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Building Work!

Despite the wind and the rain this week the building work continues to make good progress. The footings are now dug and the foundations will start to be laid over the next few weeks! Then hopefully we will begin to see more than just a big hole!

14th February 2014 Week 5

One World Week!

Dont forget next week is One World Week! This year we will all be studying the same countrySouth Africa! And hopefully be making links with a partner school out there called Monte Vista! Dont forget to bring your tickets, passport and your bag packed ready for take off!

Healthy Early Years Award

We are currently working towards achieving our Healthy Early Years award! The award is received in settings hitting a number of standards linked to promoting good health!

Forest School Training!

Gilly has been busy this week training teachers from other schools how to use the outdoors to support learning! Despite the cold and the wind they have all taken lots away and the feedback has been fantastic!

Level 6 Literacy!
Miss Dring and Misss Woodward have had a very busy week helping other teachers too! They have run two courses that were completely sold outhelping teachers stretch their more able learners achieve Level 6 in Literacy! They were both amazing! Well done and thank you!

Fitness Class
Unfortunately due to a low response we don't have enough interest at this time to run a fitness class. However we will keep your names for future reference and continue to try and source some sessions that may be of interest.

Contact us:
Bruce Avenue Worsbrough Common BARNSLEY S70 4EB 01226 289989

Our first Final!

Well done to everyone who took part in the Multi skills final this week! Miss Johnson was so proud of everyoneour first real final! We came second! What a fantastic achievement!
Absence and Sickness We have had a number of children off as a result of a sickness bug over the last few weeks and there have been mixed messages given about the time they are required to stay of school. I have now sought clarification from our School Nurse; Vomiting onlychildren need to remain off school until 24 hours after they were last sick. Vomiting and Diarrhoeachildren need to remain off school until 48 hours after their last episode of sickness or diarrhoea.

We regularly remind children at school and in the Children centre about the importance of washing their hands after they have been to the toilet and appreciate your support at home with this.

Grease Performance! Time Change!

Thursday 2.15pm onwards Tickets on sale in the school office! Hurry theyre selling like (Grease) lightning! ;0

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