Friday, 13 December 2013 8:43:59 PM Australian Eastern Daylight Time Rob Coleman Rob Coleman

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C8/D,-:3 lW: CerLlflcaLlon wlll go lnacLlve on 03/31/2012 - !unlper neLworks - !unos !nCl
+%:,3 lrlday, 13 uecember 2013 8:43:39 M AusLrallan LasLern uayllghL 1lme
!"A.3 8ob Coleman
@A3 8ob Coleman
uaLe: lrl, 2 Mar 2012 04:03:02 -0600
lrom: cerLmanager[[unlper.neL
1o: rob_coleman[
Sub[ecL: CerLlflcaLlon wlll go lnacLlve on 03/31/2012 - !unlper neLworks - !unos !nCl
uear 8ob,
(CerLlflcaLlon lu#: !832621)
1hls noLe ls Lo remlnd you LhaL your !nClS-M (SpeclallsL, M/1-serles) cerLlflcaLlon wlll go lnacLlve on 03/31/2012. ?our
cerLlflcaLlon wlll remaln lnacLlve for a perlod of one year, and Lhen lL wlll explre. When your cerLlflcaLlon goes lnLo
Lhe lnacLlve sLaLus you:
Can be recerLlfled
Are noL ellglble for beneflLs
uo noL quallfy under Lhe arLner cerLlflcaLlon compllance requlremenLs
Can sLlll be used Lo fulflll prerequlslLe requlremenLs for wrlLLen exams
CannoL be used Lo fulflll prerequlslLe requlremenLs for !nC lab exams
So make sure you recerLlfy before your cerLlflcaLlon explres! More lnformaLlon on recerLlflcaLlon can be found on Lhe
!nC 8ecerLlflcaLlon Web page.
lf you plan on uslng Lhls cerLlflcaLlon as a perqulslLe for hlgher, lab based cerLlflcaLlon, please be aware LhaL lab LesL daLes
are llmlLed and flll up qulckly. We recommend you submlL your lab reglsLraLlon requesL well ln advance Lo secure your
seaL before Lhls explraLlon daLe.
Avallable lab daLes are posLed aL Lxam 8eglsLraLlon (www.[unlper.neL/cerLlflcaLlon/exam_reglsLraLlon.hLml).
1hank you for parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe !nC!
!nC 1eam

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