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Suppressed Health Secrets

The Simple Natural Cures for Most Diseases That Your Doctor Never Learned About in Medical School

by Glenn Canady

Before We Begin, Here's How You Can Help Cure More People
believe in God and !esus Christ is my savior" #asn$t al#ays li%e this" &hen #as in my t#enties and studyin' (n'ineerin' thou'ht that Science had all the ans#ers and reli'ion #as )ust somethin' to control the masses but #as so #ron' about that" hope that you believe in God and #ill dedicate your life to helpin' others in any #ay you can also because that is #hat #ill chan'e this planet for the 'ood" f you$d li%e to hear an incredible story sometime* encoura'e you to #atch this video #hen you 'et some time" t$s an ama+in' story about a man that had his entire life chan'ed by #hat God allo#ed him to e,perience" You can see this story by visitin' this #eb pa'e and clic%in' on the video lin% ri'ht under the picture there" http-..###"pro)ect"nsearch" &hile am not perfect and %no# that am a sinner )ust li%e everybody else* have come to reali+e that #e #eren$t put on this (arth to accumulate money but to help others" &hen you die* all that matters is the love you have shared and the people you have helped" Money means nothin' if you don$t use it to help others" have made the decision in my life to help as many people as can before the Lord calls me home" made this boo% because %no# can help many people that are stru''lin' #ith diseases that modern medicine tells them can$t be cured" f can help you or anybody you %no# #ith the thin's in this boo%* then that #ould ma%e me very happy2 3e sure to tell me about it" #ill al#ays be able to be reached throu'h ###"pro)ect"nsearch"com !ust )oin and 'o to Members and search for my name 4 Glenn Canady and send me your messa'es" #ill try to read them and respond if possibly can but sometimes it can ta%e me a fe# days to 'et bac% to you" #rote this boo% to help as many people as possible because %no# that everythin' tal% about in this boo%* #or%s2 $ve personally had success #ith many of the thin's in this boo% and $ve done the research on the others" encoura'e people to 'ive this eboo% to everybody they %no# so this very important %no#led'e can be spread around the #orld" don$t sell any product in this boo% but if you appreciate the %no#led'e am 'ivin' you* please consider the follo#in' thin's you can do to help me spread this %no#led'e around the #orld" f everybody that reads this boo% )ust does one thin' on this list* this eboo% #ill 'o viral and spread to every corner of the 'lobe" This eboo% may be 'iven our freely by any person or #ebsite as lon' as it is not modified in any #ay" f you have a #ebsite* consider 'ivin' it a#ay as an incentive to 'et people on your o#n mailin' list" Here$s some thin's you can do to help spread this messa'e virally so #e can cure many more people of their diseases that their doctors told them can$t be cured2 56 Simply )oin 7ro)ect Nsearch at ###"pro)ect"nsearch"com and )oin our reporters #ritin' about anythin' they #ant" Anythin' you post to the site* helps us 'ro# and e,pose more people to the real truth about #hat is 'oin' on in the #orld and it costs you nothin'2 &e$d love to hear about your o#n healin' e,periences in the Health cate'ory of our 8orum" 06 Give this boo% to everybody you %no#" f you have a #ebsite or pa'e on faceboo%* post it there or tell people to come to our #ebsite to 'et it" You can 'ive it a#ay any #ay you see fit" 16 Consider donatin' any amount of money to our cause by usin' the Donate lin% in the ri'ht mar'in of every pa'e at ###"pro)ect"nsearch"com 96 3uy somethin' from our retail automotive accessory #ebsite at ###":starshine"com

:6 ;nce you )oin 7ro)ect Nsearch* use the nvite lin% at the top of the pa'e to invite everybody you %no# to )oin us2 <6 Support us by visitin' any of the sponsors in the ri'ht mar'in of 7ro)ect Nsearch" ;ur sponsors pay us or 'ive us traffic #hen their ads are clic%ed so if you see anythin' interestin' you #ould li%e more information on* please clic% it and you$ll be helpin' our company"

Warning I am not a doctor This information is for research purposes onl !

created ###"pro)ect"nsearch"com to e,pose the %no#led'e that has been hidden from you by your 'overnments* media and medical industry" 3efore #e even be'in* need to ma%e somethin' very clear" My bac%'round is en'ineerin'" have no medical de'ree or formal education so you must do your o#n research and consult a doctor before you decide to underta%e ANY medical treatment" Hopefully you have a doctor that is not a'ainst tryin' natural cures but you have to ma%e the ultimate decision" !ust because your doctor #ears a #hite coat* doesn$t mean they have ALL the ans#ers" He mi'ht have all the 3i' 7harma ans#ers but there is probably a natural product that #ill cure you far better than his 3i' 7harma solution" You must loo% for it and ma%e the ultimate choice" You doctor has never studied any of the alternative treatments in this boo% because he has only been encoura'ed to loo% at 3i' 7harma solutions since medical school" have studied far more alternative treatments than most doctors because they are discoura'ed at every level for doin' so" created this eboo% to sho# you thin's $ve researched and thin's have used myself personally #ith 'reat success" #ill tell you if have used the product in this eboo% and only recommend the very fe# product $ve found that are truly ama+in'" There is a lot of #orthless sna%e oil out there ma%in' #ild claims but there are also some ama+in' products that have been hidden from you and those are the ones in this boo%" Nothin' in this boo% should be considered as medical advice of any type because as told you am not =ualified to 'ive you medical device" am simply sharin' my research #ith you and lettin' you ta%e it from there" (verybody is different so there is no 'uarantee that any treatment #ill #or% on a particular person" t is my belief that the natural cures in this eboo% #ill help many people and this is #hy 'ive it a#ay freely" My only re=uest from you is that you #ill spread the #ord about 7ro)ect Nsearch at our #ebsite at ###"pro)ect"nsearch"com so #e can 'et more members to spread the #ord in the future" am 'oin' to 'ive this boo% freely to every sin'le person that )oins 7ro)ect Nsearch" #ill never char'e money for this boo% and the products recommend are not my products" 'ive you the direct sources to 'et them that used" All this bein' said* absolutely believe in everythin' am tellin' you in this boo%" f #as told had cancer* #ould ta%e the products recommend in this boo% and %no# had a much better chance of success than chemotherapy" believe that chemotherapy is almost certain death" $ve seen chemotherapy %ill far too many people* includin' my o#n father to ever trust it" #ould do natural cures and never do chemotherapy no matter #hat the doctors told me because have done the research on the natural cures and they have not" %no# that the doctors are only as 'ood as the information they #ere told in medical school and in the )ournals they read and this information #ill never be sho#n there because the system is setup to only push 3i' 7harma type solutions that are al#ays e,pensive and never actually cure the disease" This is my opinion based on my research but you must pray about your o#n case and do your o#n research and ma%e your o#n decisions about #hat to do" am not here to ma%e any decisions for your health nor am tellin' you #hat to do in any #ay" >esearch it all for

yourself and ma%e your o#n decisions" f you feel it best to do chemotherapy as your doctor su''ests and not try anythin' in this boo% then you should absolutely do it" (very person must ultimately ma%e their o#n choices" #rote the boo% to only 'ive you other thin's to consider before ma%in' those choices because %no# that #ould #ant as many choices as possible" Did you %no# that if you do chemotherapy )ust one time* you can never donate any of your or'ans because they are so dama'ed? feel that chemotherapy #ill someday be considered completely barbaric and silly #hen Doctors finally #a%e up to to the natural cures that are savin' people$s lives every sin'le day no#" #anted to put do#n everythin' have learned in a short boo% so that you could at least have options that you #on$t 'et #ith traditional medicine" #ant you to do the research yourself also and pray for 'uidance on #hat you should do" The choice is ultimately yours and not your doctor$s or your 'overnment$s to ma%e" The difference is that $m 'ivin' you the choice on #hat treatment you #ant to try #hereas your 'overnment and doctor #ill not 'ive you any choices" 8or e,ample* if you have cancer* they #ill tell you to start chemotherapy and they #ill N(@(> tell you about hemp oil or MMS and ho# both these products have cured people of cancer and many other ailments as #ell2 &e$ll cover hemp oil and MMS in detail later in the eboo%" ;%ay* no# that have told that you must ma%e your o#n choices #hen it comes to your health and not simply trust your doctor or this boo% #ithout doin' your o#n research then let$s move on and start learnin' somethin' ne#2

If These "atural Cures Wor#, Wh Won't M $octor Tell Me %&out Them'

Many people tell me somethin' li%e A f there #ere any natural cures available* my Doctor #ould tell me2B" Nurses are really bad about thin%in' that doctors %no# everythin' )ust because they mi'ht %no# more than they do about some thin's" $ve told many nurses that have several cures to cancer and they )ust loo% at me li%e $m cra+y" They can$t conceive of cancer cures bein' out there and suppressed because they #or% for the system and this system is very evil at its core because it$s all about money" The nurses don$t %no# this thou'h" They are doin' their best in a fla#ed system that could be curin' so many more people #hile savin' so much of everybody$s money" There are many reasons that doctors don$t %no# about natural cures" Natural cures aren$t 'oin' to ever be covered in the medical )ournals that they read" They #ere never told about natural cures in medical school" Natural cures aren$t covered in the media" So ho# #ould your doctor %no# about them? The only #ay they #ould is if they researched them on their o#n and they have no reason to do so because they$ve been brain#ashed to thin% they don$t e,ist2 So the first reason your doctor #ouldn$t %no# about a natural cure is that they simply have never done the research re=uired to find them" The second reason some unethical doctors #ould never sho# you a natural cure is much #orse than )ust i'norance* it$s because of 'reed2 Some doctors are 'reedy and even if they CN(& there #as a cure for heart disease that only cost a fe# hundred dollars* some doctors #ouldn$t tell you because they have medical school bills to pay" f a doctor ma%es D5E*EEE for every heart bypass operation he does and he$s in debt up to his eyeballs payin' for that ne# mansion and Le,us* do you really thin% he$s 'oin' to even #ant to 'o out and find a natural cure that mi'ht only ma%e him D:E? Some #ouldn$t tell even if they %ne# about a cheap natural cure because they are cau'ht up in the lavish lifestyle of bein' a doctor #hich is sad" After ;bama is finished #ith them* the days of the rich doctor are 'oin' to be lon' 'one" The 'overnment #ill no# tell the doctor ho# much he can ma%e" f more doctors #ould

have come out #ith natural cures and fou'ht for #hat #as ri'ht #e #ould never be in the position #e are in today #ith 3i' 7harma runnin' everythin'" Doctors should al#ays search for natural cures first and only resort to 3i' 7harma solutions #hen there is nothin' better available that is all natural" f our medical system #or%ed this #ay* #e #ould have a much healthier system and the costs #ould 'o do#n e,ponentially2 My Dad died of cancer after havin' over D5*EEE*EEE spent on chemotherapy and other thin's #hen it$s very possible he could have been cured #ith about D0E #orth of hemp oil2 Thin% of ho# much money could be saved #ith )ust that one natural cure2 t$s a sta''erin' amount of money but until #e chan'e the system you #ill have to either brea% the la# or 'o to states #here you can le'ally buy thin's li%e hemp oil" And you thou'ht you lived in a free country? You can$t buy hemp oil #hile all your foundin' fathers all could2 ;ur freedoms have been stripped bit by bit in the Fnited States" Here$s the real crime" ;bama$s ne# health care system ni'htmare that #as )ust passed doesn$t allo# ANY natural cures2 n fact* it says that if you 'o out and spend your o#n money on a natural cure* they #ill TAG you2 t$s total insanity but all part of the ne# #orld order$s evil plan" f you don$t %no# #hat the ne# #orld order is and that all our 7residents lately have #or%ed for their 'oals* 'o to ###"pro)ect"nsearch"com for all the details" Here$s a pa'e #ith some 'ood videos on it about the ne# #orld order #hen you 'et some free time" http-..###"pro)ect"nsearch" 7ro)ect Nsearch 'ives you all the information that you can$t 'et any#here else because #e$re not sellin' anythin'" &e don$t even sell the natural products that you$ll learn about there because if you sell any natural product* the 'overnment #on$t let you say it treats or cures anythin'" f you do* they #ill send a s#at team to bust do#n your door and destroy your business2 t$s happenin' every day in America2 The FS 'overnment li%e most other #orld 'overnments has been completely ta%en over by Corporate interests" They don$t serve the people$s interests* they serve the interests of 3i' 7harma" They 'et lots of money from 3i' 7harma and #ill do anythin' possible to %eep natural cures off the mar%et"" &e$ve had many cures for cancer and other diseases but none of them #ill be allo#ed to be used in our present absurd system of 3i' 7harma health care" After readin' this boo%* be sure you 'o throu'h the Health @ideo section of 7ro)ect Nsearch as our members post ne# stuff there and in our Health cate'ory of the 8orum" http-..###"pro)ect"nsearch" These areas are updated every day and al#ays have ne# information in them" ;ur members are passionate about spreadin' the truth and do a 'reat )ob coverin' Health issues because it$s so important to all of us2 n our forum you can read and post anythin' to do #ith Health" f you find a natural cure that has #or%ed for you or others then post it2 &e are spreadin' this information around the #orld and need your help and testimonials on thin's that #or%2

Natural Cures You Need to Cno# About

This ne,t section of the eboo%* $m 'oin' to )ump into many of the natural cures that $ve used and researched and invite you to fully research also" $ve never had any bad side effects from usin' anythin' list"

Colloidal (il)er
Colloidal silver has no# been banned in (urope2 The Fnited States #ill be ne,t" really love colloidal silver because it can cure so many thin's" Colloidal silver is defined as the presence of tiny silver particles and ions even dispersed in a #ater based solution" @iruses and bacteria are very small livin' or'anisms so colloidal silver has silver particles and ions as small or smaller than the patho'enic material" $ve been ma%in' my o#n colloidal silver for many years no# to fi'ht everythin' from colds to cuts and scrapes" @iruses and bacteria cannot build up any immunity to the destruction they suffer #hen hit by colloidal silver" $ve seen it #or% time and time a'ain on thin's so hi'hly recommend it to anybody #antin' to ta%e control over their o#n health"

Ma#ing Your *wn Colloidal (il)er"

&hile you can buy colloidal silver in the store* it$s pretty e,pensive so recommend ma%in' your o#n so you %no# e,actly #hat you are 'ettin'" t$s %inda fun any#ay" used to ma%e my o#n colloidal silver throu'h a device called a silver pulser #hich is very neat device" n one mode* it can be used as a blood electrification device #here a small amount of current is put into your #rist to %ill body patho'ens" This is based on somethin' called the 3ec% protocol #here Dr" 3ec% fi'ure out that he could %ill different body patho'ens by passin' a small electric pulse into the body" t doesn$t hurt at all" You ad)ust it so that you can feel it pulse" $ve cured myself of many colds )ust #ith this device alone" This silver pulser can be purchased at this #ebsite" ###"sotainstruments"com The colloidal silver that the silver pulser ma%es is 'ood* but also found a better one at Silver Lun's at ###"silverlun's"com heard about this one throu'h the Ale, !ones sho# at ###"prisonplanet"com and decided to try it" t$s a very #ell made unit #ith a very hi'h =uality bea%er and silver rods" t even has a ma'netic stirrer" t ma%es the best =uality colloidal silver $ve seen and the %it is very #ell made so #ould recommend you 'et this %it if you #ant to ma%e the best colloidal silver" They also sell a small vapori+er that lets you inhale the vapor of your colloidal silver so you can 'et ri'ht into your lun's and into your blood stream faster" hi'hly recommend you 'et this as it is vital to be able to =uic%ly 'et rid of a chest cold"

Molecula (il)er The (il)er Bullet +or +antastic Health

heard about this product and had to try it" t$s basically even smaller si+e than colloidal silver* up to <E times smaller than 5 An'strom #hich is @(>Y tiny2 believe they ma%e it #ith very lar'e currents of electricity" &hen first tal%ed to people that sell it* he said people absolutely love this product and he$d never had even one return2 =uic%ly bou'ht it and have been usin' it every since" And chec% this out* since $ve 'otten this product and the small vapori+er at Silver Lun's* $ve never been sic%2 $ve had people all around me 'ettin' sic% and a fe# times felt li%e #as comin' do#n #ith somethin' but #ould )ust start ta%e a fe# teaspoons of molecula silver and hold it under my ton'ue for a minute

before s#allo#in' and also ta%e about 1E breaths #ith the small vapori+er from Silver Lun's a fe# times a day and these colds #ere destroyed before they could even 'et started2 The molecula silver )ust destroyed them2 This stuff is AMAJ NG2 honestly thin% it$s even more effective than colloidal silver and $m a hu'e fan of colloidal silver" You can 'et Molecula Silver at ###"mmsdr"com recommend you research this for yourself but stron'ly feel that this product can %ill most bad thin's in your body" Here$s the deal thou'h* recommend you ta%e it both orally and by vapori+in' it #ith the vapori+er that the sell at ###"silverlun's"com f you feel any %ind of con'estion or a chest cold comin' on* you need to put some in that mini vapori+er and ta%e in about 1E breaths of it" #ould do that every fe# hours" You #ill feel better fast2

The Man Who Cured %ll $iseases ,o al ,ife

>oyal >ife discovered in the 5K1E$s that he could cure all cancers and most other diseases by bombardin' them #ith different fre=uencies that #ould )ust basically shatter them" He cured many people before the medical establishment conspired to shut him do#n" The system couldn$t have people 'ettin' cured of cancer usin' such an ine,pensive machine" These evil men destroyed >ife and all his #or% and only no# are people rediscoverin' that electricity really is the secret to curin' all diseases" Here$s a 'reat video #here you can learn about this fascinatin' man that could have saved millions if not billions of lives had he been allo#ed to continue his research" http-..###"pro)ect"nsearch"

Curing Through -lectricit Toda

Dr" Hulda Clar% has been researchin' the use of electricity to %ll patho'ens of all types for many years" She #rote a 'reat boo% you should 'et called AThe Cure 8or All DisesesB" bou'ht the basic +apper that #as )ust a basic bo, #ith t#o pennies on it that you could put on your s%in" 'ot 'ood results from the unit but $m very impressed about the ne# units she has no#" You can no# chan'e the fre=uencies completely yourself and tar'et certain diseases similar to #hat >oyal >ife had fi'ured out ho# to do #hen he cured all diseases #ith his use of fre=uencies durin' the 5K1E$s" #ould recommend 'ettin' one of her ne# units that lets you tar'et different fre=uencies as they loo% ama+in'" She has cured many diseases #ith her +apper and cleanin' pro'ram" AYou don$t need dan'erous and e,pensive dru's to 'et rid of the causes of your illness" Diabetes* Hi'h 3lood 7ressure* Sei+ures* Mi'raines* 8ati'ue Syndromes* Al+heimer$s* 7ar%inson$s* Multiple Sclerosis* #er investi'ate and cured usin' a di'ital fre=uency +apper and the Dr" Hulda Clar% Cleanin' 7ro'ram" Dr" Clar% only recommends di'ital +appers and you can see the ones that she recommends on this #ebsite" really #ant to 'et one of these ne# +appers because they even come #ith fre=uency boo%s that tell you #hat fre=uencies to use for different diseases" http-..###"huldaclar%+appers"com

*ther $e)ices That .ill Pathogens Through -lectricit

recommend that you also research the Silver 7ulser at ###"sotainstruments"com li%e this unit because it #or%s 'reat" $ve cured myself of many colds =uic%ly by )ust #earin' that device around" thin% it bascially )ust shreds bacteria and viruses in your blood" This is definitely a device to have in your arsenal because you can ma%e colloidal silver #ith it AND you 'et the bacteria.virus destroyin' blood electrification device also and both have #or%ed 'reat for me"

MM( The Cure for %lmost -)er thing!

!im Humble is the inventor of a product called MMS #hich is another one of those products that hi'hly recommend" !im says it best" ANothin' in the #orld #or%s every time on every disease but MMS #or%s most of the time on most diseases and has cured tens of thousands of people"B MMS is a #ater purifier and 'ermicidal a'ent" t eliminates virus and bacteria from your body" MMS #as tested for five years from 0EE5 to 0EE<" Durin' that time* L:*EEE human volunteers in South America and Africa received small MMS does" Malaria* carried in blood #as observed to be eliminated from the blood #ithin 9 to 5E hours2 Similar* but re=uirin' a fe# days to a #ee%* T3* fun'us* herpes* parasites* Crohn$s Disease* Lyme Disease* Aids* Hepatitis* &arts* Cancer* and many other diseases" You can even brush your teeth #ith it and it totally destroys pla=ue and ma%es your teeth #hiter" sn$t this product ama+in'? He cured L:*EEE humans of malaria and other diseases and the media never even tells anybody2 He cured people of aids and cancer and many other diseases2 No# hope you see #hat mean #hen tell you that your media has been coverin' up and lyin' about so many thin's2 bou'ht my MMS from this site ###"mmsdr"com You can read more about the product on that site" Here$s some videos $ve put to'ether that tal% about MMS also on 7ro)ect Nsearch http-..###"pro)ect"nsearch"

The Cancer Cure That "o&od Will Tell You %&out

(verybody already %no#s that if they cancer* their doctor #ill recommend Chemotherapy" Did you %no# that if you do )ust one chemotherapy treatment* you can no lon'er donate any of your or'ans because they have been so dama'ed" Fsin' chemotherapy for cancer is li%e sprayin' your yard #ith A'ent ;ran'e because it has a fe# #eeds and e,pectin' only the 'rass to 'ro# bac%2 t$s total insanity but it ma%es some companies and doctors a lot of money so they %eep doin' it" The ne# #orld order #ants to %ill off K:M of the #orld$s population so they probably love chemotherapy for that reason alone" have personal e,perience #ith our medical system because my Dad died of cancer in 0EEK after under'oin' #ell over D5*EEE*EEE #orth of cancer treatments includin' many rounds of chemotherapy" My Dad had 'reat insurance or he #ouldn$t even have 'otten the best care modern medicine in the FS could 'ive him" 3ut all that money spent based on the advice of all the doctors didn$t do one bit of

'ood" The chemotherapy did stun the cancer and put it into remission for a fe# years* but then it came bac% stron'er than ever and the chemotherapy had so dama'ed my Dad that he had no chance at all" After my Dad #as 'one* discovered that >ic% Simpson had cured many hundreds of people of all types of cancer #ith hemp oil" 8or a fe# dollars* he #as able to cure all types of cancer and these #ere terminal cancer patients #ho had been told to 'o home and die2 $ve created a special pa'e all about >ic% Simpson on 7ro)ect Nsearch so you can see all about his story >ic% Simpson #as from Canada and very shortly after he #as 'ettin' a lot of publicity for his cancer cure that the Canadian 'overnment raided his house and too% all his plants and medicine" >ic% has been forced to never return to Canada for fear of arrest and imprisonment2 Here$s a pa'e have setup that #ill sho# you all the 'reat information about hemp oil and >ic% Simpson" http-..###"pro)ect"nsearch" So this is the system #e have in the #orld" Man cures cancer 4 man 'ets in trouble from 'overnment 'ettin' payoffs from Medical (stablishment*2 This man should have been 'iven parades but as al#ays #hen you have a criminal 'overnment runnin' thin's they don$t #ant a cure for cancer" Cancer ma%es the medical companies a lot of money and the people at the top #ill do anythin' to protect these billions of dollars" They #ill lie* they #ill %eep natural cures off the mar%et* they #ould even %ill if need be to %eep the con 'oin'" Did you %no# that all the foundin' fathers of the Fnited States all 're# Hemp and it #as used as effective medicine for over 5EE years in this country? n fact* the AMA recommended that it N;T be ta%en off the mar%et #hen they made mari)uana ille'al in the 5K1E$s but they #ere not allo#ed to attend the hearin'" Ma%in' hemp ille'al #as a total scam a'ainst the American people so that a fe# families could ma%e more money by %eepin' their monopolies" Hemp ma%es over :E*EEE products and #e could have even po#ered all our cars #ith it" Henry 8ord$s first car could run on hemp oil2 Althou'h don$t have the recordin's* $ve heard rumors that durin' the <E$s doctors attendin' functions by the >oc%efeller nstitute #ere told that the >oc%efeller nstitute already had cures for almost all cancers by the late <E$s but #ould not release them because there #ere too many people in the #orld and people had to die of somethin'" can$t prove this* but it ma%es sense #hen you consider that >ic% Simpson heard in the LEs that THC in mari)uana %illed cancer cells and that$s #hat 'ave him the idea to try it later in life" f this #as announced in the LEs* then am very confident that the >oc%efeller nstitute %ne# about THC$s %illin' of cancer already since they spent billions in research money to cure cancer supposedly" Your Cancer Society is a scam also" They %eep be''in' for you money so they can 'et Athe cureB* but there are already many cures and hemp oil has been %no#n to cure cancer for decades"" Thin% of ho# many lives could have been saved and ho# many trillions of dollars #ould have been saved if Hemp ;il #as used to %ill cancer instead of deadly chemotherapy" Many people tell me* ho# could you %no# a cure for cancer #hen my Doctor is smarter than you and he says that chemotherapy is the only treatment available" Here$s the deal" Your doctor means #ell* but his medical boo%s #ere #ritten by >oc%efeller funded companies* his medical school 'ot 'rants from the >oc%efellers and he #as 'iven years of brain#ashin' in colle'e that 3i' 7harma products cure everythin'" Nobody ever sho#ed him the research on hemp oil2 &hy #ould these evil people that ma%e billions from chemotherapy sho# your doctor that he could cure you #ith a fe# dollars #orth of

a natural plant? These people that have suppressed this %no#led'e are pure evil and that$s #hy e,pose them" f you 'et cancer* su''est you 'o live in a state that has medical mari)uana and one that it$s le'al to buy hemp oil" t must contain THC" f you have no choice and don$t mind ris%in' 'oin' to )ail to save your life* you could 'ro# it yourself" don$t advise this thou'h because thin% it #ould be much easier to )ust 'o to another state and 'et your hemp oil #ithout havin' to #orry about an evil 'overnment loc%in' you up for 'ro#in' a plant that Geor'e &ashin'ton 're#2 7eople say #e are free in the Fnited States but #e are not" &e are bein' ta%en over by the ne# #orld order that only serves the ban%ers that o#n the private ban% 8ederal >eserve" The >oc%efeller and >othschilds o#n the private ban% called 8ederal >eserve and all your ta, money 'oes to them and not to our country" That$s #hy our country has been financially destroyed" ;ur foundin' fathers all #arned us to never let ban%ers control our money or #e #ould become slaves" The #ar on dru's is yet another scam2 t is allo#in' tens of thousands of people to be %illed alon' the Te,as Me,ican border because #hen you ma%e somethin' ille'al* the 'an'ster ma%e all the money and have all the po#er" The #ar on dru's is actually funded by the alcohol companies2 They %no# that if mari)uana ever becomes le'al a'ain* their sales of alcohol #ould 'o do#n the toilet" (ach year* over LEE*EEE people die from alcohol and 3i' 7harma products in the FS #hile E people die from mari)uana" 3ut you #ill 'o to )ail for mari)uana"

Here's %nother %nswer to Cancer

Dr Cold#ell* has seen over 1:*EEE cancer patients has the hi'hest cancer cure rate in the #orld" n fact* Dr" Cold#ell says* A am convinced could cure at least KEM of all cancer patients if had the le'al platform to #or% #ith these people the Dr" Cold#ell &ay" As lon' as the patient is #illin' and still able to do #hatever it ta%es and has no sur'ery* chemotherapy or radiation* there is no reason Cancer cannot be cured in most people" Dr" Cold#ell #rote a series of boo%s called AThe Ans#er to CancerB" have setup a pa'e #here you can see some videos of Dr" Cold#ell spea%in' about cancer http-..###"pro)ect"nsearch"

(#in Cancer Cure

found a product that #ill basically cure some s%in cancers" t$s called Ama+on 3lac% Topical Salve and you can 'et it from ###"herbhealers"com They aren$t allo#ed to ma%e any claims about it because of the 8DA but found that it #or%ed on a bump had on my nose" f you thin% you have s%in cancer* #ould try it as you don$t have much to lose2

*ther de)ices I recommend in)estigating

Sota nstruments ma%es some other fantastic products" o#n an earlier model of their &ater ;+onator but their ne# one loo%s better than the old one and more compact" You can use o+one to rid #ater of bacteria and to increase the o,y'en level in your body" li%e to o+onate a 'lass of 7ome'ranate )uice" t seems to 'ive you a lot of ener'y #ith the e,tra o,y'en in your system" definitely recommend this ne# o+onator as it is portable as it operates on 50 volts" You can see all of Sota nstruments products on this pa'e-


White Tea
M 'ood friend )ust told me some incredible stories about healin' properties of Chinese #hite tea" He #as able to cure himself of a really nasty chest infection throu'h #hite tea so if you #ant somethin' to really start healin' your body* #ould recommend drin%in' a cup of this po#erful tea every day" Here$s a video about #hite tea http-..###"pro)ect"nsearch"

The Big Pharma (cam

As you can probably tell $m not very fond of 3i' 7harma products2 3ut )ust so you can hear it from somebody else that #or%ed for them* listen to this industry insider tell you all about the reality of 3i' 7harma and #hy you should investi'ate all alternatives before settlin' on their solutions" http-..###"pro)ect"nsearch"'/pharma/scam

Code/ %limentarius Will Ma#e It Illegal +or You to Bu 0itamins at the (tore!
Did you %no# that the FS 'overnment is actually very close to ta%in' a#ay your ability to buy @itamins and Supplements at the store? t mi'ht be hard to believe but it$s true2 Code, Alimentarius is FN sponsored evil that #ill ma%e it ille'al for you to even buy @itamin C at the store2 You #ill have to 'o to the doctor and 'et a prescription for it2 Go research it for yourself" ;ur foundin' fathers #ould be appalled that our criminal 'overnment is forcin' us into a bo'us health care system #ritten and run by 3i' 7harma and the nsurance companies and #e #on$t even be able to buy our o#n vitamins and supplements2 t$s already 'one into effect in some countries and McCain is ma%in' the final push on this no#" Code, Alimentarius is a total outra'e but if you are #atchin' the T@ for your ne#s* you have no idea about it" They %eep you nice and stupid by #atchin' their brain#ashin' called T@ so you #on$t learn #hat is really 'oin' on in the #orld" They aren$t tellin' you about the ne# #orld order system they are puttin' into place no#" T@ ne#s is )ust a bi' distraction for the masses" The ban%ers than run the private ban% 8ederal >eserve stole over 0N Trillion from us in the ban%er bailout and your T@ i'nores that and tells you about Ti'er &oods2 n case you didn$t %no#* The 8ederal >eserve is a private ban% and all your ta, money 'oes to the >oc%efellers and the >othschilds #ho o#n the ban% to pay the interest on the fraudulent debt they created out of nothin'" Your T@ #on$t tell you the truth about the 8ederal >eserve but it #ill tell you that people that 'o to the Tea 7arties or #ho believe in 'un o#nership are terrorists2 t$s all based on fear and mind control and it$s #hat has led our country to the very brin% of total destruction" 'uarantee you that most of you readin' these #ord #atched T@ today for your ne#s" f you did* you are part of the problem" Get educated about #hat is 'oin' on and 'et your ne#s from sites li%e ###"prisonplanet"com #here you can clic% the radio sho# icon at the top of the pa'e and listen to

Ale, !ones tell you more truth in one hour than you$ve heard from your T@ in a lifetime2 Spread the truth to everybody because if #e don$t ALL #a%e up real soon* this country and #orld is literally 'oin' to become a prison planet #here you have no freedom and you are financially destroyed" You have no idea ho# hellish a one #orld 'overnment can be* but your 'ettin' a previe# #ith ;bama$s health care pro'ram" f you #ant to stop their brain#ashin'* turn off the T@ and stop readin' their ma'a+ines that are all produced by the ne# #orld order to brain#ash you" Do your research on the nternet and by readin' boo%s" turned in my cable bo, last year because #as tired of payin' to 'et brain#ashed" t #as the best decision ever made" don$t miss #atchin' T@ one bit" have too many other thin's en)oy doin' more than payin' to have somebody try to mind control me all day2"

The 0accine (cam

7ersonally if had a child ri'ht no#* #ould not 'et them any vaccines because $ve tal%ed to Doctors that are not 'ivin' their children any vaccines and they have the healthiest %ids in the #orld and they never 'et sic%2 thin% vaccines are a bi' scam no# to ma%e money and thin% they are very dan'erous" You need to study the issue yourself and ma%e your o#n mind up and don$t listen to me thou'h" thin% if you have a 'ood healthy immune system and the thin's tal% about in this boo%* personally don$t thin% you$re 'oin' to have a problem #ith anythin' at all" Many doctors are comin' for#ard #ith ma)or evidence that vaccines are causin' the hu'e rise in autism in the Fnited States" &hen #as child #as only 'iven li%e 1 vaccines to 'o to school and no# they #ant over 9E2 t$s completely out of control and 3i' 7harma is ma%in' billions on these dan'erous vaccines that cause dama'e to the body" 8rom the doctors have heard* every sin'le vaccine does some neurolo'ical dama'e and believe them2 The Amish re)ect all vaccines and they have a EM rate of Autism2 n the last :E years* Autism in the children has 'one from 5 out 0:*EEE about :E years a'o to 5 out of NL today2 Here$s a 'ood video from a doctor that is outra'ed about vaccines and autism and even 3i' 7haram" t$s a very passionate presentation by a doctor that has done his home#or% for many years" You #ill li%e it" See this video at this lin%" http-..###"pro)ect"nsearch"'ary/null/sho#s/his/outra'e

The ( stem (a s Your .ids %re ,e1uired to 2et %ll Their 0accines to %ttend (chool But This Isn't True You can 2et a ,eligious -/emption
f you )ust as% then #ill tell you that your child needs vaccines to attend but if you as% for a reli'ious e,emption form* they #ill pull one out of their des%" They #on$t be happy but there is an e,emption form you can fill out" The ne# #orld order #ants to 'ive you and your %ids lots of shots #ith all %inds of thin's in them" tal%ed to an old friends the other day and told him to not 'et the s#ine flu shot" He surprised me by sayin' ADon$t #orry* learned my lesson #ith flu shots* a lon' time a'o" The first one 'ot made me contract 7soriasis and have it really bad2B So many people have e,perienced many bad side effects from even the re'ular flu shot2 These flu shots contain a nasty bre# of aluminum and mercury" No than%s2 $ll ta%e my Molecula Silver any day2 That$s #hy the ne# #orld order #ants to ta%e a#ay these natural products from you 4 they #or% far better than their 3i' 7harma 'arba'e and the #ord is 'ettin' out2 A'ain* do the research on vaccines for yourself and ma%e up your o#n mind on

them" ;nce you 'ive your %ids vaccines you can$t ta%e it bac% so )ust be sure of your choice"

The (wine +lu (hot (cam

Your T@ ne#s told you to run out and 'et a s#ine flu shot and no# it$s come out that it did absolutely nothin' to prevent s#ine flu and actually %illed and hurt many people" You never heard that on the ne#s thou'h" They )ust told you to run out and 'et the s#ine shot ri'ht a#ay2 The companies that produced those shots made billions and are no# bein' sued in (uropean courts for the scam" This is not bein' sho#n on ne#s in the Fnited States of course" n fact* in the FS* they are ST LL tellin' you in our media to 'et your s#ine flu vaccine2 t$s completely criminal but they don$t care2 They thin% you #ill do it because most people believe ANYTH NG they hear on T@2 $ve put to'ether some 'reat videos about the s#ine flu hoa, on this pa'e for you to vie#" Decide for yourself #ho is lyin'"

The +luoride (cam

Here$s somethin' else that your 'overnment or media never told you" 8luoride is a very dan'erous chemical that causes brain dama'e2 f you drin% fluoridated #ater for )ust : years* it$s said that you #ill decrease you O by about 0E points2 t$s a cumulative poison* it builds up in your system and causes many problems" They$ve had cases #here in drou'hts in the Mid#est* the farmer had their #ells dry up so they used city #ater for their co#s and their co#s died2 Your T@ didn$t tell you that 8luoride #as a deadly poison and #as used by the Na+is to control their 7;&$s in their prison" The Na+is found that usin' 8luoride in the #ater of the 7;&s made them more docile and easily controlled2 t$s li%e a chemical lobotomy and your 'overnment loves it2 8luoride is the P5 in'redient in rat poison and they are puttin' it our #ater2 Loo% on your tube of toothpaste" f you s#allo# more than pea si+ed amount* you$re supposed to call poison control2 The 'overnment #as finally forced to #arn mothers not to let babies have fluoridated #ater2 Not many people even %no# that" 8ertili+er companies used to have to pay money to dispose of their 8luoride #aste so somebody had the 'reat idea to 'et some bo'us study to say 8luoride #as 'ood for your teeth and no# you pay money to have yourself poisoned #ith 8luoride in about N:M of the nation$s #ater systems" (urope 'ot smart a lon' time a'o and stopped usin' 8luoride entirely because they found it did nothin' for teeth at all" They say it$s for your teeth* then #hy are #e drin%in' it2 t$s li%e drin%in' suntan lotion to protect your s%in from the sun" t ma%es no sense unless you %no# that the ne# #orld order$s stated 'oal is to dumb do#n the population then 8luoride ma%es perfect sense" Here$s some videos all about 8luoride that you need to #atch" As you do* reali+e ho# you #ere brain#ashed and mind controlled by T@ and our 'overnment your entire life2 hope you #ill stop #atchin' the T@ and 'ettin' conned" http-..###"pro)ect"nsearch"

2etting ,id of +luoride

You need to 'et a filter that removes all fluoride from your drin%in' #taer as soon as you can" Not many do so ma%e sure you 'et one that ta%es it all out" The 3rita pictures are #orthless #hen it come to 8luoride because the 8luoride particles are too small" actually bou'ht a machine that ma%es pure #ater from the air" t can ma%e about L 'allons of #ater per day even in the desert" You )ust plu' it in the #all and you$ll 'et #ater" t$s the best tastin' #ater have ever tasted too" You can see this machine

at this #ebsite" ###"ecoloblue"com f you really #ant to eliminate all 8luoride you$ll need to 'et a #hole house filter because if it$s in your city #ater and you sho#er or bath in it* it #ill 'et in your body"

The $angers of Microwa)e Coo#ing

Did you %no# that the #orse thin' in the #orld for your health is to eat micro#aved food? Did your T@ ever tell you that? The micro#ave chan'es the molecular structure of the food into somethin' that is not compatible #ith the body" They even did a study #here they heated up #ater #ith a micro#ave and then let it cool to room temperature and #atered a plant #ith this #ater and #ater another planet #ith re'ular #ater" The plant that 'ot the micro#aved #ater died #hile the plant that 'ot the re'ular #ater did )ust fine" Here$s a video about the dan'ers of micro#ave coo%in'" You should never use your micro#ave if you #ant 'ood health" t #ill literally %ill you if you heat up everythin' in it that you eat" Here$s a video that #ill e,plain thin's about micro#ave coo%in' you need to learn" http-..###"pro)ect"nsearch"'/micro#ave/to/heat/up

%spartame 3"utrasweet4 5 *ne of the Most $angerous %dditi)es on the Mar#et

Another product you #ant to stay a#ay from is Aspartame also called Nutras#eet" Aspartame is an artificial s#eetener turns into formaldehyde in the body and actually eats holes in your brain" Donald >umsfield 'ot it approved even thou'h they already %ne# it #as dan'erous" f you drin% diet co%es then you are in'estin' this nasty substance" 3efore you ta%e another drin% of that poison 'et educated" Here$s some videos that #ill 'ive you information on this very dan'erous substance" thin% anybody is insane to still drin% the stuff after they find out #hat it does2 Here$s some videos on the dan'ers of Aspartame" http-..###"pro)ect"nsearch"

High +ructose Corn ( rup

;ne of the best thin's you can totally avoid is hi'h fructose corn syrup QH8CS6 #hich has many ne'ative health affects" 8or some reason* H8CS also contains hi'h levels of mercury #hich %ills brain cells" &hat$s stran'e is that the mercury shouldn$t be in there at all as it is not in the manufacturin' process" Here$s some 'ood videos put to'ether that #ill teach you e,actly #hy H8CS should be eliminated from your diet" Here$s some videos about this very bad substance" http-..###"pro)ect"nsearch"'hIfructoseIcornIsyrup

How I 2ot m own High Blood Pressure 6nder Control Without $rugs
;ne of the reasons that be'an to really study natural cures is because a fe# years a'o #as in really bad shape" #as the heaviest have ever been and my blood pressure #as off the charts2 #as a #al%in' time bomb2 &hen #ent to a Chiropractor for an ad)ustment to my bac%* he too% my blood pressure and told me that if #ent to the doctor they #ould put me on blood pressure medication immediately" %ne# he #as tellin' the truth and also %ne# that blood pressure medication has many %inds of side effects that didn$t #ant" already %ne# that 3i' 7harma loved to trap people ta%in' their e,pensive products for life" didn$t #ant that from a financial standpoint or to 'ive somebody else control over my very life" 'uess $m )ust stubborn but if somebody tells me that a pill is my only option* #ant to prove them #ron'2 made up my mind ri'ht there that #ould research and try every natural alternative could find to see if could 'et my blood pressure do#n #ithout the 3i' 7harma dru's that only mas%ed the problem" That$s the problem #ith 3i' 7harma* it N(@(> cures* it only treats symptoms" &hat 'ood does it do if you ta%e blood pressure medication that doesn$t clean out your arteries from the pla=ue causin' your hi'h blood pressure? t )ust 'ives you a false sense of security and #ith all the reports of deaths due to dru's* it$s very dan'erous to put blind faith in anythin' you can$t control" 7eople have no idea #hat is in the pills and shots and vaccines they are ta%in' and #hat side effects they #ill e,perience" The first thin' did for my o#n hi'h blood pressure is to cut out all the )un% food from my diet" cut out all the soft drin%s* snac%s and fattenin' fast food entirely" Americans eat meat at every sin'le meal these days and usually it$s very fatty li%e bacon or pepperoni" actually cut meat out entirely from my diet for about < months but don$t thin% it is necessary if you have a 'ood diet" #ould recommend only eatin' lean meats and cuttin' bac% to havin' meat only 0/1 times #ee% and doin' everythin' else and then you can evaluate your blood pressure after a fe# months" f you )ust follo# one rule* you #ill lose #ei'ht and help your blood pressure" A f it$s not natural* don$t put it in your mouth2B" f you have super hi'h blood pressure you don$t have time to mess around* you must cut out everythin' processed from your diet" 3uy or'anic ve'etables and fruits #henever possible because our 'overnment has forced GM; QGenetically Modified ;r'anism6 food do#n our throats" GM; food causes liver failures but our 'overnment doesn$t care* they #or% for Monsanto$s best interests2 Here$s some videos that #ill educate you about the dan'ers of GM;" t$s not labeled at the store as GM; so you #ill have to either buy or'anic or learn ho# to read the codes on the bar codes and labels that #ill tell you if it$s GM;" http-..###"pro)ect"nsearch"'mo t$s really a sic% #orld #e live in ri'ht no# #here so many thin's are done to hurt your health but most people have no idea because they only #atch the T@ for their ne#s and the T@ is o#ned by the same people that are hurtin' us2 did many thin's that helped reduce my blood pressure" rest but thin% they all helped" don$t %no# #hich #or%ed better than the

The first priority is to 'et your diet totally under control and be very strict on it2 This is your very life

you are dealin' #ith here so no cheatin'2 No more Dorittos or Cheetos or any other processed snac%" ;ne of my favorite snac%s no# are Nuts Qma%e sure they don$t have any su'ar or salt on them6" &hen bou'ht peanuts made sure to the unsalted ones" !ust stray natural" You$ll be ama+ed at ho# little of your Supermar%et you #ill need to visit anymore" ate a lot of salads* fruits* beans* rice* soups* and even found a 'reat ne# 7i++a called Amy$s that actually has a No Cheese pi++a that is very 'ood" You need to cut #ay bac% on cheese" cut it out entirely for at least < months and no# only have it rarely" The difference is that most Americans eat far too much fatty cheese" f you have hi'h blood pressure #ould recommend cuttin' out cheese entirely until you you 'et your blood pressure under control then you mi'ht have it as a rare treat" found out that 7;M pome'ranate )uice actually reduced the pla=ue in arteries by over 1EM in a medical study so thin% that it is very important to drin% this important drin% to 'ive your body lots of antio,idants" n study* in only < months of drin%in' N ounces per day* the arteries #ere found to be cleaned2 So dran% that every day and still try to drin% it #henever can" t$s e,pensive at about D55 a bottle* but if you only drin% < ounces in the mornin' then it$s not bad at all and love the taste2 t$s has far more antio,idants than #ine2 Durin' my research found a product desi'ned specifically to help reduce blood pressure over time" t$s called Ti%va and too% it every day for about a year also" t$s choc% full of many different in'redients that have been proven to help #ith hi'h blood pressure" feel this product did #or% for me and helped to reduce my blood pressure" You can read about it here ###"medicalpublications"or' !ust recently found another product that hi'hly recommend" used to buy somethin' called A; Heart Drops from Alpha ;me'a Labs at ###"herbhealers"com but )ust found out they are out and don$t don$t #hen they #ill have them a'ain because they are havin' problems 'ettin' the proper in'redients" did tal% to them and they said that another product that is )ust as 'ood as theirs althou'h more e,pensive" This product is called AStrauss Heart DropsB from !im Strauss" #ill buyin' this as soon as run out of my A; Heart Drops" You can see all the information on Strauss Heart Drops at this #ebsite 4 ###"straussheartdrops"com $ve heard many 'ood thin's about the Strauss Heart Drops and #ould hi'hly recommend that you use them in your daily re'iment" Another product that $ve heard ama+in' thin's about is Heart and 3ody (,tract #hich you can 'et here ###"heartandbodye,tract"com A'ain some of these thin's aren$t cheap but they do last a lon' time and #e are tal%in' about your very life here and 'ettin' a#ay from havin' to ta%e blood pressure medication for the rest of your life2 So )ust because it mi'ht cost you several hundred dollars to 'et all this stuff* you must thin% about the benefits you #ill e,perience if it #or%s for you li%e it did for me2 You #ill spend far less on these natural products than the 3i' 7harma products #ill cost you over your lifetime and #e all %no# the nasty side effects that blood pressure medication has 4 mainly it ma%es you 'ain #ei'ht and lo#ers your se, drive to about nothin'" So if you #ant to try to lo#er your blood pressure li%e did* you #ill #ant to 'et on a strict all natural diet stayin' a#ay from all s#eets* )un% and processed food entirely" To drin% you #ill only drin% #ater and fruit )uices" f you #ant to have s#eet tea* then s#eeten it #ith li=uid Stevia as that is really 'ood and is all natural" Stevia 'oes 'reat on cereal or to s#eeten anythin' naturally and you can 'et it at any GNC or find it on the nternet at ###"stevia"com if you li%e" You$ll #ant to 'et on a re'iment of Ti%va and the Strauss Heart Drops also as hi'hly recommend this

also" This is #hat #or%ed for me" have the same blood pressure had as a teena'er no# and have lost all my e,cess #ei'ht" can s#im faster than could in my 0E$s even and $m 9: no#" f you are on blood pressure medication already then you #ill need to 'et a doctor to be o%ay #ith you tryin' some natural thin's and closely monitorin' you situation" You #ill most li%ely be able to cut your dosa'es do#n after a 1/< months of doin' all the thin's recommend doin' but you if you are already under a doctor$s care* you #ill have to tell him about #hat you are doin' and 'et his blessin' to 'o for#ard" A'ain* $m not 'ivin' you medical advice* $m only tellin' you #hat #or%ed for me"

This 3oo% is a &or% in 7ro'ress

hope you en)oyed the material presented in this boo% and that you #ill share it #ith as many people as possible" #ill continue updatin' this boo% and puttin' updates on 7ro)ect Nsearch" #ill put the updatin' copy in an forum post called ASuppressed Health Secrets by Glenn CanadyB so that you can al#ays chec% to see if there are any updates" You can see this post here http-..###"pro)ect"nsearch"

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