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Application Form

Thank you for applying to Deloitte Vietnam. Please complete ALL sections in a clear manner.

Personal information Your most recent photo (4x6) #our full name!
(Capital letter)

Se !



Date of $irth %&&/mm/yy'!

)ome/Contact tel!

"o$ile tel!

*mail a&&ress!

(esi&ence a&&ress!

Contact a&&ress!

Career Preference Location/Office Preference

Please select your interested location/office preference

)anoi Career Preference

)o Chi "inh City

Please select your interested business lines in order (you can select more than one)



Financial A&,isory Ser,ices %)C"C'

Please state your reasons for +oining Deloitte.

All information provided will be regarded as confidential

Application Form
)o0 &oes an employment opportunity 0ith Deloitte Vietnam relate to your aca&emic an& career goals1

Education History
Please list briefly in chronologic order and attach a copy of academic records to this application form

Aca&emic *&ucation -ni,ersity "a+or From/to %mm/yy' Degree

Other Courses/.ualifications/Training Courses

From/to %mm/yy'


Employment History
Please list briefly, in chronologic order, any full or part-time employment

/ame of *mployer

From/to %mm/yy'


All information provided will be regarded as confidential

Application Form
Other personal information
2Achie,ement! Please &escri$e three achie,ements that you ha,e recently gaine& in 0ork3 stu&y or social acti,ities Achie,ement Descriptions

Please in&icate your proficiency in foreign language an& 5T1 Languages Poor Fair 6oo& * cellent 5T skills




* cellent

2 )o$$ies!44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444.. 2 Please a&,ise if you play any sport! 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 (If you play team sports, please specify your position)

5f you ma&e pre,ious applications to Deloitte3 please in&icate the year of application an& offices

5 confirm that the information pro,i&e& in this application is true an& accurate



All information provided will be regarded as confidential

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