Newsletter 10 Feb 14

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February No.


Francis Baily News

Have a good week well see you on Monday 24th

Year 3/4 Football Success During January we competed in the Qualifying round of the Park House Football Tournament. Our team performed brilliantly to win 4 games conceding no goals in the process to qualify for the Finals on Monday 10th February. The Finals were a much tougher proposition. Although we only conceded one goal all evening, the only one of the whole tournament our goal scoring dried up and we failed to qualify for the final from our group. A great performance nevertheless, well done, Jack W, Archie, Alfie, Jack C, George, Thomas, Jacob and Ryan B. General Knowledge Quiz All children in the Juniors recently took part in a general knowledge quiz which served to find the Champion Quiz House and to select 2 teams to compete in the National Primary Schools Quiz Championship. I am delighted to announce that the 8 children (each team comprises one child from each Junior year group) selected to represent the school at the area heats in March are; Year 6 Callum Yeo (overall KS2 Champion) & Ryan Holmes Year 5 Michael Barker & Ruby-Marie Dix Year 4 Daniyal Vemuri & Evie Harle Year 3 Ryan Burnand & Millie Heasman The winning house was Earth followed by Fire, Air and Water School Uniform I have noticed recently that a number of children are not wearing appropriate school uniform. After the half-term I will be inspecting the uniform of all children and will contact parents where there are adjustments to be made. Sainsbury Vouchers Once again, we are collecting Active Kids vouchers given out by Sainsbury from 29 January to 20 May. These donations do make a difference to school equipment and are much appreciated. Happy Shopping! We are also collecting Nestl tokens to increase our library stock. Tissues With the season of coughs and colds upon us we would appreciate any donations of tissues to your childs class teacher. We know that boxes of tissues can be bought cheaply from most supermarkets and if parents pick up a pack next time they are shopping (maybe get a BOGOF deal!) and then send them in with their child the school budget can be directed towards more curricular items. Thank you for those of you who have already helped us with donations! Poppies We have just been informed that we raised 151 through donations for poppies. Thank you to everyone who contributed.

Events this term 17-21 February Half term 27 February Team Super School Event School Council Table Top Sale 28 February PTA Quiz & Curry Night 4 March PTA Committee Meeting 5 & 6 March Perform workshops F-Y2 10 March Book Week 17 27 March Y5 Bikeability 19 March 1.30 Spring Concert 7.00 Spring Concert 21 March Sports Relief Event & lunch 2 April PTA Easter Egg Competition PTA Disco 3 April Term finishes 2.00pm
Next Reading Match
Forms are available from the office to purchase reduced price tickets for the match against Derby County on Saturday 15 March. Forms to be returned to office by Friday 28 February

Dear Sir or Madam Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service (RBFRS) would like to ask for your assistance in helping us to pass on our safety messages during this period of flooding. RBFRS is operating at Condition Red following the issue of a Severe flood warning, indicating danger to life, for the east of the county and the countywide flooding that has been affecting all areas. A Major Incident has been declared in the Thames Valley for flooding. RBFRS is involved in multi-agency emergency response and coordination planning at county, Thames Valley and national level. There are widespread road closures in place throughout the county due to flooding but despite this, many drivers are still trying to travel through flood water and then requiring rescue. Wherever possible, please take the opportunity to stress our key safety message Do Not Drive through Flood Water. Drivers are still taking enormous risks, with several vehicles having become completely submerged drivers are endangering their lives. Advice can be found on our website Kind regards The Prevention Team Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service 103 Dee Road Tilehurst Reading RG30 4FS Website:

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