Word Problem Progression

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1st Grade Mathematics !

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)%*"+ , -#..#/ %00121#/ %/0 $3*2&%421#/ $123%21#/$
5+$3"2 6/7/#8/ -9%/:+ 6/7/#8/ ;2%&2 6/7/#8/
<00 2#
1wo bunnles saL on Lhe grass. 1hree more
bunnles hopped Lhere. Pow many bunnles
are on Lhe grass now?
2 + 3 = ?

1wo bunnles were slLLlng on Lhe grass. Some
more bunnles hopped Lhere. 1hen Lhere were
flve bunnles. Pow many bunnles hopped over
Lo Lhe flrsL Lwo?
2 + ? = 3
Some bunnles were slLLlng on Lhe grass. 1hree more
bunnles hopped Lhere. 1hen Lhere were flve
bunnles. Pow many bunnles were on Lhe grass
? + 3 = 3
@/+A;2+B C&#*"+. =D
)%7+ E&#.
llve apples were on Lhe Lable. l aLe Lwo
apples. Pow many apples are on Lhe Lable
3 - 2 = ?
llve apples were on Lhe Lable. l aLe some
apples. 1hen Lhere were Lhree apples. Pow
many apples dld l eaL?
3 - ? = 3
Some apples were on Lhe Lable. l aLe Lwo apples.
1hen Lhere were Lhree apples. Pow many apples
were on Lhe Lable before? ? - 2 = 3

@/+A;2+B C&#*"+. =D

)#2%" 6/7/#8/ <00+/0 6/7/#8/ F#29 <00+/0$ 6/7/#8/

C32 )#:+29+&G
)%7+ <B%&2

1hree red apples and Lwo green apples are on
Lhe Lable. Pow many apples are on Lhe Lable?
3 + 2 = ?

llve apples are on Lhe Lable. 1hree are red
and Lhe resL are green. Pow many apples are
3 + ? = 3, 3 - 3 = ?

Crandma has flve flowers. Pow many can she puL ln
her red vase and how many ln her blue vase?
3 = 0 + 3, 3 = 3 + 0
3 = 1 + 4, 3 = 4 + 1
3 = 2 + 3, 3 = 3 + 2

I1EE+&+/4+ 6/7/#8/ F1::+& 6/7/#8/ ;.%""+& 6/7/#8/
(verslon wlLh more"):
!ulle has Lhree more apples Lhan Lucy. Lucy
has Lwo apples. Pow many apples does !ulle

@/+A;2+B C&#*"+. =,
(verslon wlLh more"):
!ulle has 3 more apples Lhan Lucy. !ulle has flve
apples. Pow many apples does Lucy have?

3 - 3 = ? ? + 3 = 3
@/+A;2+B C&#*"+. =D

(Pow many more?" verslon):
Lucy has Lwo apples. !ulle has flve apples.
Pow many more apples does !ulle have Lhan

(Pow many fewer?" verslon):
Lucy has Lwo apples. !ulle has flve apples.
Pow many fewer apples does Lucy have Lhan
2 + ? = 3, 3 - 2 = ?
(verslon wlLh fewer"):
Lucy has 3 fewer apples Lhan !ulle. Lucy has
Lwo apples. Pow many apples does !ulle
2 + 3 = ?, 3 + 2 = ?
@/+A;2+B C&#*"+. =D
(verslon wlLh fewer"):
Lucy has Lhree fewer apples Lhan !ulle. !ulle has flve
apples. Pow many apples does Lucy have?

@/+A;2+B C&#*"+. =,
>: roblem Lypes Lo be masLered by Lhe end of Lhe klndergarLen year.
,$2: roblem Lypes Lo be masLered by Lhe end of Lhe llrsL Crade year, lncludlng problem Lypes from Lhe prevlous year(s). Powever, llrsL Crade sLudenLs
should have experlences wlLh all 12 problem Lypes.
D/0: roblem Lypes Lo be masLered by Lhe end of Lhe Second Crade year, lncludlng problem Lypes from Lhe prevlous year(s).

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