Weekly Knowledge # 34 - 2

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Weekly Knowledge #34 01 Feb 1996


Honolulu, Hawaii USA

There is a place you can come where everything is beautiful. Tourists go from place to place looking for beauty. They try to take beauty from that place. They only get tired and tanned. Yet the most beautiful spot anywhere is right here. When you come here, you find that wherever you are, everything is so beautiful. Where is this place? Don't look here and there. Where do you go? Within you. When you come here, then any place is beautiful. Then wherever you go, you add beauty there. f you are unhappy, even the moon is irritating to you. !weet things are nauseating, music is disturbing. When you are calm and centered inside, noise is musical, clouds are magical, rain is li"uid sunshine. #ook yourself on a trip to this most beautiful place in the universe. Then you find that every day is a vacation and a celebration.

$$$$ %.!. The answer to last week&' riddle is (advice.( )dvice hangs in the space, the giver goes on giving, the taker never takes. t goes on and on.

And now the NEWS splash fro

the s!rf*

) lady was driving along the coast of +auai and ,ust started singing our #ha,ans which she had never heard before. -ater she found herself at our !atsang. ) .awaiian %rincess, /wana, found herself wondering why she felt compelled to drive in circles around a hotel in .onolulu. -ater she found out from a devotee that it was 0uru,i's hotel. The ne1t night she was singing her deeply felt native .awaiian songs at %undit,i's feet. /n !unday, a lady named 2ary was spending the day at an ancient temple ruins. !he had gone there to make an offering and to pray. .er prayer was to meet her spiritual teacher and be shown the way .ome. /n 2onday, she met %undit,i and instantly became devoted. Which one of your friends is ne1t?

Jai Guru Dev

Jai Guru Dev Jai Guru Dev

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