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The availability of Earths resources was determined when the planet formed o The innermost zone of Earth is the

core. The inner core is solid and the outer core is liquid. o Above the core is the mantle, which contains magma, that slowly circulates in convection cells o The asthenosphere is the outermost layer of the mantle o The brittle outermost layer of the planet is the lithosphere, which contains the solid upper mantle and the crust

Earth is dynamic and constantly changing o Earths geologic cycle consists of three major processes: the tectonic cycle, the rock cycle, and soil formation. o Hot spots are where magma from the mantle reaches the lithosphere o German meteorologist Alfred Wegener published the theory of Pangea o The tectonic cycle is the sum of the processes that build up and break down the lithosphere o Convection in the mantle causes oceanic plates to spread apart as new rock rises to the surface at spreading zones. Where oceanic and continental plate margins come together, older oceanic crust is subducted o Seafloor spreading creates new lithosphere and brings important elements to the surface of Earth o A volcano is a vent in the Earths surface

The rock cycle recycles scarce minerals and elements

o The rock cycle is the constant formation and destruction of rock; its the slowest of all cycles o Minerals are solid chemical substances with uniform structures that form under specific temperatures and pressures o Igneous rocks are formed when magma cools o Sedimentary rocks form when sediments are compressed o Metamorphic rocks form when sedimentary, igneous, or other metamorphic rocks are subjected to heat and pressure Soil links the rock cycle and biosphere o Soil is a mix of geologic and organic components o Soil serves as a medium for plant growth, as a habitat for other organisms, and as a recycling system for organic wastes. Soil also helps to filter and purify water o Cation exchange capacity is referred to as the nutrient holding capacity o Soil degradation is the loss of some or all of the ability of soils to support plant growth The uneven distribution of mineral resources has social and environmental consequences

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