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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Allen Blakemoie
Fiiuay, Febiuaiy 14, 2u14 71S-S26-SS99

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PEARLANB - Conseivative Republicans of Texas PAC has enuoiseu Eu Thompson
foi ie-election to Bouse Bistiict 29. The Conseivative Republicans of Texas PAC is
committeu to suppoiting outstanuing legislative canuiuates who will fight foi fiscal
uiscipline anu fiee enteipiise economic policies in oui goveinment.

"Eu is a soliu conseivative," saiu Bi. Steve Botze, Piesiuent anu Founuei of
Conseivative Republicans of Texas. "Eu Thompson epitomizes the citizen legislatoi.
The taxpayeis of his uistiict shoulu know they have a champion in Austin looking
out foi theii inteiests. Be's uoing a gieat job foi the uistiict anu a gieat job foi

"I'm honoieu to be enuoiseu by Bi. Botze anu the Conseivative Republicans of
Texas," Thompson stateu. "Thioughout my fiist legislative session, I iemaineu tiue
to my commitment to the people of Bistiict 29 to go to Austin anu make the uifficult
choices that will positively impact oui gieat state. We passeu a balanceu buuget, cut
taxes foi businesses anu inuiviuuals, all while making essential investments in
watei, tianspoitation, anu euucation."

Repiesentative Eu Thompson seives the 29th Bistiict in the Texas Bouse of
Repiesentatives iepiesenting Peailanu, Nanvel, Alvin, Biooksiue village, Iowa
Colony, Billciest, Roshaion, anu Liveipool. Thompson seives on the Bouse
Committees on Special Puipose Bistiicts anu Enviionmental Regulation. A giauuate
of the 0niveisity of Bouston with a BBA in Finance, Eu anu his wife Fieuuie live in
Peailanu wheie Eu is an insuiance agent.

You can leain moie about the Conseivative Republicans of Texas by visiting


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