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$he &:4; that you read' the &:4; things you wi know# $he &:4; that you <;04='

the &:4; p aces you> go# ? 9r# "euss

!ook "wap
&arch (rd' 2+15
How it works:
From February 17 to February 28th students (and parents too!) are encouraged to donate "gent y used" books to the !ook "wap# $he !ook "wap is schedu ed %or &onday' &arch (rd and you and your chi d wi ha)e the opportunity to se ect "new" books based on the number o% books you turned in# $he students wi )isit the !ook "wap during their schoo day# *arents may )isit the !ook "wap between 1+a#m# and 2:++p#m##

!ook ,riteria:
For students' books must be schoo appropriate and %or grades pre-. through / on y# For parents' cookbooks' audiobooks' parenting books' and books o% any genre are we come 0 books must be in gent y used condition: no rips' tears' bent edges or co oring1writing within ,o oring books' acti)ity books and stickers books wi not be accepted * ease note the se ection o% books a)ai ab e wi be based on the books donated# 2% you ha)e any 3uestions' p ease contact &andi 4eimer at 71/-(511((1 or mandi6reimer7charter#net# "t# !rons Home 8 "choo thanks you %or your donations and continued support! * ease comp ete the in%ormation be ow and return it to schoo with your book donation# $hank you!

!ook "wap 9onation " ip:

"tudents =ame: 66666666666666666666666 @ o% student books donated:6666666666666666 @ o% parent books donated: 66666666666666666

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