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Weekly Knowledge #33 24 Jan 1996


Kauai, Hawaii USA

What type of time do you give the Divine? Usually you give the time that is leftover, when you have nothing else to do, when no guests are coming, there are no parties to go to, no nice movies to watch, no weddings to attend. Such time you give. This is not quality time. Give quality time to the Divine. t will !e rewarded. f your prayers are not answered it is !ecause you have never given quality time. Give Satsang and meditation your highest priority. Give prime time to the Divine. "ou definitely will !e rewarded.

#### $ere in $awaii there is a fun%filled course, for you &now God Loves Fun. This has !een followed with the long%awaited !oo&, Way of Grace. Satsang is open to the pu!lic each evening. The huge waves of the $awaiian shores cannot compete with the waves of !liss at Satsang. Guru'i has !rought out deep (nowledge from the most mundane questions. We are ma&ing efforts to !ring these tapes to you soon.

#### What is most freely given yet not ta&en? ). *ompliments? . . . no. +. ,lame? . . . no, people ta&e !lame. -. .oney? . . . no, money is readily ta&en, not freely given. /. $appiness? . . . no!ody can give happiness. 0. ?? The clue is that it hangs in space li&e an orphan. 1o one owns it. 2i&e an overripe papaya in $awaii, it rots. The answer to this riddle lies in the !eginning. 324$35

Jai Guru Dev

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