Iphone Software License

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APPLE INC iOS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT Si!"#$ U%$ Li&$!%$ PLEASE READ THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT ('LICENSE') CAREFULLY BEFORE USING YOUR iOS DEVICE OR DOWNLOADING THE SOFTWARE UPDATE ACCOMPANYING THIS LICENSE BY USING YOUR iOS DEVICE OR DOWNLOADING A SOFTWARE UPDATE, AS APPLICABLE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE, DO NOT USE THE iOS DEVICE OR DOWNLOAD THE SOFTWARE UPDATE IF YOU HAVE RECENTLY PURCHASED AN iOS DEVICE AND YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THE LICENSE, YOU MAY RETURN THE iOS DEVICE WITHIN THE RETURN PERIOD TO THE APPLE STORE OR AUTHORI(ED DISTRIBUTOR WHERE YOU OBTAINED IT FOR A REFUND, SUB)ECT TO APPLE*S RETURN POLICY FOUND AT +,,-:../// 0--#$ &o1.#$"0#.%0#$%2-o#i&i$%. 3 G$!$r0# (a) The software (including Boot ROM code and other embedded software), documentation, interfaces, content, fonts and any data that came with your iOS Device ( Original iOS Software ), as may be u!dated or re!laced by feature enhancements, software u!dates or system restore software !rovided by "!!le ( iOS Software #!dates ), whether in read only memory, on any other media or in any other form (the Original iOS Software and iOS Software #!dates are collectively referred to as the $iOS Software ) are licensed, not sold, to you by "!!le %nc& ( "!!le ) for use only under the terms of this 'icense& "!!le and its licensors retain ownershi! of the iOS Software itself and reserve all rights not e(!ressly granted to you& (b) "!!le, at its discretion, may ma)e available future iOS Software #!dates for your iOS Device& The iOS Software #!dates, if any, may not necessarily include all e(isting software features or new features that "!!le releases for newer or other models of iOS Devices& The terms of this 'icense will govern any iOS Software #!dates !rovided by "!!le that re!lace and*or su!!lement the Original iOS Software !roduct, unless such iOS Software #!date is accom!anied by a se!arate license in which case the terms of that license will govern&

4 P$r1i,,$5 Li&$!%$ U%$% 0!5 R$%,ri&,io!% (a) Sub+ect to the terms and conditions of this 'icense, you are granted a limited non, e(clusive license to use the iOS Software on a single "!!le,branded iOS Device& -(ce!t as !ermitted in Section .(b) below, and unless as !rovided in a se!arate agreement between you and "!!le, this 'icense does not allow the iOS Software to e(ist on more than one "!!le,branded iOS Device at a time, and you may not distribute or ma)e the iOS Software available over a networ) where it could be used by multi!le devices at the same time& This 'icense does not grant you any rights to use "!!le !ro!rietary interfaces and other intellectual !ro!erty in the design, develo!ment, manufacture, licensing or distribution of third !arty devices and accessories, or third !arty software a!!lications, for use with iOS Devices& Some of those rights are available under se!arate licenses from "!!le& /or more information on develo!ing third !arty devices and accessories for iOS Devices, !lease email madefori!od0a!!le&com& /or more information on develo!ing software a!!lications for iOS Devices, !lease email dev!rograms0a!!le&com& (b) Sub+ect to the terms and conditions of this 'icense, you are granted a limited non, e(clusive license to download iOS Software #!dates that may be made available by "!!le for your model of the iOS Device to u!date or restore the software on any such iOS Device that you own or control& This 'icense does not allow you to u!date or restore any iOS Device that you do not control or own, and you may not distribute or ma)e the iOS Software #!dates available over a networ) where they could be used by multi!le devices or multi!le com!uters at the same time& %f you download an iOS Software #!date to your com!uter, you may ma)e one co!y of the iOS Software #!dates stored on your com!uter in machine,readable form for bac)u! !ur!oses only, !rovided that the bac)u! co!y must include all co!yright or other !ro!rietary notices contained on the original& (c) 1ou may not, and you agree not to or enable others to, co!y (e(ce!t as e(!ressly !ermitted by this 'icense), decom!ile, reverse engineer, disassemble, attem!t to derive the source code of, decry!t, modify, or create derivative wor)s of the iOS Software or any services !rovided by the iOS Software or any !art thereof (e(ce!t as and only to the e(tent any foregoing restriction is !rohibited by a!!licable law or by licensing terms governing use of o!en,source com!onents that may be included with the iOS Software)& (d) By storing content on your iOS Device you are ma)ing a digital co!y& %n some +urisdictions, it is unlawful to ma)e digital co!ies without !rior !ermission from the rights holder& The iOS Software may be used to re!roduce materials so long as such use is limited to re!roduction of non,co!yrighted materials, materials in which you own the co!yright, or materials you are authori2ed or legally !ermitted to re!roduce& (e) 1ou agree to use the iOS Software and the Services (as defined in Section 3 below) in com!liance with all a!!licable laws, including local laws of the country or region in which you reside or in which you download or use the iOS Software and Services& (f) #se of and access to certain features of the iOS Software and certain Services (as defined in Section 3) may re4uire you to a!!ly for a uni4ue user name and !assword

combination, )nown as an "!!le %D& %n addition, you ac)nowledge that many features and Services of the iOS Software transmit data and could im!act charges to your data !lan, and that you are res!onsible for any such charges& 1ou can control which a!!lications are !ermitted to use cellular data and view an estimate of how much data such a!!lications have consumed under 5ellular Data Settings& /or more information, !lease consult the #ser 6uide for your iOS Device& 6 Tr0!%7$r 1ou may not rent, lease, lend, sell, redistribute, or sublicense the iOS Software& 1ou may, however, ma)e a one,time !ermanent transfer of all of your license rights to the iOS Software to another !arty in connection with the transfer of ownershi! of your iOS Device, !rovided that7 (a) the transfer must include your iOS Device and all of the iOS Software, including all its com!onent !arts, original media, !rinted materials and this 'icense8 (b) you do not retain any co!ies of the iOS Software, full or !artial, including co!ies stored on a com!uter or other storage device8 and (c) the !arty receiving the iOS Software reads and agrees to acce!t the terms and conditions of this 'icense& 8 Co!%$!, ,o U%$ o7 D0,0 (a) Diagnostic and #sage Data& %f you o!t in to diagnostic and usage collection, you agree that "!!le and its subsidiaries and agents may collect, maintain, !rocess and use diagnostic, technical, usage and related information, including but not limited to uni4ue system or hardware identifiers, information about your iOS Device, com!uter, system and a!!lication software, and !eri!herals, that is gathered !eriodically to !rovide and im!rove "!!le9s !roducts and services, facilitate the !rovision of software u!dates, !roduct su!!ort and other services to you (if any) related to the iOS Software, and to verify com!liance with the terms of this 'icense& "!!le may use this information, as long as it is collected in a form that does not !ersonally identify you, for the !ur!oses described above& %f you have o!ted in and have 'ocation Services turned on, the location of your device may also be sent to hel! "!!le analy2e wireless or cellular !erformance issues (e&g& the strength or wea)ness of a cellular signal in a !articular location)& To enable "!!le9s !artners and third !arty develo!ers to im!rove their software, hardware and services designed for use with "!!le !roducts, "!!le may also !rovide any such !artner or third !arty develo!er with a subset of diagnostic information that is relevant to that !artner9s or develo!er9s software, hardware and*or services, as long as the diagnostic information is in a form that does not !ersonally identify you& (b) 'ocation Data& "!!le and its !artners, licensees and third !arty develo!ers may !rovide certain services through your iOS Device that rely u!on location information& To !rovide and im!rove these services, where available, "!!le and its !artners, licensees and third !arty develo!ers may transmit, collect, maintain, !rocess and use your location data, including the real,time geogra!hic location of your iOS Device, road travel s!eed information, location search 4ueries, and location of where you !urchase and launch a!!lications& The location data and 4ueries collected by "!!le are collected in a form that does not !ersonally identify you and may be used by "!!le and its !artners, licensees and third !arty develo!ers to !rovide and im!rove location,based !roducts and services& B9 :%i!" 0!9 #o&0,io!;<0%$5 %$r=i&$% o! 9o:r iOS D$=i&$, 9o: 0"r$$ 0!5 &o!%$!, ,o A--#$*% 0!5 i,% -0r,!$r%*, #i&$!%$$%* 0!5 ,+ir5 -0r,9 5$=$#o-$r%> ,r0!%1i%%io!,

&o##$&,io!, 10i!,$!0!&$, -ro&$%%i!" 0!5 :%$ o7 9o:r #o&0,io! 50,0 0!5 ?:$ri$% ,o -ro=i5$ 0!5 i1-ro=$ %:&+ -ro5:&,% 0!5 %$r=i&$% 1ou may withdraw this consent at any time by going to the 'ocation Services setting on your iOS Device and either turning off the global 'ocation Services setting or turning off the individual location settings of each location,aware item on your iOS Device& :hen using third !arty a!!lications or services on the iOS Device that use or !rovide location data, you are sub+ect to and should review such third !arty;s terms and !rivacy !olicy on use of location data by such third !arty a!!lications or services& (c) Siri and Dictation& The Siri and Dictation features of the iOS Software may not be available in all languages or regions and features may vary by region& %f your iOS Device su!!orts Siri and Dictation, these features may allow you to ma)e re4uests, give commands and dictate te(t to your device using your voice& :hen you use Siri or Dictation, the things you say will be recorded and sent to "!!le in order to convert what you say into te(t and to !rocess your re4uests& 1our device will also send "!!le other information, such as your name and nic)name8 the names, nic)names, and relationshi! with you (e&g&, $my dad<) of your address boo) contacts8 and song names in your collection (collectively, your $#ser Data<)& "ll of this data is used to hel! Siri and Dictation understand you better and recogni2e what you say& %t is not lin)ed to other data that "!!le may have from your use of other "!!le services& B9 :%i!" Siri or Di&,0,io!, 9o: 0"r$$ 0!5 &o!%$!, ,o A--#$>% 0!5 i,% %:<%i5i0ri$%> 0!5 0"$!,%> ,r0!%1i%%io!, &o##$&,io!, 10i!,$!0!&$, -ro&$%%i!", 0!5 :%$ o7 ,+i% i!7or10,io!, i!&#:5i!" 9o:r =oi&$ i!-:, 0!5 U%$r D0,0, ,o -ro=i5$ 0!5 i1-ro=$ Siri, Di&,0,io!, 0!5 5i&,0,io! 7:!&,io!0#i,9 i! o,+$r A--#$ -ro5:&,% 0!5 %$r=i&$% %f you have 'ocation Services turned on, the location of your iOS Device at the time you ma)e a re4uest to Siri may also be sent to "!!le to hel! Siri im!rove the accuracy of its res!onse to your location,based re4uests& 1ou may disable the location,based functionality of Siri by going to the 'ocation Services setting on your iOS Device and turning off the individual location setting for Siri& Siri can allow you to interact with your iOS Device without needing to unloc) it& %f you have enabled a !asscode on your iOS Device and would li)e to !revent Siri from being used from the loc) screen, you can ta! Settings, ta! 6eneral, ta! =asscode 'oc) and turn the Siri o!tion to $off<& 1ou can also turn off Siri and Dictation altogether at any time& To do so, o!en Settings, ta! 6eneral, ta! Siri, and slide the Siri switch to $off<& (d) /aceTime& The /aceTime calling feature of the iOS Software ($/aceTime<) re4uires a :i,/i or cellular data connection and may not be available in all regions and may be restricted or unavailable from your service !rovider& 1our use of /aceTime is sub+ect to your com!liance with Section .(e) above& %n order to set u! /aceTime, and to initiate and receive /aceTime calls between you and other /aceTime users, certain uni4ue identifiers for your iOS Device and account are needed& These uni4ue identifiers may include your email address(es), the "!!le %D information you !rovide, a hardware identifier for your

iOS Device, and your i=hone9s tele!hone number& B9 :%i!" ,+$ iOS So7,/0r$, 9o: 0"r$$ ,+0, A--#$ 109 ,r0!%1i,, &o##$&,, 10i!,0i!, -ro&$%% 0!5 :%$ ,+$%$ i5$!,i7i$r% 7or ,+$ -:r-o%$ o7 -ro=i5i!" 0!5 i1-ro=i!" ,+$ F0&$Ti1$ 7$0,:r$ 1ou understand that your i=hone9s tele!hone number will be dis!layed to the other !arty on the call (even if you have a bloc)ed number) or your email address will be shown, de!ending on what setting you choose& 1ou may turn off the /aceTime feature by going to the /aceTime setting on your iOS Device or by going to the Restrictions setting and enabling the /aceTime restriction& 1ou may also restrict /aceTime to :i,/i only, by going to the /aceTime setting on your iOS Device and sliding the $#se 5ellular Data< switch to $Off<& (e) iMessage& The messaging feature of the iOS Software ($iMessage<) may not be available in all countries or regions& 1our use of iMessage is sub+ect to your com!liance with Section .(e) above& %n order to set u! iMessage, and to initiate and receive iMessages between you and other iOS Device users, certain uni4ue identifiers for your iOS Device and account are needed& These uni4ue identifiers may include your email address(es), the "!!le %D information you !rovide, a hardware identifier for your iOS Device, and your i=hone9s tele!hone number& B9 :%i!" ,+$ iOS So7,/0r$, 9o: 0"r$$ ,+0, A--#$ 109 ,r0!%1i,, &o##$&,, 10i!,0i!, -ro&$%% 0!5 :%$ ,+$%$ i5$!,i7i$r% 7or ,+$ -:r-o%$ o7 -ro=i5i!" 0!5 i1-ro=i!" ,+$ iM$%%0"$ %$r=i&$ The iMessage service re4uires a :i,/i or cellular data connection& To facilitate delivery of your iMessages and to enable you to maintain conversations across your devices, "!!le may hold your iMessages in encry!ted form for a limited !eriod of time& %f your message cannot be sent as an iMessage, your message may be sent as an SMS or MMS message, for which carrier messaging rates may a!!ly& 1ou understand that your i=hone9s tele!hone number will be dis!layed to the other !arty (even if you have a bloc)ed number) or your email address will be shown, de!ending on what setting you choose& 1ou may turn off the iMessage service by going to the Messages setting on your iOS Device& (f) My =hoto Stream& B9 :%i!" ,+$ M9 P+o,o S,r$01 7$0,:r$ o7 iC#o:5, 9o: 0"r$$ ,+0, A--#$ 109 %,or$ -+o,o% ,0@$! o! 9o:r iOS D$=i&$ or :-#o05$5 7ro1 9o:r &o1-:,$r 7or 0 #i1i,$5 -$rio5 o7 ,i1$ 0!5 0:,o10,i&0##9 %$!5 ,+$ -+o,o% ,o 9o:r o,+$r A--#$ iOS D$=i&$% or &o1-:,$r% ,+0, +0=$ M9 P+o,o S,r$01 $!0<#$5 =lease note that a limited number of !hotos may be stored in the cloud or on your devices at any one time, and older !hotos will be automatically deleted from My =hoto Stream over time& "ny !hotos you want to )ee! on a !articular device !ermanently must be saved to the camera roll or the !hoto library on your com!uter& =hoto resolution may vary de!ending on the device to which the !hotos are downloaded& %f you do not wish to use My =hoto Stream, you can turn My =hoto Stream off on all of your iOS Devices or com!uters that have My =hoto Stream enabled& "ll use of the My =hoto Stream feature is sub+ect to the terms and conditions of this agreement and the i5loud Terms and 5onditions located at7 htt!7**www&a!!le&com*legal*icloud*ww*& (g) i5loud =hoto Sharing& B9 :%i!" ,+$ iC#o:5 P+o,o S+0ri!" 7$0,:r$, 9o: 0"r$$ ,+0, A--#$ 109 %,or$ ,+$ -+o,o% 0!5 =i5$o% 9o: %+0r$ &o!,i!:o:%#9 :!,i# 9o: 5$#$,$ ,+$1, %$!5 ,+o%$ -+o,o% 0!5 =i5$o% ,o 9o:r o,+$r A--#$ iOS 5$=i&$% 0!5 &o1-:,$r% ,+0,

+0=$ iC#o:5 P+o,o S+0ri!" $!0<#$5, 0!5 %$!5 ,+$1 ,o ,+$ iOS 5$=i&$% 0!5 &o1-:,$r% o7 ,+$ -$o-#$ 9o: &+oo%$ ,o %+0r$ ,+$1 /i,+ :hen you use i5loud =hoto Sharing, you are allowing your reci!ients to view, save, co!y, and share your !hotos and videos, as well as contribute !hotos and videos, and leave comments& 1ou can delete individual !hotos, videos, comments, or entire shared !hoto streams at any time to sto! sharing them immediately, however, !hotos and videos that the viewer has !reviously saved to their device or com!uter will not be deleted& "ll use of the i5loud =hoto Sharing feature is sub+ect to the terms and conditions of this agreement and the i5loud Terms and 5onditions located at7 htt!7**www&a!!le&com*legal*icloud*ww*& (h) Ma!s& The ma!s service and features of the iOS Software ($Ma!s<) may not be available in all languages or regions, and features and ma! data coverage may vary by region& #se of the Ma!s service re4uires a :i,/i or cellular data connection& :hen you use any location,based features within Ma!s, such as turn,by,turn navigation, traffic and local search, various location,related and usage information may be sent to "!!le, including the real,time geogra!hic location of your iOS Device, in order to !rocess your re4uest and hel! im!rove Ma!s& Such location and usage data is collected by "!!le in a form that does not !ersonally identify you& B9 :%i!" M0-%, 9o: 0"r$$ 0!5 &o!%$!, ,o A--#$>% 0!5 i,% %:<%i5i0ri$%> 0!5 0"$!,%> ,r0!%1i%%io!, &o##$&,io!, 10i!,$!0!&$, -ro&$%%i!", 0!5 :%$ o7 ,+i% i!7or10,io!, ,o -ro=i5$ 0!5 i1-ro=$ ,+$ M0-% 7$0,:r$% 0!5 %$r=i&$, 0!5 o,+$r A--#$ -ro5:&,% 0!5 %$r=i&$% %f you have 'ocation Services turned on, the location of your iOS Device at the time you ma)e a re4uest to Ma!s may also be sent to "!!le if re4uired to !rocess the re4uest, such as turn,by,turn navigation& 1ou may disable the location,based functionality of Ma!s by going to the 'ocation Services setting on your iOS Device and turning off the individual location setting for Ma!s& 5ertain Ma!s features will however be unavailable if you disable the 'ocation Services setting, such as turn,by,turn navigation& (i) %nterest,Based "dvertising from i"d& "!!le may !rovide mobile, interest,based advertising to you& %f you do not want to receive relevant ads on your iOS Device, you can o!t out by going to the 'imit "d Trac)ing setting on your iOS Device& %f you o!t out, you will continue to receive the same number of mobile ads, but they may be less relevant because they will not be based on your interests& 1ou may still see ads related to the content on a web !age or in an a!!lication or based on other non,!ersonal information& (+) =rivacy =olicy& "t all times your information will be treated in accordance with "!!le9s =rivacy =olicy, which is incor!orated by reference into this 'icense and can be viewed at7 htt!7**www&a!!le&com*!rivacy*& A S$r=i&$% 0!5 T+ir5 P0r,9 M0,$ri0#% (a) The iOS Software may enable access to "!!le;s iTunes Store, "!! Store, 6ame 5enter, i5loud, Ma!s and other "!!le and third !arty services and web sites (collectively and individually, Services )& Such Services may not be available in all languages or in all countries& #se of these Services re4uires %nternet access and use of certain Services

may re4uire an "!!le %D, may re4uire you to acce!t additional terms and may be sub+ect to additional fees& By using this software in connection with an "!!le %D, or other "!!le Service, you agree to the a!!licable terms of service for that Service, such as the latest iTunes Store Terms and 5onditions or 6ame 5enter Terms and 5onditions, which you may access and review at htt!7**www&a!!le&com*legal*itunes*ww*, or the i5loud Terms and 5onditions which can be found at htt!7**www&a!!le&com*legal*icloud*ww*, res!ectively& (b) %f you sign u! for i5loud, certain i5loud features li)e $Bac) #!< and $/ind My i=hone< may be accessed directly from the iOS Software& 1ou ac)nowledge and agree that your use of i5loud and these features is sub+ect to the latest terms and conditions of the i5loud service, which you may access and review at7 htt!7**www&a!!le&com*legal*icloud*ww*& (c) 1ou understand that by using any of the Services, you may encounter content that may be deemed offensive, indecent, or ob+ectionable, which content may or may not be identified as having e(!licit language, and that the results of any search or entering of a !articular #R' may automatically and unintentionally generate lin)s or references to ob+ectionable material& >evertheless, you agree to use the Services at your sole ris) and that "!!le shall have no liability to you for content that may be found to be offensive, indecent, or ob+ectionable& (d) 5ertain Services may dis!lay, include or ma)e available content, data, information, a!!lications or materials from third !arties ($Third =arty Materials<) or !rovide lin)s to certain third !arty web sites& By using the Services, you ac)nowledge and agree that "!!le is not res!onsible for e(amining or evaluating the content, accuracy, com!leteness, timeliness, validity, co!yright com!liance, legality, decency, 4uality or any other as!ect of such Third =arty Materials or web sites& "!!le, its officers, affiliates and subsidiaries do not warrant or endorse and do not assume and will not have any liability or res!onsibility to you or any other !erson for any third,!arty Services, Third =arty Materials or web sites, or for any other materials, !roducts, or services of third !arties& Third =arty Materials and lin)s to other web sites are !rovided solely as a convenience to you& (e) >either "!!le nor any of its content !roviders guarantees the availability, accuracy, com!leteness, reliability, or timeliness of stoc) information, location data or any other data dis!layed by any Services& /inancial information dis!layed by any Services is for general informational !ur!oses only and should not be relied u!on as investment advice& Before e(ecuting any securities transaction based u!on information obtained through the Services, you should consult with a financial or securities !rofessional who is legally 4ualified to give financial or securities advice in your country or region& 'ocation data !rovided by any Services, including the "!!le Ma!s service, is !rovided for basic navigational and*or !lanning !ur!oses only and is not intended to be relied u!on in situations where !recise location information is needed or where erroneous, inaccurate, time,delayed or incom!lete location data may lead to death, !ersonal in+ury, !ro!erty or environmental damage& 1ou agree that, the results you receive from the Ma!s service

may vary from actual road or terrain conditions due to factors that can affect the accuracy of the Ma!s data, such as, but not limited to, weather, road and traffic conditions, and geo!olitical events& /or your safety when using the navigation feature, always !ay attention to !osted road signs and current road conditions& /ollow safe driving !ractices and traffic regulations, and note that wal)ing directions may not include sidewal)s or !edestrian !aths& (f) To the e(tent that you u!load any content through the use of the Services, you re!resent that you own all rights in, or have authori2ation or are otherwise legally !ermitted to u!load, such content and that such content does not violate any terms of service a!!licable to the Services& 1ou agree that the Services contain !ro!rietary content, information and material that is owned by "!!le, the site owner and*or their licensors, and is !rotected by a!!licable intellectual !ro!erty and other laws, including but not limited to co!yright& 1ou agree that you will not use such !ro!rietary content, information or materials other than for !ermitted use of the Services or in any manner that is inconsistent with the terms of this 'icense or that infringes any intellectual !ro!erty rights of a third !arty or "!!le& >o !ortion of the Services may be re!roduced in any form or by any means& 1ou agree not to modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute, or create derivative wor)s based on the Services, in any manner, and you shall not e(!loit the Services in any unauthori2ed way whatsoever, including but not limited to, using the Services to transmit any com!uter viruses, worms, tro+an horses or other malware, or by tres!ass or burdening networ) ca!acity& 1ou further agree not to use the Services in any manner to harass, abuse, stal), threaten, defame or otherwise infringe or violate the rights of any other !arty, and that "!!le is not in any way res!onsible for any such use by you, nor for any harassing, threatening, defamatory, offensive, infringing or illegal messages or transmissions that you may receive as a result of using any of the Services& (g) %n addition, Services and Third =arty Materials that may be accessed, lin)ed to or dis!layed on the iOS Device are not available in all languages or in all countries or regions& "!!le ma)es no re!resentation that such Services and Third =arty Materials are a!!ro!riate or available for use in any !articular location& To the e(tent you choose to use or access such Services and Third =arty Materials, you do so at your own initiative and are res!onsible for com!liance with any a!!licable laws, including but not limited to a!!licable local laws and !rivacy and data collection laws& "!!le and its licensors reserve the right to change, sus!end, remove, or disable access to any Services at any time without notice& %n no event will "!!le be liable for the removal of or disabling of access to any such Services& "!!le may also im!ose limits on the use of or access to certain Services, in any case and without notice or liability& B T$r1i!0,io! This 'icense is effective until terminated& 1our rights under this 'icense will terminate automatically or otherwise cease to be effective without notice from "!!le if you fail to com!ly with any term(s) of this 'icense& #!on the termination of this 'icense, you shall cease all use of the iOS Software& Sections ?, 3, @, A, B, C, D. and DE of this 'icense shall survive any such termination& C Di%&#0i1$r o7 W0rr0!,i$%

A&D %f you are a customer who is a consumer (someone who uses the iOS Software outside of your trade, business or !rofession), you may have legal rights in your country of residence which would !rohibit the following limitations from a!!lying to you, and where !rohibited they will not a!!ly to you& To find out more about rights, you should contact a local consumer advice organi2ation& A&. 1O# -F=R-SS'1 "5G>O:'-D6- ">D "6R-- TH"T, TO TH- -FT->T =-RM%TT-D B1 "=='%5"B'- '":, #S- O/ TH- iOS SO/T:"R- ">D ">1 S-RI%5-S =-R/ORM-D B1 OR "55-SS-D THRO#6H TH- iOS SO/T:"R- %S "T 1O#R SO'- R%SG ">D TH"T TH- ->T%R- R%SG "S TO S"T%S/"5TOR1 J#"'%T1, =-R/ORM">5-, "55#R"51 ">D -//ORT %S :%TH 1O#& A&E TO TH- M"F%M#M -FT->T =-RM%TT-D B1 "=='%5"B'- '":, TH- iOS SO/T:"R- ">D S-RI%5-S "R- =ROI%D-D "S %S ">D "S "I"%'"B'- , :%TH "'' /"#'TS ">D :%THO#T :"RR">T1 O/ ">1 G%>D, ">D "=='">D "=='-;S '%5->SORS (5O''-5T%I-'1 R-/-RR-D TO "S "=='- /OR TH- =#R=OS-S O/ S-5T%O>S A ">D B) H-R-B1 D%S5'"%M "'' :"RR">T%-S ">D 5O>D%T%O>S :%TH R-S=-5T TO TH- iOS SO/T:"R- ">D S-RI%5-S, -%TH-R -F=R-SS, %M='%-D OR ST"T#TOR1, %>5'#D%>6, B#T >OT '%M%T-D TO, TH- %M='%-D :"RR">T%-S ">D*OR 5O>D%T%O>S O/ M-R5H">T"B%'%T1, S"T%S/"5TOR1 J#"'%T1, /%T>-SS /OR " ="RT%5#'"R =#R=OS-, "55#R"51, J#%-T ->KO1M->T, ">D >O>,%>/R%>6-M->T O/ TH%RD ="RT1 R%6HTS& A&? "=='- DO-S >OT :"RR">T "6"%>ST %>T-R/-R->5- :%TH 1O#R ->KO1M->T O/ TH- iOS SO/T:"R- ">D S-RI%5-S, TH"T TH- /#>5T%O>S 5O>T"%>-D %>, OR S-RI%5-S =-R/ORM-D OR =ROI%D-D B1, TH- iOS SO/T:"R- :%'' M--T 1O#R R-J#%R-M->TS, TH"T TH- O=-R"T%O> O/ TH- iOS SO/T:"R- ">D S-RI%5-S :%'' B- #>%>T-RR#=T-D OR -RROR, /R--, TH"T ">1 S-RI%5- :%'' 5O>T%>#- TO B- M"D- "I"%'"B'-, TH"T D-/-5TS %> TH- iOS SO/T:"R- OR S-RI%5-S :%'' B- 5ORR-5T-D, OR TH"T TH- iOS SO/T:"R- :%'' B- 5OM="T%B'- OR :ORG :%TH ">1 TH%RD ="RT1 SO/T:"R-, "=='%5"T%O>S OR TH%RD ="RT1 S-RI%5-S& %>ST"''"T%O> O/ TH%S iOS SO/T:"R- M"1 "//-5T TH- #S"B%'%T1 O/ TH%RD ="RT1 SO/T:"R-, "=='%5"T%O>S OR TH%RD ="RT1 S-RI%5-S& A&3 1O# /#RTH-R "5G>O:'-D6- TH"T TH- iOS SO/T:"R- ">D S-RI%5-S "R- >OT %>T->D-D OR S#%T"B'- /OR #S- %> S%T#"T%O>S OR ->I%RO>M->TS :H-R- TH- /"%'#R- OR T%M- D-'"1S O/, OR -RRORS OR %>"55#R"5%-S %>, TH- 5O>T->T, D"T" OR %>/ORM"T%O> =ROI%D-D B1 TH- iOS SO/T:"R- OR S-RI%5-S 5O#'D '-"D TO D-"TH, =-RSO>"' %>K#R1, OR S-I-R- =H1S%5"' OR ->I%RO>M->T"' D"M"6-, %>5'#D%>6 :%THO#T '%M%T"T%O> TH- O=-R"T%O> O/ >#5'-"R /"5%'%T%-S, "%R5R"/T >"I%6"T%O> OR 5OMM#>%5"T%O> S1ST-MS, "%R TR"//%5 5O>TRO', '%/S#==ORT OR :-"=O>S S1ST-MS&

A&@ >O OR"' OR :R%TT-> %>/ORM"T%O> OR "DI%5- 6%I-> B1 "=='- OR "> "=='- "#THOR%L-D R-=R-S->T"T%I- SH"'' 5R-"T- " :"RR">T1& SHO#'D TH- iOS SO/T:"R- OR S-RI%5-S =ROI- D-/-5T%I-, 1O# "SS#M- TH- ->T%R- 5OST O/ "'' >-5-SS"R1 S-RI%5%>6, R-="%R OR 5ORR-5T%O>& SOM- K#R%SD%5T%O>S DO >OT "''O: TH- -F5'#S%O> O/ %M='%-D :"RR">T%-S OR '%M%T"T%O>S O> "=='%5"B'- ST"T#TOR1 R%6HTS O/ " 5O>S#M-R, SO TH- "BOI- -F5'#S%O> ">D '%M%T"T%O>S M"1 >OT "=='1 TO 1O#& D Li1i,0,io! o7 Li0<i#i,9 TO TH- -FT->T >OT =ROH%B%T-D B1 "=='%5"B''":, %> >O -I->T SH"'' "=='- B- '%"B'- /OR =-RSO>"' %>K#R1, OR ">1 %>5%D->T"', S=-5%"', %>D%R-5T OR 5O>S-J#->T%"' D"M"6-S :H"TSO-I-R, %>5'#D%>6, :%THO#T '%M%T"T%O>, D"M"6-S /OR 'OSS O/ =RO/%TS, 5ORR#=T%O> OR 'OSS O/ D"T", /"%'#R- TO TR">SM%T OR R-5-%I- ">1 D"T", B#S%>-SS %>T-RR#=T%O> OR ">1 OTH-R 5OMM-R5%"' D"M"6-S OR 'OSS-S, "R%S%>6 O#T O/ OR R-'"T-D TO 1O#R #S- OR %>"B%'%T1 TO #S- TH- iOS SO/T:"R- ">D S-RI%5-S OR ">1 TH%RD ="RT1 SO/T:"R- OR "=='%5"T%O>S %> 5O>K#>5T%O> :%TH TH- iOS SO/T:"R- OR S-RI%5-S, HO:-I-R 5"#S-D, R-6"RD'-SS O/ TH- TH-OR1 O/ '%"B%'%T1 (5O>TR"5T, TORT OR OTH-R:%S-) ">D -I-> %/ "=='- H"S B--> "DI%S-D O/ TH- =OSS%B%'%T1 O/ S#5H D"M"6-S& SOM- K#R%SD%5T%O>S DO >OT "''O: TH- -F5'#S%O> OR '%M%T"T%O> O/ '%"B%'%T1 /OR =-RSO>"' %>K#R1, OR O/ %>5%D->T"' OR 5O>S-J#->T%"' D"M"6-S, SO TH%S '%M%T"T%O> M"1 >OT "=='1 TO 1O#& %n no event shall "!!le;s total liability to you for all damages (other than as may be re4uired by a!!licable law in cases involving !ersonal in+ury) e(ceed the amount of two hundred and fifty dollars (#&S&M.3N&NN)& The foregoing limitations will a!!ly even if the above stated remedy fails of its essential !ur!ose& E Di"i,0# C$r,i7i&0,$% The iOS Software contains functionality that allows it to acce!t digital certificates either issued from "!!le or from third !arties& 1O# "R- SO'-'1 R-S=O>S%B'- /OR D-5%D%>6 :H-TH-R OR >OT TO R-'1 O> " 5-RT%/%5"T- :H-TH-R %SS#-D B1 "=='- OR " TH%RD ="RT1& 1O#R #S- O/ D%6%T"' 5-RT%/%5"T-S %S "T 1O#R SO'- R%SG& TO TH- M"F%M#M -FT->T =-RM%TT-D B1 "=='%5"B'- '":, "=='- M"G-S >O :"RR">T%-S OR R-=R-S->T"T%O>S, -F=R-SS OR %M='%-D, "S TO M-R5H">T"B%'%T1 OR /%T>-SS /OR ">1 ="RT%5#'"R =#R=OS-, "55#R"51, S-5#R%T1, OR >O>, %>/R%>6-M->T O/ TH%RD ="RT1 R%6HTS :%TH R-S=-5T TO D%6%T"' 5-RT%/%5"T-S& 3F EG-or, Co!,ro# 1ou may not use or otherwise e(!ort or re,e(!ort the iOS Software e(ce!t as authori2ed by #nited States law and the laws of the +urisdiction(s) in which the iOS Software was obtained& %n !articular, but without limitation, the iOS Software may not be e(!orted or re,e(!orted (a) into any #&S& embargoed countries or (b) to anyone on the #&S& Treasury De!artment;s list of S!ecially Designated >ationals or the #&S& De!artment of 5ommerce Denied =erson9s 'ist or -ntity 'ist& By using the iOS

Software, you re!resent and warrant that you are not located in any such country or on any such list& 1ou also agree that you will not use the iOS Software for any !ur!oses !rohibited by #nited States law, including, without limitation, the develo!ment, design, manufacture or !roduction of missiles, nuclear, chemical or biological wea!ons& 33 Go=$r!1$!, E!5 U%$r% The iOS Software and related documentation are 5ommercial %tems , as that term is defined at ?B 5&/&R& O.&DND, consisting of 5ommercial 5om!uter Software and 5ommercial 5om!uter Software Documentation , as such terms are used in ?B 5&/&R& OD.&.D. or ?B 5&/&R& O..A&A.N., as a!!licable& 5onsistent with ?B 5&/&R& OD.&.D. or ?B 5&/&R& O..A&A.N.,D through ..A&A.N.,?, as a!!licable, the 5ommercial 5om!uter Software and 5ommercial 5om!uter Software Documentation are being licensed to #&S& 6overnment end users (a) only as 5ommercial %tems and (b) with only those rights as are granted to all other end users !ursuant to the terms and conditions herein& #n!ublished,rights reserved under the co!yright laws of the #nited States& 34 Co!,ro##i!" L0/ 0!5 S$=$r0<i#i,9 This 'icense will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of 5alifornia, e(cluding its conflict of law !rinci!les& This 'icense shall not be governed by the #nited >ations 5onvention on 5ontracts for the %nternational Sale of 6oods, the a!!lication of which is e(!ressly e(cluded& %f you are a consumer based in the #nited Gingdom, this 'icense will be governed by the laws of the +urisdiction of your residence& %f for any reason a court of com!etent +urisdiction finds any !rovision, or !ortion thereof, to be unenforceable, the remainder of this 'icense shall continue in full force and effect& 36 Co1-#$,$ A"r$$1$!,H Go=$r!i!" L0!":0"$ This 'icense constitutes the entire agreement between you and "!!le relating to the iOS Software and su!ersedes all !rior or contem!oraneous understandings regarding such sub+ect matter& >o amendment to or modification of this 'icense will be binding unless in writing and signed by "!!le& "ny translation of this 'icense is done for local re4uirements and in the event of a dis!ute between the -nglish and any non,-nglish versions, the -nglish version of this 'icense shall govern, to the e(tent not !rohibited by local law in your +urisdiction& 38 T+ir5 P0r,9 A&@!o/#$5"$1$!,% =ortions of the iOS Software may utili2e or include third !arty software and other co!yrighted material& "c)nowledgements, licensing terms and disclaimers for such material are contained in the electronic documentation for the iOS Software, and your use of such material is governed by their res!ective terms& #se of the 6oogle Safe Browsing Service is sub+ect to the 6oogle Terms of Service (htt!7**www&google&com*termsPofPservice&html) and to 6oogle;s =rivacy =olicy (htt!7**www&google&com*!rivacy!olicy&html)& 3A U%$ o7 MPEG;8H H 4B8.AVC No,i&$ (a) The iOS Software contains M=-6,? video encoding and*or decoding functionality& The iOS Software is licensed under the M=-6,? Iisual =atent =ortfolio 'icense for the !ersonal and non,commercial use of a consumer for (i) encoding video in com!liance with the M=-6,? Iisual Standard ($M=-6,? Iideo<) and*or (ii) decoding M=-6,?

video that was encoded by a consumer engaged in a !ersonal and non,commercial activity and*or was obtained from a video !rovider licensed by M=-6 '" to !rovide M=-6,? video& >o license is granted or shall be im!lied for any other use& "dditional information including that relating to !romotional, internal and commercial uses and licensing may be obtained from M=-6 '", ''5& See htt!7**www&m!egla&com& (b) The iOS Software contains "I5 encoding and*or decoding functionality, commercial use of H&.@?*"I5 re4uires additional licensing and the following !rovision a!!lies7 TH"I5 /#>5T%O>"'%T1 %> TH- iOS SO/T:"R- %S '%5->S-D H-R-%> O>'1 /OR TH- =-RSO>"' ">D >O>,5OMM-R5%"' #S- O/ " 5O>S#M-R TO (i) ->5OD- I%D-O %> 5OM='%">5- :%TH TH- "I5 ST">D"RD ( "I5 I%D-O ) ">D*OR (ii) D-5OD- "I5 I%D-O TH"T :"S ->5OD-D B1 " 5O>S#M-R ->6"6-D %> " =-RSO>"' ">D >O>,5OMM-R5%"' "5T%I%T1 ">D*OR "I5 I%D-O TH"T :"S OBT"%>-D /ROM " I%D-O =ROI%D-R '%5->S-D TO =ROI%D- "I5 I%D-O& %>/ORM"T%O> R-6"RD%>6 OTH-R #S-S ">D '%5->S-S M"1 B- OBT"%>-D /ROM M=-6 '" '&'&5& S-HTT=7**:::&M=-6'"&5OM& 3B Y0+oo S$0r&+ S$r=i&$ R$%,ri&,io!% The 1ahoo Search Service available through Safari is licensed for use only in the following countries and regions7 "rgentina, "ruba, "ustralia, "ustria, Barbados, Belgium, Bermuda, Bra2il, Bulgaria, 5anada, 5ayman %slands, 5hile, 5hina, 5olombia, 5y!rus, 52ech Re!ublic, Denmar), Dominican Re!ublic, -cuador, -l Salvador, /inland, /rance, 6ermany, 6reece, 6renada, 6uatemala, Hong Gong, Hungary, %celand, %ndia, %ndonesia, %reland, %taly, Kamaica, Ka!an, 'atvia, 'ithuania, 'u(embourg, Malaysia, Malta, Me(ico, >etherlands, >ew Lealand, >icaragua, >orway, =anama, =eru, =hili!!ines, =oland, =ortugal, =uerto Rico, Romania, Singa!ore, Slova)ia, Slovenia, South Gorea, S!ain, St& 'ucia, St& Iincent, Sweden, Swit2erland, Taiwan, Thailand, The Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago, Tur)ey, #G, #ruguay, #S and Iene2uela& 3C Mi&ro%o7, EG&+0!"$ No,i&$ The Microsoft -(change mail setting in the iOS Software is licensed only for over,the,air synchroni2ation of information, such as email, contacts, calendar and tas)s, between your iOS and Microsoft -(change Server or other server software licensed by Microsoft to im!lement the Microsoft -(change "ctiveSync !rotocol& -"DN?N A*.?*.NDE ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, NOTICES FROM APPLE %f "!!le needs to contact you about your !roduct or account, you consent to receive the notices by email& 1ou agree that any such notices that we send you electronically will satisfy any legal communication re4uirements

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