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By Dr. Preston T. Bailey, r. Lar!o, Flori"a

#By t$e %loo" o& es's C$rist, I %in" e(ery e(il s)irit t$at is in t$is roo* an" +o**an" t$e* to &lee ri!$t no, an" !o ,$ere t$e Lor" es's C$rist sen"s t$e*. I reno'n+e an" re-e+t any in+$ o& t$is $o'se an" )ro)erty t$at $as %een yiel"e" or s'rren"ere" 'nto Satan an" %y &ait$ I ta.e it %a+. an" s'rren"er it to t$e Lor" es's C$rist. By &ait$, I +lai* t$at t$is roo* is +o(ere" 'n"er t$e %loo" o& t$e Lor" es's C$rist an" no e(il s)irit +an enter it./ 0Pray t$is o(er e(ery roo* in t$e $o'se1. A&ter !oin! t$ro'!$ e(ery roo* in t$e $o'se )ray2 #I "e"i+ate an" +onse+rate t$is $o*e to t$e Lor" es's C$rist an" Satan $as no $ol" on it at all. I s'rren"er e(eryt$in! in t$is $o'se to t$e Lor" es's C$rist an" +lai* it is 'n"er His "i(ine )rote+tion in+l'"in! all ele+tri+al ,irin! an" )l'*%in!. I %in" e(ery e(il s)irit t$at is in t$is $o'se %y t$e )re+io's %loo" o& t$e La*% an" +o**an" t$e* to &lee an" !o ,$ere t$e Lor" es's C$rist sen"s t$e*. I +lai* %y &ait$ t$at e(eryt$in! in t$is $o'se is +o(ere" 'n"er t$e %loo" o& es's C$rist &ro* t$e to) o& t$e roo& to t$e %otto* o& t$e &ootin! an" e(eryt$in! in %et,een an" es)e+ially anyt$in! t$at +on"'+ts ele+tri+ity. I +lai* %y &ait$ t$at t$is $o'se is s'rro'n"e" %y a $e"!e o& )rote+tion, a ,all o& &ire, a ,all o& &ait$, an" +o(ere" 'n"er t$e %loo" o& t$e Lor" es's C$rist on all si"es, a%o(e, an" %elo,. I )ray t$at )o,er&'l ,arrin! an!els ,o'l" +o*e to )rote+t t$e Fo'r Corners o& t$is $o'se an" )ro)erty an" e(eryone insi"e. T$an. yo' &or t$e +o*)lete (i+tory ,e alrea"y $a(e in es's C$rist. I as. t$at t$is $o*e %e +onse+rate" ,it$ yo'r "i(ine )resen+e so t$at e(eryone ,$o enters it ,ill %e %lesse" ,it$

s)irit'al %lessin!s &ro* $ea(enly )la+es, A*en3/

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