Assignment 01: Faculty of Business Administration

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Fa !l"# $% B!s&ness Ad'&n&s"(a"&$n MBA Program: Fall Semester 2013 Course Title: Marketing Research

Ass&gn'en" )*

+e a(e all a,a(e "ha" "he C$ a-C$la C$'-an# hanged &"s %lagsh&- .(and $% // #ea(s "$ Ne, C$ke and s!.se0!en"l# (e"!(ned "$ "he $ld %a1$(&"e, C$ a-C$la Class& 2 Read as '! h 'a"e(&al as #$! an $n "h&s 3'a(ke"&ng .!ngle24 Iden"&%# "he de &s&$n -($.le' "he C$ke 'anage'en" %a ed2 As a (esea( he(, de%&ne "he 'a(ke"&ng (esea( h -($.le' and &"s s-e &%& $'-$nen"s2

N$"e5 1. Stu ents are aske to !re!are an su"mit this task in e!en entl#. $ast %ate o& Su"mission: 67 Se-"e'.e( 6)*8 +ednesda# '(ithout missing). 2. Must ha*e a co*er !age &ollo(ing the uni*ersit# st#le an ,(&"e #$!( lass se(&al n!'.e( along (ith #our +% , 3. Form o& Su"mission: Hand ,(&""en.

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