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SanLlago, SepLember 27Lh 2013

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AfLer recelvlng Lhe news LhaL Chlle wlll hosL Lhe flrsL evenL of Lhe Lnduro World Serles Lhls
2014, expecLaLlons were hlgh Lo where Lhe race would be.

AfLer conslderlng 3 dlfferenL locaLlons ln 4000 km from Lhe world's drlesL deserL Lo Lhe
glaclers of aLagonla, we found Lhe perfecL place for Lhe flrsL daLe of LWS.

1he daLe wlll be ln Lhe skl resorL of nevados de Chlllan,, ln Lhe
8lo 8lo reglon, from Aprll 18
Lo Lhe 20Lh 2014. (Coogle Map)

nevados de Chlllan has more Lhan flve years of experlence as a 8lke ark where Lhere have
been very good uP, xC and Lnduro races, whlch has Lransformed lL Lo be one of Lhe
eplcenLres of Chllean MounLaln 8lklng wlLhln Lhe lasL few summers.
1he Lralls LhaL wlll be used for Lhe LWS wlll malnly be old slngle Lracks made by cowboys and

nevados de Chlllan debuLed a new hoLel wlLh lncredlble vlews of Lhe valley and Lhe
mounLalns Lhls wlnLer, whlch wlll have speclal raLes for LWS compeLlLors. 1he capaclLy of
Lhls hoLel comblned wlLh exlsLlng hoLels wlll board Lhe 400 people.

6km away from nevados de Chlllan Lhere ls Lhe llLLle Lown call Las 1rancas where Lhere are
oLher opLlons llke cablns, hosLels and oLher hoLels.

1o geL Lo nevados de Chlllan we recommend Lhe followlng:

lly Lo SanLlago de Chlle (SCL)

1. - lane-Car: lrom SanLlago de Chlle Lake a plane Lo Lhe clLy Concepclon (43mln).
lrom Concepclon drlve along 8ouLe 132 ln an easLerly dlrecLlon Lowards Chlllan
(90mln), Lhen Lake Lhe n33 rouLe easL along 80km up Lo nevados de Chlllan (60mln).

2. - Cars: urlvlng from SanLlago Lo nevados de Chlllan Lakes 3 hours. 1ake 8ouLe 3,
headlng souLh and drlve 400km Lo Chlllan, Lhen Lake Lhe n33 rouLe easL along 80km
up Lo nevados de Chlllan (60mln).

Soon more lnfo on hLLp://

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