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Adjectivele in limba engleza au urmatoarele caracteristici: a) prezinta aceeasi forma la singular si la plural b) se aseaza intotdeauna inaintea substantivului exemplu: a red geranium o muscata rosie some red geraniums niste muscate rosii this geranium is red aceasta muscata este rosie Egalitatea se exprima cu ajutorul constructiei As white as snow tot atat de alb ca si zapadaas tall as his brother tot atat de inalt ca si fratele lui Neegalitatea se exprima cu ajutorul constructiei not Not so quick as electricity nu tot atat de rapid ca electricitatea Gradele de comparatie care arata superioritatea

Pozitiv short big gay easy

Comparativ shorter (than) bigger (than) gayer (than) easier (than)

Superlativ the shortest (of all) the biggest (of all) the gayest (of all) the easiest (of all)

Gradele de comparatie care arata inferioritatea - pentru adjectivele scurte se foloseste in mod curent constructia not soas, iar pentru superlativ se cauta de obicei un echivalent contrar not so big as. The smallest off all. - pentru adjectivele lungi se foloseste less la comparativ si least la superlativ - less important (than). The least important (off all) Gradele de comparatie ale punctelor cardinale Northern more northern northernmost Southern more southern southernmost Eastern more eastern easternmost Western more western westernmost Nu au grade de comparatie: - superior; inferior; junior; senior; ,major; minor; - divine; excellent; fantastic; magic; remote; perfect; splendid; supreme; wonderfull Superlativul absolut se construieste in limba engleza cu: bvery, most Very interesting, most interesting foarte interesant


Tipuri de adjective

opinion adjectives (adjective de opinie): descriu ceea ce credem despre cineva sau

ceva. Exemple: beautiful, great, nice, expensive, cheap, ugly etc. fact adjectives (adjective de fapt): descriu ceea ce fiintele sau obiectele determinate sunt cu adevarat Exemple: short, large, long, green, round etc. ! Adjectivele de opinie stau inaintea adjectivelor de fapt


Adjectivul demonstrativ

Desemneaza fiinte sau lucruri pe care le aratam precizand in acelasi timp apropierea sau departarea in timp sau spatiu. Forme: singular: - this (acest, aceasta) - that (acel, acea) plural: - these (acesti, aceste) - those (acei, acele) Exemple: This man is a doctor. That girl is a pupil. These children are small. Those boys are playing in the scoolyard. C. Adjectivul posesiv Desemneaza raportul de posesie dintre un posesor si ceea ce acesta poseda: Forme: singular: - my (meu, mea, mei, mele) - your (tau, ta, tai, tale) - his (lui, sau, sa, sai, sale) - her (ei, sau, sa, sai, sale) - its (lui, ei, sau, sa, sai, sale) plural: - our (nostru, noastra, nostri, noastre) - your (vostru, voastra, vostri, voastre) - their (lor) Exemple: This is my house. It is his car. That is our shop. Those are your books.

Adjective neregulate: good better the best Bun mai bun cel mai bun bad worst the worst rau - mai rau cel mai rau little less the least mic mai mic cel mai mic much more the most mult mai mult cel mai mult old older the oldest batran mai batran cel mai batran far farther the farthest departe mai departe cel mai departe near nearer the nearest apropiat mai apropiat cel mai apropiat

1. Completati spatiile goale cu adjectivul posesiv corespunzator Betty plays with sister. You are withbrothers. He learnslessons every day. I write..lessons. Name is a word;first letter is n. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Traduceti in limba engleza: Casa noastra e in mijlocul unei gradini; Aveti multe carti in biblioteca voastra? Fratele meu lucreaza la un spital Elena si Emilia traiesc in aceeasi casa. Vad doi oameni in gradina. Eu petrec multe ore in biblioteca. Petre si victor sun lucratori buni. Imi place casa lor. Ei sunt acolo in gradina cu prietenii lor. Vreau sa cumpar cateva rosii. El mananca foarte putin. Vad putine carti pe masa. Da-mi cateva carti. Numai cativa dintre copii erau acolo Nu prea am timp.

Raspunsuri: 1. Completati spatiile goale cu adjectivul posesiv corespunzator her; my,my sau your, yours etc; his; my; its 2. Traduceti in limba engleza:

1.Our house is in the middle of a garden. 2. Have you (got)many books in your library? 3. My brother works in a hospital. 4. Helen and Emily live in the same house. 5. I see two men in the garden. 6. I spend a lot of hours in the library. 7. Peter and Victor are good workers. 8. I like their house. 9.They are there in the garden with their friends. 10. I want to buy a few tomatos. 11. He eats little. 12. I see few books n the table. 13. Give me few books. 14. Only a few of the children were there. 15. I have little time.

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