Dynamic Warmup

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Dynamic Warm-Up (Pre-Workout) 1. Knee-to-Chest a.

Bring your knee up to your chest and pull your knee tighter towards your chest with your hands b. Take three small jogging steps forward, stop your motion, and pull your opposite knee to your chest

Importance: This stretch allows for you to warm-up your legs, specifically it mimics the top of the running stride and promotes stretching of your hamstring muscle. 2. High kick a. While walking forward, keep your leg straight, toe pointed forward, and kick upwards. To maintain height throughout your kicking, put your arms out straight at chest height and kick to touch your hands. b. Alternate kicking legs as you walk

Importance: This allows for your to warmup your hamstrong and calf muscles abefore you begin your workout 3. Jump Squats a. Stand up with your feet about shoulder width apart while holding your hands on your hips b. Squat down until the hips are about parallel with the ground and knees are at a 90 degree angle keeping back straight c. Jump off the ground and land softly

Importance: This allows you to warm up you lower body, putting force on your legs and stimulating the muscles throughout your legs 4. Lunges a. With every step you take move forward with a large stride, leave your back leg straight and place your front leg ahead of you, bending down until your fron knee is bent at a90 degree angle b. Push downward to promote stretching of your hamstrings and your quads; be cautious and do not allow your front knee to push over your foot in order to prevent injury

Importance: with the lunge, you are stretching your front leg hamstring as well as your back leg quad muscle; This prepares your legs for your workout by activating the muscles 5. Mountian climbers a. Get on the ground in a push up position, feet about shoulder width apart b. Bend one leg to where your knee is up to your hip and put your foot on the ground c. Switch your feet, alternating to get to this position with each leg by using a jumping motion to switch your legs

Importance: This exercise widens your range of motion and allows you to raise your heart rate in preparation for your workout 6. Skip

a. When you skip, propel yourself upwards and forwards with your arms, jumping with your legs b. Hop once with each leg, then switch legs right into the next hop (tip: each fot will touch the ground a total of 2 times before moving to the other leg) Importance: This exercise stimulates your leg muscles as you warm up, and raises your heart rate in preparation for your workout 7. Toe raises a. In a forward walking motion, place your foot flat on the ground and push upwards, leaving you on your toe, which will stretch your calf muscle b. Repeat this motion as you walk forward, alternating feet with each step Importance: This exercise stretches your calf muscle, sufficiently preparing it up for your workout 8. Walking quad stretch a. Pull your foot to your glutes as you walk forward b. With each step alternate feet c. Make sure to pull by your ankle, and stand straight up during the stretch

Importance: This stretch will allow you to stretch your quads as you prepare for your workout 9. Side lunge a. Much like the front lunge, one leg is bent at a 90 degree angle as the other is straight b. Step one leg widely to the side and get into lunge position, hold for 3 seconds c. Repeat for each leg, alternating as you go

Importance: this allows you to stretch the muscles on the side of your legs as well as your glutes, preparing you for your workout 10. Bear walk a. Start in push-up position b. Inch your feet up to your hands walking forward

c. Once your feet reach within 6-12 inches of your hands, or as far as you can bring them, keep your feet still and walk your hands forward d. Repeat Importance: stretches your back, hamstrings, glutes, and stimulates arm muscles preparing you for your workout

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