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INTERNASIONAL LANGUAGE CENTRE Jl. Dharmawangsa NO. 80-III. Surabaya Telp : 031-5013917, 085730703222 E-Mail ilcsurabaya@yahoo.

com TOEFL@ ITP SCORE REPORT Name of Institution Name SEX Date Of bith Day Native Language Scaled Scores : Pemerintah Ace : Syahrul : Male : June 12th, 1989 : Indonesia : Listening Comprehension Structur & Written Expression Reading Comprehension Total Score : 56 : 60 : 52 : 560 Student Number Times Taken Toefl Test Date Form : 1107031206890002 : None : January 10th, 2014 : TOEFL

*Test Of English Institusional Testing Program (TOEFL-ITP) Surabaya, January 10th 2014 Head

Dr. Wachyu Sundayana, M.A

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