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#ate 'ept 2

'ept 3

$ime ,:30*-:30 6:30*11:00 1:30*8:30 1:30*8:30 1:30*8:30 1:30*8:30 ,:00*6:00 6:00*10:30

Linggo ng Humanidades 2013 Kabayanihan, Karangalan, Katapatan: Pagpupugay ng Pisay kay Andres oni!a"io A"ti%ity $itle&'peakers (enue 'tudents )n%ol%ed .pening 'al%o, Hip Hop Aerobi"s /0a"ulty and 'ta!!1 2ym P'H' +ommunity Laro ng Lahi 2randstand All 7ear Le%els Pro5e"t $ou"hstones 3rd !loor +lassrooms 2rade , $he Literary 'pelling ee 8th 0loor Auditorium 2rade Pi"ture Per!e"t A'$ *Hall 3rd 7ear $he <eader=s $heater 3rd 0loor Auditorium 8th 7ear P)'A7 ird >alk A2regoria de :esusB #r4 3a4 Luisa $4 +amagay AAndres oni!a"io: Ang Kanyang Patuloy na KabuluhanB Pro!4 2il 24 2otiang"o asi" '"rapbooking #r4 3elanie 4 +heng, P'H' +lass o! 61 0ilm 'hoCing 0ilm 'hoCing 0ilm 'hoCing 0ilm 'hoCing 0ilm 'hoCing 0ilm 'hoCing 0ilm 'hoCing 0ilm 'hoCing 0ilm 'hoCing 0ilm 'hoCing 'ession Cith 3$<+ 3s4 2ladys <eyes and "ompany Preparation o! A'@AE ooths .rientation on the A'@AE ooths Fthose Cho are not part o! this shall be marshalls AAndres oni!a"io: A 3odern HeroB Pro!4 #igna 4 Apilado A'i oni!a"io at ang mga HaponB #r4 <i"ardo $4 :ose Asean ooths Kilos*ACit 'abayang Pagbigkas #i*Kombensyonal na 3usika 'ayaC*)nterpretasyon 2013 Art >ear 'hoC +ampus 2rounds 3rd 0loor Auditorium 8th 0loor Auditorium 'H <oom 106 A'$ *3irant 'H <oom 320 'H <oom 301 'H <oom 31D <eading <oom 3ulti*3edia <oom Learning +enter Art <oom 3usi" <oom 'eminar <oom A'$ *A(< 3rd 0loor +lassrooms 3rd 0loor Auditorium 3rd 0loor Auditorium 8th 0loor Auditorium 3rd 0loor +lassrooms 3rd 0loor Auditorium 3rd 0loor Auditorium 3rd 0loor Auditorium 3rd 0loor Auditorium 0ront Lobby 1? 'ele"ted students 2rade , 2rade 20 students /3rd&8th 7ear1 30 30 30 30 80 80 30 30 80 ,0 students students students students students students students students students students /3rd&8th /3rd&8th /3rd&8th /3rd&8th /3rd&8th /3rd&8th /3rd&8th /3rd&8th /3rd&8th /3rd&8th 7ear1 7ear1 7ear1 7ear1 7ear1 7ear1 7ear1 7ear1 7ear1 7ear1


6:00*11:00 6:00*11:00 6:00*11:00 6:00*11:00 6:00*11:00 6:00*11:00 6:00*11:00 6:00*11:00 6:00*11:00 6:00*11:00 6:00*11:00 6:00*11:00 10:30*12:00 11:00*12:00 1:30*3:00 1:30*3:00 1:30*3:30

Person*)n*+harge 3r4 Peter #a5ime 3r4 Peter #a5ime 3s4 Kate A"u9a 3s4 :ose!ina .sit 3s4 Li; 'agu"io 3r4 Alan 3ontemayor 3r4 :on :a%ier 3s4 @ileen 'armago 3s4 )sabel Aguilar, #r4 +ristina +ristobal, & 3r4 #ubuimar urgos /assisted by 3s4 aCagan1 3s4 #onna <ebong & 3r4 :orge /assisted by 3r4 @rin dela +ru; & 3r4 (ladimir Lope;1 3s4 @ileen 'armago 3r4 <enan .rti; 3r4 <olando <eyes 3r4 <olando <eyes 3r4 <olando <eyes 3r4 <olando <eyes 3r4 <olando <eyes 3r4 <olando <eyes 3r4 <olando <eyes 3r4 <olando <eyes 3s4 3ary :ane $uringan 3s4 0loriedes Anda

60 students /3rd&8th 7ear1 2rade 2rade , 3rd 7ear 8th 7ear 2rade , 2rade , 2rade 3rd 7ear 8th 7ear Ad $e"h2 and (is"omm 'tudents

3s4 Lorie Anda and student representati%es 3s4 Lorie Anda 3r4 @rin dela +ru; & 3s4 +ristina aCagan /assisted by #r4 +ristobal and 3s4 Aguilar1 3r4 :orge :ob & 3r4 (ladimir Lope; /assisted by 3r4 urgos & 3s4 <ebong1 3s4 Lorie Anda and student representati%e 3s4 3er"idita 'an"he; & 3s4 :oy Aguila 3s4 +eleste Aguila, 3s4 0lordeli;a 0ermin, 3s4 Lerma @spina 3s4 Aida 2uimarie, 3s4 Lerma @spina, 3s4 :oy Aguila 3s4 0lordeli;a 0ermin, 3s4 Ligaya +ion G3r4 +ipriano and 3r4 .rti;

A shoC"ase o! !ood, "ustoms, traditions and %alues !rom neighboring "ountries

'ept 8

-:00*10:00 10:00*12:00 1:00*3:00 3:00*?:00 3:00

'ept ?

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