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Stone Age(7000-3300 BC) Mehgarh Culture(7000-3300 BC) Location: - Near Bolan Pass to west of Indus River - Between Pakistani cities of Quetta, Kalat and Sibi

2. Bronze Age: Indus Valley Civilization/Harappa Civilization(3300-1300 AD) Location - North-East Afganistan to Pakistan and North East India

Fig: Extent and major sites of the Indus Valley Civilization. The shaded area does not include recent excavations.
Swat Culture Location: Gandhara: Lies in Modern day Pakistan and Afganistan Distributed along banks of river Swat and Dir in north, Taxila in South East, along Gomal River to South

Fig: Geography of the Rigveda, with river names; the extent of the Swat and Cemetery H cultures are indicated


Iron Age(1700BC-26AD) Vedic Period(1500BC-500AD) Locations: Anga (door step of modern day West Bengal), a small kingdom to the east of Magadha, -

formed the eastern boundary of the Vedic culture. Yadavas expanded towards the south and settled in Mathura. To the south of their kingdom was Vatsa which was governed from its capital Kausambi. The Narmada River and parts of North Western Deccan formed the southern limits.

Fig: Map of northern India in the later Vedic age. River Indus is shown by its Sanskrit name Sindhu. The location of Vedic shakhas is labelled in green. Thar desert is in orange.

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