(Ebook - PDF - Martial-Arts) US Marine Corps MSVX.02.01 - Mountain Warfare Training Center - Summer Survival Course Handbook

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UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, CA. 93517-5001
SUMMER SURVIVAL COURSE HANDBOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAP. 1. *. 3. ,. 5. 1. 7. 3. 9. 10. 11. 1*. 13. 1,. 15. 11. CO T! T" #!$%&#!M! T" 'O# "%#(&(A) "%#(&(A) +&T WAT!# P#OC%#!M! T !-P!.&! T "H!)T!#" / '&#!" CO#! (A)%!" / MO% TA& )!A.!#"H&P CHA))! 0!" "&0 A)& 0 / #!CO(!#2 "%#(&(A) A(&0AT&O "%#(&(A) T#AP" / " A#!" "%#(&(A) %"!" O' 0AM! !-P!.&! T TOO)", W!APO " A . !$%&PM! T 'O#A0& 0 'O# P)A T" / & "!CT" 'O# "%#(&(A) %"!" "%#(&(A) '&"H& 0 T#AC+& 0 "%#(&(A) M!.&C& ! MO% TA& W!ATH!# & T#O TO !(A"&O

APP! .&-!" A B C . ! ' !(A"&O P)A O' ACT&O 4!PA5 PM! (&.!O 6TH! !.0!7 "%#(&(A) $%&C+ #!'!#! C! CH!C+ )&"T A &MA) HAB&T" TACT&CA) CO "&.!#AT&O " 0#A.& 0 "TA .A#."


Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001 MSVX.0 .01 0 !0"!05 STUDENT HANDOUT REQUIREMENTS FOR SURVIVAL TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE #n a $ur%i%al $ituation, and gi%en a $ur%i%al &it, appl' t(e re)uire*ent$ for $ur%i%al, in a++ordan+e ,it( t(e referen+e$. (MSVX.02.01) ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVES (1) Wit(out t(e aid of referen+e$ and gi%en t(e a+ron'* -S./V#V012, de$+ri3e in ,riting t(e a+ron'* -S./V#V012, in a++ordan+e ,it( t(e referen+e$. (MSVX.02.01a) (2) Wit(out t(e aid of referen+e$, li$t in ,riting t(e $ur%i%al $tre$$or$, in a++ordan+e ,it( t(e referen+e$. (MSVX.02.01b) ( ) Wit(out t(e aid of referen+e$, li$t in ,riting t(e prioritie$ of ,or& in a $ur%i%al $ituation, in a++ordan+e ,it( t(e referen+e$. (MSVX.02.01!) (") Wit(out t(e aid of referen+e$, +ondu+t t(e prioritie$ of ,or& in a $ur%i%al $ituation, in a++ordan+e ,it( t(e referen+e$. (MSVX.02.01#) OUTLINE 1. REQUIREMENTS FOR SURVIVAL a. T(i$ po$iti%e *ental 4*ind-$et4 i$ i*portant in *an' ,a'$. We u$uall' +all it t(e 4,ill to $ur%i%e4 alt(oug( 'ou *ig(t +all it 4attitude4 a$ ,ell. T(i$ 3a$i+all' *ean$ t(at, if 'ou do not (a%e t(e rig(t attitude, 'ou *a' not $ur%i%e. 3. 0 guideline t(at +an a$$i$t 'ou i$ t(e a+ron'* 4 S./V#V014. (MSVX.02.01a) 516 Si7e up. 5a6 Si7e up t(e $ituation. 1. Con+eal 'our$elf fro* t(e ene*'.

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. Maintain 'our ,it$ and u$e 'our $en$e$ to deter*ine ,(at i$ (appening in 'our i**ediate area of influen+e 3efore *a&ing a $ur%i%al plan. 536 Si7e up 'our $urrounding$. 1. 8eter*ine t(e r('t(* or pattern of t(e area. . 9ote ani*al and 3ird noi$e$ and t(eir *o%e*ent. 3. 9ote ene*' traffi+ and +i%ilian *o%e*ent. 5+6 Si7e up 'our p('$i+al +ondition. 1. C(e+& 'our ,ound$ and gi%e 'our$elf fir$t aid. . Ta&e +are to pre%ent furt(er 3odil' (ar*. 3. :%aluate 'our +ondition and t(e +ondition of 'our unit prior to de%eloping a plan. 5d6 Si7e up 'our e)uip*ent. 1. Con$ider (o, a%aila3le e)uip*ent *a' affe+t $ur%i%al $en$e$; tailor a++ordingl'. 5 6 Undue (a$te *a&e$ ,a$te. 5a6 <lan 'our *o%e$ $o t(at 'ou +an *o%e out )ui+&l' ,it(out endangering 'our$elf if t(e ene*' i$ near. 536 Re*e*3er ,(ere 'ou are. 5a6 #f 'ou (a%e a *ap, $pot 'our lo+ation and relate it to t(e $urrounding terrain. 536 <a' +lo$e attention to ,(ere 'ou are and ,(ere 'ou are going. C$%&'a%'() $*+,%' )$-*&,(.. 5+6 Tr' to deter*ine, at a *ini*u*, (o, 'our lo+ation relate$ to t(e follo,ing= 1. T(e lo+ation of ene*' unit$ and +ontrolled area$. . T(e lo+ation of friendl' unit$ and +ontrolled area$.

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3. T(e lo+ation of lo+al ,ater $our+e$. >. 0rea$ t(at ,ill pro%ide good +o%er and +on+eal*ent. 5>6 Van)ui$( fear and pani+. 5a6 T(e feeling of fear and pani+ ,ill 3e pre$ent. T(e $ur%i%or *u$t +ontrol t(e$e feeling$. 556 I*pro%i$e and #*pro%e. 5a6 .$e tool$ de$igned for one purpo$e for ot(er appli+ation$. 536 .$e o3?e+t$ around 'ou for different need$. 5i.e. u$e a ro+& for a (a**er6 5"6 Value li%ing. 5a6 <la+e a (ig( %alue on li%ing. 536 /efu$e to gi%e into t(e pro3le* and o3$ta+le$ t(at fa+e 'ou. 5+6 8ra, $trengt( fro* indi%idual$ t(at ri$e to t(e o++a$ion. 576 A+t li&e t(e nati%e$. 5a6 @3$er%e t(e people in t(e area to deter*ine t(eir dail' eating, $leeping, and drin&ing routine$. 536 @3$er%e ani*al life in t(e area to (elp 'ou find $our+e$ of food and ,ater. NOTES/ /e*e*3er t(at ani*al rea+tion$ +an re%eal 'our pre$en+e to t(e ene*'. 0ni*al$ +annot $er%e a$ an a3$olute guide to ,(at 'ou +an eat and drin&. 5A6 Li%e 3' 'our ,it$, b-' .$* %$0, learn 3a$i+ $&ill$. 5a6 <ra+ti+e 3a$i+ $ur%i%al $&ill$ during all training progra*$ and eBer+i$e$. . STRESS. Stre$$ (a$ *an' po$iti%e 3enefit$. Stre$$ pro%ide$ u$ ,it( +(allenge$= it gi%e$ u$ +(an+e$ to learn a3out our %alue$ and $trengt($. Too *u+( $tre$$ lead$ to di$tre$$. W(ile *an' of t(e$e $ign$ *a' not 3e $elf-identified, it re*ain$ +riti+al t(at all $ur%i%or$ re*ain attenti%e to ea+( ot(erC$ $ign$ of di$tre$$. 1i$ted are a fe, +o**on $ign$ of di$tre$$ found ,(en fa+ed ,it( too *u+( $tre$$=

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a. 8iffi+ult' in *a&ing de+i$ion$. 58o not +onfu$e t(i$ $ign for a $'*pto* of ('pot(er*ia6. 3. 0ngr' out3ur$t$. +. Dorgetfulne$$. d. 1o, energ' le%el. e. Con$tant ,orr'ing. f. <ropen$it' for *i$ta&e$. g. T(oug(t$ a3out deat( or $ui+ide. (. Trou3le getting along ,it( ot(er$. i. Wit(dra,ing fro* ot(er$. ?. Eiding fro* re$pon$i3ilitie$. &. Carele$$ne$$. 3. SURVIVAL STRESSORS. (MSVX.02.01b). 0n' e%ent +an lead to $tre$$. @ften, $tre$$ful e%ent$ o++ur $i*ultaneou$l'. T(e$e e%ent$ are not $tre$$, 3ut t(e' produ+e it and are +alled 4$tre$$or$4. #n re$pon$e to a $tre$$or, t(e 3od' prepare$ to eit(er 4fig(t or flig(t4. Stre$$or$ add up. 0nti+ipating $tre$$or$ and de%eloping $trategie$ to +ope ,it( t(e* are t(e t,o ingredient$ in t(e effe+ti%e *anage*ent of $tre$$. #t i$ e$$ential t(at t(e $ur%i%or 3e a,are of t(e t'pe$ of $tre$$or$ t(e' ,ill en+ounter. a. #n?ur', #llne$$, or 8eat(. #n?ur', illne$$, and deat( are real po$$i3ilitie$ a $ur%i%or *a' fa+e. <er(ap$ not(ing i$ *ore $tre$$ful t(an 3eing alone in an unfa*iliar en%iron*ent ,(ere 'ou +ould die fro* (o$tile a+tion, an a++ident, or fro* eating $o*et(ing let(al. 3. .n+ertaint' and 1a+& of Control. So*e people (a%e trou3le operating in $etting$ ,(ere e%er't(ing i$ not +lear-+ut. T(i$ un+ertaint' and la+& of +ontrol al$o add to t(e $tre$$ of 3eing ill, in?ured or &illed. +. :n%iron*ent. 0 $ur%i%or ,ill (a%e to +ontend ,it( t(e $tre$$or$ of ,eat(er, terrain and t(e t'pe$ of +reature$ in(a3iting an area. :n%iron*ental and +li*a+ti+ +(ange$, +oupled ,it( in$e+t$ and ani*al$, are ?u$t a fe, of t(e +(allenge$ a,aiting t(e Marine ,or&ing to $ur%i%e. d. Eunger and T(ir$t. Wit(out food and ,ater a per$on ,ill ,ea&en and e%entuall' die. Fetting and pre$er%ing food and ,ater ta&e on in+rea$ing i*portan+e a$ t(e lengt( of

01-> MSVX.0 .01

ti*e in a $ur%i%al $ituation in+rea$e$. Wit( t(e li&eli(ood of diarr(ea, repleni$(ing ele+trol'te$ 3e+o*e$ +riti+al. Dor a Marine u$ed to (a%ing (i$ pro%i$ion$ i$$ued, foraging +an 3e a $ignifi+ant $our+e of $tre$$. e. Datigue. #t i$ e$$ential t(at $ur%i%or$ e*plo' all a%aila3le *ean$ to pre$er%e *ental and p('$i+al $trengt(. W(ile food, ,ater and ot(er energ' 3uilder$ *a' 3e in $(ort $uppl', *aBi*i7ing $leep to a%oid depri%ation i$ a %er' +ontrolla3le fa+tor. Durt(er, $leep depri%ation dire+tl' +orrelate$ ,it( in+rea$ed fear. f. #$olation. Being in +onta+t ,it( ot(er$ pro%ide$ a greater $en$e of $e+urit' and a feeling $o*eone i$ a%aila3le to (elp if pro3le*$ o++ur. >. NATURAL REACTIONS. Man (a$ 3een a3le to $ur%i%e *an' +(ange$ in (i$ en%iron*ent t(roug(out t(e +enturie$. Ei$ a3ilit' to adapt p('$i+all' and *entall' to a +(anging ,orld &eep$ (i* ali%e. T(e a%erage per$on ,ill (a%e $o*e p$'+(ologi+al rea+tion$ in a $ur%i%al $ituation. T(e$e are $o*e of t(e *a?or internal rea+tion$ 'ou *ig(t eBperien+e ,it(in a $ur%i%al $ituation= a. Dear. Dear i$ our e*otional re$pon$e to dangerou$ $ituation$ t(at ,e 3elie%e (a%e t(e potential to +au$e deat(, in?ur' or illne$$. Dear +an (a%e a po$iti%e effe+t if it for+e$ u$ to 3e +autiou$ in $ituation$ ,(ere re+&le$$ne$$ +ould re$ult in in?ur'. 3. 0nBiet'. 0nBiet' i$ an unea$', appre(en$i%e feeling ,e get ,(en fa+ed ,it( dangerou$ $ituation$. 0 $ur%i%or redu+e$ (i$ anBiet' 3' perfor*ing t(o$e ta$&$ t(at ,ill en$ure (i$ +o*ing t(roug( t(e ordeal ali%e. +. 0nger and Dru$tration. Dru$tration ari$e$ ,(en a per$on i$ +ontinuall' t(,arted in (i$ atte*pt$ to rea+( a goal. @ne re$ult of fru$tration i$ anger. Fetting lo$t, da*aging or forgetting e)uip*ent, ,eat(er, in(o$pita3le terrain, ene*' patrol$ and p('$i+al li*itation$ are ?u$t a fe, $our+e$ of fru$tration and anger. Dru$tration and anger en+ourage i*pul$i%e rea+tion$, irrational 3e(a%ior, poorl' t(oug(t-out de+i$ion$, and in $o*e in$tan+e$, an 4# )uit4 attitude. d. 8epre$$ion. 8epre$$ion i$ +lo$el' lin&ed ,it( fru$tration and anger ,(en fa+ed ,it( t(e pri%ation$ of $ur%i%al. 0 de$tru+ti%e +'+le 3et,een anger and fru$tration +ontinue$ until t(e per$on 3e+o*e$ ,orn do,n-p('$i+all', e*otionall' and *entall'. 0t t(i$ point, (e $tart$ to gi%e up, and (i$ fo+u$ $(ift$ fro* 4W(at +an # do4 to 4T(ere i$ not(ing # +an do.4 e. 1oneline$$ and Boredo*. Man i$ a $o+ial ani*al and en?o'$ t(e +o*pan' of ot(er$. 1oneline$$ and 3oredo* +an 3e anot(er $our+e of depre$$ion. Marine$ *u$t find ,a'$ to &eep t(eir *ind$ produ+ti%el' o++upied. f. Fuilt. T(e +ir+u*$tan+e$ leading to 'our $ur%i%al $ituation are $o*eti*e$ dra*ati+ and tragi+. #t *a' 3e t(e re$ult of an a++ident or *ilitar' a+tion ,(ere t(ere ,a$ a lo$$ of life. <er(ap$ 'ou ,ere t(e onl', or one of a fe,, $ur%i%or$. W(ile naturall'

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relie%ed to 3e ali%e, 'ou $i*ultaneou$l' *a' 3e *ourning t(e deat($ of ot(er$ ,(o ,ere le$$ fortunate. 8o not let feeling$ of guilt pre%ent 'ou fro* li%ing. 5. PRIORITIES OF 1OR2 IN A SURVIVAL SITUATION. (MSVX.02.02!). :a+( $ur%i%al $ituation ,ill (a%e uni)ue a$pe+t$ t(at alter t(e order in ,(i+( ta$&$ need to 3e a++o*pli$(ed. 0 general guideline i$ to t(in& in 3lo+&$ of ti*e. a. Dir$t > (our$. T(e fir$t > (our$ are +riti+al in a $ur%i%al $ituation. Gou *u$t *a&e an initial e$ti*ate of t(e $ituation. :ne*', ,eat(er, terrain, ti*e of da' and a%aila3le re$our+e$ ,ill deter*ine ,(i+( ta$&$ need to 3e a++o*pli$(ed fir$t. T(e' $(ould 3e t(e follo,ing= 516 S(elter. 5 6 Dire. 536 Water. 5>6 Signaling. 3. Se+ond > (our$. 0fter t(e fir$t > (our$ (a%e pa$$ed, 'ou ,ill no, &no, if 'ou +an $ur%i%e. T(i$ ti*e period need$ to 3e $pent on eBpanding 'our &no,ledge of t(e area. B' +o*pleting t(e follo,ing ta$&$, 'ou ,ill 3e a3le to gain %alua3le &no,ledge. 516 Tool$ and ,eapon$. B' tra%eling a $(ort di$tan+e fro* 'our $(elter to lo+ate t(e ne+e$$ar' re$our+e$, 'ou ,ill noti+e edi3le food $our+e$ and ga*e trail$. 5 6 Trap$ and $nare$. Mo%ing furt(er a,a' fro* 'our $(elter to e*plo' trap$ and $nare$, 'ou ,ill 3e a3le to lo+ate 'our $(elter area fro* %ariou$ %antage point$. T(i$ ,ill ena3le 'ou to identif' li&el' a%enue$ of approa+( into 'our $(elter area. 536 <at(guard$. Hno,ing t(e li&el' a%enue$ of approa+(e$, 'ou +an effe+ti%el' pla+e noi$e and +a$ualt' produ+ing pat(guard$ to en$ure t(e $e+urit' of 'our $(elter area. +. /e*ainder of 'our $ur%i%al $ituation. T(i$ ti*e i$ $pent on +ontinuou$l' i*pro%ing 'our $ur%i%al $ituation until 'our re$+ue. ". GROUP SURVIVAL. Froup $ur%i%al depend$ largel' on t(e a3ilit' to organi7e a+ti%it'. 0n e*ergen+' $ituation doe$ not 3ring people toget(er for a +o**on goal initiall'; rat(er, t(e *ore diffi+ult and +onfu$ing t(e $ituation, t(e greater are t(e groupI$ pro3le*$. a. Froup$ Morale. Eig( *orale *u$t +o*e fro* internal +o(e$i%ene$$ and not *erel' t(roug( eBternal pre$$ure. T(e *ood$ and attitude$ +an 3e+o*e ,ildl' +ontagiou$.

01-" MSVX.0 .01

Con$+iou$, ,ell-planned organi7ation and leader$(ip on t(e 3a$i$ of delegated or $(ared re$pon$i3ilit' often +an pre%ent pani+. Eig( group *orale (a$ *an' ad%antage$. 516 0n indi%idual feel$ $trengt(ened and prote+ted $in+e (e reali7e$ t(at (i$ $ur%i%al *a' depend on ot(er$ ,(o* (e tru$t$. 5 6 T(e group +an *eet failure ,it( greater per$i$ten+'. 536 T(e group +an for*ulate goal$ to (elp ea+( ot(er fa+e t(e future. 3. Da+tor$ t(at #nfluen+e Froup Sur%i%al. T(ere are nu*erou$ fa+tor$ t(at ,ill influen+e ,(et(er a group +an $u++e$$full' $ur%i%e. 516 @rgani7ation of Manpo,er - @rgani7ed a+tion i$ i*portant to &eep all *e*3er$ of t(e group infor*ed; t(i$ ,a' t(e *e*3er$ of t(e group ,ill &no, ,(at to do and ,(en to do it, 3ot( under ordinar' +ir+u*$tan+e$ and in e*ergen+ie$. 5 6 Sele+ti%e .$e of <er$onnel - #n ,ell-organi7ed group$, t(e per$on often doe$ t(e ?o3 t(at *o$t +lo$el' fit$ (i$ per$onal )ualifi+ation$. 536 0++eptan+e of Sugge$tion and Criti+i$*$ - T(e $enior *an *u$t a++ept re$pon$i3ilit' for t(e final de+i$ion, 3ut *u$t 3e a3le to ta&e $ugge$tion and +riti+i$*$ fro* ot(er$. 5>6 Con$ideration of Ti*e - @n-t(e-$pot de+i$ion$ t(at *u$t 3e a+ted upon i**ediatel' u$uall' deter*ine $ur%i%al $u++e$$. 556 C(e+& :)uip*ent - Dailure to +(e+& e)uip*ent +an re$ult in failure to $ur%i%e. 5"6 Sur%i%al Hno,ledge and S&ill$ - Confiden+e in oneC$ a3ilit' i$ in+rea$ed 3' a+)uiring $ur%i%al &no,ledge and $&ill$. /:D:/:9C:= 1. DM 1-7", Sur%i%al, 199 . . MC/< 3-0 (, Sur%i%al, :$+ape, and :%a$ion, 1999. 3. B-F0- 17-001!<T-001, 8o,n 3ut not out, Canadian Sur%i%al Fuide. >. 0DM ">-5, Sear+( and /e$+ue Sur%i%al,19"9.

01-7 MSVX.0 .01


Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001 MSVX.0 .0 0 !0"!05 STUDENT HANDOUT SURVIVAL KIT TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE Wit#out t#e aid of referen$e%, and gi&en an area of operation%, $on%tru$t a per%onal %ur&i&al 'it, in a$$ordan$e (it# t#e referen$e%. (MSVX.02.02) ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVES (1) Wit#out t#e aid of referen$e%, li%t in (riting t#e $o)ponent% for a %ur&i&al 'it, in a$$ordan$e (it# t#e referen$e%. (MSVX.02.02a) (2) Wit#out t#e aid of referen$e%, li%t in (riting one e*a)ple of ea$# $o)ponent for a %ur&i&al 'it, in a$$ordan$e (it# t#e referen$e%. (MSVX.02.02b) OUTLINE 1. COMPONENTS FOR A SURVIVAL KIT a. T#e en&iron)ent i% t#e 'e+ to t#e t+pe% of ite)% +ou (ill need in +our %ur&i&al 'it. ,o( )u$# e-uip)ent +ou put in +our 'it depend% on #o( +ou (ill $arr+ t#e 'it. . 'it on +our /od+ (ill #a&e to /e )u$# %)aller t#an one $arried in a &e#i$le. /. .l(a+% la+er +our %ur&i&al 'it, 'eeping t#e )o%t i)portant ite)% on +our /od+. $. 0n preparing +our %ur&i&al 'it, %ele$t ite)% t#at $an /e u%ed for )ore t#an one purpo%e. d. 1our %ur&i&al 'it doe% not need to /e ela/orate. 1ou onl+ need fun$tional ite)% t#at (ill )eet +our need% and a $a%e to #old t#e). T#e $a%e )ig#t /e a fir%t aid $a%e, an a))unition pou$#, or anot#er %uita/le $a%e. T#i% $a%e %#ould /e213 Water repellent or (aterproof. 2 3 4a%+ to $arr+ or atta$# to +our /od+. 233 Suita/le to a$$ept &ariou% %i5ed ite)%. 263 7ura/le. 8 -1 MSVX.0 .0

e. W#en $on%tru$ting a %ur&i&al 'it, +ou %#ould #a&e t#e follo(ing $o)ponent%9 (MSVX.02.02a) 213 :ire %tarting ite)%. 2 3 Water pro$ure)ent ite)%. 233 :ood pro$ure)ent ite)%. 263 Signaling ite)%. 253 :ir%t aid ite)%. 2"3 S#elter ite)%. . ITEMS CONTAINED a. :ire Starting 0te)%. 213 Mat$#e%. 2 3 Magnif+ing gla%%. 233 :lint and Steel. 263 ;ig#ter. 253 <ota%%iu) <er)anganate, (it# a $ontainer of %ugar or anti-free5e. 2"3 <repa$'aged Tinder. -Co))er$iall+ Manufa$tured -Cotton Ball% and <etroleu) =ell+ /. Water <ro$ure)ent 0te)% 213 Water 7i%infe$ting C#e)i$al%. -0odine Ta/let% -Betadine Solution -0odine Solution 2 3 Metal Container. 2Ser&e% for /oiling (ater3 -Canteen Cup -Sur&i&al >it Container -.n+ Suita/le $an t#at $ontained no petroleu) produ$t%. ITHIN EACH COMPONENT (MSV.02.02b)

0 MSVX.0 .0

233 Water Carr+ing 0te)%. -Canteen -<la%ti$ Bag -<la%ti$!Metal!?la%% Container (#i$# $ontained no petroleu) produ$t%. $. :ood <ro$ure)ent 0te)% 213 :i%#. -Variou% %i5ed #oo'% -Variou% %i5ed %in'er%!(eig#t% -Metal leader% and %(i&el% -S)all (eig#ted @ig% -:i%#ing line -T#in' a/out t#e %i5e of fi%# for t#at en&iron)ent (#en %ele$ting (eig#t% and %i5e%. 2 3 ?a)e. -Snare% ACo))er$iall+ Manufa$tured A.ir$raft Ca/le ATie Wire -Bait AMB4 C#ee%e Spread or <eanut Butter <a$'age -550 Cord for ?ill Cet and Trap Con%tru$tion -4ngineer!Mar'ing Tape -Sling %#ot ru//er and pou$# d. Signaling 0te)% 213 7a+. -Mirror -W#i%tle -<+rote$#ni$% 2S)o'e, <en :lare%3 -.ir <anel% 2 3 Cig#t. -<+rote$#ni$% 2<en :lare%, Star Clu%ter%3 -;ig#t% 2:la%#lig#t, Stro/e, C#e)lig#t3 -W#i%tle e. S#elter 0te)% 213 Cordage. -550 Cord. -Wire. -Co))uni$ation (ire -Tie (ire 8 -3 MSVX.0 .0

2 3 :inger Sa(. 233 Se(ing >it (it# Ceedle% for $on%tru$tion!repair of $lot#ing. 263 Tentage. -pon$#o -tarp -%pa$e /lan'et -pla%ti$ tra%# /ag% f. :ir%t .id 0te)% 213 Band-.id%. -Steri%trip% -.d#e%i&e Tape -Con-%ti$' pad%, 6*6D%, ?au5e, Battle 7re%%ing% -Mu%lin Bandage 2 3 8int)ent%. -Burn -.nti-%epti$ 233 Mi%$ellaneou%. -Salt -Sugar -4+e Wa%# -.l$o#ol prep pad% -Suture >it -S$alpel -Vile of 1arro( g. Mi%$ellaneou% ite)%. 213 :ingernail $lipper%. 2 3 Co)pa%%. 233 Cote/oo' (it# pen or pen$il. 263 Wood e+e %$re(% and nail%. 253 Surgi$al tu/ing.

0 -6 MSVX.0 .0

N!"#$ I" %& a&&'(#) "*a" "*# Ma+%,# %& a-.a/& 0a++/%,1 a *%1* 2'a-%"/ 3%4#) b-a)#) 5,%3#6 a ('-"%7"!!- 5,%3#6 a,) a &*a+8#,%,1 &"!,#. B4:4B4CC49 1. :M 1-7", Sur&i&al, 199 . . Barr+ 7a&ie% BM4, S.S 4%$ape 4&a%ion and Sur&i&al Manual, 199". 3. =o#n Wie%)an, S.S Sur&i&al ?uide, 19E".

8 -5 MSVX.0 .0


Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001 MSVX.0 .03 !"!05 STUDENT HANDOUT WATER PROCUREMENT TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE #n a $ur%i%al $ituation, and gi%en a $ur%i%al &it, and 'ater pro(ure)ent )aterial$, o*tain pota*le 'ater, in a((ordan(e 'it+ t+e referen(e$. (MSVX.02.03) ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVES (1) Wit+out t+e aid of referen(e$, li$t in 'riting t+e t,pe$ of in(idental 'ater, in a((ordan(e 'it+ t+e referen(e$. (MSVX.02.03a) (2) Wit+out t+e aid of referen(e$, li$t in 'riting t+e +a-ardou$ fluid$ to a%oid $u*$tituting for pota*le 'ater, in a((ordan(e 'it+ t+e referen(e$. (MSVX.02.03b) (3) Wit+out t+e aid of referen(e$, li$t in 'riting t+e )et+od$ for di$infe(ting 'ater, in a((ordan(e 'it+ t+e referen(e$. (MSVX.02.03 ) (!) Wit+out t+e aid of referen(e$ and gi%en a )ilitar, *ottle of 'ater purifi(ation ta*let$, $tate in 'riting it$ $elf-life, in a((ordan(e 'it+ t+e referen(e$. (MSVX.02.03") (#) Wit+out t+e aid of referen(e$, and gi%en t+e 'ater te)perature and (+e)i(al (on(entration, $tate in 'riting t+e (onta(t ti)e, in a((ordan(e 'it+ t+e referen(e$. (MSVX.02.03$) (%) Wit+out t+e aid of referen(e$, (on$tru(t a $olar $till , in a((ordan(e 'it+ t+e referen(e$. (MSVX.02.03&) OUTLINE 1. WATER INTA'E a. T+ir$t i$ not a $trong enoug+ $en$ation to deter)ine +o' )u(+ 'ater ,ou need. *. T+e *e$t plan i$ to drin&, utili-ing t+e .V/0 10#23 )et+od. 1rin& plent, of 'ater an,ti)e it i$ a%aila*le and parti(ularl, '+en eating. 03-1 MSVX.0 .03

(. 1e+,dration i$ a )a4or t+reat. 5 lo$$ of onl, 5 6 of ,our *od, fluid$ (au$e$ t+ir$t, irrita*ilit,, nau$ea, and 'ea&ne$$7 a 106 lo$$ (au$e$ di--ine$$, +eada(+e, ina*ilit, to 'al&, and a tingling $en$ation in li)*$7 a 156 lo$$ (au$e$ di) %i$ion, painful urination, $'ollen tongue, deafne$$, and a feeling of nu)*ne$$ in t+e $&in7 al$o a lo$$ of )ore t+an 156 *od, fluid$ (ould re$ult in deat+. d. 8our 'ater re9uire)ent$ 'ill *e in(rea$ed if: ;1< 8ou +a%e a fe%er. ; < 8ou are e=perien(ing fear or an=iet,. ;3< 8ou e%aporate )ore *od, fluid t+an ne(e$$ar,. ;i.e., not u$ing t+e proper $+elter to ,our ad%antage< ;>< 8ou +a%e i)proper (lot+ing. ;5< 8ou ration 'ater. ;"< 8ou o%er'or&. . INCIDENTAL WATER. (MSVX.02.03a) a. 1uring )o%e)ent, ,ou )a, +a%e to ration 'ater until ,ou rea(+ a relia*le 'ater $our(e. #n(idental 'ater )a, $o)eti)e$ pro%ide opportunitie$ to a(9uire 'ater. 5lt+oug+ not a relia*le or repleni$+ed $our(e, it )a, $er%e to $tret(+ ,our 'ater $uppl, or &eep ,ou going in an e)ergen(,. T+e follo'ing are $our(e$ for in(idental 'ater: ;1< 1e'. #n area$ 'it+ )oderate to +ea%, de', de' (an *e (olle(ted *, t,ing rag$ or tuff$ of fine gra$$ around ,our an&le$. W+ile 'al&ing t+roug+ de', gra$$ *efore $unri$e, t+e rag$ or gra$$ 'ill $aturate and (an *e rung out into a (ontainer. T+e rag$ or gra$$ (an *e repla(ed and t+e pro(e$$ i$ repeated. ; < 0ainfall. 0ain'ater (olle(ted dire(tl, in (lean (ontainer or in plant$ t+at (ontain no +ar)ful to=in$ i$ generall, $afe to drin& 'it+out di$infe(ting. T+e $ur%i%or $+ould al'a,$ *e prepared to (olle(t rainfall at a )o)ent$ noti(e. 5n in%erted pon(+o 'or&$ 'ell to (olle(t rainfall.


MSVX.0 .03

3. HA(ARDOUS )LUIDS (MSVX.02.03b) a. Sur%i%or$ +a%e o((a$ionall, atte)pted to aug)ent t+eir 'ater $uppl, 'it+ ot+er fluid$, $u(+ a$ al(o+oli( *e%erage$, urine, *lood, or $ea'ater. W+ile it i$ true t+at ea(+ of t+e$e fluid$ +a$ a +ig+ 'ater (ontent, t+e i)puritie$ t+e, (ontain )a, re9uire t+e *od, to e=pend )ore fluid to purif, t+e). So)e +a-ardou$ fluid$ are: ;1< Sea 'ater. Sea 'ater in )ore t+an )ini)al 9uantitie$ i$ a(tuall, to=i(. T+e (on(entration of $odiu) and )agne$iu) $alt$ i$ $o +ig+ t+at fluid )u$t *e dra'n fro) t+e *od, to eli)inate t+e $alt$ and e%entuall, t+e &idne,$ (ea$e to fun(tion. ; < 5l(o+ol. 5l(o+ol de+,drate$ t+e *od, and (loud$ 4udg)ent. Super-(ooled li9uid, if inge$ted, (an (au$e i))ediate fro$t*ite of t+e t+roat, and potential deat+. ;3< Blood. Blood, *e$ide$ *eing $alt,, i$ a food. 1rin&ing it 'ill re9uire t+e *od, to e=pend additional fluid to dige$t it. ;>< ?rine. 1rin&ing urine i$ not onl, fooli$+, *ut al$o dangerou$. ?rine i$ not+ing )ore t+an t+e *od,@$ 'a$te. 1rin&ing it onl, pla(e$ t+i$ 'a$te *a(& into t+e *od,, '+i(+ re9uire$ )ore fluid to pro(e$$ it again. >. WATER *UALIT+. Water (ontain$ )ineral$, to=in$, and pat+ogen$. So)e of t+e$e, (on$u)ed in large enoug+ 9uantitie$ )a, *e +ar)ful to +u)an +ealt+. Aat+ogen$ are our pri)ar, (on(ern. Aat+ogen$ are di%ided into Viru$, C,$t$, Ba(teria, and Aara$ite$. Certain 03-3 MSVX.0 .03

pat+ogen$ are )ore re$i$tant to (+e)i(al$ and $)all enoug+ to )o%e t+roug+ )i(ro$(opi( +ole$ in e9uip)ent ;i.e., T-$+irt, para(+ute<. Certain pat+ogen$ al$o +a%e t+e a*ilit, to $ur%i%e in e=tre)el, (old 'ater te)perature$. Aat+ogen$ generall, do not li%e in $no' and i(e. Water 9ualit, i$ di%ided into t+ree le%el$ of $afet, 'it+ di$infe(tion a$ t+e )o$t de$ired le%el, t+en purified, follo'ed *, pota*le. a. 1i$infe(tion. Water di$infe(tion re)o%e$ or de$tro,$ +ar)ful )i(roorgani$)$. Biardia (,$t$ are an e%er-pre$ent danger in (lear appearing )ountain 'ater t+roug+out t+e 'orld. B, drin&ing non-pota*le 'ater ,ou )a, (ontra(t di$ea$e$ or $'allo' organi$)$ t+at (ould +ar) ,ou. /=a)ple$ of $u(+ di$ea$e$ or organi$)$ are: 1,$enter,, C+olera, T,p+oid, Clu&e$, and Dee(+e$. *. 0e)e)*er, i)pure 'ater, no )atter +o' o%erpo'ering t+e t+ir$t, i$ one of t+e 'or$t +a-ard$ in a $ur%i%al $ituation. (. T+e fir$t $tep in di$infe(ting i$ to $ele(t a treat)ent )et+od. T+e t'o )et+od$ 'e 'ill di$(u$$ are a$ follo'$: (MSVX.02.03 ) ;1< Eeat. T+e Manual of 2a%al Are%enti%e Medi(ine ;A-5010< $tate$ t+at ,ou )u$t *ring t+e 'ater to a rolling *oil *efore it i$ (on$idered $afe for +u)an (on$u)ption. T+i$ i$ t+e )o$t preferred )et+od. ;a< Bringing 'ater to t+e *oiling point 'ill &ill 99.96 of all Biardia (,$t$. T+e Biardia (,$t die$ at "0.C and Cr,pto$poridiu) die$ at "5C. Water 'ill *oil at 1>,000@ at F".C and at 10,000@ at 90C. Wit+ t+i$ in )ind ,ou $+ould note t+at altitude doe$ not )a&e a differen(e unle$$ ,ou are e=tre)el, +ig+. ; < C+e)i(al$. T+ere are nu)erou$ t,pe$ of (+e)i(al$ t+at (an di$infe(t 'ater. Belo' are a fe' of t+e )o$t (o))on. #n a $ur%i%al $ituation, ,ou 'ill u$e '+ate%er ,ou +a%e a%aila*le. ;a< #odine Ta*let$. ;*< C+lorine Blea(+. ;(< #odine Solution. ;d< Betadine Solution. ;e< Militar, 'ater purifi(ation ta*let$. (MSVX.02.03") T+e$e ta*let$ are $tandard i$$ue for all 1.1 agen(ie$. T+e$e ta*let$ +a%e a $+elf-life of four ,ear$ fro) t+e date of )anufa(ture, unle$$ opened. .n(e t+e $eal i$ *ro&en, t+e, +a%e a $+elf-life of one ,ear, not to e=(eed t+e initial e=piration date of four ,ear$.


MSVX.0 .03

!,-03 Mont+ ! 8ear ! Bat(+ 2u)*er ;3< Water 1i$infe(tion Te(+ni9ue$ and Ealogen 1o$e$. I."/0a1/.0 1$ 20/34$5 5dded to 1 liter or 9uart of 'ater #odine ta*let$ Tetragl(ine +,droperiodide /1WBT Aota*le 59ua Blo*aline 6 iodine $olution ;tin(ture< 106 po%idone-iodine $olutionH 5)ount for > pp) G ta*let 0. )l 5 gtt$ 0.35 )l F gtt$ 5)ount for 5 pp) 0.1 Ml gtt$ 5)ount for F pp) 1 ta*let 0.> )l 10 gtt$ 0.70 )l 1" gtt$ 5)ount for 10 pp) 0. )l > gtt$ 1 ta*let F pp) 1 ta*let

C26.7/0a1/.0 1$ 20/34$5 Eou$e+old *lea(+ 56 Sodiu) +,po(+lorie 59uaClear Sodiu) di(+loroi$o(,anurate 59uaCure, 59uaAure, C+lor-flo( C+lorine plu$ flo((ulating agent

HAro%idone-iodine $olution$ relea$e free iodine in le%el$ ade9uate for di$infe(tion, *ut $(ant data i$ a%aila*le. Mea$ure 'it+ dropper ;1 dropI0.05 )l< or tu*er(ulin $,ringe Ap)-part per )illion gtt$-drop$ )l-)illiliter

C.0 $017a1/.0 .& C.01a 1 1/8$ /0 8/041$5 a1 9a7/.45 :a1$7 1$8;$7a147$5 (WSVX.02.03$) 2a6.<$0 5 C ! >0 C 15 C ! "0 C 30 C ! F5 C pp) >0 1F0 "0 > pp) 1F0 50 >5 F pp) "0 30 15 N.1$= T+e$e (onta(t ti)e$ +a%e *een e=tended fro) t+e u$ual re(o))endation$ to a((ount for re(ent data t+at prolonged (onta(t ti)e i$ needed in %er, (old 'ater to &ill Giardia (,$t$. N.1$= (+e)i(al$ )a, not de$tro, Cr,pto$poridiu). d. Aurifi(ation. Water purifi(ation i$ t+e re)o%al of organi( and inorgani( (+e)i(al$ and parti(ulate )atter, in(luding radioa(ti%e parti(le$. W+ile purifi(ation (an eli)inate offen$i%e (olor, ta$te, and odor, it )a, not re)o%e or &ill )i(roorgani$)$. 03-5 MSVX.0 .03

;1< Ciltration. Ciltration purif,ing i$ a pro(e$$ *, '+i(+ (o))er(ial )anufa(turer$ *uild 'ater filter$. T+e 'ater filter i$ a t+ree tier $,$te). T+e fir$t la,er, or gra$$ la,er, re)o%e$ t+e larger i)puritie$. T+e $e(ond la,er, or $and la,er, re)o%e$ t+e $)aller i)puritie$. T+e final la,er, or (+ar(oal la,er ;0.1 12$ a52 b41 2a7 .a6 &7.8 a &/7$<, *ond$ and +old$ t+e to=in$. 5ll la,er$ are pla(ed on $o)e t,pe of $training de%i(e and t+e (+ar(oal la,er $+ould *e at lea$t 5-" in(+e$ t+i(&. Da,er$ $+ould *e (+anged fre9uentl, and $training )aterial $+ould *e *oiled. 0e)e)*er, t+i$ i$ not a di$infe(ting )et+od, (,$t$ (an po$$i*l, )o%e t+roug+ t+i$ $,$te).

W A T E R ) I L T E R

; < Co))er(ial Water Cilter$. Co))er(ial 'ater filter$ are generall, a%aila*le in )o$t retail $tore$ and )a, *e 'it+ ,ou. ?nder$tanding '+at t+e filter (an do i$ t+e fir$t $tep in $afeguarding again$t future illne$$e$. ;a< 5 filter t+at +a$ a .3 )i(ron opening or larger 'ill not $top Cr,pto$poridiu). ;*< 5 filter $,$te) t+at doe$ not relea$e a (+e)i(al ;i.e., iodine< )a, not &ill all pat+ogen$. ;(< 5 filter t+at +a$ *een o%eru$ed )a, *e (logged. ?$age )a, re$ult in e=(e$$i%e pu)ping pre$$ure t+at (an )o%e +ar)ful pat+ogen$ t+roug+ t+e opening.


MSVX.0 .03

e. Aota*le. Aota*le indi(ate$ onl, t+at a 'ater $our(e, on a%erage o%er a period of ti)e, (ontain$ a J)ini)al )i(ro*ial +a-ard,J $o t+e $tati$ti(al li&eli+ood of illne$$ i$ a((epta*le. ;1< Sedi)entation. Sedi)entation i$ t+e $eparation of $u$pended parti(le$ large enoug+ to $ettle rapidl, *, gra%it,. T+e ti)e re9uired depend$ on t+e $i-e of t+e parti(le. Benerall,, 1 +our i$ ade9uate if t+e 'ater i$ allo'ed to $it 'it+out agitation. 5fter $edi)ent +a$ for)ed on t+e *otto) of t+e (ontainer, t+e (lear 'ater i$ de(anted or filtered fro) t+e top. Mi(roorgani$)$, e$pe(iall, (,$t$, e%entuall, $ettle, *ut t+i$ ta&e$ longer and t+e organi$)$ are ea$il, di$tur*ed during pouring or filtering. Sedi)entation $+ould not *e (on$idered a )ean$ of di$infe(tion and $+ould *e u$ed onl, a$ a la$t re$ort or in an e=tre)e ta(ti(al $ituation. 5. SOLAR STILLS. (MSVX.2.3&) a. Solar $till$ are de$igned to $upple)ent 'ater re$er%e$. Contrar, to *elief, t+e, 'ill not pro%ide enoug+ 'ater to )eet t+e dail, re9uire)ent for 'ater. *. 5*o%e-Bround Solar Still. T+i$ de%i(e allo'$ t+e $ur%i%or to )a&e 'ater fro) %egetation. To )a&e t+e a*o%eground $olar $till, lo(ate a $unn, $lope on '+i(+ to pla(e t+e $till, a (lear pla$ti( *ag, green leaf, %egetation, and a $)all ro(&. ;1< Con$tru(tion. ;a< Cill t+e *ag 'it+ air *, turning t+e opening into t+e *ree-e or *, J$(oopingJ air into t+e *ag. ;*< Cill t+e *ag +alf to t+ree-9uarter$ full of green leaf, %egetation. Be $ure to re)o%e all +ard $ti(&$ or $+arp $pine$ t+at )ig+t pun(ture t+e *ag. CAUTION 1o not u$e poi$onou$ %egetation. #t 'ill pro%ide poi$onou$ li9uid. ;(< Ala(e a $)all ro(& or $i)ilar ite) in t+e *ag. ;d< Clo$e t+e *ag and tie t+e )out+ $e(urel, a$ (lo$e to t+e end of t+e *ag a$ po$$i*le to &eep t+e )a=i)u) a)ount of air $pa(e. #f ,ou +a%e a $)all pie(e of tu*ing, $)all $tra', or +ollo' reed, in$ert one end in t+e )out+ of t+e *ag *efore t,ing it $e(urel,. Tie off or plug t+e tu*ing $o t+at air 'ill not e$(ape. T+i$ tu*ing 'ill allo' ,ou to drain out (onden$ed 'ater 'it+out unt,ing t+e *ag. ;e< Ala(e t+e *ag, )out+ do'n+ill, on a $lope in full $unlig+t. Ao$ition t+e )out+ of t+e *ag $lig+tl, +ig+er t+an t+e lo' point in t+e *ag. 03-7 MSVX.0 .03

;f< Settle t+e *ag in pla(e $o t+at t+e ro(& 'or&$ it$elf into t+e lo' point in t+e *ag. ;g< To get t+e (onden$ed 'ater fro) t+e $till, loo$en t+e tie and tip t+e *ag $o t+at t+e (olle(ted 'ater 'ill drain out. 0etie t+e )out+ and repo$ition t+e $till to allo' furt+er (onden$ation. ;+< C+ange %egetation in t+e *ag after e=tra(ting )o$t of t+e 'ater fro) it. ;i< ?$ing 1 gallon -ip-lo( *ag in$tead of tra$+ *ag$ i$ a )ore effi(ient )ean$ of (on$tru(tion.


(. Belo'-Bround Solar Still. Material$ (on$i$t of a digging $ti(&, (lear pla$ti( $+eet, (ontainer, ro(&, and a drin&ing tu*e. ;1< Con$tru(tion. ;a< Sele(t a $ite '+ere ,ou *elie%e t+e $oil 'ill (ontain )oi$ture ;$u(+ a$ a dr, $trea)*ed or a lo' $pot '+ere rain'ater +a$ (olle(ted<. T+e $oil $+ould *e ea$, to dig, and 'ill *e e=po$ed to $unlig+t.


MSVX.0 .03

;*< 1ig a *o'l-$+aped +ole a*out 1 )eter a(ro$$ and > in(+e$ deep. ;(< 1ig a $u)p in t+e (enter of t+e +ole. T+e $u)p dept+ and peri)eter 'ill depend on t+e $i-e of t+e (ontainer ,ou +a%e to pla(e in it. T+e *otto) of t+e $u)p $+ould allo' t+e (ontainer to $tand uprig+t.

BELOW GROUND SOLAR STILL ;d< 5n(+or t+e tu*ing to t+e (ontainerK$ *otto) *, for)ing a loo$e o%er+and &not in t+e tu*ing. /=tend t+e unan(+ored end of t+e tu*ing up, o%er, and *e,ond t+e lip of t+e +ole. ;e< Ala(e t+e pla$ti( $+eet o%er t+e +ole, (o%ering it$ edge$ 'it+ $oil to +old in pla(e. Ala(e a ro(& in t+e (enter of t+e pla$ti( $+eet. ;f< Do'er t+e pla$ti( $+eet into t+e +ole until it i$ a*out 1F in(+e$ *elo' ground le%el. Ma&e $ure t+e (oneK$ ape= i$ dire(tl, o%er t+e (ontainer. /n$ure t+e pla$ti( doe$ not tou(+ t+e $ide$ of t+e +ole *e(au$e t+e eart+ 'ill a*$or* t+e )oi$ture. ;g< Aut )ore $oil on t+e edge$ of t+e pla$ti( to +old it $e(urel, and pre%ent t+e lo$$ of )oi$ture. ;+< Alug t+e tu*e '+en not in u$e $o t+at )oi$ture 'ill not e%aporate.

03-9 MSVX.0 .03

;i< Alant$ (an *e pla(ed in t+e +ole a$ a )oi$ture $our(e. #f $o, dig out additional $oil fro) t+e $ide$. ;4< #f polluted 'ater i$ t+e onl, )oi$ture $our(e, dig a $)all troug+ out$ide t+e +ole a*out 10 in(+e$ fro) t+e $tillK$ lip. 1ig t+e troug+ a*out 10 in(+e$ deep and 3 in(+e$ 'ide. Aour t+e polluted 'ater in t+e troug+. /n$ure ,ou do not $pill an, polluted 'ater around t+e ri) of t+e +ole '+ere t+e pla$ti( tou(+e$ t+e $oil. T+e troug+ +old$ t+e polluted 'ater and t+e $oil filter$ it a$ t+e $till dra'$ it. T+i$ pro(e$$ 'or&$ 'ell '+en t+e onl, 'ater $our(e i$ $alt 'ater. ;&< T+ree $till$ 'ill *e needed to )eet t+e indi%idual dail, 'ater inta&e need$. 0/C/0/2C/: 1. CM 1-7", Sur%i%al, 199 . . Aaul 5uer*a(+, Wilderne$$ Medi(ine, 3rd /dition 1995.


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Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001 MSVX.0 .0! "#"05 STUDENT HANDOUT EXPEDIENT SHELTERS AND FIRES TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE. (1) $n a %ur&i&al %ituation, and gi&en a %ur&i&al 'it, (on%tru(t an e)pedient %ur&i&al %*elter, in a((ordan(e +it* t*e referen(e%. (MSVX.02.04) (2) $n a %ur&i&al %ituation, and gi&en a %ur&i&al 'it, (on%tru(t %ur&i&al fire% utili,ing -an -ade and natural -aterial%, in a((ordan(e +it* t*e referen(e%. (MSVX.02.05) ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVES (1) Wit*out t*e aid of referen(e%, li%t in +riting t*e (*ara(teri%ti(% of a %afe e)pedient %*elter, in a((ordan(e +it* t*e referen(e%. (MSVX.02.04a) (2) Wit*out t*e aid of referen(e%, li%t in +riting t*e *a,ard% to a&oid +*en u%ing natural %*elter%, in a((ordan(e +it* t*e referen(e%. (MSVX.02.04 ) (!) Wit*out t*e aid of referen(e%, li%t in +riting t*e t.pe% of -an--ade %ur&i&al %*elter%, in a((ordan(e +it* t*e referen(e%. (MSVX.02.04") (4) Wit*out t*e aid of referen(e%, li%t in +riting t*e ta(ti(al fire la., in a((ordan(e +it* t*e referen(e%. (MSVX.02.05a) (5) Wit*out t*e aid of referen(e%, li%t in +riting t*e -aterial% utili,ed to (on%tru(t %ur&i&al fire, in a((ordan(e +it* t*e referen(e%. (MSVX.02.05 ) (#) Wit*out t*e aid of referen(e%, %tart a fire u%ing a pri-iti&e -et*od, in a((ordan(e +it* t*e referen(e%. (MSVX.02.05") ($) Wit*out t*e aid of referen(e%, %tart a fire u%ing -an -ade -aterial%, in a((ordan(e +it* t*e referen(e%. (MSVX.02.05%)

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1. BASIC CHARACTERISTICS FOR SHELTER. (MSVX.02.04a) /n. t.pe of %*elter, +*et*er it i% a per-anent 0uilding, tentage, or an e)pedient %*elter -u%t -eet %i) 0a%i( (riteria to 0e %afe and effe(ti&e. T*e (*ara(teri%ti(% are1 a. 2rote(tion 3ro- t*e 4le-ent%. T*e %*elter -u%t pro&ide prote(tion fro- rain, %no+, +ind, %un, et(. 0. 5eat 6etention. $t -u%t *a&e %o-e t.pe of in%ulation to retain *eat7 t*u% pre&enting t*e +a%te of fuel. (. Ventilation. Ventilation -u%t 0e (on%tru(ted, e%pe(iall. if 0urning fuel for *eat. T*i% pre&ent% t*e a((u-ulation of (ar0on -ono)ide. Ventilation i% al%o needed for (ar0on dio)ide gi&en off +*en 0reat*ing. d. 8r.ing 3a(ilit.. / dr.ing fa(ilit. -u%t 0e (on%tru(ted to dr. +et (lot*e%. e. 3ree fro- 9atural 5a,ard%. S*elter% %*ould not 0e 0uilt in area% of a&alan(*e *a,ard%, under ro(' fall or :%tanding dead; tree% *a&e t*e potential to fall on .our %*elter. f. Sta0le. S*elter% -u%t 0e (on%tru(ted to +it*%tand t*e pre%%ure% e)erted 0. %e&ere +eat*er. . NATURAL SHELTERS. 9atural %*elter% are u%uall. t*e preferred t.pe% 0e(au%e t*e. ta'e le%% ti-e and -aterial% (on%tru(t. T*e follo+ing -a. 0e -ade into natural %*elter% +it* %o-e -odifi(ation. (MSVX.02.04 ) a. Ca&e% or 6o(' <&er*ang%. Can 0e -odified 0. la.ing +all% of ro('%, log% or 0ran(*e% a(ro%% t*e open %ide%. 0. 5ollo+ =og%. Can 0e (leaned or dug out, t*en en*an(ed +it* pon(*o%, tarp% or para(*ute% *ung a(ro%% t*e opening%. (. 5a,ard% of 9atural S*elter%. >1? /ni-al%. 9atural %*elter% -a. alread. 0e in*a0ited >i.e. 0ear%, (o.ote%, lion%, rat%, %na'e%, et(.?. <t*er (on(ern% fro- ani-al% -a. 0e di%ea%e fro%(at or de(a.ing (ar(a%%e%. > ? =a(' of Ventilation. 9atural %*elter% -a. not *a&e ade@uate &entilation. 3ire% -a. 0e 0uilt in%ide for *eating or (oo'ing 0ut -a. 0e un(o-forta0le or e&en dangerou% 0e(au%e of t*e %-o'e 0uild up.

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>3? Aa% 2o('et%. Man. (a&e% in a -ountainou% region -a. *a&e natural ga% po('et% in t*e-. >!? $n%ta0ilit.. 9atural %*elter% -a. appear %ta0le, 0ut in realit. -a. 0e a trap +aiting to (ollap%e. 3. MAN&MADE SHELTERS. (MSVX.02.04") Man. (onfiguration% of -an--ade %*elter% -a. 0e u%ed. <&er-loo'ed -an--ade %tru(ture% found in ur0an or rural en&iron-ent% -a. al%o pro&ide %*elter >i.e. *ou%e%, %*ed%, or 0arn%?. =i-ited 0. i-agination and -aterial% a&aila0le, t*e follo+ing -an--ade %*elter% (an 0e u%ed in an. %ituation. a. 2on(*o S*elter 0. Sapling S*elter. (. =ean-To. d. 8ou0le =ean-To. e. /-fra-e S*elter. f. 3allen Tree Bi&oua(. !. CONSTRUCTION OF MAN&MADE SHELTERS. To -a)i-i,e t*e %*elterB% effe(ti&ene%%, Marine% %*ould ta'e into (on%ideration t*e follo+ing prior to (on%tru(tion. a. Con%ideration%. >1? Aroup %i,e. > ? =o+ %il*ouette and redu(ed li&ing area di-en%ion% for i-pro&ed *eat (on%er&ation. >3? /&oid e)po%ed *ill top%, &alle. floor%, -oi%t ground, and a&alan(*e pat*%. >!? Create a t*er-al %*elter 0. appl.ing %no+, if a&aila0le, to roof and %ide% of %*elter. >5? =o(ation of %ite to fire +ood, +ater, and %ignaling, if ne(e%%ar.. >#? 5o+ -u(* ti-e and effort needed to 0uild t*e %*elter. >7? Can t*e %*elter ade@uatel. prote(t .ou fro- t*e ele-ent% >%un , +ind, rain, and %no+?. 2lan on +or%t (a%e %(enario. >C? /re t*e tool% a&aila0le to 0uild it. $f not, (an .ou -a'e i-pro&i%ed tool%D >9? T.pe and a-ount of -aterial% a&aila0le to 0uild it. 0!-3 MSVX.0 .0!

>10? W*en in a ta(ti(al en&iron-ent, .ou -u%t (on%ider t*e follo+ing1 >a? 2ro&ide (on(eal-ent fro- ene-. o0%er&ation. >0? Maintain (a-ouflaged e%(ape route%. >(? E%e t*e a(ron.- B=$SS a% a guide. B F Blend in +it* t*e %urrounding%. = F =o+ %il*ouette. $ F $rregular %*ape. S F S-all. S F Se(luded lo(ated. 0. 2on(*o S*elter. T*i% i% one of t*e ea%ie%t %*elter% to (on%tru(t. Material% needed for (on%tru(tion are (ord and an. +ater-repellent -aterial >i.e. pon(*o, para(*ute, tarp?. $t %*ould 0e one of t*e fir%t t.pe% of %*elter (on%idered if planning a %*ort %ta. in an. one pla(e. >1? 3ind t*e (enter of t*e +ater-repellent -aterial 0. folding it in *alf along it% long a)i%. > ? Su%pend t*e (enter point% of t*e t+o end% u%ing (ordage. >3? Sta'e t*e four (orner% do+n, +it* %ti('% or ro('%. (. Sapling S*elter. T*i% t.pe of %*elter i% (on%tru(ted in an area +*ere an a0undan(e of %apling% are gro+ing. $t i% an e)(ellent e&a%ion %*elter. >1? 3ind or (lear an area %o t*at .ou *a&e t+o parallel ro+% of %apling% at lea%t !B long and appro)i-atel. 1 GB to B apart. > ? Bend t*e %apling% toget*er and tie t*e- to for- %e&eral *oop% +*i(* +ill for- t*e fra-e+or' of t*e %*elter. >3? Co&er t*e *oop +it* a +ater-repellent (o&ering. >!? T*e %*elter t*en -a. 0e in%ulated +it* lea&e%, 0ru%*, %no+, or 0oug*%. >5? Clo%e one end per-anentl.. 5ang -aterial o&er t*e ot*er end to for- a door.

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d. =ean-To. / lean-to i% 0uilt in *ea&il. fore%ted area%. $t re@uire% a li-ited a-ount of (ordage to (on%tru(t. T*e lean-to i% an effe(ti&e %*elter 0ut doe% not offer a great degree of prote(tion fro- t*e ele-ent%. >1? Sele(t a %ite +it* t+o tree% >!-1 ; in dia-eter?, %pa(ed far enoug* apart t*at a -an (an la. do+n 0et+een t*e-. T+o %turd. pole% (an 0e %u0%tituted 0. in%erting t*e- into t*e ground t*e proper di%tan(e apart. > ? Cut a pole to %upport t*e roof. $t %*ould 0e at lea%t 3-!; in dia-eter and long enoug* to e)tend !-#; pa%t 0ot* tree%. Tie t*e pole *ori,ontall. 0et+een t*e t+o tree%, appro)i-atel. 1 -eter off t*e de('. >3? Cut %e&eral long pole% to 0e u%ed a% %tringer%. T*e. are pla(ed along t*e *ori,ontal %upport 0ar appro)i-atel. e&er. 1 GB and laid on t*e ground. /ll %tringer% -a. 0e tied to or laid on t*e *ori,ontal %upport 0ar. / %*ort +all or ro('% or log% -a. 0e (on%tru(ted on t*e ground to lift t*e %tringer% off t*e ground, (reating additional *eig*t and li&ing roo- di-en%ion%. >!? Cut %e&eral %apling% and +ea&e t*e- *ori,ontall. 0et+een t*e %tringer%. Co&er t*e roof +it* +ater-repellent and in%ulating -aterial.

LEAN&TO e. 8ou0le =ean-To. T*e dou0le lean-to %*elter i% (on%tru(ted for -5 indi&idual%. $t i% (on%tru(ted 0. -a'ing t+o lean-toB% and pla(ing t*e- toget*er.

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DOUBLE LEAN&TO f. /-3ra-e S*elter. /n /-3ra-e %*elter i% (on%tru(ted for 1-3 indi&idual%. /fter t*e fra-e +or' i% (on%tru(ted, 0oug*"tentage i% inter+o&en onto t*e fra-e and %no+, if a&aila0le, i% pa('ed onto t*e out%ide for in%ulation.

A&FRAME g. 3allen Tree Bi&oua(. T*e fallen tree 0i&oua( i% an e)(ellent %*elter 0e(au%e -o%t of t*e +or' *a% alread. 0een done. >1? 4n%ure t*e tree i% %ta0le prior to (on%tru(ting. > ? Bran(*e% on t*e under%ide are (ut a+a. -a'ing a *ollo+ underneat*. >3? 2la(e additional in%ulating -aterial to t*e top and %ide% of t*e tree.

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>!? / %-all fire i% 0uilt out%ide of t*e %*elter.

FALLEN TREE BIVOUAC 5. REFLECTOR 'ALLS. 5eating a %*elter re@uire% a %lo+ fire t*at produ(e% lot% of %tead. *eat o&er a long period of ti-e. / refle(tor +all %*ould 0e (on%tru(ted for all open ended %*elter%. / refle(tor +all i% (on%tru(ted +it* a flat ro(' or a %ta(' of green log% propped 0e*ind t*e fire. / %urpri%ing a-ount of *eat +ill 0oun(e 0a(' fro- t*e fire into t*e %*elter. #. FIRES. 3ire% fall into t+o -ain (ategorie%1 t*o%e 0uilt for (oo'ing and t*o%e 0uilt for +ar-t* and %ignaling. T*e 0a%i( %tep% are t*e %a-e for 0ot*1 preparing t*e fire la., gat*ering fuel, 0uilding t*e fire, and properl. e)tingui%*ing t*e fire. a. 2reparing t*e fire la.. T*ere are t+o t.pe% of fire la.%1 fire pit and 8a'ota *ole. 3ire pit% are pro0a0l. t*e -o%t (o--on. >1? Create a +ind0rea' to (onfine t*e *eat and pre&ent t*e +ind fro- %(attering %par'%. 2la(e ro('% or log% u%ed in (on%tru(ting t*e fire la. parallel to t*e +ind. T*e pre&ailing do+n+ind end %*ould 0e narro+er to (reate a (*i-ne. effe(t. > ? /&oid u%ing +et ro('%. 5eat a(ting on t*e da-pne%% in %and%tone, %*ale, and %tone% fro- %trea-% -a. (au%e t*e- to e)plode. >3? 8a'ota 5ole. (MSVX.02.05a) T*e 8a'ota 5ole i% a ta(ti(al fire la.. /lt*oug* no fire i% 100H ta(ti(al, t*i% fire la. +ill a((o-pli%* (ertain t*ing%1 >a? 6edu(e% t*e %ignature of t*e fire 0. pla(ing it 0elo+ ground. >0? 2ro&ide% -ore of a (on(entrated *eat %our(e to 0oil and (oo', t*u% pre%er&ing fuel and le%%ening t*e a-ount of 0urning ti-e. >(? B. (reating a large air draft, t*e fire +ill 0urn +it* le%% %-o'e t*an t*e fire pit. 0!-7 MSVX.0 .0!

>d? $t i% ea%ier to lig*t in *ig* +ind%.

DA(ATA HOLE 0. Aat*er 3uel. Man. Marine% ta'e %*ort(ut% +*en gat*ering fire+ood. Ta'ing a fe+ e)tra -inute% (an -ean t*e differen(e 0et+een ea%e and fru%tration +*en 0uilding a fire. (MSVX.02.05 ) >1? Tinder. Tinder i% t*e initial fuel. $t %*ould 0e fine and dr.. Aat*er a dou0le *andful of tinder for t*e fire to 0e 0uilt and an e)tra dou0le *andful to 0e %tored in a dr. pla(e for t*e follo+ing -orning. 8e+ (an -oi%ten tinder enoug* to -a'e lig*ting t*e fire diffi(ult. So-e e)a-ple% are1 >a? S*redded (edar"Iuniper 0ar', pine needle%. >0? 8r. gra%%. >(? Sli&er% %*a&ed fro- a dr. %ti('. >d? 5ornetJ% ne%t. >e? 9atural fi0er% fro- e@uip-ent %upple-ented +it* pine pit(* >i.e., (otton 0attle dre%%ing?. >f? Cotton 0all% and petroleu- Iell. or C*ar-(lot*. N)*+1 Sti('% u%ed for tinder %*ould 0e dr. and not larger t*an t*e dia-eter of a toot*pi('. > ? Kindling. T*i% i% t*e -aterial t*at i% ignited 0. t*e tinder t*at +ill 0urn long enoug* to ignite t*e fuel.

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>a? S-all %ti('%"t+ig% pen(il-t*i(' up to t*e t*i('ne%% of t*e t*u-0. 4n%ure t*at t*e. are dr.. >0? 8ue to a t.pi(all. large re%in (ontent, e&ergreen li-0% often -a'e t*e 0e%t 'indling. T*e. 0urn *ot and fa%t, 0ut t.pi(all. do not la%t long. >3? 3uel Wood. 3uel Wood i% u%ed to 'eep t*e 0la,e going long enoug* to fulfill it% purpo%e. $deall., it %*ould 0urn %lo+ enoug* to (on%er&e t*e +ood pile, -a'e plent. of *eat, and lea&e an a-ple %uppl. of long-la%ting (oal%. >a? 3ire+ood 0ro'en fro- t*e dead li-0% of %tanding tree% or +indfall% *eld off t*e ground +ill *a&e a0%or0ed le%% -oi%ture and t*erefore %*ould 0urn ea%il.. >0? 6efrain fro- (utting do+n li&e, green tree%. >(? Soft+ood% >e&ergreen% and (onifer%? +ill 0urn *ot and fa%t +it* lot% of %-o'e and %par', lea&ing little in t*e +a. of (oal%. 5ard+ood% >0road leaf tree%? +ill 0urn %lo+er +it* le%% %-o'e and lea&e a good 0ed of (oal%. >d? =earn t*e +ood% indigenou% to t*e area. Bir(*, dog+ood, and -aple are e)(ellent fuel%. <%age orange, iron+ood, and -an,anita, t*oug* diffi(ult to 0rea' up, -a'e terrifi( (oal%. /%pen and (otton+ood 0urn (lean 0ut lea&e little (oal%. >e? Sta(' .our +ood %uppl. (lo%e enoug* to 0e *and., 0ut far enoug* fro- t*e fla-e% to 0e %afe. 2rote(t .our %uppl. fro- additional pre(ipitation. >f? $f .ou *appen to go do+n in an air(raft t*at *a% not 0urned, a -i)ture of ga% and oil -a. 0e u%ed. E%e (aution +*en igniting t*i% -i)ture. (. Building t*e 3ire. T*e t.pe of fire 0uilt +ill 0e dependent upon it% intended u%e7 eit*er (oo'ing or *eating and %ignaling. >1? Coo'ing 3ire%. T*e follo+ing li%ted fire% are 0e%t u%ed for (oo'ing1 >a? Teepee 3ire. T*e teepee fire i% u%ed to produ(e a (on(entrated *eat %our(e, pri-aril. for (oo'ing. <n(e a good %uppl. of (oal% (an 0e %een, (ollap%e t*e teepee and pu%* e-0er% into a (o-pa(t 0ed.

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TEEPEE FIRE > ? 5eating and Signaling 3ire%. >a? 2.ra-id 3ire. 2.ra-id fire% are u%ed to produ(e large a-ount% of lig*t and *eat. T*e. +ill dr. out +et +ood or (lot*ing.

P,RAMID FIRE d. Starting 3ire%. Starting a fire i% done 0. a %our(e of ignition and fall% into t+o (ategorie%7 -odern igniter% and pri-iti&e -et*od%. >1? Modern Met*od%. Modern igniter% u%e -odern de&i(e% +e nor-all. t*in' of to %tart a fire. 6elian(e upon t*e%e -et*od% -a. re%ult in failure during a %ur&i&al %ituation. T*e%e ite-% -a. fail +*en re@uired to %er&e t*eir purpo%e. >a? Mat(*e% and =ig*ter%. 4n%ure .ou +aterproof t*e%e ite-%.

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>0? Con&e) =en%. Bino(ular, (a-era, tele%(opi( %ig*t%, or -agnif.ing len% are u%ed on 0rig*t, %unn. da.% to ignite tinder. >(? 3lint and Steel. So-eti-e% 'no+n a% -etal -at(*e% or LMag Blo('L. S(rape .our 'nife or (ar0on %teel again%t t*e flint to produ(e a %par' onto t*e tinder. So-e t.pe% of flint M %teel de%ign% +ill *a&e a 0lo(' of -agne%iu- atta(*ed to t*e de&i(e +*i(* (an 0e %*a&ed onto t*e tinder prior to igniting. <t*er de%ign% -a. *a&e -agne%iu- -i)ed into t*e flint to produ(e a *ig*er @ualit. of %par'. > ? 2ri-iti&e Met*od%. 2ri-iti&e fire -et*od% are t*o%e de&eloped 0. earl. -an. T*ere are nu-erou% te(*ni@ue% t*at fall into t*i% (ategor.. T*e onl. -et*od t*at +ill 0e taug*t at MCMWTC i% t*e Bo+ M 8rill. >3? Bo+ M 8rill. (MSVX.02.05 ) T*e te(*ni@ue of %tarting a fire +it* a 0o+ M drill i% a true field e)pedient fire %tarting -et*od +*i(* re@uire% a pie(e of (ord and 'nife fro- .our %ur&i&al 'it to (on%tru(t. T*e (o-ponent% of t*e 0o+ M drill are 0o+, drill, %o('et, fire 0oard, e-0er pat(*, and 0ird% ne%t. >a? Bo+. T*e 0o+ i% a re%ilient, green %ti(' a0out 3"! of an in(* in dia-eter and 30-3# in(*e% in lengt*. T*e 0o+ %tring (an 0e an. t.pe of (ord, *o+e&er, 550 (ord +or'% 0e%t. Tie t*e %tring fro- one end of t*e 0o+ to t*e ot*er, +it*out an. %la('. >0? 8rill. T*e drill %*ould 0e a %traig*t, %ea%oned *ard+ood %ti(' a0out 1" to 3"! of an in(* in dia-eter and C to 1 in(*e% in lengt*. T*e top end i% tapered to a 0lunt point to redu(e fri(tion generated in t*e %o('et. T*e 0otto- end i% %lig*tl. rounded to fit %nugl. into t*e depre%%ion on t*e fire 0oard. >(? So('et. T*e %o('et i% an ea%il. gra%ped %tone or pie(e of *ard+ood or 0one +it* a %lig*t depre%%ion on one %ide. E%e it to *old t*e drill in pla(e and to appl. do+n+ard pre%%ure. >d? 3ire 0oard. T*e fire 0oard i% a %ea%oned %oft+ood 0oard +*i(* %*ould ideall. 0e 3"! of an in(* t*i(', -! in(*e% +ide, and C-10 in(*e% long. Cut a depre%%ion 3"! of an in(* fro- t*e edge on one %ide of t*e fire 0oard. Cut a E-%*ape not(* fro- t*e edge of t*e fire 0oard into t*e depre%%ion. T*i% not(* i% de%igned to (olle(t and for- an e-0er +*i(* +ill 0e u%ed to ignite t*e tinder. >e? 4-0er 2at(*. T*e e-0er pat(* i% -ade fro- an. t.pe of %uita0le -aterial >i.e., leat*er, alu-inu- foil, 0ar'?. $t i% u%ed to (at(* and tran%fer t*e e-0er fro- t*e fire 0oard to t*e 0ird% ne%t. $deall., it %*ould 0e ! in(*e% 0. ! in(*e% in %i,e.

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>f? Bird% 9e%t. T*e 0ird% ne%t i% a dou0le *andful of tinder +*i(* +ill 0e -ade into t*e %*ape of a ne%t. Tinder -u%t 0e dr. and finel. %*redded -aterial >i.e., outer 0ar' fro- Iuniper"(edar"%age 0ru%* or inner 0ar' fro- (otton+ood"a%pen or dr. gra%%"-o%%?. =a. .our tinder out in t+o e@ual ro+% a0out ! in(*e% +ide and C-1 in(*e% long. =oo%el. roll t*e fir%t ro+ into a 0all and 'nead t*e tinder to furt*er 0rea' do+n t*e fi0er%. 2la(e t*i% 0all perpendi(ular onto t*e %e(ond ro+ of tinder and +rap. Knead t*e tinder until all fi0er% of t*e 0all are inter+o&en. $n%ert t*e drill *alf +a. into t*e 0all to for- a partial (.linder. T*i% i% +*ere t*e e-0er +ill 0e pla(ed. >!? 2rodu(ing a fire u%ing t*e 0o+ M drill. >a? 2la(e t*e e-0er pat(* under t*e E-%*aped not(*. >0? /%%u-e t*e 'neeling po%ition, +it* t*e left foot on t*e fire 0oard near t*e depre%%ion. >(? =oad t*e 0o+ +it* t*e drill. 4n%ure t*e drill i% 0et+een t*e +ood of t*e 0o+ and 0o+ %tring. 2la(e t*e drill into t*e depre%%ion on t*e fire 0oard. 2la(e t*e %o('et on t*e tapered end of t*e drill. >d? E%e t*e left *and to *old t*e %o('et +*ile appl.ing do+n+ard pre%%ure. >e? E%e t*e rig*t *and to gra%p t*e 0o+. Wit* a %-oot* %a+ing -otion, -o&e t*e 0o+ 0a(' and fort* to t+irl t*e drill. >f? <n(e .ou *a&e e%ta0li%*ed a %-oot* -otion, %-o'e +ill appear. <n(e %-o'e appear%, appl. -ore do+n+ard pre%%ure and %a+ t*e 0o+ fa%ter. >g? W*en a t*i(' la.er of %-o'e *a% a((u-ulated around t*e depre%%ion, %top all -o&e-ent. 6e-o&e t*e 0o+, drill, and %o('et fro- t*e fire 0oard, +it*out -o&ing t*e fire 0oard. Carefull. re-o&e .our left foot off t*e fire 0oard. >*? Aentl. tap t*e fire 0oard to en%ure all of t*e e-0er *a% fallen out of t*e E-%*aped not(* and i% l.ing on t*e e-0er pat(*. 6e-o&e t*e fire 0oard. >i? Slo+l. fan t*e 0la(' po+der to %olidif. it into a glo+ing e-0er. Ara%ping t*e e-0er pat(*, (arefull. drop t*e e-0er into t*e (.linder of t*e 0ird% ne%t.

0!-1 MSVX.0 .0!

>I? Ara%p t*e 0ird% ne%t +it* t*e (.linder fa(ing to+ard% .ou and parallel to t*e ground. Aentl. 0lo+ air into t*e (.linder. /% %-o'e fro- t*e ne%t 0e(o-e% t*i('er, (ontinue to 0lo+ air into t*e (.linder until fire appear%. >5? Trou0le S*ooting t*e Bo+ M 8rill >a? 8rill +ill not %ta. in depre%%ion- /ppl. -ore do+n+ard pre%%ure and"or in(rea%e +idt*"dept* of depre%%ion. >0? 8rill +ill not t+irl- =e%%en t*e a-ount of do+n+ard pre%%ure and"or tig*ten 0o+ %tring. >(? So('et %-o'ing- =e%%en t*e a-ount of do+n+ard pre%%ure. Wood too %oft +*en (o-pared to *ardne%% of drill. /dd %o-e lu0ri(ation1 ani-al fat, oil, or grea%e. >d? 9o %-o'e- 8rill and fire 0oard are t*e %a-e +ood. Wood -a. not 0e %ea%oned. C*e(' drill to en%ure t*at it i% %traig*t. Keep left *and lo('ed again%t left %*in +*ile %a+ing. >e? S-o'e 0ut no e-0er- E-%*aped not(* not (ut into (enter of t*e depre%%ion. >f? Bo+ %tring run% up and do+n drill- E%e a lo('ed rig*t ar- +*en %a+ing. C*e(' drill to en%ure t*at it i% %traig*t. 4n%ure 0o+ %tring run% o&er t*e top of t*e left 0oot. >g? Bird% ne%t +ill not ignite- Tinder not dr.. 9e%t +o&en too tig*t. Tinder not 'neaded enoug*. Blo+ing too *ard >e-0er +ill fra(ture?. e. 4)tingui%*ing t*e 3ire. T*e fire -u%t 0e properl. e)tingui%*ed. T*i% i% a((o-pli%*ed 0. u%ing t*e dro+n, %tir, and feel -et*od. >1? 8ro+n t*e fire 0. pouring at +ater in t*e fire la.. > ? Stir t*e e-0er 0ed to en%ure t*at t*e fire i% (o-pletel. out. >3? C*e(' t*e 0ed of .our fire 0. feeling for an. *ot %pot%. >!? $f an. *ot %pot% are found, %tart t*e pro(e%% all o&er again. 6434649C41 1. 3M 1-7#, Sur&i&al, 199 . . C*ri% Nano+%'i, / Manual t*at Could Sa&e .our =ife, 199#. 0!-13 MSVX.0 .0!

3. No*n Wie%-an, S/S Sur&i&al Auide, 1993. !. /32 3#!#, /ir(re+ Sur&i&al, 199#.

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Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001 MSVX.01.01 !"!05 STUDENT HANDOUT CORE VALUES AND MOUNTAIN LEADERSHIP CHALLENGES LESSON PURPOSE# T$e purpo%e of t$i% period of in%tru&tion i% to e'p$a%i(e t$e )ital role of leader%$ip in t$e &ondu&t of %u&&e%%ful operation% and to pro'ote a'ong leader% at all le)el% an under%tanding of t$e pro*le'% &o''on to unit% operating in a %u''er 'ountainou% en)iron'ent. T$i% le%%on relate% to all of t$e training t$at +ou ,ill re&ei)e $ere at MCMWTC. OUTLINE 1. POSITIVE LEADERSHIP AND THE RIGHT ATTITUDE. -eader%$ip 'u%t *e *+ e.a'ple. /t fir%t, $ar%$ and unfa'iliar &ondition% tend to *e frig$tening. Marine% ,ill find t$e'%el)e% up again%t 'an+ &$allenge% t$e+ $a)e ne)er 'et *efore and t$e en)iron'ent ,ill &on%tantl+ re'ind t$e' t$at t$e+ &an *e&o'e a &a%ualt+ if t$e+ 'a0e 'i%ta0e%. /ggre%%i)e leader%$ip, ,$i&$ &on%i%tentl+ 'eet% and o)er&o'e% t$e &$allenge% of t$e en)iron'ent, i% e%%ential to 'i%%ion a&&o'pli%$'ent. T$ere ,ill *e t,o ene'ie% to &ontend ,it$# t$e ene'+ %oldier and t$e en)iron'ent it%elf. T$e fir%t %tep to,ard% defeating t$e%e ene'ie% i% getting +our Marine% in t$e rig$t 'ental attitude. T$e leader 'u%t 'aintain a po%iti)e attitude to,ard% t$e 'i%%ion, $i% Marine%, and t$e e1uip'ent t$e+ $a)e to &arr+ out t$e 2o*. 3ou &an *e defeated p%+&$ologi&all+, if +ou are not a,are of t$e %+'pto'% of a poorl+ 'oti)ated unit. a. Core Value% applied in a %ur)i)al %ituation. Core )alue are )er+ appli&a*le to leader%$ip in a %ur)i)al %ituation. 4n t$e a*%en&e of &on%tant ad$eren&e to our &ore )alue%, %u*ordinate Marine% 'a+ %uffer t$e &on%e1uen&e% of in2ur+ and in e.tre'e &a%e%, 56/T7. *. 7onor. 7onor i% integrit+, re%pon%i*ilit+, and a&&ounta*ilit+. Wit$out $onor in t$i% t+pe of en)iron'ent, de&i%ion% are 'ade ,it$ ina&&urate and!or 'i%leading infor'ation. 5i%$onora*le a&tion% or intention% ulti'atel+ lead to unet$i&al *e$a)ior...tru%t *et,een Marine% ,ill erode, dependa*ilit+ ,ill *e&o'e uni'portant, and t$e re%ulting &on%e1uen&e% to energ+ &on%er)ation ,ill greatl+ affe&t a unit8% &o$e%ion and a*ilit+ to a&&o'pli%$ it% 'i%%ion. &. Courage. Courage i% doing t$e rig$t t$ing for t$e rig$t rea%on. Courage in t$i% t+pe of en)iron'ent for %'all unit leader% to ta0e &$arge of t$eir unit. T$e added %tre%% and pre%%ure indu&ed in 'ountainou% terrain 'a0e% t$e toug$ de&i%ion% e)en toug$er to 'a0e# courageous leaders take that e tra ste!" Tru%t and &onfiden&e in leader%$ip i% *uilt upon t$oroug$ training to en%ure t$eir 'en are &apa*le of o)er&o'ing t$e fear and un&ertaint+ of ene'+ and t$e $ar%$ en)iron'ent. / fe, e.a'ple% of &ourage are# 91: 6n%uring Marine% $a)e t$e proper &lot$ing on for t$e ta%0 t$e+ are perfor'ing.

05-1 MSVX.01.01

9 : 6n%uring Marine% are 'aintaining %e&urit+, regardle%% of ,eat$er &ondition%. 93: ;re)enting let$arg+ and la(ine%% fro' affe&ting a 'arine8% de&i%ion 'a0ing %0ill%. 9<: =i%ing to t$e &$allenge% of a $ar%$ en)iron'ent, and *eating t$e &old ,eat$er ,it$ %olid leader%$ip. d. Co''it'ent. Co''it'ent i% de)otion to t$e Corp% and +our fello, Marine%. Wit$out &o''it'ent, unit &o$e%ion ,ill *rea0 do,n. Marine% 'u%t 0no, t$at t$eir %afet+ and ,ell-*eing re%t% upon ot$er%. -i0e,i%e, Marine% 'u%t pro)ide t$e %a'e %afet+ and ,ell-*eing for t$e'%el)e% and ot$er%. >nl+ t$roug$ t$i% t+pe of &o''it'ent ,ill a unit %u&&e%%full+ a&&o'pli%$ it 'i%%ion. . LEADERSHIP CHALLENGES PECULIAR TO MOUNTAIN OPERATIONS /lt$oug$ 'o%t leader%$ip &$allenge% in a te'perate en)iron'ent are t$e %a'e in &old ,eat$er, %o'e pro*le'% ,ill ari%e ,$i&$ 'u%t *e 1ui&0l+ &orre&ted. a. Co&oon-li0e 6.i%ten&e. Man+ 'en, ,$en *undled up in %u&&e%%i)e la+er% of &lot$ing and ,it$ t$eir $ead &o)ered *+ a $ood, tend to ,it$dra, ,it$in t$e'%el)e% and to a%%u'e a ?&o&oon-li0e e.i%ten&e@. W$en %o &lot$ed, t$e indi)idualA% $earing and field of )i%ion are greatl+ re%tri&ted and $e tend% to *e&o'e o*li)iou% to $i% %urrounding%. 7i% 'ental fa&ultie% *e&o'e %luggi%$ and alt$oug$ $e loo0%, $e doe% not %ee. -eader% 'u%t re&ogni(e and o)er&o'e t$e%e %+'pto'%. /dditionall+, t$e leader need% to ,at&$ for t$e gro,t$ of let$arg+ ,it$in $i'%elf and 'u%t *e alert to pre)ent it. 7e 'u%t al,a+% appear alert to $i% 'en and pre)ent t$e' fro' %in0ing into a %tate of &o&oon-li0e e.i%ten&e. 91: 4f +our Marine% ,it$dra, into a %$ell or *e&o'e 'ood+ and depre%%ed, get t$e' in)ol)ed in &on)er%ation% ,it$ ea&$ ot$er. 9 : 5on8t a&&ept an e.&u%e for not &arr+ing out an order. Cold ,eat$er training all too often *e&o'e% a &a'ping trip. -eader%$ip 'u%t &$allenge t$eir Marine% to train a% t$e+ ,ould fig$t. 93: 4f Marine% %till di%pla+ a ?Co&oon-li0e@ e.i%ten&e, $a)e t$e' engage in p$+%i&al a&ti)it+. *. 4ndi)idual and Broup 7i*ernation. T$i% pro*le' i% %i'ilar in 'anife%tation of ,it$dra,al fro' t$e en)iron'ent. 4t i% generall+ re&ogni(ed *+ a tenden&+ of indi)idual% to %ee0 t$e &o'fort of %leeping *ag%, and *+ t$e group re'aining in tent% or ot$er %$elter at t$e negle&t of t$eir dutie%. 4n e.tre'e &a%e%, guard and %e&urit+ 'ea%ure% 'a+ *e 2eopardi(ed. Man+ ti'e%, it i% t$e leader%$ip t$at )iolate% t$i%, t$u% de%tro+ing t$e unit8% tru%t and &onfiden&e.


91: T$e leader 'u%t en%ure t$at all per%onnel re'ain alert and a&ti)e. =idged in%i%ten&e upon proper e.e&ution of all 'ilitar+ dutie% and t$e pro'pt and proper perfor'an&e of t$e 'an+ group ?&$ore%@ i% e%%ential. 9 : Be alert for indi)idual% ,$o ,ill pla&e t$eir o,n p$+%i&al &o'fort a$ead of t$eir a%%igned dutie%. =e'ind t$e' t$at t$eir 'i%%ion a% Marine% i% to fig$t, and to do %o %u&&e%%full+ re1uire% t$at ,eapon% and e1uip'ent *e 'aintained in ,or0ing order. &. ;er%onal Conta&t and Co''uni&ation%. 4t i% e%%ential t$at ea&$ indi)idual and group *e 0ept infor'ed of ,$at i% $appening. 5ue to t$e deadening of t$e %en%e% t+pi&all+ en&ountered in &old ,eat$er, a 'an left alone 'a+ 1ui&0l+ *e&o'e o*li)iou% to $i% %urrounding%, lo%e $i% %en%e of dire&tion, $i% &on&ern for $i% unit, and in e.tre'e &a%e%, for $i'%elf. 7e 'a+ *e&o'e li0e a %$eep and 'erel+ follo,% along, not 0no,ing or &aring ,$et$er $i% unit i% ad)an&ing or ,it$dra,ing. 6a&$ &o''ander 'u%t ta0e %trong 'ea%ure% to en%ure t$at %'all unit leader% 0eep t$eir %u*ordinate% infor'ed. T$i% i% parti&ularl+ true of t$e &o'pan+ &o''ander% 0eeping t$eir platoon &o''ander% infor'ed, of platoon &o''ander% infor'ing t$eir %1uad leader%, and t$e %1uad leader% infor'ing t$eir 'en. Beneral infor'ation i% of )alue, *ut t$e greate%t i'portan&e 'u%t *e pla&ed on 'atter% of i''ediate &on&ern and intere%t to t$e indi)idual. T$e &$ain of &o''and 'u%t *e rigidl+ follo,ed and leader% 'u%t %ee t$at no 'an i% left uninfor'ed a% to $i% i''ediate %urrounding and %ituation. 91: 4f +our Marine% find it $ard to re'e'*er t$ing% t$e+ $a)e *een taug$t, %$o, patien&e and re)ie, order%, drill% and S>;8%. Ceep t$eir 'ind% *u%+. 9 : Te'per% nor'all+ flare up during t$i% t+pe of training, %o e.pe&t and *e prepared to deal ,it$ it ,$en it &o'e%. Maintain +our %en%e of $u'or, lead *+ e.a'ple, and don8t let unanti&ipated pro*le'% get t$e *e%t of +ou. d. Ti'e!5i%tan&e Da&tor%. Mountain operation% do&trine re&o''end% t$at ta&ti&al &o''ander% *e gi)en e)er+ opportunit+ to e.ploit lo&al %ituation% and ta0e t$e initiati)e ,$en t$e opportunit+ i% pre%ented. Be&au%e of t$e in&rea%ed a'ount of ti'e in)ol)ed in a 'o)e'ent and t$e additional ti'e re1uired to a&&o'pli%$ e)en %i'ple ta%0%, de)iation fro' ta&ti&al plan% i% diffi&ult. Ta&ti&al plan% are de)eloped after a t$oroug$ re&onnai%%an&e and detailed e%ti'ate of t$e %ituation. Suffi&ient fle.i*ilit+ i% allo,ed ea&$ %u*ordinate leader to u%e $i% initiati)e and ingenuit+ in a&&o'pli%$ing $i% 'i%%ion. Ti'e lag% are &o'pen%ated for *+ ti'el+ i%%uan&e of ,arning order%, *+ anti&ipating &$arge% in t$e ta&ti&al %ituation, and t$e earl+ i%%uan&e of frag order%. =e&ognition of ti'e!di%tan&e fa&tor% i% t$e 0e+ to %u&&e%%ful ta&ti&al operation% in &old ,eat$er 'ountainou% region%. 91: Ti'e-5i%tan&e Dor'ula 9T5D:. T$i% for'ula i% de%igned to *e a guideline and %$ould not *e &on%idered a% t$e e.a&t a'ount of ti'e re1uired for +our 'o)e'ent. Durt$er'ore, t$i% for'ula i% for u%e in ideal &ondition%. T$e T5D i% 'ade for troop on foot in t$e %u''erti'e or troop on %0i% in t$e ,interti'e. 4f on foot in deep %no,, 'ultipl+ t$e total ti'e *+ .

05-3 MSVX.01.01

9a: 3 0'!p$ E 1 $our for e)er+ 300 'eter% a%&entF and!or E1 $our for e)er+ G00 'eter% de%&ent. e. Con%er)ation of 6nerg+. T,o en)iron'ent% 'u%t *e o)er&o'e in 'ountainou% region%F one &reated *+ t$e ene'+ and t$e %e&ond &reated *+ t$e &li'ate and terrain. T$e &li'ati& en)iron'ent 'u%t not *e per'itted to %ap t$e energ+ of t$e unit to a point ,$ere it &an no longer &ope ,it$ t$e ene'+. T$e leader 'u%t *e in %uperior p$+%i&al &ondition. 7e &annot e.pend t$e additional energ+ re1uired *+ $i% &on&ern for $i% 'en and %till $a)e t$e ne&e%%ar+ energ+ to lead and dire&t $i% unit in &o'*at. 7e 'u%t re'e'*er t$at t$ere are %eldo' an+ tired unit%, 2u%t TIRED COMMANDERS! 91: 4D t$e unit &an effe&ti)el+ fig$t upon rea&$ing t$e o*2e&ti)e, t$en it $a% properl+ &on%er)ed energ+. #It has $ee% re!eatedl& de'o%strated that at te'!eratures lo(er tha% )*+,- all other !ro$le's lose s.g%./.ca%ce .% the !erso%al $attle /or SURVIVAL0 3. Sur1.1al ASPECTS O, LEADERSHIP. W$en dealing ,it$ leader%$ip &$allenge% in a %ur)i)al %ituation, t$e fore'o%t ,eapon a leader 'u%t e'plo+ i% $i% )igilan&e# a leader8% attention %$ould *e fo&u%ed on en%uring all Marine% of t$e unit are &ontri*uting to t$e o)erall %u&&e%% of t$e %ituation. a. Co$e%ion. /% a leader, +ou 'u%t en%ure t$at all 'e'*er% of t$e tea' are ,or0ing to,ard% t$e %ur)i)a*ilit+ of t$e unit. 3ou &an not allo, indi)idual% or %'all group% to for'ulate t$eir o,n goal% or plan of a&tion. *. Self-Wort$. / Marine ,it$out %elf-,ort$ i% a Marine ,$o doe% not )alue li)ing. -eader%$ip i% a &riti&alF fa&tor in *uilding %elf-,ort$. Ta%0% 'u%t *e found for ea&$ Marine in ,$i&$ *e%t %uit% t$eir %ituation ,$ile atte'pting to re&ei)e po%iti)e re%ult%. 9i.e., / 'an ,it$ a *ro0en leg &an 'onitor t$e fire, / 'an ,it$ a *ro0en ar' &an %till pro&ure ,ater for t$e unit:. T$i% ,ill 'a0e ea&$ and e)er+ Marine feel u%eful and not a *urden to t$e ot$er 'e'*er%, regardle%% of t$eir indi)idual %ituation. &. Hatural =ea&tion% to Stre%%. -eader%$ip 'u%t 1ui&0l+ identif+ natural rea&tion% to %ign% of %tre%% $i% Marine% 'a+ *e di%pla+ing 9i.e., Dear, /n.iet+, Built, 5epre%%ion:. Dailure to re&ogni(e t$e%e %ign% earl+ ,ill re%ult in in2urie%, illne%%, or deat$ ,$i&$ ,ill redu&e t$e unit8% &o'*at effe&ti)ene%%. Corre&ti)e a&tion 'u%t *e ta0en i''ediatel+< d. Will to Sur)i)e. T$e ,ill to %ur)i)e i% a ?'ind-%et@ t$at 'u%t *e in%tilled and reinfor&ed ,it$in all Marine%. Wit$out t$e ?,ill to %ur)i)e@, Marine% ,ill not %u&&eed. T$e follo,ing tool% &an aid to de)elop t$i% ?'ind-%et@. 91: T$e Code of Condu&t.

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9 : ;ledge of /llegian&e. 93: Dait$ in /'eri&a. 9<: ;atrioti& Song% 95: Spiritual Dait$. <. CONCLUSION. ;ara'ount to %ur)i)al i% preparation and training t$at ,ill fo%ter tru%t and &onfiden&e in a unit8% &apa*ilit+ to *eat t$e ele'ent% and t$e ene'+. ;oorl+ trained unit% ,ill not po%%e%% t$e ?Will to Sur)i)e@ a% t$e+ la&0 t$e funda'ental %0ill% to o)er&o'e t$e %ur)i)al %ituation. 4ndi)idual &onfiden&e i% *uilt t$roug$ &$allenging and reali%ti& training t$at tea&$e% a Marine $o, to %ur)i)e and $o, to effe&ti)el+ e'plo+ &old ,eat$er e1uip'ent. #S!.r.t o/ co%/.de%ce co'es /or' tra.%.%g a%d trad.t.o%""" each .%d.1.dual Mar.%e- $ecause o/ the /.ght.%g trad.t.o% o/ the Cor!s a%d the tough%ess o/ tra.%.%g- .s co%/.de%t o/ h.s o(% a$.l.t& a%d that o/ h.s $udd.es""" Th.s co%/.de%ce .% the'sel1es a%d o%e a%ther 1er& o/te% s!ells the d.//ere%ce $et(ee% 1.ctor& a%d SURVIVAL a%d de/eat a%d a%%.h.lat.o%"0 DMDM 1-0 ?-eading Marine%@ RE,ERENCE2 1. /-M/= <3919", Core Value% . MC5; 1-0, -eading Marine% 3. DMDM 7- 1, Ta&ti&al Dunda'ental% for Cold Weat$er Warfig$ting

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Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001 MSVX.0 .0! "!"05 STUDENT HANDOUT SIGNALING AND RECOVERY TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE (1) #n a $ur%i%al $ituation, and gi%en a $ur%i%al &it, 'ondu't a $ur%i%al re'o%er(, in a''ordan'e )it* t*e referen'e$. (MSVX.02.06) (2) #n a $ur%i%al $ituation, and gi%en a $ur%i%al &it, 'ondu't $ur%i%al $ignaling, in a''ordan'e )it* t*e referen'e$. (MSVX.02.18) ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVES (1) Wit*out t*e aid of referen'e, e+e'ute a re'o%er(, in a''ordan'e )it* t*e referen'e$. (MSVX.02.06a) (2) Wit*out t*e aid of referen'e$, de$'ri,e in )riting t*e audio international di$tre$$ Signal, in a''ordan'e )it* t*e referen'e$. (MSVX.02.18a) ( ) Wit*out t*e aid of referen'e$, de$'ri,e in )riting t*e %i$ual international di$tre$$ $ignal, in a''ordan'e )it* t*e referen'e$. (MSVX.02.18!) (") Wit*out t*e aid of referen'e$, 'on$tru't an i-pro%i$ed $ignaling de%i'e, in a''ordan'e )it* t*e referen'e$. (MSVX.02.18#) OUTLINE 1. SIGNALING DEVICES. T*e e.uip-ent li$ted ,elo) are ite-$ t*at -a( ,e on (our ,od( or in$ide an air'raft. /enerall(, t*e$e ite-$ are u$ed a$ $ignaling de%i'e$ )*ile on t*e -o%e. T*e( -u$t ,e a''e$$i,le for u$e at a -o-ent0$ noti'e. 1dditionall(, in a $u--er -ountainou$ en%iron-ent, Marine$ -a( e+perien'e area$ t*at are $no) 'o%ered and -u$t ,e fa-iliar )it* t*e effe't$ t*at $no) )ill *a%e on $pe'ifi' $ignaling de%i'e$. a. 2(rote'*ni'$. 2(rote'*ni'$ in'lude $tar 'lu$ter$ and $-o&e grenade$. W*en u$ing $-o&e grenade$ in $no) pa'&, $o-e for- of floatation -u$t ,e u$ed. Wit*out floatation, t*e $-o&e grenade )ill $in& into t*e $no) pa'& and t*e $no) )ill a,$or, all $-o&e. 3o'&et para'*ute flare$ and *and flare$ *a%e ,een $ig*ted a$ far a)a( a$

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35 -ile$, )it* an a%erage of 10 -ile$. 2(rote'*ni' flare$ are effe'ti%e at nig*t, ,ut during da(lig*t t*eir effe'ti%ene$$ i$ redu'ed ,( 90 per'ent. ,. M-14! 2en 5lare. T*e M-14! 2en 5lare i$ a $ignaling de%i'e 'arried in t*e %e$t of 're) '*ief$ and pilot$. R$%$%!$& '( #(#) '*$ +,- .&/(& '( 0#&$1/-+ /- '*$ 23a&$. '. Stro,e 6ig*t. 1 $tro,e lig*t i$ generall( 'arried in t*e flig*t %e$t$ of all 're) '*ief$ and pilot$. #t 'an ,e u$ed at nig*t for $ignaling. Care -u$t ,e ta&en at nig*t, ,e'au$e a pilot u$ing goggle$ -a( not ,e a,le to di$tingui$* a fla$*ing $tro,e fro- *o$tile fire. T*erefore, an #.3. 'ap $*ould ,e u$ed )*en po$$i,le. d. 5la$*lig*t. B( u$ing fla$*lig*t$, a Mor$e 'ode -e$$age 'an ,e $ent. 1n S7S di$tre$$ 'all 'on$i$t$ of $ending t*ree dot$, t*ree da$*e$, and t*ree dot$. 8eep repeating t*i$ $ignal. e. W*i$tle. T*e )*i$tle i$ u$ed in 'on9un'tion )it* t*e audio international di$tre$$ $ignal. #t i$ u$ed to 'o--uni'ate )it* for'e$ on t*e ground. f. 1:"23C-90 ; 1:"23C-11 . T*e 1:" 23C 90 $ur%i%al radio i$ a part of t*e a%iator<$ $ur%i%al %e$t. T*e 1:"23C-11 )ill e%entuall( repla'e t*e 1:"23C-90 . Bot* radio$ 'an tran$-it eit*er tone =,ea'on> or %oi'e. 5re.uen'( for ,ot* i$ 282.8 2(& 4(/#$, and 2" .0 2(& !$a#(-. Bot* of t*e$e fre.uen'ie$ are on t*e ?@5 Band. g. Aa(":ig*t 5lare. T*e da("nig*t flare i$ a good pea'eti-e $ur%i%al $ignal. T*e flare i$ for nig*t $ignaling )*ile t*e $-o&e i$ for da(. T*e older %er$ion flare i$ identified ,( a red 'ap )it* t*ree nu,,in$ )*ile t*e ne) generation *a$ t*ree ring$ around t*e ,od( for identifi'ation during dar&ne$$. T*e flare ,urn$ for appro+i-atel( 0 $e'ond )*ile t*e $-o&e ,urn$ for appro+i-atel( !0 $e'ond$. NOTEB 7n'e one end i$ u$ed up, dou$e in )ater to 'ool and $a%e t*e ot*er end for future u$e. *. Signal Mirror. 1 -irror or an( $*in( o,9e't 'an ,e u$ed a$ a $ignaling de%i'e. #t 'an ,e u$ed a$ -an( ti-e$ a$ needed. Mirror $ignal$ *a%e ,een dete'ted a$ far a)a( a$ C5 -ile$ and fro- a$ *ig* a$ 1!,000D, alt*oug* t*e a%erage dete'tion di$tan'e i$ 5 -ile$. #t 'an ,e 'on'entrated in one area, -a&ing it $e'ure fro- ene-( o,$er%ation. 1 -irror i$ t*e ,e$t $ignaling de%i'e for a $ur%i%or, ,ut it i$ onl( a$ effe'ti%e a$ it$ u$er. 6earn *o) to u$e one no), ,efore (ou find (our$elf in a $ur%i%al $ituation. =1> Militar( $ignal -irror$ *a%e in$tru'tion$ on t*e ,a'& $*o)ing *o) to u$e it. #t $*ould ,e &ept 'o%ered to pre%ent a''idental fla$*ing t*at -a( ,e $een ,( t*e ene-(. = > 1n( $*in( -etalli' o,9e't 'an ,e $u,$tituted for a $ignal -irror.

MSVX .! 7-

=3> @aEe, ground fog, or a -irage -a( -a&e it *ard for a pilot to $pot $ignal$ fro- a fla$*ing o,9e't. So, if po$$i,le, get to t*e *ig*e$t point in (our area )*en fla$*ing. #f (ou 'an<t deter-ine t*e air'raft<$ lo'ation, fla$* (our $ignal in t*e dire'tion of t*e air'raft noi$e.

. AIMING THE SIGNAL MIRROR 2. METHODS O5 COMMUNICATION a. 1udio. Signaling ,( -ean$ of $ound -a( ,e good, ,ut it doe$ *a%e $o-e li-itation$B =1> #t *a$ li-ited range unle$$ (ou u$e a de%i'e t*at )ill $ignifi'antl( pro9e't t*e $ound. = > #t -a( ,e *ard to pinpoint one0$ lo'ation due to e'*oe$ or )ind. =3> #nternational Ai$tre$$ Signal. (MSVX.02.18a) T*e $ur%i%or )ill -a&e $i+ ,la$t$ in one -inute, returned ,( t*ree ,la$t$ in one -inute ,( t*e re$'uer. ,. Vi$ual. Vi$ual $ignal$ are generall( ,etter t*an audio $ignal$. T*e( )ill pinpoint (our lo'ation and 'an ,een $een at greater di$tan'e$ under good )eat*er 'ondition$. =1> T*e %i$ual international di$tre$$ $(-,ol i$ re'ogniEed ,( a $erie$ of t*ree e%enl( $pa'ed i-pro%i$ed $ignaling de%i'e$. (MSVX.02.18!)

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3. IMPROVISED SIGNALING DEVICES. (MSVX.2.6#). #-pro%i$ed $ignaling de%i'e$ are generall( $tati' in nature. T*e( -u$t ,e pla'ed in a po$ition to ,e $een ,( re$'uer$. T*e( are -ade fro- an( re$our'e$ a%aila,le, )*et*er natural or -an--ade. a. S-o&e /enerator. T*e $-o&e generator i$ an e+'ellent i-pro%i$ed $ignaling de%i'e. #t gi%e$ t*e $ur%i%or t*e fle+i,ilit( to $ignal in eit*er da( or nig*t 'ondition$. T*i$ t(pe of $ignal *a$ ,een $ig*ted a$ far a)a( a$ 1 -ile$, )it* an a%erage di$tan'e of 4 -ile$. S-o&e $ignal$ are -o$t effe'ti%e in 'al- )ind 'ondition$ or open terrain, ,ut effe'ti%ene$$ i$ redu'ed )it* )ind $peed$ a,o%e 10 &not$. Build t*e- a$ $oon a$ ti-e and t*e $ituation per-it$, and prote't t*e- until needed. =1> Con$tru't (our fire in a natural 'learing or along t*e edge of $trea-$ =or -a&e a 'learing>. Signal fire$ under den$e foliage )ill not ,e $een fro- t*e air. = > 5ind t)o log$, ! - 10 in'*e$ in dia-eter, and appro+i-atel( fi%e feet long. 2la'e t*e t)o log$ parallel to ea'* ot*er )it* 3 F C feet $pa'ing. =3> /at*er enoug* $ti'&$, appro+i-atel( t)o in'*e$ in dia-eter and four feet long, to la( a'ro$$ t*e fir$t t)o log$. T*i$ $er%e$ a$ a platfor- for t*e fire. =C> /at*er enoug* 'o-pletel( dr( ,ran'*e$ to ,uild a p(ra-id fire. T*e p(ra-id fire $*ould ,e C feet ,( C feet ,( feet *ig*. =5> 2la'e (our tinder under t*e platfor-. =!> /at*er enoug* pine ,oug* to la( on top of t*e p(ra-id fire. Gn$ure t*at (ou lea%e a $-all opening at t*e ,otto-, allo)ing a''e$$ to t*e tinder. T*i$ )ill allo) (ou to lig*t t*e tinder )it*out re-o%ing t*e pine ,oug*. =7> To lig*t, ignite t*e tinder t*roug* t*e opening at t*e ,otto-. #f a%aila,le, 'on$tru't a tor'* to $peed up t*e lig*ting pro'e$$, e$pe'iall( for -ultiple fire$. =4> To 'reate a $-o&e effe't during t*e da( lig*t *our$, pla'e t*e pine ,oug* on t*e ignited fire. =9> 2la'ing a $-o&e grenade or 'olored flare under t*e platfor- )ill '*ange t*e 'olor of t*e $-o&e generated. 3e-e-,er, (ou )ant t*e fire to dra) in t*e 'olored $-o&e )*i'* )ill 'reate a $-o&e 'olor t*at 'ontra$t$ )it* t*e ,a'& ground )ill in'rea$e t*e '*an'e$ of $u''e$$.

MSVX .! 7-C

SMO6E GENERATOR ,. 1rrange-ent or alteration of natural -aterial$. Su'* t*ing$ a$ t)ig$ or ,ran'*e$, 'an ,e tra-ped into letter$ or $(-,ol$ in t*e $no) and filled in )it* 'ontra$ting -aterial$. To attra't -ore attention, ground $ignal$ $*ould ,e arranged in ,ig geo-etri' pattern$. =1> #nternational $(-,ol$. T*e follo)ing $(-,ol$ are internationall( &no)n.


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=1> S*ado)$. #f no ot*er -ean$ are a%aila,le, (ou -a( *a%e to 'on$tru't -ound$ t*at )ill u$e t*e $un to 'a$t $*ado)$. T*e$e -ound$ $*ould ,e 'on$tru'ted in one of t*e #nternational Ai$tre$$ 2attern$. To ,e effe'ti%e, t*e$e $*ado) $ignal$ -u$t ,e oriented to t*e $un to produ'e t*e ,e$t $*ado)$. #n area$ 'lo$e to t*e e.uator, a :ort*HSout* line gi%e$ a $*ado) an(ti-e e+'ept noon. 1rea$ furt*er nort* or $out* of t*e e.uator re.uire t*e u$e of Ga$tHWe$t line or $o-e point of t*e 'o-pa$$ in ,et)een to gi%e t*e ,e$t re$ult. = > SiEe. T*e letter$ $*ould ,e large a$ po$$i,le for a pilot or 're) to $pot. ?$e t*e diagra- ,elo) to in'orporate t*e $iEe to ratio for all letter $(-,ol$.

SI7E AND RATIO =3> Contra$t. W*en 'on$tru'ting letter $(-,ol$, 'ontra$t t*e letter fro- t*e $urrounding %egetation and terrain. #deall(, ,ring -aterial fro- anot*er lo'ation to ,uild t*e letter. T*i$ 'ould ,e 'lot*ing, air panel$, $pa'e ,lan&et, et'. =a> 7n $no), pile pine ,oug* or u$e a $ea d(e -ar&er fro- an 622 =6ife pre$er%er, per$onal>. 5luore$'ent $ea d(e -ar&er$ *a%e ,een $ig*ted a$ far a)a( a$ 10 -ile$, alt*oug* t*e a%erage dete'tion di$tan'e i$ 3 -ile$. C. AIR TO GROUND COMMUNICATIONS. 1ir to ground 'o--uni'ation$ 'an ,e a''o-pli$*ed ,( $tandard air'raft a'&no)ledg-ent$. a. 1ir'raft )ill indi'ate t*at ground $ignal$ *a%e ,een $een and under$tood ,(B =1> 3o'&ing )ing$ fro- $ide to $ide. T*i$ 'an ,e done during t*e da( or in ,rig*t -oonlig*t. ,. 1ir'raft )ill indi'ate t*at ground $ignal$ *a%e ,een $een ,ut -(' under$tood ,(B =1> Ma&ing a 'o-plete, 'lo'&)i$e 'ir'le during t*e da( or in ,rig*t -oonlig*t.

MSVX .! 7-!

5. RECOVERY. Marine$ trapped ,e*ind ene-( line$ in future 'onfli't$ -a( not e+perien'e .ui'& re'o%er(. Marine$ -a( *a%e to -o%e to a pla'e t*at -ini-iEe$ ri$& to t*e re'o%er( for'e. :o -atter )*at $ignaling de%i'e a Marine u$e$, *e -u$t ta&e re$pon$i,ilit( for -a+i-iEing t*e re'o%er( for'e<$ $afet(. a. 2la'e-ent Con$ideration$. #-pro%i$ed $ignaling de%i'e$, in a *o$tile $ituation, $*ould not ,e pla'ed near t*e follo)ing area$ due to t*e po$$i,ilit( of 'o-pro-i$eB =1> 7,$ta'le$ and ,arrier$. = > 3oad$ and trail$. =3> #n*a,ited area$. =C> Water)a($ and ,ridge$. =5> :atural line$ of drift. =!> Man--ade $tru'ture$. =7> 1ll 'i%ilian and -ilitar( per$onnel. ,. Ta'ti'al Con$ideration. T*e follo)ing ta'ti'al 'on$ideration$ $*ould ,e ad*ered to prior to e-plo(ing an( i-pro%i$ed $ignaling de%i'e. =1> ?$e t*e $ignal$ in a -anner t*at )ill not 9eopardiEe t*e $afet( of t*e re'o%er( for'e or (ou. = > 6o'ate a po$ition t*at afford$ o,$er%ation of t*e $ignaling de%i'e, a%enue$ of approa'* and pro%ide$ 'on'ealed a%enue$ of e$'ape =if dete'ted ,( ene-( for'e$>. 2o$ition $*ould ,e lo'ated relati%el( 'lo$e to e+tra't $ite in order to -ini-iEe Iti-e $pent on groundI ,( t*e re'o%er( for'e. =3> Maintain 'ontinuou$ $e'urit( t*roug* %i$ual $'anning and li$tening )*ile $ignaling de%i'e$ are e-plo(ed. #f )eapon $($te-$ are a%aila,le, $ignaling de%i'e$ $*ould ,e 'o%ered ,( fire and"or o,$er%ation. =C> #f ene-( -o%e-ent i$ dete'ted in t*e area, atte-pt to re'o%er t*e $ignaling de%i'e, if po$$i,le. =5> G-plo( i-pro%i$ed $ignaling de%i'e$ onl( during t*e pre$'ri,ed ti-e$, if ,riefed in t*e -i$$ion order.

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'. 3e'o%er( Ae%i'e$. (MSVX.2.68) #n -ountainou$ terrain, a *eli'opter landing -a( ,e i-po$$i,le due to ground $lope, $no) pa'&, or %egetation. T*e $ur%i%or -u$t ,e fa-iliar )it* re'o%er( de%i'e$ t*at -a( ,e a,oard t*e air'raft.


MSVX .! 7-4

SLING HOIST d. 3e'o%er( ,( ot*er t*an air'raft. 3e'o%er( ,( -ean$ ot*er t*an air'raft -a( o''ur. ?nit S72<$ $*ould in'lude $ignaling and lin&-up )it* for'e$ at t*e follo)ing lo'ation$B =1> Border Cro$$ing$. T*e e%ader )*o 'ro$$e$ into a neutral 'ountr( i$ $u,9e't to detention ,( t*at 'ountr( for t*e duration of t*e )ar. = > 5GB1"567T. =a> Stati'. 3e'o%er( along a $tati' 5GB1 i$ al)a($ diffi'ult. ?nder t*e$e 'ondition$, ene-( and friendl( for'e$ 'an ,e e+pe'ted to ,e den$el( deplo(ed and )ell 'a-ouflaged, )it* good field$ of fire. 1tte-pt$ to penetrate t*e 5GB1 $*ould ,e a%oided. =,> 1d%an'ing. #ndi%idual$ i$olated in front of ad%an'ing friendl( unit$ $*ould i--ediatel( ta&e 'o%er and )ait for t*e friendl( unit$ to o%errun t*eir po$ition. ='> 3etreating. #ndi%idual$ ,et)een oppo$ing for'e$ $*ould i--ediatel( ta&e 'o%er and )ait for ene-( unit$ to pa$$ o%er t*eir po$ition. 1fter -o$t ene-( unit$ *a%e -o%ed on, e%ader$ $*ould tr( to lin& up )it* ot*er i$olated friendl( ele-ent$ and return to friendl( for'e$. =3> 6in&-up )it* friendl( patrol$. ?nit aut*enti'ation nu-,er$ and"or lo'all( de%eloped 'ode$ -a( a$$i$t t*e e%ader to $afel( -a&e 'onta't in or around t*e 5GB1 and )*en approa'*ed ,( friendl( for'e$.

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1. 5M 1-7!, Sur%i%al, 199 . J2 3-50.1, :ational S13 Manual Volu-e ##, 1991 3. J2 3-50.3, G%a$ion and 3e'o%er(, 199!

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Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001 MSVX.0 .07 !"!05 STUDENT HANDOUT SURVIVAL NAVIGATION TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE #n a $ur%i%al $ituation, and gi%en a $ur%i%al &it, e'plo( field e)pedient na%igational aid$, in a**ordan*e +it, t,e referen*e$. (MSVX.02.07) ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVES (1) Wit,out t,e aid of referen*e$, li$t in +riting t,e *on$ideration$ for tra%el, in a**ordan*e +it, t,e referen*e$. (MSVX.02.07a) (2) Wit,out t,e aid of referen*e$, de$*ri-e in +riting t,e $ea$onal relation$,ip of t,e $un and it$ 'o%e'ent during t,e e.uino) and $ol$ti*e, in a**ordan*e +it, t,e referen*e$. (MSVX.02.07b) (3) Wit,out t,e aid of referen*e$, and gi%en a *ir*ular na%igational *,art and operating latitude, deter'ine t,e -earing of t,e $un at $unri$e and $un$et, in a**ordan*e +it, t,e referen*e$. (MSVX.02.07 ) (!) Wit,out t,e aid of referen*e$, *on$tru*t a po*&et na%igator, in a**ordan*e +it, t,e referen*e$. (MSVX.02.07") (#) Wit,out t,e aid of referen*e$, de$*ri-e in +riting t,e 'et,od$ for lo*ating t,e /ort, Star, in a**ordan*e +it, t,e referen*e$. (MSVX.02.07$) (%) Wit,out t,e aid of referen*e$, na%igate +it, a po*&et or a *oal -urned -o+l, in a**ordan*e +it, t,e referen*e$. (MSVX.02.07&) OUTLINE 1. CONSIDERATIONS 'OR STA(ING OR TRAVELLING. (MSVX.02.07a) a. Sta( +it, t,e air*raft or %e,i*le if po$$i-le. More t,an li&el( $o'e-od( &no+$ +,ere it +a$ going. #t i$ al$o a read(-'ade $,elter. -. 0ea%e onl( +,en1 213 Certain of pre$ent lo*ation4 ,a%e &no+n de$tination and t,e a-ilit( to get t,ere. 2 3 Water, food, $,elter, and!or ,elp *an -e rea*,ed. 07-1 MSVX.0 .07

233 Con%in*ed t,at re$*ue i$ not *o'ing. *. #f t,e de*i$ion i$ to tra%el, t,e follo+ing 'u$t al$o -e *on$idered1 213 W,i*, dire*tion to tra%el and +,(. 2 3 W,at plan i$ to -e follo+ed. 233 W,at e.uip'ent $,ould -e ta&en. 253 6o+ to 'ar& t,e trail. 253 7redi*ted +eat,er. d. #f t,e ta*ti*al $ituation per'it$ lea%e t,e follo+ing infor'ation at t,e departure point1 213 8eparture ti'e. 2 3 8e$tination. 233 9oute of tra%el!dire*tion. 253 7er$onal *ondition. 253 :%aila-le $upplie$. 2. DA(TIME SURVIVAL NAVIGATION a. Sun Mo%e'ent. #t i$ generall( ta&en for granted t,at t,e $un ri$e$ in t,e ea$t and $et$ in t,e +e$t. T,i$ rule of t,u'-, ,o+e%er, i$ .uite 'i$leading. #n fa*t, depending on an o-$er%er;$ latitude and t,e $ea$on, t,e $un *ould ri$e and $et up to 50 degree$ off of true ea$t and +e$t. -. T,e follo+ing diagra' and ter'$ are e$$ential to under$tanding ,o+ t,e $un and $tar$ *an ,elp to deter'ine dire*tion1 P)*+,+)- )& ,.$ S/- a, E0/+-)1 a-" S)2*,+ $ 213 Su''er!Winter Sol$ti*e1 2 1 <une! 1 8e*e'-er3 T+o ti'e$ during t,e (ear +,en t,e $un ,a$ no apparent nort,+ard or $out,+ard 'otion. 2 3 Vernal!:utu'nal =.uino)1 2 0 Mar*,! 3 Septe'-er3 T+o ti'e$ during t,e (ear +,en t,e $un *ro$$e$ t,e *ele$tial e.uator and t,e lengt, of da( and nig,t are appro)i'atel( e.ual.

07MSVX.0 .07

*. Sun;$ Mo%e'ent. (MSVX.02.07b) :$ refle*ted in t,e diagra' a-o%e, t,e eart, *ontinuou$l( 'o%e$ in a *(*le fro' $ol$ti*e to e.uino)4 t,roug,out ea*, da(, ,o+e%er, t,e $un appear$ to tra%el$ in a unifor' ar* a*ro$$ t,e $&( fro' $unri$e to $un$et. =)a*tl( ,alf+a( along it$ dail( >ourne(, t,e $un +ill -e dire*tl( $out, of an o-$er%er 2or nort, if t,e o-$er%er i$ in t,e Sout,ern 6e'i$p,ere3. T,i$ rule 'a( not appl( to o-$er%er$ in t,e tropi*$ 2-et+een 3.5 degree$ nort, and $out, latitude3 or in t,e polar region$ 2"0 degree$ latitude3. #t i$ at t,i$ point t,at $,ado+$ +ill appear t,eir $,orte$t. T,e ti'e at +,i*, t,i$ o**ur$ i$ referred to a$ ?lo*al apparent noon.@ d. 0o*al :pparent /oon. W,ene%er u$ing an( t(pe of $,ado+ *a$ting de%i*e to deter'ine dire*tion, ?lo*al apparent noon@ 2or t,e $un;$ ,ig,e$t point during t,e da(3 'u$t -e &no+n. 0o*al apparent noon *an -e deter'ined -( t,e follo+ing 'et,od$. 213 Ano+ing $unri$e and $un$et fro' 'i$$ion order$, i.e., $unri$e 0"30 and $un$et 1930. Ta&e t,e total a'ount of da(lig,t 213 ,our$3, di%ide -( 2" ,our$ 30 'inute$3, and add to $unri$e 20"30 plu$ " ,our$ 30 'inute$3. Ba$ed on t,i$ e)a'ple, lo*al apparent noon +ould -e 1300. 2 3 B$ing t,e $tring 'et,od. T,e $tring 'et,od i$ u$ed to find t+o e.uidi$tant 'ar&$ -efore and after e$ti'ated lo*al apparent noon. T,e *enter point -et+een t,e$e t+o 'ar&$ repre$ent$ lo*al apparent noon. e. Sun;$ Bearing. (MSVX.02.07 ) Wit, an under$tanding of t,e $un;$ dail( 'o%e'ent, a$ +ell a$ it$ $ea$onal pat,$, a te*,ni.ue i$ deri%ed t,at +ill deter'ine t,e true -earing of t,e $un at $unri$e and $un$et. Wit, t,e aid of a *ir*ular na%igational *,art, +e *an a**uratel( na%igate -a$ed on t,e $un;$ true -earing1 07-3 MSVX.0 .07

213 8eter'ine t,e $un;$ 'a)i'u' a'plitude at (our operating latitude u$ing t,e top portion of t,e *,art. 2 3 S*ale t,e *enter -a$eline of t,e *,art +,ere 0 appear$ a$ t,e 'iddle nu'-er4 +rite in t,e 'a)i'u' a'plitude at t,e e)tre'e nort, and $out, end$ of t,e -a$eline. 233 Continue to $*ale t,e -a$eline4 (ou $,ould di%ide t,e -a$eline into " to 10 ti*& 'ar&$ t,at repre$ent e.ual di%i$ion$ of t,e 'a)i'u' a'plitude. 253 Cro' toda(;$ date along t,e *ir*u'feren*e, dra+ a $traig,t line do+n until it inter$e*t$ t,e -a$eline. 253 T,e nu'-er t,i$ line inter$e*t$ i$ toda(;$ $olar a'plitude. #f t,e nu'-er i$ left of 0, it i$ a ?nort,@ a'plitude4 if t,e nu'-er i$ rig,t of 0, it i$ a ?$out,@ a'plitude. B$e t,e for'ula at t,e -otto' of t,e *,art to deter'ine t,e $un;$ -earing at $unri$e or $un $et.

07-5 MSVX.0 .07

C+3 /2a3 Na4+5a,+)-a2 C.a3,

07-5 MSVX.0 .07

f. S,ado+ Sti*& Con$tru*tion. T,i$ te*,ni.ue +ill a*,ie%e a *ardinal dire*tion +it,in 10 degree$ of a**ura*( if done +it,in t+o ,our$ of lo*al apparent noon. Dn*e again, t,i$ te*,ni.ue 'a( -e i'pra*ti*al near t,e polar region$ a$ $,ado+$ tend to -e %er( long4 $i'ilarl(, in t,e tropi*$ $,ado+$ are generall( %er( $'all. 213 Eet a $traig,t, 3-" foot $ti*& free of -ran*,e$ and pointed at t,e end$ and 3-5 $'all 'ar&er$1 i.e., $ti*&$, ro*&$, or nail$. 2 3 7la*e t,e $ti*& uprig,t in t,e ground and 'ar& t,e $,ado+ tip +it, a 'ar&er. 233 Wait 10-15 'inute$ and 'ar& $,ado+ tip again +it, a 'ar&er. 253 9epeat t,i$ until all of t,e 'ar&er$ are u$ed.

07-" MSVX.0 .07


253 T,e 'ar&er$ +ill for' a We$tF=a$t line. 2"3 7ut (our left foot on t,e fir$t 'ar&er and (our rig,t foot on t,e la$t 'ar&er, (ou +ill t,en -e fa*ing nort,. 3. POC7ET NAVIGATOR. (6SV.2.7"3 T,e onl( 'aterial re.uired i$ a $'all pie*e of paper or ot,er flat-$urfa*e 'aterial upon +,i*, to dra+ t,e tra*e of $,ado+ tip$ and a 1 to in*, pin, nail, t+ig, +ooden 'at*,$ti*&, or ot,er $u*, de%i*e to $er%e a$ a $,ado+-*a$ting rod. a. Set t,i$ tin( rod uprig,t on (our flat pie*e of 'aterial $o t,at t,e $un +ill *au$e it to *a$t a $,ado+. Mar& t,e po$ition +,ere t,e -a$e of t,e rod $it$ $o it *an -e returned to t,e $a'e $pot for later reading$. Se*ure t,e 'aterial $o t,at it +ill not 'o%e and 'ar& t,e po$ition of t,e 'aterial +it, $tring, pe--le$, or t+ig$, $o t,at if (ou ,a%e to 'o%e t,e paper (ou *an put it -a*& e)a*tl( a$ it +a$. /o+, 'ar& t,e tip of t,e rodG$ $,ado+. -. :$ t,e $un 'o%e$, t,e $,ado+-tip 'o%e$. Ma&e repeated $,ado+-tip 'ar&ing$ e%er( 15 'inute$. :$ (ou 'a&e t,e 'ar&$ of t,e $,ado+ tip, en$ure t,at (ou +rite do+n t,e ti'e$ of t,e point$. *. :t t,e end of t,e da(, *onne*t t,e $,ado+-tip 'ar&ing$. T,e re$ult +ill nor'all( -e a *ur%ed line. T,e *lo$er to t,e %ernal or autu'nal e.uino)e$ 2Mar*, 1 and Septe'-er 33 t,e le$$ pronoun*ed t,e *ur%ature +ill -e. #f it i$ not *on%enient or t,e ta*ti*al $ituation doe$ not per'it to ta&e a full da(G$ $,ado+-tip 'ar&ing$, (our o-$er%ation *an -e *ontinued on $u-$e.uent da($ -( orienting t,e po*&et na%igator on t,e ground $o t,at t,e $,ado+-tip i$ aligned +it, a pre%iou$l( plotted point. d. T,e 'ar&ing$ 'ade at t,e $unG$ ,ig,e$t point during t,e da(, or $olar noon, i$ t,e nort,F$out, line. T,e dire*tion of nort, $,ould -e indi*ated +it, an arro+ on t,e na%igator a$ $oon a$ it i$ deter'ined. T,i$ nort,-$out, line i$ dra+n fro' t,e -a$e of t,e rod to t,e 'ar& 'ade at $olar noon. T,i$ line i$ t,e $,orte$t line t,at *an -e dra+n fro' t,e -a$e of t,e pin to t,e $,ado+-tip *ur%e. e. To u$e (our po*&et na%igator, ,old it $o t,at +it, t,e $,ado+-tip i$ aligned +it, a plotted point at t,e $pe*ified point. i.e.4 if it i$ no+ 0900 t,e $,ado+-tip 'u$t -e aligned +it, t,at point. T,i$ +ill en$ure t,at (our po*&et na%igator i$ le%el. T,e dra+n arro+ i$ no+ oriented to true nort,, fro' +,i*, (ou *an orient (our$elf to an( de$ired dire*tion of tra%el. f. T,e po*&et na%igator +ill +or& all da( and +ill not -e out of date for appro)i'atel( one +ee&.

07-7 MSVX.0 .07

POC7ET NAVIGATOR !. NIGHTTIME SURVIVAL NAVIGATION a. Mar& /ort,. To aid (ou in na%igating at nig,t, it i$ -enefi*ial to +at*, +,ere t,e $un goe$ do+n. #f (ouGre going to $tart 'o%ing after dar& 'ar& t,e nort,erl( dire*tion. -. 0o*ating t,e /ort, Star. T,ere are t+o 'et,od$ u$ed in lo*ating t,e /ort, Star. (MSVX.02.07$) 213 B$ing t,e Big 8ipper 2Ursa Major3. T,e -e$t indi*tor$ are t,e t+o Hdipper$ H. T,e /ort, Star i$ t,e la$t $tar in t,e ,andle of t,e little dipper, +,i*, i$ not t,e ea$ie$t *on$tellation to find. 6o+e%er, t,e Big 8ipper i$ one of t,e 'o$t pro'inent *on$tellation$ in t,e /ort,ern 6e'i$p,ere. T,e t+o lo+e$t $tar$ of t,e Big 8ipperG$ *up a*t a$ pointer$ to t,e /ort, Star. #f (ou line up t,e$e t+o $tar$, t,e( 'a&e a $traig,t line t,at run$ dire*tl( to t,e /ort, Star. T,e di$tan*e to t,e /ort, Star along t,i$ line i$ 5 ti'e$ t,at -et+een t,e t+o pointer $tar$.

07-I MSVX.0 .07

2 3 B$ing Ca$$iopeia 2Big M or W3. 8ra+ a line $traig,t out fro' t,e *enter $tar, appro)i'atel( ,alf t,e di$tan*e to t,e Big 8ipper. T,e /ort, Star +ill -e lo*ated t,ere.


NOTE1 Be*au$e t,e Big 8ipper and Ca$$iopeia rotate around t,e /ort, Star, t,e( +ill not al+a($ appear in t,e $a'e po$ition in t,e $&(. #n t,e ,ig,er latitude$, t,e /ort, Star i$ le$$ effe*ti%e for t,e purpo$e of orienting -e*au$e it appear$ ,ig,er in t,e $&(. :t t,e *enter of t,e :r*ti* *ir*le, it +ould -e dire*tl( o%er,ead, and all dire*tion$ lead Sout,. *. Sout,ern Cro$$. #n t,e Sout,ern 6e'i$p,ere, 7olari$ i$ not %i$i-le. T,ere, t,e Sout,ern Cro$$ i$ t,e 'o$t di$tin*ti%e *on$tellation. :n i'aginar( line t,roug, t,e long a)i$ of t,e Sout,ern Cro$$, or True Cro$$, point$ to+ard$ a dar& $pot de%oid of $tar$ appro)i'atel( t,ree degree$ off$et fro' t,e Sout, 7ole. T,e True Cro$$ $,ould not -e *onfu$ed +it, t,e larger *ro$$ near-( &no+ a$ t,e Cal$e Cro$$, +,i*, i$ le$$ -rig,t, 'ore +idel( $pa*ed, and ,a$ fi%e $tar$. T,e True Cro$$ *an -e *onfir'ed -( t+o *lo$el( $pa*ed, %er( -rig,t $tar$ t,at trail -e,ind t,e *ro$$ pie*e. T,e$e t+o $tar$ are often ea$ier to pi*& out t,an t,e *ro$$ it$elf. 0oo& for t,e'. T+o of t,e $tar$ in t,e True Cro$$ are a'ong t,e -rig,te$t $tar$ in t,e ,ea%en$4 t,e( are t,e $tar$ on t,e $out,ern and ea$tern ar'$. T,e $tar$ on t,e nort,ern and +e$tern ar'$ are not a$ *on$pi*uou$, -ut are -rig,t. N),$8 T,e i'aginar( point depi*ted in t,e pi*ture i$ t,e dar& $pot de%oid of $tar$.

07-9 MSVX.0 .07

SOUTHERN CROSS d. Moon /a%igator. 0i&e t,e $un, t,e 'oon ri$e$ in t,e ea$t and $et$ in t,e +e$t. B$e t,e $a'e 'et,od of t,e $,ado+ $ti*& a$ (ou did during t,e da(. 5. IMPROVISED COMPASSES. T,ere are t,ree i'pro%i$ed te*,ni.ue$ to *on$tru*t a *o'pa$$. a. S(nt,eti* te*,ni.ue. T,e re.uired ite'$ are a pie*e of $(nt,eti* 'aterial, 2i.e., para*,ute *lot,3, and a $'all pie*e of iron or $teel t,at i$ long, t,in, and lig,t. :lu'inu' or (ello+ 'etal$ +onGt +or& 2onl( t,ing$ t,at ru$t +ill do3. : pin or needle i$ perfe*t, -ut a $traig,tened paper *lip, pie*e of $teel -aling +ire, or -ar-ed +ire *ould al$o +or&. 213 Stro&e t,e needle repeatedl( in one dire*tion again$t t,e $(nt,eti* 'aterial. =n$ure t,at (ou lift t,e 'aterial a fe+ in*,e$ up into t,e air at t,e end of ea*, $tro&e, returning to t,e -eginning of t,e needle -efore de$*ending for anot,er

07-10 MSVX.0 .07

$tro&e in t,e $a'e dire*tion. 8o t,i$ appro)i'atel( 30 $tro&e$. T,i$ +ill 'agnetiJe t,e needle. 2 3 Cloat t,e 'etal on $till +ater u$ing -alled up paper, +ood *,ip, or leaf. Eat,er $o'e +ater in a non-'agneti* *ontainer or a $*ooped out re*e$$ in t,e ground, $u*, a$ a puddle. 8o not u$e a Htin *anH +,i*, i$ 'ade of $teel. 2:n alu'inu' *an +ould -e fine.3 7la*e t,e float on t,e +ater, t,en t,e 'etal on it. #t +ill $lo+l( turn to orient it$elf. -. Magnet te*,ni.ue. Kou +ill a*,ie%e t,e $a'e re$ult$ -( u$ing a 'agnet. Collo+ t,e $a'e $tep$ a$ (ou did +it, t,e $(nt,eti* 'aterial. T,e 'agnet$ (ou are 'o$t li&el( to ,a%e a%aila-le to (ou are t,o$e in a $pea&er or ,eadp,one$ of a radio. *. MagnetiJation t,roug, a -atter(. : po+er $our*e of %olt$ or 'ore fro' a -atter( *an -e u$ed +it, a $,ort lengt, of in$ulated +ire to 'agnetiJe 'etal. Coil t,e +ire around a needle. #f t,e +ire i$ non-in$ulated, +rap t,e needle +it, paper or *ard-oard. :tta*, t,e end$ to t,e -atter( ter'inal$ for 5 'inute$. d. :$$o*iated pro-le'$ +it, i'pro%i$ed *o'pa$$e$. T,e follo+ing are *o''on pro-le'$ +it, all i'pro%i$ed *o'pa$$e$. 213 Soft $teel tend$ to lo$e it$ 'agneti$' fairl( .ui*&l(, $o (ou +ill ,a%e to de'agnetiJe (our needle o**a$ionall(, t,oug, (ou $,ould not ,a%e to do t,i$ 'ore t,an t+o or t,ree ti'e$ a da(. 2 3 Te$t (our *o'pa$$ -( di$tur-ing it after it $ettle$. 8o t,i$ $e%eral ti'e$. #f it return$ to t,e $a'e align'ent, (ouGre DA. #t +ill -e lined up nort, and $out,, ,.)/5. 9)/ :+22 .a4$ ,) "$,$3;+-$ b9 ),.$3 ;$a-* :.+ . $-" +* -)3,.. U*$ ,.$ */-< *,a3*< )3 a-9 ),.$3 -a,/3a2 *+5-* +- ,.$ a3$a. 233 9e'e'-er, t,i$ +ill gi%e 'agneti* nort,. #n e)tre'e nort,ern lattitude$, t,e de*lination angle *an -e e)tre'e. ". NATURAL NAVIGATION. a. Cind out +,ere t,e pre%ailing +ind$ originate. -. Sun;$ pat, in /ort,ern 6e'i$p,ere i$ S=-SW 1. Bend in tree$ -e*au$e of pre%ailing +ind$. . Sapling Coloration1 +,iter on one $ide, dar&er green on t,e ot,er. T,e $unn( $ide 2$out, $ide3 +ill *au$e t,e tree to turn +,iti$, +,i*, i$ a natural $un$*reen. W,ite +ill -e on t,e SW to S= $ide of t,e tree. 7i*& one t,at i$ in t,e open, e)po$ed to t,e ele'ent$ all da(. 3. 6otte$t $ide of a $lope +ill en,an*e gro+t,1 t,i*&er %egetation t,e SW $ide. 07-11 MSVX.0 .07

. 5. Sno+ 'elt on one pro'inent $ide of t,e tree1 'elt!freeJe +ill indi*ate t,e $out, $ide. 5. Blea*, 9o*&1 t,e $un;$ ra($ ,a$ a -lea*,ing effe*t, lig,ter $ide +ill -e to t,e $out,. D-%iou$l( +,ite ro*&$ are >u$t +,ite ro*&$. *. 0oo& for 'ore t,an one $ign to *onfir' (our dire*tion. 7. SURVIVAL NAVIGATION TECHNI=UES a. /a%igator. 213 ='plo( a na%igation 'et,od. 2 3 Cind t,e *ardinal dire*tion. 233 7i*& a $teering 'ar& in t,e de$ired dire*tion of tra%el. -. Maintain a 0og. T,e po$$i-ilit( 'a( ari$e +,en (ou +ill not ,a%e a 'ap of t,e area. : log +ill de*rea$e t,e *,an*e of +al&ing in *ir*le$. 213 Con$tru*tion. 2a3 B$e an( 'aterial a%aila-le to (ou i.e., paper, *lot,ing, M9= -o), et*. 2-3 8ra+ a field $&et*, annotating /ort,, pro'inent terrain feature$, and friendl(!ene'( po$ition. 2 3 Maintenan*e. 2a3 :nnotate di$tan*e tra%eled, ele%ation gained and lo$t, and *ardinal dire*tion$. 2-3 Maintain and update field $&et*, a$ 'o%e'ent progre$$e$. 2*3 =n$ure reada-ilit( of (our field $&et*,. 2i.e.4 donGt *lutter t,e $&et*, $o 'u*, t,at it *anGt -e read.3 *. 8uring Mo%e'ent Con$tantl( 9efer To. 213 0og. 2 3 Steering 'ar&$.

07-1 MSVX.0 .07

d. :*tion$ #f Kou Be*o'e 0o$t. 213 #''ediate a*tion 2a3 Drient (our $&et*,. T,i$ +ill pro-a-l( 'a&e (our 'i$ta&e o-%iou$. 2 3 Corre*ti%e a*tion 2a3 Ba*&tra*& u$ing $teering 'ar&$ until (ou ,a%e deter'ined t,e lo*ation of (our error. 2-3 9e-orient (our $&et*,. 2*3 Sele*t dire*tion of tra%el and *ontinue to 'ar*,. 9=C=9=/C=1 1. CM 1-7", Sur%i%al, 199 . . :CM "5-5, Sur%i%al, 19"9. 3. 8a%id Seid'ond, T,e =$$ential Wilderne$$ /a%igator, 1995.

07-13 MSVX.0 .07


Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001 MSVX.0 .0! "#"05 STUDENT HANDOUT SURVIVAL TRAPS AND SNARES TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE $n a %ur&i&al %ituation, and gi&en a %ur&i&al 'it, e(plo) a trap or %nare, in a**ordan*e +it, t,e referen*e%. (MSVX.02.08) ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVES (1) Wit,out t,e aid of referen*e%, li%t in +riting t,e general *on%ideration% to ta'e ga(e, in a**ordan*e +it, t,e referen*e%. (MSVX.02.08a) (2) Wit,out t,e aid of referen*e%, li%t in +riting t,e general te*,ni-ue% to ta'e ga(e, in a**ordan*e +it, t,e referen*e%. (MSVX.02.08b) (3) Wit,out t,e aid of referen*e%, li%t in +riting t,e re-uire(ent% for %naring, in a**ordan*e +it, t,e referen*e%. (MSVX.02.08 ) (!) Wit,out t,e aid of referen*e%, e(plo) a %nare, in a**ordan*e +it, t,e referen*e%. (MSVX.02.08") (#) Wit,out t,e aid of referen*e%, li%t in +riting t,e t)pe% of trigger%, in a**ordan*e +it, t,e referen*e%. (MSVX.02.08$) (%) Wit,out t,e aid of referen*e%, e(plo) a trap, in a**ordan*e +it, t,e referen*e%. (MSVX.02.08&) (') Wit,out t,e aid of referen*e%, e(plo) a noi%e produ*ing pat, guard, in a**ordan*e +it, t,e referen*e%. (MSVX.02.08() OUTLINE 1. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS TO TA)E GAME (MSVX.02.08a) a. .eneral Con%ideration%. /no+ing a fe+ general ,int% and tip% +ill (a'e t,e trapping of ani(al% ea%ier and *on%idera0l) (ore effe*ti&e. Mo%t of t,e%e *on%ideration% relate to t,e 1a(0u%, (entalit)2. T,in' a0out ea*, *on%ideration a% if )ou are planning an a(0u%, of an ene() unit. T,e eig,t general *on%ideration% to ta'e ga(e are3 0!-1 MSVX.0 .0!

415 /no+ )our ga(e. /no+ing t,e ,a0it% of t,e ani(al )ou +ant to trap or %nare +ill ,elp in*rea%e )our *,an*e%. Su*, t,ing% a% +,en and +,ere t,e) (o&e, feed, and +ater +ill ,elp )ou deter(ine +,ere t,e %et *an 0e (o%t effe*ti&el) pla*ed. 4 5 /eep t,ing% %i(ple. 6ou don7t ,a&e ti(e in a %ur&i&al %ituation to *on%tru*t ela0orate %et% and t,e) do not ne*e%%aril) do a 0etter 8o0. 435 9la*e %et% in t,e rig,t pla*e. :ni(al% +ill tra&el and %top in *ertain lo*ation%. T,at i% +,ere to 0uild %et%. 4;5 Co&er up )our %*ent. :ni(al% +ill a&oid a %et, +,i*, %(ell% t,reatening or unu%ual to t,e( 4i.e., ,u(an %*ent or 9.<.=.>% fro( e-uip(ent or *lot,ing5. 4a5 Man lea&e% a %*ent t,roug, t,e pore% of t,e %'in 0) t,e %+eat gland%. ?%e an odorle%% *onta*t glo&e +,en 0uilding a %et. $t (a) ta'e up to t,ree da)% for )our %*ent to di%%ipate if (ade +it,out glo&e%. 405 Certain 0oot %ole% and *lot,ing (a) lea&e a %*ent, generall) t,i% *an 0e dete*ted 0) t,e ,u(an no%e. $f noti*ed, atte(pt to (a%' t,e %*ent +it, %(o'e fro( )our fire 455 ?%e t,e rig,t t)pe of %et. Certain %et% +or' 0etter t,an ot,er% do for a parti*ular ani(al. 4#5 ?%e t,e *orre*t e-uip(ent. ?%ing t,e *orre*t e-uip(ent i% para(ount to %u**e%%. T,i% in*lude% t,e +eig,t of t,e lifting de&i*e in proportion to t,e ani(al>% +eig,t, t,e *ordage or +ire to ,old t,e ani(al>% %trengt,, and trigger ten%ion. 475 C,e*' trap%. C,e*' )our trap% t+i*e dail)3 (orning and e&ening. C,e*'ing )our trap% le%% t,an t+i*e a da) *an allo+ )our ga(e to e%*ape, rot, or 0e ta'en 0) ot,er predator%. 4!5 =ure )our %et%. =ure% +ill add to )our *,an*e% of %u**e%%. Certain lure% are appropriate at *ertain ti(e% of t,e )ear, depending upon t,e ani(al de%ired. =ure% fall into four different *ategorie%3 4a5 Bait =ure%. 405 Call =ure% 4t,e%e are audio de&i*e%5. 4*5 .land or Territorial =ure%.

#MSVX .!

4d5 Curio%it) =ure%. . GENERAL TECHNI*UES TO TA)E GAME. (MSVX.02.08b) : general te*,ni-ue i% t,e (et,od in +,i*, t,e trap i% intended to 'ill t,e ani(al. T,e a*ron)( @S$C/@ i% u%eful in learning t,e%e te*,ni-ue%. 415 S- Strangle. T,i% (et,od %trangle% t,e ani(al, %u*, a% a %nare. 4 5 $- $(pale. T,i% (et,od pu%,e% a %ta'e t,roug, t,e ani(al, %u*, a% a %pi'ed dead fall. 435 C- Cru%,. T,i% (et,od *ru%,e% t,e ani(al, %u*, a% a deadfall for a *,ip(un'. 4;5 /- /no*'. T,i% (et,od 'no*'% a larger ani(al un*on%*iou%, %u*, a% a deadfall. 3. SNARE NOMENCLATURE AND IMPROVISED SNARES : %nare in not,ing (ore t,an a pie*e of +ire, rope, or *ord +it, a loop at one end, +,i*, tig,ten% do+n around ani(al>% ne*'. Snare% are (u*, ea%ier and le%% ti(e *on%u(ing to *on%tru*t t,an trap%, +,ile produ*ing 0etter re%ult%. 415 Wire. :lt,oug, %nare% *an 0e u%ed +it, rope or *ord, t,e) are le%% effe*ti&e t,an +ire. Wire %,ould ,a&e (e(or) and re%i%t 'in'ing. :ir*raft *a0le t)pe 7A7, in %iBe% 1"1# to 3"! in*, %,ould 0e u%ed. T,i% t)pe of +ire pre&ent% ani(al *,e+ out and re%i%t% 0rea'age. Ce(e(0er t,at )ou +ant t,e %(alle%t dia(eter *a0le *apa0le of ,olding t,e ani(al. 4 5 =o*'ing de&i*e. : lo*'ing de&i*e i% i(perati&e for a %nare to +or' properl). =o*'ing de&i*e% %e*ure t,e %nare around t,e ani(al>% ne*'. T,ere are %e&eral (et,od% a&aila0le for a lo*'ing de&i*e.



0!-1 MSVX.0 .0!

)NOT ;. SNARING. $n an) en&iron(ent, %naring i% t,e (o%t effe*ti&e (ean% to ta'e ga(e. : %nare in not,ing (ore t,an a pie*e of +ire, rope, or *ord +it, a loop at one end +,i*, tig,ten% do+n around an ani(al%7 ne*'. Snare% are (u*, ea%ier and le%% ti(e *on%u(ing to *on%tru*t t,an trap%, +,ile produ*ing 0etter re%ult%. a. Ce-uire(ent% for %naring (MSVX.02.08 ) T,ere are t,ree re-uire(ent% too effe*ti&el) e(plo) %nare%. T,e) are lo*ation, pre%entation, and *on%tru*tion. 0. =o*ation. =o*ation i% para(ount to %u**e%%. T,e follo+ing guide *an a%%i%t )ou. 415 Co)ote%, DoAe%, and Badger. :long rarel) tra&eled road%, fire lane%, irrigation dit*,e%, fen*e line%, in %addle%, along ridge top%, (eado+ 0order%, 0) *ar*a%%e%. 4 5 Bo0*at and =)nA. :t 0a%e% of *liff% and large ro*' fa*e%E on ridge% and %addle *ro%%ingE along %trea( 0otto(%. Cat% need %e*urit) %o rarel) get far fro( tree% or 0ru%,, or e%*ape *o&er. 435 Ca**oon, <po%%u(, S'un', and Cing-tailed Cat%. Strea( 0ed% and 0an'%E trail% along %trea( 0ed%, pond%, ri&er% and ot,er +ater *our%e%E Ca**oon% li'e a *o(0ination of +ater, old (ature tree%, 0uilding% and 8un' pile%, and a *on%i%tent food %uppl) li'e grain or prepared feed. 4;5 Wea%el. Mar%,), gra%%) (eado+%. 455 Marten and Di%,er. :long (eado+ edge%, ridge line%, and do+nfall%. 4#5 Min'. ?nder 0ridge%E around *ul&ert%, tile% and 8un' in or near %trea(%, ri&er% and la'e%, %pring% and %eep%, Mu%'rat and Bea&er lodge% and da(%. Min' +ill %top and in&e%tigate nearl) e&er) ,ole or *a&it) around a %trea(0ed.

#-; MSVX .!

475 Bea&er and Mu%'rat. :round t,e food *a*,e under t,e i*e. 4!5 Ca00it%. $n t,i*' +illo+ %tand% along run% and trail%. *. 9re%entation. 9re%entation i% t,e t)pe of %et for t,e intended ani(al. Cu00ie %et +or'% +ell for 0o0*at, ra**oon, (arten, fi%,er, opo%%u(, and %'un' +,ile trail %et% +or' +ell for *o)ote, foA, (in', and ra00it. d. Con%tru*tion. Con%tru*tion i% t,e a*tual 0uilding of t,e %et. 415 : %plit %ti*' i% utiliBed to %upport t,e %nare and en%ure t,e %nare fire% properl). T,e %plit %ti*' *an 0e eit,er green or %ea%oned +ood. Fo+e&er, t,e %nare (u%t not %lip t,roug, t,e %plit. T,e lo*'ing de&i*e (u%t 0e neAt to t,e %plit %ti*'. T,e %plit %ti*' (u%t 0e %e*urel) pla*ed in t,e ground. 4 $f )ou are utiliBing a +eig,ted %nare t,e lo*'ing de&i*e (a) 0e in t,e 1 o>*lo*' po%ition.5 4 5 T,e %nare (u%t 0e an*,ored or atta*,ed to a drag. 435 T,e %nare (u%t 0e ,-a"$" %o it +ill fire -ui*'l).

4;5 =oop %iBe. : *orre*tl) e(plo)ed %nare +ill ,a&e t,e %nare ,olding t,e ani(al around t,e ne*'. =oop %iBe i% pla*ed on t,e %nare a**ording to t,e intended ani(al. Too large +ill re%ult in a 0od) or leg *at*,, re%ulting in po%%i0le *,e+ out or 0rea'age. Too %(all +ill ena0le t,e ani(al to for*e t,e %nare to t,e %ide, re%ulting in a (i%%. :dditionall), t,e loop (u%t 0e pla*ed +it, %pe*ifi* ground *learan*e. $deall), t,e 0otto( of t,e loop %,ould ,it t,e intended ani(al *,e%t ,ig,. T,e %nare trigger i% t,at part of t,e loop +,i*, ,it% t,e ani(al% *,e%t.

0!-1 MSVX.0 .0!

:G$M:= SK?$CCH= C:BB$T C:CC<<G D<X C<6<THS B<BC:T N-.$/

G<<SH S$IH 1" T< 3 $GCFHS ; T< 5 1" $GCFHS # $GCFHS 7 T< 10 $GCFHS 1 T< 1; $GCFHS 9 $GCFHS

.C<?GJ C=H:C:GCH 1" T< 1 1" $GCFHS 1 1" T< 3 $GCFHS 3 T< ; $GCFHS ! T< 10 $GCFHS 1 $GCFHS ! $GCFHS

415 Goo%e %iBe i% t,e dia(eter of t,e %nare loop. 4 5 .round *learan*e i% (ea%ured fro( t,e 0otto( of t,e loop to t,e ground.

455 Den*ing. T,e o08e*ti&e of fen*ing i% to ,a&e t,e ani(al (o&e t,roug, t,e 1pat, of lea%t re%i%tan*e2 or (ore i(portantl) t,e %nare. Den*ing (u%t 0e %u0tle and not o&er done.

4#5 =ure. $n a %ur&i&al %ituation, )ou +ill not 0e a0le to e(plo) nu(erou% %nare%. =uring all %nare% in*rea%e% )our *,an*e% of %u**e%%. 4a5 Bait =ure%. -MCH peanut 0utter, *,ee%e %pread, or 8ell). -Jead *ar*a%%e%. -Jead rodent%. 405 .land or Territorial =ure%. -:ni(al ?rine (iAed +it, 0ea&er *a%tor% or ani(al gland%.

#-# MSVX .!

4*5 Curio%it) =ure%. -Single feat,er, 0ird +ing, pie*e of fur tied and %u%pended under a tree li(0 and allo+ed to freel) (o&e +it, t,e 0reeBe. 5. SNARE SETS. (MSVX.02.08") :lt,oug, t,ere are nu(erou% idea% to e(plo) %nare%, ,ere are a fe+.


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#. IMPROVISED TRAPS. $(pro&i%ed trap% are (ade fro( a &ariet) of (aterial%. T,e%e trap% are de%igned to ,old or 'ill ani(al% 0) u%e of %o(e t)pe of a*tion. T,i% a*tion i% generall) *au%ed 0) eit,er a +eig,t or %pring loaded de&i*e. a. Trigger%. (MSVX.02.08$) T,ere are t,ree 0a%i* trigger% u%ed for all trap% and pat,guard%. Jepending on t,e %ituation, &ariation% of t,e%e trigger% *an 0e u%ed. T,e 'e) to all i(pro&i%ed trap% i% t,e trigger %)%te(. 415 Modified 9uite figure ;. T,e 9uite deadfall re-uire% a 'nife and pie*e of *ord to *on%tru*t. $t i% de%igned to (angle %(all rodent%. T,e trigger for t,e deadfall i% t,e (odified 9uite figure ;.

MODI0IED PUITE DEAD0ALL 4 5 Toggle. 0!-1 MSVX.0 .0!

435 ?ni&er%al.

#-10 MSVX .!

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0. Spring 9ole. T,e %pring pole re-uire% a %(all %apling and *ordage to *on%tru*t. T,e trigger for t,e %pring pole i% t,e toggle. $t i% de%igned to lift t,e ani(al off t,e groundE not allo+ing predator) ani(al% to ta'e )our ga(e. Ce(e(0er, t,e trigger *an not 0e %o tig,t t,at t,e intended ga(e *an not %et it off.

SPRING POLE *. BoA Trap. T,e 0oA trap re-uire% li(ited *ordage to *on%tru*t. $t i% de%igned to ,old li&e %(all rodent% and 0ird%. T,e 0oA trap trigger i% t,e 9uite figure ;.


#-1 MSVX .!

d. Baited Tre0le Foo'. Tie a large tre0le ,oo' onto a tree li(0 ,ig, enoug, to *au%e t,e ani(al to 8u(p 0ut not %o ,ig, it *annot rea*, it. Bait t,e tre0le ,oo'. 7. PATH GUARDS (MSVX.02.08() 9at, guard% are de%igned to prote*t and pro&ide %e*urit) for )our %,elter area again%t t,e ene() and predator) ani(al%. T,e) are *la%%ified into noi%e and *a%ualt) produ*ing pat, guard%. a. Goi%e produ*ing pat, guard%. Goi%e produ*ing pat,guard% %er&e a% an alar( for )our %,elter area. W,en triggered, it %,ould produ*e %o(e t)pe of loud noi%e or &i%ual %ignal. :lt,oug, *on%tru*tion *an &ar), depending on (aterial% a&aila0le, one eAa(ple i% a% follo+%3 415 Se*ure a )oung %apling to a uni&er%al trigger. 4 5 :t t,e end of t,e %apling, tie %e&eral pie*e% of (etal to t,e %apling. ?%e +,ate&er i% a&aila0le for (etal. 435 Ca(ouflage t,e (etal on t,e ground. 4;5 W,en triggered, t,e %apling %,ould %+ing 0a*' and fort,, *au%ing t,e (etal to rattle. 0. Ca%ualt) produ*ing pat, guard%. Ca%ualt) produ*ing pat, guard%, +,en triggered, %,ould *au%e deat, or in8ur) to t,e ene() or predator) ani(al. Tip% %,ould 0e poi%oned a% di%*u%%ed in Sur&i&al 9lant ?%e% *la%%. Trigger% for t,i% t)pe of pat, guard %,ould 0e t,e uni&er%al trigger. 415 =og Ler'.

0!-1 MSVX.0 .0!

LOG JER) 4 5 Di%, Foo' Gig,t(are

0ISHHOO) NIGHTMARE CHDHCHGCH3 1. Jr. Ma8or =. Boddi*'er, Trapping Co*') Mountain Dur0earer%, 19!0. . Ca)(ond T,o(p%on, Snare% and Snaring, 3rd Hdtion 199#. 3. C,ri% Lano+%'i, : (anual t,at Could Sa&e )our =ife, 19!9

#-1; MSVX .!


Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001 MSVX.0 .09 0 !0"!05 STUDENT HANDOUT SURVIVAL USES OF GAME TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE #n a $ur%i%al $ituation, and gi%en a $ur%i%al &it, and pro'ured ga(e, prepare ga(e for 'on$u(ption, in a''ordan'e )it* t*e referen'e$. (MSVX.02.09) ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVES (1) Wit*out t*e aid of referen'e$, and gi%en an ani(al, dre$$ and $&in ga(e, in a''ordan'e )it* t*e referen'e$. (MSVX.02.09a) (2) Wit*out t*e aid of referen'e$, and gi%en a green *ide, 'on$tru't a $uita+le produ't, in a''ordan'e )it* t*e referen'e$. (MSV.02.09b) ( ) Wit*out t*e aid of referen'e$, and gi%en a pie'e of (eat, pre$er%e (eat, in a''ordan'e )it* t*e referen'e$. (MSVX.02.09!) (") Wit*out t*e aid of referen'e$, li$t in )riting t*e a'ron,( -T.M/, in a''ordan'e )it* t*e referen'e$. (MSVX.02.09#) ($) Wit*out t*e aid of referen'e$, li$t in )riting t*e part$ of ga(e t*at 'an +e u$ed for *u(an 'on$u(ption, in a''ordan'e )it* t*e referen'e$. (MSVX.02.09%) OUTLINE0 1. &ILLING GAME. 1. 2o$e Tap and 3eart Sto(p. 4$ing a 'lu+ *it t*e ani(al on t*e no$e. T*i$ )ill &no'& t*e ani(al un'on$'iou$. 5a, t*e 'lu+ a'ro$$ t*e ani(al6$ ne'&. 7la'ing one foot on t*e 'lu+ to &eep t*e ani(al do)n. T*en u$e t*e *eel of ,our ot*er +oot to gi%e t*e ani(al $e%eral $*arp +lo)$ to t*e '*e$t area . T*i$ 'au$e$ t*e *eart to $)ell up and t*e ani(al +leed$ internall,. B. Bleeding. Sli'ing t*e ani(al8$ t*roat or pier'ing t*e '*e$t 'a%it, a''o(pli$*e$ t*i$ (et*od. C. Bludgeoning. Si(pl, +eat t*e ani(al until it $top$ (o%ing. 9. Brea&ing t*e 2e'&. T*e fir$t $tep i$ t*e $a(e a$ t*e no$e tap. 5a,ing t*e 'lu+ a'ro$$ t*e ne'&, pull on t*e rear leg$ until a -$nap/ i$ *eard and relea$e. .n'e t*e ani(al $traig*ten$ it$ *ind leg$, it i$ dead. . PREPARING GAME (MSVX.02.09a) 09-1 MSV X.0 .09

1. 9re$$ing. .n'e t*e ani(al i$ dead, dre$$ing $*ould o''ur i((ediatel,. T*i$ allo)$ t*e '*e$t 'a%it, to 'ool, t*u$ $lo)ing t*e de'a, and +a'teria rate. 4$e of '*e$t 'a%it, propping $ti'&$ )ill aid in t*i$ pro'e$$. 1: ;a(e a: 4$ing a )ell-$*arpened po'&et &nife, 'ut around anu$. Be 'areful not to pun'ture inte$tine$ or &idne,$. +: Cut t*e *ide fro( t*e anu$ to)ard$ t*e '*e$t 'a%it,. T*i$ i$ perfor(ed +, fir$t pla'ing t)o finger$ under t*e $&in. 2e<t, pla'e t*e +lade of t*e po'&et &nife in +et)een ,our finger$. T*i$ pre%ent$ rupturing t*e inte$tine$ and 'onta(inating t*e (eat. ': =ea'* in and pull out t*e *eart, lung$, and li%er, &eeping t*e( $eparate fro( t*e gut$. T*e$e organ$ are edi+le. C*e'& t*e li%er for )*ite $pot$. #f )*ite $pot$ appear on t*e li%er, t*e ani(al (a, *a%e tulare(ia. : Bird$ a: 7lu'& feat*er$ )*ile +od, i$ )ar( or t*e +id 'an +e dipped into *ot )ater. +: 1 +ird 'an al$o +e $&inned. 3o)e%er, t*i$ pro'e$$ re(o%e$ t*e +ird$ fat la,er and i$ )a$teful in a $ur%i%al $ituation. ': Ma&e in'i$ion fro( %ent to tail and dra) out inte$tine$. 3: =eptile$!1(p*i+ian$ >a: Cut off *ead )ell do)n +e*ind poi$on $a'$. >+: Cut open $&in fro( anu$ to ne'&. 7ull out internal organ$ and di$'ard. N'(%) Bo< turtle$, +rig*tl, 'olored frog$, frog$ )it* ?X? (ar& on t*eir +a'&$, and toad$ $*ould +e a%oided. B. S&inning. 1lt*oug*, t*e *ide a't$ a$ a prote'ti%e la,er it $*ould +e re(o%ed a$ $oon a$ po$$i+le. T*i$ )ill allo) t*e (eat to 'ool and de%elop a gla@e. Sin'e +lood i$ a food $our'e it $*ould +e 'olle'ted )*en po$$i+le. >1: 5arge ;a(e - Caping >a: Aind t*e 1'*ille$ tendon Bu$t a+o%e t*e feet and 'ut a $(all *ole +et)een t*e +one and t*e tendon. 2o) ,ou 'an t*read a rope, $tring, et'., t*roug* t*e *ole in order to *ang t*e ani(al up$ide do)n fro( a tree +ran'* or a (a&e $*ift ra'&.

09-1 MSV X.0 .09

>+: Cut 'o(pletel, around t*e *ind leg$, Bu$t +elo) )*ere t*e ani(al i$ $u$pended. T*en 'ut to)ard$ t*e anu$ on t*e in$ide of t*e *ind leg$. >': 7ull *ide $traig*t do)n to)ard$ t*e *ead. T*e pro'edure u$ed on t*e *ind leg$ )ill +e repeated for t*e fore leg$. Continue pulling t*e *ide until it i$ free of t*e *ead. T*e *ide )ill *a%e to +e 'ut if t*e ani(al *a$ antler$. > : S(all ;a(e - Ca$ing >a: S(all ga(e 'an +e $&inned li&e large ga(e or it 'an +e 'a$ed. Ca$ing a *ide (ean$ to pull t*e entire $&in off t*e 'ar'a$$ fro( rear for)ard, )it* 'ut$ (ade onl, around t*e feet of t*e ani(al and fro( t*e +a'& leg$ to t*e tail. T*i$ (et*od allo)$ t*e $&in to +e (ade into (itten$, +ag$, and ot*er *olding de%i'e$.

HIDE CASING >3: Ai$* >a: T*e $&in of fi$* i$ u$uall, left on. >C: Bird$ >a: T*e $&in of +ird$ $*ould +e left on. T*ere i$ a *ea%, la,er of fatt, ti$$ue +et)een $&in and (eat. >5: =eptile$!1(p*i+ian$ >a: T*e $&in of reptile$ i$ left on. C. But'*ering. #$ $i(pl, 'utting t*e (eat into (anagea+le portion$. S(aller ani(al$ are generall, +e$t left )*ole.

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BUTCHERING N'(%) Animals that were killed by the use of poisons should have a 2" cubic size square of meat removed at the point of contamination. 9. Wa$*ing. Meat $*ould +e rin$ed to re(o%e dirt and e$pe'iall, if an, +ladder or fe'al organ$ )ere ruptured during t*e $&inning pro'e$$. . COO&ING OF MEATS 1. Coo&ing (eat )ill &ill +a'teria and para$ite$. 1ll ga(e )ill +e 'oo&ed until it i$ t*oroug*l, )ell done. T*ere are no lefto%er$ in $ur%i%al. Coo& onl, )*at ,ou 'an i((ediatel, 'on$u(e. #deall,, ,ou $*ould eat t*e *eart and li%er fir$t to a%oid $poiling. T*ere are t)o (et*od$ of 'oo&ing. 1: Boiling. T*i$ i$ t*e +e$t (et*od for 'oo&ing. Boiling ena+le$ t*e $ur%i%or to 'on$u(e t*e ani(al fat and nutrient$, )*i'* 'olle't in t*e +rot*. : R'a*(+,-. T.+* /%(.'# +* 0a*(%123 a,# 0+33 ,'( b% 2(+3+4%# +, a *256+6a3 *+(2a(+',.

C. TANNING HIDES (MSVX.02.09b) 1. Ale$*ing. Ale$*ing i$ t*e a'tual re(o%al of (eat, ti$$ue, and fat fro( t*e *ide. Ale$*ing i$ ea$ier )*en done a$ $oon a$ po$$i+le, prefera+l, +efore t*e *ide $tart$ to dr,. 1: Soa& or )et t*e *ide if dr,. : 5a, t*e *ide on a $olid, $(oot*, round o+Be't >i.e., log or 'anteen:. 3: 3olding a +a,onet, +lunt &nife, $*arp $tone or +one tool $'rapper at a 10 degree angle a)a, fro( t*e +od,, pu$* t*e fat and (e(+rane off t*e leat*er. Be 'areful not to (a&e *ole$ in t*e (ore tender part$ of t*e +ell,. Aor +ea%er and +adger t*e fat (u$t +e 'ut off t*e *ide. C: Continue t*i$ until all t*e fat i$ 'o(pletel, re(o%ed.

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B. Stret'*ing. 1 fre$* green or $oa&ed *ide (u$t +e $tret'*ed. Stret'*ing i$ a''o(pli$*ed +, eit*er (a&ing a fra(e or u$ing t*e ground. 1: Ara(e $tret'*ing in%ol%e$ la'ing t*e *ide to a fra(e )it* 'ordage and pulling it tig*t. : ;round $tret'*ing in%ol%e$ $ta&ing t*e *ide tig*t to t*e ground. 3: 1 Ara(e 'an al$o +e 'reated +, +ending a $ti'& +a'& on it8$ $elf. C: T*e le$$ a *ide $*rin&$ and *arden$ t*e $ofter it )ill +e at t*e end of t*e pro'e$$. C. 3air. 1: 4$ing a $*arp $tone tool $'rapper $'rape off t*e *air. Soa&ing t*e *ide in )ater )ill (a&e t*i$ pro'e$$ ea$ier. 9. Braining. T*e +rain a't$ a$ a lu+ri'ant and pro%ide$ a te(porar, )ater repellant. 1: Soa& t*e *ide on t*e $tret'*er. : D<tra't t*e +rain fro( t*e ani(al. 3: Mi< t*e +rain$ )it* )ater to 'reate a pa$t, $olution. C: .n'e t*e +rain$ are )ar( and t*oroug*l, (i<ed ru+ into t*e *ide. Air(l, ru+ t*e (i<ture into *ide )it* ,our *and on onl, t*e *airle$$ $ide. D. ;raining. T*i$ $tep for'e$ t*e +rain$ t*oroug*l, into t*e leat*er. 1: Sponge on )ater to furt*er da(pen *ide. : 4$ing a +lunt end of a pole, appl, pre$$ure o%er e%er, in'*, $'rapping and $tret'*ing t*e fi+er$ until (o$t of t*e )ater i$ gone fro( t*e $&in. 3: Tig*ten t*e *ide on t*e $tret'*er and allo) it to dr,. A. =u++ing. T*e ne<t 'riti'al $tep i$ t*e *ig* fri'tion ru++ing needed to 'reate a little *eat and fini$* t*e dr,ing, $tret'*ing, and +rea&ing of t*e grain. Dit*er (et*od 'an +e u$ed. 1: Cut t*e $&in fro( t*e fra(e around t*e peri(eter, lea%ing onl, t*e la'ing *ole$ and *air t*at 'ould not +e re(o%ed. : 4$e a one *alf in'* rope atta'*ed +et)een t)o tree$. ;ra$p t*e $&in at different point$ all around it$ peri(eter and pull, pull, pull. 3: #f rope i$ not a%aila+le, ru+ t*e $&in +, $itting on t*e ground and *oo&ing t*e $&in o%er ,our feet and pulling. ;. S(o&ing. S(o&ing t*e *ide )ill *elp (a&e t*e *ide )ater repellant.

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1: 1dd )et or green )ood '*ip$ to t*e fire. Sage or )illo) are good )ood$. T*e o+Be't i$ to get t*e '*ip$ to $(o&e, not +urn. : #t onl, ta&e$ a fe) (inute$ to $(o&e, +ut +e 'areful to pre%ent fla(e fro( ruining t*e *ide. 3. 1ni(al 3ide 4$e$. 1ni(al *ide u$e$ are li(ited onl, +, t*e i(agination. 5i$ted +elo) are a fe) idea$0 5. PRESERVING MEATS (MSV.02.09!) 1. Botuli$(. (MSVX.02.09#) Botuli$( i$ an often-fatal food poi$oning 'au$ed +, i(properl, pre$er%ed (eat$. Botuli$( gro)$ in a 'ontrolled en%iron(ent. T*e a'ron,( ?T.M? i$ u$eful in defeating +otuli$(. #f an, one of t*e t*ree ele(ent$ i$ re(o%ed fro( t*e pre$er%ing pro'e$$, +otuli$( 'annot li%e. 1: Te(perature, +otuli$( t*ri%e$ +et)een C0-1C0 degree$ A. : .- .<,gen, +otuli$( need$ an airtig*t en%iron(ent to li%e. 3: M- Moi$ture, +otuli$( need$ a (oi$t en%iron(ent to li%e. B. Aree@ing. 1: Before free@ing, 'ut t*e (eat into pie'e$ of a $i@e t*at 'an +e u$ed one at a ti(e. : Eeep it fro@en until read, to u$e. =e(e(+er, (eat )ill $poil if t*a)ed and refro@en. C. Cooling. 1: 7la'e (eat in a (etal or )ooden 'ontainer )it* a lid. T*e 'ontainer $*ould +e %entilated. : Set it in )ater or +ur, it in da(p eart*, prefera+l, in a $*aded lo'ation. 3: 9o not t*ro) (old, (eat a)a,F 'ut or $'rape off t*e (old and 'oo& a$ u$ual. 9. Ger&,. Ger&, allo)$ t*e (eat to la$t a 'ouple of )ee&$ )*ile redu'ing t*e )eig*t of (eat +, de*,drating it. Ger&, i$ (ade fro( t*e (eat onl,. 1: Cut (eat into t*in $trip$ a+out 1!C in'* t*i'&. =e(o%e all t*i'& portion$ of fat. : 7la'e (eat +, a fire to lig*tl, $(o&e it. Hou are atte(pting to de%elop a t*in 'ru$t la,er on t*e (eat. T*i$ $er%e$ to deter t*e +ug$ and in$e't$. =e(e(+er to u$e *ard )ood$ and not 'onifer t,pe )ood. Hou )ant to $(o&e it, not 'oo& t*e (eat.

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3: .n'e t*e (eat *a$ a 'ru$t la,er, re(o%e t*e (eat and pla'e $trip$ on a *anger for t*e air to dr, it for appro<i(atel, C *our$. .n'e dr,, +rea& do)n fi+er$ +, $lig*tl, pulling apart t*e (eat and allo) it to dr, anot*er C *our$. C: W*en it +e'o(e$ *ard and +rittle, it i$ ta&en do)n and $tored in +reat*a+le +ag$ or 'lot*. #t i$ u$ed in $te)$, $oup$, or roa$ted lig*tl, on 'oal$ and eaten. 5: S(all ani(al$, fi$*, and +ird$ are dried )*ole. 1fter t*e, are $&inned, t*e +a'& i$ 'ra'&ed +et)een t*e leg$, a $ti'& i$ in$erted to *old t*e +od, 'a%it, open. T*e ani(al i$ lig*tl, $(o&ed and laid out in t*e $un to dr,. W*en t*oroug*l, dried, t*e, are pounded until t*e +one$ are 'ru$*ed. 1not*er da, in t*e air )ill dr, t*e (arro) and en$ure pre$er%ation. D. 7e((i'an. 7e((i'an allo)$ (eat to la$t for $e%eral (ont*$. 1: 9r, +errie$ and pound into a pa$te. : 9ried Ber&, i$ added to t*e pa$te. 3: Melted $uet >t*e *ard fatt, ti$$ue$ around t*e &idne,$: i$ (i<ed )it* t*e +errie$ and Ber&,. C: =oll t*e (i<ture into $(all +all$ and pla'e in t*e 'leaned inte$tine$ of a large ani(al. 5: T*e inte$tine $a'& i$ tied $*ut, $ealed )it* $uet and $tored in pla$ti' or leat*er +ag$. 7. SPECIFIC PARTS 1. .t*er t*an t*e a'tual (eat on ga(e t*ere are ot*er part$ of it t*at 'an +e eaten. T*e, are t*e0 (MSVX.02.09%) 1: Brain. : D,e$. 3: Tongue. C: 5i%er. 5: 3eart. ": 5ung$. 7: Eidne,$. I: ;i@@ard$. REFERENCE0 1. 7aul 1uer+a'*, Wilderne$$ Medi'ine, 3rd Ddition, 1995. . 5arr, 9ean .l$on, .utdoor Sur%i%al ;uide, 5t* Ddition, 1990.

09-1 MSV X.0 .09

3. C. 5. ". 7.

B-;1- 17-001!7T-001, 9o)n +ut not .ut, Canadian Sur%i%al ;uide. Wilderne$$ Wa,, Volu(e , #$$ue 1. Go*n Wi$e(an, S1S Sur%i%al ;uide, 1993. C*ri$ Gano)$&i, 1 Manual t*at 'ould $a%e ,our life, 19I9. Willia( =. 9a%id$on, Aield Manual of Wildlife 9i$ea$e$ in t*e Sout*ea$tern 4nited State$, nd Ddition, 1997.

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Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001 MSVX.0 .10 0 !0"!05 STUDENT HANDOUT FIELD EXPEDIENT TOOLS, WEAPONS, AND EQUIPMENT TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE #n a $ur%i%al $ituation, and gi%en a $ur%i%al &it, 'on$tru't field e(pedient i)ple)ent$, in a''ordan'e *it+ t+e referen'e$. (MSVX.02.10) ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVES (1) Wit+out t+e aid of referen'e$, li$t in *riting t+e re$our'e$ u$ed to 'on$tru't field e(pedient tool$ , in a''ordan'e *it+ t+e referen'e$. (MSVX.02.10 ) (2) Wit+out t+e aid of referen'e$, li$t in *riting t+e )et+od$ for la$+ing a +andle to a field e(pedient tool, in a''ordan'e *it+ t+e referen'e$. (MSVX.02.10!) ,3- Wit+out t+e aid of referen'e$, li$t in *riting t+e t.pe$ of 'lu/$, in a''ordan'e *it+ t+e referen'e$. (MSVX.02.10") ,0- Wit+out t+e aid of referen'e$, 'on$tru't a 'lu/, in a''ordan'e *it+ t+e referen'e$. (MSVX.02.10#) ,5- Wit+out t+e aid of referen'e$, 'on$tru't a /o*l, in a''ordan'e *it+ t+e referen'e$. (MSVX.02.10$) OUTLINE 1. RESOURCES (MSVX.02.10 ) T+e )aterial$ u$ed to )a&e all field e(pedient tool$, *eapon$, and e1uip)ent *ill fall into one of t+e fi%e 'ategorie$. a. Stone. /. Bone. '. Wood. d. Metal. e. 2t+er )aterial$.

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f. Stone. Stone *ill )a&e an e('ellent $tri&ing, pun'turing or '+opping tool, /ut *ill not +old a fine edge. So)e $tone$, $u'+ a$ '+ert, flint, or o/$idian 'an +a%e %er. fine edge$. ,1- C+ipping 3 4la&ing. To )a&e a $+arp-edge pie'e of $tone, a '+ipping tool and fla&ing tool i$ needed. 5 '+ipping tool i$ a lig+t, /lunt-edged tool u$ed to /rea& off $)all pie'e$ of $tone. 5 fla&ing tool i$ a pointed tool u$ed to /rea& off t+in, flattened pie'e$ of $tone. 6ou 'an )a&e a '+ipping tool fro) *ood, /one, or )etal, and a fla&ing tool fro) /one, antler tine$, or $oft iron.

, - Weapon +ead$. Certain $tone$ *ill $+atter under pre$$ure *+en for'e i$ deli%ered upon it. W+en $ele'ting a $tone, te$t it$ +ardne$$ prior to u$e. g. Bone. Bone +a$ )an. u$e$. 7oo&$, $+aft tip$, $'raper$, a*l$, $o'&et$ and +andle$ are 8u$t a fe* idea$. ,1- 9a* Bone. 9a* /one )u$t /e $+attered *it+ a +ea%. o/8e't, $u'+ a$ a ro'&. , - S+aping 3 S+arpening. 4ro) t+e pie'e$ of $+attered /one, $ele't a $uita/le pointed $plinter. 6ou 'an furt+er $+ape and $+arpen t+i$ $plinter /. ru//ing it on a roug+ $urfa'ed ro'& or )etal file ,i.e., fro) .our )ulti-purpo$e &nife-. +. Wood. Wood u$e$ are unli)ited. 5 &nife /lade 'an $+ape t+e *ood into an. de$ired $+ape.

10MSVX.0 .10

,1- T.pe$. Wood i$ 'la$$ified into t*o general 'ategorie$: +ard and $oft. 7ard*ood i$ preferred for all $ur%i%al u$e$. To te$t t+e *ood $trengt+, pre$$ .our fingernail into t+e grain of t+e *ood. #f a print i$ %i$i/le, t+e *ood i$ generall. $oft. , - S+arpening. 5ll *ood point$ are $+arpened to t+e $ide of t+e $+aft. Wood i$ *ea&e$t at t+e 'enter and *ill not +old a point.

,3- 4ire +ardening. Wood t+at i$ un$ea$oned or ;green< *ood $+ould /e fire +ardened prior to u$e. To te$t t+i$ *ood, gentl. $'rape t+e /ar& *it+ .our t+u)/nail. #f )oi$ture or a greeni$+ tint appear$, it i$ 'on$idered green. 4ire +arden it /. +olding t+e point of t+e in$tru)ent a fe* in'+e$ a/o%e a /ed of +ot 'oal$ *+ile $lo*l. rotating it. =raduall. t+e *ood *ill /egin to +i$$ and $tea). 4ire +ardening )a&e$ t+e 'ell$ $*ell and t+e $ap t+i'&en, *+i'+ )a&e$ t+e *ood )ore re$i$tant to a/ra$ion and 'on'u$$ion. 5%oid '+arring t+e *ood. 4ire +arden onl. t+e tip until lig+t /ro*n. ,0- Coal /urning. #t i$ %er. diffi'ult to 'ar%e depre$$ion$ in *ood. 5 depre$$ion in *ood 'an /e )ade /. a pro'e$$ 'alled 'oal-/urning. >$ing a pair of t+ong$, pla'e a +ot 'oal o%er t+e area .ou *ant to +ollo* out, t+en /lo* on t+e e)/er$ *it+ a t+in, $tead. $trea) of air to &eep t+e) glo*ing. #f a%aila/le, u$e a t+in reed or lengt+ of +ollo* /one to dire't t+e $trea) of air. 5fter t+e 'oal$ +a%e /urned do*n, $'rape out t+e '+arred *ood *it+ a &nife or $+arp ro'&. 9epeat t+i$ pro'e$$ *it+ fre$+ $et$ of 'oal$ until t+e depre$$ion i$ at t+e de$ired dept+. i. Metal. Metal i$ t+e /e$t )aterial to )a&e field e(pedient edged *eapon$. W+en properl. de$igned, )etal 'an fulfill a &nife?$ t+ree u$e$: pun'ture, $li'e or '+op, and 'ut. 4ir$t, $ele't a $uita/le pie'e of )etal, one t+at )o$t re$e)/le$ t+e de$ired end produ't. @epending on t+e $iAe and original $+ape, .ou 'an o/tain a point and 'utting edge /. ru//ing t+e )etal on a roug+ $urfa'ed $tone or )etal file. #f t+e )etal i$ $oft enoug+, .ou 'an +a))er out one edge *+ile t+e )etal i$ 'old. >$e a $uita/le flat, +ard $urfa'e a$ an an%il and a +arder o/8e't of $tone or )etal a$ a +a))er to +a))er out t+e edge. 10-3 MSVX.0 .10

8. 2t+er )aterial$. 2t+er )aterial$ are t+o$e ite)$ t+at 'an /e found or )a. /e on .our /od. *+i'+ 'an /e u$ed in t+e 'on$tru'tion of field e(pedient tool$. ,1- Boad /earing e1uip)ent 'lip$. T+e $liding retaining 'lip 'an /e re)o%ed and $+arpened to a point. , - Cla$ti'. Cla$ti', Cle(igla$, and gla$$ fro) an air'raft 'an /e $+aped and $+arpened into a point. Cla$ti' 'an al$o /e )elted a$ a ad+e$i%e. ,3- Cara'+ute 'ord. Cara'+ute 'ord +a$ unli)ited u$e$ for 'on$tru'tion of field e(pedient tool$. ,0- Cine pit'+ glue. Cine pit'+ glue, *+en properl. )ade i$ li&e an epo(.. Bo'ate and re)o%e pit'+ fro) a pine tree. T+e +ig+e$t 1ualit. pit'+ to u$e i$ fre$+ $ap. T+e older ,dr. and +ard- $ap *ill *or&, /ut not a$ *ell. Melt t+e pit'+ on an ele%ated platfor), $u'+ a$ a $)oot+ ro'&. T+e pit'+ *ill run do*n t+e platfor). >$ing a "-D in'+ $ti'&, 'oat t+e $ti'& in t+e pool of pit'+ until it re$e)/le$ a large *ooden )at'+. To u$e t+e pit'+ $ti'& a$ glue, lig+t t+e pit'+ end of t+e $ti'&, allo*ing it to drip on t+e area to /e glued. 2n'e $uffi'ientl. 'oated *it+ pit'+, $prin&le t+e a'ti%ator o%er t+e pit'+. 5n a'ti%ator i$ finel. ground egg $+ell or fire *ood a$+. . CLUBS. (MSVX.02.10") Clu/$ are +eld and not t+ro*n. 5$ a field e(pedient *eapon, t+e 'lu/ doe$ not prote't .ou fro) ene). $oldier$. #t 'an, +o*e%er, e(tend .our area of defen$e /e.ond .our fingertip$. #t al$o $er%e$ to in'rea$e t+e for'e of a /lo* *it+out in8uring .our$elf. T+ere are t*o t.pe$ of 'lu/$: $i)ple and *eig+ted. a. Si)ple 'lu/. 5 $i)ple 'lu/ i$ a $taff or /ran'+. #t )u$t /e $+ort enoug+ for .ou to $*ing ea$il., /ut long and $trong enoug+ to da)age *+ate%er .ou +it. #t$ dia)eter $+ould fit 'o)forta/l. in t+e pal), /ut not /e $o t+in a$ to /rea& ea$il. upon i)pa't. /. Weig+ted 'lu/. 5 *eig+ted 'lu/ i$ an. $i)ple 'lu/ *it+ a *eig+t on one end. T+e *eig+t )a. /e a natural *eig+t, $u'+ a$ a &not on t+e *ood, or $o)et+ing added, $u'+ a$ a $tone la$+ed to t+e 'lu/. #f adding a *eig+t to t+e 'lu/, 'on$tru'tion i$ a$ follo*$: ,1- 4ind a $tone t+at +a$ a $+ape *+i'+ *ill allo* .ou to la$+ it $e'urel. to t+e 'lu/. 5 $tone *it+ a $lig+t +ourgla$$ $+ape *or&$ *ell. #f a $uita/l. $+aped $tone 'annot /e found, .ou )u$t fa$+ion a groo%e or '+annel into t+e $tone /. a te'+ni1ue &no*n a$ pe'&ing. B. repeatedl. rapping t+e 'lu/ $tone *it+ a $)aller +ard $tone, .ou 'an get t+e de$ired $+ape.

10-0 MSVX.0 .10

, - 4ind a pie'e of *ood t+at i$ t+e rig+t lengt+. 7ard*ood i$ t+e /e$t, if a%aila/le. T+e lengt+ $+ould feel 'o)forta/le in relation to t+e *eig+t of t+e $tone. ,3- (MSVX.02.10!) Ba$+ t+e $tone to t+e +andle. T+ere are t*o te'+ni1ue$ for atta'+ing t+e $tone to t+e +andle: for&ed and *rapped.

WRAPPED 3. SURVIVAL STIC%S. T+ere are four t.pe$ of $ur%i%al $ti'&$ *+i'+ are u$eful in a $ur%i%al $ituation. 10-5 MSVX.0 .10

a. @igging $ti'&. 4inding an edi/le root i$ fairl. ea$., /ut )o$t root$ gro* deep, and digging t+e) out 'an /e diffi'ult unle$$ one i$ prepared *it+ a fe* good te'+ni1ue$. S&illfull. applied, a $i)ple de%i'e 'alled t+e digging $ti'& $a%e$ ti)e and energ. t+at i$ ot+er*i$e e(pended $'rapping and gru//ing *it+ flat $tone$ and finger$, *+i'+ 'ould lead to infe'tion. ,1- 4ind a +ard*ood $ti'& t+at i$ t+ree feet long, one in'+ in dia)eter, and i$ $traig+t a$ po$$i/le. , - 9e)o%e t+e /ar& fro) t+e $ti'&. ,3- 4or) t+e tip of t+e $ti'& into a '+i$el $+ape. ,0- 4ire +arden t+e '+i$el if u$ing green *ood.

DIGGING STIC%S /. Eoo$e $ti'&. 5 noo$e $ti'& i$ u$eful for $trangling and 'ontrolling i)properl. $nared ani)al$ t+at are $till ali%e. ,1- 4ind a pole a$ long a$ .ou 'an effe'ti%el. +andle. , - 5tta'+ a noo$e of *ire or $tiff 'ord at t+e $)all end. ,3- To 'at'+ an ani)al, $lip t+e noo$e o%er t+e ne'& and pull it tig+t.

10-" MSVX.0 .10

'. Sling $+ot. 5 6-$+aped $ti'& 'an ea$il. /e )ade into a $ling $+ot. 5 $ling $+ot i$ an e(tre)el. effe'ti%e and a''urate *eapon. ,1- Bo'ate a +ard*ood, 6-$+aped pie'e of $ti'&. , - 4ro) .our $ur%i%al &it, atta'+ t+e $ling $+ot ru//er and pou'+.

d. T+ro*ing $ti'&. 2ne of t+e $i)ple$t *eapon$ for $ur%i%al i$ t+e t+ro*ing $ti'&. 5$ a tool, t+e t+ro*ing $ti'& 'an /e u$ed to &no'& dead /ran'+e$ out of a tree t+at *ould nor)all. /e too +ig+ to rea'+. T+e dead /ran'+e$ 'an t+en /e u$ed a$ fire*ood. ,1- 4ind a $ti'& $traig+t a$ po$$i/le, , - 9e)o%e t+e /ar& fro) t+e $ti'&. ,3- Taper ea'+ end of t+e $ti'&. ,0- 4ire +arden t+e entire $ti'& if u$ing green *ood. ,5- T+ere are t*o )et+od$ of e)plo.ing t+e t+ro*ing $ti'&. W+en in fore$ted area, t+e /e$t )et+od i$ to u$e an o%er+and t+ro*ing )otion. #n an open area, .ou 'an in'rea$e t+e &illing radiu$ /. u$ing a $idear) t+ro*ing )otion. 0. C&'# ($. Before )a&ing 'ordage, t+ere are a fe* $i)ple te$t$ t+at 'an /e done to deter)ine t+e )aterial?$ $uita/ilit.. 4ir$t, pull on a lengt+ of t+e )aterial to te$t for $trengt+. Ee(t, t*i$t it /et*een .our finger$ and roll t+e fi/er$ toget+er. #f it *it+$tand$ t+i$ +andling and doe$ not $nap apart, tie an o%er+and &not *it+ t+e fi/er$ and gentl. tig+ten. if t+e &not doe$ not /rea&, t+e )aterial i$ u$a/le. a. Suita/le 'ordage 'an /e )ade fro) #ri$ lea%e$, 6u''a, or Stinging Eettle $tal&$. .5-3 feet long, and 1.5- in'+e$ in dia)eter.

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5. EXPEDIENT PAC%S. T+e +or$e$+oe pa'& i$ $i)ple to )a&e, u$e, and relati%el. 'o)forta/le to 'arr. o%er one $+oulder.

a. Ba. a%aila/le $1uare-$+aped )aterial, $u'+ a$ a pon'+o or tarp flat on t+e ground. /. Ba. ite)$ on one edge of t+e )aterial. Cla'e t+o$e ite)$ fre1uentl. u$ed ,i.e., 'anteen$- on t+e out$ide. Cad t+e +ard ite)$. '. 9oll t+e )aterial ,*it+ t+e ite)$- to*ard$ t+e oppo$ite edge and tie /ot+ end$ $e'urel..

10-D MSVX.0 .10

d. Tie e(tra line$ along t+e lengt+ of t+e /undle. e. 4old /undle in +alf and $e'ure a long pie'e of rope to t+e ape( of t+e fold. f. 5tta'+ pa'& to .our /od.. ". UTENSILS. >ten$il$ are u$ed for 'oo&ing, eating, and $toring food. a. Bo*l or Container. Bo*l$ and 'ontainer$ 'an $er%e to 'arr. and $tore food. T+e. 'an /e )ade fro) /one and *ood. To )a&e t+e) out of *ood: ,1- Bo'ate or $plit a pie'e of *ood. , - Coal /urn to t+e de$ired dept+.

COAL BURNED BOWLS /. Spor&. 5 $por& i$ a u$eful tool to eat *it+. Wit+ a &nife, 'ar%e a pie'e of *ood into t+e de$ired $+ape.

SPOR% '. Tong$. T+ong$ aid to )o%e +ot ite)$, $u'+ a$ 'oal e)/er$. ,1- Cut a pie'e of green $apling.

10-9 MSVX.0 .10

, - Split t+e $apling in +alf and $+a%e off t+e /ar&. 4latten /ot+ end$ of ea'+ $e'tion. ,3- 4ire +arden ea'+ +alf.

TONGS 9eferen'e: 1. 4M 1-7", Sur%i%al, 199 . . C+ri$ Fano*$&i, 5 Manual t+at 'ould $a%e .our life, 19D9. 3. To) Bro*n, 4ield =uide to Wilderne$$ Sur%i%al, 19D3.

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Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001 MSVX.0 .11 0!"19"00 STUDENT OUTLINE FORAGING PLANTS AND INSECTS FOR SURVIVAL USES TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE (1) #n a $ur%i%al $ituation, and gi%en a $ur%i%al &it, identif' and $u($i$t on plant re$our)e$, in a))ordan)e *it+ t+e referen)e$. (MSVX.02.11) (2) #n a $ur%i%al $ituation, and gi%en a $ur%i%al &it, identif' and $u($i$t on in$e)t re$our)e$, in a))ordan)e *it+ t+e referen)e$. (MSVX.02.12) ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVES (1) Wit+out t+e aid of referen)e$, li$t in *riting t+e plant$ to (e a%oided, in a))ordan)e *it+ t+e referen)e$. (MSVX.02.11a) (2) Wit+out t+e aid of referen)e$, prepare an edi(le plant, in a))ordan)e *it+ t+e referen)e$. (MSVX.02.11b) (3) Wit+out t+e aid of referen)e$, prepare a plant for ,edi)inal purpo$e$, in a))ordan)e *it+ t+e referen)e$. (MSVX.02.11c) ( ) Wit+out t+e aid of referen)e$, li$t in *riting t+e plant$ t+at )an (e u$ed to poi$on ani,al$, in a))ordan)e *it+ t+e referen)e$. (MSVX.02.11!) (") Wit+out t+e aid of referen)e$, li$t in *riting t+e $i- in$e)t$ to (e a%oided, in a))ordan)e *it+ t+e referen)e$. (MSVX.02.12a) (#) Wit+ t+e aid of referen)e$, prepare an edi(le in$e)t, in a))ordan)e *it+ t+e referen)e$. (MSVX.02.12b)

OUTLINE 11-1 MSVX.0 .11

1. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. T+ere are %er' fe* region$ t+roug+out t+e *orld *it+out $o,e t'pe of edi(le %egetation. .lant$ )ontain %ita,in$, ,ineral$, protein, )ar(o+'drate$, and dietar' fi(er. So,e plant$ al$o )ontain fat$. T+e follo*ing are general )on$ideration$/ a. 0o not a$$u,e t+at (e)au$e (ird$ or ani,al$ +a%e eaten a plant, it i$ edi(le (' +u,an$. (. .oor plant re)ognition $&ill$ *ill $eriou$l' li,it 'our a(ilit' to $ur%i%e. ). .lant dor,an)' and $no*fall ,a&e foraging plant$ diffi)ult during t+e *inter ,ont+$. d. .lant$ generall' poi$on ('/ 112 #nge$tion. W+en a per$on eat$ a part of a poi$onou$ plant. 1 2 Conta)t. W+en a per$on ,a&e$ )onta)t *it+ a poi$onou$ plant t+at )au$e$ an' t'pe of $&in irritation or der,atiti$. 132 3($orption. W+en a per$on a($or($ t+e poi$on t+roug+ t+e $&in, *+i)+ )an interrupt a (odil' fun)tion. 1!2 #n+alation. .oi$oning )an o))ur t+roug+ t+e in+alation of $,o&e t+at )ontain$ poi$onou$ plant re$idue. e. .lant propertie$ )an )+ange t+roug+out t+e gro*ing $ea$on. .lant$ )an (e edi(le during )ertain period$ *+ile poi$onou$ in ot+er$. . PLANT IDENTIFICATION. .rofi)ien)' in plant identifi)ation i$ )o,ple- and re4uire$ diligent $tud'. 5ou identif' plant$, ot+er t+an (' ,e,ori6ing parti)ular %arietie$ t+roug+ fa,iliarit', (' u$ing $u)+ fa)tor$ a$ leaf $+ape and ,argin, leaf arrange,ent$, and root $tru)ture. a. 7eaf Margin$. T+e (a$i) leaf ,argin$ are toot+ed, lo(ed, and toot+le$$ or $,oot+.

11MSVX.0 .11

(. 7eaf S+ape. T+e$e lea%e$ ,a' (e lan)e-$+aped, ellipti)al, egg-$+aped, o(long, *edge$+aped, triangular, long-pointed, or top-$+aped.

11-3 MSVX.0 .11

). 7eaf 3rrange,ent. T+e (a$i) t'pe$ of leaf arrange,ent$ are oppo$ite, alternate, )o,pound, $i,ple, and (a$al ro$ette.

d. 8oot Stru)ture. T+e (a$i) t'pe$ of root $tru)ture$ are t+e (ul(, )lo%e, taproot, tu(er, r+i6o,e, )or,, and )ro*n. Bul($ are fa,iliar to u$ a$ onion$ and, *+en $li)ed in +alf, *ill $+o* )on)entri) ring$. Clo%e$ are t+o$e (ul(-li&e $tru)ture$ t+at re,ind u$ of garli) and *ill $eparate into $,all pie)e$ *+en (ro&en apart. T+i$ )+ara)teri$ti) $eparate$ *ild onion$ fro, *ild garli). Taproot$ re$e,(le )arrot$ and ,a' (e $ingle-rooted or (ran)+ed, (ut u$uall' onl' one plant $tal& ari$e$ fro, ea)+ root. Tu(er$ are li&e potatoe$ and da'lilie$ and 'ou *ill find t+e$e $tru)ture$ eit+er on $tring$ or in )lu$ter$ underneat+ t+e parent plant$. 8+i6o,e$ are large )reeping root$to)&$ or underground $te,$ and ,an' plant$ ari$e fro, t+e 9e'e$: of t+e$e root$. Cor,$ are $i,ilar to (ul($ (ut are $olid *+en )ut rat+er t+an po$$e$$ing ring$. 3 )ro*n i$ t+e t'pe of root $tru)ture found on plant$ $u)+ a$ a$paragu$ and loo&$ ,u)+ li&e a ,op-+ead under t+e $oil;$ $urfa)e.

11-! MSVX.0 .11

3. DETERMINING EDIBILIT$. T+e t+oug+t of +a%ing a diet )on$i$ting onl' of plant food i$ often di$tre$$ing. T+i$ i$ not t+e )a$e if t+e $ur%i%al epi$ode i$ entered into *it+ t+e )onfiden)e and intelligen)e (a$ed on &no*ledge or e-perien)e. #f a Marine &no*$ *+at to loo& for, )an identif' it, and &no* +o* to prepare it properl' for eating, t+ere i$ no rea$on *+' +e )an;t find $u$tenan)e. a. T'pe$ of plant$ to a%oid. (MSVX.02.11a) <-pert$ e$ti,ate t+ere are a(out 300,000 )la$$ified plant$. T+ere are t*o )on$ideration$ t+at ,u$t (e &ept in ,ind *+en pro)uring plant food. T+e fir$t )on$ideration i$ t+at t+e plant (e edi(le, and prefera(l', palata(le. =e-t, it ,u$t (e fairl' a(undant in t+e area$ in *+i)+ it i$ found. #f it in)lude$ an inedi(le or poi$onou$ %ariet' in it$ fa,il', t+e edi(le plant ,u$t (e di$tingui$+a(le to t+e a%erage e'e fro, t+e poi$onou$ one. >$uall' a plant i$ $ele)ted (e)au$e one $pe)ial part i$ edi(le, $u)+ a$ t+e $tal&, t+e fruit, or t+e nut. W+en $ele)ting an un&no*n plant a$ a po$$i(le food $our)e, appl' t+e follo*ing general rule$/ 112 Mu$+roo,$ and ?ungi. T+e$e $+ould not (e $ele)ted (e)au$e t+e' +a%e to-i) peptide$, a protein-(a$e poi$on *+i)+ +a$ no ta$te. 1 2 .lant$ *it+ u,(rella-$+aped flo*er$. T+e$e plant$ are to (e )o,pletel' a%oided, alt+oug+ )arrot$, )eler', dill, and par$le' are ,e,(er$ of t+i$ fa,il'. @ne of t+e ,o$t poi$onou$ plant$, poi$on *ater +e,lo)&, i$ al$o a ,e,(er of t+i$ fa,il'. 132 Bean$, .ea$, and Seed$ in pod$. 3ll of t+e legu,e fa,il' $+ould (e a%oided 1(ean$ and pea$2. T+e' a($or( ,ineral$ fro, t+e $oil and )au$e pro(le,$. T+e ,o$t )o,,on ,ineral a($or(ed i$ $eleniu,. Seleniu, i$ *+at +a$ gi%en lo)o*eed it$ fa,e. 1!2 3-leafed and W+orled-leafed gro*t+ pattern$. T+e$e leaf pattern$ are ,e,(er$ of t+e Lupinas genu$ and ot+er poi$onou$ plant$. 11-5 MSVX.0 .11

152 3ll (ul($. 3$ a general rule, all (ul($ $+ould (e a%oided. <-a,ple$ of poi$onou$ (ul($ are tulip$ and deat+ )a,a$. 1A2 W+ite and 5ello* (errie$. T+e )olored (errie$ are to (e a%oided a$ t+e' are al,o$t all poi$onou$. 3ppro-i,atel' B of all &no*n red (errie$ are poi$onou$. 172 .lant$ *it+ a ,il&' $ap. 3 ,il&' $ap indi)ate$ a poi$onou$ plant. 1C2 .lant$ *it+ $+in' lea%e$. T+e$e t'pe$ of plant$ are )on$idered poi$onou$ and )aution $+ould (e u$ed. 192 .lant$ t+at are irritant$ to t+e $&in. T+e$e t'pe$ of plant$ in)lude poi$on i%'. (. .reparing an un&no*n plant. (MSVX.02.11b) 3ll plant$ t+at ca%%&' (e po$iti%el' identified *ill (e prepared properl' prior to te$ting for )on$u,ption. 0o not prepare plant$ t+at are de$)ri(ed (' t'pe$ of plant$ to a%oid. Man' +ar,ful to-in$ )ontained in plant$ )an (e de$tro'ed (' +eat, or are *ater $olu(le, t+oug+ $o,e to-in$ re,ain e-)eption$. 112 .la)e one part 1lea%e$, flo*er$, $te,$, or root$2 in a )anteen )up. 1 2 ?ill t+e )anteen )up *it+ *ater and (oil. 132 3fter t+e *ater +a$ (oiled, re,o%e t+e )anteen )up fro, t+e +eat $our)e. Strain t+e *ater out, lea%ing t+e plant in$ide t+e )anteen )up. Coo&ing and di$)arding t+e *ater )an le$$en or re,o%e t+e a,ount of to-in$ t+at ,a' (e )ontained in t+e plant. T+e$e (oiling period$ $+ould la$t at lea$t 5 ,inute$ ea)+. 1!2 ?ill t+e )anteen )up *it+ *ater and repeat t+e pro)e$$. 152 3fter $training t+e *ater out a $e)ond ti,e, t+e plant ,a' (e te$ted. ). .lant te$ting pro)edure. T+e >S Militar' +a$ de%eloped a plant te$ting pro)edure, *+i)+ ,a' not al*a'$ guarantee t+e $afet' of plant$ for +u,an )on$u,ption. T+i$ pro)edure $+ould onl' (e u$ed in a long-ter, $ur%i%al $ituation a$ a la$t re$ort. 112 <n$ure t+at 'ou +a%en;t eaten an' food for at lea$t C +our$. .repare one )anteen )up of )+ar)oal for e,ergen)' )on$u,ption. 1 2 Sele)t a plant t+at gro*$ in $uffi)ient 4uantit' in t+e lo)al area. Separate t+e part of t+e plant 'ou *i$+ to te$t/ root, $te,, leaf, or flo*er. Certain part$ of plant$ are poi$onou$ *+ile t+e ot+er part$ ,a' (e edi(le.

11-A MSVX.0 .11

132 8u( a portion of t+e plant 'ou +a%e $ele)ted on 'our inner forear,. Wait 15 ,inute$ and loo& for an' $*elling, ra$+, or irritation. W+at 'ou are te$ting for i$ )onta)t poi$oning. 1!2 .repare t+e plant u$ing t+e un&no*n plant pro)edure a$ de$)ri(ed a(o%e. 152 Tou)+ a $,all portion 1a pin)+2 of prepared plant to t+e outer $urfa)e of 'our lip to te$t for (urning or it)+ing. #f after 3 ,inute$ t+ere i$ no rea)tion on 'our lip, pla)e a pin)+ of t+e prepared plant food on 'our tongue and +old for 15 ,inute$. D& %&' ()a**&). 1A2 3fter +olding on 'our tongue for 15 ,inute, if t+ere i$ no rea)tion, t+oroug+l' )+e* and +old it in 'our ,out+ for anot+er 15 ,inute$. D& %&' ()a**&). #f unplea$ant effe)t$ o))ur 1(urning, (itter, or nau$eating ta$te2, re,o%e t+e plant fro, t+e ,out+ at on)e and di$)ard it a$ a food $our)e. #f no unplea$ant effe)t$ o))ur, $*allo* t+e plant ,aterial and *ait C +our$. 172 #f after C +our$ no unplea$ant effe)t$ +a%e o))urred 1nau$ea, )ra,p$, diarr+ea2, eat a D )up of plant prepared t+e $a,e *a' and *ait C +our$. 1C2 #n no unplea$ant effe)t$ +a%e o))urred at t+e end of t+i$ C +our period, t+e plant ,a' (e )on$idered edi(le if prepared in t+e $a,e ,anner. 192 #f at an' ti,e $',pto,$ appear 1i.e., nau$ea, )ra,p$, or di66ine$$2, atte,pt to indu)e %o,iting and )on$u,e prepared )+ar)oal. 1102Co,pletel' do)u,ent and $&et)+ t+e plant in a log (oo& to refer to for future u$e. T+i$ *ill aid in future pro)ure,ent of t+i$ plant. #f plant propertie$ +a%e )+anged, 'ou *ill +a%e to repeat t+e plant te$ting pro)edure. !. EDIBLE PLANTS. T+ere are ,an' re)ogni6a(le plant$ lo)ated t+roug+out t+e *orld. 8e,e,(er, eating large portion$ of a $ingle plant food on an e,pt' $to,a)+ ,a' )au$e diarr+ea, nau$ea, or )ra,p$. T*o good e-a,ple$ of t+i$ are $u)+ fa,iliar food$ a$ green apple$ and *ild onion$E t+erefore, eat t+e, in ,oderation. a. Feneral Con$ideration$. T+e follo*ing are general )on$ideration$ *+i)+ )an (e applied t+roug+out t+e *orld. 112 Sele)t plant$ re$e,(ling t+o$e )ulti%ated (' people. 1 2 Single fruit$ on a $te, are generall' )on$idered $afe to eat. 132 Blue or (la)& (errie$ are generall' $afe for )on$u,ption. 1!2 3ggregated fruit$ and (errie$ are al*a'$ edi(le 1for e-a,ple, t+i,(le (err', ra$p(err', $al,on(err', and (la)&(err'2.

11-7 MSVX.0 .11

152 .lant$ gro*ing in t+e *ater or ,oi$t $oil are often t+e ,o$t palata(le. 1A2 3ll )one-(earing tree$ produ)e $eed$ in t+eir )one$ *+i)+ are edi(le. T+e )a,(iu, la'er, pit)+, and pine needle$ are a ri)+ $our)e of %ita,in C. 172 3ll fruit$ +a%ing 5-petal$ at t+e end of a $ingle fruit (elong to t+e ro$e fa,il'. T+e +ip 1fruit2 and flo*er are edi(le and a ri)+ $our)e of %ita,in 3 and C. 1C2 T+e $eed$ fro, all gra$$e$ are edi(le. (. Spe)ifi) .lant$. T+ere are $e%eral edi(le plant$ found in t+e *e$tern region of t+e >nited State$ and are ea$' to re)ogni6e. 112 Wild @nion$ - Co,plete plant. 1 2 0andelion - 8oot$ and lea%e$. 132 Water)re$$ - Co,plete plant. 1!2 Cattail - 8oot, $tal& and $te,. 152 T+i$tle$- 3nder$on, Bull, and <l& t+i$tle root and flo*er. 1A2 5a,pa+ - Bul( 172 Guniper Tree - Berrie$. 1C2 Currant$ - Berrie$. 5. MEDICINAL PLANTS (MSVX.02.11c) 3 Marine or unit;$ (id for $ur%i%al ,a' (e )o,pli)ated (' ,edi)al pro(le,$. #nHurie$ in)urred *ill redu)e $ur%i%al e-pe)tan)' and t+e a(ilit' to e%ade. a. Willo*. Willo* i$ a t+i)& for,ing $+ru( *it+ )lu$tered $te,$ and %er' narro* lea%e$. #t$ +a(itat in)lude$ *et $oil$, ri%er(an&$, $and(ar$, and $ilt flat$. 112 3 fe%er )an (e redu)ed (' drin&ing tea ,ade fro, t+e inner (ar&. 1 2 T+e dried and po*dered inner (ar& )an (e u$ed to $top $e%ere (leeding. 132 0iarr+ea )an (e treated (' ad,ini$tering a +alf )up of *illo* )+ar)oal di$$ol%ed in *ater. 1!2 T+e Willo* root$ )an (e ,a$+ed and applied to toot+ a)+e$.

11-C MSVX.0 .11

(. 5arro*. 5arro* i$ a plant 1tall, u$uall' not (ran)+ed, *it+ ,an' *+ite, $lat topped group flo*er$2. 0o not )onfu$e 5arro* *it+ .oi$on Ie,lo)&. 112 #n$e)t repellent )an (e ,ade (' ru((ing a +andful of )ru$+ed 5arro* flo*er$ and lea%e$ on an' e-po$ed $&in. 1 2 Bleeding )an (e $topped (' pla)ing a 5arro* leaf poulti)e on t+e *ound. 132 8elief fro, ,inor (urn$ and ,an' ra$+e$, in)luding poi$on oa& and i%', )an (e a)+ie%ed (' appl'ing a 5arro* leaf )o,pre$$ to t+e effe)ted area. 1!2 T+e 5arro* root )an (e )+e*ed to relie%e t+e pain of a toot+ a)+e or (rea& a fe%er. 152 3 potent ane$t+eti) )an (e ,ade (' $)ru((ing fre$+ 5arro* root$ in *ater to )lean t+e,. @n)e t+e root$ are )lean, )ru$+ t+e, into a $pong' ,a$$ and appl' gentl' to t+e *ounded area. ). Medi)inal ter,$ and definition$. T+e follo*ing ter,$, and t+eir definition$, are a$$o)iated *it+ ,edi)inal plant u$e/ 112 #nfu$ion or Tea. T+e preparation of ,edi)inal +er($ for internal or e-ternal appli)ation. 5ou pla)e a $,all 4uantit' of a +er( in a )ontainer, pour +ot *ater o%er it, and let it $teep 1)o%ered or un)o%ered2 for 0 ,inute$ (efore u$e. 1 2 .oulti)e. T+e na,e gi%en to )ru$+ed lea%e$ or ot+er plant part$ t+at are applied to a *ound or $ore eit+er dire)tl' or *rapped in )lot+. .la)e plant in gau6e or ot+er $i,ilar ,aterial and fold it $o t+e gau6e *ill +old t+e plant in pla)e. .ut gau6e in a larger )lot+, a(out AJ-CJ, and roll t+e $ide$ in*ard. ?old t+e )lot+ o%er *it+out lo$ing t+e plant. W+ile (oiling *ater, dip t+e (otto, portion of t+e )lot+ )ontaining t+e plant into t+e +ot *ater (' +olding t+e edge$. Keep t+e plant $u(,erged in t+e (oiling *ater until it (e)o,e$ $aturated. Bring t+e )lot+ $traig+t up and *it+ a t*i$ting ,otion, *ring t+e e-)e$$ *ater (a)& into t+e pot. 3ppl' t+e poulti)e to t+e affe)ted area a$ $oon a$ it +a$ )ooled enoug+ to pla)e on t+e *ound. To (e effe)ti%e, t+e poulti)e $+ould (e a$ +ot a$ 'ou )an tolerate. 132 Co,pre$$. 3 )o,pre$$ i$ ,ade Hu$t li&e a poulti)e, e-)ept it i$ )old *+en applied to t+e *ound. NOTE/ .oulti)e or Co,pre$$ $+ould (e applied for 1 to ! +our$, a$ needed. W+en appl'ing a poulti)e, 'ou ,a' e-perien)e a t+ro((ing pain a$ it dra*$ out t+e infe)tion and neutrali6e$ to-in$. W+en t+e pain $u($ide$, t+e poulti)e +a$ a))o,pli$+ed it$ ta$& and $+ould (e re,o%ed. 3ppl' a fre$+ poulti)e a$ needed until t+e de$ired le%el of +ealing +a$ (een rea)+ed.

11-9 MSVX.0 .11

A. POISONOUS PLANTS. (MSVX.02.11!) 8arel' *ill a $ur%i%or +a%e an ideal ,ean$ of &illing large ga,e, t+oug+ t+ere are )ertain plant$ t+at )an aid t+e $ur%i%or. T+e t*o plant$ t+at *e *ill tal& a(out are t+e Water Ie,lo)& and Mon&$+ood. a. .reparing .oi$onou$ .lant$. @n)e a poi$onou$ plant +a$ (een lo)ated, dig up t+e root of t+e plant. T+e root$ of t+e Water Ie,lo)& and Mon&$+ood generall' gro* C to 10 in)+e$ deep. E+',-.- )aution ,u$t (e u$ed *+en +andling t+e root. D& %&' +andle t+e root *it+out a (arrier (et*een 'our +and$ and t+e root. 3 (arrier )an (e glo%e$, $o)&$, T-$+irt, or e%en ,o$$. Split t+e root lengt+*i$e to e-po$e t+e in$ide of t+e root *+ere t+e to-in i$ lo)ated. Wit+ t+e root $plit, ru( t+e tip of 'our $pear"arro* in$ide of t+e root opening. #n a $lo* )ontrolled ,anner, *or& fro, t+e (otto, of t+e tip to t+e top. @n)e t+e tip i$ t+oroug+l' )oated, allo* t+e to-in to dr' and appl' anot+er )oat to t+e tip. Continue to appl' )oat after )oat of to-in, until t+e root i$ )o,pletel' drained of itL$ to-in. 5ou are no* fini$+ed and t+e tip i$ read' for u$e. 7. INSECTS. #n$e)t$ are t+e ,o$t a(undant life for, on eart+ and are an e-)ellent $ur%i%al food. T+e' are ea$' to )at)+ and pro%ide A5-C0M protein, )o,pared to 0M for (eef. T+e' arenLt too appeti6ing, (ut per$onal (ia$ +a$ no pla)e in a $ur%i%al $ituation. T+e fo)u$ ,u$t re,ain on ,aintaining 'our +ealt+. a. #n$e)t$ to a%oid. (MSVX.02.12a) 112 3ll adult$ t+at $ting or (ite. 1 2 Iair' or (rig+tl' )olored in$e)t$. 132 3ll Caterpillar$. 1!2 #n$e)t$ t+at +a%e a pungent odor. 152 3ll $pider$. 1A2 0i$ea$e )arrier$ li&e ti)&$, flie$, or ,o$4uitoe$. (. <di(le #n$e)t$. 112 #n$e)t 7ar%ae. 1 2 Fra$$+opper$. 132 Beetle$. 1!2 Fru($. 152 3nt$.

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1A2 Ter,ite$. 172 Wor,$. ). ?oraging for #n$e)t$. @ne ,u$t (e )areful not to e-pend ,ore energ' +ar%e$ting food t+an )an (e repla)ed. ?or e-a,ple, )at)+ing in$e)t$ $u)+ a$ gra$$+opper$ )an (e)o,e fru$trating and tiring. 112 3t nig+t gra$$+opper$ )li,( tall plant$ and )ling to t+e $tal&$ near t+e top. T+e' )an (e pi)&ed fro, t+e plant$ in t+e earl' ,orning *+ile t+e' are )+illed and dor,ant. 1 2 0ig for *or,$ in da,p +u,u$ $oil, under ro)&$"log$ or loo& for t+e, on t+e ground after it +a$ rained. 132 Carpenter ant$ are found in dead tree$ and $tu,p$ *+i)+ )an (e gat+ered (' +and. 1!2 Mo$t ot+er in$e)t$ )an (e found in rotten log$, under ro)&$, and in open gra$$' area$. d. .reparing <di(le #n$e)t$. (MSVX.02.12b) 112 #n$e)t$ *it+ a +ard outer $+ell +a%e para$ite$. 8e,o%e t+e *ing$ and (ar(ed leg$ (efore )oo&ing. 1 2 0rop *or,$ into pota(le *ater for at lea$t a +alf +our. T+e' *ill naturall' purge t+e,$el%e$. 5ou )an eit+er )oo& or eat t+e, ra*. 132 Mo$t ot+er in$e)t$ )an (e eaten ra*. Coo&ing in$e)t$ *ill i,pro%e t+eir ta$te. #f t+e t+oug+t of eating in$e)t$ i$ un(eara(le, grind t+e, into a pa$te and ,i*it+ ot+er food$. REFERENCE/ 1. 3.M A!-5, 3ir)re* Sur%i%al 19C5 . ?M 1-7A Sur%i%al 199 3. <di(le .lant$, Video !. .oi$onou$ .lant$ of California 5. =ort+ 3,eri)an Tree$ A. Iealing .lant$ N .oi$oniou$, WS#, C+ri$ Gano*$&i, Video 11-11 MSVX.0 .11


Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001 MSVX.0 .13 !"!05 STUDENT HANDOUT SURVIVAL FISHING TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE #n a $ur%i%al $ituation, and gi%en a $ur%i%al &it, pro'ure fi$(, in a''ordan'e )it( t(e referen'e$. (MSVX.02.13) ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVES (1) Wit(out t(e aid of referen'e$, li$t in )riting t(e fi$(ing lo'ation$, in a''ordan'e )it( t(e referen'e$. (MSVX.02.13a) (2) Wit(out t(e aid of referen'e$, 'on$tru't a field e*pedient (oo&, in a''ordan'e )it( t(e referen'e$. (MSVX.02.13b) (3) Wit(out t(e aid of referen'e$, 'ondu't fi$(ing, in a''ordan'e )it( t(e referen'e$. (MSVX.02.13 ) (!) Wit(out t(e aid of referen'e$, 'on$u+e a prepared fi$(, in a''ordan'e )it( t(e referen'e$. (MSVX.02.13") OUTLINE 1. FISH. #n a +ountainou$ region, fi$( are nor+all, an a-undant re$our'e. .ot onl, are t(e, a food $our'e, t(e /left o%er$/ pro%ide an e*'ellent -ait for trap$ and $nare$. a. 0i$(ing lo'ation$. (MSVX.02.13a) 0i$(ing in +ountain $trea+$ i$ generall, -e$t done )it( a (and line. W(en fi$(ing t(e$e $trea+$, al)a,$ loo& for t(e$e pla'e$ to fi$(.

1 -1 MSVX.0 .13

FISHING LOCATIONS . FISHING E#UIPMENT. 1epending upon ,our lo'ation, re$our'e$ a%aila-le to ,ou, t,pe of )ater $our'e, and t,pe and!or $i2e of fi$(, 'ertain fi$(ing e3uip+ent +a, -e needed. a. 4*pedient (oo&$. (MSVX.02.13b) 5lt(oug( (oo&$ $(ould -e 'arried in a $ur%i%al &it, t(e $ur%i%or $(ould -e a-le to 'on$tru't additional (oo&$ if t(e $ituation ari$e$. 4*pedient (oo&$ are +ade to -e'o+e lodged in t(e t(roat of t(e fi$(. Belo) are a fe) e*a+ple$.

1 MSVX.0 .13

EXPEDIENT HOO$S -. 0i$(ing Spear. #f ,ou are near $(allo) )ater 6a-out )ai$t deep7 )(ere fi$( are large and plentiful, ,ou 'an $pear t(e+. 617 Cut an 18- 9/ long $traig(t (ard)ood $apling, fire (arden if green. 6 7 S(arpen one end of t(e $apling.

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637 S(a%e t)o green $apling$ to $er%e a$ prong$. 697 Car%e -ar-$ on t(e prong$. 657 .ot'( +ain $taff to $upport prong$. 6"7 :a$( t(e prong$ to t(e +ain $taff. 677 ;rong$ t(at do not ea$il, fle* under t(e )eig(t of a finger need to -e $(a%ed and t(inned, prior to la$(ing. 687 To $pear fi$(, find an area )(ere fi$( eit(er gat(er or )(ere t(ere i$ a fi$( run. ;la'e t(e $pear point into t(e )ater and $lo)l, +o%e it to)ard$ t(e fi$(. T(en, )it( a $udden pu$(, i+pale t(e fi$( on t(e $trea+ -otto+. 1o not tr, to lift t(e fi$( )it( t(e $pear. <old t(e $pear )it( one (and and gra- and (old t(e fi$( )it( t(e ot(er. 1o not t(ro) t(e $pear a$ ,ou )ill pro-a-l, lo$e it.

FISHING SPEAR '. 0i$( =aff. 5 fi$( gaff i$ an effe'ti%e +et(od to pro'ure fi$( fro+ a 'on'entrated area near t(e -an& or to lift fi$( out of t(e )ater )(en (oo&ed on a (and line. #t i$ +ade fro+ a $ingle pie'e of )ood and $(arpened on t(e $(ort end.

d. C(u+ Ba$&et. T(e '(u+ -a$&et i$ a loo$el, )o%en -a$&et t(at i$ filled )it( fi$( inte$tine$ and (ung o%er t(e )ater$ edge. Wit(in a 'ouple of da,$, +aggot$ )ill for+

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and drop into t(e )ater, 'au$ing t(e fi$( to 'on'entrate in t(e area. T(e +aggot$ 'an -e u$ed for -ait on a (and line. 3. F%&' T(a)&. 5 fi$( trap 'an -e effe'ti%e if ,ou (a%e a $(allo) $trea+ and ti+e to 'on$tru't it. 5 -a$i' fi$( trap i$ not(ing +ore t(an a -arri'ade of ro'&$ or $ti'&$ a'ro$$ a $trea+ )it( anot(er -arri'ade u$ing a funnel-t,pe entran'e )(i'( fi$( 'an -e dri%en into -ut (a%e a diffi'ult ti+e finding t(eir )a, out. >n'e fi$( are trapped -et)een t(e$e t)o -arri'ade$ t(e, +a, -e $peared, 'lu--ed, or gra--ed. T(i$ 'an -e %er, effe'ti%e )(en 'ertain t,pe$ of fi$( are +o%ing in large group$ to $pa)n. T(i$ t,pe of trap i$ %er, effe'ti%e in 'at'(ing fi$(. 5 door 'an -e 'on$tru'ted at t(e +out( of t(e trap $o t(at e*'e$$ fi$( 'an -e &ept li%e until needed.

FISH TRAP 9. FISHING SET LINES. #n a $ur%i%al $ituation, fi$(ing $et$ are +ean$ to 'at'( fi$( )(ile )or&ing on ot(er ta$&$ or )eat(ering out a $tor+. Set line$ are an effe'ti%e +et(od of fi$(ing )(ile 'on$er%ing energ,. ;ut t(e+ out o%er nig(t )it( $e%eral -aited (oo&$ atta'(ed. ;la'e t(e+ )it( t(e (oo&$ eit(er on t(e -otto+ or $u$pended off t(e -otto+, until ,ou (a%e deter+ined )(ere t(e fi$( are feeding. a. Standard Set :ine$.

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-. .etting. 5 gill-net i$ +o$t effe'ti%e in $till )ater, e.g., a la&e 6near t(e inlet and outlet are good lo'ation$7 or -a'& )ater in a large $trea+ 6for $ur%i%al don?t (e$itate to -lo'& t(e $trea+7. .et$ 'an -e 'on$tru'ted u$ing t(e inner 'ord$ of para'(ute $(roud line$. ;la'e float$ on top and )eig(t$ on t(e -otto+ to &eep t(e net %erti'al in t(e )ater. W(en i'e i$ on a la&e, t(e fi$( are in'lined to $ta, deeper. T(e $+aller t(e +e$(, t(e $+aller t(e fi$( ,ou 'an 'at'(, -ut a $+all ne$t )ill $till entangle a large fi$(. 5 +e$( of 3 in'(e$ i$ a good $tandard. 5 gill-net i$ %er, ti+e 'on$u+ing and re3uire$ allot of +aterial to 'on$tru't.

GILL NET 5. PREPARING FISH FOR CONSUMPTION. (MSVX.02.13") 0i$( +a, 'ontain +an, para$ite$, )(i'( if prepared i+properl, 'an infe't t(e (u+an -od,. a. Cleaning fi$(.

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617 Wit( a po'&et &nife, $'rape t(e $'ale$ off t(e fi$(, going -a'& and fort( fro+ tail to (ead. 6 7 Wit( ,our &nife, 'ut t(e fi$( open $tarting at t(e anu$ and )or& to)ard$ t(e gill$. 637 Wit( ,our finger or t(u+-, pu$( all t(e gut$ out and )a$( t(oroug(l,. :oo& t(roug(out t(e inte$tine$ to find out )(at t(e fi$( (a$ -een eating. #t +a, aid ,ou in pro'uring +ore fi$(. -. Coo&ing fi$(. To en$ure t(at all para$ite$ (a%e -een de$tro,ed, fi$( $(ould -e -oiled in a 'anteen 'up or $i+ilar 'ontainer. @404@4.C4A 1. :arr, 1ean >l$on, >utdoor Sur%i%al =uide, 5t( 4diton, 1990. . C(ri$ Bano)$&i, 5 +anual t(at 'ould $a%e ,our life, 1989. 3. 50 "9-9, Sear'( and @e$'ue Sur%i%al Training, 1985.

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UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001 MSVX.0 .1! "#"05 STUDENT OUTLINE TRACKING TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE $n a %ur&i&al %ituation, and gi&en a %ur&i&al 'it, and a de%ignated area, identif( tra)'%, in a))ordan)e *it+ t+e referen)e%. (MSVX.02.14) ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVES (1) Wit+out t+e aid of referen)e%, de%)ri,e in *riting t+e t(pe% of gait%, in a))ordan)e *it+ t+e referen)e%. (MSVX.02.14a) (2) Wit+out t+e aid of referen)e%, de%)ri,e in *riting t+e tra)'% of t+e -a.or ani-al fa-ilie%, in a))ordan)e *it+ t+e referen)e%. (MSVX.02.14b) (3) Wit+out t+e aid of referen)e% and gi&en an ani-al +ide, identif( t+e ani-al, in a))ordan)e *it+ t+e referen)e%. (MSVX.02.14 ) (4) Wit+out t+e aid of referen)e%, li%t in *riting t+e fa)tor% t+at deter-ine tra)' age, in a))ordan)e *it+ t+e referen)e%. (MSVX.02.14!) OUTLINE/

1. Ba%i) Ter-inolog(. 0rior to di%)u%%ing tra)'ing, %o-e ,a%i) ter-% -u%t ,e under%tood ,( all. a. Trail% and 1un%. $n an( area, t+ere *ill ,e -an( t+oroug+fare% or trail% and run%. So-e -a( ,e %ea%onal, *+ile ot+er% -a( ,e u%ed ,( -an( different %pe)ie%. 1un% are infre2uentl( or inter-ittentl( u%ed t+oroug+fare% t+at )onne)t trail% to %pe)ifi) feeding, ,edding, or *atering area%. $f trail% are li'e +ig+*a(% )onne)ting )itie% and to*n%, run% are li'e %treet% pro&iding a))e%% to t+e ga% %tation%, %uper-ar'et%, and neig+,or+ood%. ,. Bed% and 3a(%. Bed% are fre2uentl( u%ed %leeping area% )o--onl( referred to a% den% or ,urro*%. T+e%e )an ,e found in +ollo* log%, tree%, ro)' pile%, ,ru%+ pile%, gra%%, 13-1 MSVX.0 .1!

t+i)'et%, or e&en out in t+e open. 4 la( i% an infre2uentl( u%ed re%ting or %leeping %pot. $t i% rarel( u%ed -ore t+an on)e. ). 1u,%. So-e ru,% are a))idental and %o-e are deli,erate. 4))idental ru,% )an ,e in a ,urro*, on a trail, or o&er"under a fallen tree a)ro%% a trail. 5eli,erate ru,% )an ,e *+en an ani-al %)rat)+e% a +ard-to-rea)+ %pot, or *+en a deer %)rape% it% antler% again%t a tree to re-o&e it% &el&et. d. S)rat)+e%. T+e( al%o )an ,e a))idental or deli,erate. 4))idental %)rat)+e% are left ,( ani-al% )li-,ing tree% or on a log *+ere it left a ,ell( ru,. 5eli,erate %)rat)+e% )an ,e found at t+e ,a%e of tree% *+ere t+e( +a&e rea)+ed up and ra'ed t+eir )la*% do*n*ard for an( nu-,er of rea%on%. S)rat)+e% )an al%o ,e found in t+e ground *+ere )at% +a&e ,uried %)at, %2uirrel% +a&e )a)+ed nut%, or ani-al% are digging at a %)ent. e. Tran%feren)e. Tran%feren)e i% t+e re-o&al of -aterial fro- one area onto anot+er. Tran%feren)e )an o))ur *+en *al'ing along a -udd( %trea- ,an' and )ro%%ing a log. T+e -ud left on t+e log i% )on%idered tran%feren)e. f. Co-pre%%ion. Co-pre%%ion i% t+e a)tual flattening of t+e %oil or %no* pa)'. $t i% )au%ed ,( t+e pre%%ing do*n or le&eling of %oil, %and, %tone%, t*ig%, or lea&e% ,( t+e *eig+t of t+e ,od(. Co-pre%%ion i% -ore li'el( to ,e found in fro6en, +ard, dr(, %and( )ondition% *+ere t+ere i% no -oi%ture to +old a )lear and la%ting i-print. g. 5i%tur,an)e. 5i%tur,an)e i% t+e e(e-)at)+ing effe)t of unnatural pattern%. +. 7ait. (MSVX.02.14a) 4 gait i% generall( t+e *a( an ani-al -o&e%. 7ait% are &er( )riti)al in t+e identifi)ation of ani-al tra)'%. 4lt+oug+ )ertain gait% are -ore indi)ati&e of )ertain ani-al%, t+e( -a( 8depending on t+e )ir)u-%tan)e%9 -odif( or alter t+eir gait to anot+er %t(le. 819 5iagonal Wal'er. :or-al pattern for all predator( ani-al%, *+i)+ in)lude% all dog%, )at%, and +oofed ani-al%.

8 9 0a)er%. :or-al pattern for all *ide-,odied ani-al% %u)+ a% ,ear%, ra))oon, opo%%u-, %'un', *ol&erine, ,adger, ,ea&er, por)upine, -u%'rat, and -ar-ot. $n%tead of -o&ing oppo%ite %ide% of t+e ,od( at t+e %a-e ti-e li'e diagonal *al'er%, t+e( find it ea%ier to -o&e ,ot+ li-,% on one %ide of t+e ,od( at t+e %a-e ti-e. 13MSVX.0 .1!

839 Bounder%. :or-al pattern for -o%t of t+e long-,odied, %+ort-legged *ea%el fa-il( %u)+ a% -arten, fi%+er, and -in'. Bounder% *al' ,( rea)+ing out *it+ t+e front feet and ,ringing t+e ,a)' feet up .u%t ,e+ind t+e-.

8!9 7alloper%. :or-al pattern for ra,,it%, +are%, and rodent% 8e;)ept *ide-,od( ,ea&er, -u%'rat, -ar-ot, and por)upine9. 4% t+e%e ani-al% -o&e, t+e( pu%+ off *it+ t+eir ,a)' feet, +it *it+ t+eir front feet, and ,ring t+eir ,a)' feet into po%ition. Tree d*elling galloper% *ill land *it+ t+eir front feet %ide ,( %ide, *+ile ground d*elling galloper% *ill land *it+ t+e front feet at a diagonal.

i. 7na*ing. 4ll ani-al% *ill )+e* on &egetation< %o-e a% a food %our)e, *+ile predator% need )ertain &ita-in%. 7na*ing% )an ,e on tree% 8)a-,iu- la(er9 or on &egetation.

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.. S)at. S)at i% a)tual ani-al dropping%.

'. Sign. 4n( di%tur,an)e of t+e natural )ondition *+i)+ re&eal% t+e pre%en)e or pa%%age of ani-al%, per%on%, or t+ing%. =;a-ple% of %ign in)lude %tone% t+at +a&e ,een 'no)'ed out of t+eir original po%ition, o&erturned lea&e% %+o*ing a dar'er under%ide, %and depo%ited on ro)'%, drag and %)uff -ar'%, di%pla)ed t*ig%, and %)uff -ar'% on tree%. l. Spoor. T+e a)tual tra)' or trail of an ani-al *+i)+ )an ,e identified a% to %i6e, %+ape, t(pe and pattern. T+i% *ord i% generall( inter)+anged *it+ tra)'. Spoor i% ,ro'en do*n into t*o %eg-ent%< aerial and ground. 13-! MSVX.0 .1!

. R"a!#$% S&''(. >nle%% a )learl( &i%i,le ground %poor i% reada,le, interpretation% -u%t ,e -ade in order to deter-ine ?*+at ani-al -ade t+i%@A 0rior to e&er atte-pting to read %poor, one -u%t ,e t+oroug+l( 'no*ledgea,le a,out *+at ani-al% are in t+e area. T+e fir%t %tep i% to loo' at t+e gait. T+i% *ill generall( narro* do*n t+e %pe)ie%. T+e ne;t %tep i% deter-ined *+i)+ ani-al fa-il( t+e tra)' ,elong% to. (MSVX.02.14b) a. Cat Ba-il(. Bo,)at, 3(n;, and Mountain 3ion 8Cougar9. ! toe pad%, no &i%i,le )la* print. $t -o&e% *it+ a %en%e of purpo%e and dire)t regi%ter% it% pa*%. $t% +eel pad i% -u)+ -ore defined t+an one fro- a dog.

,. 5og Ba-il(. Bo;, Co(ote, and Wol&e%. Vi%i,le )la* print, ! toe pad%. :o %en%e of purpo%e, e;)ept fo;, *+i)+ %tep% li'e a )at and li'e% depre%%ion%. Ceel pad i% -u)+ rounder.

). 1a,,it Ba-il(. T+e -ain differen)e ,et*een ra,,it% and +are% 8*+i)+ in)lude t+e .a)'ra,,it9 i% t+at ra,,it% are ,orn al-o%t +airle%% and *it+ e(e% )lo%ed, *+ile +are% are ,orn *it+ a t+i)' )oat of fur, open e(e%, and an a,ilit( to run &er( %oon after*ard%. T+e( +a&e four toe% *it+ relati&el( enor-ou% +ind feet a% )o-pared to t+eir front.

d. 1odent Ba-il(. Vole%, Mi)e, 1at%, C+ip-un'%, S2uirrel%, Wood)+u)'%, Mu%'rat%, D Bea&er. Tra)' %i6e &arie% greatl( ,e)au%e of t+e different %pe)ie%, ,ut one fa)t 13-5 MSVX.0 .1!

re-ain%, all +a&e 5 toe print% on t+eir rear feet, *+ile +a&ing ! toe print% on t+eir front feet.

e. Wea%el Ba-il(. Wea%el, Min', Marten, Bi%+er, S'un'%, Etter, Badger, 0or)upine, D Wol&erine. 4ll +a&e 5 toe print%.

f. 1a))oon, Epo%%u-%, D Bear. 4ll +a&e 5 toe print% *+ile loo'ing li'e a ,a,(F% +and print.

g. 4fter t+e fa-il( i% 'no*n, *e -u%t identif( t+e indi&idual %pe)ie%. >%ing &ariou% )lue% a,out t+e +a,it% of ani-al%, a deter-ination )an ,e -ade. (MSVX.02.14 )

13-# MSVX.0 .1!

819 $f t+e tra)'er i% edu)ated on t+e ,e+a&ior and +a,it% of ani-al%, +e )an deter-ine t+e indi&idual %pe)ie%. T+i% infor-ation )an ,e u%ed for ,etter e-plo(-ent of trap% and %nare%. T+e follo*ing i% an e;a-ple. 8a9 Wal'ing along a )ree' ,an', (ou noti)e a %et of tra)'% t+at +a&e fi&e toe print% for ,ot+ front and ,a)' feet *it+ &i%i,le )la* print%. T+e infor-ation tell% (ou t+e print% ,elong to t+e *ea%el fa-il(. T+e tra)'% +a&e a ,ounding gait pattern, *+i)+ eli-inate% *ide-,odied ani-al% %u)+ a% ,adger, %'un', por)upine, and *ol&erine. Be)au%e t+e tra)'% are appro;i-atel( t+e %i6e of a di-e, (ou +a&e eli-inated -arten and fi%+er. T+e tra)'% are follo*ing t+e %trea- ,an' for %o-e di%tan)e, %topping at %-all +ole% along t+e ,an'F% edge. Gno*ing t+at *ea%el% li'e gra%%( -eado*%, (ou )an deter-ine t+at t+e tra)' i% pro,a,l( -ade ,( a -in'. 3. A%" D")"(*#$a)#'$. (MSVX.02.14!) $t i% &er( )riti)al to ,e a,le to deter-ine tra)' age. =a)+ area and )li-ate *ill &ar( in t+e effe)t% of aging tra)'%, %o pra)ti)e, e;peri-entation, and e;perien)e i% &ital in t+at area. T+e follo*ing fa)tor% deteriorate all tra)'% and -u%t ,e fa)tored. a. Weat+er - 3a%t %no* or rain, fog, and de*. ,. Sun. ). Wind. d. Soil )ontent - +ard, %and(, fir-, or -oi%t.

e. Tra)' =ro%ion. 4ll tra)'% *ill erode o&er a gi&en period of ti-e. T+e follo*ing ti-e ta,le )an ,e u%ed a% a general guideline. 819 Minute%-Top edge% ,egin to dr(. 8 9 ! +our%-Top edge% ,egin to erode. 839 !H +our%-?SA )ur&e i% %een. 8!9 7 +our%-0o)' -ar'% fro- rain or de* -a( ,e %een. Tra)' i% al-o%t flat. 5e,ri% -a( fill t+e tra)'. f. 4ging S)at. 4ll %)at drie% on t+e in%ide fir%t. T+erefore, relati&el( *et %)at on t+e out%ide )ould ,e old. T+e onl( *a( to deter-ine t+e age i% ,( anal(6ing t+e in%ide. W+en a%%e%%ing %)at, )are -u%t ,e ta'en to a&oid t+e po%%i,ilit( of )ontra)ting di%ea%e. !. T(a +#$%. 13-7 MSVX.0 .1!

a. T+e ,e%t ti-e to tra)' i% earl( in t+e -orning or late in t+e afternoon due to t+e +eig+t of t+e %un to )a%t %+ado*%. W+en reading %poor, al*a(% pla)e it ,et*een (our%elf and t+e %un. ,. 5o not -o&e pa%t t+e la%t %ign until (ou +a&e found t+e ne;t %ign, t+i% i% )alled ?%ign )uttingA and *ill ,e di%)u%%ed later. $n training, al*a(% tr( to find e&er( tra)'. ). En)e t+e initial tra)' i% found, )o-pletel( do)u-ent and %'et)+ it for future referen)e. T+i% %'et)+ *ill pre&ent (ou fro- follo*ing t+e *rong tra)' later on. 1e)ord t+e follo*ing infor-ation. 819 S+oe lengt+. 8 9 Sole *idt+. 839 Ceel *idt+. 8!9 Sole lengt+. 859 Ceel lengt+. 8#9 5o)u-ent Iuadrant%/ -Wear pattern% -Tread patter%

13-H MSVX.0 .1!

d. 4tte-pting to find ea)+ and e&er( tra)' i% a %lo* and tediou% ta%'. T+e ,e%t -et+od to a%%i%t (ou i% *it+ t+e u%e of a )(a +#$% ,)# +. 819 Material%/ a ! foot %traig+t pole ru,,er ,and% or %i-ilar -aterial 8 9 3o)ate )on%e)uti&e tra)'%. 839 0la)e t+e tip of t+e %ti)' on t+e edge of t+e +eel on t+e lead tra)'. 8!9 0la)e a ru,,er ,and to -ar' t+e toe of t+e rear tra)'. 859 0la)e t+e %e)ond ru,,er ,and to -ar' t+e +eel. 8#9 Mo&e t+e tra)'ing %ti)' to t+e ru,,er ,and -ar'ing% of t+e lead tra)' and %*eep t+e tip of t+e %ti)' until t+e ne;t tra)' i% found. 879 1epeat t+e pro)e%%.

13-9 MSVX.0 .1!

e. Tra)'ing Tea-%. $f tra)'ing tea-% are a&aila,le, t+e tra)'ing pro)e%% )an ,e %ped up ,( ?%ign )uttingA. 819 4ll tra)'ing tea-% 8-ini-u- of t*o9 -u%t do)u-ent and %'et)+ t+e initial tra)'. 8 9 T+e initial tea- )ontinue% to tra)' until anot+er tra)'ing tea- +a% po%iti&el( found t+e %a-e tra)' furt+er a+ead on t+e trail. T+e la%t tra)' i% -ar'ed for future referen)e. 839 T+e %e)ond tea- a%%u-e% t+e re%pon%i,ilit( of lo)ating ea)+ tra)' until t+e( +a&e ,een radioed ,( t+e fir%t tea- t+at ?t+e( +a&e found t+e tra)'A. T+i% i% ?%ign )uttingA. 8!9 ?Sign )uttingA i% a))o-pli%+ed ,( -a'ing large %*eeping ar)% a+ead of t+e pri-ar( tra)'ing tea- until t+e tra)' i% lo)ated at *+i)+ ti-e t+e tea-% )+ange role% ,( ?leap froggingA. 859 $f t+e tra)' i% lo%t or -i%identified, t+e tea-% *ill -o&e ,a)' to t+e la%t -ar'ed tra)'.

13-10 MSVX.0 .1!

-.POT-ETICAL SEARCf. 5ela(ing a tra)'er or tra)'ing tea-%. $f (ou are ,eing tra)'ed, (our pri-ar( )on)ern i% to gain a% -u)+ di%tan)e a% po%%i,le ,et*een (our%elf and t+e tra)'er. T+e -ore di%tan)e (ou gain, t+e -ore ti-e to ena,le (ou to )reate de&i)e% to di%)ourage a tra)'er. 819 3o)ate and dig poi%onou% plant%. Tra)'er% 'no* t+e &egetation in t+eir area. $f t+e( +a&e %een poi%onou% plant% dug along t+e trail, t+e( *ill u%e -ore )aution and %lo* t+eir pa)e, *+et+er (ou +a&e u%ed t+e- or not. 8 9 Create %i-ple pat+guard% along (our trail. 4n e;perien)ed tra)'er *ill not pi)' up t+ing% along t+e trail ,e)au%e of t+e po%%i,ilit( of ,eing ?,oo,( trappedA. $f +e noti)e% po%%i,le trap%, +e *ill u%e -ore )aution and %lo* +i% pa)e. 839 >%e )aution *+en -o&ing along t+e trail. W+en tra&eling, -a'e it diffi)ult for t+e tra)'er to find (our tra)'%. 0added o&er ,oot% are e;tre-el( effe)ti&e to redu)e t+e ?%ignatureA left ,( )o-,at ,oot%. RE/ERENCE/ 1. 5a&id S)ott 5onelan, Ta)ti)al Tra)'ing Eperation, 199H. . To- Bro*n, Bield 7uide to :ature E,%er&ation and Tra)'ing, 19H3.

13-11 MSVX.0 .1!

UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001
MSVX.0 .15 !"!05 STUDENT HANDOUT SURVIVAL MEDICINE TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE #n a $ur%i%al $ituation, and gi%en a $ur%i%al &it, 'aintain indi%idual or group (ealt( $tandard$, and appl) $ur%i%al 'edi*ine te*(ni+ue$ and pro*edure$, in a**ordan*e ,it( t(e referen*e$. (MSVX.02.15) ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVES (1) Wit(out t(e aid of referen*e$, li$t in ,riting t(e re+uire'ent$ to 'aintain (ealt(, in a**ordan*e ,it( t(e referen*e. (MSVX.02.15a) (2) Wit(out t(e aid of referen*e$, li$t t(e in ,riting t(e en%iron'ental in-urie$, in a**ordan*e ,it( t(e referen*e. (MSVX.02.15b) (3) Wit(out t(e aid of referen*e$, define in ,riting t(e definition of ()pot(er'ia, in a**ordan*e ,it( t(e referen*e. (MSVX.02.15 ) (!) Wit(out t(e aid of referen*e$, li$t in ,riting t(e general *on$ideration$ for 'ede%a* pro*edure$, in a**ordan*e ,it( t(e referen*e. (MSVX.02.15") (5) Wit(out t(e aid of referen*e$, e.e*ute pre%enti%e 'ea$ure$ again$t ,ildlife di$ea$e$, in a**ordan*e ,it( t(e referen*e. (MSVX.02.15#) OUTLINE 1. RE$UIREMENTS TO MAINTAIN HEALTH. Maintenan*e of (ealt( i$ t(e fir$t $tep in pre%enting in-urie$. T(e t(ree re+uire'ent$ are/ (%SVX.02.15a) 0. W0T12 314 0 per$on *an not $ur%i%e ,it(out ,ater for 'ore t(an a fe, da)$. 5our 6od) lo$e$ ,ater t(roug( nor'al 6od) pro*e$$e$ 3$,eating, urinating, and 6reat(ing4. 7uring nor'al a*ti%it) t(e &idne)$ e.*rete 1 to +uart$ of ,ater per da) and a per$on e%aporate$ . 5 to +uart per da). 8t(er fa*tor$, $u*( a$ (eat e.po$ure, *old e.po$ure, inten$e a*ti%it), (ig( altitude, 6urn$, or illne$$, *an *au$e )our 6od) to lo$e 'ore ,ater. Water inta&e i$ *riti*al in pre%enting illne$$. 19-1 WSVX.0 .15

B. :887 314 T(e 6od) *an li%e $e%eral ,ee&$ ,it(out food. ;o,e%er, ,it(out an ade+uate $uppl) to $ta) (ealt() )our 'ental and p()$i*al *apa6ilitie$ ,ill deteriorate rapidl). :ood $upplie$ t(e 6od) ,it( t(e ne*e$$ar) nutrient$ and energ) to $ur%i%e. 3 4 :ood $our*e$ are plant$, ani'al$, and fi$(. 3a4 :i6er. :i6er pre%ent$ irrita6le 6o,el $)ndro'e. #n t(e :al&land$ *a'paign t(e Briti$( (ad a 'a-or *on$tipation and diarr(ea pro6le'. T(i$ ,a$ largel) *au$ed 6) de()dration and a lo, fi6er diet. <ra$$e$ and pine needle$ are a good $our*e of dietar) fi6er. 364 Vita'in$. Vita'in$ are e$$ential to 'eta6oli* fun*tioning of t(e 6od) and *old ,eat(er *o'pound$ t(i$ fun*tion. 8ur 6odie$ *annot 'a&e %ita'in$ $o ,e 'u$t pro%ide t(e' in our diet. Mo$t edi6le plant life *ontain$ 'an) different %ita'in$. 0$$o*iated illne$$e$ fro' long ter' defi*ien*) are S*ur%) 3%ita'in C4 a p()$i*al di$ea$e and Beri6eri 3%ita'in B14 a 'ental di$ea$e. Vita'in$ *an 6e found in t(e *a'6iu' la)er of tree$, pine needle$, and $tinging nettle. 3*4 Mineral$. T(e 'ineral t(at ,e are pri'aril) *on*erned ,it( i$ #ron. #ron defi*ien*) *au$e$ a 9= de*rea$e in (eat energ) produ*tion. #ron a*t$ a$ a t(er'o regulator. Con$u'ing onl) 1!3 270 of iron re$ult$ in a 9= greater (eat lo$$ during *old e.po$ure. 0ni'al 6lood, dandelion$, $tinging nettle, and 'arro, pro%ide t(e 'a-or $our*e of iron. 1n$ure t(e$e food$ are properl) prepared. 3d4 Calorie$. To produ*e energ), t(e 6od) u$e$ *alorie$. >rotein$, fat$, or *ar6o()drate$ produ*e *alorie$. 8f t(e$e t(ree, *ertain one$ produ*e 6etter energ) t(an ot(er$ do. 0ni'al 'eat i$ an e.*ellent $our*e for *alori* inta&e, alt(oug( nut$ fro' pine*one$ *an $upple'ent it. 1. >rotein. >rotein$ are a reparati%e food of *o'pli*ated 'ole*ule$ *o'po$ed of *(ain$ of a'ino a*id$. T(ere are nu'erou$ &ind$ of a'ino a*id$ ,(i*( *annot 6e $)nt(e$i?ed 6) t(e 6od) and t(u$ 'u$t 6e *on$u'ed in t(e diet. 0 pure protein diet *an *au$e fatalitie$ in 3-@ ,ee&$ fro' Rabbit Starvation, a ter' u$ed for li%ing on a relati%el) fat free ra66it diet. >rotein *an 6e found in dandelion$, nut$, and 'eat$.

19WSVX.0 .15

. :at. :at$ $er%e a$ t(e 'ain $torage for' of energ). :at$ produ*e energ) and (eat. :at$ are 6e$t o6tained fro' 6one 'arro,, li%er, or t(e $to'a*( portion of fi$( 3. Car6o()drate$. Car6o()drate$ are &no,n a$ t(e +ui*& energ) food. T(e) produ*e lot$ of (eat. T(e) are $tored in t(e li%er and 'u$*le$. T(e$e organ$ are not large and *an 6e 'ar&edl) depleted 6) fa$ting for a$ $(ort a$ 9 (our$. Cattail$, nut$ are a $our*e for *ar6o()drate$. C. >12S8A0B ;5<#1A1 314 Cleanline$$ i$ an i'portant fa*tor in pre%enting infe*tion and di$ea$e. #t 6e*o'e$ e%en 'ore i'portant in a $ur%i%al $ituation. 3 4 T(e area$ to pa) $pe*ial attention to are t(e feet, (and$, ar'pit$, *rot*(, and (air. Vi$ual and p()$i*al in$pe*tion$ $(ould 6e *ondu*ted dail). ;and and finger nail$ $(ould 6e &ept a$ *lean a$ po$$i6le to pre%ent infe*tion of 'u*ou$ 'e'6rane. 3a4 Soap 3l)e4 *an 6e 'ade fro' ani'al fat and a$(e$. 364 Sun 6at( 334 Teet( are anot(er i'portant area to &eep *lean. Bru$( )our teet( ea*( da) eit(er ,it( a toot(6ru$(, or if )ou donCt (a%e one, 'a&e a *(e,ing $ti*&. 3a4 0 *(e,ing $ti*& i$ 'ade out of a t,ig a6out " to @ in*(e$ long. C(e, one end of t(e $ti*& to $eparate t(e fi6er$. Ao, )ou *an 6ru$( )our teet(. 2. &IVE %A'S THE BOD' LOSES HEAT

2adiation/ i$ dire*t (eat lo$$ fro' t(e 6od) to it$ $urrounding$. #f t(e $urrounding$ are *older t(an t(e 6od), t(e net re$ult i$ (eat lo$$. 0 nude 'an lo$e$ a6out "0= of (i$ total 6od) (eat 6) radiation. Spe*ifi*all), (eat i$ lo$t in t(e for' of infrared radiation. #nfrared targeting de%i*e$ ,or& 6) dete*ting radiant (eat lo$$. Condu*tion/ i$ t(e dire*t tran$fer of (eat fro' one o6-e*t in *onta*t ,it( a *older o6-e*t. 314 Mo$t *o''onl) *ondu*tion o**ur$ ,(en an indi%idual $it$ or re$t$ dire*tl) upon a *old o6-e*t, $u*( a$ $no,, t(e ground, or a ro*&. Wit(out an in$ulating la)er 6et,een t(e Marine and t(e o6-e*t 3$u*( a$ an i$opor 'at4, one +ui*&l) 6egin$ to lo$e (eat. T(i$ i$ ,() itC$ i'portant to not $it or $leep dire*tl) on *old ground or $no, ,it(out a 'at or a pa*& a*ting a$ in$ulation.



Con%e*tion/ i$ (eat lo$$ to t(e at'o$p(ere or a li+uid. 0ir and ,ater *an 6ot( 6e t(oug(t of a$ Dli+uid$D running o%er t(e $urfa*e of t(e 6od). Water or air, ,(i*( i$ in *onta*t ,it( t(e 6od), atte'pt$ to a6$or6 (eat fro' 19-3 WSVX.0 .15

t(e 6od) until t(e 6od) and air or ,ater i$ 6ot( t(e $a'e te'perature$. ;o,e%er, if t(e air or ,ater i$ *ontinuou$l) 'o%ing o%er t(e 6od), t(e te'perature$ *an ne%er e+uali?e and t(e 6od) &eep$ lo$ing (eat. 7. 1%aporation . ;eat lo$$ fro' e%aporation o**ur$ ,(en ,ater 3$,eat4 on t(e $urfa*e of t(e $&in i$ turned into ,ater %apor. T(i$ pro*e$$ re+uire$ energ) in t(e for' of (eat and t(i$ (eat *o'e$ fro' t(e 6od). 314 T(i$ i$ t(e 'a-or 'et(od t(e 6od) u$e$ to *ool it$elf do,n. T(i$ i$ ,() )ou $,eat ,(en )ou ,or& (ard or >T. 8ne +uart of $,eat, ,(i*( )ou *an ea$il) produ*e in an (our of (ard >T, ,ill ta&e a6out "00 *alorie$ of (eat a,a) fro' t(e 6od) ,(en it e%aporate$.

2e$piration. W(en )ou in(ale, t(e air )ou 6reat(e in i$ ,ar'ed 6) t(e 6od) and $aturated ,it( ,ater %apor. T(en ,(en )ou e.(ale, t(at (eat i$ lo$t. T(at i$ ,() 6reat( *an 6e $een in *old air. 2e$piration i$ reall) a *o'6ination of *on%e*tion 3(eat 6eing tran$ferred to 'o%ing air 6) t(e lung$4 and e%aporation, ,it( 6ot( pro*e$$e$ o**urring in$ide t(e 6od).


PH'SICAL RESPONSES TO HEAT. W(en t(e 6od) 6egin$ to *reate e.*e$$ (eat, it re$pond$ in $e%eral ,a)$ to rid it$elf of t(at (eat. 0. #nitiall), t(e 6lood %e$$el$ in t(e $&in e.pand, or dilate. T(i$ dilation allo,$ 'ore 6lood to t(e $urfa*e ,(ere t(e (eat *an 'ore ea$il) 6e tran$ferred to t(e $urrounding$. B. Soon after,ard$, $,eating 6egin$. T(i$ *ontri6ute$ to (eat lo$$ t(roug( *on%e*tion and e%aporation.


PH'SICAL RESPONSES TO COLD. 0l'o$t t(e oppo$ite o**ur$ a$ ,it( (eat. 0. :ir$t, 6lood %e$$el$ at t(e $&in $urfa*e *lo$e do,n, or *on$tri*t. T(i$ doe$ t,o t(ing$/ 314 Be$$ 6lood goe$ near t(e $urfa*e of t(e 6od) $o t(at le$$ (eat i$ lo$t to t(e out$ide. 3 4 More 6lood goe$ to t(e D*oreD or t(e *enter of t(e 6od), to &eep t(e 6rain, (eart,lung$, li%er, and &idne)$ ,ar'. T(i$ 'ean$ finger$ and toe$ tend to get *old. B. #f t(at i$ not enoug( to &eep t(e 6od) ,ar', t(e ne.t $tep i$ $(i%ering. S(i%ering i$ refle.i%e regular 'u$*ular *ontra*tion$, t(i$ 'u$*ular a*ti%it) *au$e$ (eat

19-9 WSVX.0 .15

produ*tion. 0$ 'entioned 6efore, $(i%ering *an onl) la$t for a $(ort ti'e 6efore e.(au$tion o**ur$. Wit( $(i%ering )ou ,ill eit(er ,ar' up, a$ u$uall) o**ur$, or *ontinue to get *older and $tart to 6e*o'e ()pot(er'i*. ;)pot(er'ia ,ill 6e di$*u$$ed later.

ENVIRONMENTAL INJURIES (MSVX.02.15b) 0re *old ,eat(er in-urie$, de()dration, and altitude related illne$$e$.



H()*+,#-./a (MSVX.02.15 ) i$ t(e $tate ,(en t(e 6od)E$ *ore te'perature fall$ to 95 degree$ :a(ren(eit or le$$. I+ /0 +,# 12.b#- *1# 3/44#- *5 )#*)4# /1 a 02-6/6a4 0/+2a+/*1. 0 *o''on 6elief t(at e.tre'el) *old te'perature$ are needed for ()pot(er'ia to o**ur i$ not true. Mo$t *a$e$ o**ur ,(en t(e te'perature i$ 6et,een 30 and 50 degree$ :a(ren(eit. T(i$ i$ t(e nor'al te'perature range at MWTC, e.*ept during t(e (ar$(e$t of ,inter.

Cau$e$ of ;)pot(er'ia. T(e ,a)$ in ,(i*( t(e 6od) generate$ and lo$e$ (eat (a$ 6een di$*u$$ed earlier. Fuite $i'pl), ()pot(er'ia o**ur$ ,(en (eat lo$$ fro' t(e 6od) e.*eed$ t(e 6od)C$ a6ilit) to produ*e (eat. Contri6uting fa*tor$ in*lude/ 0'6ient te'perature. 8ut$ide air te'perature. Wind *(ill. T(i$ onl) affe*t$ i'properl) *lot(ed indi%idual$. Wet *lot(ing. Cold ,ater i''er$ion. #'proper *lot(ing. 1.(au$tion. 0l*o(ol into.i*ation, ni*otine and drug$ $u*( a$ 6ar6iturate$ and tran+uili?er$. #n-urie$. T(o$e *au$ing i''o6ilit) or 'a-or 6leeding, 'a-or 6urn and (ead trau'a.

64 Sign$ and $)'pto'$ of ;)pot(er'ia

T(e nu'6er one $ign to loo& for i$ altered 'ental $tatu$G t(at i$, t(e 6rain i$ literall) getting *old. T(e$e $ign$ 'ig(t in*lude *onfu$ion, $lurred $pee*(, $trange 6e(a%ior, irrita6ilit), i'paired -udg'ent, (allu*ination$, or fatigue. 19-5 WSVX.0 .15

0$ ()pot(er'ia ,or$en$, %i*ti'$ ,ill lo$e *on$*iou$ne$$ and e%entuall) $lip into a *o'a. S(i%ering. 2e'e'6er t(at $(i%ering i$ a 'a-or ,a) t(e 6od) trie$ to ,ar' it$elf earl) on, a$ it fir$t 6egin$ to get *old. S(i%ering $top$ for rea$on$/ T(e 6od) (a$ ,ar'ed 6a*& up to a nor'al te'perature range. T(e 6od) (a$ *ontinued to *ool. Belo, 95: $(i%ering 6egin$ to de*rea$e and 6) 90: it *ea$e$ *o'pletel). 86%iou$l), *ontinued *ooling i$ 6ad. So if a Marine ,it( ,(o' )ou are ,or&ing, ,(o ,a$ $(i%ering, $top$ $(i%ering, )ou 'u$t deter'ine if t(at i$ 6e*au$e (e (a$ ,ar'ed up or *ontinued to *ool. 0 %i*ti' ,it( $e%ere ()pot(er'ia 'a) a*tuall) appear to 6e +uite dead, ,it(out 6reat(ing or a pul$e. ;o,e%er, people ,(o (a%e 6een found t(i$ ,a) (a%e 6een $u**e$$full) D6roug(t 6a*& to lifeD ,it( no per'anent da'age. So re'e'6er, you are not dead until you are warm and dead.


>re%ention of ;)pot(er'ia 86%iou$l), pre%ention i$ al,a)$ 6etter 3and 'u*( ea$ier4 t(an treat'ent. Cold ,eat(er *lot(ing 'u$t 6e properl) ,ar' and *ared for. Heep )our *lot(ing a$ dr) a$ po$$i6le. #f )our feet are *old, ,ear a (at. Ip to @0= of t(e 6od)C$ (eat *an e$*ape fro' t(e (ead. 0%oid de()dration. 7rin& " - @ +uart$ per da). 1at ade+uatel). 0%oid fatigue and e.(au$tion. #n*rea$e le%el$ of a*ti%it) a$ t(e te'perature drop$. 7o not re'ain $tationar) ,(en t(e te'perature i$ %er) lo,. #f t(e ta*ti*al $ituation

19-" WSVX.0 .15

doe$ not per'it 'o%ing a6out, perfor' i$o'etri* e.er*i$e$ of $u**e$$i%e 'u$*le$.
I$e t(e 6udd) $)$te' to *(e*& ea*( ot(er for $ign$!$)'pto'$ of ()pot(er'ia. d4 Treat'ent of ;)pot(er'ia.

Ma&e t(e diagno$i$. >re%ent furt(er (eat lo$$. 2e'o%e t(e %i*ti' fro' t(e en%iron'ent 3i.e., into a $(elter or $no, *a%e4. #n$ulate t(e %i*ti'. 2e,ar' t(e %i*ti' 6)/ JKip t,o $leeping 6ag$ toget(er. J>re-,ar' t(e 6ag 6) a $tripped Marine. J>la*e t(e %i*ti' in t(e 6ag ,it( $tripped Marine$ in$ide on 6ot( $ide$ of t(e %i*ti'. Mede%a* if po$$i6le.

e4 8t(er >oint$ to 2e'e'6er.

:luid$. #f t(e %i*ti' i$ 'ildl) ()pot(er'i*, (e 'a) 6e gi%en (ot ,et$. 8t(er,i$e gi%e (i' not(ing 6) 'out(. 0%oid, if po$$i6le, e.*e$$i%e 'o%e'ent of t(e %i*ti', a$ (i$ (eart 'a) $top 6eating if it i$ -arred. Ma-or Wound$. 0ppl) fir$t aid to 'a-or ,ound$ fir$t, 6efore atte'pting to re-,ar' t(e %i*ti'. 2e-,ar'ing a %i*ti' ,(o (a$ 6led to deat( doe$ little good. Ae%er gi%e al*o(ol to ()pot(er'ia %i*ti'$. 1%en after )ou (a%e $tarted re-,ar'ing a %i*ti', (e 'u$t 6e *on$tantl) 'onitored. 7onCt forget a6out (i'.

&ROSTBITE :ro$t6ite i$ t(e a*tual free?ing of ti$$ue$. W(en in a $ur%i%al $ituation, re,ar'ing a $e%ere fro$t6itten area ,ill not (elp. #t i$ 6e$t to ,ait for re$*ue and 'edi*al attention. a4 >re%ention of :ro$t6ite. :ro$t6ite i$ an entirel) pre%enta6le in-ur). 7re$$ in la)er$. Heep *o'forta6l) *ool. #f )ou 6egin to 6e*o'e un*o'forta6le, add la)er$. Heep *lot(e$ dr). #f *lot(ing 3e$pe*iall) $o*&$ and glo%e$4 6e*o'e ,et, *(ange t(e'. T(i$ 'a) 'ean )ou (a%e to *(ange $o*& 9-5 ti'e$ a da). 19-7 WSVX.0 .15

7re$$ properl). #f t(e ,ind i$ 6lo,ing, ,ear t(e *orre*t prote*ti%e la)er. 0%oid de()dration. W(en de()drated, t(e a'ount of 6lood a%aila6le to ,ar' )our finger$ and toe$ goe$ do,n, in*rea$ing t(e ri$& of fro$t6ite. 0%oid Star%ation. 2e'e'6er - :ood i$ :uel - and t(e 6od) u$e$ t(at fuel to 'a&e (eat. L#a"#-0,/) .20+ #102-# +,a+ )-#6#1+/6# .#a02-#0 a-# +a3#1.

64 Sign$ and S)'pto'$ of :ro$t6ite. 1ar$, no$e, finger$ and toe$ are affe*ted fir$t. 0rea$ ,ill feel *old and 'a) tingle leading to.... Au'6ne$$ ,(i*( progre$$e$ to... Wa.) appearan*e ,it( $&in $tiff and una6le to glide freel) o%er a -oint.

*4 Treat'ent of :ro$t6ite. :ro$t6ite i$ *la$$ified into t(ree different degree$/ :ro$ting, Superfi*ial :ro$t6ite, and 7eep :ro$t6ite. :ro$ting ,ill re%ert to nor'al after u$ing t(e te*(ni+ue of 6od) (eat re,ar'ing. ;old t(e affe*ted area, $&in to $&in for 15 'inute$. J2e,ar' fa*e, no$e, and ear$ ,it( (and$. J2e,ar' (and$ in ar'pit$, groin or 6ell). J2e,ar' feet ,it( 'ountain 6udd)E$ ar'pit$ or 6ell). #f affe*ted area *annot 6e re,ar'ed in 15 'inute$, Superfi*ial :ro$t6ite or 7eep :ro$t6ite i$ $u$pe*ted. D* 1*+ a++#.)+ +* 52-+,#- -#7a-. Splint t(e affe*ted area. >rote*t t(e affe*ted area fro' furt(er in-ur). Mede%a* a$ $oon a$ po$$i6le. DO NOT RUB AN' COLD INJUR' %ITH SNO%. 7o not 'a$$age t(e affe*ted area. 7o not re,ar' ,it( $to%e or fire/ a 6urn in-ur) 'a) re$ult. Boo$en *on$tri*ting *lot(ing. 0%oid to6a**o produ*t$.

Treat'ent of Superfi*ial or 7eep fro$t6ite. 0n) fro$t6ite in-ur), regardle$$ of $e%erit), i$ treated t(e $a'e L e%a*uate t(e *a$ualt) and re-,ar'ing in t(e rear. Inle$$ t(e ta*ti*al $ituation pro(i6it$ e%a*uation or )ou are in a $ur%i%al $ituation, no consideration should be given to re-warming frostbite in the field. T(e rea$on i$ $o'et(ing-*alled free?e L t(a, L re-free?e in-ur).

19-@ WSVX.0 .15

:ree?e L T(a, L 2e-free?e in-ur) o**ur$ ,(en a fro$t6itten e.tre'it) i$ t(a,ed out, t(en 6efore it *an (eal 3,(i*( ta&e$ ,ee&$ and 'a)6e 'ont($4 it free?e$ again. T(i$ (a$ de%a$tating effe*t$ and greatl) ,or$en$ t(e initial in-ur). #n an e.tre'e e'ergen*) it i$ 6etter to ,al& out on a fro$t6itten foot t(an to ,ar' it up and t(en (a%e it free?e again. Treat fro?en e.tre'itie$ a$ fra*ture$ - *arefull) pad and $plint. Treat fro?en feet a$ litter *a$e$. >re%ent furt(er free?ing in-ur). 7o not forget a6out ()pot(er'ia. Heep t(e %i*ti' ,ar' and dr). 8n*e in t(e rear, a fro$t6itten e.tre'it) i$ re-,ar'ed in a ,ater 6at(, ,it( t(e te'perature $tri*tl) 'aintained at 101: - 10@:.

a. 6.

7efinition. Sun6urn of t(e *ornea. Cau$e$ of Sno, Blindne$$. T(ere are t,o rea$on$ Marine$ in a ,inter 'ountainou$ en%iron'ent are at in*rea$ed ri$& for $no, 6lindne$$. ;ig( altitude. Be$$ ultra%iolet 3ITV4 ra)$ are filtered out, IV ra)$ are ,(at *au$e $no, 6lindne$$ 3a$ ,ell a$ $un6urn4. So at altitude, 'ore IV ra)$ are a%aila6le to *au$e da'age. Sno,. T(e ,(ite *olor of $no, refle*t$ 'u*( 'ore BTV ra)$ off of t(e ground and 6a*& into )our fa*e.


Sign$ and S)'pto'$ of Sno, Blindne$$. >ainful e)e$. ;ot, $ti*&), or gritt) $en$ation in t(e e)e$, li&e $and in t(e e)e$. Blurred %i$ion. ;eada*(e 'a) 6e $e%ere. 1.*e$$i%e tearing. 1)e 'u$*le $pa$'.

19-9 WSVX.0 .15


Blood$(ot e)e$.

>re%ention of Sno, Blindne$$. >re%ention i$ %er) $i'ple. 0l,a)$ ,ear $ungla$$e$, ,it( IV prote*tion. #f $ungla$$e$ are not a%aila6le, t(en field e.pedient $ungla$$e$ *an 6e 'ade fro' a $trip of *ard6oard ,it( (ori?ontal $lit$, and *(ar*oal *an 6e applied under t(e e)e$ to *ut do,n on refle*tion of t(e $un off t(e $no,. Treat'ent of Sno, Blindne$$. 1%a*uation, ,(en po$$i6le. >at*( t(e e)e$ to pre%ent an) 'ore lig(t rea*(ing t(e'. Wet *o'pre$$e$, if it i$ not too *old, 'a) (elp relie%e $o'e of t(e di$*o'fort. ;ealing nor'all) ta&e$ t,o da)$ for 'ild *a$e$ or up to a ,ee& for 'ore $e%ere *a$e$.




7efinition. T(i$ i$ a *old - ,et in-ur) to t(e feet or (and$ fro' prolonged 3generall) 7 - 10 (our$4 e.po$ure to ,ater at te'perature$ a6o%e free?ing. Cau$e$ of Tren*( foot!#''er$ion :oot. T(e 'a-or ri$& fa*tor$ are ,et, *old and i''o6ilit).


*4 Sign$ and S)'pto'$ of Tren*( foot!#''er$ion :oot. T(e 'a-or $)'pto' ,ill 6e pain. Tren*( foot i$ an e.tre'el) painful in-ur). Tren*( foot and fro$t6ite are often %er) diffi*ult to tell apart -u$t fro' loo&ing at it. 8ften t(e) 'a) 6ot( 6e pre$ent at t(e $a'e ti'e. Sign$ in*lude/ 2ed and purple 'ottled $&in. >at*(e$ of ,(ite $&in. Ver) ,rin&led $&in.

19-10 WSVX.0 .15


Se%ere *a$e$ 'a) lea%e gangrene and 6li$ter$. S,elling. Bo,ered or e%en a6$ent pul$e. Tren*( foot i$ *la$$ified fro' 'ild to $e%ere.

>re%ention of Tren*( foot!#''er$ion :oot i$ ai'ed $i'pl) at pre%enting *old, ,et and i''o6ile feet 3or (and$4. Heep feet ,ar' and dr). C(ange $o*&$ at lea$t on*e a da). Bet )our feet dr) 6riefl) during t(e *(ange, and ,ipe out t(e in$ide of t(e 6oot. So*& *(ange$ 'a) 6e re+uired 'ore often. 1.er*i$e. Con$tant e.er*i$ing of t(e feet ,(ene%er t(e 6od) i$ ot(er,i$e i''o6ile ,ill (elp t(e 6lood flo,.


Treat'ent of Tren*( foot!#''er$ion :oot. 0ll *a$e$ of tren*( foot 'u$t 6e e%a*uated. #t *annot 6e treated effe*ti%el) in t(e field. W(ile a,aiting e%a*uation/ T(e feet $(ould 6e dried, ,ar'ed, and ele%ated. T(e pain i$ often $e%ere, e%en t(oug( t(e in-ur) 'a) appear 'ildG it 'a) re+uire 'edi*ation $u*( a$ 'orp(ine.
#n t(e rear, t(e (ealing of tren*( foot u$uall) ta&e$ at lea$t t,o 'ont($, and 'a) ta&e al'o$t a )ear. Se%ere *a$e$ 'a) re+uire a'putation. Trench foot is not to be taken lightly.

B. DEH'DRATION 1. D#,("-a+/*1 i$ a defi*it of total 6od) ,ater. 7e()dration ,ill *o'pound t(e pro6le'$ fa*ed in a $ur%i%al $ituation. 7e()dration i$ t(e 0# *1" 4#a"/19 a20# *5 a44 "#a+,0 /1 a 02-6/6a4 0/+2a+/*1. a4 S)'pto'$. W(en de()drated, t(e follo,ing $ign$ and $)'pto'$ ,ill appear/ ;eada*(e and nau$ea. 7i??ine$$ and fainting. Cra'p$, 6ot( a6do'inal and e.tre'it). 19-11 WSVX.0 .15

Wea&ne$$ and let(arg). 7ar& urine ,it( a %er) $trong odor.

64 >re%ention. >re%ention i$ t(e &e) to pre%ent de()dration. T(e follo,ing are 6a$i* guideline$ for t(e pre%ention of de()dration/ 0l,a)$ drin& ,ater ,(en eating. Water i$ u$ed and *on$u'ed a$ a part of t(e dige$tion pro*e$$. #f )ou (a%e plent) of food 6ut no ,ater L 7o not eat until a $our*e of ,ater *an 6e found. Con$er%e energ). >a*e )our$elf. 7rin& "-@ +uart$ of ,ater per da) ,(en a%aila6le. #n ot(er ,ord$, *ontinuall) drin& t(roug( out t(e da). 7onEt ,ait until )ou are de()drated. Monitor t(e *olor of )our urine. 7onCt rel) on t(ir$t a$ an indi*ator.

. H#a+ -#4a+#" /441#00#0. T(e follo,ing illne$$e$ ,ill appear fro' de()dration/ 1. ;eat $)n*ope. ;eat $)n*ope i$ feinting due to %a$o-dilation fro' t(e (eat. . ;eat e.(au$tion. ;eat e.(au$tion o**ur$ ,(en 6od) $alt lo$$e$ and de()dration fro' $,eating are $o $e%ere t(at a per$on *an no longer 'aintain ade+uate 6lood pre$$ure. ;eat e.(au$tion *an lead to (eat $tro&e. a4 S)'pto'$ in*ludeG (eada*(e$, nau$ea, di??ine$$, fatigue, and fainting. 3. ;eat $tro&e. ;eat $tro&e i$ a failure of t(e 6od)C$ *ooling 'e*(ani$'$ t(at rid t(e 6od) of e.*e$$i%e (eat 6uild up. a4 Sign$ and $)'pto'$ S)'pto'$ are t(e $a'e a$ (eat e.(au$tion . T(e $ign$ in*lude deliriou$ or *o'a, pinpoint pupil$, flu$(ed $&in, $,eating 'a) or 'a) not 6e pre$ent. 64 ;eat *ra'p$. ;eat *ra'p$ are painful $pa$'$ of $&eletal 'u$*le a$ a re$ult of 6od) $alt.

19-1 WSVX.0 .15

*4 0ll of t(e$e illne$$e$ *an 6e detri'ental to )our $ur%i%al. 7re$$ properl), re$t and a"#:2a+# 7a+#- /1+a3# *an (elp pre%ent t(e$e illne$$e$.

C. ALTITUDE RELATED ILLNESSES; 1. 0*ute Mountain Si*&ne$$. 0*ute Mountain Si*&ne$$ 30MS4 i$ a $elf-li'iting illne$$ due to t(e rapid e.po$ure of an una**li'ati?ed indi%idual to (ig( altitude 3i.e., (eli*opter *ra$( on a 'ountain4. 0ppro.i'atel) 5= of indi%idual$ ,(o a$*end rapidl) to @,000 L 9,000 feet ,ill de%elop 0MS. Virtuall), all una**li'ati?ed per$on$ ,(o rapidl) a$*end to 11,00 L 1 ,000 feet ,ill de%elop 0MS. 3a4 Sign$ and $)'pto'$ in*ludeG apat(), di??ine$$, ea$il) fatigued, nau$ea, de*rea$ed appetite, (eada*(e. Can 6e 'i$diagno$ed a$ de()dration. #f ade+uate fluid inta&e i$ 'aintained and (eada*(e $till per$i$t$ rule out de()dration. . ;0C1. ;0C1 or ;ig( 0ltitude Cere6ral 1de'a i$ $,elling of t(e 6rain 3a4 Sign and $)'pto'$ are $i'ilar to 0MS and a**o'panied 6) 6i?arre 6e(a%ior, (allu*ination$, *onfu$ion, and $e%ere *a$e$ L *o'a. 3. ;0>1. ;ig( 0ltitude >ul'onar) 1de'a i$ t(e filling of t(e lung$ ,it( fluid.

3a4 Sign$ and $)'pto'$ in*ludeG per$i$tent *oug( ,it( pin& frot() $putu', $(ortne$$ of 6reat(, di$orientation, fainting, *ool and *la'') $&in, 6lue lip$ 314 Treat'ent D#0 #1"< D#0 #1"< a1" D#0 #1". ;0C1 and ;0>1 *an re$ult in deat(. 3 4 >re%ention <ain ele%ation $lo,l). 10,000 feet 'o%e 1000 feet per da) o%er 19,000 'o%e no fa$ter t(an 500 L 1,000 feet per da). 2e$t and a**li'ati?e )our 6od). A. CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING

7efinition. Car6on Mono.ide 3C84 i$ a (ea%), odorle$$, *olorle$$, ta$tele$$ ga$ re$ulting fro' in*o'plete *o'6u$tion of fo$$il fuel$. C8 &ill$ t(roug( a$p().ia e%en in t(e pre$en*e of ade+uate o.)gen, 6e*au$e o.)gen-tran$porting (e'oglo6in (a$ a 10 ti'e$ greater affinit) for C8 t(an for o.)gen. W(at t(i$ 'ean$ i$ t(at C8 repla*e$ and ta&e$ t(e pla*e of t(e o.)gen in t(e 6od) *au$ing Car6on Mono.ide poi$oning.

19-13 WSVX.0 .15

Sign$!S)'pto'$. T(e $ign$ and $)'pto'$ depend on t(e a'ount of C8 t(e %i*ti' (a$ in(aled. #n 'ild *a$e$, t(e %i*ti' 'a) (a%e onl) di??ine$$, (eada*(e, and *onfu$ionG $e%ere *a$e$ *an *au$e a deep *o'a. Sudden re$pirator) arre$t 'a) o**ur. T(e *la$$i* $ign of C8 poi$oning i$ *(err)-red lip *olor, 6ut t(i$ i$ u$uall) a %er) late and $e%ere $ign, a*tuall) t(e $&in i$ nor'all) found to 6e pale or 6lue. C8 poi$oning $(ould 6e $u$pe*ted ,(ene%er a per$on in a poorl) %entilated area $uddenl) *ollap$e$. 2e*ogni?ing t(i$ *ondition 'a) 6e diffi*ult ,(en all 'e'6er$ of t(e part) are affe*ted.


Treat'ent. T(e fir$t $tep i$ to i''ediatel) re'o%e t(e %i*ti' fro' t(e *onta'inated area. a4 Vi*ti'$ ,it( 'ild C8 poi$oning ,(o (a%e not lo$t *on$*iou$ne$$ need fre$( air and lig(t dut) for a 'ini'u' of four (our$. #f o.)gen i$ a%aila6le ad'ini$ter it. More $e%erel) affe*ted %i*ti'$ 'a) re+uire re$*ue 6reat(ing. 64 :ortunatel), t(e lung$ e.*rete C8 ,it(in a fe, (our$.

>re%ention. 1n$ure t(ere i$ ade+uate %entilation ,(en utili?ing a fire near )our $(elter.

". MEDICAL AID. Infortunatel), during a $ur%i%al $ituation, a *orp$'an 'a) not al,a)$ 6e a%aila6le to render a$$i$tan*e. T(erefore, t(e $ur%i%or 'u$t 6e &no,ledgea6le in 6a$i* fir$t aid a$ taug(t in t(e Marine Battle S&ill$ Training ;and6oo&. A. &*2- L/5# Sa6/19 S+#)0 14 4 34 94 Start t(e 6reat(ing. Stop t(e 6leeding. Treat t(e ,ound. C(e*& for $(o*&.

B. B/+#0 a1" 0+/190 2eptile$ and in$e*t$ of all &ind$ *an *o'pli*ate )our $ur%i%al $ituation. 8ne of t(e 6e$t 'et(od$ to redu*ing t(i$ ri$& i$ to ,ear )our *lot(ing properl). 7o not $*rat*( t(e 6ite or $ting a$ t(i$ *an *au$e t(e area to 6e*o'e infe*ted. 14 B## a1" %a0) 0+/190. #f $tung 6) a 6ee, i''ediatel) re'o%e t(e $tinger and %eno' $a* 6) $*raping it ,it( a fingernail or &nife 6lade. Wa$( t(e $ting $ite t(oroug(l). a4 2elief for it*(ing and di$*o'fort *au$ed 6) 6ite$ and $ting$/ Cold *o'pre$$.

19-19 WSVX.0 .15

64 0 *ooling pa$te of 'ud and a$(e$. *4 0ppli*ation of different plant$. 4 S)/"#- b/+#0. So'e people are e.tre'el) allergi* to t(e %eno' a$$o*iated ,it( $pider$. T(e $pider$ 'o$t %eno'ou$ in t(i$ region are t(e 6la*& ,ido, and t(e 6ro,n re*lu$e. T(e 6la*& ,ido, i$ 6la*& in *olor ,it( a red (ourgla$$ on (er 6ell) ,(i*( (a$ a neuroto.in. T(e 6ro,n re*lu$e (a$ a fiddle on itC$ 6a*& ,(i*( (a$ a (e'oto.in. 34 S *-)/*1 0+/190. S*orpion $ting$ 'a) lead to re$pirator) di$tre$$. T(ere are $*orpion$ in t(e MWTC area. S*orpion$ t(roug(out t(e ,orld generall) (a%e neuroto.in$. 94 S1a3#b/+#$. T(ere i$ al,a)$ t(e po$$i6ilit) of $na&e6ite t(roug(out region$ in t(e ,orld. Bearning t(e (a6itat$ of t(e indigenou$ $na&e$ of t(e area )ou ,ill 6e operating in ,ill redu*e t(e *(an*e of 6eing 6itten. a4 7eat($ fro' $na&e6ite$ are rare, and t(e pri'ar) *on*ern in treat'ent i$ to li'it t(e a'ount of e%entual ti$$ue de$tru*tion around t(e 6ite area. C. %*21"0. Wound$ are a*tual 6rea&$ in t(e integrit) of t(e $&in. Wound$ *an 6e *au$ed 6) a**ident or 6) ani'al$. T(e$e ,ound$ are 'o$t $eriou$ in a $ur%i%al $ituation, not onl) 6e*au$e of ti$$ue da'age and 6lood lo$$, 6ut al$o 6e*au$e of infe*tion. B) ta&ing proper *are of t(e ,ound )ou *an redu*e t(e *(an*e of a de6ilitating infe*tion. 7. A1/.a40. P-#6#1+/*1 of an ani'al 6ite i$ 6e$t a**o'pli$(ed t(roug( &no,ledge of 6e(a%ior, per$onalitie$, and pattern$. 14 0ni'al$ generall) gi%e a'ple ,arning of t(eir intention$, ,(i*( are to repel t(e intruder or per'it it$ e$*ape. 0ni'al$ t(at a*t out of *(ara*ter and approa*( (u'an$ $(ould 6e *on$idered ra6id and a%oided. 4 Tearing, *utting, and *ru$(ing in-urie$ are *o'6ined in ani'al 6ite$. 0l,a)$ loo& for $e*ondar) in-urie$. B. &/-0+ A/". W(et(er t(e ,ound ,a$ *au$ed 6) a**ident or 6) ani'al, t(e treat'ent re'ain$ t(e $a'e. 14 1arl) *lean$ing of t(e ,ound redu*e$ t(e *(an*e of 6a*terial infe*tion and i$ e.tre'el) effe*ti%e in re'o%ing ra6ie$ and ot(er %iru$e$. Clean$e 6) irrigation. Bleeding ,ound$ al$o (elp$ t(e irrigation pro*e$$ initiall). 4 8pen ,ound 'anage'ent i$ 6e$t de$*ri6ed 6) t(e Dopen treat'entD 'et(od. 7o not tr) to $uture or *lo$e t(e ,ound. T(i$ ,ill $eal an) dirt or infe*tion into t(e ,ound. 0$ long a$ t(e ,ound *an drain it ,ill u$uall) not 6e*o'e life t(reatening. 19-15 WSVX.0 .15

a4 Maggot$ 64 Super glue *4 S(unt 34 T*2-1/:2#+ /1 a 02-6/6a4 0/+2a+/*1. #f no re$*ue or 'edi*al aid i$ li&el) for o%er (our$, an atte'pt to SLO%L' loo$en t(e tourni+uet 'a) 6e 'ade 0 'inute$ after it i$ applied/ a4 1n$ure pre$$ure dre$$ing i$ in pla*e. 64 1n$ure 6leeding (a$ $topped. *4 Boo$en tourni+uet SB8WB5 to re$tore *ir*ulation. d4 Bea%e loo$ened tourni+uet in po$ition in *a$e 6leeding re$u'e$. e4 Bandaging i$ 'eant to prote*t t(e ,ound fro' foreign o6-e*t$ 3i.e., dirt4. f4 0$ ,it( an) in-ur) to t(e 6od) )ou 'u$t in*rea$e ,ater inta&e, 'ore $o ,it( an open ,ound. :. H#-ba4 M#"/ /1#0 14 Con$ider u$ing (er6al 'edi*ine$ onl) after proper training and ,(en )ou la*& or (a%e li'ited 'edi*al $upplie$. 4 %ARNING S*.# ,#-ba4 .#"/ /1#0 a-# "a19#-*20 a1" .a( a20# 52-+,#"a.a9# *- #6#1 "#a+,. 7. CASUALT' EVACUATION. Ca$ualt) e%a*uation in a *old ,eat(er 'ountainou$ en%iron'ent ,ill re+uire a ,ell t(oug(t out plan prior to *ondu*ting. >oorl) planned e%a*uation$ ,ill po$$i6l) re$ult in additional *a$ualtie$, lo$t ti'e, and e+uip'ent da'age. #n a group $ur%i%al $ituation e.pedient litter ,ill (a%e to 6e *on$tru*ted in order to tran$port t(e patient effe*ti%el). 0. <eneral Con$ideration$. (%SVX.02.15") T(e follo,ing *on$ideration$ are *riti*al for planning a $u**e$$ful e%a*uation. 0 u$eful a*ron)' to u$e i$ M0>0SSA<<N. 14 0ppl) 1$$ential :ir$t 0id. 3i.e., $plint$, pre$$ure 6andage, et*.4 4 >rote*t t(e >atient for' t(e 1le'ent$. >ro%ide t(e *a$ualt) ,it( proper in$ulation and en$ure t(at (e i$ ,ar' and dr).

19-1" WSVX.0 .15

34 0%oid Inne*e$$ar) ;andling of t(e >atient. 94 Sele*t t(e 1a$ie$t 2oute. Send $*out$ a(ead if po$$i6le, to 6rea& trail$. 54 Set Ip 2ela) >oint$ and War'ing Station$. #f t(e route i$ long and arduou$, $et up rela) point$ and ,ar'ing $tation$ to $,it*( $tret*(er-6earer$ and a$$e$$ t(e *a$ualt). "4 Aor'al litter tea'$ 'u$t 6e aug'ented in 0rduou$ Terrain. 74 <i%e Bitter Tea'$ Spe*ifi* <oal$ to ,or& to,ard$. T(i$ -o6 i$ e.tre'el) tiring, 6ot( p()$i*all) and 'entall). @4 <ear. 1n$ure all of t(e patientE$ gear i$ &ept ,it( (i' t(roug(out t(e e%a*uation. @. %ILDLI&E DISEASES. (%SVX.02.15#) W(en (andling ani'al$, ,(et(er dead or ali%e, indi%idual$ 'u$t u$e pre%enti%e 'ea$ure$ again$t po$$i6le e.po$ure to ,ildlife di$ea$e$. 0lt(oug( t(e po$$i6ilit) of di$ea$e i$ re'ote, *ertain $ign$ 'a) indi*ate t(at an ani'al 'a) 6e di$ea$ed. T(e follo,ing are $o'e of t(e 'ore *o''on di$ea$e$ found in t(e Inited State$ and t(roug(out t(e ,orld. 0. ;anta%iru$ >ul'onar) S)ndro'e. ;anta%iru$, or ;>S, i$ a $eriou$ re$pirator) illne$$ t(at ,a$ fir$t re*ogni?ed in 1993 in an out6rea& in Ae, Me.i*o and 0ri?ona. #t i$ *au$ed 6) a %iru$ t(at i$ *arried 6) a *o''on field rodent *alled t(e deer 'ou$e. 14 Met(od of Tran$'i$$ion. T(e %iru$ i$ $(ed in t(e dropping$, urine, and $ali%a of t(e deer 'ou$e. T(e %iru$ i$ tran$'itted to (u'an$ ,(en t(e 'aterial drie$, 6e*o'e$ air6orne and i$ in(aled. 4 Sign$ O S)'pto'$. T(e di$ea$e 6egin$ ,it( flu-li&e $)'pto'$ 3 to 95 da)$ after e.po$ure. T(e di$ea$e *an rapidl) progre$$ into a life-t(reatening lo,er re$pirator) illne$$ *(ara*teri?ed 6) t(e flooding of t(e lung$ ,it( fluid. 34 Treat'ent. Ao *ure or %a**ine i$ )et a%aila6le again$t infe*tion. T(e $ooner after infe*tion 'edi*al treat'ent i$ $oug(t, t(e 6etter t(e *(an*e of re*o%er). 94 >re%ention. Mi*e $(ould not 6e (andledG rodent den$ $(ould not 6e di$tur6ed. >a*&age food $o t(at rodent$ do not *ra,l all o%er it. 7o not o**up) $(elter$ t(at 'a) (a%e *ontained rodent$. B. >lague. T(e *au$e of plague i$ Yersinia pestis, a 6a*teriu' t(at i$ 'aintained in nature t(roug( a *o'ple. flea-rodent *)*le. 14 Met(od of Tran$'i$$ion. #nfe*tion in (u'an$ re$ult$ 6) flea 6ite$, dire*t *onta*t ,it( plague-infe*ted rodent$, or dire*t *onta*t ,it( affe*ted non-rodent (o$t$ $u*( a$ ra66it$, (are$, *at$, and o**a$ionall) ot(er ani'al$. 19-17 WSVX.0 .15

4 Sign$ O S)'pto'$. #nfe*tion in (u'an$ re$ult$ in $e%ere di$ea$e, ,it( a fatalit) rate of o%er 50= in untreated *a$e$. 0n a6nor'al $,elling in t(e l)'p( node$ i$ u$uall) pre$ent. 34 Treat'ent. #nfe*ted people 'u$t $ee& 'edi*al treat'ent. 94 >re%ention. 0ni'al noted ,it( flea$ $(ould 6e a%oided. #n a $ur%i%al $ituation, a &illed ani'al $(ould 6e i''ediatel) $u6'erged into a *ool ,ater $our*e until all t(e flea$ are re'o%e 6) ,ater or (a%e died. C. Ti*& Borne 7i$ea$e$. 14 B)'e 7i$ea$e. #nfe*tion o**ur$ 'o$t often 6et,een Ma) and Septe'6er. #n $o'e *a$e$, a *(ara*teri$ti* $&in ra$( 'a) de%elop at t(e $ite of t(e ti*& 6ite. T(e ra$( 'a) e.pand to a dia'eter of 5 in*(e$ or 'ore, and t(ere 'a) 6e an a**o'pan)ing flu-li&e illne$$. #f left untreated, infe*tion *an lead to *(roni* di$ea$e *(ara*teri?ed 6) neurologi* i'pair'ent, *ardia* pro6le'$, or art(riti$. 4 2o*&) Mountain Spotted :e%er. T(e in*u6ation period in (u'an$ i$ -19 da)$. #nitial $)'pto'$ are flu-li&e and *o''onl) in*lude fe%er, (eada*(e, 'u$*le and -oint pain, nau$ea, and %o'iting. 0 ra$( 'a) appear. T(e fatalit) rate in *a$e$ t(at are treated ,it( anti6ioti*$ i$ a6out 5= and up to 5= t(at are untreated. 34 Treat'ent. #nfe*ted people 'u$t $ee& 'edi*al treat'ent. 94 >re%ention. 7ail) 6od) in$pe*tion$ $(ould 6e *ondu*ted to re'o%e all ti*&$. 7. :ood Borne 7i$ea$e$. :ood 6orne illne$$, fre+uentl) *alled Mfood poi$oning,N i$ a*+uired 6) eating food t(at i$ *onta'inated ,it( 'i*ro6e$ or t(eir to.in$. Bi%e ani'al$ 'a) *arr) t(e agent, or *onta'ination 'a) o**ur fro' anot(er $our*e during pro*e$$ing or preparation of t(e food. 14 Botuli$'. Botuli$' pro6a6l) i$ t(e 'o$t ,idel) &no,n and i$ generall) *au$ed 6) i'proper $torage of 'eat$. S)'pto'$ 'a) 6egin ,it( %o'iting and diarr(ea 6ut pro*eed to t(e *(ara*teri$ti* i'paired %i$ion and de$*ending paral)$i$. Botuli$' *an 6e fatal. 4 Sal'onella. T(e 6a*teria are found in t(e inte$tinal tra*t$ and fe*e$ of a ,ide range of ani'al$ in*luding poultr), $,ine, *attle, and (ou$e(old pet$. Sal'onella 'a)6e fatal.

19-1@ WSVX.0 .15

34 Tri*(ino$i$. Tri*(ino$i$ i$ *au$ed 6) a para$ite *ontained ,it(in t(e 'u$*le ti$$ue. Mo$t *o''on *arrier$ are ,ild $,ine and 6ear. T(oroug( *oo&ing of 'eat$ ,ill de$tro) t(e para$ite. 94 Tulare'ia. 7i$*o%ered in Tulare Count), California. Tulare'ia (a$ 6een reported in o%er 95 $pe*ie$ of %erte6rate$G (o,e%er, t(e di$ea$e 'o$t often in%ol%e$ ti*&$. #t i$ al$o *o''onl) found in ra66it$ and rodent$. #t i$ tran$'itta6le 6) un*oo&ed 'eat$ or (andling *onta'inated 'eat$ ,it( open $ore$. Tulare'ia i$ a lifet(reatening di$ea$e found t(roug(out t(e ,orld and *an onl) 6e treated ,it( anti6ioti*$. 54 Treat'ent. Con$u'ing *(ar*oal ,ill aid in redu*ing t(e 6od)E$ a6$orption rate. Medi*al treat'ent $(ould 6e $oug(t if a%aila6le. "4 >re%ention. >re%ention of food 6orne di$ea$e$ *an 6e a**o'pli$(ed 6)/ a4 >ro'ptl) dre$$ ga'e. 64 0%oid or 'ini'i?e *onta'ination 6) ga$trointe$tinal *ontent$. *4 C**3 5**" +,*-*29,4(. #nternal *oo&ing te'perature$ $(ould 6e 1"5 degree$ : or 'ore. d4 1at *oo&ed food$ i''ediatel). e4 Store pre$er%ed food$ properl). 1. 0ni'al S*at. Certain para$ite$ found on $*at *an infe*t (u'an$, if t(e $*at i$ (andled unprote*ted. 2a**oon 2ound,or' *an 6e found in t(e $*at for at lea$t 30 da)$, ,(ile :o. 2ound,or' ,ill la$t onl) appro.i'atel) 7 da)$ on t(eir $*at. Bot( of t(e$e para$ite$ *an po$$i6l) infe*t (u'an, ,(i*( i$ al'o$t fatal. RE&ERENCE; 1. :M 1-7", Sur%i%al, 199". . >aul S. 0uer6a*(, Wilderne$$ Medi*ine, 3rd 1dition, 1995. 3. Willia' 2. 7a%id$on, :ield Manual of Wildlife 7i$ea$e$ in t(e Inited State$, 1997



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Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001 MSVX.0 .1! "!"05 STUDENT HANDOUT MOUNTAIN WEATHER TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE #n a $ur%i%al $ituation, and gi%en a $ur%i%al &it, e$ti'ate (eat)er *ondition$, in a**ordan*e (it) t)e referen*e$. (MSVX.02.16) ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVES (1) Wit)out t)e aid of referen*e$, $tate in (riting t)e *loud progre$$ion for +ot) a *old and (ar' front, in a**ordan*e (it) t)e referen*e$. (MSVX.02.16a) (2) Wit)out t)e aid of referen*e$, de$*ri+e in (riting ea*) t,pe of *loud, in a**ordan*e (it) t)e referen*e$. (MSVX.02.16b) ( ) Wit)out t)e aid of referen*e$, $tate in (riting fi%e $ign$ of nature, in a**ordan*e (it) t)e referen*e$. (MSVX.02.16!) (") Wit)out t)e aid of referen*e$, and an uno+$tru*ted %ie( of t)e $&,, $tate orall, t)e (eat)er fore*a$t for t)e ne-t t(ent, four )our$, in a**ordan*e (it) t)e referen*e$. (MSVX.02.16#) OUTLINE 1. GENERAL .. T)e eart) i$ $urrounded +, t)e at'o$p)ere, ()i*) i$ di%ided into $e%eral la,er$. T)e (orld/$ (eat)er $,$te'$ are in t)e tropo$p)ere, t)e lo(er of t)e$e la,er$. T)i$ la,er rea*)e$ a$ )ig) a$ 00,000 feet. B. 1u$t and *loud$ in t)e at'o$p)ere a+$or+ or +oun*e +a*& 'u*) of t)e energ, t)at t)e $un +ea'$ do(n upon t)e eart). 2e$$ t)an one )alf of t)e $un/$ energ, a*tuall, (ar'$ t)e eart)/$ $urfa*e and lo(er at'o$p)ere. C. War'ed air, *o'+ined (it) t)e $pinning 3rotation4 of t)e eart), produ*e$ (ind$ t)at $pread )eat and 'oi$ture 'ore e%enl, around t)e (orld. T)i$ i$ %er, i'portant +e*au$e t)e $un )eat$ t)e 56uator 'u*) 'ore t)an t)e pole$ and (it)out (ind$ to )elp re$tore t)e +alan*e, 'u*) of t)e eart) (ould +e i'po$$i+le to li%e on. W)en t)e air-*ool$7 *loud$, rain, $no(, )ail, fog and fro$t 'a, de%elop.

15-1 MSVX.0 .1!

1. T)e (eat)er t)at ,ou find in an, pla*e depend$ on 'an, t)ing$, i.e. )o( )ot t)e air i$, )o( 'oi$t t)e air i$, )o( it i$ +eing 'o%ed +, t)e (ind, and e$pe*iall,, i$ it +eing lifted or not8 2. PRESSURE .. .ll of t)e$e fa*tor$ are related to air pre$$ure, ()i*) i$ t)e (eig)t of t)e at'o$p)ere at an, gi%en pla*e. T)e lo(er t)e pre$$ure, t)e 'ore li&el, are rain and $trong (ind$. B. #n order to under$tand t)i$ (e *an $a, t)at t)e air in our at'o$p)ere a*t$ %er, 'u*) li&e a li6uid. C. .rea$ (it) a )ig) le%el of t)i$ li6uid (ould e-ert 'ore pre$$ure on t)e 5art) and +e *alled a 9)ig) pre$$ure area:. 1. .rea$ (it) a lo(er le%el (ould +e *alled a 9lo( pre$$ure area:. 5. #n order to e6uali;e t)e area$ of )ig) pre$$ure it (ould )a%e to pu$) out to t)e area$ of lo( pre$$ure. <. T)e *)ara*teri$ti*$ of t)e$e t(o pre$$ure area$ are a$ follo($= 314 >ig)-pre$$ure area. <lo($ out to e6uali;e pre$$ure. 3 4 2o(-pre$$ure area. <lo($ in to e6uali;e pre$$ure. ?. T)e air fro' t)e )ig)-pre$$ure area i$ +a$i*all, @u$t tr,ing to graduall, flo( out to e6uali;e it$ pre$$ure (it) t)e $urrounding air7 ()ile t)e lo( pre$$ure i$ +eginning to +uild %erti*all,. An*e t)e lo( )a$ a*)ie%ed e6ual pre$$ure, it *an/t $top and *ontinue$ to +uild %erti*all,7 *au$ing tur+ulen*e, ()i*) re$ult$ in +ad (eat)er. NOTE= When looking on the weather map, you will notice that these resemble contour lines. They are called isobars and are translated to mean, equal pressure area. >. #$o+ar$. Bre$$ure i$ 'ea$ured in 'illi+ar$ or anot)er 'ore *o''on 'ea$ure'ent 9in*)e$ 'er*ur,:. #. <itting enoug), area$ of )ig) pre$$ure are *alled 9ridge$: and area$ of lo( pre$$ure are *alled 9troug)$:. NOTE= T)e a%erage air pre$$ure at $ea le%el i$= 9.9 in*)e$ 'er*ur,. 1,013 'illi+ar$. C. .$ (e go up in ele%ation, t)e pre$$ure 3or (eig)t4 of t)e at'o$p)ere de*rea$e$. E !"#$E= .t 1D,000 feet in ele%ation it (ould +e 500 'illi+ar$ %i*e 1,013 'illi+ar$ at $ea le%el.

15MSVX.0 .1!

3. HUMIDIT$. >u'idit, i$ t)e a'ount of 'oi$ture in t)e air. .ll air )old$ (ater %apor, alt)oug) it i$ 6uite in%i$i+le. .. .ir *an )old onl, $o 'u*) (ater %apor, +ut t)e (ar'er t)e air, t)e 'ore 'oi$ture it *an )old. W)en t)e air )a$ all t)e (ater %apor t)at it *an )old, t)e air i$ $aid to +e $aturated 3100E relati%e )u'idit,4. B. #f t)e air i$ t)en *ooled, an, e-*e$$ (ater %apor *onden$e$7 t)at i$, it/$ 'ole*ule$ @oin to +uild t)e (ater droplet$ (e *an $ee. C. T)e te'perature at ()i*) t)i$ )appen$ i$ *alled t)e 9*onden$ation point:. T)e *onden$ation point %arie$ depending on t)e a'ount of (ater %apor and t)e te'perature of t)e air. 1. #f t)e air *ontain$ a great deal of (ater %apor, *onden$ation (ill for' at a te'perature of 0AC 3!DA<4. But if t)e air i$ rat)er dr, and doe$ not )old 'u*) 'oi$ture, *onden$ation 'a, not for' until t)e te'perature drop$ to 0AC 33 A<4 or e%en +elo( free;ing. 5. .dia+ati* 2ap$e Fate. T)e adia+ati* lap$e rate i$ t)e rate t)at air (ill *ool on a$*ent and (ar' on de$*ent. T)e rate al$o %arie$ depending on t)e 'oi$ture *ontent of t)e air. 314 Saturated .ir G . A< per 1,000 feet. 3 4 1r, .ir G 5.5A< per 1,000 feet.

0. WINDS. .$ (e $tated earlier, t)e une%en )eating of t)e air +, t)e $un and rotation of t)e eart) *au$e$ (ind$. Mu*) of t)e (orld/$ (eat)er depend$ on a $,$te' of (ind$ t)at +lo( in a $et dire*tion. T)i$ pattern depend$ on t)e different a'ount$ of $un 3)eat4 t)at t)e different region$ get and al$o on t)e rotation of t)e eart).

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.. .+o%e )ot $urfa*e$ ri$ing air *reate$ a %oid. Cool air 'o%e$ into and $ettle$ into t)e %oid. T)e *ool air i$ eit)er (ar'ed up and +egin$ to ri$e or it $ettle$. T)i$ i$ dependent upon t)e $un/$ t)er'al energ,. T)e at'o$p)ere i$ al(a,$ tr,ing to e6uali;e +et(een )ig) pre$$ure and lo( pre$$ure. An a large $*ale, t)i$ for'$ a *ir*ulation of air fro' t)e pole$ along t)e $urfa*e or t)e eart) to t)e e6uator, ()ere it ri$e$ and 'o%e$ to(ard$ t)e pole$ again. B. An*e t)e rotation of t)e eart) i$ added to t)i$, t)e pattern of t)e *ir*ulation +e*o'e$ *onfu$ing. C. Be*au$e of t)e )eating and *ooling, along (it) t)e rotation of t)e eart), (e )a%e t)e$e $urfa*e$ (ind$. .ll (ind$ are na'ed fro' t)e dire*tion t)e, originated fro'= 314 Bolar 5a$terlie$. T)e$e are (ind$ fro' t)e polar region 'o%ing fro' t)e ea$t. T)i$ i$ air t)at )a$ *ooled and $ettled at t)e pole$. 3 4 Bre%ailing We$terlie$. T)e$e (ind$ originate fro' appro-i'atel, 30 degree$ Hort) 2atitude fro' t)e (e$t. T)i$ i$ an area ()ere pre'aturel, *ooled air, due to t)e eart)/$ rotation, )a$ $ettled +a*& to t)e $urfa*e. 334 Hort)ea$t Trade(ind$. T)e$e are (ind$ t)at originate fro' appro-i'atel, 30 degree$ Hort) fro' t)e Hort)ea$t. .l$o pre'aturel, *ooled air. 1. Cet Strea'. . @et $trea' *an +e defined a$ a long, 'eandering *urrent of )ig) $peed (ind$ near t)e tropopau$e 3tran$ition ;one +et(een t)e tropo$p)ere and t)e $trato$p)ere4 +lo(ing fro' generall, a (e$terl, dire*tion and often e-*eeding 50 'ile$ per )our. T)e @et $trea' re$ult$ fro'= 314 Cir*ulation of air around t)e pole$ and 56uator. 3 4 T)e dire*tion of air flo( a+o%e t)e 'id latitude$. 334 T)e a*tual pat) of t)e @et $trea' *o'e$ fro' t)e (e$t, dipping do(n and pi*&ing up air 'a$$e$ fro' t)e tropi*al region$ and going nort) and +ringing do(n air 'a$$e$ fro' t)e polar region$. NOTE= The a%erage number o& long wa%es in the 'et stream is between three and &i%e depending on the season. Temperature di&&erences between polar and tropical regions in&luence this. The long wa%es in&luence day to week changes in the weather( there are also short wa%es that in&luence hourly changes in the weather. 5. >ere are $o'e ot)er t,pe$ of (ind$ t)at are pe*uliar to 'ountain en%iron'ent$ +ut don/t ne*e$$aril, affe*t t)e (eat)er= 314 .na+ati* (ind. T)e$e are (ind$ t)at +lo( up 'ountain %alle,$ to repla*e (ar' ri$ing air and are u$uall, lig)t (ind$.

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3 4 Iata+ati* (ind. T)e$e are (ind$ t)at +lo( do(n 'ountain %alle, $lope$ *au$ed +, t)e *ooling of air and are o**a$ionall, $trong (ind$.

5. AIR MASSES. .$ (e &no(, all of t)e$e pattern$ 'o%e air. T)i$ air *o'e$ in par*el$ &no(n a$ 9air 'a$$e$:. T)e$e air 'a$$e$ *an %ar, in $i;e fro' a$ $'all a$ a to(n to a$ large a$ a *ountr,. T)e$e air 'a$$e$ are na'ed for ()ere t)e, originate= .. Mariti'e. A%er (ater. B. Continental. A%er land. C. Bolar. .+o%e !0 degree$ Hort). 1. Tropi*al. Belo( !0 degree$ Hort). 5. Co'+ining t)e$e gi%e u$ t)e na'e$ and de$*ription of t)e four t,pe$ of air 'a$$e$= 314 Continental Bolar. Cold, dr, air 'a$$. 3 4 Mariti'e Bolar. Cold, (et air 'a$$. 334 Continental Tropi*al. 1r,, (ar' air 'a$$. 304 Mariti'e Tropi*al. Wet, (ar' air 'a$$.

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<. T)e t)ing to under$tand a+out air 'a$$e$, t)e, (ill not 'i- (it) anot)er air 'a$$ of a different te'perature and 'oi$ture *ontent. W)en t(o different air 'a$$e$ *ollide, (e )a%e a front ()i*) (ill +e *o%ered in 'ore detail later in t)i$ period of in$tru*tion. !. LI%TING&COOLING. .$ (e &no(, air *an onl, )old $o 'u*) 'oi$ture depending on it/$ te'perature. #f (e *ool t)i$ air +e,ond it$ $aturation point, it 'u$t relea$e t)i$ 'oi$ture in one for' or anot)er, i.e. rain, $no(, fog, de(, et*. T)ere are t)ree (a,$ t)at air *an +e lifted and *ooled +e,ond it$ $aturation point. .. Arograp)i* uplift. T)i$ )appen$ ()en an air 'a$$ i$ pu$)ed up and o%er a 'a$$ of )ig)er ground $u*) a$ a 'ountain. 1ue to t)e adia+ati* lap$e rate, t)e air i$ *ooled (it) altitude and if it rea*)e$ it$ $aturation point (e (ill re*ei%e pre*ipitation.


B. Con%ention effe*t$. T)i$ i$ nor'all, a $u''er effe*t due to t)e $un/$ )eat radiating off of t)e $urfa*e and *au$ing t)e air *urrent$ to pu$) $traig)t up and lift air to a point of $aturation.

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C. <rontal lifting. .$ (e &no( ()en t(o air 'a$$e$ of different 'oi$ture and te'perature *ontent *ollide, (e )a%e a front. Sin*e t)e air 'a$$e$ (ill not 'i-, t)e (ar'er air i$ for*ed aloft, fro' t)ere it i$ *ooled and t)en rea*)e$ it$ $aturation point. <rontal lifting i$ ()ere (e re*ei%e t)e 'a@orit, of our pre*ipitation. . *o'+ination of t)e different t,pe$ of lifting i$ not un*o''on. 7. CLOUDS. .n,ti'e air i$ lifted or *ooled +e,ond it$ $aturation point 3100E relati%e )u'idit,4, *loud$ are for'ed. Cloud$ are one of our $ign po$t$ to ()at i$ )appening. Cloud$ *an +e de$*ri+ed in 'an, different (a,$, t)e, *an al$o +e *la$$ified +, )eig)t or appearan*e, or e%en +, t)e a'ount of area *o%ered, %erti*all, or )ori;ontall,. (MSVX.02.16b) .. Cirru$. T)e$e *loud$ are for'ed of i*e *r,$tal$ at %er, )ig) altitude$ 3u$uall, 0,000 to 35,000 feet4 in t)e 'id-latitude$ and are t)in, feat)er, t,pe *loud$. T)e$e *loud$ *an gi%e ,ou up to 0 )our$ (arning of approa*)ing +ad (eat)er, )undred$ of 'ile$ in ad%an*e of a (ar' front. <rail, $*attered t,pe$, $u*) a$ 9'are-tail$: or den$e *irru$ la,er$, tuft$ are a $ign of fair (eat)er +ut predi*ti%e 'a, +e a prelude to approa*)ing lo(er *loud$, t)e arri%al of pre*ipitation and t)e front. B. Cu'ulu$. T)e$e *loud$ are for'ed due to ri$ing air *urrent$ and are pre%alent in un$ta+le air t)at fa%or$ %erti*al de%elop'ent. T)e$e *urrent$ of air *reate *u'ilifor' *loud$ t)at gi%e t)e' a piled or +un*)ed up appearan*e, loo&ing $i'ilar to *otton +all$. Wit)in t)e *u'ulu$ fa'il, t)ere are t)ree different t,pe$ to )elp u$ to fore*a$t t)e (eat)er= 314 Cotton puff$ of *u'ulu$ are <air Weat)er Cloud$ +ut $)ould +e o+$er%ed for po$$i+le gro(t) into to(ering *u'ulu$ and *u'uloni'+u$. 3 4 To(ering *u'ulu$ are *)ara*teri;ed +, %erti*al de%elop'ent. T)eir %erti*al lifting i$ *au$ed +, $o'e t,pe of lifting a*tion, $u*) a$ *on%e*ti%e *urrent$ found on )ot $u''er afternoon$ or ()en (ind i$ for*ed to ri$e up t)e $lope of a 'ountain or po$$i+l, t)e lifting a*tion t)at 'a, +e pre$ent in a frontal $,$te'. T)e to(ering *u'ulu$ )a$ a puff, and 9*auliflo(er-$)aped: appearan*e.

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334 Cu'uloni'+u$ *loud$ are *)ara*teri;ed in t)e $a'e 'anner a$ t)e to(ering *u'ulu$, for' t)e fa'iliar 9t)under)ead: and produ*e t)under$tor' a*ti%it,. T)e$e *loud$ are *)ara*teri;ed +, %iolent updraft$ ()i*) *arr, t)e top$ of t)e *loud$ to e-tre'e ele%ation$. Tornadoe$, )ail and $e%ere rain$tor'$ are all produ*t$ of t)i$ t,pe of *loud. .t t)e top of t)e *loud, a flat an%il $)aped for' appear$ a$ t)e t)under$tor' +egin$ to di$$ipate. C. Stratu$. Stratu$ *loud$ are for'ed ()en a la,er of 'oi$t air i$ *ooled +elo( it$ $aturation point. Stratifor', *loud$ lie 'o$tl, in )ori;ontal la,er$ or $)eet$, re$i$ting %erti*al de%elop'ent. T)e (ord $tratu$ i$ deri%ed fro' t)e 2atin (ord 9la,er:. T)e $tratu$ *loud i$ 6uite unifor' and re$e'+le$ fog. #t )a$ a fairl, unifor' +a$e and a dull, gra, appearan*e. Stratu$ *loud$ 'a&e t)e $&, appear )ea%, and (ill o**a$ionall, produ*e fine dri;;le or %er, lig)t $no( (it) fog. >o(e%er, +e*au$e t)ere i$ little or no %erti*al 'o%e'ent in t)e $tratu$ *loud$, t)e, u$uall, do not produ*e pre*ipitation in t)e for' of )ea%, rain or $no(. 7. %RONTS. .$ (e &no(, front$ often )appen ()en t(o air 'a$$e$ of different 'oi$ture and te'perature *ontent intera*t. Ane of t)e (a,$ (e *an identif, t)at t)i$ i$ )appening i$ +, t)e progre$$ion of t)e *loud$. (MSVX.02.16a) .. War' <ront. . (ar' front o**ur$ ()en (ar' air 'o%e$ into and o%er a $lo(er 3or $tationar,4 *old air 'a$$. Sin*e (ar' air i$ le$$ den$e, it (ill ri$e naturall, $o t)at it (ill pu$) t)e *ooler air do(n and ri$e a+o%e it. T)e *loud ,ou (ill $ee at t)i$ $tage i$ *irru$. <ro' t)e point ()ere it a*tuall, $tart$ ri$ing, ,ou (ill $ee $tratu$. .$ it *ontinue$ to ri$e, t)i$ (ar' air *ool$ +, t)e *old air and, t)i$, re*ei%ing 'oi$ture at t)e $a'e ti'e. .$ it +uild$ in 'oi$ture, it dar&en$ +e*o'ing 9ni'+u$-$tratu$:, ()i*) 'ean$ rain of t)under*loud$. .t t)at point $o'e t,pe of 'oi$ture (ill generall, fall.

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B. Cold <ront. . *old front o**ur$ ()en a *old air 'a$$ 3*older t)an t)e ground t)at it i$ tra%eling o%er4 o%erta&e$ a (ar' air 'a$$ t)at i$ $tationar, or 'o%ing $lo(l,. T)i$ *old air, +eing den$er, (ill go underneat) t)e (ar' air, pu$)ing it )ig)er. Af *our$e, no one *an $ee t)i$, +ut t)e, *an $ee *loud$ and t)e *loud$ t)e'$el%e$ *an tell u$ ()at i$ )appening. T)e *loud progre$$ion to loo& for i$ *irru$ to *irro*u'ulu$ to *u'ulu$ and, finall,, to *u'uloni'+u$.

C. A**luded <ront. Cold front$ 'o%e fa$ter t)an (ar' one$ $o t)at e%entuall, a *old front o%erta&e$ a (ar' one and t)e (ar' air +e*o'e$ progre$$i%el, lifted fro' t)e $urfa*e. T)e ;one of di%i$ion +et(een *old air a)ead and *old air +e)ind i$ *alled a 9*old o**lu$ion:. #f t)e air +e)ind t)e front i$ (ar'er t)an a)ead, it i$ a (ar' o**lu$ion. Mo$t land area$ e-perien*e 'ore o**lu$ion$ t)an ot)er t,pe$ of front$. #n t)e progre$$ion of *loud$ leading to front$, orograp)i* uplift *an pla, part in de*ei%ing ,ou of t)e a*tual t,pe of front, i.e. progre$$ion of *loud$ leading to a (ar' front (it) orograp)i* *u'ulu$ *loud$ added to t)e$e. T)e progre$$ion of *loud$ in an o**lu$ion i$ a *o'+ination of +ot) progre$$ion$ fro' a (ar' and *old front. D. USING SIGNS %ROM NATURE. (MSVX.02.16!) T)e$e $ign$ (ill gi%e ,ou a general predi*tion of t)e in*o'ing (eat)er *ondition$. Tr, to utili;e a$ 'an, $ign$ toget)er a$ po$$i+le, ()i*) (ill i'pro%e ,our predi*tion. .ll of t)e$e $ign$ )a%e +een te$ted (it) relati%e a**ura*,, +ut $)ouldn/t +e depended on 100E. But in an, *a$e ,ou (ill +e rig)t 'ore ti'e$ t)an (rong in predi*ting t)e (eat)er. <ro' t)i$ (e *an gat)er a$ 'u*) infor'ation a$ needed and *o'pile it along (it) our o(n e-perien*e of t)e area (e are (or&ing in to )elp u$ for' a predi*tion of in*o'ing (eat)er. T)e $ign$ are a$ follo($= .. Contrail 2ine$. . +a$i* (a, of identif,ing a lo(-pre$$ure area i$ to note t)e *ontrail line$ fro' @et air*raft. #f t)e, don/t di$$ipate (it)in t(o )our$, t)at indi*ate$ a lo( pre$$ure area in ,our area. T)i$ u$uall, o**ur$ a+out 0 )our$ prior to an on*o'ing front. B. 2enti*ular$. T)e$e are opti*al, len$-$)aped *u'ulu$ *loud$ t)at )a%e +een $*ulpted +, t)e (ind$. T)i$ indi*ate$ 'oi$ture in t)e air and )ig) (ind$ aloft. W)en pre*eding a *old front, (ind$ and *loud$ (ill +egin to lo(er.

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C. .n alti'eter and 'ap or a +aro'eter *an +e utili;ed to fore*a$t (eat)er in t)e field. >o(e%er, t)e u$er 'u$t )a%e operational &no(ledge of t)e gear. 1. . $pider/$ )a+it$ are %er, good indi*ator$ of ()at (eat)er *ondition$ (ill +e (it)in t)e ne-t fe( )our$. W)en t)e da, i$ to +e fair and relati%el, (indle$$, t)e, (ill $pin long fila'ent$ o%er ()i*) t)e, $*out per$i$tentl,. W)en pre*ipitation i$ i''inent, t)e, $)orten and tig)ten t)eir $nare$ and dro($e dull, in t)eir *enter$. 5. #n$e*t$ are e$pe*iall, anno,ing t(o to four )our$ +efore a $tor'. <. #f +ee$ are $(ar'ing, fair (eat)er (ill *ontinue for at lea$t t)e ne-t )alf da,. ?. 2arge ga'e $u*) a$ deer, el&, et*., (ill +e feeding unu$uall, )ea%, four to $i- )our$ +efore a $tor'. >. W)en t)e $'o&e fro' a *a'pfire, after lifting a $)ort di$tan*e (it) t)e )eated air, +eat$ do(n(ard, a $tor' i$ approa*)ing. Steadil, ri$ing $'o&e indi*ate$ fair (eat)er. #. . gra,, o%er*a$t e%ening $&, indi*ate$ t)at 'oi$ture *arr,ing du$t parti*le$ in t)e at'o$p)ere )a%e +e*o'e o%erloaded (it) (ater7 t)i$ *ondition fa%or$ rain. C. . gra, 'orning $&, indi*ate$ dr, air a+o%e t)e )a;e *au$ed +, t)e *olle*ting of 'oi$ture on t)e du$t in t)e lo(er at'o$p)ere7 ,ou *an rea$ona+l, e-pe*t a fair da,. I. W)en t)e $etting $un $)o($ a green tint at t)e top a$ it $in&$ +e)ind *lear )ori;on, fair (eat)er i$ pro+a+le for 'o$t of t)e ne-t 0 )our$. 2. . rain+o( in t)e late afternoon indi*ate$ fair (eat)er a)ead. >o(e%er, a rain+o( in t)e 'orning i$ a $ign of prolonged +ad (eat)er. M. . *orona i$ t)e *ir*le t)at appear$ around t)e $un or t)e 'oon. W)en t)i$ *ir*le gro($ larger and larger, it indi*ate$ t)at t)e drop$ of (ater in t)e at'o$p)ere are e%aporating and t)at t)e (eat)er (ill pro+a+l, +e *lear. W)en t)i$ *ir*le $)rin&$ +, t)e )our, it indi*ate$ t)at t)e (ater drop$ in t)e at'o$p)ere are +e*o'ing larger, for'ing into *loud$, rain i$ al'o$t $ure to fall. H. #n t)e nort)ern )e'i$p)ere (ind$ for' t)e $out) u$uall, indi*ate a lo(-pre$$ure $,$te'. T)e$e $,$te'$ are fre6uentl, a$$o*iated (it) rain$tor'$. 9Wind$ fro' t)e $out) +ring $ rain in it/$ 'out).: A. #t i$ $o 6uiet +efore a $tor', t)at di$tant noi$e$ *an +e )eard 'ore *learl,. T)i$ i$ due to t)e ina*ti%it, of (ildlife a *ouple of )our$ +efore a $tor'. B. Hatural $pring$ tend to flo( at a )ig)er rate ()en a $tor' i$ approa*)ing. T)i$ i$ due to lo(er +aro'etri* pre$$ure. T)i$ (ill *au$e pond$, (it) a lot of %egetati%e de*a, at t)e +otto', to +e*o'e 'o'entaril, polluted. J. . )ea%, de( or fro$t in t)e 'orning i$ a $ign of fair (eat)er for t)e re$t of t)e da,. T)i$ i$ due to t)e 'oi$ture in t)e at'o$p)ere $ettling on t)e ground %i*e in t)e for' of pre*ipitation and up to 1 )our$ of *ontinued good (eat)er *an +e e-pe*ted.

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RE%ERENCE= 1. Willia' C. Iot$*), Fear .d'iral, KSH F5T., Weat)er <or t)e Mariner, 3rd 5dition

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UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001
MSVX.0 .17 !"!05 STUDENT HANDOUT INTRODUCTION TO EVASION TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE #n a $ur%i%al $ituation, and gi%en a $ur%i%al &it, e'plo( e%a$ion te)*ni+ue$, in a))ordan)e ,it* t*e referen)e$. (MSVX.02.17) ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVES (1) Wit*out t*e aid of referen)e, li$t in ,riting t*e planning and preparation )on$ideration$ for e%a$ion, in a))ordan)e ,it* t*e referen)e$. (MSVX.02.17a) (2) Wit*out t*e aid of referen)e, de$)ri-e in ,riting t*e definition of a Sele)ted .rea /or 0%a$ion 1S./02, in a))ordan)e ,it* t*e referen)e$. (MSVX.02.17b) 132 Wit*out t*e aid of referen)e, li$t in ,riting t*e $tep$ ta&en during t*e o))upation of a S./0, in a))ordan)e ,it* t*e referen)e$. (MSVX.02.17c) 132 Wit*out t*e aid of referen)e, )ondu)t -a$i) e%a$ion te)*ni+ue$, in a))ordan)e ,it* t*e referen)e$. (MSVX.02.17 ) OUTLINE 1. PREPARING !OR A POTENTIAL EVASION SITUATION. T*e Code of Condu)t pro%ide$ guiding prin)iple$ to Marine$ in%ol%ed in an( 'ilitar( operation ,*et*er pea)e&eeping, )o'-at, or $ur%i%al. .n operation t*at deteriorate$ $o $e%erel( t*at a Marine unit i$ for)ed to e'plo( $ur%i%al $&ill$ 'a( re+uire t*at unit to 4e%ade5 *o$tile ene'( unit$. 67 3-50.3 define$ e%a$ion a$ t*e pro)e$$ ,*ere-( indi%idual$ ,*o are i$olated in *o$tile or unfriendl( territor( a%oid )apture ,it* t*e goal of $u))e$$full( returning to area$ under friendl( )ontrol. S*ould a $ur%i%al $ituation re+uire e%ading t*e ene'(, $u))e$$ ,ill depend on prior planning. a. 7lanning and 7reparation. (MSVX.2.1"a) T*e re$pon$i-ilit( for proper preparation and planning for e%a$ion ulti'atel( re$t$ ,it* t*e indi%idual$ )on)erned. .ll Marine$ ,*o are ta$&ed to e8e)ute an( 'i$$ion $*ould re)ei%e t*e follo,ing9 112 #ntelligen)e Briefing$. #nfor'ation on t*e 'i$$ion route, ene'( troop di$po$ition$, i'pa)t of ene'( operation$ on friendl( or 'ultinational 'ilitar( for)e$, $tatu$ of t*e :S or 'ultinational 'ilitar( $ituation, or )*anging attitude$ of t*e ene'( popula)e. 1"-1 MSVX.0 .17

1 2 0%a$ion 7lan of .)tion 107.2. T*e 07. i$ one of t*e )riti)al do)u'ent$ for $u))e$$ful re)o%er( planning. #t i$ t*e %e*i)le -( ,*i)* potential e%ader$, prior to t*eir i$olation in *o$tile territor(, rela( t*eir after-i$olation intention$ to t*e re)o%er( for)e$. See .ppendi8 ;, 40%a$ion 7lan of .)tion /or'at,5 for detail$ on t*e )ontent of an 07.. 132 Sele)ted .rea$ for 0%a$ion 1S./02 .rea #ntelligen)e ;e$)ription$. (MSVX.2.1"b) . S./0 i$ a 4de$ignated area in *o$tile territor( t*at offer$ i$olated per$onnel a rea$ona-le )*an)e of a%oiding )apture and of $ur%i%ing until t*e( )an -e re)o%ered.5 1a2 T*e( are de$ignated -( t*e ;efen$e #ntelligen)e .gen)( 1;#.2 and are )la$$ified. 1-2 ;e$igned to fa)ilitate e8tended e%a$ion, ,*i)* 'u$t 'eet )ertain re+uire'ent$ for appro%al. 132 0<= 10%a$ion and =e)o%er(2 .rea Studie$. 0<= area$ 'a( -e $ele)ted in an( geograp*i) region -a$ed on operational or )ontingen)( planning re+uire'ent$. .lt*oug* $i'ilar to S./0 area$ in 'o$t re$pe)t$, t*e( differ in t*at not all )on%entional $ele)tion )riteria for S./0 area$ )an -e 'et -e)au$e of )urrent politi)al, 'ilitar(, or en%iron'ental fa)tor$ pre%ailing in t*e )ountr(. 152 Sur%i%al, 0%a$ion, =e$i$tan)e, and 0$)ape >uide$ and Bulletin$. T*e( )ontain t*e -a$i) infor'ation to *elp an indi%idual $ur%i%e, $u))e$$full( e%ade and, if )aptured, re$i$t ene'( e8ploitation. T*e$e -ulletin$ )o%er infor'ation on topograp*( and *(drograp*(, food and ,ater $our)e$, $afe and dangerou$ plant$ and ani'al$, )u$to'$ and )ulture$. 1"2 #$olated 7er$onnel =eport 1#S?7=072. W*en filled in, t*e ;; /or' 1@33 i$ )la$$ified C?A/#;0AT#.B. #t ena-le$ a re)o%er( for)e to aut*enti)ate e%ader$. . EXECUTING AN EVASION PLAN O! ACTION (EPA). :nfore$een )ir)u'$tan)e$ 'a( re+uire Marine$ to e8e)ute t*eir 07.. a. #nitial 7lanning. #''ediatel( upon -rea&ing )onta)t, atte'pt to gain 'a8i'u' di$tan)e -et,een (our$elf and t*e ene'(. 112 Carefull( )on$ider M0TT-T during all planning and e8e)ution. 1 2 ;eter'ine unitC$ )o'-at effe)ti%ene$$. 132 ;e%elop a )our$e of a)tion.

1"MSVX.0 .17

-. Mo%e'ent te)*ni+ue$. #f po$$i-le, t*e entire 'o%e'ent to friendl( or neutral area$, a$ ,ell a$ to de$ignated S./0 area$ or 0<= area$ $*ould -e )o'pleted ,it*out -eing o-$er%ed. /urt*er'ore, an appre)iation of t*e 'et*od$ -( ,*i)* a *o$tile for)e 'a( atte'pt to dete)t (ou ,ill a$$i$t in te)*ni+ue$ to 'a8i'iDe (our )on)eal'ent. 112 Met*od$ to a%oid ene'( dete)tion. 1a2 .ppl( $tandard patrolling 'o%e'ent te)*ni+ue$. 1-2 .%oid natural line$ of drift and Main Suppl( =oute$ 1MS=2. 1)2 .%oid all rural area$, $'all to,n$, and far'$. -;og$ and do'e$ti) poultr( are %er( )o''on and ,ill pro%ide a 4fir$t alert5 needed to initiate a *o$tile $ear)*. 1 2 Met*od$ of dete)ting t*e e%ader. 1a2 ;ire)t ?-$er%ation. 1-2 ;ete)tion 0+uip'ent. -T*er'al i'aging -.)ti%e #nfrared 1#=2, $u)* a$ AV>$ -.)ou$ti) dete)tor$!$en$or$ -;ire)tion finding e+uip'ent for radio$ 1)2 Sear)* tea'$. -Militar( and!or )i%ilian -Tra)&er$ 1d2 ;og$. -.tta)& or tra)&ing dog$ -;iffi)ult to deter'ine if -eing tra)&ed -( dog$ -.tte'pt to di$)ourage t*e dog fro' doing it$ Eo). ?))upation of a S./0 or 0<=. (MSVX.2.1"c) 7rior to 'o%e'ent to, and o))upation of a S./0 or 0<= area, )on$ider t*e follo,ing9 112 Condu)t a re)onnai$$an)e of t*e entire area for ene'( t*reat. T*i$ 'a( 'e a p*($i)al or %i$ual re)onnai$$an)e. 1 2 Sele)t an o))upation $ite ,*i)* afford$9 1a2 Con)ealed e$)ape route$ if dete)ted -( ene'(. 1"-3 MSVX.0 .17

1-2 Clo$e pro8i'it( to a potential e8tra)tion $ite. 1)2 ?-$er%ation of t*e area and a%enue$ of approa)*. 132 .ppl( t*e re+uire'ent$ for $ur%i%al. 132 08e)ute t*e )o''uni)ation and $ignaling plan a$ ordered. RE!ERENCE. 1. 67 3-50.3, 6oint ;o)trine for 0%a$ion and =e)o%er(, 199".

1"-3 MSVX.0 .17

UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 93517-5001 EVASION PLAN OF ACTION FORMAT 1. Individuals o!pleting "#$s s%ould not use t%e state!ent &#"' ($' (#I)( *(pe ial Instru tions+ as a su,stitute for t%is do u!ent. (u % a state!ent fails to provide re overfor es .it% t%e infor!ation re/uired and provides no on rete data .it% .%i % to plan a re over- operation. 0. "#$s s%ould ontain t%e follo.ing !ini!u! infor!ation. In lusion of t%is pres ri,ed infor!ation into one do u!ent en%an es operational effe tiveness and pre ludes t%e possi,ilit- t%at riti al infor!ation !ig%t not ,e availa,le in a ti!e-sensitive situation. T%ese do u!ents !ust ,e lassified to at least t%e level of t%e operation order for t%e !ission t%esupport. #aragrap%s !ust ,e individuall- lassified to t%e appropriate level. a. Indentifi ation *1+ )a!e and ran1 of ea % individual. *0+ Mission nu!,er, air raft, or all sign. ,. #lanned 'oute of 2lig%t or Travel. *1+ 'oute points !ust ,e des ri,e in t%e "#$ for ,ot% ingress and egress. *0+ 3es ri,e inflig%t e!ergen - plans for ea % leg of t%e !ission. . I!!ediate "vasion $ tions and4or Intentions for t%e 2irst 56 %ours, 7nin8ured *for e9a!ple+: *1+ ;ide near air raft site or area of separation fro! unit *distan e and %eading+. *0+ "vade alone or lin1-up .it% ot%ers at rall- point. *3+ Travel plans *distan e, duration or ti!e, speed, and ot%er su % details+. *5+ Intended a tions and4or lengt% of sta- at initial %iding lo ation. d. I!!ediate "vasion $ tions and4or Intentions, If In8ured. *1+ #rovide %iding intentions if in8ured. *0+ #rovide evasion intentions if in8ured. *3+ #rovide travel intentions if in8ured. $-1 $ppendi9 $

*5+ #rovide intended a tions at %iding lo ations if in8ured. e. "9tended "vasion $ tions and4or Intentions $fter 56 %ours. *1+ 3estination *($2", !ountain range, oast, ,order, 2"B$+. *0+ Travel routes, plans, and4or te %ni/ues *eit%er .ritten and4or s1et %ed+. *3+ $ tions and4or intentions at potential onta t or re over- lo ations. *5+ 'e over-4 onta t point signals, signs, and4or pro edures *.ritten out and4or s1et %ed+. *5+ Ba 1-up plans, if an-, for t%e a,ove. 3. T%e follo.ing infor!ation s%ould ,e o!pleted ,- appropriate o!!uni ations and4or signal, intelligen e personnel and atta %ed to t%e "#$. a. Co!!uni ations and $ut%enti ation. *1+ Code.ords. *0+ $vaila,le o!!uni ations and signaling devi es. *3+ #ri!ar- o!!uni ation s %edule, pro edures, and4or fre/uen ies *first 56 %ours and after 56 %ours+. *5+ Ba 1-up o!!uni ation s %edule, pro edures, and4or fre/uen ies. ,. In addition to t%e a,ove !ini!u! re/uired infor!ation, units !a- .is% to in lude t%e follo.ing optional infor!ation: *1+ Weapons and a!!unition arried. *0+ #ersonal evasion 1it ite!s. *3+ <isting of issue survival and evasion 1it ite!s. *5+ Mission evasion preparation %e 1list *5+ (ignature of revie.ing offi ial.

$-0 $ppendi9 $


BREAK AT THE FLIGHT TO FIND THE INDIAN 1. Discuss the bear threat, emphasize bi !uac r!uti"e a"# $!!# st!ra%e. &. Discuss am!u"t !$ a ai'ab'e su"'i%ht i" "!rther" 'atitu#es ()i"ter*summer+. ,. Discuss b!!- -"!)'e#%e s. s-i''s. .. E/p'ai" the Tai%a Ec!s0stem a"# )here it ra"%es i" the )!r'#. BREAK AFTER THE FIR1T DA2 1. Discuss their 3mi"#4set*attitu#e5 at the cabi" 4 chi'#ish 6 u"prepare# )ith "! sur i a' -it. &. 7hat sh!u'# their $irst c!"cer" be a$ter the c!'# )ater immersi!"8 ,. 3A"0 !"e %!t matches85 4 H!) #i# the0 sta0 #r08 .. 7hat ti"#er #i# the0 ha e $!r their $ire8 7itches hair sh!u'# ha e bee" use#. 9. 7hat pri!rities !$ )!r- #i# the0 acc!mp'ish8 BREAK AT THE NIGHT FIRE 1. 3Die !$ shame5, )hat "atura' reacti!" t! stress #!es it re'ate t!8 &. 7atch meth!#*impr! ise# c!mpass 4 pr!b'ems $!r sur i a' "a i%ati!". ,. 7h0 )as it a %!!# #ecisi!" t! tra e'8 .. 7hat sh!u'# the0 ha e #!"e pri!r t! tra e'i"%8 9. Gr!up sur i a' 4 :!i"t !ut h!) as a %r!up, the )ea- became str!"% )he" the0 $!rmu'ate# a p'a" t!%ether 6 h!) the )ea- became str!"% )he" tas-e#. BREAK AT THE HELO FL2ING O;ER B41 Appe"#i/ B

1. Discuss the thatchi"% <!b !" their she'ter. &. Discuss c!mmitme"t*c!ura%e ab!ut the b'!!#0 ba"#a%es. 37hat #i$$ere"ce #!es it ma-e85 ,. Discuss s"!) st!rms i" m!u"tai"s at a"0 time. .. Discuss sur i a' si%"a'i"% 4 be prepare#. BREAK AFTER THE BEAR KILL 1. Discuss h!) the0 passe# up e"!rm!us $!!# s!urces. 4Rei"#eer m!ss 4Fish &. Discuss h!) the0 sh!u'# be thi"-i"% !$ '!"% term sur i a' pri!r t! the !"set !$ )i"ter. ,. :!i"t !ut h!) bears ru" strai%ht thr!u%h the )!!#s. .. :!i"t !ut )he" a bear )i'' char%e= pa)i"% bac- 6 $!rth )ith hea# s)a0i"% si#e t! si#e. 9. :!i"t !ut that ma" )i'' "!t !ut ru" a bear. >. E/p'ai" that a mau'e# sur i !r )as !"'0 #iscip'i"e# b0 the bear. DI1?@11 AT THE END OF THE AO;IE 1. H!) t!!'s became imp!rta"t. &. The $easibi'it0 !$ #i%%i"% 'ar%e pit traps. ,. H!) A"th!"0 H!p-i"s sat 6 th!u%ht pri!r t! ma-i"% a #ecisi!" 4 3@"#ue haste ma-es )aste5. .. H!) rea'istic the am!u"t !$ b!u%h )!u'# create the am!u"t !$ sm!-e %e"erate#. 9. Discuss $i"a''0 h!) -"!)'e#%e c!mes $irst, but -"!)'e#%e )ith!ut s-i''s is use'essB

B4& Appe"#i/ B


S - Size up the situation, surroundings, physical condition, 7 e uipment. U - %ndue haste makes #aste. R - Remember #here you are. V - Van uish fear and panic. I - Impro!ise 7 $mpro!e. V - Value li!ing. A - Act like the nati!es. L - Li!e by your #its, but for now, *earn Basic Skills.

1. IMMEDIATE ACTIONS a. Assess immediate situation...THINK BEFORE YOU ACT! b. Take action to protect yourself from NBC hazards. c. Seek concealment. d. Assess medical condition; treat as necessary. e. Sanitize uniform of potentially compromising information. f. Sanitize area, hide e uipment you are lea!ing. g. Apply camouflage. h. "o!e a#ay from initial site using patrolling techni ues. $. %se terrain to ad!antage; co!er, concealment, and communication ad!antage. &. 'ind a rally point #ith the follo#ing( )Co!er and concealment. )Safe distance from enemy positions and *ines of Communication +*,Cs-. )"ultiple a!enues of concealed escape routes. ).as locations for */s and ,/s. )/rotection from the elements. )Near a reliable #ater and fuel source. )*ocation for possible communication0signaling opportunities. 2. RALLY POINT a. 1stablish security( treat in&uries, in!entory e uipment, impro!e camouflage. b. Assess Commanders $ntent $A2 ability to e3ecute mission. c. 4etermine le!el of combat effecti!eness. d. 4e!elop a course of action using "1TT)TS*; establish priorities. e. 13ecute course of action...stay fle3ible5 C)6 Appendi3 C

3. MOVEMENT a. Tra!el slo#ly and deliberately. b. 4o not lea!e e!idence of tra!el, use noise and light discipline. c. Stay a#ay from *,Cs. d. %se standard patrolling techni ues. 4. CHANCE CONTACT a. ,nly engage the enemy #ith reasonable chance of success. b. %se "1TT)TS* for all engagements. c. Break contact for all unfa!orable engagements. 5. COMMUNICATION AND SIGNALING a. Communicate per theater communication procedures, particularly #hen considering transmitting in the 8blind9. b. Be prepared to use signaling de!ices on short notice. c. 13ecute signaling per mission order. . RECOVERY OPERATIONS a. Select site+s- $A2 mission order. b. 1nsure site is free of hazards and enemy. c. Select best area for communications and signaling de!ices. d. ,bser!e site for pro3imity to enemy acti!ity and *,Cs. e. 'ollo# reco!ery force instructions.

C): Appendi3 C

ANIMAL HABITS (1) Coyote and Wolf. Coyotes and wolves often run in family groups, especially in the early part of the season. When a littermate is caught, normally other coyotes will return to the set site, so reset traps in the same area. They are inquisitive, so you want them to smell and see. Generally they run !"# square mile territories, even larger during periods of rough weather. They will move and congregate around a good food source until it has $een eaten. %ome years, natural food a$undance will have them wor&ing one species and showing little interest for other foods and $aits. 'oo& at fresh scat and select $aits on what they are eating. Coyotes are found at every elevation and ha$itat type in (orth )merica while wolves are restricted to northwestern states. )t higher elevations during deep winter snows, coyotes will move to lower elevations with the deer, el&, and livestoc&, although some will tough it out in the deep snow. (") *o+. Gray, ,ed, -rairie %wift, and .esert /it fo+es are found throughout the 0.%. Grays are found in pinion!1uniper, cedar, oa& $rush, canyon $ottoms and hog$ac&s, cottonwood draws and edges where these meet. The ,ed *o+ is found in irrigated agricultural lands along the $ases of mountain ranges and prairie rivers, in the high mountain par&s and alpine. The -rairie %wift *o+ is found in the prairie states of this country. The desert &it fo+ is found in the southwestern corner states. 2oth of these species are vary curious. *o+ ha$its are very much li&e the coyote. ( ) 2o$cat and 'yn+. 2o$cats are generally found in the west while 'yn+ are found in the northwestern states. They compete with coyotes and sometimes are preyed on $y coyotes. Their territory is generally two square miles. They den in roc& caves, deadfalls, hollow trees and logs. They are sight hunters and use their eyes and ears more than the sense of smell. They prefer to &ill their own food and avoid rotten carrion. 2o$cat can $e 3pulled4 to an area $y curiosity lures. They often avoid large open space. (5) ,accoon and 6possum. They are located throughout the 0.%. They li&e a com$ination of water, old mature trees, $uildings and 1un& piles, and a consistent food supply li&e grain or prepared feed. (#) ,ing!tailed Cat. They inha$it watercourses where roc&y canyons or $ro&en roc&, erosion holes and rough terrain occurs. They are found in the western states. 6ld timers tal& of ringtails $eing fairly a$undant prior to the e+pansion of the raccoon range and densities during and after WW77. 7t is possi$le that raccoons have replaced the ringtail in much of its former ha$itat.


(:) 2adger. They are found from a$ove the tim$erline to the lowest elevation in the west. They apparently do not tolerate high densities and generally there are only !5 per square mile while running 1! square miles. They prefer rodents $ut ta&e carrion, fruit, insects, roots and grain. They hole up for long periods during e+tremely cold weather, moving 1ust $efore and after severe weather systems. These animals can $e trac&ed to dens and snared in the den. They often inha$it prairie dog towns. (;) %&un&. Three species are found in the west< striped, spotted, and hognose. %&un&s are located 1ust a$out everywhere. Their mus& is a pri=ed ingredient for lures. (>) Weasel. Two species of weasels occur in most of the west< the ermine or short!tailed, and the long!tailed. They prefer meat and $lood, although sometimes they are caught on peanut $utter. Their $ody shape is adapted for living and pursuing their prey on the prey?s own territory, $urrows, tunnels, and runways. They have ferocious appetites and will tac&le grouse, ra$$its, duc&s, and squirrels. They are inquisitive and can?t pass up e+amining cavities, &not holes, and $urrow entrances. (@) Aarten. Aarten are found in the upper montane and su$alpine =ones a$ove >,BBB feet. They generally don?t venture far from the escape cover of trees. They live on squirrels, ra$$its, voles, deer mice, grouse and other small $irds and mammals. There may $e as many as !# per square mile. They li&e fresh &idney, heart, liver, and spleen for $aits. (1B) Ain&. They are found in suita$le water ha$itat or marshy ground with good $an& development and undistur$ed wetlands vegetation. They feed on fish, crustaceans, clams, and small mammals and $irds. They will general travel along the stream $an&. (11)2eaver. They are found in almost all water with cottonwood, aspen, or willow trees. -ea& activity of $eaver is from %eptem$er to free=e!up when they are repairing dams, lodges and $uilding food caches. There will usually $e slides from the water to cutting areas of trees. Their castor is an e+cellent additive to lure. (1")Aus&rat. They are found in springs, dugouts, dams, and permanent pools on intermittent streams, rivers, and irrigation ditches, mountain la&es and $eaver ponds. Their dens are usually $elow the water line and into the $an&. (1 )2lac& 2ear. They are found throughout (orth )merica. The female generally has one or two cu$s during the winter hi$ernation. %urvival of the cu$s is good since they $enefit from at least a year of parental
)--8(.79!. "

care. %ows have litters every other year and will not produce cu$s until " or years of age. They are omnivorous in their feeding, ta&ing what is availa$le such as insects, rodents, $erries, roots, fish, and carrion. They are inquisitive. Their color can range from $lac&, $rown, cinnamon, to golden. (15)Aountain 'ion. 7n colonial )merica the mountain lion, painter, panther, catamount, or cougar was found throughout the 0.%. Auch of their disappearance was due to the clearing of forests and land!use changes as development progressed. They have litters of 1!: &ittens, averaging "! normally. These are generally $orn in late winter and early spring. .ens are generally caves in roc&y country, hollow logs, windfall trees and various cavities that provide protection from weather. Aales can weigh up to ";: pounds and 1;# pounds for females. They have tremendous strength with reports of mature lions carrying full!grown deer up cliffs, moving :#B!pound cattle, and carrying adult el& for long distances. They prefer to &ill their own food and disdain soured and decaying carrion. /ills are deep scratches and gouges on the nec& and shoulders, $ites and scratches around the nec&, face and eyes. The s&in is peeled $ac& and the $lood rich liver, spleen, &idneys, and lungs are eaten first. The muscle tissue is gnawed from the $ones. The lion will normally scratch dirt and plant material over the &ill, leave it and return for a future meal. (1#),a$$its and Cares. There are numerous species located throughout (orth )merica with the Cottontail, 2lac&!Tailed Dac&, and the white! tailed Dac& $eing located in our training area. .uring winter months, they will feed on aspen and willow twigs.


UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 9 !"#$!%%" TACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS If t&e need ari'e' to i(ple(ent 'ur)i)al '*ill' in a 'e(i$per(i''i)e or non$per(i''i)e en)iron(ent t&e Marine (u't +e a+le to utili,e +a'i- '*ill', a' referen-ed in t&e Marine Battle S*ill' .and+oo* P)t / 0-pl, in order to a)oid (a*ing -onta-t 1it& &o'tile per'onnel2 Unfortunatel3, t&e ene(3 1ill not -on'ider 3our MOS 1&en de-iding 1&et&er or not 3ou '&ould +e captured or killed2 It i' i(perati)e t&at e)er3 Marine li)e up to 'tate(ent / every Marine is a basic rifle an!" To di'-u'' e)er3 po''i+le 'ur)i)al '-enario and ene(3 'ituation 1ould +e pointle''2 T&e follo1ing outline i' to +e utili,ed a' a guide2 Co((on 'en'e and 'ur)i)al '*ill', along 1it& t&e'e -on'ideration', 1ill in-rea'e 3our -&an-e' of a)oiding -apture or po''i+le deat&2 A! Apply t#e key $%rd survival &IC'T ( )*!*+, &-.T/!+0!+1, "2 Si2e up t#e situati%n3 Missi%n W&at 1a' t&e (i''ion4 Can t&e (i''ion 'till +e a--o(pli'&ed4 Ene y W&at i' t&e ene(3 'ituation4 Tr%%ps and 4ire Supp%rt available Do 3ou &a)e -o((uni-ation' 1it& &ig&er4 I' an3one in5ured4 .o1 1ill t&e3 +e tran'ported4 .o1 1ill 3ou -o((uni-ate 1it& ot&er Marine' in 3our group4 Ar( and .and 'ignal'4 Terrain and 5eat#er Do 3ou &a)e a (ap4 Doe' t&e terrain offer -o)er and -on-eal(ent4 W&ere i' t&e 1ater4 Do 3ou &a)e prote-tion fro( t&e ele(ent'4 I' it ad)antageou' to (o)e in -urrent 1eat&er4 Will 3ou (o)e in da3ti(e or e)ening te(perature'4 .o1 (u-& illu(ination i' a)aila+le at nig&t4 Ti e6 Space6 and L%7istics I' it da3 or nig&t4 Ti(e Di'tan-e 6or(ula W&at *ind of 'upplie' and e7uip(ent are a)aila+le4 82 8ndue #aste akes $aste3 S&ould 3ou 'ta3 or (o)e fro( 3our -urrent po'ition2


:Slo1 i' S(oot& / S(oot& i' 6a't; i2e2 I' t&ere a need to run to t&e SA6E or '&ould t&e re7uire(ent' of 'ur)i)al +e i(ple(ented in route4 Se-urit3 i' para(ount $i' it +eing 'a-rifi-ed for 'peed4 e ber $#ere y%u are3 Are 3ou in a non$per(i''i)e en)iron(ent4 W&at i' t&e terrain li*e4 Can 3ou utili,e land na)igation '*ill'4

2 Re

<2 .an9uis# fear and panic3 Are good de-i'ion' +eing (ade4 I' t&e group -o(pletel3 lo't and leaderle''4 'AMCIS !2 I pr%vise and i pr%ve3 Do 3ou &a)e 3our 'ur)i)al *it4 Are litter' a)aila+le or do 3ou &a)e to i(pro)i'e4 Do 3ou &a)e t&e re'our-e' to o+tain food and 1ater4 Will 3our 'upplie' and e7uip(ent prote-t 3ou fro( t&e ele(ent'4 Will 3our 'upplie' and e7uip(ent prote-t 3ou fro( t&e ene(34 =2 .alue livin73 Do 3ou 1ant to la3 on 3our +a-* and put 3our leg' in t&e air li*e a dead -o-*roa-&4 #2 Act like t#e natives3 O+'er)e nati)e &a+it'2 >2 Live by y%ur $its6 but f%r n%$ learn basic skills3 Utili,e -o((on 'en'e and +a'i- Marine Corp' training2 Pra-ti-e '*ill' learned at MWTC2 -ri%r plannin7 prevents p%%r perf%r ance! E'ta+li'& E and R plan, +rief per'onnel of -ontingen-ie'2 B2 Additi%nal Individual Trainin7 Standards? E(plo3 'ignaling de)i-e' &IC'T ( )*!*:, Con'tru-t and (aintain a fire &IC'T ( )*!*0@ W&at i' t&e ta-ti-al 'ituation4 Prepare a 'ur)i)al *it &IC'T )*!*;, &-.T/!+0!+;@ Maintain t&e M"=A8 'er)i-e rifle2 &-.T/!++!+, Prepare indi)idual e7uip(ent for ta-ti-al operation'2 &-.T/!+0!+, Ca(ouflage 'elf and indi)idual e7uip(ent2 &-.T/!+0!<, Tran'port -a'ualtie' u'ing (anual -arrie' and i(pro)i'ed 'tret-&er'2 &-.T/!+<!0, Maintain p&3'i-al fitne''2 &-.T/!)*!+, Perfor( indi)idual (o)e(ent2 &-.T/!+0!), Parti-ipate in a 'e-urit3 patrol2 &-.T/!+:!+,


Ar( and &and 'ignal'2 C&allenge and pa'' A near and far re-ognition2 Rall3 point'2 A-tion' on ene(3 -onta-t Se-urit3 &alt'2 Re-onnai''an-e of o+5e-ti)e'2 ! Point Contingen-3 Plan2 BCOTWA@ Coing B1&ere@ Ot&er' B1&o i' going 1it& 3ou@ Ti(e a1a32 W&at &appen' B3ou and t&e(@ A-tion' ta*en on ene(3 -onta-t B3ou and t&e(@ Rea-t to ene(3 indire-t fire2 &-.T/!+0!:, Rea-t to ene(3 dire-t fire2 &-.T/!)*!+,

C! Additi%nal C%nsiderati%ns3 W&en 'i,ing up t&e 'ituation 3ou 1ill deter(ine 1&et&er t&e Mi''ion or C(drD' Intent -an +e a--o(pli'&ed2 O+)iou'l3, e)er3 effort (u't +e (ade to a--o(pli'& t&e (i''ion2 If it -an not +e a--o(pli'&ed a 'eparate (i''ion order (u't +e e'ta+li'&ed for t&e group2 Bi2e2 At %9%% t&e group 1ill i(ple(ent t&e re7uire(ent' for 'ur)i)al in order to (o)e to t&e SA6E for re-o)er32@ In order to ta-ti-all3 (o)e and o--up3 t&e SA6E, t&e group (u't +e ta'* organi,ed into tea('2 T&e tea(' are a''igned additional ta'*'2 Tea( ta'*' 1ill u'uall3 +e a--o(pli'&ed during o--upation of t&e patrol +a'e2 In addition, indi)idual' 1it&in t&e group are a''igned ta'*'2 +! Tea s3 Se-urit32 All patrol (e(+er' '&ould +e a''igned 'e-tor' of fire to in-lude air 'entr32 Re-onnai''an-e2 A''ault2 B(a3 not +e i(ple(ented@ Support2 B(a3 not +e i(ple(ented@ )! Tea Tasks3 Water pro-ure(ent2 6ood gat&ering2 Wood gat&ering2 B-on'tru-tion (aterial', 'ignal, and fire 1ood2@ S&elter -on'tru-tion2 Pat&guard'2 Signaling :! Individual Tasks3 Point (an2 Na)igator2 Patrol leader and a''i'tant2


6lan* Bleft and rig&t@ 'e-urit32 T1o pa-e (en2 Tail end -&arlie2

In a 'ur)i)al 'ituation it i' pro+a+l3 1i'er to o--up3 t&e patrol +a'e t&roug& re-onnai''an-e in'tead of +3 for-e2 Upon initial o--upation t&e a-ron3( SA6E BSe-urit3, Auto(ati- 1eapon', 6ield' of fire, Entren-&(ent@ (u't +e enfor-ed2 T&e patrol +a'e '&ould onl3 +e entered Bor eEited@ fro( one lo-ation2 Co((uni-ation 1it&in t&e group i' e''ential2 E)er3one (u't +e 1ell infor(ed2 Bi2e2 -urrent plan', alternate patrol +a'e' or rall3 point', &o1 (an3 Marine' &a)e departed t&e patrol +a'e and 1&en are t&e3 eEpe-ted to return, -urrent -&allenge and pa'', and near and far re-ognition 'ignal'2@ No Marine 1ill eEer-i'e t&eir 5udge(ent and lea)e t&e patrol +a'e or perfor( a ta'* 1it&out per(i''ion fro( t&e patrol leader2 T&e patrol +a'e i' not a pla-e for loll3gagging2 It i' a pla-e 1&ere noi'e and lig&t di'-ipline i' enfor-ed and 'e-urit3 i' (aintained -ontinuou'l32 Prioritie' of 1or* 1ill +e e'ta+li'&ed after o--upation2 Bi2e2 1eapon (aintenan-e, &3giene, -&o1, and re't plan'@ Se-urit3 or re-onnai''an-e tea(' -an +e 'ent out to deter(ine ene(3 t&reat or gat&er infor(ation for route 'ele-tion2 T&e'e patrol' -an al'o +e ta'*ed 1it& gat&ering fire1ood or 'o(e ot&er routine ta'*2 .o1e)er, 'e-urit3 (u't +e (aintained 1&ile t&e fire1ood i' +eing -olle-ted2 Sin-e 3ou are pro+a+l3 e)ading t&e ene(3, a-ti)it3 in and around t&e patrol +a'e (u't +e li(ited2 O--upation of t&e patrol +a'e (u't not eE-eed 8< &our'2 Depending on t&e ta-ti-al 'ituation t&e u'e of fire (a3 or (a3 not +e appropriate2 D! C%nclusi%n3 T&e a+o)e infor(ation 'er)er' a' a guideline2 Sur)i)al i' a t&in*ing per'onD' -&allenge +et1een life and deat&2 A' t&e 'ituation -&ange' a Marine (u't adapt, 'i,e up t&e 'ituation, and i(ple(ent a ne1 plan in order to 'ur)i)e2 If 3ou are la-*ing in an3 of t&e Indi)idual Training Standard' it i' 3our re'pon'i+le to ta*e -orre-ti)e a-tion2 Re e ber t#at every Marine is a basic rifle an!


UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport, California 9 !"#$!%%" WINTER MOUNTAIN SUR&I&A' COURSE

"* T+e ,tudent -u,t ,ati,fa.toril/ a.+ie0e an 1%2 or +ig+er grade on eit+er t+e 3ritten te,t or t+e 3ritten rete,t* 4* T+e ,tudent -u,t ,ati,fa.toril/ -a,ter "% out of t+e "4 perfor-an.e e0aluation ta,5,* * A 6rea.+ of integrit/, .ondu.t un6e.o-ing of a ,tudent or t+e ina6ilit/ to a6ide 6/ Sur0i0al .our,e guideline,, 3ill re,ult in t+e i--ediate di,-i,,al fro- t+e Mountain Sur0i0al Cour,e* 7* All of t+e a6o0e -u,t 6e a..o-pli,+ed prior to ,u..e,,ful graduation fro- t+e Mountain Sur0i0al Cour,e* !* (ailure to a..o-pli,+ an/ one t+e,e 3ill re,ult in a Profi.ien./ Board, 3+i.+ -a/ re,ult in di,-i,,al fro- t+e .our,e* 8* T+ere 3ill 6e no tal5ing to an/ ,tudent during i,olation unle,, an e-ergen./* No ,tudent 3ill .o-e 3it+ in !% -eter, of anot+er ,tudent*




All criteria listed below each task, m st be accom!lished i" order to master those tasks# "* SUR&I&A' 9IT :MS&*4*4; M < NM (ire ,tarting ite-, Water pro.ure-ent ite-, (ood pro.ure-ent ite-, Signaling ite-, (ir,t Aid ite-, S+elter ite-, 4* SUR&I&A' NA&I=ATION :MS&*4*#; M < NM Can find .ardinal dire.tion, Prepare, and -aintain, a log 6oo5 U,e, ,teering -ar5, Appropriate pla.e

($" Appendi> (

* BOW ? DRI'' :MS&*4*" a; M < NM Bo3 Drill So.5et (ire Board E-6er Pat.+ Bird, Ne,t 9indling (uel Wood 7* SUR&I&A' S)E'TERS :MS&*4*7; M < NM Prote.tion fro- t+e ele-ent, )eat retention &entilation Dr/ing fa.ilit/ (ree fro- +a@ard, S+elter ,ta6le !* REAUIREMENTS (OR SUR&I&A' :MS&*4*"; M < NM ",t 47)r,* S+elter (ire Water Signaling 4nd 47)r,* Tool, ? Weapon, Trap, ? Snare, Pat+ guard, 8* IMPRO&ISED SI=NA' DE&ICE :MS&B*4*8; M < NM S-o5e =enerator Appropriate Si@e Tinder 9indling Pla.e-ent Afla-e 3it+in 9% ,e.ond, #* P'ANTS ? INSECTS :WS&B; M < NM 'o.ated "<4 .anteen .up of edi6le plant "<4 .anteen .up of prepared .+ar.oal a0aila6le Con,u-ed t+e prepared plant Continue to li0e off t+e land Con,u-e a prepared in,e.t
($4 Appendi> (

1* TOO'S ? WEAPONS :MS&*4*""; M < NM $owl Wood ,plit Bar5 ,tripped Coal 6urned 7in.+ deep, 7 in.+ dia-eter Doe, not lea5 Sim!le Cl b )ard3ood u,ed Bar5 ,tripped (ire +ardened :if reCuired; Clu6 fun.tional Rounded end, 9* TOO' OR WEAPON :MS&*4*""; M < NM )ard3ood u,ed Bar5 ,tripped (ire +ardened :if reCuired; (un.tional a6le One of t+e t+ree follo3ing 3ill 6e -adeD I.e ,pud, I.e ,5i--er, Sling,+ot "%* (IS) ? =AME :MS&*4*"%; M < NM Dre,, and<or ,5in ga-e Prepared ga-e for .on,u-ption Con,u-ed ga-e )ide fle,+ed, 6rained, and ,-o5ed )ide ,e3n and ,uita6le for intended u,e, ""* TRAPS ? SNARES :MS&*4*9; M < NM E-plo/-ent te.+* appropriate for intended ani-al a* 'o.ation 6* Pre,entation .* Con,tru.tion 'oop ,i@e and ground .learan.e .orre.t Bait u,ed Split ,ti.5 if reCuired "4* PAT)=UARD :MS&*4*9; M < NM 'i5el/ a0enue of approa.+ Produ.e, noi,e Con.ealed Appropriate ta.ti.al di,tan.e fro- t+e ,+elter

($ Appendi> (

($7 Appendi> (

($! Appendi> (

($8 Appendi> (

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