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"Hea enly Fat!er, I !"#ble #ysel$ "n%er yo"r a"t!ority. In t!e na#e o$ t!e &or% Jes"s C!rist an% t!ro"'! His s!e% bloo%, I bin% e ery e il s(irit in t!e s(irit, so"l, an% bo%y o$ ))))))))))) an% *o##an% all e il s(irits +!o %o not !a e a s(e*i$i* assi'n#ent a'ainst )))))))) to lea e ri'!t no+ an% 'o +!ere t!e &or% Jes"s C!rist sen%s t!e#. I *lai# $"ll a"t!ority o er all t!e %e#ons t!at !a e assi'n#ents a'ainst ))))))))) as a C!ristian +!o sits in !ea enly (la*es $ar abo e all (rin*i(alities, (o+ers, r"lers o$ %ar,ness, an% s(irit"al +i*,e%ness in t!e !ea enlies. By t!e a"t!ority o$ t!e -or% o$ .o%, I *o##an% all t!e e il s(irits insi%e t!e s(irit, so"l, or bo%y o$ )))))))) to obey #e. /o" !a e no *!oi*e. /o" !a e to obey #e be*a"se "'reater is He t!at is in #e) Jes"s C!rist, t!an !e t!at is in t!e +orl%) Satan. I %o not allo+ any inter$eren*e or intr"sion $ro# any e il s(irit t!at see,s to !in%er t!e %eli eran*e o$ )))))). By t!e bloo% o$ Jes"s C!rist I bin% e ery e il s(irit $ro# !"rtin' )))))) in any +ay or anyone in t!is roo#. I *lai# by $ait! t!at !"'e ri'!teo"s an'els are !ol%in' ))))))) in t!e *!air so !e0s!e *annot #o e or 'et o"t o$ t!e *!air. By $ait!, I *lai# t!at !"'e t!i*, *!ains o$ $ait! *o ere% "n%er t!e bloo% o$ Jes"s C!rist are !ol%in' )))))) in t!e *!air. I (ray t!at .o% +o"l% sen% an'els to stren't!en "s an% (ro!ibit any %e#ons $ro# !"rtin' or !in%erin' "s in any +ay. I t!an, yo" &or% t!at t!e Holy S(irit is !ere to '"i%e "s t!ro"'! t!is an% ill"#inate o"r #in%s to t!e tr"t!s +e nee% in or%er to obtain $"ll i*tory. I *lai# by $ait! t!at I !a e on t!e !el#et o$ sal ation, t!e breast(late o$ ri'!teo"sness, t!e belt o$ tr"t!, t!e s!oes o$ (ea*e, t!e s!iel% o$ $ait! to 1"en*! all t!e $iery %arts o$ t!e +i*,e% one, an% t!e s+or% o$ t!e S(irit. I *lai# by $ait! t!at I a# s"rro"n%e% by a !e%'e o$ (rote*tion, a +all o$ $ire, an% a +all o$ $ait! all *o ere% "n%er t!e bloo% o$ Jes"s C!rist so no e il s(irit *an enter t!is roo#. By $ait! I *lai# t!at t!ere are '"ar%ian an'els all aro"n% t!is roo# t"rnin' aro"n% alternately +it! $la#in' %o"ble)e%'e% s+or%s *o ere% "n%er t!e bloo% o$ Jes"s C!rist. I bin% all e il s(irits to'et!er as a sin'le 'ro"( so t!ey *annot %i i%e t!e#sel es. By t!e bloo% o$ Jes"s C!rist I (ro!ibit e ery e il an% !ybri% s(irit in t!is roo# $ro# *o##"ni*atin' in any +ay to any ot!er $or*e o$ %ar,ness or any astral) (ro2e*te% s(irits o"tsi%e o$ t!is roo#. I *o##an% by t!e a"t!ority o$ t!e &or%

Jes"s C!rist t!at +!ene er I *ast any %e#ons o"t o$ )))))) t!at t!ey !a e to lea e t!is roo# i##e%iately an% *annot ret"rn an% t!at yo" #"st 'o to t!e (la*e t!at t!e &or% Jes"s C!rist sen%s t!e#. By t!e bloo% o$ Jes"s C!rist yo" *annot s(ea, "nless yo" are s(o,en to an% t!ere *an only be one)+ay tra$$i* o"t o$ ))))))))) li$e. I *o##an% all e il s(irits to *o#e to attention an% obey #e. By t!e bloo% o$ Jes"s C!rist I *o##an% yo" to ans+er all #y 1"estions an% tell #e t!e tr"t!. I *o##an% yo" to s(ea, lo"%ly an% *learly an% not !in%er t!e s(irit"al, (sy*!olo'i*al, e#otional, olitional, or (!ysi*al li$e o$ ))))))) at any ti#e. No+, by t!e bloo% o$ Jes"s C!rist I bin% all o$ t!ese e il s(irits to'et!er an% *o##an% t!e *!ie$ or !ost %e#on to #ani$est an% s(ea,. By t!e bloo% o$ Jes"s C!rist, +!at is yo"r na#e3 4I$ t!e (erson res(on%s in an "n"s"al #anner, ,ee( re(eatin' t!is last senten*e.5

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