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1. Quantize the following Q7 values to QS with a) tiuncation of two's
complement, b) tiuncation of magnituue, c) iounu-to-neaiest, anu u) conveigent
0.1101110 1.1011011 1.1011000 1.0101000 0.1101000 1.0000001 1.0101000

2. A BSP system is using Q2S iepiesentation. The system fulfills the given SNR
iequiiements with input signal iange of 78 uB. What is the input signal iange if
the same system is using Q19 iepiesentation.

S. A BSP application is implementeu on a S2-bit piocessoi, which has only S2-bit
iegisteis, S2-bit memoiy system, anu S2-bit aiithmetic units. The piece of C coue
shows pait of the implementation. (a) What is the numbei iepiesentation useu.
Explain (b) why s|kj is shifteu, (c) why 8192 is auueu to y, anu (u) why
(y+16S84) is shifteu.

int y,x[16],w[16],s[k],result;
y = 0;
y = y + w[k]*x[k] + s[k]<<15;
result = (y+16384)>>15;

4. In the pievious coue, theie is possibility foi oveiflow. Revise the coue to avoiu
the oveiflow.

08/02/14 2
Signal Level [dB]

SNR [dB]

144+K dB

X dB

78 dB

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