Rhetorical Analysis Rubric

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Project 2 Rhetorical Analysis Rubric Thesis Statement The thesis statement makes a claim about the authors analysis

s of the films persuasive methods. The claim is then reinforced throughout the rest of the paper.


Argument Summary

The paper provides a brief summary of the documentarys major claim(s), providing evidence/quotes from the film as support. 2 1.5 1 0.5 0

Target Audience

The paper identifies the documentarys target audience(s), providing evidence/quotes from the film to back up this claim. 2 1.5 1 0.5 0


The paper identifies moments where the film appeals to authority/credibility/trustworthiness to persuade its target audience, providing evidence/quotes from the film as support.



Project 2 Rhetorical Analysis Rubric Pathos The paper identifies the films use of emotional appeal to persuade the audience, providing evidence/quotes from the film as support.




The paper identifies the films use of facts/statistics/logic/reasoning to prove its point, providing evidence/quotes from the film as support. 2 1.5 1 0.5 0

Critique of Method

The paper includes a section which analyzes and critiques the use of persuasive method in the film. This section should discuss which rhetorical appeals were emphasized, the effectiveness of the films use of rhetorical appeals, where the author detected manipulation or bias, and other prompts for analysis as listed on the assignment sheet. The writing style for this paper is appropriately collegiate and takes into account the grammar issues noted by the professor. The paper is formatted according to MLA guidelines.



College-level Writing





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