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Model Test Paper 2011 B.A.

I (Paper-I) Principles of Sociology

Short answer type questions:


Q.1.2 Q.1.3 Q.1.4 Q.1.5 Q.1.6 Q.1.7 Q.1.8 Q.1.9 Q.1.10

Q.1.11 Q.1.12 Q.1.13


Write short notes on any two of the following: a. Folkways b. Social Process Differentiate between Primary group and Secondary group? How modernization is different from tradition? Define modernization. What do you understand by social change? Differentiate between Ascribed and Achieved Status? Explain the concept of status. Write characteristics of socialization. Describe sociological importance of status and role. Explain the following concepts: a. Social norm b. Role conflict c. Cultural lag d. Cultural complex Compare cooperation and competition. Discuss the function and dysfunction of social stratification. Explain the following concepts: a. Tradition b. Custom c. Social Structure d. Community Describe the major characteristics of society.

Long answer type questions. Q.1.1 Q.1.2 Q.1.3 Q.1.4 Q.1.5 Q.1.6 Q.1.7 Q.1.8 Q.1.9 Q.1.10 Write an essay on sociological perspective. What is social stratification? Describe the bases of social stratification. Critically discuss the nature of sociology. What are its limitations? Define socialization. Discuss major agencies of socialization. Discuss various factors responsible for social change. Explain the concept of competition and discuss its various forms. What do you mean by culture? Discuss material and non-material aspects of culture. Explain co-operation as a major forms of social interaction. Compare cooperation and competition. Discuss the elements of modernization. Explain the meaning and scope of sociology.

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