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Colonization Study Guide

Name:______________________________ Date of Test:_________________________

1. You would find a major plantation in the major city of Charleston, South Carolina. 2. The New England economy is made up of the following: Lumbering Trading Shipbuilding and fishing 3. The Bible had a cultural influence in the New England region mainly because people learned to read with the Bible. 4. The Quakers could be described as: Society of Friends Founded by George Fox Did not believe in fighting Equality between men and women 5. A craftsman would most likely do the following types of work: cut wood for furnace, buy silver, make a teapot, and engrave a silver spoon. 6. Climate influenced the agricultural economy in the south. 7. Georgia was settled by James Oglethorpe for debtors and prisoners. 8. Puritans escaped religious persecution in England, settled in the Massachusetts Bay colony, and wanted religious freedom throughout New England. 9. William Penn started the Pennsylvania colony because he wanted to provide a safe place for Quakers and offer religious freedom to others. 10.A freed slave would most likely be offered a job as a carpenter. 11.A colonial woman would make clothes, cook and bake, and spin thread. 12.Lord Baltimore (Cecilius Calvert) founded the Maryland colony to make money and a refuge for the Catholics. 13.Massachusetts used town hall meetings as an important form of government. 14.Through the triangular trade route, slaves were one import that came from Africa across the Middle Passage.

15. King Phillips War (Metacomet Rebellion) was caused by English colonists claiming and taking Native American lands in New England. 16. Roger Williams founded Rhode Island for religious freedom. 17.The Plymouth Colony was mainly established (started) to allow settlers religious freedom. 18.The Middle colonies were home to a diverse mix of cultural groups. 19. In the Middle colonies, port cities were important because: They were major trade centers for exporting grain Many imports were shipped to port cities from England and Africa Port cities gave merchants a place to sell their products

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