June Holiday Assignment

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River Valley High School Integrated rogramme !

ear 2 "athematics #$ne Holiday %ssignment Name : __________________________ Class : 2___ Topic : Semester 1 topics Date : __________________ Deadline: 28 Jun 2010


Simplify the following expressions. (a) x(x 2) + 3x(x ) (!) (x + 2)(x 2 "x +1) x 2 (x 3) 1%rs (#) r $ mn 3"m 2 n 3 2 (&) x x 2 (e) (f) (g) (h)
3 x 21x + 3% " x 2 x 3

a 3 b a b x x 3 2 + 2 2 3 x + 2 x +1 x 1 1 x 3+


'a#torise the following expressions #ompletely. (a) x 2 81 (!) x 2 2"y 2 (#) x 2 3x + 2 (&) %a 2 23a + 21 (e) 10x 2 12ab 1"ax + 8bx (f) 3 xy " x + % y 10 Sol(e the following e)uations. (a) 2 x 2 = $ x (!) 2 x 2 + $ x = 0 (#) ( x + $ ) ( x ) = 18


*+,S -athemati#s .epartment

(&) (e) (f)


x 3 = 2 x+

1 x 1 = 12 3

x x 1

x 1 x

" 2

-a/e a the su!0e#t for ea#h of the following e)uations. (a) ah + b = c (!) am gh = 2ab + d $ + 3a (#) (&)
a 3b = a 2 + " x=


Sol(e the following simultaneous e)uations. (a) 3 x + w =1$

3 x w =11

(!) (#)

3 x +10 y =13 2 x 3% y =1$

1 1 x y 1 = 0 2 3 x + % y +8 = 0


2 line passes through the points (3 4 1) an& (324 %). (a) 'in& the gra&ient of the line. (! 'in& the e)uation of the line. ) (#) 'in& the #oor&inates of the x an& y inter#epts. x y (& 2 4 fin& the (alue of h. 5f this line is parallel to = " h )


6he e)uation of a straight line is 3 x + 2 y = " . (a) 'in& the #oor&inates of the y 3inter#ept (!) 'in& the #oor&inates of the x 3inter#ept (#) 7i(en that the point ( k 4 ) lies on the line4 fin& the (alue of k .


5n the &iagram4 A is the point (04 310) an& D is the poin (04 %). CD is a hori8ontal line. 6he line AC #uts the x-axis at B an& its gra&ient is
" . 2

*+,S -athemati#s .epartment

(a) 'in& the e)uation of the line CD. (! 'in& the e)uation of the line AC. ) (#) 'in& the #oor&inates of B. (& 'in& the #oor&inates of C. ) (e) ,en#e4 fin& the area of ACD .


2 line has e)uation 2 =

x . 'in&

(a) its gra&ient4 (! the #oor&inates of the point at whi#h it #uts the

x 3axis4

) (#) the #oor&inates of the point at whi#h the line interse#ts the line y = 1." 4 y (& the e)uation of another line parallel to 2 = x 4 passing through the ) point (243).

10. 5n the right3angle& triangle ABC4 D is a point on BC. 7i(en that DC 9 11 #m4 AB 9 12 #m an& AD 9 20 #m4 #al#ulate

12 B

20 D 11 C

(a) (!) (#) (&)

BD4 6he area of triangle ADC, AC, 6he perpen&i#ular &istan#e from D to AC,

%ns&er the &hole o' this ($estion on a piece o' graph paper) 11. (a) 7i(en the line 2x + 3y 9 04 fin& (i) the gra&ient of the line4 (ii) the y3inter#ept. 3 *+,S -athemati#s .epartment

(! )

:omplete the ta!le of (alues for 2x + 3y x y 2 0

9 0. 2

(#) ;lot the points an& &raw a straight line through them. (& 'rom the graph4 fin& ) (i) the (alue of y when x 9 2.84 (ii) the (alue of x when y 9 2.


*e#tangular tiles are to !e lai& along the e&ges so that they #o(er the unsha&e& region only. 6he tiles measure y metres !y (y3") metres. <a#h tile is pla#e& with its longer si&e in the (erti#al position. (a) =rite &own an expression4 in terms of y4 for the num!er of tiles that will fit a#ross the top row. (!) 7i(en that tiles are re)uire& to #o(er the unsha&e& region4 form an e)uation an& show that it re&u#es to 3y2 %"y + 100 9 0 (#) Sol(e the e)uation 3y2 %"y + 100 9 0. (&) ,en#e fin& the shorter si&e of the tiles.


2 toy firm ma/es a profit of > y when it pro&u#es x toys4 where y is gi(en !y the 1 formula y = ( 3 x 20 ) ( 100 x ) for 0 x 80. 6he ta!le !elow shows the 10 profit whi#h the firm ma/es when pro&u#ing &ifferent num!er of toys. ?um!er of toys (x) ;rofit (>y) 0 3200 10 10 20 320 30 10 0 %00 "0 %"0 %0 % 0 $0 "$0 80 p

*+,S -athemati#s .epartment

(a) (!)


'in& the (alue of p. @sing a s#ale of 2 #m to represent 10 toys for the hori8ontal axis for 0 x 80 an& a s#ale of 2 #m to represent >100 for the (erti#al axis 1 for 3200 y $004 &raw the graph of y = ( 3 x 20 ) ( 100 x ) . 10 @se your graph to estimate (i) the profit ma&e when 1" toys are pro&u#e&. (ii) (a) the num!er of toys pro&u#e& to gi(e the maximum profit. (!) the profit per toy when this num!er is pro&u#e&. (iii) the (alue of y when x 9 "4 explaining the signifi#an#e of your answer.


*+,S -athemati#s .epartment

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