850 9125 2% 20 20 20 6 50 6 50 6 50 3 35 2 20 mn 20 5552 382 332 % 26 Dimensions Width —W_—_Number of feeders (in extracts) 2 Feeders (ee. RR) 3 feeders (2, RRT) 4 feeders (20. 38+ 17) Height HM Penes without low-voltage compertment Fenels with low-voltage compartment (option) Switchgear with pressure absorber option) Deoth Standard switchgear Switchgear with pressure absorber (option) Fi, 3.222: Dimensions of 80M block types Dimensions in mm 20 11050 11369 1,20011,40011,700 '400-2,600 11300-2.600 75 880 96 siemens Eneray Sector - Power Encineering Guide -6.1th Edition Switchgear and Substations 3.2 Medium-Voltage Switchgear 8DJH poseeeeny Bi | l ana: seal = Sa Fo, 3.223; 80H single panel Dimensions Dimensions in Width Wings fenders 310500 1 Internal arc casifcation Tastones fetes 20 (ooteny ciate (reins ee ORO ey ag fis secloate panes ‘Sa500|620 cACAFIA2 KA ts eter poets 3050080 No ges work during vidght 1 Pans withoutlowotage compariment 1.2001 400.700 Cae Nz Fara untom-itpe compartment, ano-2 200 Sntchgear wi pressure absobe option) esa Dopth Standard ewtchgenr Independent of the cervironment and climate compact Maintenence-free High operating and personal safety © Switchgear interlocking system with logical mechanical interlocks 1 Operational reliability and security of investment © Environmentally compatible © Costelficient Typical uses ‘8DJH switchgear is used — ‘even under severe ambient conditions ~ for power distribution in secondary distribution systems, such as | Substations, customer transfer substetions, distribution substations and switching substations cof power supply and public utilities ‘Smitchgear with pressure absorber (option) Fig, 3.220: Dimensions of 8D1H single panels | Industrial plants, such as Wind power stations, high-rise buildings, rts = Lignite open- \wallstanding arrangement Fre-standing arrangement Fig, 3.228: Dimensions of NXPLUS C 1M Metal-enclosed, partition class PM 1 Internal arc classification for: = Wall-standing structure & management ~> fec members. Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th yn | 108 oo) Switchgear and Substations 3.3 Low-Voltage 5: ichgear ‘system Configurations Table 3.3-2 and table 3.3-3 illustrate the technical aspects and influencing factors that should be taken into account when electrical power distrinution systems are planned and network ‘components are dimensioned. 1 Simple radial system (spur tine topology) ‘Allconsumers are centrally supplied from one power source. ach connecting line has an unambiguous direction of energy flow. 1 Radial system with changeover connection as power reserve = patil load: Allconsumers ate centrally supplied from two to n power sources. They are rated as such that each of itis capable of supplying all consumers directly connected to the main poner distribution system (stand-alone operation with open «ouplings). if one poner source fails, the remaining sources ‘of supply can alse supoly sore consumers connacted to the other power source. inthis case, any other consumer must be disconnected (load shedding) 1 Radial system with changeover connection as power reserve ~full ead: ‘Allconsumers are centrally supplied from two to n power sources (stand-alone operation with open couplings). They are rated as such that, ifone power source fais, the remain- ing power sources are cepable of additionally supplying al ‘hese consumers normally supplied by this power source. No consumer must be disconnected, In this cese, we speak of rating the power sources according tothe (n~1) principle. ‘With three parallel power sources or more, other supply principles. e.g. the (n=2) principle vould also be possible. in this case, these power sources willbe rated as such that two ‘out of thrae transformers can fail without the continuous supply of ell consumers connected being affected, 1 Radial system in an interconnected grid Individual redial networks in which the consumers connected are centrally supplied by one power source are additionally ‘coupled electrically with other radial networks by means of neater, 8 oo) Switchgear and Substations 3.3 Low-Voltage 5: ichgear ‘overview ‘The SIACON $8 low-voltage switchgear (ig. 3.3-4) isa variable, ‘multi-purpose and type tested low-voltage switchgear assembly (TTA) that can be used for the Infrastructure supply not only in ‘administrative and institutional buildings, but also in industry ‘and commerce. SIVACON S8 consists of standardized, moduler ‘components that can be flexibly combined to form en economi- cal, overall solution, depending on the specific requirements. SIVACON Sa has a high level of functionality, flexibility and ‘quality, and has compact dimensions and a high degree of safety for persons and equipment. Siemens or its authorized contract- ing party will perform the following: 1B The customer-specific configuration 1m The mechanical and electrical installation '5 The testing, for which type-tested function modules are used ‘The authorized contracting party will use the specified docu- ‘mentation, SIVACON S8 can be used as a type-tested pover distribution board up to 4,000 &, Stondards ond regulations ‘SIVACON SB isa type-tested low-voltage switchgear assembly (TTA) in compliance with IEC 60439-1/DIN EN 60439- VDE 0660-500. SIVACON S8 is resistant to accidantal arcs, in compliance with IEC 61641, DIN EN 60439NNDE 0660-500, Addendum 2. SIVACON 58 is available in several mounting designs (fig. 3.3-5). Gircuit-breaker design ‘The panels for installation of 3W7L and 3VL circuitbreakers are used for the supply of the switchgear and for outgoing feeders ‘and bus ties (bus sectionalizer and bus coupler). The rule that only one circuit-breaker is used for each panel applies to the entire cicuit-breaker design (Fig. 3.3-6). ‘The device mounting space is intended forthe following functions: |W Incomingloutgoing feeders with 3WL circuitbreakers in ticed-mounted and withdrawable designs up t0 4,000 A 1H Bus sectionalizer and bus coupler with 3WL circuit-breakers in fixed-mounted and withdrawable designs up to 4,000 A © ncomingioutgoing feeders with 3VL fixed-mounted design up to 1,600 A Universal instaliation design ‘The panels for cable feeders in fixed- mounted and plug-in designs up to 630 A are Intended for the installation of the following switchgear (fig. 33-7): 1m SIRIUS 3RVI3VL circuit breaker 1B SENTRON 3K switch-disconnector |B SENTRON 3NP switeh-disconnector | SENTRON 3NJ6 cwitcn-disconnector in plug-in dasign ‘The switching dovices are mounted on mounting plates and Connected to the vertical current distribution bars on the supply side. Plug-in 3N6 in-line switch-disconnectors can be installed using an adapter, The front s covered by panel doors ar compariment doors. Fig, 3.25: The following mounting designs are available: (1) Gircuitcbreaker design with SENTROW 37. up to 4,000 A ‘or 3¥Lup to 1,600 8 (2) Univertlintellation design for cable feeders up to 630A in Gxed-mounted ond plugin designs (3816) (5) 3NJ6 inte switch-aisconnector design (plugged in) for cable feeders up to 630 Ain plugin design (4) Fixed mounted pane (rant cover) for cable feodors up t0 630 A ond modular devices (5) 3NI4 inte switch-isconnector design (xed-mounted) for coble feeders up to 6204 (6) Reactve-power compensation up to 600 KYAT Plug-in 3NJ6 intine switch-disconnector design ‘The panels for cable feeders in the plug-in design up to 630 A are intended for the installation of in-line switeh-disconnectors. The plug-in contact on the supply side is cost-effective alternative to the withdrawable design. The modular design of the pluo-ins enables an eesy and quick retrofit or replacement Under operating conditions. The device mounting space Is intended for plug-in, in-line switch-cisconnectors with a distance between pole centers of 185 mm. The vertical plug-on bus system is arranged at the back of the panel and Is covered by an ‘optional touch protection with pick-off openings in the 1P20 degree of protection. This enables the in-line switch-disconnec- tors to be replaced without shutting down the switchgear (fig. 3.3.8). Fixed-mounted design with front covers The panels for cable feeders in fixed-mounted design up to 630 A are intended for the installation of the following switch geer (fig. 3.3-9): 1 SIRIUS 3RVI3VL circuit breaker | SENTRON 3K switch-disconnecior 1m SENTRON 3NP switeh-diseonnector 1m Modular devices 116) Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide - 61th Edition Switchgear and Substations 3.3 Low-Voltage Switchgear ‘The switching devices are mounted on infinitely adjustable device holders and connected to the vertical current distribution bars on the supply side. The front of the panel has either covers (with or without hinges) or additional doors (with or without window). Fixed-mounted 3NJ4 in-line switch-disconnector design ‘The panels for cable feeders in fited-mounted design up to {630 A are intended for the installation of 3NJ4 in-line fuse sswitch-disconnectars. With their compact design and modular, structure, in-line fuse switch-disconnectors offer optimal installation conditions with regard to the achievable packing density. The busbar system is arranged horizontally at the back of the panel. This busbar system is connected to the main busbar system via closs-members. The inline fuse switch-disconnectors are screned directly onto the busbar system (fig. 3.3-10). Low-voltage main distribution When selecting a low-voltage mein distribution system, the prorequisite for its efficient sizing is knowing about its Use, availability and future options for extension. The requirements for power distribution are extremely diverse. Normally frequent switching operations need not be considered in the planning of power istribution for commercial, institu tional and industrial building projects, and extensions are generally not to be expected. For these reasons, a performance ‘optimized technology with high component density can be used. In these cases, Siemens mainly uses crcuit-breeker protected ‘equipment in fixed-mountes design. When planning a power distribution system for @ production plant, however, system availabilty, extendibility, control and the visualization of status Information and control functions are important issues related to keeping plant downtimes as short es possible. The use of circuit-breaker protected technology in withdrawable design is Important. Selectivity is also of great importance for reli able power supply, Between these two extremes there is 0 great design variety that should be optimally matched to customer requirements. The prevention of personal injury and damage to ‘equipment must, however, be the fist priority in any case. When selecting appropriate switchgear, it must be ensured tha type-tested switchgear assembly (TTA, in compliance with DIN VDE 0660 Part 500, IEC 439-1 and EN 60439-1, with ‘extended testing of behavior in the event of an internal arc fault (IEC 61641, VDE 0660 Part S00, Addendum 2) Low-voltege main distribution systems should be chosen among those featuring a total supply power up to 3 RIVA. Up to this rating, the equipment and distribution systems are relatively inexpensive due to the maximum short-circuit currents to be encountered. For rated currents up to 3.200 A, poner distribution via busbars {is usually sufficiont ifthe arrangement of the incomingloutgoing feeder panels and coupler panels has been selected in 2 performance-related way. Ambient air temperatures, load on Individual feeders and the maximum power loss per panel have 2 decisive impact on the devices to be integrated and the number ‘of panels required, as well az their component density (number of devices per panel) { ) Fo} Universal installation design Fig, 33:6: Circuit breaker design Fis. ‘ig, 33-8; Plug-in 3N6 inline switen-disconnector design Fig, 33:9: Fixed-mounted design with front cavers \ Fig, 33-108 ixed-mounted 3116 Inna switen- disconnector design Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 61th Edition | 117 oo) Switchgear and Substations 3.3 Low-Voltage 5: ichgear 3.3.4 Planning Notes for Low-Voltage Switchgear Installation - clearances and corridor widths ‘The minimum clearances between switchgear and obstacles specified by the manufacturer must be taken Into account when installing low-voltage switchgear (fig. 3.3-11). The minimum dimensions for operating and servicing corridors accorcing to VDE 0100 Pert 729 (IEC 60364-7-729 Draft) must be taken into ‘account when planning the space requirements (table 3.3-4, fig. 33-12, fi. 3.3-13). Caution! Ita lift truck is used to insert circult-oreakers or withdranable units, the minimum cowridor widths must be adapted to the lift truck! Manufacturer e.g Kaiser + Kraft Dimensions ofthe lif ight 2,600 mm truck Wath 680 mm Depth 920 mm Minimum corridor Transportation units Depending on the access routes available in the building, one or ‘more panels can be combined into transportation units (TU). The mex. length of @ TU should not exceed 2,400 mm. The ‘uansportation unit length results from the sum of the panel widths per TU +200 mm (230 mm), however at least 1,400 mm (1,430 mm). ‘The dimensions forthe trensportation unit heights result from the switchgear height plus 190 mm for the transport base. ‘The relevant depth of a transportation unit depends on the depth of the switchgear Depth “Transportation unit depth 300 mm 1,050 mm (1,0€0 min") 600 mm 1,050 mm (1,060 mm*) 800 mm 1/050 me (1,060 mn*) 41,000 mm 1460 me (1,450 mm") 41.200mm 1/660 mn (1,660 mn*) *Vnluesn brads = expr pacagng fr sipping by ses Weights The panel weights as listed in Table 3.3-5 (Page 110) should be used for the transportation and cimensioning of building structures such as cable basements and false floos. Space requirements vlsght 2,000 mand 2.20 mm dGgtoraty ont 00mm or 00mm bse) Wik; or data og forth akon of prs ples fr Simpl eestor Dent . 5 gio3fia 3: ah 2322 63 comm fear 40008 Top batten comm few 7,010 Top A botiom 1000mm Rear 4,000 Top btn 100mm Rear 7,010 Top & bottom Scomm Top 3.270ASialefron totum sc0°mm Top 3008 Single ont Room 100mm Top 3.2708 Singlsrom Top x ote Table 3.3-4:SIVACON S8 switchgear dimensions r Front 28: 100 mum trom the rear side ofthe instalation 1: 100mm from these side panoie ‘C: 200mm from the rear panels with back to back installation Fig. 33-11: Clearances to obstacies 118 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide - 61th Edition Switchgear and Substations 3.3 Low-Voltage Switchgear Double-front installations In the double-front installation, the panels are positioned ine row next to and behind one another. The main advantage of a double-front installation is the extremely economic design through the supply of the branch circuits on both operating panels from one main busbar system The “double-front unit” system structure is required for the assignment of cartain modules. ‘A double-front unit (fig. 3.3-14) consists of at least 2 and a ‘maximum of 4 panels. The vridth of the double-front unitis determined by the widest panel (1) within the double-front unit. ‘This panel can be placed on the front or rear side of the double- front unit. Up to three panels (2), (3), (4) can be placed on the ‘opposite side. The sum of the pancl widths (2) to (4) must be ‘equal to the victh of the widest panel (1). The panel combina- tion within the double -front unitis possible forall technical installations with the Following exceptions. Exceptions ‘The following panels determine the width of the double-front unit and may only be combined with an empty panel Bus sectionalizer unit | 5,000 A incoming /ouigoing feeder '© 6,300 incoming /outgoing feeder Environmental conditions for switchgear ‘The climate and other external conditions (natural foreign substances, chemically active pollutants, small animals) may affect the switchgear to a varying extent. The effect depends on the heating air-conditioning systems of the switchgear room. If higher concentrations are present. pollutent-educing measures, are required, for example: 1 Airintake for operating room from a less contaminated point 18 Slightly pressurizing the operating room (e.a, by blowing ‘uncontaminated air into the switchgear) 1B Switchgear room air conditioning (temperature reduction, relative humidity < 60%, if necessary, use air filters) 1m Reduction of temperature rise (oversizing of switchgear or ‘components such as busbers and distribution bers) Power losses ‘The power losses listed in table 3.3-6 are approximate values for ‘panel with the main circuit of functional units ta determine the ‘power loss to be discherced from the switchgeer room, L700 Minimum height of passage unde covers or enclosures Fig, 3.312: Reduced corridor widths within the area of open doors Mio. corridor width 700 9600 mm Escape | direction Min. fee pasege 500mm 9 2 With sitehgear fronts cing each her, the space equirements only eccount or obstuction by open doors fromane side (ce. doors that don't cesein escape direction) 2 Take door widths into account, lee door can be opened st 90° minimum Fulldcor opening angle ~ 125 (Sinus 55°) Fig, 33:13: Minimum conidor width according to VDE 0100 Part 729 Double-front installations ~top view Deut ontnsalations ory th rain busbar ye atte rea 0 ale] @ SS es Double-frant units Fig, 3.314: Panel arrangement of double-front installations Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 119 oo) Switchgear and Substations 3.3 Low-Voltage Switchgear fated current fA] sire 620-1,600 Sze Ceuit breaker design with SL 2,000-3,200 sizot! (uithérawable unit) 4,000. sizet 4,000-6,300 size il design pane! (ind. withérawable uns, fxed mounting with front doors) NS in-inetype switch disconnector panel (fixed mounting) BN in ine type switch disconnector design panel (plugged) Reactive power compensation panel Tobie 5.5-5: Average weights ofthe panels including busbar (without cable) Circui-breaker type Circuit breaker design 3WLI105 630A. Size Sahm Cetindiewrable ent) 3WL1108 200A. Size SWL1105 1,000 size SWL1106 1,250 size BWNL1106 1,600. Size 3WL1106 2,000. Size it 3WVL1106 2,500. Size 3WVLI106 3,200 size WL1108 4,000 size mt ‘301108 5,000.8 size mt 4311105 6,300 size Installation depth Panel width mm] ssoo1600 5001600 6001600 200 500 00 200 ‘300 500 600 ‘800 0 00 {imem) 400 600 600 800 800 1,000 4,000 600 800 1,000 800 Approx. weight ig] 340 390 510 545 770 915 400 470 590 360 470 a5 440 480 360 930 1.050 Approx. Pv[W] for of the rated currant of the switch 100% 215 345 540 1,000 1140 11890 3.680 4260 8,150 Universal mounting design pane! (incl. withdranable units, fixed mounting with front doors) 3NI4in-ine type switch disconnector panel (xed mounting) 3NU in-ine-type switeh-disconnector design panel (lugged) Fixed-mounted type panel with fromt covers Reactive power compensation panel Toble 32.35: Power loss gonerated per panel (average values) rnan-choked choked 20% 140 215 345 480 640 740 1.210 2,500 2.720 3,830 5.220 6oow ‘600 W 1,300" so0w 14 winar OW liver siemens Eneray Sector - Power Encineering Guide -6.1th Edition Switchgear and Substations 3.3 Low-Voltage Switchgear 3.3.5 Low-Voltage Switchgear - Example Ccut> ——_Unenal_——Pupin3CnineFaedmerng Foes Swe brine eave ponet ste ono sitifertceer "autheen somperatton Son Teall coms tzentnn tin oe ahs en ae A ete Depth 800, 1000, 1200 Depth 500, 600, 200 fon] spi cea arog Seat main busbar et top) -maio busbar at rear) Lakes Fa. 3.218:SNACONSE, busbar postion at er 2.200» 4.00» 600 («40 in am) Te a SS Se a TR a (eet ae freee | [Pence fp rmereecf eca cea cosa cong Mounting dion sad mouning ued mounting Foed-mounted wbaemabeant POSIT, mupinecige "espn Femmuing Fret mers on eet aaa cena Ovoumptecie; HCA —caiecutes _cableoules _Cblecutes _compestonct Sot therein power ee upwaoni sak upiosawon — WEBON pio: 4 ——UptosBOA —_UpLOSADA Upto soot Connection FHoniand mat ontandpteside Fomtsde ——«Fonlstéo—Fumtsdo Fone Pana rom}—_400/507800) 120/6001899'geap0/1260 000)3,200 1,011,300 —_—«t0i800 $00 Internal compart: 42,26, 38,46 2b, 4,36, 4b 1,abay 128, 40.3, 426 aubes texto aulup feariop tee ex ——_‘fearopihow * ternative fee plus aie busbar cove fr shock protection Tobie 23-7: Various mounting designs according to pane! types Siemens Energy Sector «Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 121 Switchgear and Substations 3.3 Low-Voltage 5: ichgear 3.3.6 Low-Voltage Protective and Switching Devices The TIP Application Manual, Establishment of Basic Data and Preliminary Planning, section 5.5 describes the basics for the dimensioning of the low-voltage main distribution board and its ‘main components. The following focuses on the relevant characteristics and selection criteria of the respective devices ‘that are used in the main power distribution circuits in cammer- cial buildings and in industey. BAY) Note: ‘AI Figures opply fr fow-voltage power systems or distribution ‘boards in IEC applications. Oifferent regulations and criteria ply fr systems according to UL standards it you have questions on Ut applications, please contact your acai Siemens representative. We provide solutions for these ‘pplications, but they must be treated completely differently. Depending en the country, standard specifications, locel practices, planning engineer, technical threshold values, etc Tow voltage povrer distribution systems are made up of various protective devices, Ciruit-breaker-protected switchgear (clicut-breake”) ace Circuit-breakor = Ais crcutcbrester =Non-cutrontlimiting circuit breaker = Gurrentaero cutoff cuit breaker MCB Cicuit-Breaker =Molded-cese iret breaker = CurrentEmiting circuit broaker MCB Miniature Ciruit Breaker = Miniature uit breakar 4 cd Msp Motor Startor Protector Motor Protector Circuit Breaker = Gireuit breaker for motor protection Table 3.3.8: Overview of ci t-broakor protected switchgear Fute-protected switengear (fsa switen aisconnactor/ switch aisconnector ‘main groups: peratordepandant Without breaker latching z mechanism, wth protection (fuse); =~ with these devices, the fuse is a) ‘zo moved when making and breaking 3 ‘Gus snitch disconnector) — With breaker latching mechanism, ith protection (fuse); with tose davies, ‘ha fuse not mavec when making and breaking (~ switch dtcenmector with fuse Operatorindependent ~ With breaker latching mechanism, without protection (without fuse): these dovces are only used to imerrupt ‘a Greut, similar to 3 main switch (teh dicconnector without fire) a) Gi Tople 23-9: Overviow of fuso-protacted switchgeat 122, Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide -6.1th Edition Switchgear and Substations 3.3 Low-Voltage Switchgear Circuits and Device Assignment (see also section 3.3.2 “Dimensioning of Power Distribution Systeme") Aco Besic configuration of a low-voltage power distribution system and assignment of the protective devices including core functions Core functions in the respective cireuits Supply circuit xa cco us Task: System protection Protective device ) ~ ACB (air citcuit-breaker) re} Distibution circuit Task: System protection Protective devices: oe us use. = ACB (ar circuit breaker) = MCCB (molded-case circuit-breaker) = 80 (switch disconnector) Final circuit Task: Motor protection Protective devices: = MCB (ctcuit-breaker {for motor protection) = SD (switch gisconnector) ee uc ee rarer chm eo cn ——— important selection criteria are shown in the following, a : > drole tekgn ete Main selection erterie ae =) ‘orating capacity Fay Aa a A Be" > EBS Ses Sieve Circuitbreabeprotectes Fig, 33-17: Main salection crtoria Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 123, oo) Switchgear and Substations 3.3 Low-Voltage 5: ichgear 3.3.7 Requirements on the Switchgear in the Three Circuit Types Device Application in the Supply Circuit ‘The system infeed is the most “sensitive” circuit in the entire power distribution. A falure here would result in the entire ‘network and therefore the building or production being without power. This worst-case scenario must be considered during the planning. Redundant system supplias and selective protection setting are important preconditions for a sefe network configue ration, The selection of the corract protective devices is there- fore of elementary importance in order to create these precondi- tions, Some of the key dimensioning data is addressed in the following. Roted current ‘The feeder ciuit-breaker in the LVMD must he dimensioned for the maximum load of the transformer/generator. When using ventilated transformers, the higher operating current of up to 1.5 x fyof the transformer must be taken into account Short-circuit strength The short-circuit strength of the feeder cicuit-breaker is determined by (2=1) x Ignay OF the transformer or transformers (r= number of transformets). This means that the maximum short-circuit current that occurs at the installation position must bbe known in order to specify the appropriate short-circuit strength of the protective device (f,). initial orientation is provided in the table of short-circuit currants (see Totally Integrated Power, Application Manual, Basic Data and Pretimina- ry Planning, chapter 10, page 10120). Exact short-circuit current Calculations including attenuations of the medium-voltage levels or the laid cables can be made, for example, with the eid of the SIMARIS dosign dimensioning software, SIMARIS design deter- ‘mines the maximum and minimum short-circuit currents and, automatically dimensions the correct protective devices Utilization category When dimensioning a selective network, time grading of the protective devicas is essential. When using time grading up to 500 ms, the selected cicuit-breaker must be able to cerry the Short-crcuit current that occurs for the set time. Close to the ‘uansformer, the currents are very high. This current carrying capacity is specified by the ly value (rated short-time withstand Current) of the circuit-breaker; this means the contact syste ‘must be able to carry the meaimum short-circuit current, ue. the ‘energy contained therein, until the circut-breakeris tripped. This requirement is satisfied by cicuit-breakers of utilization category 8 (¢.9 ar circuit breakers, ACB). Current-imiting circuit breakers (molded-case circuit breakers, MCB) tip during the current rise. They can therefore be constructed more compactly Release Fora selective network design, the release (rip unt) of the feedar circult-breaker must have an LSI characteristic, t must be possible to deactivate the instantaneous release (D. Depending fon the curve characteristic ofthe upstream and downstream protective devicas, the characteristics of the feeder circuit-break- {erin the overload range (L) and also in the time-lag short-circuit range (S) should be optionally switchable (It or It characteristic ‘curve). This facilitates the adaptation of upstream and down- stream devices, Internol accessories Depending on the respective contiol, not only shunt releases (previously: releases), butalso undervoltage releases are required. Communication Information about the current operating states, maintenance, ‘error messages and analyses, etc. is being increasingly required, ‘especially rom the very sensitive supply circuits. Flexibility may be required with regard to a later upgrade or retrofit to the desired type of data transmission. Device Application in Supply Circuits (Coupling) Ifthe coupling (connection of Network 1 to Network 2) is ‘operated open, the circut-breaker (tie breaker) only has the function of an isolator or main switch. A protective function (‘elease) is not absolutely necessary. ‘The following considerations apply to closed operation: Rated current Must be dimensioned for the maximum possible operating current (loed compensation). The simultaneity fector cen be assumed to be 0. Short cirevt strength The short-circuit strength of the feeder circut-breaker is determined by the sum of the shori-crcuit components that flow ‘through the coupling. This dopends on the configuration of the ‘component busbars and their supply Utilization cotegory ‘As for the system supply, utilization category B is also required for the current carrying capacity (ley value). Release Partial shutdown with the couplings must be taken into consid- eration for the supply reliability. AS the coupling and the feeder cicuit- breakers have the same current components when a fault ‘occurs, similar to the parallel operation of two transformers, the LI characteristic is required. The special “Zone Selective Interlocking (2Siy" function shoule be used for larger networks andlor protection settings that are difficult to determine. Device Application in the Distribution Circuit ‘The distribution circuit receives power from the higher level (Gupply circuit) and feeds it to the next distribution lovel (final cuit) Depending on the country local practices, atc, circult-breakers ‘and fuses can be used for system protection; in principle, all protective devices described in this chapter. 124, Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide - 61th Edition Switchgear and Substations 3.3 Low-Voltage Switchgear cce Acboir molded. Fase switch dreuit’ ease dreuit- dscannec- breaker breaker tor ec ves Yes Yes ‘pplication system wes ves Yes pretaction Installation Fixed mounting Yer Yes Yes Plugin - — wptesoa - WWithéranable ver Yes - unit Rated current i 3008 1,608 630 Shortcircult breaking Ia, p10 ww. wo capacity 150K T00KA_—«120KA current carrying capacity 1, pia KA upto ska - ‘Number of polos pole ves yes yer 4 pole ves Yes : Tipping characteristic i 3150 4000 Ratec shore-cicult breaking current warms} 40(315) 0 Ambiont air temperature *) ta 40. 440 40. 440 Insulating medium SF, SF Cessation cB ma, c2 2, c2 Cessifcation DS ua rr Insulators ‘composite **) composite Attached earthing switch (optional) ves no Type-testad according 10 le 6227-108 +) tharambietempeatire values or mqavet “or porta Tobie 4.1-4: Technical data of 3AP DCE ighlights and character 1B Meximum reliability by epplying well-proven end established ‘components from Siemens citcuit-breakers and Ruhreal earthing switches 1 Maximum availability due to longer maintenance intervals '& Economical, space-saving solution by combining the circuit breaker and the disconnector in one device | Minimized costs for transportation, maintenance, installation ‘and commissioning as well as civil works (foundation, steel ‘able ducts, etc.) | Compact and intelligent interlocking and position indicating device 1 Optionally avaiable without earthing switch 1B Porcelain or composite insulators obtainable (fig. 4.1-21) Fig 4.1.21: 3AP2 DCB 420 kV Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide 6.1th Edition | 145, Products and Devices 4.1 High-Voltage Circuit Breakers and Disconnectors 4.1.6 High Voltage Disconnectors and Earthing Switches General Disconnectors are an essential part of electrical power substa- tions. They indicate a visible isolating distance in ait isolated gap. Modern production technolagies and investments in our production sites worldwide ensure sustained product and process quality in accordance with the high standards of Siemens Siemens disconnectors fulfl the system operators requirements for low life-cycle costs with maximum availabilty and continu- ‘ous economic service by: 1 Dalivery of completely routine-tested and pre-adjusted assembly groups 1m Easy erection and commissioning 18 Maintenance-free bearings and contact systems 1 Lifetime technical support | The contact systems have proved their reliability through decades of senice The most important features are 1 Self-resiient contact fingers ~ no further spring elements are necessary 10 generate the contact force 1 Silver-plated contact surface provides maximum conductivity ‘without regular greasing lubrication 1 Factory set contact forces: no re-adjustments required during service life | Ice tayers up to 20 mm can be broken without difficulties 1 Meintenance-free contact system for up to 25 years ‘The reliability of Siemens disconnectors and earthing switches ‘over many decades is ensured by a comprehensive testing and quality assurance system certified according to DIN EN 150 9001 CCenter-broak disconnectors ‘The center-break disconnector isthe most frequently used disconnector type. The disconnector base supports the operating mechanism and two rotating porcelain support insulators. the Ccurtent path arms which are fied to the insulators open in the Center. Each rotating unit comprises two high-quality ball ‘bearings and is designed for high mechanical loads. They are lubricated end maintenance-free for the entire service life (fig. 4.1-22). ‘The current path of the center-break disconnector consists of only 2 few components, thus the number of cantact resistances is reduced to a minimum, The main contact system of block contact and spread contact fingers assures a steady contact force even after decades of operation (fig. 4.1-23). Fig, 4.1-22; Comerbreak diseonnector Fig. 4.1-23: Block and finger contact system 146. Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide - 61th Edition Products and Devices 4.1 High-Voltage Circuit-Breakers and Disconnectors Pantograph disconnectors This type is generally used in double-busbar systems to connect the two busbars or a busbar toa line. The main components of a pantograph discannector are ig. 41-24): 1 Scissor arms (1) 1m Bearing freme (2) 1 Support insulator (3) 1m Rotating insulator (4) 1H Motor operating mechanism (5) Rotary contact systems inside the joints, which have thermal and dynamic current carrying capacity, are used for current transfer ‘The geomatry of the pantograph ensures optimum operational behavior. ‘The specific contact force is adjusted in the factory and remains unchanged during service if. Ice loads of up to 20 mm can be broken without difficulties. In both end positions of the disconnector, the rotary arm in the bearing frame is switched beyon the dead center point. The snitch position cannot be changed by external forces. The rigi lof the scissor arms prevents opening during a short-circuit. Pantograph disconnectors with rated voltages from 123 kV up to 362 kV are optionally equipped with group operating mecha- nisms or 1-pole operating mechanisms. All pentogreph discon: ‘nectors for high rated voltages are equipped with 1-pole ‘operating mechanisms. Vertical-break disconnectors The current path ofthe vertical-break disconnector opens vertically and requires a minimum phase distance (fig. 41-25). The current path performs two mevements: B® Avertical swinging movement 1B Arotary movement around its own longitudinal axis ‘The rotary movement generates the contact force and breaks possible ice ayers. In both end positions, the rotary arm is switched beyond the dead center point. This locks the current path in the short-cir cuit proof CLOSED position, and prevents the current path from ‘snitching to the OPEN position under external forces. ‘The ample distance between support insulator and rotating insulator ensures dielectric strength of the parallel insulation ‘even under saline fog conditions. ‘The movable part ofthe current path is one single subassembly which is pre-edjusted and routine-tested at the factory. This allows for easy and quick instalation and commissioning on site. Double-side break disconnectors ‘The double side break disconnector Features three support insulators. The support insulator inthe center is mounted Fig 41-24: Components ofthe pantograph isconnector 1. Scissor erms 2 Bearing frame 3. Support insutotor 4. Refetng insulator 5. Motor operating mechonism Fig. 41-25: VerticaLbreak disconnector Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 147 Products and Devices 4.1 High-Voltage Circuit Breakers and Disconnectors (on a rotating unit and cartes the current path. Both end support insulators are fixed The main application of double-side break disconnectors are substations with limited phase distances and where vertical ‘opening of the current path is not possible. High mechanical terminal loads are possible due to the compact and stable design, Itcan also be combined with an integrated surge arrester (ig. 4.1-26). For voltage lovels up to 245 ky, the contact fingers of the double-side break disconnectors are integrated into the current path tube, and the fixed contacts consist of contact blocks. The Current path performs a horizontal swinging movement, and the ‘contact force is generated by spreading the contact fingers while sliding on the contact blocks. For voltage levels higher than 245 KV, contact strips are attached to the ends of the current path tubes. The contact fingers are part Of the fixed contacts. In this design, the curcent path performs a ‘combined swinging and rotary movement. After completion of the swinging movement, the contact force is generated by the rotation of the current path around its own axis. knee-type disconnectors This disconnector type has the smallest horizontal and vertical space requirements, The knee-type disconnector has two fixed {and one rotating insulator. Thanks to its folding-aim design, only ited overhead clearance is required, which results in lower, investment costs (fig. 41-27). Fig. 4.126: Double-side break disconnector with integrated surge arrester Fig, 4.1-27:Kneetype disconnector 148) Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide - 61th Edition Products and Devices 4.1 High-Voltage Circuit-Breakers and Disconnectors Earthing switches ‘The use of earthing switches (fig. 41-28) ensures absolute dde-energization of high-voltage components in a circuit or switchgear. Free-standing earthing switches are available for all voltage levels up to 800 AY. ‘Suitable bullt-on earthing switches are available forall discon- rector types of the Siemens scope of supply. ‘According tothe system operators’ requirements, builton ‘earthing switches can be arranged laterally or in integrated rangement with respect to the position of the main current ppath of the disconnector witen needed. Optionally, all earthing switches can be designed for switching induced inductive and capacitive currents according to IEC 162271-102, Class Aor Class 8. Motor operating mechanisms ‘The motor operating mechanisms consist of three main, subassemblies resistant housing with motor 1m Electrical equipment with auxiliary switch ‘The motor operating mechanism can also be operated manually by ahend crank which cen be inserted in the cubicle. The insertion of the hand crank automaticaly isolates the motor Circuit for safety purposes. Heaters are provided to prevent condensetion (fig. 4.129). ‘The auxiliary switch is custom-fitto the geer unit and signals the switch position with absolute reliability. This ensures safe substation operation, ‘after the motor starts, the auuillary switch moves and the switch position signal is cancelled. The disconnector operates thereat ter until the end position is reached. ‘The auxiliary switch then moves again and issues the switch position signal ‘This sequence ensures that the CLOSED position is indicated only after the cisconnector is locked and shart-circut-proof, and the rated current can be carried. The OPEN position i indicated only after the opened current path has reached the nominal dielectric strength. ‘An overview of Siemens disconnectors is shown in table 4.1-5 to table 4.1-9, Fig. 4.1-28: Matar operating mechanism: CCartalumninum housing with door (1) - protection IPSS; geer unit (2) with motor; electrical {equipment with auxllary switeh 3) Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6th Edition | 149, Products and Devices 4.1 High-Voltage Circuit Breakers and Disconnectors ‘Techalcal data Design Concer break fated voltage TS 123 145 170 245 300 362 420 550 Rated power frequency withstend vltage 50 H2/Y min ‘To earth and between phases kv} 140 230 275 325 450,380 450 520 20 Across the isolating eistence kv) 160 265 315 375 530435 520 e10 300 Rated lighining impulse withstand votage 1.250 ps Toearth and betwen phases [ev] 325 550 650 750 1.050 1.050 1175 a5: 1550 Across tn rolating eistance Tv] 375 630750 860 1,200 1,050(4170) 117564205) 142544280) 1,55064315), Rated switching impulse withstand voltage 250/2,500 us ‘To earth and between phases wy - - = = = | a50 950 4950 4,75 Acres the isolating cistance Ty) = = = = = 700 (4245) 900(+-295) 9001345) 9004450) Rated normal cutrent upto (a 4,000 ated peek withstand current up © ial 160 Rated short-sime withstand current upto (KAD 83 Rated duration of snore creuit i 18 king cass 10120 Temperature range rel 501450 Operating mechanism type ‘Motor eperation/Manual operation Conta voltage (woe 6onr10/1252220 (Wadd 220,.230, 1, 50160 Hz Noto voltage (wor) 0711011252220 (acl 1107125220, 1, 50/50 42 22013801415, 3-, 50160 He Maintenance 2s yours Toble4.1-5: Centerbreak disconnector 150 siemens Eneray Sector - Power Encineering Guide -6.1th Edition Products and Devices 4.1 High-Voltage Circuit-Breakers and Disconnectors Technical data Design fated voltage 123 fated power frequency withstand voltege 50a min and between pheses tw 20 ‘Across theisolaing cistarce iv) 265 fated lighting impulse withstand voltage 1.250 ys To-arth and becwoen pasos te 550. Actos the isolating citance tv) 630, Rated switching impulse withstand veltage 25012,500 ps To-arth and between phasas tev) Across theisolating eistance tev) Rated normal curent up 10 wl fated peak withstand current up to eal fated shor-time withstand current upto [KA] fated duration of short cituit I ‘ong class Temperature range eel Operating mechanism type Ccontot votage (voc) [wach voto: voltage (oc) wach Vaintenance Table 4.1-6:Pantograph disconnector 1s 275 315 650 750 170 225 375 750 50 1 Pantagraph 245300 262 420 550 40380 450 520 620 530435 520 10 800 501.050 4,175 925 1580 200 1,050,470) 1,175 (4205) 1,425 (4240) 1,556 (4315) = 850 E 1,959 1,175 = 700 (+245) 800295) 90014345) 900(+450) 5,900 200 0 wa 10120 501450 Motor operation/Manual operation ‘60/1 1011251220 220.230, 1~, 50160 He ‘6on1011251220 111011251220, 1, 50/60 Ha 220/3801415, 3-, S0I60 Hz 25 years Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition 181 rt Products and Devices 4.1 High-Voltage Circuit Breakers and Disconnectors ‘Techalcal data Design Vertical break fated voltage 23-145 170-245-300 382 420 550 Rated power frequency withstend veltage 50 Ha/1 min ‘To earth and between phases Ivy 230 275325 450380 450 520 620 Across the solating eistence Te) 265 315375 530435, 520 610 800 Rated lighining impulse withstand votage 1.250 ps Toearth and between phases [kv] S80 650 750 1,030 1.080 4175 1,475 1550 Across to rolating eistance [kv] 630 750 B60. 1,200 1,050 (4170) 1,175(4205) 1,425 (4240) 1,550 (6315) Rated switching impulse withstand voltage 250.500 us ‘To earth and betwoon phasos yo - = = = 850 950 1.050 1175. Across the isolating eistance fv) = = == 700 (4245) 9004205) 900'(+345) 900 6-450) Rated normal current upto 1a) 4,000 ated peek withstand current up © ial 160 Rated shortsime withstand current upto (kA) 160 Ratec duration of snore creat i 13 Icing cass 10120 Temperature range rel 501450 Operating mechanism type ‘Motor operation/MManual operation Conta voltage (woe soni10/1252220 (Wadd 220,.230, 1, S060 Hz Noto voltage (wor) eon1011252220 (acl 1107125230, t=, 50/50 42 22013801618, 32, $0160 H2 Maintenance 2s yours Toble4.1-7: erticabreak disconnector 182 siemens Eneray Sector - Power Encineering Guide -6.1th Edition Products and Devices 4.1 High-Voltage Circuit-Breakers and Disconnectors ‘Techalcal data Design fated voltage Rated power frequency withstond veltage 50 Halt min ‘To earth and between phases -Aesoss the olating stance Rated lghining impulse withstand votage 1.250 ps Toeanth and betwen phases Across to rolating eistance Rated switching impulse withstand voltage 250/2,500 us ‘To earth and between phases Across te itoating eistonce Rated normal current upto ated peek withstand current up © Rated short-sime withstand current up 10 Ratec duration of snore creuit king ease Temperature range Operating mechanism ype Conta! voltage Noto voltage Maintenance Tobie 4.1-0, Knee-type disconnector hv) tv) tev) tw) lv) tv) al [eal (eal 8 rel (voc) Wadd (voc) (acl knee-ype 123 550 230 620 265 800 350 41550 630 1,550 6315) 4175 900 +480) 4,000 100 160 40 6 Ww 10120 501150 Motor operetion/Manual operation 6001 11251220 220.230, 1, 50160 He 0/1 101281220 11011257230, 1~, 50160 He 22013801815, 3-, 50160 Hz 2S years Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition 193 Products and Devices 4.1 High-Voltage Circuit Breakers and Disconnectors Technical data Design Doubteside break fated voltage 20 MSHS 300 420 550 800 fated power frequency withstand voltege 5021 min To-earth and between phases GW) 230 275325450380 520 450 830 Across theisolating cistance OVI 265 315375530435 610 520 41.150 fated lighting impulse withstand voltage 1.250 ys To-arth and becwoen phases Ww) 550 650-750 1,050 1.080 1425 2.950 2.100 Actos the isolating cistanca TW] 630 750 6D 120 1,050(4170) 1.428 4240) 1,550(4315) 2.100 6455), fated switching impulse withstand voltage 25012,500 px Toarth and between phasas wy = = = = 850 1,050 1475 4,550 Across theisolating eistance DVL = = = = 7006245) 9004345) 900''e450) 1200 (+650) Rated normal curent up to lal 4000 fated peak withstand current upto [KA] 160 fated shor-time withstand curent up to [KA] 63 fated duration of short citcult ts 18 kong class 1020 Temperature range ta 501450 Operating mechanism type Motor operator/Marual operation Ccontot votage Noel sort 0/1251220 acl 220.230, =, 50060 Hz oto voltage Wwocy sornton25220 IMac 11071251230, 1, 50160 2203801415, 2, 50160 He \aintenanco 25 years Table 4.1-7: Double-side break For further information, please contect Foxe 49 30 386-25867 ol: support enerey@serons cert siemens Eneray Sector - Power Encineering Guide -6.1th Edition Products and Devices 4.2 Vacuum Switching Technology and Components for Medium Voltage 4.2.1 Overview of Vacuum Switching Components Medium-voltage equipment is available in power stations (in {generators and station supply systems) and in transformer ‘substations (of public systems or large industrial plants) of the primary Gistribution level. Transformer substations receive power from the high-voltage system and transform it down to the medium voltage level, Mediurnvoltage equipment is also available in secondary transformer or transfer substations (secondary distribution level), where the powers transformed down from medium to low voltage and distributed to the end ‘The product line of the medium-voltage switching devices contains (fig. 4-2-1): 1m Circuitbreakers © Switches 1 Contactors Disconnectors W Switch-disconnectors, Earthing switches Requirements In CLOSED condition, the switching device has to offer minimum resistance to the flow of normal and short-circuit currents. In ‘OPEN condition, the open contact gap must withstand the appearing voltages safely. Alllive parts must be sufficiently ‘isolated to earth and between phases when the switching device is open or closed, ‘The switching device must be able to close the circuit voltage is applied. For disconneciors, however, this condition is only requasted for the de-energized state, except for small oad currents ‘The switching device should be able to open the circuit while ‘current is flowing. This isnot requested for disconnectors. The switching device should produce switching overvoltages as low as possible Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide - 61th E n | 155 Products and Devices 4.2 Vacuum Switching Technology and Components for Medium Voltage ‘must make and break all ‘the scope of their ratings, nductive and capacitive load currents up to the short-cicuit current, and this must occur under all fault conditions in the power supply system, including earth faults and phase opposition. Outdoor circuit-breakers have the same applications, but are also exposed to weather influences. Switches Switches must make and break normal Currents up to their rated normal current, and be able to make on existing short Circuits (up to their rated short-circuit ‘making current), However, they connot break any short-circuit currents. a Contactors Contactors are load breaking devices with a limited making and breaking capacity. They are used for high switching rates but can neither make nor break short- reuit currents. i. 4.2-7: Product ine af medium-valtage switching devices 4.2.2 Selection of Components by Ratings The switching devices and all other equipment must be selected for the system data available at the place of installation. This system data defines the ratings ofthe components (table 4.2-1), Rated insulation level The rated insulation level s the dielectic strenoth from phase to ‘earth, between phases and across the open contact gap, oF across the isolating distance, The dielectric stength is the capability of an electrical compo- nent to withstand all volteces with a specific time sequence up to the magnitude of the corresponding withstand voltages. ‘These can be operating voltages or higher-frequency voltages caused by switching operetions, earth faults (internal overvolt: ages) or lightning strikes (external overvaitages). The dielectric strength is verified by @ lightning impulse withstand voltage test with the standard impulse wave of 1.2/50 ps and a power fro quency withstand voltage test (50 Hz!t min) Rated voltage The rated voltage isthe upper limit of the highest system voltage the device is designed for. Because all high-voltage ‘switching devices are zero-current interrupters ~ except for some Disconnectors DDisconnectors are used for no-load losing end opening operations. Their function is to “isolate” downstream equipment so they can be worked on. Switch-disconnectors A switch-disconnector is to be understood as the combination of @ switch and a disconnector, ora switch with isolating distance. Earthing switches Earthing switches earth isolated circuits. ‘Make-proof earthing switches earth rcuits without danger, even if voltage Is prasent, that is, also in the event that the circuit to be earthed was accidentally not isolated. fuses ~ the system voltage is the most importent dimensioning criterion, It determines the dielectric stress of the switching device by means of the transient recovery voltage and the recovery voltage, especially while switching off Rated normal current The rated normal current isthe current that the main circuit of a device can continuously catty under defined conditions. The heating of components ~ especially of contacts ~ must not ‘exceed defined values. Permissible temperature rses always refer to the ambient alr temperature. Ifa device is mounted in ‘an enclosure, itis possible that it may not be loaded with its full rated current, depending on the quality of heat dissipation. Rated peak withstand current ‘The rated peak withstand currents the peak value of the frst ‘major loop of the short what structural (e.g. type of walls) and fir fighting (local provisions) boundary conditions are there? 1 Fire protection classes of the fire barriers (590 and $120) 'm Functional endurance classes (£60, £90, £120) and Certifications ofthe busbar systems (observe relevant deratings) 15 Fire loadsihalagens (prescribed fire loads in certain functional sections, 2.9. fire escape routes, musi not be exceeded). Fixing of the busbar systems to the structure: |B Maximum clearence from fixings taking into consideration location, weight of system and additional loads such as tap-off units, lighting, etc. | Agreement on possible means of fixing with structural analyst 1 Use of tested fixing accessories with busbar systems with functional endurence 1m Observe derating for type of installation | Dimensions of the cistibution board, system supplies and tap-off units: = Installation clearance from ceiling, wall and paraliel systems for the purpose of heat dissipetion end installation options ~ Crossing with other installations (water, gas pipes, etc.) Swing angle for installing and operating the tap-off units Minimum dimensions for changes of direction in the busbar routing, fre protection compartmentalization, wall cutouts Space requirement for distribution connection Cutout planning (sizes and locations of the cutouts) {8 Linear expansion (expansion units, if applicable). More infor Slerens AG, Totaly negated Power Aplcaton Manual sks ané Prtinery Panning, Natebers, 2000, chapter Tema dats, Smontion dasines, components, neice in to wei eaalgs LV70.1V71 TV 72 a leer A Fig. 4.36: Busbar trunking systems Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th n | 375 Products a nd Devices 4.3 Low-Voltage Devices CD-K system 25 A - 40, ‘The system fs designed for applications of 25 to 40 Serves to provide an eccr cal and flexible power supply for lighting systems and fom-consumption equipment. Typical areas of applicat dopartment stores, supe kets, storerooms or clean ico technology. 3, 4, S-conductor Degree of protection: 1P54, IPSS 1m standard lengths: 2mand 3m 1m Rated current: 30.4, 40 A, 2x25A,2%40A 1 Spacing of the tappin points: 0.5 m and tm Rated operating volta 400 VAC 2. Feeding unit Cable entry: from three sides 3, Top-off component © Piuggable while energized 1 3.pole for 10. Aznd 16.8 1H Equipped as Lt, L2or with Nand PE i S:pole or 10Aand 16.8 Codable 4. End flange 5, Possible supplementor equipment "8 Fixing clamp 1B Suspension hook Hanger m Cable fixing 1 Coding set A ‘and jon are 9 se B y © busbar case @ Feeding unit Tp off component @ kind flange & Supplementary equipment 176) Siemens Enerey Sector - Poner Encineesing Guide -6.1th Edition Products and Devices 4.3 Low-Voltage Devices ‘system BD01 40. - 160.8 ‘The 8001 busbar trunking system is designed for applications fram 40 to 160 A, Five rated amperages ere avail able for only one size, Le, al ‘other components can be used for all five rated curronts lnrespective of the power supply. The system is used primarily to supply smaller consumers, e.g, in works shops. 41. Trunking unit 1 Asconductor (L1,L2, L3, N, PE casing) 1m Degree of protection: P54, PSS 1 Standard lengths: 2mand 3m. mi Rated current: 404, 63, 100A, 125, 1608 '© Spacing of the tapping points:0.5 mand tm 1m Rated operating voltage. 400 AC 2. Directional chonge components 1 Changes of direction in the busbar routing possible: exible, length 0.5 m, 1 m 43. Feeding unit 1H Universal system supply 4. Top-off unit Up to 63, with fuses or miniature circuit-breaker (MCB) and with fused ‘outlets 1 With fittings or for ‘customized assembly 1 For 3, 4 or 8 modules (MW) With or without assembly unit 5. Device case For 4 or 8 modules (MW) |= With or without assembly unit © With or without ouvet installed {6 Possible supplementary equipment | Installation sots for degra of protection IPSS ing and suspension = Coding set © wusbarcase @ irectional change component Feeding unit @ Teooff uit © vewee caso © Supplementary equipment Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide - 61th E n 377 Products and Devices 4.3 Low-Voltage Devices D2 system 160A - 1,250 ‘The 8D2A/B02C busbar trunking system (aluminum? copper) Is suitable for universal use. Ithas not only ‘been designed to provide flexible power supply end distribution for consumers in ‘ade and industry, but itcan also be used for power ‘transmission from one supply point to another. In addition, the 802 busbar trunking system is used 2s rising mains in multi-story buildings, and since a large number of, changes of cirection in the bbusber routing are possible, it ‘can be adapted to the building geometries perfectly, Fig. 43 1. Trunking unit 1 S-conducior (L1, 12, L3..N, PE, optional with half N andiot with half Pe) 1m Degree of protection: 1P52, IPS4, IPSS '© Busbar material: ‘copper or alurninum mated current: 160A, 250.8, 315A, 400A (68mm x 167 mm) 500, 630.8, 800A, 1,000, 1,250 (126 mmx 167 mm) 1m Standard lengths: 3.25m, 2.25m and 1.25m | Lengths available: from 0Smto3.24m systam components for 8D? system 1 Tapping points: without on both sides (0.5 mapart) 1 Fire protection: five safety lass $90 and $120 in accordance with DIN 4102, pages 2to 4 2. Directional change ‘components 1 On edge of fat position |B With or without fire protection 1 Horizontal angle unit with ‘or without user- configurable bracket = Zunit Dersbar case ‘QDirectionel change component Dreeding unit Drop off unit Gssupplementary equipment. muni B Cross unit Flexible changes of direction in the busbar routing possible up to 800 3. Feeding unit 1H Feeding from one end Center feeding 1 Stus terminal Cable entry from 1, 20r 3 sides 1 Distribution board feeding 4, Tap-off unit BH 25At0 630A 1 With fuse, miniature circuit-breaker (MCB) oF fused outlet installed 5. Device case 1 For 8 modules (MW) = With or without assembly unit 6. Possible supplementary ‘equipment End flange For fixing: Universal fixing clamp for ‘on edge or flat position = Fixing elements for vertical phases, for fixing to malls or ceilings 1 Terminal block 176. Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide -6.1th Edition Products and Devices 4.3 Low-Voltage Devices LOAILDC system 2 Directional change 1m Leading PEN or PE 6. Possible supplementary 1,100 A 5,000 A components ‘connector ‘equipment ‘The LO busbar trunking system Bi With or without fire 1m Switching to load-free state ml End flange Is used both for power protection following defined, forced. Terminal block Horizontal angle unit with operation sequences distribution. A special feature or without user- 1 Coding bracket Of the system is. high configurable bracket short-cicuitstrength and itis ml Zunit, 4. Feeding unit particularly suitable for me Usunit Cable feeding unit Connecting the trensformer tom T-u 1B Universal terminal for the low-voltage main distribu transformers tion and then to the subdisti- 3. Tap-off unit bution system. When there isa ml Degree of protection 5, Terminal boxes for high power demand, conven- _1P30 and IPS4 connection t0 distribution tional current conduction by (P55 upon request) boord ‘cable means that parallel 1m With fuse switeh- | TTA distribution connection cables are frequently neces- disconnector 10 the SIVACON system sary. Here, the LD system from 125A to 630A {rom the topibottom allows optimal power gistribu- mi With circuit-breaker |= Tetminais for external tion with horizontal and from 80 A to 1,250 distribution boards, vertical phase responses. The system can be used in industry as well as for relevent infrastructure projects, such as hospitals, railroad stations, airports, trade fairs, office blocks, ec. 1. Trunking unit 4 and 5-conductor system 1 Busbar materi copper or alurninum 1 Rated current: 1,100 to 5,000 LDAI t0 LDC3 (180 mm x 180 me) = LDAa to LOCB (240 mm x 180 men) m Degree of protection: 1P34 and IP54 (1P36 and IP56 upon request) wm standard lengths: 1.6m, 2.4m and 3.2m © Lengths available: ‘rom 0.5m t0 3.19. m 1m Tapping points - Without = With user-configurable tapping points \ Fire protection partitions: Q directional change component fire resistance class $120 in @rvsding une accordance with DIN 4102-9 @npottunk G)oisibuion board coonecvon ‘Supplementary ewipment Fig, 4.270: Systam components for LDAILDC system Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th n |379 Products and Devices 4.3 Low-Voltage Devices LDXAILXC system from 800 A ~ 5,000 A ‘The LX busbar trunking system. Is usad both for power ‘uensmission and power distribution. Special features Of the system include high flexibility and position insensitivity, and itis particu- larly suitable for power distribution in multi-story buildings. The high degree of protection IPS4, which is standard for this system, and tap-off units up to 1,250 also guarantee a safe supply if there isa high energy demand. It can be used in industry as well as for relevant infrastructure projects such a5 hospitals, rallroad stations, airports, data centers, office blocks, ete. 1. Trunking unit 1 4 and 5-conductor system in various conductor configurations, including separete PE or double N. '® Busbar material: ‘copper or aluminum 1m Rated current: ‘800 up to 5,000 A Size (mm) Aluminum Copper 137 x 145 up to 1,000.8 upto 1.250 A 162 145 up to 1,250 A upto 1,600 207 x 145 up to 1,600 A up to 2,000 287 » 145 up t0 2,500 A up to 3,200.8 439 145 up to 3,200 A up to 4,000 A 599 x 145 up to 4,500 A Upto 5,000 © dierbuvion board connection 1m Degree of protection: 1P54 (0P55 optiona 1m Standard lengths: 1 m, 2m and 3m 1 Lengths available: from 035m to 2.99m © Layout: horizontal and vertical without derating ‘= Tapping points: -Onone side = On both siges 18 Fire protection partitions: fire resistance class $120 in accordance with DIN 4102 Part9 Gsurseerearyecuiment Fig, 4.377: Systam components for LXAILXC system 2. Directional chonge ‘components With or without fire protection 1H Horizontal engle unit with or without user- configurable bracket m Zunit fm Usunit mi Tunit 3. Top-off unit 1 Degree of protection 1°54 With fuse switcn= disconnector from 125 A to 630A 1 With circuit-breaker from BDA to 1,250 1 Pluggable while energized up t2 630 1 Fixed installation up to 1.2508 (on terminal block) 1 Leading PEN or PE connector 1H Switching to load-free state following defined, forced operation sequences 1 Coding bracket 4. Feeding unit 1 Cable feeding unit 5 Universal terminal for ‘transformers 5. Terminal boxes for connection to distribution boord TTA distribution connection te the SIVACON system from the topibottom Terminals for external distribution boards 6. Possible supplementary ‘equipment End flange BF Flange for degree of protection increased from [P56 t0 1955 15 Terminal block 180 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide -6.1th Edition Products and Devices 4.3 Low-Voltage Devices Lac system from 630 A ~ 6,300 A ‘The LRC busbar trunking system is used for power tuensmission. A special feeture Of the system is high resis tance t0 external influences of chemical and corrosive Substances, and itis particu: larly suitable for use in the ‘open ait and in environments with high air humidity. The high degree of protection IP68 Js guaranteed with the encapsulated epoxy castresin ceasing, and serves to provide reliable power transmission when there is @high eneray demand. The system can be used in indusiry as well as for relevant infrastructure projacts such as railroad stations, airports, office blocks, etc 1. Trunking unit 1 A and 5-conduetor system Busbar material: copper 1 Degree of protection: [P63 © User-configurable lengths: from 0.30 mto 3.00m 1H Layout: horizontal and vertical without derating 8 Fire barriers: fire resistence class $120 in accordance ‘with DIN 4102 Part 9 2 Directional change ‘components 1B With or without fre protection Horizontal engle unit with for without offset mZunit mw Tunit 3, Feeding unit and distributor units 1B Universal terminals for transformers, external distriutors and cable connection 4. Possible supplementary equioment End flange ‘Terminal block Fig, 43.12: Systom compononts for LRC systom PIOOOOHOOOS: LR tx adapter Encapsulated Erk componont Suaiht busbar component [rectional change component Expansion uit Connector Fire barter ‘Connector for distbution board connection Fung component Tap off point with tap box (able feeding unit smens Energy Sector «Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition 181 ve Products and Devices 4.3 Low-Voltage Devices 4,3.4 Subdistribution Systems General ‘ub¢istibution systems, 2s an essential component for the reliable power supply to all consumers of a building, are used for the distributed supply of circuits. From the subdistribution bboards, cables ether lead directly or via ground contact outlets to the consumer. Protective devices are located within the subcistribution systems, These ave: 1 Fuses 1 Miniature circuit breakers 1 RCD (residual current davices) 1 Circuittreakers Overvoltage protection They provide protection against personel injury and protect: 1 Against excessive heating caused by non-permissible currents 1 Against the effects of short-circuit currents and the resulting mechanical damage. In addition to the protective devices, a subdistibution system also contains devices for switching, measuring and monitoring. These are: & Disconnectors KNX/EIB components Outlets 1 Measuring instruments © Switching devices '© Transformers for extra-low-voltages 1 Components of the building control systems Configuration ‘The local environmental conditions and all operating data have ‘utmost importance for the configuration of the subdistribution systems. The dimensioning is made using the following criteria ‘Ambient conditions m Dimensions 1 Mechanical stress 1m Exposure to corrosion 1B Notes concerning construction measures |B Wiring spaces | Environmental concitions Hlectrical dota 1H Rated currents of the busbars 1 Rated currents of the supply circuits \ Rated currents of the branches 1H Short-cireuit strength of the busbars 1m Rating factor for switchgear assemblies 1 Heat loss Protection ond installation type © Degree of protection 1m Observance of the upper temperature limit 1m Protective measures. 1 Installation type (free-standing, floor-mounted distribution board, wall-mounted distribution board) | Accessibility, ¢.g., for installation, maintenance and operating Type of construction | Number of operating faces 1H Space requitements for modular installation devices, busbars and terminals 1 Supply concitions ‘The number of subdistribution boards in e building is determined using the following criteria: Floors ‘A high-rise bullding normally has at least one floor distribution board for each floor. A residential building normally hes one distribution system for each apartment. Building sections Ia building consists of several sections, at least one subsistibu- tion system is normally provided for each building section. Departments Ing hospital, separate subdistribution systems are provided for ‘the various departments, such as surgery, OP theater, etc. Safety power supplies ‘Separate distribution boards for the safety power supply are required for supplying the required sefety e Depending on the type and use of the building or rooms, the relevant regulations and guidelines must be abserved, such as \VDE 0100-710 and-718 and the MLAR (Sample Directive on Fireproofing Requirements for Line Systems). ‘Standards to be observed for dimensioning 1m IEC 60364-2-20, DIN VDE 0100-200 Low-voltage installations; Part 200 Definitions \§ IEC 60364-3-30, DIN VDE 0100-300; Assessment of general characteristics of installations \m IEC 60364-4.41, DIN VDE 0100-410 Protection against flectric shock | IEC 60364-4-30/DIN VDE 0100-430 Prote overcurrent IW IEC 60364-5-51/DIN VOE 0100-510 Selection and erection ‘of electrical equipment; common rules ‘IEC 60364-5-201DIN VDE 0100-520 Witing systems | DIN VDE 0298-4 Recommended values for the current ‘carrying capacity of sheathed and non-sheathed cables | DIN VDE 0606-1 Connecting materials up to 680 V: Part 1 = Installation boxes for accommodation of equipment andlor connecting terminals DIN 18015-1 Electrical systems in residential buildings, planning principles against Selection of protective devices and connecting lines The selection and setting of the protactve devices to be used ‘must satisfy the following three conditions 1m Protection against non permissible contact voltage for indirect contact (electric shock) ‘Siemens Energy Sector» Power Encineering Guide -6.1th Edition Products and Devices 4.3 Low-Voltage Devices 18 Overload protection © Short-clrcuit provection For detailed information on the three conditions, see section 3.3.2 “Dimensioning of Power Distribution Systems’, ‘An exact protective device selection and thus the dimensioning of subdistribution systems requires extensive short-circuit Current and voitage drop calculations. Catalog data for the short- Circuit energies, the selectivity and the backup protection of the individual devices and assemblies must also be consulted. In addition, the appropriate regulations and standards must be ‘observed. At this point a reference should be made to the SIMARIS dasign dimensioning too! that automatically takes ‘account of the above mentioned conditions, catalog data, standards and regulations, and consequently automatically ‘makes the device selection, Selectivity and backup protection Rooms used for medical purposes (VDE 0100-710) and meeting rooms (DIN VDE 0100-718) require the selection of protective devices in subareas. For other building types, such as computer centers, there is an increasing demand for a selective grading of the protective davices, because only the circuit affected by 2 fault would be disabled with the other circuits continuing to be supplied with power without interruption (chapter 6 “Protection land Substation Automation’). Because the attainment of selectivity rosults in increased costs, it should be decided for which circuits selectivity is useful Backup protection i the lower-cost option. In this case, an i uss 2S Fine SMe tec. 2: GOT vomceweaiss 50 vomcoweats PST venoms 8 maf rece Kf nue P50 7 venoms PON vomcowenes 2 Upstream protective device, e.g,, an LV HRC fuse as group backup fuse, supports a downstream protective device in mastering the short-circuit current, ie., both an upstream and a downstream protective device trip. The short-circuit current, however, has already been sufliciently reduced by the upstream protective device so that the downstream protective device can have a smaller short-circuit breaking capacity. Backup protection should be used when the expected solid short-circuit current ‘exceeds the breaking capacity of the switching device or the ‘consumers. If this is nat the case, an additional limiting protec- tive device unnecessarily reduces the selectivity or, indeed, removes it ‘The following scheme should be followed for the selectivity or backup protection decision: | Dotermine the maximum short circuit currant at the installation point, | Check whether the selected protective devices can master this short-circuit current alone or with backup protection using upstream protective devices, 1m Chack at which current the downstream protective devices, and the upstieam protective devices are selective to each other. rt ‘Selectivity and backup protection exemplified fora data center Computer centers place very high demands on the safety of supply. This is particulany tue for the consumers attached to ‘the uninterruptible power supply, and ensures a reliable data backup in case of a fault and service interruption, Those solutions providing selectivity and backup protection rely » § OF aehame 7 Leap . iseeeo, Bisons) iNT woecmeness Wot memes |] NCE veotmenes Hin ree ed | Yee shige ete eget ve sag 2 990 er a4 ao ely aby Fig. 4.313: Subdisteibution ina data center dsplay in SIMARIS design Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 183 Products and Devices 4.3 Low-Voltage Devices the previously mentioned SIVAR'S design configuration too! should be presented at this point. Fi. 4.3-13 shows 2 subdistri- ‘bution system in SIMARIS design. A SENTRON 3WL circuit break fe 25 outgoing feeder switch of the main distibution is upstream to the subdistribution system shown here. The following figures show the selectivity diagrams for the considered subdistribution system automatically generated by SIMARIS design (fig. 4.3-14), SIMARIS design specifies the characteristic curve band of the Considered circuit (yellow lines), the envelope curves of all upstream devices (biue line) and all downstseam devices (red line). In addition to the specification of the minimum and ‘maximum short-circuit currents, any selectivity limits for the individual circuits are also specified. Fig. 43-15 shows the selective grading of the 3WL circuit-break- ‘or from the main distribution system and the group backup fuse (125 ALV HRC fuse) of the subdistribution system. The consum: ers critical for functional endurance which are installed in a redundant manner in the subdistribution system shouls not be protected with the same backup fuse but rather be assigned to different groups. ‘The selectivity diagram shovrs the circuit diagram of a single phase consumer in the subdistribution system, This circuit diagram is protected with a 10 miniature circuit-breaker with characteristic C and for a maximum short-circuit current of 9,719 kA selective for the 125 A group backup fuse. ‘The same subdistribution system also contains an example for backup protection, Fig, 4.3-16 shows the selectivity diagram for the combination of the group backup fuse with @ 10 Aminioture Cicuit-breaker of the characteristic B. Up to the breaking capacity of the 15 kA miniature crcuit-breaker, the two protec tive davices are solective to each other, Above this value, the current is limited by the fuse and the miniature crcuit-breaker protected by a fuse; both devices trip. SIMARIS design automatically generates these characteristic ‘curves to provide exact information about the maximum and ‘minimum shorteircult currents of the associated circuit. Fig, 43-16 also shows up to which current (Ie sy) the protec: tive devices are selective to each other. Fig, 43-14: Selactivity ofthe group backup fuze tothe upstream protoctive devicos ‘Fig, 43-15: Selectivity of the group backup fuselminiature crcult- diagram combination Fig, 43:16: Backup protection of the group backup fusefminiature circuttbreaker 184 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide - 61th Edition Products and Devices 4.4 Surge Arresters tse tocontrogue Te main task of an arrestars to protect equipmant from the effects of overvoltages. During normal operation, an arrester should have no negatve effect on the power system. Moreover, the arrester must be able to withstand typical suiges without incurring any damage. Non-linear resistors with the following properties fulfil these requirements: Low resistence during surges so that overvoltages are limited |B High resistance during normal operation so as to avoid negative effects on the power system ent energy absorption capebility for ration tee 2 vor we) ae or ae 1 Sufficient energy absorption capability for stable operation Ret fatedotge With this kind of non-linear resistor, there is only @ small flow of = cennvesonerning tage De ‘current when continuous operating voltage is being applied. hen there are surges, however, excess energy can be quickly fg: 441: Currentveltage characteristics of a nontinear MO arrester removed from the power system by a high discharge current. 4.4.1 High-Voltage Surge Arresters Non-linear resistors Non-linear resistors, comprising metal oxide (MO), have proved especially suitable for this use. The non-linearity of MO resistors, is considerably high, For this reason, MO atrestets, as the arresters with MO resistors are known today, do not need series gaps (fig. 4-4-1). roar ait aapriagm Siemens has many years of experience with arresters ~ with the previous gapped SiC arresters and the new gapless MO arresters - in low-voltage systems, distribution systems and ‘uensmission systems. They are usvally used for protecting transformars, generators, motors, capacitors traction vehicles, cables and substations. There are special applications such as the protection of: | Equipment in areas subject to earthquakes or heavy pollution 1H Surge-sensitive motors and dry-type transformers '§ Generators in power stations with arresters that possess a high degree of shortcireuit current strength 1 Gas-insulated high-voltage metelenclosed switchgear (GIS) 1m Valves in HVDC transmission installations 1B Static compensators 1W Airport lighting systoms 1m Electric smelting furnaces in the glass and marals industries ® High-voltage ceble sheaths 1m Test laboratory epparatus Fig. 4.42: Sunge arrester in Fig. 4.4-3:Cross section of a MO arresters are used in medium, high and extre-high-voltage traditional porcelain polymer-housed power systems. Hete, the very low protection level and the high housing: available arrasterin tube energy absorption capability provided during switching surges ‘or arson saline! om are especially important. For high-voltage levels, the simple SEERA Construction of MO atresters is always an advantage. Another very important advantage of MO arrestes is their high degree of reliability when used in areas with a problematic climate, for ‘example, in coastal and desert erees,orin regions affected by _artesters. One instance isthe protection of capacitor banks in heavy industrial air pollution. Furthermore, some special appiica- series reactve-power compensation equipmant that requires tions have become possible only with the introduction of MO. extremely high energy absorption capabilites. Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 185 Products and Devices 44 Surge Arresters ‘Tradition and innovation Fig. 44-2 shows a Siemens MO arrester in a traditional porcelain housing, @ well proven technology representing decades of Siemens experience. Siemens also offers surge artesters with polymer housings forall system voltages end mechenical requirements. These arresters are divided into two subgroups: 1 Cage design™ arresters, 1B Tube design arresters, Fig. 4.43 shows the sectional view of a tube design arrester. The housing consists ofa fiberglass-reinforced plastic tube with insulating sheds made of silicone rubber. The advantages of this, design, which has the same pressure relief device as an arrester with porcelain housing, are absolutely safe and reliable pressure relief characteristics, high mechanical strength even after ‘prossure reliof and excellent pollution-resistant properties. The very good mechanical features mean that Siemens arresters with 2 polymer housing (type 3EQ) can serve as post insulators as, ‘well. The pollution-resistant properties are the result of the water-repellent effect (hydrophobicity) ofthe silicone rubber, which even transfers its effacts to pollution, ‘The newest types of polymer surge arresters also feature the cage design. While using the same MO resistors, they have the same excellent electrical characteristics as the 3EP and 3£Q types. The difference is that the 3EL (fig. 4.4-4) types get their ‘mechanical performance from 2 cage built up by fiber-reinforced plastic rods. Furthermore, the whole active part is directly and completely molded with silicone rubber to prevent moisture ingress and partial discharges. The polymer-housed high-voltage arrester design chosen by Siemens ane the high-quelity matari- als used by Siemens provide a whole series of advantages, including long life and suitebility for outdoor use, high mechani- cal stability and ease of disposal. ‘Another important design are the gas-insulated metal-enclosed surge arresters (GIS arrester, fig. 4.4-5). Siemens has been ‘making these arresters for more than 25 yeers. There are two reasons why, when GIS arresters are used with gas-insulated snitchgear, they usually offer a higher protective safety margin than when outdoor-iype arvesters ere used: First, they can be installed closer to the item to be protected so thet traveling wave effects can be limited more effectively. Second, compared with the outdoor type, inductance of the installation is lower (both that of the connecting conductors and that of the arrester itself), This means thet the protection offered by GIS artesters is ‘much better than that offered by any other method, especially in the case of surges with a very steep rate of rise or high frequen gy, to which gas-insulated switchgear is exceptionally sensitive. Monitoring Siemens also offers a wide range of products for diagnosis and ‘monitoring of surge arresters. The innovative arrester condition ‘monitor (fig. 44-6) isthe heart ofthe future-proof (IEC 61850) ‘monitoring product line Sigg henng (Gtell sing on enue) Fig. 4-4: 3ELrange surge Fig, 4-5: Gas insulated metal arrester in cage ‘enclosed arrester esign Gis arresten Fig. 44-6: Arrester condition monitor (ACM) Fig. 44-7: Medium-voltage MO arrester for ial applications i ¢ Fig. 44-8: Medium-voltage arrester 3EK4 for Aistibution systems 186 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide - 61th Edition Products and Devices 44 Surge Arresters 4.4.2 Low-Voltage and Medium-Voltage ‘Surge Arresters and Limiters ‘urge arrasters and limiters protect operational equipment both non-linear, voltage-cepentient resistors (varistors) made of fiom exteinel overvoltages ceuses by iatning sikes in imetel oxide (MO, fig 4.4-7) or zinc oxide (20) becomes ‘overhead ines and from internal ovencltages produced by conductive from a defined overvoltage limit value onward, 80 snitching operations or earth faults. Normally the arrester that the load can be cischaiged to earth, When the power-e- instlleg between phae and earth, The built-in tack of quency voltage underfows thislimit value, called discharge scial af ns tai ‘applications a Special application faliwayapplicat Meanings ser, 3083, ee yep eae eases * a $ = J i a Notorsdrytype Generator, DCD systems Cand DC AC and DC Dstibuton Distibution trosformers, motors,meling overhead Cecemolves, ystems system aytemeend_ systems ond Sif ghing fumaces,eantact. overhead ocamotves, ecemotves, medium mecium ielaiee Sratems,sheath Gamertr ines entactlines) overhead overhead” welage’ voltage * voltagelimiters, connection, contact ‘contact switchgear switchgear Proecionel power sles res) fines) for Eons for highest peed ies Heahest wage or serene 6 2 4 ns 30 re ns Maxima ated conc, 37 Aer voltage w ie! fe * (00) 4{0¢) ee ee x 1 Nomina dachage 3263 4 Nas en 0 ‘0 10 10 10 x Movimurntheimal 366108 energy abortion 3EF2 ¢ Stace ACD: 7 ° capability, SEF 5 0 1” 10(00) 10 (DC), ae ES (berivoru) way 3eF5 3 ee aves 3eF4 1,600 4 290 4.200 4.200 B50(AC); 850 (AC); 325 5 ration current 3er5 11200 i i 1.200186) 1.200 (00) puss, 2s fatedsbortsret gg x0 «“ « “0 0 » Howing mateisl —Polyethvlene Porcelain —Sifcone_—Poreln—Slcone—Sifcone—Sicone—_Sticone XFt-poly Hollow nauator Diecty iclow Wllow ——Holow——Cage_—«—Cage design Stolene ect tmolded insustor —insleto,Hnsuator, design, —_slicone ‘rolled ont icone silane ne ireey Senn aR MO; 3EFS/3EF4) directly directly. directly molded onto, 3e¢5~ Hoon Molded ono moWed onto molded MO insur tube FRPtube ono wo rresue lief device No ves No Ye te Ye No No Eneigyabrrpon capi underthe concns of he operating ety tet acon te EC 60092-4 Fig, 44:10: Medium-voltage metal-oxide surge arrester and limiters (300 V to 72.5 KY) Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 187, Products and Devices 44 Surge Arresters Poreetain eps 3epa ep aEPR aes a 3H Siicone 3eqr Ege EQS ENS ritdal itl Modium Medium High: High ‘ang high- and high- voltage voltage voltage voltage systems, systems, systems, systems, outdoor cutdoor ‘utdoor cutioor’ installa. inva installa: installa. ons tons, ions tions HvDe, scasvie apace tons Hohest voltage fo eauipmen(U,) kv 123-362 550800 Maximum rated om wy 9888 HT Maximum noeninal Gschaygecurent ka 10 10 2020 Maximum ine discharge class a u y a Maxima thermal ‘energy absorption car ability : s a (erkvof) wink aximam tong uration current 1.100 1.100 2,000 7,000 Impulse, 2ms A fatedsborsieut 4 gsm 00 Maximum permissible 2004512534 sericeload km GS? GS SIPS Housing material Porcelain Dasign principle Hollow insulator Pressure relief device Yes st = Spaced sporearm oes Medium — Medium Medium ‘and high- apd high- a high- eltage voltage voltage ystems, systems, asters, ‘endiine endline ord fine Surge Suge surge ferrestererester arrester 45362580 1260 eB 0. 1% «10 20 2 2 4 44 5 10 550750 1,200 mM 686s. 05 1240 GS)? GSN 651) Silicone directly molded ‘onto MO Ne ‘ig, 4.4-11: High-voltage metal-ovide surge arrestors (72.5 to 1,200 KV) Modium igh High: ‘High andhigh- voltage voltage voltage Noltage systems, systems, systems, systems, eutdoar outdoor’ eutdoor utdoor installa. jnstlla. installa. installa tons tons, tons, tions HVDC, HVDC ap- SC85VC plications cpplics: tions 362 550-800» 1.200 28 468612850 7 0 2» 2» 3 5 5 5 8 a 1100 3200 8500 11,000 sw Ce ne GN GSH GSD Siticone Hollow insulator silicone directly ‘malded onto FRP tube Yes 108 siemens Eneray Sector - Power Encineering Guide -6.1th Edition Products and Devices 44 Surge Arresters voltage, the varistors return to their original resistance value so ‘that only so-called leakage current of a few mA flows at ‘operating voltage. Because this leakage current heats up the resistors, and thus the arrester, the device must be designes ‘according to the neutra-point treatment of the system in order to prevent impermissible heating of the arrester In contrast tothe normal surge arrester, the surge limiter Contains a series gap in adition to the MO resistar stack. Ifthe load generated by the overvoltage is large enough, the series {gap ignites, and the overvoltage can be aischargad to earth until the series gap extinguishes and the varistors eturn to their ‘non-conductive state. This process is repeated again and again throughout the entire duration of the fault. This makes it possible to design the device with 2 considerably lower dis charge voltage as a conventional surge arrestor, and is especially useful forthe protection of mators with ~ normally ~a poor dielectric strength. To quarantee e sufficient protective Function, SESZ-DE | aESAK phase a-pnate = Applications Highest voltagefor equipment (U,) KV 1701245725 Maximum rated voltage Ww 158216 95 Maximum nominal discharge current KA 20 10 Naximum tine dscharge dass 4 3 Maximum theimal eneigy absorption 10 8 capably (per WW oF U,) uv Maximum long-curation 1200850 currant impulse, 2 ms A Rated short creut current 50 50 Naximum permissible service load ktm Housing material Pressure relief device Fig, 44-12: Matal-oxide surge arrestars for GIS (72.5 to 890 kV) the discharge voltage value of the arresters or limiters must not ‘exceed the dielectric strength of the operational equipment to be protected. ‘The medium-voltage product range includes (fig. 4.4-10); The 3€F group of surge arresters and limiters for the protection of motors, dry-type transformers, ace’ lighting systoms and cable sheath as wel as fr the protection of converters for dives {8 The 3EE2 porcelain-housed surge arrester forthe protection of generators, motors, melting furnaces and power plants a ‘wel as for G-arrester connections. 15 The 3EK scone housed surge arrester for distribution systams, mediom-voltage switchgear up to 72.5 #Y and ine surge arresters for outdoor use (fig. 4.4-8 and fig. 4.4-9). 'An overview ofthe complete range of Siemens arcestos appears inthe fig. 44-10 109. 4-12, rt aEs5-C aephase SESS-FIGK. “pra aESS4 phase a9 phase High-votage systems, protection of meta-encosad, gas-insuated switchgear and transformers 170 25862 880 800 156 2tenes 444 612 20 2 20 20 4 ais 5 5 10 1013 3 is 1,200 120011,600 1,600 2,100 6 6 6 6 etal ves For further information, please contact, seus 495038633222 rail aesteroserert co Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th yn | 189 Products and Devices 4.5 Instrument Transformers 4.5.1 High-Voltage Instrument Transformers Introduction Electrical instrument transformers transform high currents and voltages to standardized low and easily measurable values that are isolated from the high voltage. When used for metering purposes, instrument transformers provide voltage or current Signals that ave very accurate representations of the transmis sion line values in both magnitude and phase. These signals allow accurate determination of revenue bling. When used for protection purposes, the instrument transformer ‘outputs must accurately represent the transmission line values during both steady-state end transient conditions. These critical signals provide the basis for ccuit-broaker operation under fault conditions, and as such are fundamental to network relebility and security. Instrument transformers used for network contiol supply important information for determining the state of the operating conditions ofthe network. Reliability and security strurent transformer refers tots a Consistently satisty proscribed performance criteria over its expected useful lifetime under specified operating conditions. Security refers to the acceptability and consequences of the Instrument transformer failure mode in the event that it does fail, due either to being subjected to stresses in excess of those for which it was designed, or due to its reaching the end of its expected service life ‘The reliability and security characteristics of an instrument tuansformer are governed by the electrical and insulation design, the manufacturing and processing technology used and the specific physical arrangement. The partial discharge perfor- ‘mance under in-service conditions isa key determining factor in the life expectancy and long-term reliability of an instrument ‘uansformer. IEC stancards require a partial discharge value of less than 10 9C at Ungr. Due to the demanding requirements of today’s HV and EHV networks, the Trench Group has elected to adopt, ‘even more stringent internal requirements. As such, Trench instrument transformers typically perform much better than requited by these standards with proven field experience with tens of thousands of units in operation over more than 50 years in almost every country worldwide. Typical designs are bilimmersed or gas-insulated (fig. 4.5-1). ll-mmersed instrument transformers, The reliability and security of Tench oibinsulated inductive instrument transformers is proven by inservice experience Spanning up to 50 years and more than 10,000 units in service Under a wide variety of different environmental conditions. The transformer is based on state-of-the-art design and a secure failure mode. In the event of unexpected stresses from the Network, sacure fallure is achieved through the use ofa “barrier construction” design in the free oil section, This approach consists (of inserting insulating barriers at strategic points through the free «il space, thereby preventing the formation of fiber bridges. Furthermore a rupture of the housing, particularly of the hallow insuletor with builtin finely graded capacitor bushing, is improbable because of the over-dimansioning of the bushing ‘and the sold electrical connection between the core housing ‘and the ground, Hover pressure occurs, the protection is guaranteed by the: 1m Very thin welded elastic housing 1m Stainless-steel bellows for the oil expansion Both the weldes seam, which connects the upper and lower portions of the head housing, and the metallic bellows are designed to act as pressure ralicf points in the event of sovere internal pressure buildup. Because the unit has a normal internal oil pressure of approxi= imately 1 bar absolute. its possible to design these pressure re points to rupture at very moderate pressures. Additional safety is ‘achieved by the solection of composite insulators, available in the hole range as an alternative to the traditional porcelain. Pressure relief for capacitive voltage transformers is provided by ‘bellows puncture pin and through the use of porcelain, which is strong enough to result in any rapid pressure rise being releesed through the sea plates at the ends ofthe porcelain rather than via explosion of the porcelain itself. Upon request, cilimmersed instrument transformers can also be supplied ‘composite insulators. Gas-insulated instrument transformers The reliability and security of Trench gas-insulated instrument transformers is based on’ 50 years of experience as a manufacturer of instrument transformers covering epoxy resin and oll-paper |B Thousands of gas-insulated instrument transformers in service under a wide variety of cifferent environmental conditions Explosion-proot design ‘The present Trench gas-insulated instrument transformers, were initially designed in 1955 at the request of customers, who sought to achieve explosion-proof operation. SF, 935 insulation, combined with composite insulators, is particularly suitable for this, because in the event of an internal flashover, the pressute increase wil be linear and hence technically manageeble. A controlled pressure relief device at the head of the transformer (rupture disc) eliminates unacceptable mechanical stresses in the housing; i., only the rupture disc is released. Gas escapes, but the complete transformer remains intact and no explosion occurs 190) Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide - 61th Edition Products and Devices 455 Instrument Transformers ‘Most reliable insulction properties ‘SF gas is the main insulation medium between high-voltage ‘and earth potential. A stable quality can be guaranteed by the use of SF, gas according to ANSI/OIN and the fact thar this inert {gas shows no eveing even under the highest electrical end thermal stresses. The insulation properties remain unchanged throughout its lifetime. All ofthese features guarentee an ‘operation period ever many years without any control of the insulation condition Full functional security end monitoring ‘The guaranteed SF, leakage rate is less than 0.5 % per year. The _g2s pressure can be checked on site or by means of a remote contol device, Le,, 2 dansimetar with contacts for remote Control. In the case of loss of SF, pressure, the transformer still ‘operates at rated pressure. Environmentally beneficial under extremely severe conditions SF. gas is absolutely safe for humans. It bears ne ecologically toxic potential and its decomposition products have no deleten- ‘us effects on the environment, ¢.g., groundwater pollution, This SF gas insulation medium allows easy waste management of the transformers. Furthermore, the hydrophobic features of ‘the composite insulator result in problam-frae service even under saline fog or polluted conditions. As @ long-term benefit, the change of cores or windings, even after years, can be realized easily for new requirements lke additional metering, Current transformers Al Trench current transformer (CT) designs are based on “head type" construction, CTs are available with either oil (ig. 4.5-2) or ‘SF gas dielectric systems (fig. 4.5-3) Features of oilimmersod type © Low weight and minimum oll volume 1m Excellent seismic performance as a consequence of the ‘optimized design of flanges, vast choice of porcelain strengths and their interconnection and low weight 1 Available for the full voltage range of 72.5 kV up to S50 KV and full curtent range of 0.5 A up to 5,000 A multiple-turn primaries for small primary currents, Retio chenge eveileble either on primary side or secondary side © Short, symmetscally arranged low-1eactance bar-type primary conductor permits higher short circuit currents up to 80 KA and avoids laige voltage drop across the primary ‘winding 1 Excellent control of internal and external insulation stresses through the use of a proprietary finely graded bushing system 1 Hermetically sealed by stainless-steel metalic bellows and high-cualty gaskets 1H Uniformly distributed secondary windings guarantee accurate transformation at both rated and high currents 1m Essentially unaffected by strey extemal magnetic flelds IH Stable accuracy over a long period of time 1 Perfact transient performance 1 Exclusive use of corrosion-resistant materials | Full range of products available with composite insulator We ro ia 5:2: 245 KV oltimmersed current transformers Fig, 45-1: 230 KV gasinsulated current transformers (on the left) and 230 kV ‘insulated capacitor voltage transformers (onthe right) Fig, 45:3: 550 kV gatsnsulated current transformer Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 191 Products and Devices 45 Instrument Transformers Features of gas-insuloted tronstormer 1§ Explosion-proof design by the compressible insulation ‘medium SF. gas and rupture disc 1m Excellent seismic perfarmance due to the properties of the composite insulator 1m Available forthe full voltage range of 72.5 kV up to 800 KV and full curtent range of 100 A.up to 4.800 A '® Low-reactance, bartype primary providing optimal short circuit performance 1 Optimum field grading is accomplished by fine condenser _grading system especially daveloped for this application. | Muliple-turn primaries for small primary currents and uniformly distributed secondary windings guarantee accurate ‘wansformation at both rated and high currents WW Stable accuracy over a long period of time 1m Perfect transient performance 1m Exclusive use of corrosion-resistant materials 1 Core chenges after assembly do not require the destruction of the high-voltage insulation Inductive voltage transformers Inductive voltage transformers are designed for 72.5 kV t0 {800 kV systems and are used to provide voltage for metering and protection applications. They are available with either oil ig. 4.5-4) of SF gas dielecric systems (ig. 45-5). Fig, 45:4:265kV olbimmersed Fg, 4.5-5°765 kV gas-insulated Features of oll-immersed typi voltage transformer voltage transformer © Low weight end minimum oil volume 1m Excellent seismic performance as 2 consequence of optimized designs of flanges, large choice of porcelain strengths and theirinterconnection and low weight 1 Available for the full voltage range of 72.5 kV up to 550 kV. © Excellent control of internal and external insulation stresses through the use of a proprietary finely graded bushing system © Optimized high-voltage coil ensures identical electric stresses under both transient and steady-state conditions 1m Essentially unatfected by stray external magnetic fields 1B Hermetically sealed stainless-steel metalic bellows for units rated 123 kV and above Wm Stable accuracy over a long period of time 1 Perfect transient performance 1m Suitable for line discharging © Applicable 2s a low-cost alternative to small power transformer Exclusive use of corrosion-resistant materials 1B Full range of products eveileble with composite insulator 3 Ni Features of gas-insuloted tronsformer | Explosion-proof design by the compressible insulation medium SF, gas and rupture cise 1H Excellent seismic performence due to the properties of the composite insulator of 1 Available forthe full voltage range of 72.5 kY up to 800 kV : | Optimum field grading is accomplished by fine condenser grading system especially daveloped for this application 4 (Wide range fervoresonance-free design without the use of an ‘external damping device (please ask for details) Fig. 45-6: 765KV capacitor Fig, 45-7:8C divider 1m Essentially unaffected by external stray magnetic fields voltage transformer OR 192 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide - 61th Edition Products and Devices 455 Instrument Transformers Wm stable accuracy over a long period of time 1B Suitable for line discharging 1 Optimized high-voltage coil ensures identical electric stresses under both transiant and steady state conditions Exclusive use of corrosion-resistant materials Applicable as a low-cost alternative to small power ‘wansformer Capacitor voltage transformer (oll-Immersed) Coupling capacitors (CC) ere utilized to couple high-frequency cartiar signals to the power line. A CC supplied with an electeo- ‘magnetic unit is called a capacitor voltage transformer (CVT) and is used to provide voltage for metering and protection applica: tions (fig. 4.5:6). Features 1 Capable of carrier coupling PLC signals to the network 18 Optimized insulation system design utilizing state-of-the-art processing techniques with either mineral cll or synthetic insulating fluids 1m Stability of capacitance and accuracy over a long period of time due to superior clamping system design © Oil expansion by way of hermetically sealed stainless-steel bellows ensures the integrity of the insulation system over time 1 Bellows puncture pin provides for release of internal pressure in the event of severe service conditions leading to internal discharges m Extra-high-stvength porcelains provide both superior seismic performance and the ability to mount lage line traps directly, ‘on the CVT with corresponding savings in installed cost | Maintenance-tree oil-filled cast aluriinum basobox 1© Superior transient response characteristics 1H Internal company routine tests and quality requirements exceed those of international standards with impulse tests and partial discharge test being performed on a routine basis 1 Not subject to ferroresonance oscillations with the network or circuit-breaker capacitor 'm High-capacitance CVTs, when installed in close proximity to FAV circultbreakers, can provide enhanced circuit breaker short fine faulUTRV performance Flectronic voltage measuring system for HVDC Trench offers special voltage transformers for HVDC systems. These units are primarily used to control the HV valves of the rectifiers or inverse rectifiers. The measuring system consists of ‘an RC voltage divider that provides inputs to a specially designed electronic power amplifier (ig. 4.5-7). The high-voltage divider can be supplied either for outdoor operation or for installation Into SE, gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) ‘The resulting system can accurately transform voltages within 2 defined burden range with linear frequency response of up to approximately 10 kiiz. Thus, the system is ideal for measure- ‘ment of dynamic and transient phenomena and harmonics associated with HVDC systems. ‘Combined instrument transformer ‘The combined instrument transformer offers the station designer the abilty of being able to accommodate the current ‘tranéformer and the voltage transformer in ane free-standing Unit. This allows optimum use of substation space while yielding cost savings by elimination of one set of mounting pads and Support structures. In addition, installation time is greatly reduced. CITs are available with either ol (fig. 4.5-8) or SF gas dielectric systems (fig. 4.5-9) Fig. 45-9: 245 KV gascinsulated combined Instrument transformer Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 193 Products and Devices 45 Instrument Transformers Features of ol-immersed combined instrument transformers 1B Low weight and minimum oil volume © Short symmetrically arranged low-reactance, bar-type primary conductor permits higher short-circuit currents and avoids large voltage drop ecross primery winding 'm Excellent control of internal and external insulation stresses through the use of a proprietary finely graded bushing system © Asailable for the full voltage range of 72.5 kV up to 300 KV and full curtent range of 0.5 A up to 5,000 A 1 Excellent seismic capability as a consequence of optimized design of fiangos, large choice of porcelain strengths and theirinterconnection and low weight 1 Hermetically sealed by stainless-steel metalic bellows and high-quality gaskets 1 Only one foundation required in the snitchyaid as 2 consequence of combining the voltage and current-sensing functions in one transformer | Uniformly distributed secondary windings guarantee accurate transformation at both rated ané high current 1m Essentially unaffected by strey external megnetic fields 1 Stable accuracy over a long period of time 1m Perfect transient performance 1 Suitable for line discharging 1m Exclusive use of corrosion-resistant materials 15 Full range of products available with composite insulator Features of gas-insuloted combined instrument wansformers Nl Head-iype design with voltage transformer section located on top of the current transformer Low weight and compact SF, design © Explosion-proof design by the compressible insulation medium SF, gas and rupture aise © Excellent seismic performence due to the properties of the composite insulator 15 The single-section high-voltage coll (not cascaded) of the voltage transformer section enables a product range for combined instrument transformers of up to 800 kV 18 Optimurn field grading is accomplished by a fine condenser ‘grading system especially developed for this application 1 Wide-range ferroresonance-free design without the use of an cexternel demping device ' Low-reactance type primary conductor allows for high short-circuit currents and covers all core standards 1 Less foundation space required compared to individual current transformers and voltage transformers 1 Suitable for line discharging 1m Essentially unaffected by external stray magnetic fields 1 Exclusive use of corrosion-resistant materials Instrument transformer for GIS Inaddition to the measurement of the voltages and currents, this instrument transformer type has the best discharge Capabilities for HV lines (fig. 45-10). Features of inductive type | Custom-designed instrument transformers for each specific application and extended function designs comply with dimensional restrictions, flange sizs and insulator requiternants 1m standard designs for 1-phase and 3-phase units |B Meets al national and international standards with regard to pressure vessel codes 1m Prevention of accurrence of stable forroresonances by integrated ferroresonence suppression 1M Shielded against transient overvoltages in accordance with IEC standards. Special additional shielding is available 15 Guaranteed SF, leakage rate of less than 0.5 % per year | Equipped with pressure relief disc and deflection device | All components are designed and tested for mechanical stress ‘to withstand up to at least 20 g |B Accuracy classes in accordance with DIN VDE 0414, TEC 60044, ANSI: IEEE C57.13, AS 1243 (other standards or ‘classes on request) Shock indicators warn against inadmissible acceleration ‘during transportation Features of RC type Resistive-capacitive voltage dividers, also called resistive: capacitive voltage transformers, are designed for measurement Of the voltage in HVDC transmission systems, airinsulated (A'S) (or g2s-insulated (GIS) switchgear (fig. 4.5-11). In AC transmis- sion systems, the transformers are used for the measurement of harmonics and they give an accurate representation of the voltege over @ wide frequency bend (typically from DC up to 500 kiiz) RC divider for voltage measurements 5 Conform to microprocessor-besed secondary technology | Ferroresonance-free Able to surtain voltage test on site Im f-phase or 3-phase system 1 Significant size and weight reduction Fig. 45-10: 145 KV inductive Fig, 45:11: Voltago traneducer voltage transformer 14S kV series, for is ACT (active part) for HVGIS 194, Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide - 61th Edition Products and Devices 455 Instrument Transformers LoPo - the low-power transducers ‘The low-power current and voltage transducers (fig. 4.5-12) can bbe used for a wide range of medium and high-voltage applica tons in which they replace the conventional measuring trans- foimers for measurement and protection purposes. Features |W The voltage transducers are based on resistive as well as resistive-capactive dividers (8 The current transducers are based on an iron-core or an ait core design and provide a secondary voltage that represants the primary current © Standard cables and connectors; twisted pair and double shielded cable © Connection capability for multile protection and measuring devices | Metai-clad housing ensuring operator safety |B Immune to all methods of online switchgear and cable testing 1 Current transducers provide a linear transmission up to short- circuit current | Completoly EMC shiolded: immune to RFI/EMI Advantoges 1m System conforms to low-power digital microprocessor-based technology for protection and metering 1m Simple assembly with compact size and low weight. ‘Application Current measurement NS substation . : . ls substation ; Power transformer . (low ourpud) Line discharge 5 Messurement of harmonies Twe losk «SAS SADISA—VEOTL Eos Internat insulation Ol. Seas: it. technelogy Immersed instlates immersed Metering tachnolegy Inductive Composite inaulotor —* : 5 Porcelain insulator : 5) Replaceable cores zi Voltage range (kv) 725-580 725-800 725-800 72.5-550 Max. test voltage e006 00 mie (8) Max. impulse 11900 2,100 1,800 ‘withstand 1.2150 (kV) Snitching impulse 1,300 1,550 1,300 test withstand voltage (KY) Tobie 4.5-1: Technical data of Trench instrument transformers. Voltage measurement No secondary circuit problems; voltage transducers are short- ircut-pr0o current transducers can have an open secondary Voltage transducers are ferroresonance-free 1 Environment-fiendly (no oil) ‘An overview of the range of Trench instrument transformers appears in table 4.5-1 Fig. 45-12:Noltage transducer 36 WV ce Wy metal-ded switchgear Combined current and voltge ‘measurement NS GT RYT. SUDISUVOKT. SVS Sf.g3s- Ot Ol. Fe gas: Inshatea immersed immersee insulates Inductive Capacitive Resistive ane capacitive 725-800 725-765 725-800 725-300 123-800 960 07s 604600 2100-2425 2100 1,050 2,100, 11850 1,200 1550 850 1,550 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th yn | 195 Products and Devices 45 Instrument Transformers 4.5.2 Medium-Voltage Instrument Transformers The task of instrument transformers is to transform high currents and voltages into small current o* voltage values for measuring or protection purposes. Thus they are used either to measure and record the twansmitted power, or to feed protection dovices with evaluable signals, which enable the protection device, for example, to trip a switching device depending on the situation. Current transformers In this context, curtent transformers (fig. 4.5-13, left) can be regarded as transformers working in short circuit. The full ‘normal curtent flows through their primary side. Devices connected on the secondary side are series-connected, Currant ttansformers can have several secondary windings with mag- netically separated cores of the same or different characteristics. For example, thay can be equipped with two measuring cores of different accuracy, or with measuring and protection cores with Fig. 45-13: Medium-voltage current (left) and voltage (right) dlifforont accuracy-limit factors. transformer Voltage transformers Voltage transformers (fig. 4.5-13, right) contain only one magnet care, They are normally designed with one secondary winding only. f necessary, 1-pole insulated voltage transformers {are provided with an additional winding for earth-fault detection in addition to the secondary winding (measuring winding). Table 4.5-2 shows the Trench portfolio of medium-voltage instrument transformers. centtransformertype AMAT Blocktype _AMBI block-type 4MC2 bushing-type 4MC3 bushing type AMEI outdoor Current transformertyP® current transformer current transformer currentransformet current transformer current transformer Rated voltage saves wins WV ADRZEKY —IZVIRSAVIZGRYZRIZAWVIZERY 12 AVI24 RY 368vi52 fated normal current 10-2,500 1500-6,000 A 150-3,000 1000-10,000 6 541.2008, uttiatio Primary or secondary Secondary multirato Secondary mutiratio Secondary muttratio Primary or secondary uta ‘ultra Number of possible cores 3 3 4 4 3 ‘Thermal limit rating Voltage transformer type Rated voltage: Rated powerdaccuracy lass ‘of eartvfeult detection winding ‘MRD, 440k iy 20va02 100 vas 200 vari 230 VAG AY indoor, -pole and 2-pole, 2a 20vn0.2 Ano VAIO 200 vali smal ype was, 4186 mv 30 va0.2 soo vans 2001 350 VA AT indoor 1 pole and 2 pole aw 45 N02 ADOVANS. 200 vA lerge type dew 50 VN0.2 100VAIOS, 200 vt aMs3 ray 30VN0.2 sno vara 200VAt 230VA4 At outdoor, t-pole 2a 30VN02 100 VAIS 200A 230 VAG AY aMs4 3env 6ovN0.2 150VAN0S. 400VAt ger ves cn weaest Tobie 45-2: Portfolio of medium-voltage instrument transformers 196 siemens Eneray Sector - Power Encineering Guide -6.1th Edition Products and Devices 4.6 Coil Products (HV) Introduction With 40 yeats of successful field exparience, Trench is the recognized world leader in the design and menufecture of air core, dry-type, power reactors forall utility and industrial applications. The unique custom design approach, along with fully integrated engineering and manufacturing facilities in North America, Europe and China have enabled Trench to ‘become the technica! leader for high-voltage inductors world- wide. ‘Adeep commitment tothe power industry, along with extensive Investmentin engineering, manufacturing and test capability, sive Trench customers the utmost in high-quality, reliable products that are ingividually designed for each application. Trench reactor applications have grown from smalldistibution Class, current-limiting reactors to complex EHV-applied reactors surpassing 300 MVA per coil. Reactors are manufactured in accordance with the !SO 9001 {quality standard. Trench’s highly developed research and development program constantly addresses new technologies ‘and their potential application in reactor products. Trench welcomes challenges for new applications for power reactors, Design features Design features of air-core dry-type reactors are: 1 Epoxy impregnated, fibergiass-oncapsulated construction | Aluminum construction throughout with all current carrying, connections welded 1 Highest mechanical and short-circuit strength © Essentially zero radial-voltage stress, with uniformly graded, axial-voltage distribution between terminals 5 Low noise levels are maintained throughout the life of the reactor 1m Weatherproof construction, with minimum maintenance requirements 1m Design service life in excess of 30 years 1m Designs available in compliance with ANSUIEEE, IEC and other major standards Construction [A Trench air-core éry-type reactor consists of a number of parallo-connected, individually insulated, aluminum (capper on request) conductors (fig. 4.6-1). These conductors can be small wire or proprietary cables custom-designed and custom- ‘manufactured. The size and type of conductor used in each reactor is dependent on the reactor specification, The various, styles and sizes of conductors available ensure optimum performance at the most economical cost. ‘The windings are mechanically reinforced with epoxy resin impregnated fiberglass, which after a carefully defined oven ‘cure cycle produces an encapsulated coll. A network of horizon: tal and vertical fiberglass ties coupled with the encapsulation ‘minimizes vibration in the reactor and achieves the highest available mechanical strength. The windings are terminated at tifting eyenut Metalic spider Cooling duct spacers Terminal Fig, 4.61: Typical Trench air-core dry type roactor construction ‘each end to a set of aluminum bars called a spider. This con- struction results in a very rigid unit capable of withstanding the stresses developed under the most severe short-circuit condi- tions. Exceptionally high levels of terminal pul, tensile strength, wind loading and seismic withstand can be accommodated with the Feactor, This unique design can be installed in all ypes of climates and environments and still offer optimum performance. Trench aircore dry-type reactors are installed in polluted and ‘corrosive areas and supply trouble-free operation. in addition to the standard fied reactance type of coll, units can be supplied with teps for variable inductance. A number of methods are available to vary inductance for fine-tuning orto provide a range of larger inductance steps. In addition, Trench utilzes various other designs for reactors, £9, iron-core and mater-cooled. Series reactors Reactors are connected in series with the line ot feeder. Typical uses are fault-current reduction, load balancing in paralle!, Circuits, limiting intush currents of capacitor banks, et. Currentlimiting teactors CCurrent-limiting reactors reduce the short-circuit current to levels within the rating of the equipment on the load side of the reactor (fig, 4.6-2). Applications range from the simple distribu: ton feeder reactor to large bus-tie and load-balancing reactors (on systems rated up to 765 kVI2 100 KY BIL Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th n |397 Products and Devices 4.6 Coil Products (HV) opecitor reactors Capacitor reactors are designed to be installed in series with a shunt-connected capacitor bank to limit inrush currents due to ‘switching, to limit outrush currents due to close-in faults, and to control the resonent frequency of the system due to the adcition Of the capacitor banks. Reactors can be installed on system voltages through 765 kV/2 100 kY BIL. When specifying capacitor reactors, the requested continuous current rating should account for harmonic current content, tolerance on capacitors and allowable system overvoltage. Buffer reactors for electric arc furnaces ‘The most effective use of buffer reactors for electric arc furnaces (EA) is achioved by operating the furnace atlow electrode current and long arc length. This requires the use ofa series, reactor in the supply system of the arc furnace transformer for stabilizing the arc. Duplex reactors Duplex reactors are current fimiting reactors thet consist of two half coils, wound in opposition. These reactors provide a desirable low reactance under normal conditions and 2 high reactance under fault conditions. Load-flow contro! reactors Load-flow control reactors are series-connected on transmission lines of up to 800 kV. The reactors change the ine impedance characteristic such thet load flow can be controlled, thus ensuring ‘maximum power transfer over agjacent transmission lines. Filter reactors Filter reactors are used in conjunction with capacitor banks 10 {orm series tuned hermonic filter circuits, or in conjunction with capacitor banks and resistors to form broadband harmonic filter Circuits. When specifying filter reactors, the magnitudes of fundamental and harmonic frequency current should be indicated. f inductance adjustment for fine-tuning is requires, the required tapping range and tolerances must be specified. Many fiter applications require a Q actor thatis very much lower than the natural Q of the reactor. This is often achieved by connecting @ resistor in the circuit. ‘An economical alternative isthe addition of a de-Qing ting structure on 2 reactor. This can reduce the Q actor of the reactor ‘by as much as one tenth without the necessity of installing adcitionel damping resistors. These rings, mounted on the reactor, are easily coupled to the magnetic field of the reactor. This eliminates the concer of space, connection and reliability of additional components such as resistors. Shunt reactors ‘Shunt reactors are used to compensate for capacitive VARS ‘generated by lightly loaded transmission lines or underground cables, They are normally connected to the transformer tertiary winding but can also be diractly connacted on systems of up to 115 kV. Fig, 4.6.2:3-phaso stacked currantslimiting reactor Pde ine ie Fig, 46-2 Tertiny-connected shunt reactors 198 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide - 61th Edition Products and Devices 4.6 Coil Products (HV) ‘Thyristor-controlled shunt reactors (TCR) are extensively used in Static VAR systems in which reactive VARs are adjusted by thyristor circuits (fig, 4.6-3). Static VAR compensator reactor applications normally include: |B Thyristor-controlled shunt reactors. The compensating power is changed by controling the current through the reactor by means of the thyristor valves. 1m Thyristor-switehed reactors (TSR) \§ Thyristor-switched capacitor reactors (TSC) 1 Filter reactors (FR) HVDC reactors HVDC lines are used for long-distance bulk power transmission as well as back-to-back intarconnactions between differant ‘ensmission networks. HVDC reactors normally include smooth- ing reactors, AC and DC harmonic filter reactors, as woll as AC ‘and DC PLC noise filter reactors. ‘Smoothing reactors ‘Smoothing reactors (fig. 4.6-4) ae used to reduce the magni: ‘tude of the ripple current in a DC systam. They ate used in power electronics applications such as variable-speed drives end UPS systems. They are also required on HVDC transmission lines for system voltages of up to 500 kV. Several design and construction techniques are offered by Trench. Talim iecen hated nifritane withinipomer AARC sys ng cf eeuerar totcheerry sores Neutral earthing reactors Neutral earthing reactors limit the ine-to-earth faut current to specified levels. Specification should also include unbalanced condition continuous current and duration. ‘Arc-suppression coils ‘Single-phase neutral earthing (grounding) reactors (ar: Suppression coils) are intended to compensate for the capacitive line-o-earth current during a 1-phese earth fault, The arc suppression coil (ASC) represents the central element of the Tench earth-fault protection system (fig. 4.6-5). tance of the ASC used for neutral earthing must be variable, The bil | fe ‘earth-fault detection system developed by Trench utilizes the ee plunger core coil moveable-core design). Based on extensive om ‘experience in design, construction and application of ASCs, Tench products can meet the most stringent requirements for cearth-fault compensating techniques Fig. 46:5: Arc-suppression coil 110 kv Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th yn | 199 Products and Devices 4.7 Bushings 4.7.1 High-Voltage Bushings [A bushing is an electrical engineering component that insulates {high-voltage conductor passing through a metal enclosure or a building. Bushings are needed on: (© Transformers Buildings 1 Gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) © Generators 1H Other high-voltage equipment Typical environmental concitions are Oilto-air 1 Ollto-gas ‘The internal insulation of a bushing is made of a combination of different isolation materials: 1 Oil-impregnated paper 1B Epoxy resin-impregnated paper SF, gas, The external insulation is made of: 1 Epoxy resin for indoor applications 1 Porcelain or fibergiass tubes with sil ‘outdoor epplication ‘one rubber sheds for Selected stete-of-the-art bushing designs are described in the sections that follow. Transformer bushings oll-impregnated paper (OIF) design ‘An oilimpregnated paper transformer bushing is mede of the following components (fig. 4.7-1): 1. Terminel ‘Terminal (Alor Cu) for connection of overhead lines or busbars and arcing horns, State-of-the-art designs provide maincenance- fee termination and ensures that the connection will not ‘become loose in service. 2. Assembly ‘The whole bushing is tightened together by the central tube oF conductor. 3.Head ‘Al-casted head with oll expansion chamber and cil level indicator. The chamber is hermetically sealed against the atmosphere. 4.oilf State-of-the-art bushings are filed with dried, degassed insulating mineral oil Fig, 47-1: General design of an ollmpregnated paper transformer bushing (sectional view) 5. Insulator Porcelain insulator made of high-grade electrotechnical porce- lain according to IEC 815. The insulator is connected to the ‘mounting flange using Portland cement and sealad with O-ring ‘gasket. Composite insulators are increasingly demanded and are readily available. 6. Active part The active part is made of el-impregnated wide-band paper with leyers of aluminum foil to control the electical field radially and ‘axially. Depending on the current rating, the paper and foil ae ‘wound on either a central tube or a solid conductor. 7. Flange ‘The mounting flange with integrated test tap made of corrosion {ree aluminum alloy ig machined to ensure an excellent seat between the bushing and the transformer. 200 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide -6.1th Edition Products and Devices 47 Bushings 8.CT pocket I current transformers ate required on the bushing, the ground sleeve can be extended. 9. Ollside end ‘The insulator on the ol side is made of an epoxy resin tube. Its designed to stay installed during the in-tank drying process of the transformer and can withstand temperatures of up to 130°C. 10. End shielding For voltages starting with §2 KV, a special aluminum electrode is ‘astinto the end of the epoxy resin tube. This end shielding Controls the electrical field strength in this area to earth, Transformer bushings: ‘epoxy rosin-impregnated paper (ERIP) design Modutar system Modarn ERIP bushings (Fig. 4.7-2) are constructed in a modular system, They have standardized components. An adaptation to requested croopage distances, flange dimensions and so on is, easily possible. connections ‘The modular bushing systems offer a large choice of connecting systems. At the upper end of the bushing head, there is @ damp through which the conductor or the cable bolts fixed. A releesable cross-pinned fitting atthe clamping device prevents it ‘rom slipping into the transformer during operation. in addition, it serves as locking element, The bolt is sealed through double seals. The clamp is made of stainless steel and all screws are of ‘non-corrosive steel. The venting of the central tube is located on ‘one side under the edge of the clamp and cen be operated independently of the conductor bolt. In addition to the cable bolt, solid conductor bolts are available, e9., for higher-current applications, These bolts ere wedged aczinst the inner wall of the central tube with insulated spacers. Solid conductor bolts can be provided with a separation point. preferably atthe flange fr to suit any particular case, The bolts are equipped with 2 threaded hole at the top, so that a draw wire or a rod can be screwed in and the bolt pulled through the central tube, ‘Transformer bushings: high current High current bushings for transtormer-to-phase busbar isolated connections are designed for 17.5 kV to 38 KV and currents from {6,300 A to 31,500/40,000 A. Conductors are either aluminum or ‘copper. The main insulation is vacuum-impregnated epoxy condenser (fig. 4.7-3). e100 condoner re ‘Chaceemmodston length Fare Cena ube ‘Sight gs TF only Head eteeny Comal tbe vert ‘Clap tinge 10 Draw eaiernnat 1 2 3 4 foctain besa 5 é A 6 5 2 Omegeapin 43 Netty Pee sszorencoe The pint a tp ieutrneahe nthe ome ‘peng iaeine screen ca. fr teste proces emmspirasodei nude stipes be ep ard ‘Sinadmmpiogcanbe reneeotothe pga ‘lg, 47.2; Transformer bushing - epoxy resinimpreanated paper (ERP) design Mauna tei —/ ig, 4.7.3: Wanstormer bushing - high curcent Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th 201 Products and Devices 47 Bushings Other transformer bushings: ell-to-gas and ol-to-oll Cil-to-gas types are intended for the direct connection of power transformers to gas-insulated switchgear: Oilto-oil types are intended for the direct connections within the power transform- (fa. 4.7-4), Both consist of a main insulating body of RIP (epoxy resin-impregnated paper). The condenser core is made of special epoxy resin vacuum-impregnated paper incorporating 20% notacceptatle Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 211 O1 Transformers 5.2 Reliability and Project Perfomance Methods tke, Kaizen, 5S and methods and tools from Six Sigma 2.9, OMAIC circle, FMEA, IPO are helpful in supporting this continuous improvement process (fig. 5.2-3). ‘Management commitment Every manager in a company also bears responsibilty for quality Thus, each manager's actions must be characterized by a high level of quality awareness. ‘The level of commitment shown by all levels of managementin the event of quality problems, the establishment of quality demands and the cteation of targeted quality controls in day-to-day work together produce a culture in which there isa high lavel of quality. contro! and support role ofthe quality manager ‘The role of the quality manager is of fundamental importance for well-running processes. The quality manager combines @ supporting role with that of a neutral controller. Quality ‘management must be directly involved in processes and projects. The independence of the quality department and individual quality managers in the processes and projects must bbe guaranteed and egreed by top management. Conclusion ‘Te quality of a transformers based on the quality ofall processes that are necessary ~ from project acquistion to project closing. The qulity ofthe processes depends essentially on people. Only well-trained and motivated empioyeas are ble to quarantee thet @ process will be performed with a high degree of quality. etemurtbo done nee provetng lender toechove ‘mioruncte “he gon “eaulamenis_ ig, §.2.2: DMAIC ree ‘A Stnderd C5717, 1986, Gc or tering olure Dat for Power Fanfarners ‘nd snort Reactors on Fecie Ut Powe: Sere 5.3 Transformer Loss Evaluation The sharply increased cost of electrical energy has made it almost mandatory for buyers of electrical machinery to carefully ‘evaluate the inherent losses of these items. For distribution and power transformers, which operate continuously and most Frequently in loaded condition, this consideration is especially important. As an example, the added cost of loss-optimized transformers can in most cases be recovered via savings in ‘energy use in less than three years. Low-loss transformers use more and better materials for their ‘construction and are thus intially more expensive than low-cost transformers. By stipulating loss evaluation figures in the ‘transformer inquiry, the manufacturer receives the necessary incentive to provide a loss-optimized transformer rather than the low-cost model. Detailed loss evaluation methods for transform ‘rs have boon developed and aro described accuratoly in the literature. These methods take the project-specific evaluation factors of a given customer into account. A simplified method for ¢ quick evaluation of cifferent quoted ‘transformer losses makes the following assumptions: rhe transformers are operated continuously. The transformers operete at partial load, but this pertal load isconstant. {© Additional cost and inflation factors are not considered. 'm Demand charges are based on 100% load, The total cost of owning and operating a transformer for one year is thus defined a5 follows 1 Capital cost (taking into account the purchase price (C,). the interest rate (p) and the depreciation period (n) © Costof no-load loss (Cy) based on the no-load loss () and energy cost (C) 1 Cost of load loss (Cy) based on the load loss (P), the ‘equivalent annua load factor (a) and energy cost (C.) 1 Cost resulting from demand charges (C,) besed on the amount st by the utility and the total kW of connected load (69.5.3-0) The following examples show the difference between a low-cost transformer and a loss-optimized transformer (fig. 5.3-2). Note that the lowest purchase price is unlike the total cost of ‘ownership. 212, Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide - 61th Edition ransformers 5.3 Transformer Loss Evaluation Capital cost {aking into account the purchate price Cte intrect atop, andthe dopredation peied n Ge= Cp+r/100 [amountlyear] (6p = purchase pice =p: qr(@t-1)~ deprciaton factor 9 =p/100+ 1 ~ intrest factor Cost of no-load loss based onthe no oad less and energy cost G, Cro = Co+8,760 h/year: Pp = energy charges {amount lh] Py, —no-oad los [KW] Costof load loss, basedon the om loss the equialont anual fond factoe a, nd onsry cost, Grx = Ce 8,760 h/year a? Py 4g =constent oppertion lad ated load P= copper loss (kW) Cost resulting from demand charges based on the no-load less Py and energy cst 0, Gy=Ca(Po+ Pd Gy demand charges lemount! yea] Fi, 5.3:1:Caleulation ofthe individual operation cost of a ‘wansformer in one year ‘Example: Distribution transformer Depreciation eres rn = 20yons «Depreciation bverostate Da 2%p.2.-tacorr= 13.39 Energy charce Com 0.25 €1hmh Demand charge Cq~ 350.€/4W- yeu) Equialant annua los factor... a 08 A.Low-cost transformer: 2. Loss-optimized transformer Peat rotoadioss PyaT6kN — nolcac lee 2.167 KW lead ss Pk 1244 ladles Gy"€521,000 purchase price = 521,000.13.39 = 585,000.13 29 ees 00 ee = €66,762Iyear = €79,332Iye0" Gp= 02: 8760:19 Gw= 02-8760: 16 = €33,288\yea" = €28,032/year Gq 028760-0.64 167 = €187,2541year Ca 02-8700:0.58- 126 = €1390391ye0r Gp ~ 350-(19+ 167) = €65,100/yea: Gp ~ 350-06 +124) = €49,000/year “Tota cest of awning and ‘ota cor of owning nd ‘operating thi raretermer ‘parating thi tranetormer enue enue (€355 408iyeor 294 4021year ‘The energy saving ofthe optimized dstribution transformer of -€61,001 per year pays forthe increased purchase pricein ess ‘ban'ene year Fig, 5.32; Example fr cost saving with optimized distribution transformer Gy €585000. purchase pice Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th n | 213 ol ‘Transformers 5.4 Power Transformers 5.4.1 Large Power Transformers In the power range above 200 MVA, generator and network Interte transformers with off-load or on-load tap changers or 2 ‘combination of both, are recommended, Depending on the on-site requirements, they can be designed as multiwinsing transformers ‘or autotransformers, in 3-phase or 1-phase versions. Even with ratings of more than 1,000 MWA and voltages up to 765 KV (800 KV), the feasibility limits have not yet been reached. We ‘manufacture these units according to IEC 60076 as well as other Intemational and national standards (e.9., ANSINEEE), (fg. 5.4-1), Genarator step-up (GSU) transformers GSU units transform the voltage up from the generator voltage level to the transmission voltage level, which may be as hich as 1300 KV systom voltage, Such transformers are usually YNo-con- nected. In order to make an inquiry regarding 2 GSU power transformer, the technical data for the items in this section are required. Step-down transformers ‘Step-down transformers transform the veltage down from the ‘uansmission voltage level to an appropriate cistibution voltage level. The power rating of step-down transformers may range up to the power rating of the transmission line. ‘system interconnecting transformers. ‘System interconnecting transformers connect trensmission systems with different voltages together so that active as well as reactive power cen be exchanged between the systems Main specification data mi Standard | Installation - indoorloutdoor 1 Max. ambient air temperature 1m Rated frequency f Vector group m Rated power S 1m Primary rated voltage Uy 1m Tapping rangeltaps |B Voltage regulation | Secondary rated voltage Uy 1 impedence uy tS, and U, | Max, sound power level Lyi, |W Insulation level HV-Ph ~ U,/ACILT 1H Insulation level HV-N ~ U,/AGILT insulation level LV-Ph ~ U,/ACILI Type of cooling | HV connection technique Lv connection technique |§ Trensportation medium Losses Fig 5.41: Large power transformer 1214 Siemens Eneray Sector -PonerEncineering Gude -6.1th Edition Transformers 5.4 Power Transformers 5.4.2 Medium Power Transformers Medium power transformers with a power range from 40 to 250 MIVA and a voltage of ever 72.5 KV are used as network and ‘generator step-up transformers (fig. 5.4-2). Specific items 1H Transformer design according to national and international standards (IECIANS) with or without voltage regulation 1m 3-phase or t-phase 'm Tank-attached radiators or separate radiator banks Main specification data | Numbar of systems (HY, LV, TV) 1 Voltage and MVA rating 1m Regulation range and type Vector group 1m Frequency Losses or capitalization 1 Impedances 1 Type of cooling 1 Connection systems (bushing, cable) 1H Noise requirements (no-load, load andlor total noise) Special insulation fluid © Application of high tempereturefextra small size operation 5.4.3 Small Power Transformers ‘Small power transformers are distribution transformers from 5 10 30 WVAwith a maximum service voltage of 145 kV, They are used ‘as network transformers in distribution networks (fig. 5.43) This type of transformer is normally a 3-phase application and designed according to national and international standards. The low-voltage windings should be designed as foil or layer windings. The high-voltage windings should use layer or disc ‘execution, including transposed conductors. Normally. the cooling type is ONAN (oil-natura,air-natural) or ONAF (oll-natu- ‘al, airforced) The tapping can be designed with off-crcuit or ‘onload tap changers (OCTC or OLTC), ‘Main specification data 1H Voltage and MVA rating 'm Frequency 1 Regulation range end type m Vector group BH Losses or capitalization impedances 1 Noise requirements 1H Connection systems (bushing, cable) 1 Weight limits @ Dimensions 18 Information about the place of installation 1 Special insulation fuié © Application of high tempereturelextra small size operation 1 ype of cooling Fig. 5.4.2: Medium power transformer with natural ol based insulation fluid ig, 5.82:Small power transformer Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th n | 215 Ol ‘Transformers 5.5 Reactors In AC networks, shunt reactors and series reactors are widely sad in tha system to limit the avervoltage ar to limit the short-circuit current. With more high-voltage overheed lines with long transmission distance and increasing network ‘capacity, both types of reactors play an important role in the ‘modern network system, Made for every requirements Gil filed reactors are manufactured in two versions: 1B With an jon core divided by air gaps 1W Without an iron core, with 2 magnetic return circuit Oil filled reactors offer individual solutions: They satisfy all the specified requirements regarding voltage, rating, type of ‘operation, low-noise and low loss and type of cooling, as well as transportation end installation. ‘The windings, insulation tank monitoring devices and connec- tion method are practically the same as those found in the construction of transformers. Shunt reactors For extra-high-voltage (EHV) transmission lines, due to the long distence, the space between the overhead line and the ground ‘naturally forms a capacitor parallel tothe transmission line, which causes an inciease of voltege along the distence. Depend- ing on the distance, the profile ofthe line and the power being {tansmited, @ shunt eactor is necessary either atte fine terminals or in the mide, A immersed shunt reactor is @ solution, The advanced design and production technology will ensure the product has low loss end low ncise level ‘Shunt reactors also can be built es adjustable shunt reactors. This offers the possibilty in fine tuning the system voltage and also the reduction of high voltage equipment by substitution of several unregulated reactors by a regulated one. Series reactors When the network becomes larger, sometimes the short-circuit Current on a transmission line will exceed the short-circuit current rating of the equipment. Upgreding of system voltage, ‘upgrading of equipment rating or employing high-impedance transformers are far more expensive than installing liquid-Im- -mersed series reectorsin the line. The liquid-immersed design ccanalso significantly save space in the substation Specification Typleally, 3-phase or 1-phase reactors should be considered fist ‘Apart from the insulation level of the reactor, the vector group, ‘vera loss love, noise level and temperature rise should be Considered as main data for the shunt eactor. ‘Although the above data are also nacessary for saris reactors, the rated current, impedance and thermalldynamic stability ‘current should also be specified, Fig, 55-1: Reactor 216, Siemens Eneray Sector -PonerEncineering Gude -6.1th Edition Transformers 5.6 Special Transformers for Industrial Applications ‘Anumber of industry epplications require specific industrial transformers due to the usage of power (current) as 2 major resource for production, Electric arc furnaces (EAF), ladle furnaces (LF) and high-curront rectifiers need a specific design to supply the necessary power at 2 law voltage level. Thase tuensformer types, a5 well as transformers with direct connec- tion to a rectifier are called special-purpose or industrial tuansformers, whose design is tailor-made for high-current solutions for industry applications. Electric arc furnace transformers EAF and LF transformers are roquired for many different furnace [processes and applications. They are built for steel furnaces, ladle furnaces and ferroalloy furnaces, end ere similar to short or submerged arc furnace transformers (fig. 5.6-1) EAF transformers oporate under vary sovore conditions with regard to frequent overcurrents and overvoltages generated by in the furnace and the operation of the HV circui For long-arc steel furnace op tion, additional series reactance is normally required to stabilize the arc and optimize the operation of the furnace applicat process Specitic items EAF transformers are rigidly designed to withstand repeated short-circuit conditions and high thermal stress, and to be protected against operational avervoltages resulting from the arc processes. The Siemens EAF reactors are built as 3-phase type with an iron core, with or without magnetic return circuits, Design options 1 Direct or indirect regulation 1H Onload or novload tap chenger (OLTCINLTC) 1m Built-in reactor for long arc stability 1m Secondary bushing arrangements and designs B Airor water-cooled 1m Internal secondary phase closure (internal delta) Main specification data 1m Rated power, frequency and rated voltage |W Reguletion range end maximum secondary current | Impedance and vector group 1B Type of cooling and temperature of the cooling medium 1H Series reactor and regulation range and type (OLTCINLTC) Dc electric arc furnace transformers Direct-current electric are furnace (DC EAF) transformers are required for many different furnace processes and applications. They are built for steel furnaces with a Thyristor rectifier. DC EAF ‘uansformers operate under vary severe conditions, like rectifier ‘uensformers in general but using rectifier transformers for ‘ig, 56-1: Elactrie are furnace transformer Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th n | 217 Ol ‘Transformers 5.6 Special Transformers for Industri Applications Rectifier transformers Rectifier transformers are combined with a diode or Thytistor rectifier. The applications range from very large aluminum electrolysis to various medium-size operations. The transformers ‘may have a built-in or @ seperate voltage reoulation unit. Due to a large variety of applications, they can have various designs up to a combination of voltage regulation, rectifier wansformers in double-stack configuration, phase-shifting, interphase reactors, transductors and fiter-winding fig. §.6-2). Specific items Thyristor rectifiers require valtage regulation with @ no-load tap changer, if any. A diode rectifier will, in comparison, have a ongar range and a higher number of small voltage steps than an onload tap changer. Adcitionelly, an auto-connected regulating ‘uansformer can be built in the same tank (depending on ‘ansport and site limitations) Design options 18 Thytistor or diode rect 1 On-load or no-load tap changer (OLTCINLTCifiter winding | Numerous different vector groups and phase shifts possible WW Interphase reactor, transductors Secondary bushing arrangements and designs BW Airor water-cooled Main specification data Rated power, frequency and rated voltage | Regulation range and number of steps |© impedence and vector group, shift angle '© Type of cooling and temperature ofthe cooling medium 1 Bridge or interphase connection |B Number of pulses of the transformer and system | Harmonics spectrum or control angie of the rectifier '© Secondary bushing arrangement Converter transformers Converter transformers are used for large drive application, static voltage compensation (SVC) and static frequency change (SFC). Specific items Converter transformers are mostly built 2s double-tie, with two secondary windings, alowing a 12-pulse rectifier operation. Such transformers normally have an additional winding 2s a filter to take out harmonics. Different vector groups and phase shifts ere possible, Main specification data 'W Rated power, frequency and rated voltage |§ Impedance and vector group, shift angle 1B Type of cooling and temperature of the cooling medium |B Number of pulses of the transformer and system | Harmonics spectrum ot contiol angle of the rectifier Fig, 5.62: Rectifir transformer for an aluminum plant Line Feeder ‘This kind of transformer realizes the connection between the ‘power network and the power supply for the tein. Transformer is operating in specific critical short circuit condition and ‘overload condition in very high frequencies per year. reliability is required to secure the train running in safety. Main specification dato |W Rated power, frequency and rated voltage | Impedance and vector group © Overload conditions 'm Type of cooling and temperature of the cooling medium |B Harmonics spectrum or control angle of the rectifier Design options | Direct connection between transmission network end railway ‘overheadcontactline | Frequence change via DC transformation (e.g. 50 H2~16,67 Hz) 1m Thytistor or diode rectifier 1H Orrload or no-load tap chenges (OLTCINLTO)fiter winding | Secondary bushing arrangements and designs BW Airor water-cooled 218, Siemens Eneray Sector -PonerEncineering Gude -6.1th Edition Transformers 5.7 Phase-Shifting Transformers ‘A phase-shifting trensformer is a device for controlling the power flow through specific lines in a complex power transmis- sion network.The basic function of a phase-shifting transformer is to change the effective phase displacement between the input voltage and the output voltage of a transmission tine, thus Controlling the amount of active power that can flow in the line Guidance on necessary information Beside the general information for transformers, the following specific data are of Interest (fig. 5.7-1): 1H Rated MVA ‘The apparent power at rated voltage for which the phase- shifting transformer is designed. Rated voltece Tha phase-to-phase voltage to which operating and performance characteristics ate referred to ~ at no-load. 1m Rated phase angle Phase angle achieved when the phase-shifting transformer is operated under no-loed condition, or if stated at full load, at which power factor. 1 Phase shift direction In one or both directions. Changeover from and to under load fr no-load condition, 15 Tap positions Minimum andior maximum number of tap positions. | impedence Rated impedance at reted voltage, rated MVA and zero phase shift connection as well as permissible change in impedance with voltage and phese angle regulation. © System short-circuit capability ‘When the system short-circuit level is critical to the design of phase-shifting transformers, the maximum short-circuit fault level shall be specfiea. mot Basic impulse level (BIL) of source, load and neutral terminals, Wm special design tests Besides the standard lightning impulse tests ata terminals, ithas to be considered that the lightning impulse might occur simultaneously at the source and the load terminal in case of, closed bypass breaker. If such 2 condition is likely to appear during normal operation, 2 Bll test with source and load terminals connected might be useful to ensure thet the phase-shifting transformer can withstand the stresses of lightning stiokes in this situation © Special overload condition ‘The required overload condition and the kind of operation (advance or retard phase ancle) should be clearly steted, Especially for the rotard phase angie operation, the overload requirements may greatly influence the cost of the phase- shifting transformer, Fig. 57.420 ce shifting transformer © Operation of phase-shifting transformer Operation with other phase-shifting transformers in parallel | Single oF dual-tank design In most cases, a dual-core design rec as well |& symmetric or non-symmetric ype ‘Symmetric means that under a no-load condition the voltage magnitude at the load side is equal to that of the source side. For non-symmetric phase-shifting tensformers, the permissible variation in percent of rated voltage at maximum phase angle must be stated. 1H Quadrature or non-quadrature type A quadrature-type phase-shifting transformer isa unit where the boost voltage, which creates the phase shift between source and lead terminals, is perpendicular to the line voltage ‘on one terminal 1 Internal varstors Ithas to be clarified whether internal metal oxide varistors are allowed or not. sa duabtank design Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 219 On| O1 Transformers 5.8 HVDC Transformers HVDC transformers are key components of HVDC stations, HVDC converter and inverter stations terminate long-distance DC ‘uensmission lines or DC sea cables. This type of transformer provides the interface between AC grids and high power rectifiers and are used to control the load flow over the OC transmission lines. These actors edapt the AC grid voltage to an adequate level which i suitable for feeding the valve system of DC converte’ and inverter. Design options The design concept of HVDC transformers is mainly influenced by the rated voltage, rated power and transportation require- ‘ments like dimensions, weight and mode of transportation. Many large power HVDC converter station are locates in rural ‘areas of low infrastructure. Frequently special geometrical profiles have to be fulfilled inorder to move such transformers by railway, ‘Typically, HVDC transformers are single phase units containing 2 winding limbs. This concept can include either 2 parallel vaive 19 (two for delta or two for wye system, fig. 5.8-1) oF two different valve windings (one for delta and one for wye, fig. 5.8-2). In order to teduce the total transportation height frequently the core assembly includes 2 return limbs. Due to redundancy requirements in HVDC stations 3 phase units are uite uncommon. ‘The valve windings are exposed to AC and DC dielectric stress {and therefore a special insulation assembly is necessary. Furthermore, special lead systems connecting the turrets and windings have to be installed in order to withstand the DC voltage of rectifier. Additionally, the load current contains ‘harmonic components of considerable energy resulting in higher losses and increased noise. Above all, special bushings are necessary for the valve side to access upper and lower winding terminals of each system from outside. Conclusively two ‘identical bushings are installed for star or delta system. For approving the proper design and quality of menufecturing special applied DC and DC polarity reversal tests have to be cartied out, The test bay has to be equipped with DC test apparatus accordingly and needs to provide adequate geometry to withstand the OC tast voltage. ‘Technical items In addition to the standard parameters of power transformers, special performance requirements have to be known for the design of HVDC transformers. Thase parameters are jointly defined by designers of the HVDC station and transformer design ‘engineers in order to reach a costeffective design for the entire equipment, ‘Special parameters ar 18 Test levels: DC applied, DC polarity reversal and long-time AC ‘efines the inculation assembly ofthe transformer | Harmonic spectrum of the load current and phase relation Fig, 5.81: Converter transformer for UHVOC system = €00 KVOC, 6,400 mM; 2,071 km: single phase: '550 KVAC, B16 kVDC; 321 MVA; high pulse wye systom feeding Se Fig, 5.8.2: Converter transformer for HVDC bipolar transmission system 500 KVOC; 2,500 MM: single phase; 420 KVAC: ‘515 kVDC: 397 MVA: wye systam (left side of figure) and delta system (right side of figura) ‘generate additional losses, which have to compensated by the cooling cicuit Voltage impedance impacting the dimensions of windings ‘and the total height of the transformer 18 DC bias in load and current and transformer-neutral have to be considered for no-load noise and na-laz6 losses 1H Derivative of the load current (dildt) isa key parameter for ‘the onload tap changer 5 Qverload requirements have to be considered for cooling circuit and capacity of coolers, 1 Regulation range and number of steps influance the voltage per turn which is a key design parameter 1m Seismic requirements have to be considered for mechanical ‘strength of turrets, outlets and bushings 220) Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide - 61th Edition ransformers 5.9 Distribution Transformers 5.9.1 Liquid-immersed Distribution Transformers for European/US/Canadian Standard (On the last transformation step from the power station to the consumer, distribution transformers (DT) provide the necessary power for systems and buildings. Accordingly, their operation must be reliable, efficient and, at the same time, silent. Distribution transformers are used to convert electrical energy of higher voltage, usually up to 36 KV, to a lower voltage, usually 250 or 435 V, with an identical frequency before and after the transformation. Application of the product is mainly within subutban areas, public supply authorities and industrial customers. Distribution transformers are usually the last item in ‘the chain of electrical energy supply te households and industrial enterprises, Distibution transformers ae fail-safe, economical and have @ Jong life expectancy. These fuid-immersed transformers can be ‘:phase or 3-phase. During operation, the windings can be exposed to high electrical stress by external overloads and high ‘mechanical stress by short-crcuits. They are made of copper or aluminum, Low-voltage windings are made of strip or flat wire, and the high-voltage windings ere menufectured from round wire or fat wie, Tiree product classes standard, special and renewable ~ are available, a$ follows: 1 Standard distribution transformers: Pole mounted (ig. 5.9-1), wound core or stacked core technology distribution transtormer (52,500 AVA, Un, 336 &V) Wound core or stake! core technology medium istrbution transformer (> 2.500 6.300 VA. Uys 36 KV) ~ Large distribution transformer (> 6.3 MVA, Um 2 72.5 kV) =Voltage regulator (ig 5.9-2) 1 Specil distribution trensformers: ~ Special application: slt-proteced OT, regulating Or (OLTC), Jon-emission OT or otheis(eutotansformer,nsformet fot converters, double-tier, multivinding transformer, earthing wwansforrer) ~ Environmental focus: emorphous core DT with significant tow no-load losses, DT with special low load-oss design, Jon-emission DT in regard of noise andlor electromagnetic field emissions, DT with natural or synthetic ester where higher fre-resictance andior biodegradability i requited 1 Renewable disvibution transformers: Used in wind power stations solar power plants or sea flow! generator power plants Fig. 59:1: Pole mounted, Canada Fig. $.9-2:Liquid-Immersed distribution transformer Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th yn | 221 On| Ol Transformers 5.9 Distribution Transformers. 5.9.2 Voltage Regulators Siemens invented the voltage regulator in 1932 and pioneered lis use in the United States. Voltage Regulators are tapped step autotransformers used to ensure that a desired level of voltage {is maintained at all times. A voltage regulator comprises a tapped autotransformer and a tap changer. The standard voltage regulator provides = 10 % adjustment in thirty-two 0.525 % steps. Voltage Regulators with + 15 %and +20 % regulation are available for some designs. Voltage regulators are iquid-immersed and can be 1-phase or 3:phase. They may be selfcooled or forced air-cooled. Available {at 50 oF 60 Hz and with 55 or 65°C temperature rise, they can bbe used in any electrical system to improve voltage quality. Voltage regulator ratings are based on the percent of regulation (ee, 10%), For example, a set of three 1-phase 333 KVA regulators would be used with 2 10 MVA transformer (0.9, 10 MVA + 0.10/3 = 333 RVA). 1-phase voltage regulators are available in ratings ranging from 2.5 kV to 19.9 kV and from 38.1 RVA 10 889 KVA (fig. 5.9-3). 3-phase voltage regulators are available at 13.2 kV or 34.5 kV and from S00 KVA to 4,000 kVA. Voltage regulators can be partially or completely untanked for inspection and maintenance without disconnecting any internal lectical or mechanical connections, After the unit is untanked, itis possible to operate the voltage regulator mechanism and test the control panel from an external voltage source without any reconnection between the control and the regulator Standard external accessories The standard accessories are as follows 1 External metal-oxide varistor (MOV) bypass arrester © Cover-mounted terminal black with a removable gasketed cover, Itallows easy potential transformer reconnections ‘or operation at different voltages 1H Oil sampling valve \m Two laser-etched nameplates 1 Exiemal oll sight gauge that indicates oll level at 25°C ambient gir temperature and oil color 1m External position indicator that shows the tap changer position |B Mounting bosses for the addition of lightning arresters to the source (5), load (L) and source-toad (SL) bushings. They shall be fully welded around their circumference. ‘Accessories and options Remote mounting kit Extra-fong control cable shall be provided for remote mounting, of the control cabinet at the bace of the pole. Sub-bases To raise the voltage regulator to meet safe operating clearances from the ground to the lowest live part. Auxiliary PT Gperation at different voltages. Testing {All voltage regulators shal be tested in accordance with the latest ANSI C57.15 standards, Standard tests include 1 Resistance measurements ofall windings 1 Ratio tests om all tap locations. 1m Polarity test | No-load loss atrated voltage and rated frequency | Excitation curtent at rated voltage and rated frequency | Impedance ang loas loss at rated current and rated frequency 1 Applied potential 'W Induced potential | Insulation power factor test 1 Impulse test 1 Insulation resistance Fig, 5.9; tophase voltage regulator, JER 222, Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide -6.1th Edition 5.9.3 GEAFOL Cast-Resin Transformers GEAFOL transformers have been in successful service since 1965. Many licenses have been grantad to major manufacturers throughout the world since then. Over 100,000 units have proven themselves in power distribution or converter operation all around the globe, ‘Advantages and applications GEAFOL distribution and power transformers in ratings from 100 to approximately 50,000 kVA and lightning impulse (L) values up 10 250 kV are full substitutes for liquid-immersed transform= ‘es with comparable electrical and mechanical data. They are designed for incor installation close to their point of use at the Center of the major load consumers. The exclusive use of flame-retardant insulating materials frees these transformers ‘rom all restrictions that apply to oil-filled electrical equipment, such as the need for oi! collecting pits, fire walls, fre extinguish ing equipment. For outdoor use, specially Gesignad sheet matal enclosures are available, LW terminate Normal arrangement learrangoments foroptimal station cosign, HY tapping links for adjustment to stem oncitons,reconnectable inde-enercized sate” Temperature monitoring IC hemor eters Benivameag Fainc fish fon steel pats ‘hick ayercosting, BALS000. Oreos ‘woomponent veri Suen. crhigh hump) Ambient clas £2 ‘Gmatie catagory C2 the transformerisinsteBed ‘outdoors, degre of protection (P23 muttbe assured) Fire class #1 * envlead tap changers on request Fig, 5.9-4:GEAFOL cast-resin dry-type transfomer propertios Transformers 5.9 Distribution Transformers GEAFOL transformers ae installed wherever oil-filled units cannot be used or where use of liquid-immersed transformers ‘ould require major constructive efforts such as inside build ings, in tunnels, an ships, cranes and offshore platforms, inside wind turbines, in groundwater catchment areas and in food processing plants. For outdoor use, specially designed sheet metal enclosures are available. ‘often these transformers are combined with their primary and secondary switchgear and distibution bards into compact, substations that are installed directly at their point of use. hen used as static converter transformers for variable speed dives, they can be installed together with the converters at the drive location, This reduces construction requirements, cable ‘costs, transmission losses and installation costs GEAFOL transformers are fully L-rated. Their noise levels are ‘comparable to oil-filled transformers. Taking into account the indirect cost reductions just mentioned, they are also mosty eeingcore Wade o ed, low bes electrolarinatons ingulnted on both siges Resitent spacers To insulate core and «windings fom mechanical rations resulting infow winding Conaing of vaca pated singe fo-ype amin cls rae oh Ng enarged deta inte, 595 ‘ade of aluminum sir, ‘ins firmly shied together bymeans of rsuating sheet wrapper raterial Insulation Witure oF epoxy resin and quarts powder makes the transionmer practically maintanance- Tree, moisture root, ‘wopialized, fame-ressiant ‘and sei-extinguising \\__lamping frameand truck Roles can Be swung around forlengthwraye orsiceways ravel Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th n | 223 On| Ol Transformers 5.9 Distribution Transformers Ccost-competitive. By virtue of their design, GEAFOL transformers are practically maintenance-fiee. ‘standards and regulations GEAFOL cast-esin dey-type transformers comply with TEC 60076-11, DIN EN 60076-11, DIN 42 523 ang DIN EN 50541. Characteristic properties (fig. 5.9-4) HV winding ‘Toe high-veltage windings are wound from alurninum foil imerleaved with high-grade insulating foils. The assembled and connected individual coils are placed in a heated mold and are potted in a vacuum furnace with a mixture of pure silica (quartz sand) and specially blended epoxy resins. The only connections to the outside are casted brass nuts that are internally bonded t0 the aluminum winding connections. ‘The external delta connections are made of insulated copper or aluminum connectors to ‘guarantee an optimal installation design. The resulking high: voltage windings ate fire-resistant, moisture-proof and corto ssion-proof, and they show excellent aging properties under all ‘operating conditions The foil windings combine a simple winding technique with & high degree of electrical safety, The insulation is subjected to less electrical stress than in other types of windings. Ina Conventional round-wire winding, the interturn voltages can add Lup to twice the interlayer voltage. Ina foil winding, it never ‘exceeds the voltage per turn, because a layer consists of only tone wining tum, This esis in high AC voltage and Impulse Found en as up voltage withstand capaci, Sree teberatrs ree ‘Aluminum i used because the thermal expansion oeticents of ' aluminum and ces resin ae so sinilar thet thermal tresses ¥ resulting from load changes are kept toa minimum i595), Lv winding The standard low-voltage winding witht considerably reduced dielecttc stresses is wound from single aluminum sheets with 2345678 interleaved cat esin impregnated fbergass fabric (repre). ep noo T23a367 The assembled cols are then oven-cured to form uniformly oes boned soi yinders that ore impervious ols. Through Fee von the single-sheet winding design, excellent dynamic stability ete under short-circuit concitions is achieved. Connections are submerged arc-welded to the alurninum sheets and are ‘extended either as aluminum or copper bars to the secondary terminals. Fig, 5.95; High-voltage encapsulated winding design of GGEAFOL castresin transformer and voltage stress of conventional roundaiee winding (above) and the fo winding (below) Fire safety GEAFOL transformers use only flame-retardant and self-extin: uishing materials in their construction, No additional substanc- fs, such as aluminum oxide trihydrate, which could negatively influence the mechanical stability of the castresin molding material, are used. Internal arcing from olectrical faults and ‘externally applied flames do not cause the transformers to burst 224, Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide -6.1th Edition ransformers 5.9 Distribution Transformers lor burn. After the source of ignition is removed, the transformer Js self-extinguishing, This design has been approved by fire officials in many countries for installation in populated buildings ‘and other structures. The environmental safety of the combus- tion residues has been proven in many tests (fig. 5.9-6), Categorizotion of cast~esin transformers Dry-type transformers have to be classified under the categories listed betow 8 Environmental category Climatic catagory © Fire category These categorias have to be shown on the rating plate of each dy-type transformer. ‘The properties laié down in the standards for ratings within the category relating to environment (humidity), climate and fire behavior have to be demonstrated by means of tess. These tests are described for the environmental category Fig. 59.6:Flammabilty test of castvesin transformer (code numbers £0, £1 and €2) and for the climatic category (code numbers C1 and C2) in IEC 60076-11. According to this standard, the tests are to be carried outon complete trans- formers. The tests offre behavior (ire category code numbers FO and F1) are limited to tests on a duplicate of e complete transformer that consists ofa core leg, a lon-voltage winding and a high-voltage wit GEAFOL cast-esin transformers meet the requirements of the highest defined protection classes: © Environmental category €2 © Climatic category C2 1 Fire category FI Insulation class ond tempercture rise Fg. §.9:7-Radial cooling fans on GEAFOL transformer for AF cooling ‘The high-voltage winding anc the low-voltage winding utlize lass F insulating materials with a mean temperature rise of 100 K (standard design). TyG He) ACG) Overload copabitity 4 = a ‘GEAFOL transformers can be overloaded permanently up to 50% 12 5 23 (with a corresponding increase in impedance voltage and load ai 5° 6 losses) if additional radial cooling fans are installed (dimensions = a a ccan increase by approximately 100 mm in length and width ) Short-time overloads are uncritical as long as the maximum Estero sree winding temperatures are not exceeded for extended periods of time (Gepending on initia load and ambient air wemperature. Table 59-1: Standatd insulation levels of GEAFOL Temperature monitoring Each GEAFOL transformer is fitted with thiee temperature sensors installed in the LY winding, and a solid state tipping device with relay output. The PTC thermistars used for sensing are selected for the applicable maximum hot-spot winding temperature, Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 225 Ol Transformers 5.9 Distribution Transformers ‘Additional sets of sensors can be Installed, e.g. for fan control purposes. Aliemnatively, PL100 sensors are available. For ‘operating voltages of the LV winding of 3.6 KV and higher, Special temperature measuring equipment can be provided. ‘Ausiliary wiring is run in a protective conduit and terminated in {a cenital LV terminal box (optional). Each wire and terminalis identified, and 2 wiring diagram is permanently attached to the Inside cover ofthis terminal box. Instollation and enclosures Indoor instalation in electrical operating rooms or in various sheet metal enclosures is the preferred method of installation. ‘The transformers need to be protected only against access to the: terminals or the winding surfaces, against direct sunlight and against water. Unless sufficient vantlation is provided by the installation location or the enciosute, forced-air cooling must be specified or provided by others (fg. 5.9-7). Instead of the standard open terminals, plug-type elbow ‘connectors can be supplied for the high-voltage side with Lt ratings up to 170 kV. Primary cables are usually fed to the transformer from trenches below but can also be connected from above (fig. 59-9. Secondary connections can be made by multiple insulated cables, or by connecting bars from either below or above. Secondary terminals are made of aluminum (copper upon request). ‘A variety of indoor and outdoor enclosures in different protec: tion classes are available for the transformers alone, ot for Jndoor compact substations in conjunction with high-voltage ‘and low-voltage switchgear panels, PEHLA-tested housings are also available (fig. 5-9-8). Cost-effective recycling The oldest of the GEAFOL cast-esin transformers that entered production in the mid-1960s are approaching the end of their service life. Much experience has been gathered ever the years the processing of feulty or damaged coils from such trans formers. This experience shows that all of the metal materials used in GEAFOL castresin transformers, thats, approximately, ‘90 % of their total mass, are fully recyclable. The process used is ‘non-polluting. Given the value of secondary raw materials, the procedure is often costeffective, even with the small amounts ‘currently being processed, Fig. 5.98: GEAFOL transformer in protective housing to 1P20140 Fig, 5.99: GEAFOL transformer with plug-type cable connections. 226 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide -6.1th Edition 5.9.4 GEAFOL Special Transformers GEAFOL cast resin transformers with oil-free ‘on-load tap changers The voltage-requlating cest~esin transformers connected on the load side of the mediumvoltage power supply system feed the plant-side cistibution transformers, The on-load tap changer Controlled transformers used in these medium-voltage systems need to have appropriately high ratings. Siemens offers suitable transformers in its GEAFOL design (fig. 5.9-10), which has proved successful over many years and is available in ratings of up to 50 MVA. The range of rated voltage extends to 36 KV, and the maximum impulse voltage is 200 kV (250 kV). The main applicetions of this type of trans: former are in modern industrial plants, hospitals, office and apartment blacks and shopping centers, Linking 1-pole tap changer modules together by means of insulating shefts produces @ 3-pole on-load tap changer for regu: lating the output voltage of 3-phase GEAFOL transformers. In its nine operating positions, this type of tap changer has a rated current of 500 A and a rated voltage of 900 V per step. T allows voltage fluctuations of up to 7,200 V to be kept under ransformers 5.9 Distribution Transformers control. However, the maximum control range utilizes only 20% lof the rated voltage. ‘Transformers for static converters ‘These ate special iquid-immersed or cast-esin power transform= ers that are designed for the special demands of thyristor converter or diode rectiiar operation. The effects of such conversion equipment on transformers and additional construction requitements are as follows: 1 Increased load by harmonic currents 1 Balancing of phase currents in multiple winding systems (eg., 12-pulse systems) 1 Overlead capability Types for 12-pulse systems, if required ‘Siemens supplies oifilled converter transformers of all ratings and configurations known today, and dry-type castresin ‘converter transformers up to 50 MVA and 250 kVLI (fig. §.9-11). To define and quote for such transformers, its necessary to know considerable details on the converter to be supplied and, ig 5.910: 16722-MVA GEAFOL cast-resintranstormer with ol-ree on-load tap changer Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Editon | 227 5 Ol Transformers 5.9 Distribution Transformers (on the existing harmonics. These transformers are almost ‘exclusively inquired together with the respective drive or rectifier system and are always custom-engineered for the given. application Neutral earthing transformers When a neutral earthing reactor or earth-feult neutralizer is required in a 3-phase system and no suitable neutral is available, 1a neutral earthing must be provided by using 2 neutral earthing twansformes. Neutral earthing transformers are available for continuous ‘operation or short-time operation, The zero impedance is ‘normally low. The standard vector groups are 21gzag or wye! delta. Some other vector groups are also possible. Neutral earthing transformers can be built by Siemens in all ‘common power ratings in iquid-immersed design and in castrosin design For further istormotion, please contact Fue 4049 (0) 7021-50895, ‘hn siomenecemieneiy Fig, 59-11: Dry-type converter transformer GEAFOL 226 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide -6.1th Edition ransformers 5.10 Traction Transformers Siemens produces transformers for railway applications called ‘action transformers. These transformers ae installed in electric ‘ars such as high-speed trains, electric multiple units (EMUs) and electric locomotives. Their main purpose is transform the overhead contact line voltage, which range mainly from 15 kV ‘or 25 ky, to voltages suitable for traction converters (between 7 kV and 1.5 KV) (fig. 5.101) Siemens develops ané produces traction transformers for rolling stock applications ofall relevant ratings, voltage levels and customer specific requirements. Al products are optimized with regard to individual customer requirements such as: 1m Frequency, rating and voltage 1H Required dimensions and weights ' Losses and impedance voltage characteristics 8 Operational cycles and frequency response behavior @ Environmental requirements Characterization Technically, traction transformers are in general charactorized as follows: 1m t-phase transformers Ratings up to 10 MVA and above © Operating frequencies from 16% to 60 Hz 1 Voltages: 1.5 kV DC, 3 KVDG, 15 kV, 25 kV, 11.5 kV fr other specific solutions Weight: <15¢ 1 Auillary windings andior heater windings according to customer specification 1 Single or multiple systam operation 15 Under floor, machine room or roof assembly © Traction windings to be used as line fiers High spood train AVE 5102 for RENFE Spain (1216 Series) for cr (Operation: Madrid Barclone 4 gymem operation ‘Trove! time: 2 h 30 min for 635 ken ACIS WV: 16% He Number of ces: 8 AC 25 4V SO He. Power system: 25 KVIS0 Hz DCaKV aximurn power et wheel: 8,800 KW oc i sky Max. speed: 350 kr Speed: 200-230 kmh Number of seats: 408 Weigh 87 Electric locomotive for O88 Austria Fig. $.10-1; Traction transformer for high speed trans Integrated absorption circuit reactors 1 Various cooling media forall ratings: mineral ol, silicone or ‘ester fluid for highest environmental compatibility Incase of customer request: 1H With cooling plant - integrated in one frame together with the transformer or stand-alone solution 1 Nomex insulation for highest energy density Examples ‘The examples shown in the table are typical epplicetions where traction transformers from Siemens were used (table 5.10-1), rls most powerful saris production freight locomotive for China 6 ale machine 19,600 KW on 6 axles hauling of 20,000 tains jaropean haulage Tobie 5.10-1: Siemens develops and produces traction transformers for rolling stock applications of. relevant ratings and voltage Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th [rt d, Ol ‘Transformers 5.11 Transformer Lifecycle Management Introduction Power transformers usually perform their work, humming quietly for decades, without any interruption. Operators have thus come to rely on their solid transformer capacity, often performing only minimal maintenance using traditional tech- niques (fig. 5.111), Today, load requirements, additional environmental constraints ‘and recent corporate sustainability objectives to keep a close eye fon the operational value of the equipment, have led Siemans to provide a comprehensive set of solutions to keep the equioment at peak level under any operational circumstances. A new generation of asset managers is interested in the “operational” value, including the replacement cost, instead of the depreci- ated book-value over decades, which is often close to zero, Power transformers are long-lasting capital investment goods. Purchasing and replacement require long periods of planning, engineering and procurement. Each individual conception is specially adapted to the specific requirements, The correspond- ing high replacement value, end the important lead time are the focus. What is TAM™? Siemens Transformer Lifecycle Management™ (TLMI™) includes highly experienced transformer experts who provide the most, effective lifecycle solutions for power transformers of any age ‘and any brand. Maintaining customers’ power transformers at peak operating level isthe prime objective of the Siemens TLM set of solutions. Siemens TUM is based on the expertise available in all Siemens tuansformer factories, which are well-known for high quality and low failure rates. In addition to the existing locations, TLM is progressively expanding with new TLM service hubs, The TLM scope of services is explained in the following briefly: Conditon Assessment & Diagnostics (fig. 5.11-2) 1 Level t: SITRAM® DIAG ESSENTIAL 1 Level 2: SITRAM® DIAG ADVANCED Level 3: SITRAM® DIAG HIGH VOLTAGE TESTING ‘The SITRAM® DIAG program consists of three layers and provides diagnostic modules for individual transformer and for the assessment of completa installed fleats and transformer populations. SITRAM® DIAG ESSENTIAL (Love! 1) ‘All modules in the diagnosis Level 1 “ESSENTIAL” are to be applied on energized transformers. The most powerful toolbox {or this application is the diagnosis of the insuleting liquid. ditional stand alone modules are available to be applied when Spore rors 2 peceterie epsir a Refit Transport Inetatation 8 Common ng BOA SOe Fig, 5.17-1: Samant Transformer Lifecycle Managemant™ scope of services gn votage resting The mest cosattcrve sania: boot fer an malnenanceor.on SITRAM® DIAG provides diagnostic modules for individual tansformere and for the azzossment of complete fleets the oil tosts andlor the operating personnel gave indication for deficiencies or changes. |W Standard oil test (8 ~12 parameters) 1 Dissolved Gas in Oil Analysis (OGA) \m Furenic components 1m Moisture 1230) Siamens Eneray Sector - Power Encincesing Gude »6.1th Edition Transformers 5.11 Transformer Lifecycle Management ‘Additional stand alone modules: 1 PO (UHF-, acoustic sensors, corona camera) 1H Noise measurement '§ Vibration measurement Thermogreph scans ‘SITRAM® DIAG ADVANCED (Level 2) Tne extended modules are applied on de-energized and disconnected transformers. Mast measurements repeat the ‘measurements as shown in the manufacturers test report end by ‘comparing the results any differences will be highlighted. Level 2 provide information about the insulation (dielectric) condition ‘as well as the mechanical condition (displacements) of the active part ofa ansformer. |W Ratio and phase angle Winding resistance 1 C-tan deita (windings and bushings) 1H Insulation resistance end 1 Polarization index (PI) 18 impedence 1H No load current and losses BW Atiow voltage 1m FDSIPDC FRA As all modules of Level 1 apply. SITRAM® DIAG HIGH VOLTAGE TESTING (Level 3) High-Voltage-Tests on-site is usually required following on-sito, repairs, factory repairs, refurbishment or relocation and also performed to assure the results from the level 1 and level 2 ‘assessments, The SITRAM DIAG mobile test fields provides solutions for all kind of HV testing end loss measurement, Heat runs or long duration tests are feasible depending on size and voltage level of the transformer under test, Level 3 assessment can be combined with all modules out of level 1 and level 2. BH Load losses 1H No load losses and currents m Applied overvoltage tests 1 Induced avervoltage tests 1 Partial discharge testing mC testing |B Heat runs BW Long duration tests ‘Additional all modules of Level 1 end 2 apply ‘Online Monitoring (fig. 5.11-3) 1m SITRAM® GUARDS, \m SITRAMS CM 1m SITRAM® icMS ‘The new Siemens third-generation SITRAM® MONITORING range is providing compatible, moduler and customized solutions for Individual power transformars (naw and retrofit) and solutions for entie transformer fleets. eee chin making wih specisaed emertse orate Consition monttorog system Aiventorvers Seagence oer ‘och tansformer Fig. 5.11 3:Alllovels ofthe SITRAM® MONITORING concept In general, these systems allow a continuous monitoring of ower transformers, which are going far beyond the tracitional method of taking offline measurements. The experience demonstrates clearly, thet with Online monitoring, an improved ‘fficiency in the early detection of faults can be achiaved. So ‘that curative and corrective maintenance actions can be planned ‘and scheduled well in advanced, It is alse possible to use spare ‘capacities up to the limits, This is resulting in @ higher reliability, efficiency and longer service life of power transformers, SITRAM Guard's: ‘Standardized and approved sensor technologies asa single Solution for ingividual transformers. |B GAS Guerd (online gasrin-oil analysis) 15 PO-Guard (partial discharge moritoring) |B BUSHING Guard (bushing monitoring) |B TAPGUARD® (onload tap changer monitoring) ‘SITRAM Condition Monitor (SITRAM CM): The SITRAM Condition Monitor is a modular and customized system, which integrates information from single sensors and SITRAM Guard’s for each transformer individually and is able 10 provide condition information about all key components. A local data storage module and a communication interface enable the User to access the information remotely SSITRAM integrated Conditon Monitoring System (SITRAM iCMS): This “Knowledge Module" solution is monitoring all transformers in vansmission and distribution substations, power generation plants or in large industries to an existing or next generation protection and control system. Furthermare i it able to integrate the recorded data of a complete transformer fleet of a utility to @ ‘superordinated system. It is based on the modular hardware architecture of the SITRAM CM, In addition to the monitoring harcware and sofware, Siemens TUM transformer experts ere available for remote nursing solutions for quostionable transformers, analyzing and interpre: tation of recorded monitoring data Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th yn | 231 Ol Transformers 5.11 Transformer Lifecycle Management Consulting Expertise and Training H Engineering service 1 Advice & recommenéations 'm Educational seminars 1 Custom-tailored workshops ‘The Siemens TLM set of solutions integrates 2 wide range of services that ae designed to considerably extend the life of the ‘operator's transformers. Siemans's preferred approach is to integrate all transformers ~ of any age and eny brand ~in the plan that is prepared for customers so that they can make the best decision about replacementiextension and eny related -matters. Siemens TLM also offers a series of standardized customer trainings. These programs are specifically designed to broaden customer awareness of the various concept and design ‘options. Lifecycie management i, of course, an intagral part of the taining, Maintenance & Lifecycle Extension 1 Preventive & corrective maintenance 1H On site active part drying & de-gassing © Oil regeneration 1H Life extension products 1m End of life management rel get your transformers back in top form ~ and without service interruptions, Our TLM™ products for extending service fe minimizes the unevoideble, undetectable and ongoing aging ‘procoss that i taking place inside transformors. This intarnation- -cognized technologies for ife extension are rounded up by ing efficiency retrofit solution. SITRAM ORY (fig. 5.19-4) ‘Tne SITRAM® DRY is an advanced technology for preventive and Continuous online transformer drying. The system removes. ‘moisture from the insulation ol throuch disturbing the moisture ‘equilibrium so that moisture diffuses from the wet insulation paper to the dried insulation oil, This process wil removing the ‘moisture in a gentle and smooth way from the solid insulation and will increase the dialectical strength ofthe insulating ol. © Continuous online removal of moisture from sold insulation and ol 1 Based on a molecular sieve technology 1m Easy to install on any transformer in operation | Temperature and moisture monitoring 1 Cartridge replacement and regeneration service 'm new: Cabinet Version (NEMA4) 1 options: remote access Experience the functions of SITRAMS DRY In sound and vision: www siemens.delenergy/lsitam-diy-video SITRAM REG Siemens developed the SITRAM® REG technology to clean Ccontaminatad oil and rastore its dielacric properties. SITRAM® REG is a modified reclamation process based on the IEC 60422 standard, Oil is circulated continuously through regeneration columns, Fig, 6.11-4s Cabinet version of the SITRAM ORY aquipped with 2 control module | Anil change is not required |B Improves the quality of insulating oilto that of new ot 1m Prolongation of the lifetime and increased reliability of old transformers 1m Preventive action against the progressive insulation ageing process \m Sustainable improvement in the condition of the insulation 1H Suitable for all powre: trensformers 'm Economically independent of the current price of new oil |B No service interruptions 15 Great and long-lasting cleaning effect SITRAM COOL SSITRAM COOL is an add-on retrofit solution and consists of hardware and software for the automatic, optimized contiol of transformer cooling system: | Increase of the total efficiency ofthe transformer 1m Reduction of ausiliary losses | Reduction of noise level 1m Reduction of maintenance 18 If required end if applicable -> upgreding Spare Parts & Accessories ‘The supply of spate parts is another stiong pointof Siemens ‘TUM. Upon request, Siemens may advise customers on what 232, Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide -6.1th Edition Transformers 5.11 Transformer Lifecycle Management accessories will best fit their needs, Examples include Buchholz a EE EE relays of various sizes, temperature sensors, oil flow alarms and sil level indicators, n rder to provide the best solution, Siemens TLM will verify alternative products and strive to make technical oS acy improvement using state-of-the-art technoloces, particularly [important when original spare parts are not longer avaliable. Spare parts from Siemens TLM™ offers you (fig. 5.11-5): 1 Stringent quality assurance standards ta ensure that spare ; parts are manufactured in accordance with the Siemens OEM specifications © Continuous improvement of technology and materials © Outage planning and support based on customized spare fig, 5.11.5: Maximimize tho avalibity of avery transformer parts programs With the TLM™spare part program. reir eve Ss Whether your transformer has failed or you're planning timely Corrective maintenance our TLM™ team of experts is available {for short-term repairs Urith its Gedicated repair facilities at our technology center in Nuremberg, Germany, end elsewhere around the world, Siemens has created a professional setting to got your trans- formers back into shape. Even the largest and heaviest trans- formers in the world can be easily moved, inspected, and repaired, ‘The repaifecilties handle all problems that arise over the \ecycle ofa transformer, including installation of new on-load tap chengers and tapping switches, increasing performance, 6s well as completaly replacement of windings. In addition al components can be reconditioned and retrofitted with the latest ‘materials as needed. For everything from design tothe latest ‘modern winding techniques to final Inspection an testing, the ‘manufacturing processes at our renowned transformer plants are continuously being improved. These improvements support Fis. 5.11-6:Repeshop in Nuremberg, Germany the maintenance and repair of your transformers (ig 5.11-6). ‘Transport, Installation & Commissioning Siemens technical experts and engineers whom work on projects that include installing new transformers or changing the locations of od ronformers have decades of experince eee Trey ere expert et dlsessembly and preparation for anspor, seein aa etate fring and anatng of ceca components. Assambly she SEPT casi lily work of these Siemens experts, and Siemens offers its ‘Res 49 180) S282671) dhily werk ofthese Siemens expert, and Siemens offers seswce) erat tetustve experience for complet olutions fot customers 50 East inoue ‘thar their equipment value remains at its peak for a long time, Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 233 Enoray Sector - Power Encincesing Gude »6.1th Edition 6.1 Introduction 6.2. Protection Systems 6.2.1 Introduction 6.2.2 Overview of SIPROTEC Relay Families 62.3 typical Protection schemes 6.2.4 Protection Coordination 62.5 Reley Selection Guide 6.3. Substation Automation 6.3.1 Overview and Solutions 6.3.2 SICAM PAS 6.3.3 SICAM 1703 6.3.4 TM 1703 emic— the new member ‘of the proven SICAM 1703 family 64 Power Quality ~ Measuring, Recording and Analyzing 64.1 Introduction 6.4.2 SIMEAS P Power Meter 64.3. SENTRONT 6.4.4 Monitoring and Analysis of Voltage Quality with SIMEAS Q80 6.4.5 SIMEAS R Digital Fault Recorder ‘with Power Quality (PQ) ‘0: Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) 236 237 237 238 250 272 284 288 288 294 304 320 322 322 328 330 332 334 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition 235 6 Protection and Substation Automation 6.1 Introduction Tne demands on substation autamation solutions are continually ‘growing, which leads to greater complexity and more interfaces. High availability, with all individual components working together smoothly, is one of the most important system operator ‘needs in the area of energy automation, ‘And that is exactly whete Energy Automation products and solutions from Siemens comes in, With a comprehensive approach to the entire automation chain, the system operator {gets an overview of the entire plant, from planning and start-up to operation and maintenance. Energy Automation products and solutions are based on thre ‘main pillars that ensure simple operation: 1 Reliable IT security through high-quality epplications and seamless network structures {© Limitless communications by means of standards and flexible expandability 1m Efficient engineering for the entire automation chain, from the control center to the field device Energy Automation from Siemens stands for a simplified workflow, reliable operations and a significantly lower total cost lof ownership. Siemens offers expert solutions that will continue to grow with the market's demands but still emain manageable. That is how Energy Automation sets 2 new benchmark with products and solutions which are clearly simpler and more efficent, Energy management ‘Communication ‘ndretiverking ‘oalboett min ig. 61-12 mens energy automation products Energy automation thot simply works ‘Siemens offers a uniform, universal technology for the entire functional scope of secondary equipment, both in the construc: tion and connection of the devices and in thelr operation and ‘communication. This results in uniformity of desion, coordineted interfaces and the same operating principle being established throughout, whether in power system and generator protection, in measurement and recording systems, in substation control or protection or in telecontro The devices are highly compact and immune to interference, ‘and are therefore also suitable for direct installation in switch- ‘geer panels, Complete technofogy from one partner Siemens Energy Sector supplies devices and systems for: |© Power system protection SIPROTEC and Reyrolle |B Substation control and automation SICAM | Remote control (RTUS) 1 Measurement and recording SIMEAS This technology covers al of the measurement, control ‘automation and protection functions for substations. Furthermore, Siemens's activities include: © Consulting Planning Design 5 Commissioning and service This uniform technology from 2 single source saves the user time and money in the planning, assernbly and operation of substations. Control centers stations automation SICAM PAS SICA 1703 emote control (RTU) ‘= Sican 1703 ProtectioniPower ‘uallybay controller = SPROTEC Reyrole sacs Ace a SIMEAS, 236 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide - 61th Edition Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems 6.2.1 Introduction SIPROTEC 4 is a flexible and powerful solution for protecting ‘power systems, The ergonomic key path and graphic display ‘ensure reliable operation. The powerful software tool DIGS! 4 assists the engineer in comprenansive relay management and fault analysis. Only one tool is requited for all SIPROTEC relays. SIPROTEC 4 offers: |B Function mic of protection, control and measurement 1B Choice of open communication standards like IEC 61850 and IEC 60870-5-103 protocol, DNP 3, MODBUS and PROFIBUS. | Communication modules also for retrofitting and upgrade to IEC 61850 communication Siemens actively supports the international standard IEC 61850, ‘and was the first manufacturer to offer protection relays and substation contral systems with an IEC 61850-compliant ‘communication protocol. At the end of 2007, there were more than 300 projects with approximately 30,000 SIPROTEC devices with IEC 61850 communication already in service SIPROTEC 4 has asloxibilty that makes ita pleasure to use. AS a pioneer in numerical protection end substation contol, Siemens suggests taking advantage of SIPROTEC 4. Section 6.2.2 gives an overview of the verious product lines of ‘the SIPROTEC family Section 6.2.3 offers application hints for typical protection 'schames such as: 1H Cables and overhead lines Transformers |B Motors and generators 1 Busbars To ensure a selective protection system, section 6.2.4 gives hints for coordinated protection setting and selection for instrument transformers. The ,Relay Selection Guide" in section 6.2.5 provides ‘an overview of the relay function mix as a quide for selecting the right SIPROTEC relay for the corresponding protection application, Siemens Eneray Secor Power Engineering Gul 61th Econ | 237 Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems 6.2.2 Overview of SIPROTEC Relay Families Siemens is one of the worle’s leading suppliers of protection ‘equipment for power systems. ‘Thousands of Siernens relays ensure first-class performance in transmission and distribution networks on all voltage levels, all ver the world, in countries with tropical heat or arctic frost. For many years, Siemens has also significantly influenced the. development of protection technology: 1 In 1976, the first minicomputer (process computer)-based protection system was commissioned: A total of 10 systems for 110/20 kV substations was supplied and is sill operating satisfactorily today. 1 In 1985, Siemens became the first company to manufacture 2a range of fully numerical relays with stendardized ‘communication interfaces. Siemens now offers a complete range of protection relays for all applications with numerical busbar and machine protection. More than 1,000,000 numerical protection relays from Siemens are providing successful service today as stand-alone units in tuagitional systems or as components of combined substation protection and substation contro systems. Meanwhile, the SIPROTEC 4 series has established itself right across the market, incorporating many years of operational ‘experience with thousands of relays end user requirements, (ig. 6.2-1) State-of-the-ort technology Mechanical and solid-state (static) relays have been almost completely phased out of Siemens’s production because ‘numerical relays are now preferred by users due to their decisive advantages: 1B Compact design and lower costs due to integration of mary functions into one relay 1 High eveilebility end less maintenance due to integral self-monitoring 1 No drift (aging) of measuring characteristics due to fully ‘numerical processing | High measuring accuracy éue to digital filtering and ‘optimized measuring algorithms | Many integrated add-on functions, for example, for load- monitoring, event fault recording and thermal monitoring 1 Local operation keypad and display designed to modern exgonomic criteria 1H Easy and reliable readout of information via serial interfaces with a PC, locally or remotely with DIGSI (one tool for all relays) © Possibility to communicate with higher-level control systems using standardized protocals according to IEC 61850 via Ethernet communication SIROTEC compact StPROTEC easy Fig, 6.241: SIPROTEC family ‘Modern protection management {All the functions, for example, ofa line protect be incorporated in one unit (fig. 6.2-2): 1 Distance protection with associated add-on and monitoring functions |© Universal teleprotection interface by binary input/contacts or serial interface | Auto-teclosure and synchronism check n scheme, can Protection-relaied information can be called up on-line ‘or offline, such a 1m Distance to fault 1m Feult currents and fault voltages | Relay operation data (Fault detector pickup, operating times, etc.) m Set values Line load data (kV, A, MW, KAN) 238, Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide -6.1th Edition Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems ‘To fulfil vital protection redundancy requirements, only those functions that are interdependent and directly associated with, ‘each other are integrate into the same unit. For backup protection, one or more additional units should be provided. ‘All relays can stand fully alone. Thus, the traditional protection principle of separate main and backup protection as well as the ‘external connection to the switchyard remain unchanged. “One feeder, one relay’ concept Analog protection schemes have been engineered and assem- bled from individual relays. Interwiring between these relays and scheme testing has been carried out manually in the workshop. Data sharing now allows for the integration of several protection ‘and protection-related tasks into one single numerical relay. Only a few external devices may be required for completion of the total scheme. This has significantly lowered the costs of ‘engingering, assembly, panel wiring, testing and commission- ing, Scheme failure probability has also been lowered. Engineering has moved from schematic diagrams toward a parameter definition procedure. The powerful user-definable lagic of SIPROTEC 4 allows flexible customized design for protection, control and measurement. 1 i Measuring included For many applications, the accuracy of the protection current transformer is sufficient for operational measuring. The addi- tional meacuring currant transformer was required to protect the measuring instruments under short-circuit conditions. Due to the low thermal withstand capability ofthe measuring instru- ments, they could not be connected to the protection current transformer, Consequently, additional measuring core current ‘transformers and measuring instruments are now only necassaty where high accuracy is required, e.g., or evenue metering. Corrective rather than preventive maintenance ‘Numerical relays monitor their own hardware and software. Exhaustive self-monitoring and fallure diagnostic routines are not restricted to the protection rely itself but are methodically ‘carried through from current transformer circuits to tsipping relay coils Equipment failures and faults in the current transtormer circuits are immediately reported and the protection relay is blocked. ‘Thus, service personnel are now able to correct the failure upon ‘occurrence, resulting in a significantly upgraded availabilty of the protection system, SIPROTEC Line protection 3¢ toremote line ene 21_ Distance protection IN Directonstearthfeuk protection FL_Distence-to-eult locator 7B Autorteclosure 25 synetrocheck Carrier intrtace (Yelopotecton) Seli-menitoring Event eecording Felt recording Sreaker montor 85 SM R FR eu ‘lg, 6.2.2: Mumerical relays offer increased information aval Load monitor Fauitreport to station ~or personal computer Mi, Wat wa Lu) reaker monitor og Supervisory contro! Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th n | 239 Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems Aéeptive relying ‘Numerical eays now offer reliable, convenient and comprehen- sve matching to changing conditions, Matching may be inated either by the relays own inteligence or fom other systoms via contacts or serial telegrams. Modern numerical relays contain & ‘umber of parameter sts that canbe pretest during commis- sioning of te scheme. One set's normaly operative. Transfer to the other sets canbe controlled via binary inputs ora sera date link (fg. 6.2). ‘There are a number of applications for which multiple setting groups can upgrade the scheme performance, for example 'H For use asa voltage-dependent control of overcurrent-time relay pickup values to overcome alternator fault current decrement to below normal load current when the automatic voltage regulator (AVA) is notin automatic operation 1 For maintaining short operation times with lower fault currents, e.g., automatic change of settings if one supply transformer is taken out of service 18 For “switch-onto-fault” protection to provide shorter time settings when energizing a circuit after maintenance so that ‘normal settings can be restored automaticaly after a time delay 1 For auto-reclosure programs, that is, instantaneous operation {or frst trip and delayed operation after unsuccessful reclosure 18 For cold load pickup problems where high starting currents may cause relay operation 1 For “ting open” or ring close ‘operation. Implemented functions SIPROTEC relays are available with a variety of protective functions (please refer to section 6.2.5). The high processing power of modern numerical units allows further integration of ‘non-protective add-on functions, ‘The question as to whether separate or combined relays should be used for protection and control cannot be unambiguously ansurered. In transmission-type substations, separation into independent hardware units is stil profereed, whereas a vend towerd higher function integration can be observed on the distribution level. Here, the use of combined feeder line relays {or protection, monitoring and contol is becoming more common (fig. 6.2-4), Relays with protection functions only and relays with combined protection and control functions are being offered. SIPROTEC 4 relays offer combined protection and control functions. SIPROTEC 4 relays support the ‘one relay one feeder” principle ‘and thus contribute to 2 considerable reduction in space and wiring requirements. With the well-proven SIPROTEC 4 family, Siemens supports both stand-alone and combined solutions on the basis ofa single bhardware and software platform. The user can decide within wide limits on the configuration of the contial and protection, and the raliabilty of the protection functions (ig. 6.2.5). 1000 __Farametor rao | om feesnas yoo Parameter tings Fettings ye teenie tings Jertinos — Iging jaa orceraseseinas rings long h jsoo orceaansetnot lpg fine $a00 ssurracoring are sco _sreaterttue ig, 6.23; Alternate parameter groups Fig, 6.24: Left: switchgear with numerical relay (75162) and traditional control; right: switchgear with combined protection and control relay (75168) ‘The following solutions are available within one relay family: |N Separate control and protection relays | Feeder protection and remote control of the line circult- breaker vie the serial communication 1 Combined ralays for protection, monitoring and contol. 240) Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide -6.1th Edition Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems - sensitive ‘earth oul detection | Busbar ror z = 7 J-=|Commendifeedback eels races a Synchronization | ie ,t @0@ 7160” Goad Bt hat Lt 0-8-8 75160” Lad. *) Nternatives: 75145146, 75161 Fig. 6.231: Radial systems 75160” Bs 0 g> € 1y>,€ 03 “ranstormer protection see Fig. 62-51 5 Te Satna ig, 6.232: Ringemaincireuit 250) Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide -6.1th Edition Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems ‘Switch-onto-fault protection If switched onto a faut, instantaneous tripping can be effected, If the internal control function is used (local, vie binary input or Via serial Interface), the manual closing function is avaliable without any adcitionel wising. Ifthe control switch is connected to a circuit-breaker bypassing the internal control function, ‘manual detection using 2 binary input is implemented. Directional comparison protection (cross-coupling) Cross-coupling s used for selective protection of sections fed from two sources with instantaneous tipping, that i, without the disadvantage of time coordination. The directional compari son protection is suitable if the distances between the protection stations are not significant and pilot wires are available for signal ‘transmission. In addition to the directional comparison protec tion, the directional coordinated time-overcurrent protection is used for complete selactive backup protection. if operated in a closed-circuit connection, an interruption ofthe transmission line is detected. Distribution feeder with reclosers General notes: 1m The feader relay operating characteristics, delay times and auto-reclosure cycles must be carefully coordinated with downstream reciosers, sectionalzers and fuses. ‘The 50/ SON instantaneous zone is normally set to reach out to the first main feeder sectionalizing point. It has to ensure fast clearing of close-in faults and prevent blowing of fuses in this area ("fuse saving’) Fest auto-reclosue is initiated inthis ‘ase, Further time delayed tripping and reclosure steps (normally two oF three) have to be graded against the reclose:. (8 The overcurrent relay should automatically switch over to less sensitive characteristics after long breaker interruption times in order to enable overriding of subsequent cold load pickup and transformer inrush currants Te Deol mziateetsemnaterncn sm a sa By b> bs ks, 7160 Bat It 75161 e@e”™ 6 pt sure. racloes of ecloser Further feeders Sectionalizers Fuses Fig, 6.2.35: Distribution Feeder with reclosers Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 251 Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems '3-pole multishot auto-reclosure (AR, ANSI 79) ‘Autoreclosure (AR) enables 3-phase auto-reclosing of @ feeder ‘that has previously been disconnected by overcurrent protection ‘The SIPROTEC 75161 allows up to nine reclosing shots, The fist four dead times can be setindividually. Reciosing can be blocked Cor initiated by a binary input or internally After the fist trip in a reclosing sequence, the high-set instantancous elements (>>>, b>, I>) can be blocked. This is used for fuse-saving applications and other similar transient schemes using simple overcurcent relays instead of fuses. The low-set definite-time (Is, J,>) and the inversertime (,Ipy) overcurrent elements remain operative during the entire sequence. Parallel feeder circuit General notes: 1H The preferred applicetion of this circuit isin the reiable supply of important consumers without significant infeed from the load side, The 67/67N directional overcurtent protection trips instantaneously for faults on the protected line. This saves ‘one time-grading interval for the overcurrent relays atthe infeed. The 51/51N avercurtent relay functions must be time-graded against the releys loceted upstream, bello age eee 1 650, + TRIP én Elementscan Elements _ferforms gesbaer — ecosure then the offeeder fuse ee f x sicestulrecooure CGeut breaker opens on Uneucesstulecesure -*yateratves: 75150, 7516216316, 780 Fig, 62:36: 3-pole multishot auto-reclosure (AR, AtS! 79) [Peet ontar 799) |) Fane aie moe (eas cee oe eee0 2) = + |s2 YAW i AT - Y | \ ee Fig, 6.257: Parallel feeder circuit 252 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide - 61th Edition Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems Reverse-power monitoring at double infeed If a busbar is fed from two parallel infeeds and a fault occurs on fone of tham, only the faulty infeed should be tripped selectively in order to enable supply to the busbar to continue from the remaining supply. Unidirectional devices that can detect a short-circuit current or energy flow from the busbar toward the incoming feeder should be used. Directional time-overcurrent protection is usually set via the load current. However, it cannot Clear weak-current faults. The reverse-poner protection can be ‘set much lower than the rated power, thus also detacting the ‘reyerse-power flow of weak-current faults with fault currents significantly below the load current, ‘Synchronization function Note: ‘Also eveilable in relays 75A6, 7SD5, 754522, 7VK61. General notes: | When two subnetwrorks must be interconnected, the synchronization function monitors whether the subnetworks. are synchronous and can be connected without rsk of losing stability. | This synchronization function can be applied in conjunction ‘vith the auto-reclosure function as well as with the contiol function CLOSE commands (local! remote). Fig, 6.2.38: Reverso-power monitoring at doublo infood. Fig, 6.2:39:Synehronization function Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engine! 1 Guide 6th Edition | 253, Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems Cables or short overhead lines with infeed from both ends Notes: 1) Auto-reclosure only with overhead lines 2) Differential protection options: | Type 7505 or 750610 with direct flber-optic connection up to about 100 km or vig a 64 kbit/s channel (optical fiver, microwave) (8 Type 78052 or 750610 with 7xv5662 (CC-CC) with 2 and 3 pilot wires up to about 30 km '§ Type 750600 with 2 pilot wires up to 12 km 7SD600is a costeffective solution where only the function 87Lis required (external current summation transformer 44M4930 dolivared separately). '3) Functions 49 end 79 only with 75D5 and 750610 relays. ‘Overhead lines or longer cables with infeed From both ends Notes: 1) Teleprotection logic (85) for transfer trp or blocking schemes. Signal transmission via pilot wire, poner line carrier, digital network or optical fiber (to be provided separctely). The teleprotection supplement is only necessary if fast fault clearance on 100% line lenath is required, that is, second zone tripping (about 0.3 s delay) cannot be accepted for far tend faults. For further application notes on teleprotection schemes, refer to the table on the following page. 2) Directional earth-fault protection 67N with inverse-time delay against high-resistance faults 3) Single or multishot auto-reciosure (79) only with overhead lines ‘Subtransmission line Note: Connection to open delta winding if avaliable. Relays 7546/52 ‘and 75462 can, however, elso be set to calculate the zero-se: ‘quence voltage internally. General notes: 1 Distance telaprotection is proposed as main protection and time-graded ditectional overcurrent as backup protection. 1 The 67N function of 75A6/ 522 provides additional high: resistance earth-fault protection. It can be used in parallel with the 21/21N function, ' Recommended toleprotection schemes: PUTT on medium and Jong lines with phase shift catrier or other secure ‘communication channel POTT on short lines. BLOCKING with (On/Off carrier (all tine lengths) Fig, 6.240: Cables or short overhead lines with infeed from both ends ae / ae | oe O's: Kole ae) 7 - ea Vioas Saactteea v Fig, 6.241: Overhes lings or longer cablos with infeed from both ends cee Pa 15 cy] To remote => aes Signal ansmission equipment ig, 6.2.42: Subtranmision tine 254, Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide - 61th Edition Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems Prefered Signal ‘pplication transmission spstem Characteristic a Advantages Drawbacks Tuble 62-2: Applicaton criteia for frequently used teleprotection sch Permissive underreach Permissive overreach ‘transfer tip PUTT) transfer trip OTT) Dependable and secure communication channal: ' Pomer line carrer with frequency shift modulation, 1H tignal coupled to 2 phates ofthe protected line, ot ‘even better toa parallel circuit to aveid vansmission ofthe HF signa through the faut location. + Microwave rao, especially digital (PCM) + Fiber optic cables Bestsuited for longer lines» Excellent coverage on vihere the undevreach short ines inthe Zone provides sufficient presence of fault resistance coverage Fesistance, ‘+ Sinable forthe protection of must- ferrin ines with Intermediate ined + Simple technique + Can be applied without ‘No coordination of zones underreaching zone 1 and mos with the sage (ea, ‘pposite end required. _evercompensated series The combination of {uncompensated lines) diferent relay tyes + Can be applied on therefore presents no extiemelyreshortlines prablerns (irnpedance less than. ‘nina relay seing) * Betier for paalel lines 2s ‘ual couptng isnot critical Yor the overresch ‘Wied inf terminate ace no preblem (Eeno and Wank Infed logic i included) + Overlpping ofthe zone + Zone reach an signal ‘reaches must be timing coordination with ensured. On parallel the remote end is lines, teed feeders and necessery (current tapped tines, the raversad) Influence of re Sequence coupling and IntormodiatoInfoeos suet be eartully oncicared to make sro ‘minimum overiapping ofthe zone 1 reach ‘ways presont. + Not suitable for weak Infood torminale Blocking Roiable communication ‘channel (ony required ‘during extonal fa) ‘Power ine carrer with amplituge modulation (ONIOFF). The some Frequency may be used nal terminals) ‘Ailing types ~ preferred practice inthe US Same as OTT Same os 9OTT * Slow tipping ~ a teleprotection tips must be delayed to wait forthe eventual blocking signal + Continuous channel monitoring snot possible Unblocking Dedicated channel with ‘continuous signal transfor Powerline caer with frequency sift eying Continuous signal transmission must be permited. ‘Same as POTT Same as POTT but: Hf no signal ic rceived {no block and no uncompensated block) then Uipping by the loverreech zone 's ‘leased efter 20™m5 ‘Some os POTT Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition 255 Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems ‘Transmission line with reactor (fig. 6.2-43) Notes: 1) SIN only applicable with earthed reactor neutral 2) If phese CTS et the low-voltage reactor side are not aveilable, the high-voltage phase C's and the CT in the neutral can be. connected to 2 restricted earth-fault protection using one 7VH0 high-impedance relay. General notes 1 Distance relays are proposed as main 1 and main 2 protection. Duplicated 7SA6 is recommenced for series= compensated lines. 1 Operating time of the distance ralays's in the range of 15 to 25 ms depending on the particular feult condition, These tripping times are valid for faults in the underreaching distance zone (80 to 85 % of the line length). Remote end, faults must be cleared by the superimposed teleprotection scheme. its overall operating time depends on the signal ‘transmission time of the channel, typically 15 to 20 ms for frequency shift audio-tone PLC or microwave channels, and lower than 10 ms for ON/OFF PLC or digital PCM signaling via optical fibers. ‘eleprotection schemes based on distance relays therefore have operating times on the order of 25 to 30 ms with cigital, PCM coded communication. With state-of-the-art two-cycle Circuit breakers, fault clearing times well below 100 ms (4 10 5 cycles) can normaly be achieved. Dissimilar carrier schemes are recommended for main 1 and main 2 protection, for example, PUTT, and POTT or Blocking /Unblocking. oth 75A522 and 7SA6 provide selective I-pole and/or pole ‘ripping and auto-reclosure. ‘The ea th-curtent directional comparison protection (67N) of, the 7SA6 relay uses phase selectors based on symmetrical ‘components, Thus, T-pole auto-reclosure can also be ‘executed with high-resistance faults. ‘The 67N function of the 75A522 relay can also be used as time-celayed directional overcurrent backup. The 67N functions are provided as high-impedance fault protection. 67N is often used with an additional channel asa separate carier scheme. Use of a common channel with distance protection is only possible if the mode is compatible (c.g, POTT with directional comparison). The 67N may be blacked when function 21121 picks up. Alternatively, it can be used as time-delayed backup protection. |] pirect ip Channel ig, 6,2-43+ ransmission lina with reactor Channel 2 [3] channel 3 256 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide -6.1th Edition Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems ‘Transmission line or cable (with wide-band communication) General noes: 1 Digital PCN coded communication (with n x 64 kbit/s channels) between line ends is becoming mote and more {wequentl avalible, ether ditecy by optical or microwave point-to-point links or via a general-purpose dsital communication network tn both cases, the relay-type current differential protection 7505261 can be applied. It provides absolute phase and zone selectivity by phase-segregated measurement and is not affected by power sivng or perallel line zevo-sequence ‘coupling effects. ts, furthermore, acurrent-oniy protection thet does not need a VT connection. For this reason, the @ @ Ox adverse effects of CVT transients ae not applicable. This makes it particularly suitable for double and mult-ircut lines where complex fault situations can occu. The 7505/61 can be applied to lines up to about 120 km in direct relay-to-telay connections via dedicated optical fiber cores (see also application 10), and also to much longer Dect connection with desceted Gistances of up to about 120 km by using separate PCM fists uptoabext 120m devices for optical fer or microwave transmission, ‘The 7505/61 then uses only @ smal part (64-512 64 Kits) ofthe total transmission capacity (on the order of Mbits/s). 1m The 75052/61 protection relays can be combined with the distance relay 75452 of 75A6 to form a redundant protection system with dissimilr meesuring principles complementing ‘each other (ig. 62-44). This provides the highest degree of « avalabiliy, Aso, separate signal transmission ways should be say used for main 1 and main 2 line protection, e.g., optical fiber ‘or microwave, and power line carrier (PLC). ee i a vay ol E> S| channel Toremete ET seu | Ptpeend Fig, 6.244: Redundant transmission line protection ‘The current comparison protection has 2 typical operating e time of 15 me for faults 9n 190 line length, ineusing signaling time. General notes for fig, 6.2-45: 1m SIPROTEC 7505 offers fully redundant differential and distance relays accommodated in one single bay control unit and provides both high-speed operation of relays and ‘excellent fault coverage, even under complicated conditions Precise cistance-to-fault location avoids time-consuming line patrolling and reduces the downtime of the line toa ‘The high-speed distance relay operates fully independently {rom the differential reley. Backup zones provide remote backup for upstream and downstream lines and other power system components, Po cHeats| ew |? ace Bie conmeton wih dala fecoaanee Fg, 6245: Tansision lin potcion with redundant algorithm in Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 257 Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems ‘Transmission line, breakerand.a-half terminal Notes: 1) When the line is switched off and the line ine disconnector, (Gsolator) is open, high through-feult currents in the diameter ‘may c2use maloperation of the distance relay due to unequal CT errors (saturation), Normal practice is therefore to block the distance protection (21121N) and the directional earth-fault protection (67N) Under this condition via an auxiliary contact ofthe line line disconnector (isolator). A standby overcurrent function (50/51N, 51/51N) is leased instead to protect the remain- ing stub between the breakers (‘stub” protection). 2) Overvoltage protection only with 7SA6/ 52. 7555.01 rue General notes: The protection functions of one diameter of a brezker-and-a- half arrangement are shown, 15 The currents of two C's nave each to be summed up to get the relevent line currents as input for main 1 and 2 line protection ‘The location of the CTs on both sides of the cicuit-breakersis, ‘typical for substations with dead-tank cicuit breakers. LUve-tank ciuit-breakers may have Ci only on one side to reduce cost. A feult between circuit-breakers and CT (end fault) may then stil be fed from one side even when the cicuitbreaker has opened. Consequently final fault clearing by cascaded tripping has to be accepted inthis case. ‘The 7VK61 relay provides the necessary end fault protection function and trips the crcuit-breakers of the remaining infeeding circuits == -@! @ Hal]| | @ —|)2 won ue f are ite o= ® Ue @ Uyzor Wes" Una Vous 7555, Tie 6g, 6.2.46: transmission lina, breaker-and.a-half terminal using 3 breaker management relays 7VK61 258 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide -6.1th Edition Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems General notes for fig. 6.2-45 ond 6.2-47: 1H For the selection of the main 1 and main 2 line protection schemes, the comments of application examples 6.2-41 and 62-82 apply. 1M Auto-reclosure (79) and synchrocheck function (25) are eech assigned directly tothe circuit-breakers and controlled by main 1 and 2 line protection in parallel. In the event of @ line fault, both adjacent circuit breakers have to be tripped by the line protection. The sequence of auto-raciosure of both circuit-breakers or, alternatively, the auto-reclosure of only fone circut-breaker and the manual closure ofthe other, ircuit-beaker, may be made selectable by a control switch 1 A coordinated scheme of control circuits is necessary to ‘ensure selective tripping interlocking and reclosing of the two ircuit-breakers of one line (or transformer feeder). 7355.08 7m6o 1 The voltages for synchrocheck have to be selected according ta the circult-breaker and disconnector (isolator) position by a voltage replica circuit. General notes for fig. 6.2-47: 1 In this optimized application, the 7VK61 is only used for the ‘enter breaker. Inthe line feeders, functions 25, 79 and BF {are also performed by transmission line protection 75522, or 7SR6. Msin2 Dz Seen Vee Foes ‘5g, 6.2.47: fanmission line, breaker-anda-half terminal, using 1 breaker management relay 7VK61 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 259, Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems 2. Transformers ‘Small transformer infood General notes: '® Earth faults on the secondary side are detected by current relay 51N. However, it has to be time-graded against downstream feeder protection relays. ‘The restricted earth-fault relay &7N can optionally be applied to achieve fast clearance of earth faults in the transformer secondary winding, Relay 7VH60 is of the high-impedance type and requires class, x CTs with equal transformation ratios. 1 Primary circult-breakar and relay may be replaced by fuses. Large or important transformer infeed General note: 1H Relay 7UT6 12 provides numerical ratio and vector group adaptation. Matching transformers as used with traditional relays are therefore no longer applicable. Notes: 1) fan independent high-Impedance-type earth-fault function is required, the 7VH6O earth-fault relay can be used instead of the 87N inside the 707512. However, class « CT cores would also be necessary inthis case (see small rensformer protection). 2)51 and 51N may be provided in a separate 75160 if requir. feo sso Disinbuten bus tod Fig, 6.248: Small trans vineed 7560 @O6G@@ m0 » e Dat fet yore lands \ + Tt es Fig, 62-49: Lange or important transformer Int 260) Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide -6.1th Edition Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems ual infeed with single transformer Protection ine 1 > Prtectiontine2 General notes: sameasline2 | ZAIN oF BIL 51 + optionally 67157" 2 I Line CTs are to be connected to separate stabilizing inputs of a2 inorder to ensure stability in the c the ciferentol ley 87 Sikora orautcoe Sint 1 Rey 7utet3 poids rue! and ectr group penn vscing vnstonra tinal ih eel Potted vey ae therefore no erge apt oo) : Los ca Vom View “Yio Fig, 6.250: Dual infeed with single transformer Parallel incoming transformer feeders vied LWineea2 Li ‘Note: i> Bt at O> 1,>¢] \ The drectonal functions 67 and 67H donot apply or cases a ( vnhere the tansformers ae equpped with the tansfommer ia ie a differential relays 877. a ry 2) ) Protection & eee om \ fi Aw, | x Yritcas one oat Fig. 6.2.51: Parallel incoming transformer Parallel incoming transformer feeders with bus tie ———7 infeed] [15> Bt >t > feat General notes: @O8CO 1 Overcurtent relay 51, SIN each connected 2s a partial differential scheme. This provides simple and fast busbar protection and saves one time-grading step. 2 2 2 : = Viced WV toad ig, 62-52: Parallel incoming transformer vedere with bus tie Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 261 Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems ‘Three-winding transformer Notes: 1) The zoro-sequence currant must be blocked before entering the differential relay with e delte winding in the CT connec- tion on the transformer side with earthed starpoint. This isto avoid false operation during extesnel earth faults (numerical relays provide this function by calculation), About 30 % sensitivity, however, is then lost in the event of internal faults Optionally, the zero-sequence current can be regained by introducing the winding neutral current in the differential relay (B71), Relay type 7UT613 provides two curtent inputs for this purpose. By using this feature, the earth-foult sensitivity can be upgraded again to Its original value. Restricted eaith-fault protection (877) is optional. it provides backup protection for earth faults and increased earth-fault sensitivity (about 10 % IN, compared to about 20 t0 30.% IN of the transformer differential relay). Separate class x CT-cores with equal transmission ratio are also required for this protection. 2) High impedance and overcurrent in one 75161, General notes: 1H In this example, the transformer feeds two different distibution networks with cogeneration. Restraining differential relay inputs are therefore provided at each transformer sik 18 If both distribution networks only consume load and no ‘through-food is possible from one MV network to the other, parallel connection of the CTs of the two MY transformer ‘windings is admissible, which allows the use of a two: \ninding differential relay (707612) Autotransformer Notes 1)87N high-impedance protection requires special class x current transformer cores with equal transformation ratio. 2) The 75360 relay can alternatively be connected in series with the 7UT613 relay to save this CT core. General note: | Two different protection schemes are provided: 87T is chosen. 4s the low-impedance three-winding version (7UT613). 87N, is2 1-phase high-impedance relay (7VH60) connected as restricted earth-fault protection. (In this example, its assumed that the phase ends of the transformer winding are not accossible on the neutral sido, that is, there oxists a CT onl in the neutral earthing connection.) HV infeed Bs Bro ir 75), 751610 75:80 Fig. 62:53: Three-winding transformer > eee lz ape onrRwo0 ig, 62-54: Autotranstormer 262 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide -6.1th Edition Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems Large autotransformer bank General notes: | The transformer bank is connected in a breaker-and-a-half arrangement. Duplicated differential protection is proposed: Main 1; Low-impedance differential protection 877L (UT613) connected to the transformer bushing CTs. Main 2: High-impedance differential overall protection 8771. (7VH60). Separate class x cores and equal CT ratios ere required for this type of protection. | Backup protection is provided by distance protection relay (75A52 and 75A6), each “looking” with an instantaneous first zone about 80 % into the transformer and with a time- delayed zone beyond the transformer. 1 The tertiary winding is assumed to feed a small station supply network with isolated neutral 3. Motors ‘Small and medium-sized motors < about 1 MW 2) With effective or low-resistance earthed infeed (Fz =Iy vie) General note: 1 Applicable to low-voltage motors and highvoltage motors with low-resistance earthed infeed (Iz = ly woo) ) With high-resistance earthed infeed Up ly oto Notes: 1) Core-belance CT. 2) Sensitive directional earth-fault protection (67N) only applicable with infeed from isolated or Petersen coll earthed network (For dimensioning of the sensitive directional earth-fault protection, see also applicatian circuit no. 30) 3) The 75J602 reley can be epplied for isoleted and compenseted networes. srwrsoo 75160 Fig, 6.2§5: Lange autotransformer bank 2 be & be be 7sy6017SKe0 Fig. 6.256: Motor protection with effective or lo-reststance ‘earthed infeed be o> ip ie | eee ee0eese 2 jee 75162175K00) ‘ig, 6.2.57: Motor protection with high-resistance earthed infeed Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th n | 263 Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems Large HV motors> about 1 MW Notes: 1)Core-balance cr. 2) Sensitive directional earth-fault protection (67N) only applicable with infeed from isolated or Petersen coll earthed network '3) This function is only needed for motors where the startup ‘time is longer than the safe stall time t€. According to EC 60079-7, the tE time is the time needed to heat up AC windings, when carrying the starting current 1, from the temperatuie reached in tated service and at maximum ambient air temperature tothe limiting temperature. A separate speed Switch is used to supervise actual starting of the motor. The motor circuit-breake' is tripped if the motor oes not reach spead in the preset time. The speed switch i part of the motor supply itself 4) PL10O, Nit00, Ni120 5) 497 only available with external temperature monitoring Gevice (7XV5662) Cold load pickup By means of a binary input that can be wired from a manual close contac, itis possible to switch the overcurrent pickup settings to less sensitive settings for 2 programmable amount of time, After the set time has expired, the pickup settings auto- ‘matically return to their original setting, This can compensate for initia inrush when energizing a circuit without compromising the sensitivity of the overcurrent elements during steady-state conditions. re a a bp 0 hp Ue optional THRE we» | 5 ona |Startup| tet | y — eros fos Bae ig Fig, 6258; Protection of large HV motors > about MWY 1 Txt ist 4 - Biro pat fous = trast te Desensitized P'2—~ ating test | x 75000 susbae 7H = \ A \ Det It ee ‘ypc feeder Seeginnt ny (9727 C10 cold 0727 >c10)|""" > load pickup of over- Jum cae pcep) Fig. 6.2.65:Cold load pickup 264 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide -6.1th Edition Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems 4, Generators Generators <500 KW (fig. 62-60 andfig.6.2-61) Note: Ifa core-balance CT is provided for sensitive earth-tault protec: tion, relay 7J602 with separate earth-current input can be used. Generators, typically 1-3 MW (ig. 6.2-62) Note: Two Vis in V connection are also sufficient. Generators > 1-3 MW (ig, 6.2-63) Notes: 1) Functions 81 and 59 are required only where prime mover, can assume excess speed and the voltage regulator may permit ris of output voltage above upper limi ( Dyhat > 0> @ e 75160 Fig, 6.2.60: Generator with solidly earthed neutral a ° 61) centaoe Inhnt ip Oe [ —_ +@-@-@ 2) itterena relying options hl “Lowimpedance diferent protection 87 hestited carla protection with ow-resstanca i earthed neutral (fig. 6.2-62). = (05101) rt 0:22 emerner me teasancmnaroed eal = w 3 i AA rt re q @ee°0e Lf ums g Fig, 6.2.62: Protection for generatore 1-2 MW! Fig, 6.2.62: Protaction for generators »1-3 MW Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition 265 Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems Generators > 5-10 MW feeding into a network with isolated neutral (fig. 6.2.64) General notes: |W The setting range of the directional earth-fault protection (67H) in the 7UM6 relay is 2~1,000 mA. Depending on the current transformer accuracy, 2 certain minimum setting is, required to avoid false operation on load or transient currents, 8 In practice, efforts are generally made to protect about 90% of the machine winding, measured from the machine terminals. The full earth current for a terminal fault must ‘then be ten times the setting value, which corresponds to the fault current of e fault at 10 % distance from the machine neutral For the most sensitive setting of 2 mA, we therefore need 20 mA secondary earth curtent, corresponding to (60/1) x 20. mA = 1.2 Aprimary, If suificient capacitive earth current is not eveilable, en earthing transformer with resistive zero-sequence load can be installed as ‘earth-current source atthe station busbar. The smallest standard ‘earthing transformer TGAG 3541 has a 20 s short-time rating of Input connected to: S,= 27 kVA Ina 5 kV network, it would deliver: 9.48 ‘corresponding to a relay input current of 9.4 Ax 1/60A= 1156 mA This would provide a 90 % protection range with a setting of about 15 mA, allowing the use of 4 paralle! connected ccore-balance CTs, The resistance at the 500 V open-delta SE ATTN cra cnc cartunp vossenser vou entre be ae a sea Saas ar a ae a lala oo . : teasing sm ge yl Sp=00 08127000 V8 260 (27.205) eee 7" eas for S ih maine wl 60130 Ga wi pada cies TAGECHARAANGEIACHEURIUNRRIREER ‘weventrm cide tne caret: ween pata seeoery a ee cemottgaranea/(ovisye zon See eT! With e relay setting of 12 mA, the protection range would in this Sacer iia) esRPa vv (Eien laine atl " ee or es ae whe & ‘action OS ae a ale Redundant protection Fig 6.2.64: Protections for generators > 5-10 MW 266, Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide - 61th Edition Protection and Su bstation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems Notes (fig. 6.2-64): 1) The standard core-balance CT 7XR96 has a transformation ratio of 6011 A, 2) instead of an open-delta winding at the terminal VT, 2 T-phase VT at the machine neutral could be used as 2er0-sequence polarizing voltage. 3) The earthing vansformeris designed for a short-time rating of 20 s, To prevent overloading, the load resistor is automati- cally switehed off by atime-delayad 2er0-sequonce voltage relay (59N + 62) end a contactor (52). 44) During the startup time of the generator with the open crcuit-breaker, the earthing source is not available. To ensure carth-fault protection during ths time interval, an availiary contact of the circult-breaker can be used to change over the Girectional earth-‘ault relay function (67N) to a zeto-sequence ‘voltage detection function via binary input. Genorators > 50-100 MW in gonerator transformer unit connection (fig. 6.265) Notes: 1) 100 % stator earth-fault protection based on 20 Hz voltage injection 2) Sensitive rotor earth-fault protection based on 1-3 Hz voltage injection 3) Non-electrcal signals can be incoupled in the protection via binary inputs (81) 4) Only used functions shown; further Integrated functions available in each relay type. ya @ oton é@ Fieks rd Fig, 6.2.65: Protections for generators » 50 MW. rors @ 1 ig, 6.2.66: Assignment for functions to ralay type Pel. | Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th yn | 267 Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems: ‘Synchronization of a generator Fig. 6.2-67 shows a typical connection for synchronizing @ ‘generator. Paralleling device 7VES acquires the line and genera- tor voltage, and calculates the differential voltage, frequency ‘and phase angle. If these vaiues are within a permitted range, 2 CLOSE command is issued after a specified cicuit-breaker make time, If these variables are out of range, the paralleling device automatically sends a command to the voltage and speed controller. For example, ifthe frequency is outside the renge, an actuation command is sent to the speed controller. Ifthe voltage is outside the range, the voltage controller is activated. Fig, 6.267: Synchronization ofa generator 5. Busbars ‘Busbar protection by overcurrent relays with reverse, interlocking General note: © Applicable to distribution busbars without substantial {€ 0.25 x Iy) backfeed from the outgoing feeders. 268) Siamens Eneray Sector - Power Encincesing Gude »6.1th Edition Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems High-Impedance busbar protection General notes: | Normally used with single busbar and one breaker-and-a-half schemes. \m Requires separate class x current transformer cores. All CTs must have the same transformation rato, Note: A vatistoris normally applied across the relay input terminals to limit the voltage to 2 value safely below the insulation voltage of the secondary circuits. Low-impedance busbar protection 75560 General notes: |B Normally used with single busbar, one breaker-and-a-half and ‘double busbar schemes sformation ratios can be adapted by matching transformers. © Unlimited number of feeders. | Feeder protection can be connected to the same CT core. Distributed busbar protection 75852 General notes: '© Preferably used for multiple busbar schemes where a disconnector (isolator) replica is necessary. '& The numerical busbar protection 7SS5 provides additional breaker failure protection. © CT transformation ratios can be different, ¢.¢., 00/1 Ain the feeders and 2000/1 Aat the bus tie. 18 The protection system and the disconnector (isolator) replica are continuously selfsmanitored by the 78552 'H Feeder protection can be connected to the seme CT core. Fig, 6.2.69: High-impedance busbar protection ss6or] sveo] | [gp 7560) toad ‘ig. 6.2.70: Low-impedance busbar protection 75560 Cent unit|__ 258822 ‘ig, 6.2.7 Dietibuted bushar protaction 75852 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th n | 269 Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems 6. Networks Load shedding Inunstable networks (e.g, sltary networks, emergency power cua ran supply in hospitals), it may be necessary to isolate selected loads | (Pe ee from the network to prevent oveload ofthe overall network.The | @ covercurtent-time protection functions are effective only in the essen 7awhe ase ofa short-circuit ‘verloading of the generator cn be measured as 2 frequency or een voltage drop. ~“t'@ © 6 (rotecton functions 27 and 81 avilable in 7RW60O, 7516 ane Di 7518.) Load shedding with rate-of-frequency-chango protection The rate-of-frequency-change protection calculates, from the ‘measured frequency, the gradient or frequency change df ft. It thus possible to detect and record any major active power loss the poner system, to disconnect certain consumers accords ingly and to restore the system to stability Unlike Frequency protection, rate-of-frequency-change protection reacts before the frequency threshold is undershot. To ensure effective protection settings, itis recommended to consider requirements throughout the power system as whole. The rate-of-frequency- ‘change protection function can also be used for the purposes of system decoupling Rate-of frequency-change protection can also be enabled by an, underfrequency state. ‘Tip circult supervision (ANSI 74TC) Ver (One oF two binary inputs cen be used for the tip circuit supervi- ee sion i te crest — teuity {co We enact of we ety 1 binant of teres 1c Weal ‘x Crest eee union cote 1 Keialert stor intend ey Cote vase (8 Chasttveoker 270) Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide - 61th Edition Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems Disconnecting facility with flexible protection function General note: The SIPROTEC protection ralay 75184 disconnects the switchgear from the utility power system if the generator feeds enercy back into the power system (protection function P reverse>). This functionality is achieved by using flexible protection. Disconnec- tion also takes place in the event of frequency or voltage fluctuations in the utility power systam (protection functions ‘sy 52, Us, U>, Igy? Tei?! 81,27, 59, 67, 670). Notes: 1) The transformer is protected by differential protection and Invarse or definite-time overcurrent protection functions for the phase currents. In the event ofa fault, the circuit-breaker CB1 on the utility side is tipped by a remote link, Circuit breaker C82 is also tripped 2) Overcurtent:time protection functions protect feeders 1 and 2 against short-circuits and overload caused by the connected loads. Both the phase currents and the zero currents ofthe feodars can be protected by inverse and definite:time overcurrent stages. The circuit-breakers CB4 and C85 are ‘ripped in the event ofa fault. cn [spitdy_ CUstomersutcgeer wth automo Supaiy iScomector * » g boy oft oa] Jsi64 Te S Ue U> Syne Tey lee] | |@@@960@ sbi 7516012 isu | 75180 75180 32 52 ad cesl\ Feeder 1 Feeder? Fig, 6.275: Example of switchgear with autonomous generator supply Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th yn | 271 2m Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems 6.2.4 Protection Coordination Typicol applications and functions Relay operating characteristics and their settings must be carefully coordinated in order to achieve selectivity, The airn is ‘basically to switch off only the faulty component and to leave the rest of the power sysiem in service in order to minimize supply interruptions and to ensure stability. Sensitivity Protection should be as sensitive as possible in order to detect faults at the lowest possible current level. At the same time, however, it should remain stable under all permissible load, ‘overload and through-fault conditions. For more information. hhtip:1/ ww The Siemens ‘enginecring programs SINCAL and SIGRADE are especially designed for selective protection grading of protection relay systems. They provide short-circuit calculations, international Standard characteristics of relays, uses and circut-breakars for easy protection grading with respect to motor starting, intush phenomena, and equipment damage curves. Phase-fault overcurrent relays ‘The pickup valuas of phase overcurrent relays are normally set 30 % above the maximum load current, provided that sufficient short-circuit current is available. This practice is recommended particularly for mechanical relays with reset ratios of 0.8 10 0.85. Numerical relays have high reset ratios near 0.95 and allow, therefore, about a10 % lower setting. Feeders with high ‘wansformer and/or motor load require special consideration. Transtoumer feeders The energizing of transformers causes inrush currents that may last for seconds, depending on their size (fi. 6.2-76). Selection Of the pickup current and assigned time delay have to be coordinated so that the inrush current decreases below the relay overcurrent reset value before the set operating time has elapsed. The inrush current typically contains only about a 50% fundamental frequency component. Numerical relays that filter ‘out harmonics and the DC component of the inrush current can therefore be set to be more sensitive, The inrush current peek values of fig. 8.2-76 will be reduced to more than one half in this case. Some digital relay types have an insush detection function that may block the trip of the overcurrent protection resulting from intush curcents. Earth-foult protection relays Earth-current relays enable a much more sensitive setting, ‘because load currents do not have to be considered (except 4-wire clcuits with 1-phase load). n solily anc low-resistance earthed systems, a setting of 10 to 20 % rated load current cen, generally be applied. High-resistance earthing requires a much ‘more sensitive setting, on the order of some amperes primary. ‘The earth-fault current of motors and generators, for example, should be limited to values below’ 10 A in order to avoid iron ‘burning. n this case, residual-curtent relays in the start point Connection of CTs cannot be used; in particular, with rated CT primary currents higher than 200 A. The pickup value of the uo At no fh too th 90 to 2 & so « a0 20 to nai 100 raed vontoma por WMA) —— ees Heri over WA) OS 3.0 10.010 >10 Teconsom6)———ON6.02 02.012 12.70 Fig, 6.276: Peak value of inrush current ~ero-sequence relay ould be on the order of the error currents lof the CTs. A special core-balance CT is therefore used as the ‘earth-current sensor, The core-balance CT 7X96 is designed for 2 ratio of 60/1 A, The detection of 6 A primary would then require a relay pickup setting of 0.1 A secondary. An even more sensitive setting is applied in isolated or Petersen coil earthed retworks where very low earth currents occur with 1-phase-to: ‘earth faults, Settings of 20 mA and lower may then be required depending on the minimum earth-foult current. Sensitive directional earth-fault relays (integrated into the relays 75162, (63, 64, 75180, 75K80, 7546) allow settings as low as 5 mA. ‘Siemens Energy Sector» Power Encineering Guide -6.1th Edition Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems Motor feeders ‘The energization of motors causes a staring current of initially 5 to 6 times the rated current (locked rotor current), ‘Atypical time-curtent curve for an induction motor is shown in fig. 62-77. In the frst 100 ms, a fast-decaying asymmetrical inrush current also appears. With conventional relays, itwes common practice to set the instantaneous overcurtent stage of the short-circuit protection 20 to 30 % above the locked rotor current with 2 Short-time dalay of 50 to 100 ms to overtide the asymmetrical, incush period. Numerical relays are able to filter out the asymmetrical current ‘component very rapidly so that the setting of an additional time delay isno longer applicable ‘The overloae protection characteristic should follow the thermal ‘motor characteristic as closely as possible. The adaptation ‘made by sotting the pickup value and the tharmal time constant, using the data supplied by the motor manufacturer. Further. ‘more, the locked-rotor protection timer has to be set according to the characteristic motor value Time grading of overcurrent elays (51) ‘The selectivity of overcurrent protection is based on time ‘grading of the relay operating characteristics. The relay closer to the infeed (upstream relay) is ime-delayed against the relay further away from the infeed (downstream relay). The calcula tion of necessary grading times is shown in fig, 6.2-77 by an ‘example for definte-time overcurrent relays, ‘The overshoot times take into account the fact that the measur ing relay continues to operate due to its inertia, even if when the fault current is intecrupted. This may be high for mechanical relays (about 0.1 s) and negligible for numerical relays (20 ms) Inverse-time relays (51) Far the time grading of inverse-time relays, in principle the same rules apply as for the definite-time relays. The time grading is, first calculated for the maximum fault level and then checked for ower current levels (ig. 6.2-78).. I the same characteristic Is used for all relays, or if when the upstream relay has e steeper characteristic (e.¢., very much over ‘normal inverse), then selectivity is automaticaly fulfiled at lower currents, Differential relay (87) Transformer differential relays are normally set to pickup values ‘between 20 and 30 % of the rated current. The higher value has to be chosen when the transformer is fitted with a tap changer. Restricted earth-fault relays and high-resistance metor/genera- tor differential relays are, as 2 tule, set to about 10% of the rated current, oi 2 3 8 5 6 7 8 8 Current in multiples of full'ood amps —= wo street igh setintrtaneos Osage “es lotaotoreomert — Meter thea iit eave —— dverbad potion haaeetie @ Perisibieladad tortie Fig. 6.2.77-Typleal motor current.time characteristics Tie fam nan Feeder Maximum feeder ful level Fig, 6.278: Coordination oF inverse-time reloys Instanteneous evercursent protection (50) This is typically applied on the finel supply loed or on eny protection relay with sufficient circutimpedance between itselt and the next downstream protection relay, The setting at transformers, for example, must be chosen about 20 to 30% highar than the maximum through-fault current. The relay must remain steble during energization of the transformer, Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th n | 273 Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems Calculation exomple ‘The feeder configuration of fig. 6.2-80 and the associated load ‘and short-circuit currents are given. Numerical evercurrent relays 7S160 with normal inverse-time characteristics are applied. The ielay operating times, depending on the curtent can be derived fom the diagram or coleulate wth the formula given in Jaros fig. 62-81 Tie gracing faut fault Imceruptionof| ‘The I,/Iy settings shown in fig. 6.2-80 have been chosen to get ‘inception detection fautt current ta ee pickup values safely above maximum load current. b mae areca | nerapcantne —T This curren sorting shouldbe lowest for tho relay farthest down: oe stream. The relays further upstream should each have equal or re higher current settings. b {fos haonte,) —— The time multiplier settings can now be calculated as follows: ‘ois caled overtrovel or contig time Station C: ‘Time sraciog 1 For coordination nit te fuses, we consider the fautin trea fret for location FI Example 1 te "0.109+0:152 40.15 3=0408 The short-circuit currently max. elated to 13.9KVis523A, cll cultbveaker tap 0.10, “steals in 7.47 for, atthe overcurent rly in location C. eae rey iecuige SEN vu and Ty 8.5 cn peeing LET 4=0.175 eemneint canbe derived from fig 6.281. Reese on This setting wes selected for the overcurrent relay to get a safe Sample? {ron WDE HU. OR MIDS ONE {grading time over the fuse on the transformer low-voltage side, Vacuum circut-breaker tsp 0.08 5 Safety margin forthe seting valves forthe relay atstaton Care Nurmeicl rays top 0.02 therefore: seteymaicin tye 0.108 1 Pickup current: I/ly = 0.7 " 1 Time mutilier f= 0.05 Fg, 62.79:Time grading of overcurrent relays station 8 The relayin 8 hos a primary protection function forline Cand Set a backup function for the relay in C,The maximum twrough-fault “ fam 9 ge current of 1.395 A becomes effective for @ fault in location F2. ay For the relay in C, an operating time time of 0.11 5 (I/Ip = 19.93) Anew! ie is obtained. Sto 7607560 itis assumed that no special requirements for short operating times exist and therefore an average time grating interval of S@U0M MB Fags CT rao yy"* Iam®™* yy ioe 1 G.3s-can be chosen The apartng re of the yn Bn fod me iis then be Cates A xo 430 s00/3 10 amas ee ee i -0.11403-0418 C5 8s tons 07 70888 1395 a Value of ly fly = = 6.34 (fig. 6.2-80) ZK Ig MaK= Miu short Set coment ly Rely exrentmainiersettng 1m With the operating time 0.41 s and Iy ily = 6.34, 2) Ripe Pim eting carer enespondng T,= 0.11 can be derived from fig. 6.2-81 Fig, 6.2.80: Time grading of inverce-time relays for a radial fo 274, Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide -6.1th Edition Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems ‘The setting values forthe relay at station 8 are: Illy 1.4 rp 0.11 1 Pickup curce = Time multiplier Given these settings, the operating time of the relay in B for a lose fault in F3 can also be checked: The short-circuit current increases to 2,690 Ain this case (fig. 62:80). The corresponding 111, value is 12.28 1m With this value and the set value of 7, = 0.11, an operating time of 0.3 sis obtained again (fi. 6.2-81), Station A: 1 Adding the time grading interval of 0.35, the desired ‘operating itme is y= 0.3-4.0.3-0.65. Following the same procedure os forthe relay in tation 8, the following values ae obtained for the relay in tation A: 1 Pickup curtent: Illy = 1.0, 15 Timo multiplier, ~ 0.17 1 For the close-in faut at location F4, an operating time of 0.48 sis obtained The normal way To prove the selectivity over the whole range of possible short-circuit currents, it is normal practice to draw the set of ‘operating curves in @ common diagram with double log scales. ‘These diagrams can be calculated manually and drawn point-by- point or constructed by using tempiates. Today, computer programs are also available for this purpose. Fig. 6.2-€2 shows the relay coordination diagram for the selected example, as calculated by the Siemens program SIGRADE (Siemens Grading Program). For further information: bhttp:1/ www Note: To simplity calculations, ony inverse-time characteristics have ‘been used for this example. About 0.1 s shorter operating times ‘ould heve been reached for hich-current faults by edditionally applying the instantaneous zones I>> of the 75160 relays. Coordination of overcurrent relays with fuses and low-voltage tip devices ‘The procedure is similar to the ebove-described erading of ‘overcurrent relays. A time interval of between 0.1 and 0.2 sis usually suficient for 2 safe time coordination. ‘Stiong and exttemaly inverse characteristics are often mora, suitable than nocmel inverse characteristics in this case. Fig. 6.2-83 shows typical examples. Simple distribution grid stations use e power fuse on the secondary side of the supply transformers (fig. 6.2-832).. In this caso, the operating characteristic ofthe overcurrent relay at the infeed has to be coordinated with the fuse curve. 100 Rs 7,181 oso} — os ee a3 fe cI ee ee 005 2 4 6810 2 ”, | Fig, 6.2.81 Mormal inverse-time characteristic ofthe 75I60 relay Normatinverse 0.14 apa ‘Strong inverse characteristics may be used with expulsion type fuses (fuse cutouts), while extremely inverse versions adapt better to current limiting fuses. In any case, the fnal decision should be made by plotting the ‘curves in the log-log coordination diagram. Electronic tip devices of LV breakers have long-delay, short- delay an instantaneous zones. Numerical overcurrent relays, ‘with one inverse-time and two definite-time zones can closely be adapted to this (fg. 6.2-83b). Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th n 275 Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems ‘Setting range setting Iy=0.10-4.00 ly p= 1.0ly Proos-ses Boba Beara, Bee pein, fronts: oe yr910-4005, F005 32s a br =0.1-25ly p=07 hy el Broo ee wosagt fo 1y=0.10-400 ly oo 00-396 Teme sot a i vaaoaKy si * “0 ala fuse [] vor 169, woes Se vec ase 1604 Fig, 6.2.82: Overcurrent time grading Inversertime relay a fe Gree a Maximum foul avaiable at bus Fig, 6.2.83: Coordination of an overcurrent reay with an MY fuse and low-voltage breaker tip device Coordination of distance relays The distance relay setting rust tate into account the limited relay accuracy, including vansient overteech (5 %, according to IEC 60255-6), the CT ertor (1 % for class SP and 3 % for class 10P) and a security margin of about 5 %. Furthermore, the line parameters are often only calculated, not measured. Thisis @ further source of errors. A setting of 80 to 85 % Is therefore ‘common practice; 80% is used for mechanical relays, while 85 % ‘can be used for the more accurate numerical relays. Where measured line or cable impedances are aveilable, the protected zone setting may be extanced to 90 %. The second ‘and third zones heve to keep a safety margin of ebout 15 t0 20 % to the corresponding zones of the following lines. The Shortest following ine always has to be considered (fig. 6.2-84). ‘As a general rula, the seconé zone should atleast reach 20% ‘over the next station to ensure backup for busbar faults, end the {thitd zone should cover the longest following line as backup for the fine protection, 276 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide - 61th Edition Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems Grading of zone times ‘The first zone normally operates undelayed. For the grading of the time delays of the second and third zones, the same cules a5 for overcurrent relays apply (fig. 6.2-79, page 262). For the ‘queciilaterel characteristics (relays 75A6 and 7SA5), only the reactance values (X values) have to be considered for the protected zone setting. The setting of the R values should cover the line resistance and possible arc or fault resistances. The arc resistance can be roughly estimated 2s follows: 25 lye Rye fa) Tege™ Arc langth in mm Tyce = Minimum short-circuit current in kA 18 Typical setings of the ratio R/X are: = Short lines and cables (= 10 km): RIX =2 to 6 = Madium line lengths < 25 km: RIX =2 Longer lines 25 to 50 kim: RIX =1 Shortest feeder protectable by distance relays ‘The shortest feeder thet can be protected by underreaching distance zones without the need for signaling links depends on the shortest settable relay reactance, Vrs Kvn ain ~ Xastay i Crave ‘The shortest setting of the numerical Siemens relays is 0.05.0 for 1 Arelays, corresponding 10 0.01 0 for 5 A relays. This allows distance protection of distribution cables down to the range of some 500 meters Breaker failure protection setting Most numerical relays in this quide provide breaker failure (BF) protection as an integral function. The initiation of the BF protection by the internal protection functions then takes place Via software logic. However, the BF protection function may also be initiated externally vie binary inputs by an alternate protec: tion. In this case, the operating time of intermediate relays (EFI time) may have to be considered. Finally, the tripping of the Infeeding breakers requires auxiliary relays, which add 2 small time delay (BFD to the overall feult clearing time. This is particularly the case with one-breaker-and-a-half or ring bus arrangements where a separate breaker failure relay (75800 or ‘7VK61) is used per breaker (ig. 6.2-46, fig. 6.2-47). ‘The decisive criterion of BF protection time coordination isthe reset time of the current detector (508F), which must not be ‘exceadied under any condition during normal currentincerrup= tion. The reset times specified in the Siemens numerical elay ‘manuals are valid for the worst-case condition: interruption of 2 Typ" 085-Zhy-p Zan 085- hn yt Zid) Zan 085 ing Ey) Fig, 62-84: Grading of distance zones Fig. 6.2.85: Oporating characteristics of Siemens distance ralays fully offset short-circuit current and low current pickup setting (0.1 t00.2 times rated CT current). The reset time is 1 cycle for EHV relays (7SA6! 52, 7VK61) end 1.5 to 2 cycles for distribution type relays (75)**), Fig. 6.2-86 (next page) shows the time chart for atypical breaker falluce protection scheme. The statad times in parenthe- ‘es apply for transmission system protection and the times in, ‘square brackets for istribution system protection, Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th n 277 Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems High-Impedance differential protection; Verification of design The following design data must he established: Tata ‘The prerequisite for high-impedance scheme is that all CTs used for that scheme must have the same ratio. They should also be lof low leakage flux design according to Class PX of IEC 6044-1 (former Class x of BS 3938) or TPS of EC 6084-6, when used {or high-impedance busbar protection scheme. When used for, restricted earth-fault/circulating current differential protection of transformer winding, motor or generator also CTs of Class 5° Of IEC 60044-1 can be used, as well, In each case the excitation characteristic ané the secondary winding resistance are to be provided by the manufactures. The knee-point voltage of the CT ‘must be at least twice the ralay pickup veltage to ensure ‘operation on internal faults. The relay The relay can be either: 4) dedicated design high-impedance relay, 0.9. designed as a sensitive current relay 7VH60 or 7SG12 With series resistor. Hf the series resistor is integrated into the relay, the setting values may ‘be directly applied in volts, as with the relay 7VHEO (6 to 60V or 24 10 24V); or ») digital overcurrent protection relay with sensitive current Input, like 75461 type. To the input of the relay a series stabil2- ing resistor wil be then connected in order to obtain enough stabilization for the high-impedance scheme. Typically avaristor willbe also connected to protect the relay and wiring against overvoltages. Sensitivity ofthe scheme For the relay o operate in the event ofan internal fault, the primary current must reach a minimum value to supply the elay pickup current ([,q), the varistor leakage current (ge) and the ‘magnetizing currents ofall parallel-connected Cs atthe set pickup voltage. A low relay voltage setting and CTs with low ‘magnetizing current therefore increase the protection sensitivity Stability during external faults This check is made by assuming an external fault with maximum through-feult current and full seturation of the CT in the faulty feeder, The soturated CT is then substituted withits secondary winding resistance Ry, and the appeating relay voltage VR corresponds to the voltage drop ofthe in-feeding currents (through-fault current) across Band Rjgq. The current (voltage) atthe relay must. under this condition, stay reliably bbolow the relay pickup value, In practice, the wiring resistances Rjagg may not be equal. In this ‘350, the worst condition with the highest relay voltage (Conesponding to the highest through-feult current) must be sought by considering all possible external feeder faults. setting ‘The setting is always a trade-off between sensitivity and stability. & higher voltage setting leads not only to enhanced @ et (85 Fig, 6.2.86: Breaker failure protection, logic circuit play protection Fukincdene me Normatnterptg tine tater Getermeioes Primer 6255 “otal besterfareinterptng tine 9151 Fig, 6.287: Time coordination of BF time setting throughr varistor leakage currents, resulting consequently in a primary pickup curtent, ult stability but elso to higher CT megnetizing end her ‘Anigher voltage setting also requires 2 higher knee-point voltage of the CTs and therefore greater size of the CTs. A Sensitivity of 10 to 20% J, is typical for restricted earth-fault protection. With busbar protection, a pickup value > [is normally epplied Voristor Voltage limitation by a varistor is needed if peak voltages near or ‘above the insulation voltage (2 kU) are expected. A limitation to Uma = 1,500 Vis then recommended. This can be checked for ‘the maximum internal fault curzent by applying the formula ShOWN FOF Upas rela A festicted earth-fault protection may sometimes not require a varistor, but a busbar protection in ‘general does. The electrical varistor characteristic can be expressed es U= KI where K and Bare the veristor constants Relay setting Umm, K 2 \Varistor type 2125 4500.25 600A 15115256 125-240 900 0.25 GOD A Ist 1st088 278 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide - 61th Edition Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems (CT requirements for protection relays Instrument transformers Instrument transformers must comply with the applicable IEC recommendations IEC 60044 and 60186 (PT), ANSI/IEEE €57.13 or other comparable standards. Voltoge transformers (VT) Voltage transformers (V1) In single:pole design for all primary voltages have typical single or dual secondary windings of 100, 110 oF 115 V/¥3 with output ratings between 10 and 50 VA Suitable from most application with digital metering and protection equipment, and accuracies of 0.1 % to 6 % to suit the particular application, Primary Bll. valuas are selected ta match those of the associated switchgear. Current transformers CCurrent transformers (CT) are usually ofthe single-ratio type with wound or bat-type primaries of adequate thormal rating, Single, dual or viple secondary windings of 1 or 5 Are standard. 1 A rating should, howover, be preferred, particularly in HY and EHY stations, to reduce the burden of the connected lines. Output power (rated burden in VA), eccuracy and setura tion characteristics (rated symmetrical short-circuit currant limiting facto) of the cores and secondary windings must meet Calculation example: astrited earth fault protection forthe 400 KV winding of 400 MUA poner transformer with I, qqny ~ $77 Ainetalled ina switchgear with ‘ated withstand short creat current of 40 KA, Given: N=4 Cts connected in parallel: yg = 800 AI ACT rat Uy= 400 ~CT knee-point volte I= 20 mA CT magnedaing curent t Uy: Hop= 3.2 CT internal resistance: Ry = 29 = secondary wiring (lea) resistence Sly. 751612; Time overcurent Phase np used with sarting range Tyg" 0.003 A 10115 A In stops Of 0.007 A; flay itornal Buren iE-50 mo stat lity calculation i 1 Yana “emer (Rex Bd = 10,000 og (12)= 62.6 ‘thr 18KOn 8916: 16-577 A= 9,232 A, roundel up 1010 KA. The actuel stability voltage forthe scheme U, canbe taken with enough safety margin 25 U,= 130Y (remembering that 2U, < U) Fault setting calculation calculation For the desired primary fault sensitivity of 125 A, which i apprex. 22% of the rated current ofthe protected winding Taper i Ipans 125 A) the following current setting can be calculated ley u 1 120 I" Tyts 2 Mage = 125 = 4 0.02 em 5A pa Tana 300 “400 Stabilizing resistor calculation From the U, ond Ig values clculeted above the value of the stabilizing resistor Rgp cen be calculated: Ug =CT kree-point v voltage 4 Uy=Rale Uy-=2- Up Fig, 6.2.88: Principle connection diagram for high impedance restricted earth-fault protection of a winding of the ‘anstormer using SIPROTEC digital overcurrent relay (3.7561) ‘the requirements of the particular application. The CT clastitica- tion code of IEC is used in the following: Measuring cores ‘These are normally specified 0.2 % or 0.5 % accuracy (class (0.2 or cass 0.5), and an rated symmatrical short-circuit current imitng factor FS of 5 or 10. = 130 6.05~~1,0000 Roma je Baiy ggg O05 = shore tho rlay resistance can be neglaces. ‘check whether the voltage limitation by a varistor is required The relay should permally be applied with an external varisor which Should be connacte acros the relay and stabilizing resistor input {erminal The vento limite the voltage acoze the torminale under ‘maximum internal fault conditions. The theoretical voltage which may ‘cur a he terminals con be determined according to fllowing ‘equation 1 1 aan ly Ba + Ru) = 40,000 (24241000) = = 0250V roi eken 26 the rated short-crcuk current ‘of the Zattongeat = 10K. ‘Tho maximum vokage actos the relay: Uaarty = 2 VOUigg Wigan” Vane) =2 M2 400 (50,250~ 400) = 12,6304 ‘Since Upgaay > 1.5 AV the vatstors necessary Exemplary 2 METROSIL of type 6OOA/S /Spec.1088 can be used G=025,C=s00) ‘ris Metts leakage curent at voltage setting U, =130 V equals to 52 (Hae) So. o1 ran ‘and can be neglected by the calculations, since its influence on the proposed feu settings neaiibe, Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 279, Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems ‘The required output power (rated burden) should be higher than the actually connected burden. Typical values are 2.5, 5 ‘or 10 VA. Higher values are normally not necessary when only electronic maters and recarders are connacted Atypicel specification could be: 0.5 F5 10, 5 VA. 18 Cores for billing values metering In this case, class 0.25 FS is normally required. 1m Protection cores ‘The siz of the protection core depends mainly on the meximum short-circuit current and the total burden (internal CCT burden, plus burden of connected lines plus relay burden) Furthermore, a transient dimensioning factor has to be considered to cover the influence of the DC component in the short-circuit current. Glossary of used abbrevietions (according to IEC 60044-6, as defined) Kge = Rated symmetcal short-circuit current factor (example: CT cl, 5P20-» Kyjc= 20) = Effective symmetic = Transient dimensioning factor = Maximum syrmetical short-circuit current = CTrated primary current = CT rated secondary current ‘= Secondary winding resistance at 75% (or otherspecitid temperature) short-circuit curent factor = connected resistive burden Baa Beto = Primary ime constant (net time constant) = Keepin: vokage (tm.) = Relay burden with [= Single conductor length from CT to relay in P= Specie resistance = 0.0175 amey?im (copper wires) 320°C (or other spocified temperature) A= Conductor ress section in mm? In general, an accuracy of 1% in the range of 1 to 2 Umes ‘nominal current (class § P) is specified. The rated symmetrical Short-ctcult current factor Kgyc Should normally be selacted co ‘that at least the maximum short-circuit current can be transmit: ted without saturation (DC component is not considered). This results, a5 2 rule, in rated symmetrical short-circuit current factors of 10 oF 20 depending on the rated burden af the CT in relation to the connected burden. A typicel specification for ‘ro-tection cores for distribution feeders is SP10, 10 VA or $P20, BVA. The requirements for protective currant transformers for ‘uensient performance are specified in IEC 6084-6, In many practical cases, ron-core CTs cannot be designed to avoid saturation under all circumstances because of cast and space reasons, particularly with metal-enclosed switchgear. The Siemens relays are therefore designed to tolerate CT saturation to a large extent. The numerical relays proposed in (Ct-dimensioning formulae = - (effective) ‘The effective symmetrical short-circult current factor K'gc €an be calculated as shown in the table above. ‘The rated transiant dimensioning factor K,, depends on the type of relay and the primary DC time constant. For relays with a requited saturation free time from <0.4 cycle, the primary (OC) time constant TP has little influence. (CFaesign according tows 3938/EC 60042-12000) IEC Clas canbe approximately transfered into the IEC Class Px (BS {less ) standard detiniion by following fornul: pe Hated ta Mae ‘3 cane Ie Sot 601, 59, 15VA R= 40 ements: p21 yey E4oe please refer to pave 271 this guide are particulrly stable in this case due to their integrated saturation detection function. ‘The CT requirements mentioned in table 6.2-3 are simplified in ‘order to allow fast CT calculations on the safe side. More ‘accurate dimensioning can be done by more intensive calcula- tion vith Siemens’s CTOIM ( ctdim) program. Results of CTDIM are released by the relay manufacturer. ‘Adoption foctor for 7UT6, 7UM62 relays in fig. 6.2-89 (limited resolution of measurement) (also 75052, 53, 610, when transformer inside protected zone) Faye ltr tho Nios agus 18 8 wan Tyg = Rated current of the protected abject, Tyo. = Reted voltage of the protected object Tey Rated current of the relay = Maximum load of the protected object, (for transformers: winding with max. load) Shinar 280 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide -6.1th Edition Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems Relay type Overcurrent-time ‘and motor protection, 751511, 312,531 75145, 46, 60 75i6i, 62, 63, 64 75I80, 73K80 Une differential protection (pilot wie) 7508500 Line difforental protection (without distance function) 75052x, 53, 610 (50/60 He) ‘Tranformer/ generator differential protection 7ure12 7UT613, 633, 635 7uM62 Busbar protection 7585, 753600 Distance protection 75N522, 7506, 75D5n (with distance function) Tobe 6.2-3: CT requirements Transient dimensioning factor ky Gen.t Transformer Motor 12 12 Busbor! Gen! Transformer Line Motor 4 4 5 3 a 5 4 E 5 {or stabilzing factors k= 0.5 05: ‘primary DC tine constant F, ms} 330 250 3100 +200 KG 1 2 4 4 RG) 4s [ss Min, required kneepoint Greskcwrentaciore — wokagely ; Fete p85) pg ia te, ae 2 new, ssl 20 achat 22 4 Ba aga ve ty and and Erne ets 4 3, Ue RY “Iplldaer 4 4° Reber 3 4” Wil RY Iplbsener 2 cas Ups y, beesecmy Pea {and (only for 755) eco «109 {rroautng range) Ian el) , Ky Atle (RB) ‘and (only for 755) Jaca 09 Aeroasung range) Kee Ue Ke Ky anes ane: (by nome en To say, 502 t te yy a a6sy 61 ry n Sooors “soya aecan'e 2yortori20 Wa So” Baws Se Bogen TH tena) (Lend) Bvs,, abt, 20VK 30 100054 jangex? Saat Miso Bia BM aw zi eee eae * BM i So0v BYos60 | Mee h a (oven) 7um62 T6833 780827 75082 Jwithout c stance function ‘arrangement inside power station isnotshewn Generator direc axis subtransiet reactance inp. lui = Transformer mpecance voltage HVsice ~LV side in % Fay ~ASSumed with 0.10, (Boer consumption fcr above relays is below 0.1 VA) 4) Gurrentfrom side3 is.due to uss andx‘y of G2 in most cases neglciole ‘ig 6.2.89: Example 1 ~ CT veriication for 7UM62, 7U76, 75052 (75053, 750610) Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 281 Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems 7G 52), 70M62 TCT), 77633 Sur © 540 4 Ice td "ora ecard "ee 120,000 kva W138 RY 0.14 1.1 120,000 tA ~taskv-o15 45164 35,860 Ky 5 (fom table 62-2) Kye 3 (fom table 62:2) yceky emmati)—, a gy Henan 313784 358504 Torn), 707633 (Lend 9), 75052 Sur Irena (octalo "5 perg—_wemerc nay” 17*A(GEN) 240,000 600 Toaeasewsata ene Kyy=3 (rom tble 6.22) Kyy=12 (hom whe 6.22) ge ste td E000e 000k 5.20" S_20¥ Re aE eee Rad * Bretay = Res Bry 2:1 el 2.001752 2. 69m 20.0175 22 640 m 2.001752! oom 2.001752. 60m if Emme - “4mm be “4 mime fe “4 mime sare -a1a sora sai Lebo “8lsba 25%a Buia | econ, ett Both rect, uth lass mah me Re A me Ke RR, we Kae Rae . 13 Ion 1804200 1204200 0960420 212, 170008 ie gas0605cy.5a 20 Taososzsa~ (°° Teovoasoa ~*'? 20-—Sasnsoa7sa 30° 13<1,0004 -miav Kec tequied = 28.8, Kyceflective = 40.8 738408 Kgctequired = 17.8, Kye tifectve = 41.2 v9cai2 = CT imensioning is ok = CTeimoncioning is Ucrequired = 1118, Ugeltecve = 200 Rigo tequired = 18.7, Kegcttfective = 30.5 18.7<306 = CT dimensioning is ok = CT dimensioning is ok ipl thy Vtg paey , late er a3 Ueo Ince wie the toe Ie a ip oe) “Cee aes || ame nen 6000AVB-198IV A 6900A 0-128 1A AADDAA-AEBWV SA 150A 5 gay ‘es 120,000 VA TA "240,000 EVA TA "240,000 VA “SK 70000 ~ ase ws a1195 088 a16 1821:195 28+ od 11820598 28+ ok) Tobie 6.2-4 Example 1 (continued) - verfeation ofthe numeri REF side (3-phse) i: 11.4 Puggy © 4, (fOr the neutral CT: "ly < Fryyy = 8) Further condition for 75052, 53x, 610 rolays (when used a5. line differential pratection without transformer inside protected 1/8.21.183 28 okt I differential protection ‘Attention: When low-impedance REF is used, the request for the zone): Maximum ratio between primary curtents of CTs at the lend of the protected line: Jy ma, Ett g Ion min 202 siemens Eneray Sector - Power Encineering Guide -6.1th Edition Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems Example 2: stability verification of the numerical busbar protection relay 75352 ‘Analog static relays in ganeral have burdens below about 1 VA. Mechanical relays, however, have a much higher burden, up to the orcer of 10 VA. This has to be considered wiven older relays ‘are connected to the same CT circuit. Ineny case, the relevant relay manuals should always be ‘consulted for the actual buréen values. Burden of the connection leads 200 a resstance ofthe current op fom the C0 the rey hasta $0, |_| tmnen0ba The esstance ofthe current cop from the Crt the ay hae iva be consderec: moto | |g Fi, 6.280: Example 2 Prot = 1 =single conductor length from the CT tothe relay in m Specific resistance: p= 00175 (copper ites) at 20°C A= Conductor cross-section in min? according to table 6.2-2, page 269 Ky="!, Kye 22-502! fee Ey 50=25 (CT design according to ANSI/IEEE € 57.13 Class Cof this standard defines the CT by ist secondary terminal voltage at 20 times rated current, for which the ratio error shal ot exceed 10 %, Standard classes are C100, C700, C400 and (C800 for 5A reted secondary current, ‘This terminal voltage can be approximately calculated from the IEC data as follows: Ry ~Raa + Rey 030401 0-040 ANSICT definition Ryth 404150 Kuo 2 ADO ona #20: Kae eg Tue agetsg 0-2 Ugur *20°5 A Ry Ha vith Ry Resul The effective Kc 1543.2, the requited Ky. I6 25. Therefore the stability criterion is fulfilled. Jetmar example: Relay burden eC 600/5, $920, 25a, Tne CT burdens of the numerical relays of Siemens are below 0.1 \A and can therafore be naglected for a practical estimation, Exceptions are the busbar protection 75560 and the pilot-nire relays 750600. = 100, ec, tocless C100 Intermediate CTs are normally no longer necessary, because the ratio adaptation for busbar an transformer protection is ‘numericelly performed in the relay. Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 283 Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems 6.2.5 Relay Selection Guide 750600. Pilot nite differential 7805 Une differential Overcurrent 7SA522. Distance 7586 75K80 Motor protection Differential $e2e88esenessseee $22isesscs 3 rs me egeaeaeeeeeeeser LD Meee GT el a ee SEES Se eases i ata a a= lel Sele Elslele weeleelelcle ca aaa TST 2 SGC See elle See ecsisic err te ee Ese ese ie rele Fin aaa Einar ee Gl Sl elle ele eiclelelcelGelelele Soe ee eS cece eee Pex ee aa Ra Sl SS —— eae else culelewicele ssc a gt cx oo (sO ll le a Gl aC) I Sieh Sars epson —| 2 Falla SE eed ed st Overcurrent-time relay, phase eee eee eee Ke Ti TSE SEEEEsisi sims cease i Re EERE ol elle eee a eee eee elelale 59 Overvaltage “eS Sessa wSiscs Sess ani Saini ong aar mn EEA fe al =ilellsi IEE SGI! lel SEI Ee fs me SSE 2s SS SSeS SaeSe Sas See 78882 286 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide - 61th Edition Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems 5 sel Penal vil! a eale biiaidl ase Ss $ ieeii: rosacion facie ane alalelelalels Ree DES 7 (ee aa dees i ease Simi a aa a NEE oes ee Telesis a SATA el nl baa ea 7s a qi EI SEle amelie ST RIGISEIE paar aneeaoe aa See mmm (od ae eee pms mV Fo a cca (arvana rai Stee iV eae aa aig ee rare prin Goel ee ee ae Sele ree es + ANSI/EEE C 37.2: IEEE Standaid Elecucal Power System Device Function Numbers Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 285 Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems Protection Functions Type. |ANSINo.* Description 7 oN os Directional overcurrent Divectional earth-aultovercurtent Stator earthfult iretional overcurrent Outofstep protection Tip creat supervision Outet stop protection ‘Auto redlosure Frequency protection Rate-ot-Hequency-cnange protection \ector jump supervision ® Carer intrtace emote tip 85 Loetout function 875 —_ifferetal protection generator 877 Different protection transformer 6793 iffereril protection busbar 87M Different protection motor 87. Differential protection ine BIN —_Restrieted earh-Faut protection Stands function © option 7SA522 Distance 7SA6 Plot-wire differentia Line differential overcurrent 71602 78K80_— Motor protection ‘060 ifferental ur612 yure3 ures 78860 1750500 7505 70610 75145 75146 753600 75180 7561 75162 7163 75164 [ANSI EEE C 37.2: EEE Standard Electrical Power Systom Deuice Function Numbers 78952 286 Siemens Energy Sector - Power Encineesing Guide - 61th Edition Protection and Substation Automation 6.2 Protection Systems 7VKE1 Breaker management TUMS1 Generator and 7UM62._ motor protection 7E6 Synchronizing 75600. Sroaterfallure ‘781600 Voltage, frequency 7RIBO Voltage, frequency. Protection functions 1yp9 ANSI No.* Description 7 Directional overcurent aaeSeSee 57N Directional earth fait overcurent ana AaSe 573 Stator earth-out 2S Se ractional overcurent 8 Power ning detection ARE Sacer 7ATC ‘Tip creuit supervision aoe sieic 7% Oueof-step protection = (ole |Slelele n ‘Auto-reclosure 15 hBSSe a Frequency protection a ae a ee BIR ——_—ate-of Frequency change protection Se measr Vector jump supenision AaSeeece 85 Carter interface remote ip SS Sacie 86 Lodlout function wife) lle le 87 Differential protection generator aces 871 Differential protection anstormer ac | SESE 5788 Differential protection busbar 7A SBeSsie 57M iffererial protection motor Sol llaiale 57. Different provetion ine ApS SSS @7N——_—Rasrited earth-aul proton 7172S S2e Standard function © Option *ANS//EEE.C 47.2: IEEE StanditaElecical Power System Davies Function Numbers Siemens Energy Sector - Power Engineering Guide» 6.1th Edition | 287 Protection and Substation Automation 6.3 Substation Automation 6.3.1 Overview and Solutions During the lest years, the influences on the business of the ‘power supply companies have changed a let. The approach to ‘power grid operation has changed from a static quasrstable interpretation to a dynamic operational management of the ‘electric power grid. Enhanced requirements regarding the economy of lifetime for all assets inthe grid are gaining importance. ‘As a result, the significance of automation systems has increased alot, and the raquirements for contiol, protection and remote control have undergone severe changes of paradigm: 1H Flexible and tailor-made solutions for manifold applications, 1M Secure and reliable operation management Cost-effective invastment and economic operation 1 Efficient project management 1 Long-term concepts, future-proof and open for new requirements. Siemens energy automation solutions offer an answer to all current issues of today's utilities. Based on a versatile product, portfolio and many years of experience, Siemens plans and livers solutions forall voltage levels and all kinds of substa tions (ig. 6.31). ‘Siemens energy automation solutions are available both for refurbishment and new turnkey substations, and can be used in Classic centralized or distributed concepts. All automation functions can be performed where they are needed. Energy management = cuM DAH m Prophet AMIS Communication Sndnetworking = WT, OMS = Modems, Pita ‘Tools = isi * Toolbox! =IMM ig, 6.2.12 sens energy automation solutions Flexible and tallor-made solutions for manifold applications ‘Siemens energy automation solutions offer a variety of stan-

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